The Life Of Brian

By Echo

Part Ten: He Followed Me Home. Can I Keep Him?

Draco Malfoy was feeling sort of... float-y.

That was really the only way he could think to describe it. Float-y. Despite who he was, someone had gone and started liking him. Summers of all people. She was so irritating... in this attractive way. He couldn't help himself. She was taller than a lot of the girls around here, so he didn't have to look very far down at her. She was thin too. Wispy. But she'd be getting a few curves before it was all said and done. She had that body type. Top it off with large blue eyes and those pink lips, and he was a goner. There was no hope for him.

He could not stop kissing her. And strangely they kept getting caught by Spike... who was starting to get really irritated about it.


"So Niblet, why don't you tell us why we're here?" Spike said. "I mean, we're been here for a week now. You don't look abused or neglected. That Snape bloke is taking good care here, and there's the boyfriend that big sis and the Scoobs would have in no way approved of."

"And I don't like him." Angel said.

Spike gestured to the other vampire. "And Peaches doesn't like him. You've demongirl floating around looking damn sweet for fifteen. So what's the what?"

Dawn shifted nervously.


"Can't I just have missed you guys?"

Angel made that face at her. The one he used to make at Buffy when she was being irritating, but he didn't actually want to SAY that because then she'd act all pouty about it.

"I was... confused. I wanted... some of... home here."

Angel's face softened. He looked like he might be getting upset.

Spike gaped in shock. "You think... you think *I'M* home to you?"

"Spike, you can't get more Sunnyhell than you. Aside from Buffy, yeah, you're home."

Spike just stared at her rather stoically. How did one respond to that? It was unexpected and humbling. He didn't handle humbling experiences very well.

"You said you were confused?" Angel asked. "About?"

Dawn shifted again.

Spike made a face. "Please don't tell me you brought us here because you were having boy troubles. Please don't tell me you brought us here because you were having boy troubles. Please don't tell me you brought us here because you were having boy troubles."

"Ok. I didn't bring you here because I was having boy troubles."

"You did!" Spike jumped to his feet. "Dawn! Do you know how annoying having to travel with the poof is?! I thought this was something vital! You dragged us here for... for my younger and might I add less attractive look-alike?!"

"He's not less attractive!"

Angel looked at the two of them. "Um, let's not-"

"I can't believe you want to like him. I've heard some nasty things about that kid. He's trouble. What is it about you Summers women and trouble?"

"He's not trouble."

"I wasn't trouble." Angel muttered.

Spike glared at him. "I'm sorry, who was it that lost their soul a few years back and went on a terror spree with the slayer as the star? Who was that? Not trouble my undead arse!"


"Draco's not trouble. He's just misunderstood."

Spike threw his arms in the air and started pacing.

Angel cast Dawn a sympathetic look. "Dawn, I think what Spike means is... with all you've been through this year, is a boyfriend like Draco what you need right now?"

"Maybe not... but it's what I want."

Angel sighed.

"Look. He makes me forget that I'm a freak, and that my mother and sister are dead."

Spike looked at her. "You aren't a freak. Who called you a freak? I'll bite them."

"Spike, I know I'm a freak."

"You aren't a freak." Angel said.

"I am. I'm not even real, and people get hurt or die because of me. I-"

"STOP!" Spike hollered as he grabbed her by the arms and shook her a bit.

"Spike!" Angel snapped.

"No. I won't have you talking about yourself that way, Niblet. The slayer wouldn't stand for it. I promised. I promised I'd look out for you." There was the strangest expression on his face.

"Spike, what are you saying?"

"Look, Bit, Peaches has to go back to LA. He has a whole unlife there with his job as vampire detective and such. He has to get back to that. I got nothing. No one. I could stay here with you... if you'll have me."

"Spike..." Dawn said in awe.

"Spike." Angel said in a warning tone.

"I promised. I should have insisted I come with you. I should have never let you alone."

"I wasn't alone. I had a new dad."

"Pardon me, Niblet, but that bloke doesn't inspire the trust."

Dawn giggled. "That's what's so great about him."


Angel was going back. Dumbledore had arranged for a portkey for him... instead of the 'in a coffin box' mode Spike and he had used to get here. He promised to come back in a few months and visit, possibly bring Cordelia.

Dawn hugged him for a very long time. He whispered in her ear that Buffy would want her to be happy, that Buffy would want her not to call herself a freak, that Buffy would not have liked Draco Malfoy even if he were the sweetest boy on earth just because he was after her sister.

Angel shook hands with Spike before he left saying that if Spike didn't live up to his promise he'd be tortured slowly before being staked.

Dawn had talked to Severus Snape about keeping Spike. Her step father had been very reluctant to allow a vampire into his midst... but had agreed in the end because of the attachment Dawn had to the blonde. Severus Snape was turning soft as far as his step daughter was concerned. Her happiness was being placed above everything. He wasn't sure if he liked that, but he would not have it any other way. Dawn gave him something to hope for. She made him less lonely.

And though he was loathe to admit it, Severus was beginning to like Spike. The vampire was actually smart. He was very well read. Snape had spent some time with the blonde trying to decipher if he truly wanted the creature around himself and Dawn. They had talks. Spike's own belief system was not so very far off from his own.

It wasn't too long after Angel had left that Spike had settled in nicely. Dumbledore had been delighted to have him, offering the vampire a job helping Hagrid in the forbidden forest... after hours of course. The students were getting used to him lurking about. Most times he could be seen speaking with Remus Lupin. The two of them talked quite a bit. Or Narcissa. Spike was seen in Ms. Malfoy's company numerous times.


Draco sat up in his seat during Defense Against the Dark Arts when Spike walked in. Murmuring started.

"Class, we'll be talking about vampires today, so I thought we should have one about." Lupin said. "This is Spike. I'm sure everyone's seen him around. He's Miss Summer's pet."

The class tittered. Spike glared at Remus.

"Spike is our guest speaker today. He'll answer questions as he goes along, but please try to save them until the end of his presentation."

"Well." Spike said. "I don't know how I got talked into this mess, bugger all, but you wanna know about vampires, ay? All right then."

Everyone had sat up a little straighter.

"My name's Spike. I'm also called William the Bloody. I'm not yet two centuries. I've killed two slayers and helped a third. I was sired by Drusilla who was a child of Angelus who was a childe of Darla who was a childe of the Master. My bloodline is the Order of Aurelius. Now, siring is what we call when a vampire takes a human and makes them a vampire. There's biting and blood sucking involved. I won't go into details, but just the getting bit won't do it. You have to drink some of their blood to become a vampire."

Hermione raised her hand.

Spike raised his eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Why would anyone want to? I mean, drinking blood. Why would you?"

"There are lots of different reasons. I'm not willing to discuss my personal one though. Can I continue? Would that be all right?"

Hermione blushed.

"So your sire is the one that makes you. You're called a childe. Most vampires have a fierce connection to their sires. There are five proven ways to kill a vampire. Sunlight, fire, stake through the heart, holy water, and decapitation. When a vampire goes, they turn to dust."

Hermione raised her hand.

"Yes even with holy water. You see, it burns us."

She lowered her hand.

"A vampire will likely go for the throat. Jugular vein, you see, all that blood, but they don't have to. They can go for that femoral artery in your thigh. Wrists, the bend of the elbow, shoulders.... any skin that's exposed that they can get their teeth into."

Hermione raised her hand. Spike morphed into his demon face. Several people gasped. A few screamed. Hermione lowered her hand.

"See how they are? Sharp." Her ran his tongue over his jagged teeth. "They don't feel good breaking the skin. This is what a vampire really looks like. Not human. Never forget that. Now, not all of us are looking to bite, like myself and Angel, but most are."

He morphed back.

"Your older or more powerful vamps, you don't want to look in the eye. They can put you under their thrall. It's like hypnotizing... or like your Imperious Curse. They can get you to do whatever they want."

Hermione raised her hand.

"What's your name again, pet?"

"Hermione Granger."

"Right then, Mione, what is it this time?"

"Can you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Put someone under your thrall?"

"Of course I can."

"Can you show us?"

"Where's the skill in that? It's much more satisfying in the chase not to."

"I just want to understand how it's done. How can you bespell someone with your eyes? It's illogical."

"Stand up."


"You want I should show how it's done, ducks? Stand up. I'll be needing a volunteer."

"I'll do it then." Harry said sharply, getting to his feet.

"No, I can." Hermione said. "I asked. I can do it. I'm not afraid."

"You should be." Spike purred with a smirk on his face. "And it's not just the eyes, luv. It's in the body language, the sound of my voice."

They were turned sideways so their profiles faced the class.

"Has anyone ever told you, luv, that your face is a puzzle..." Spike purred as he moved slowly towards her. "You eyes shine so bright with cleverness.... and hunger."

Hermione blinked. "I... I'm not hungry. I just ate."

Spike laughed seductively. "You're always hungry. There's fire in you. Do fight. It makes the win so much more satisfying."

Hermione took a shaky step backwards. She could not look away from him no matter how much she wanted to. Harry rose slowly with his wand drawn. No one else was moving.

"Harry..." Remus said nervously. This was starting to spook him a little. He was certain that Spike would not hurt Hermione, but that didn't stop this little exercise from scaring him a bit.

"There's so much I could show you, pet. We'd have all eternity. Don't you want it?"


"Sure you do, luv. Such a beautiful little thing surround by fools who can not see her worth... her vision, her cleverness, her glory."


"Your wealth lies here..." He gestured to her heart then to her head. "And here. Spirit and undeniable thirst... for knowledge. They can not comprehend you. They do not see. But I see you... glowing... so effulgent."

Hermione closed her eyes and sucked in a shuddering breath. Spike closed the distance between them and flipped her hair off her neck.

"Do you want this?"


Harry shouted loudly as Ron jumped to his feet. Potter rushed forward and snatched Hermione out of Spike's grasp. She gasped and stumbled.

"That's why you never look a vampire in the eye unless they're a minion. A minion is an underling. They're usually recently turned, so they haven't a lot of skill."

Hermione was shaking and holding onto Harry very tightly.

"You all right, pet?" Spike asked, moving a bit closer to them.

Harry yanked Hermione away. His wand was pointed at Spike.

"Oh like I'd like bite anyone anyhow. Least of all her."

"Hey." Hermione said, looking a bit offended.

"Oh nothing against you, ducks. You're bitable, make no mistake. I'd bite you in a heartbeat if I could, but Dawn'd kill me. She has this rule about me biting people she considers friends.... but I could have had you, ay?"

Spike smirked then. Harry bristled. Hermione smiled at the vampire.

After that she was relentless.

Spike was her new research project. She wanted to know all about vampires. She even started researching ways to counter vampiric thrall. The two of them could be seen speaking in hushed tones in the great hall after supper many nights.

Spike did many more guest spots in the DADA classes over the next few weeks. He was a big hit after most of the students got over their initial fear of what he had managed to do to Hermione Granger. He even allowed a few of them to try and stake him in a practical demonstration of vampire slaying... with plastic stakes of course. Naturally, Anya and Dawn had been the only ones to get him.

Ginny had gotten close though. So close that she had ended up pinned to the mat on the floor of the room where they'd had their demonstration, much to her stammering and blushing about it.


Dawn was settling into a happy pattern. She might have known it wouldn't last.

They were all in the great hall. Ron and Harry were playing wizard's chess. Ginny and Colin were doing their potions homework. Dawn was staring at Draco reading his transfiguration text at the Slytherin table. Hermione sat next to her reading a book. It was cloudy out so Spike was sitting with them. He and Anya were having some bizarre argument about whether or not Bram Stoker had actually met Dracula. Dawn wasn't really paying attention.

What got her attention was when the girl that Anya carried in her pictures came storming into the great hall.


Anya looked up. Shock crossed her face. "Katie?"

Katie rushed up to her. There was a guy in her tow. He was fairly good-looking. Tall, handsome. Great brown puppy eyes and short brown hair.

"Hey there, Wood." Harry said.

"Ahn, I got this urgent owl form Dumbledore. It took the bird a while to find us. I came straight away. Oliver didn't want me to travel alone."

Anya looked at him. "Hi, Oliver." It was strange, but she felt like she knew him because he and Katie hung around one another. She had all these memories of the guy because of it. Damn this spell on her was good.

"What's wrong? Are you all right?"

Anya sighed. "Well... yeah, but I think you and I need to talk. A lot."


To Be Continued...

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