Chase Malfoy of Diagon Alley

By Echo

Dedication: To Jinni, for reminding me why this song is such a great song.
Music notes: The lyrics are "Dante's Prayer" by Loreena McKennitt. The spoken quote is from "Should I Stay Or Should I Go" by The Clash.

Cast Your Soul to the See


When the dark wood fell before me
And all the paths were overgrown
When the priests of pride say there is no other way
I tilled the sorrows of stone


He was not going to cry. Was not. Only wankers like Potter cried. He was Draco Malfoy. Malfoys didn't cry. But he'd gotten to know the crumpled form in the hospital bed that he was sitting next to. Americans. Do-gooders. Champions. And this woman, this girl, had come with them. She was going to be all right. He FORBADE her to be otherwise. She'd taken a serious hit with the Avada. It had been meant for him, but the stupid bint had shoved him out of the way. It had taken her down instead.

And she had not died.


Might have been that part demon thing she had going on. Cordelia. Yes, that's what they had called her. Cordelia. He'd been calling her Chase since she'd been here. Just as she called him Malfoy, but most everyone called him Malfoy.

Chase. You could feel the strength bleeding off of her like heat. This one could take a bloody beating and still stand defiant. Thread of steel in her. You could see it in her glare. She also had not noticed how handsome he was. She barely even looked his way. Driven, this one. She had a mission. Nothing kept her from her task at hand.

It had only made him work that much harder to gain her attention. Granger, Potter, and every last redheaded one of the Weasleys had delighted in his often unnoticed or ill-received efforts. Not to mention the other Aurors in his department. He'd never had this much trouble attracting a girl before. He was Draco Malfoy. Silly cows fell drooling at his feet all the time.

Maybe that was her charm.

Cordelia Chase bowed to no one. She fell at no one's feet. She didn't have to. She was just as good looking as he was, but she'd looked at him like he was pond scum. No, like dog poo on her favorite shoes. All business this one.


Draco leaned forward. "What?"


Oh yes. Tall vampiric fellow. Caveman brow. Likes the dark colors in his wardrobe. Has the VERY mouthy son with the bad haircut. "He's fine."

She passed out again.


I did not believe because I could not see
Though you came to me in the night
When the dawn seemed forever lost
You showed me your love in the light of the stars


"What in the hell is this crap?"

Everything was bright and soft, like when she'd gone to be a higher being. Was it another trick to get possession of her body? Dammit, she was still feeling guilty about plenty of the things said body had done during the time she liked to refer to as 'The Era of Un-Cordelia'.


She spun about. "Doyle?"

He just smirked at her. Cordelia ran for him. She fell into his arms crying hard.

"Shh, princess, doncha cry now."

"But I miss you so much."

"I miss ya too, Cordy."

"Am I dead?"

"Not yet."

She stepped back. "Yet?"

"Yer fightin' it."


"Ye've a decission to make. An' it's not ta be an easy one."



Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me


"Mister Malfoy, perhaps you could hold her hand. Let her know someone's here."

Draco looked up at Poppy Pomfrey. "Where are her people?"

"You know the vampire is with his son. The boy's fever won't go down. The thin girl and the watcher are still unconscious. The green demon has been singing to them. The one they called the slayer keeps pacing at the foot of 'her watcher's' bed. And the scary little thing that electrocuted all those Death Eaters with the barest touch of her hand is sitting with the bald black man they were calling Gunn, I believe. They haven't got any hands to spare at the moment. Be helpful please, Malfoy."

Draco glared at her and snatched Cordelia's hand off of the bed. Her fingers flexed. She was squeezing his hand.

"Wake up." He whispered. "I don't like having to be comforting. I insist that you open your eyes, Chase. Now."


Then the mountain rose before me
By the deep well of desire
From the fountain of forgiveness
Beyond the ice and fire


"What is he doing?"

She and Doyle were watching Draco Malfoy hold her hand and speak softly to her.

Doyle grinned. "He likes ya."

"He just wanted to win."

"At first. Now the poor bastard actually likes you."


"Ya saved his life, poor sad lonely bastard that he is. That curse that hit ya, it woulda kilt him instant-like."

"Really." She swallowed hard.

"Yeah. Watch this now..."


Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me


Draco had been stroking her hand for some time now. And suddenly an impulse struck him. He leaned over her and pressed his lips to hers. They were warm and soft, the way lips ought to be.

He didn't notice the blue swirl of magic that passed from between her lips into his mouth.


Though we share this humble path, alone
How fragile is the heart
Oh give these clay feet wings to fly
To touch the face of the stars


"Why did he do that?! He stole my visions!" Cordelia turned to Draco and screamed. "Why did you do that! Give those back, you loser!"

He couldn't hear her. She was a spirit. Doyle sighed.

"Oh that's not fair. Why did he do that? Is he that hard up for kisses?"

"Divine intervention."

"Undo it."

"Only you can undo it, princess."

Cordelia glared at him.

"Should I stay or should I go now. If I go, there will be trouble, and if I stay, it will be double. So come on and lemme know..."

"Cryptic is SO not a good look for you. Stop with The Clash poetry slam. Be blunt."

"Live or die, sweetheart? Alive or dead?"

"Why do I feel like there are conditions here?"

"Cos there are."

"Let's have them."

"If ya go back, ya ain't Angel's seer anymore."

"I won't get visions?"

"Oh, you'll get 'em, alright."

"And who will they be for?"

"Him." Doyle pointed at Draco.

Cordelia's eyes bugged.

Then she noticed something. Draco had set himself back. He'd let go of her hand. He was pressing the heel of his hand to his temple. She knew that position.

"Uh oh." Doyle said. "Incoming."

"Send me back."

"Yer sure?"



Draco winced. She knew the images had hit him.

"Alive! Do it now, Doyle!"


Breathe life into this feeble heart
Lift this mortal veil of fear
Take these crumbled hopes, etched with tears
We'll rise above these earthly cares


It was like being thrown into ice water.

Cordelia's eyes snapped open, and she sprung up into a seated position with a huge gasp. She didn't even think. She grabbed the blonde sitting next to her bed by the scruff of his neck and kissed him hard.

The kiss seemed to last an eternity even though it was but a few seconds in reality. The vision images started out like fuzzy shapes then moved into sharp lines.

Harry Potter was about to be killed in his hospital bed.

Cordelia pulled back with another gasp. A long line of blue magic lingered between her mouth and Draco's like drool or something before it snapped and reeled up into Cordelia's mouth. She arched up a bit with it.

"Those are mine, Malfoy. I think I'll keep them."

"Keep what, Chase?"

"The visions."

"Potter..." Draco said with an edge of panic in his voice.

"Is in trouble." Cordelia said as she threw the blanket off her legs and made for sitting up. "Help me up."

She was wearing a hospital gown that had ridden up showing shapely calves and thighs. One of which had a long gash on it that was healing nicely thanks to the medi-witches. He hooked her arm around his shoulders and pulled her to her feet. The two of them moved quickly. She was limping and leaning on him heavily as they hit the hall.

Poppy gaped at him. "Draco Malfoy, what on earth-"

"Not now!"

They practically ran to the room Draco knew Potter was in. He kicked open the door and pulled himself and Cordelia inside. A cloaked and hooded figure stood over the prone Harry with its wand drawn. Ginny Weasley lay in an unconscious heap of pale flesh and red hair on the floor.


Draco didn't even have to ask. He let go of Cordelia and took a flying leap at Potter's attacker.

Cordelia grabbed onto the door frame to keep from falling. Her leg was starting to protest. It started to spasm as her grip became weak. She slipped to the floor in the doorway. Malfoy was slamming the person's wrist against the wall to get them to drop their wand. Cordelia was amazed at the sheer viciousness of it, and he was all business about it. She could see why the higher powers might want her to 'see' for him. He looked like he needed as much humanization as Angel had once upon a time.

Cordelia looked at Ginny. Her leg had gone a bit numb so she started dragging herself across the floor to the redhead as Malfoy managed to un-wand the cloaked assailant. Cordelia pressed two fingers to Ginny's pulse. Still strong. Just knocked out.

"Parkinson." Malfoy hissed.

Then there was the scattering of feet in the doorway.

"Ginny!" Had to be Hermione.

Cordelia had gotten to know these people a bit. You stop an apocalypse with people, you get to know them a little. You learn their voices. You care if they live or die. You even almost give your life to save some of them.

"She's just knocked out."


"I'm fine, Malfoy. Harry's still alive. You stopped the evil thing. Congratulations on your first mission accomplished, oh champion of the light."


Several wizards moved into the room to take evil cloak girl away. Cordelia noticed Ron Weasley had bent down to lift her off the floor. Hermione was helping a groggy Ginny sit up.

"She's mine, weasel."

"You got that right, blondie. My visions, your mission."

Draco looked confused. "Huh?"

"My, we're thick today. You have just been recruited by the PTB to be a warrior for good. I am your seer. I get the visions. You get to save the day."


"The higher powers."

"You're having me on."

"You're being too British. Americanize what you just said."

He glared at her. "You're joking."

"I never joke about the visions, champion boy."

"Oh sod that."

"There's no getting out of it. Believe me, I've tried."

"Well, you just undo it."

"I can't. Not my choice."

"Well, you get someone who can and fucking undo it!"

The entire room froze and stared.

"Oh bugger this." Draco scooped Cordelia up in his arms and stalked out of the room with her.

He stomped down the hallway, trying to ignore everyone's stares. He finally located an empty room after many tries. The hospital was rather full due to 'The Final Battle'. He set her on the bed in the room and began to pace before her.

"Let me see if I have this correctly.... I am now a do-gooder, you have visions, and I have to go help those in your visions?"



"What? Look, mister, you had better quit being so sulky about this because if I hadn't decided I was going to live, you'd be stuck with the visions. Eventually they would have had to make you part demon too because the visions take a lot out of you. Pure humans can't handle it. It blows their heads open. Literally."

"So what does this mean?"

"It means... you and I are a team now. It means we help the hopeless."

"So this means we sort of work together, huh?"


"So I guess sleeping with coworkers is out of the question."

She glared at him.

In the corner of the room a ghost with raven hair and blue eyes was laughing his dead Irish arse off. "And so it begins again. Nice to know you never gave up on my gift. Hope you'll always remember me, princess."

"How can I forget you, dumbass? You're cackling like a hyena and talking loud enough so the people in the next room can probably hear you."

Draco's brow furrowed. "Who's that guy? And how did he get in here?"

Doyle gasped. "You guys can see me?"

Cordelia grinned. "You're back."

Doyle winced and grabbed his head.


"Not near as bad as they used to be, but still a bit shocking."

"You're Angel's seer again."

Doyle grinned at her. "Smart and beautiful, as always. So where IS old broody? I got a message from the PTB for 'em."

Draco looked from one to the other. "I'm a bit confused."

"I'll explain after we take Doyle to Angel." She motioned for him to help her up.

"I don't understand." Draco took her arm and hooked it around his shoulders again to help her walk.

Cordelia sighed. "I know."

"What is all this?"

"The beginning."


Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me
Please remember me



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