The Life Of Brian

By Echo

Part Four: Smackdowns and Renegotiations...

Dawn was feeling better about things when she walked out into the hall. Severus had offered to walk her back to Gryffindor Tower. Dawn had said she could manage all by herself. He seemed to beam with pride at that. Yes, she was feeling better about all of this... until she noticed Draco Malfoy leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. It was the laziest pose. He did that all too well. Almost as well as Spike had been able to lean. Spike had made it an art form. Too bad he was an asshole. Malfoy not Spike.

Draco almost seemed like he was waiting for her. Dawn thought that impossible. Until he shoved off the wall almost violently and fell into step with her.

"Have a nice chat with your daddy?" He spat venomously.

She threw him a glare. "I don't like the way you said that, and second, it's really none of your business. Third, what's with the loitering followed by the following? Are you stalking me?"

"No. Waiting. Mother said I should see you back to Gryff Tower."

"Mother said? Well, thank you Norman Bates. You stay away from my shower."


"Nevermind. You're too pureblood to get it."

"Explain it to me then."

"It's a muggle thing. You wouldn't get it, wizardboy."

He sneered at her.

"Careful, your face might freeze like that, and then everyone would know what you really looked like."

Draco bared his teeth at her.

"Cute. Really."

One of his eyelids twitched. Or spasmed. Take your pick.

"Look, Malfoy, I've been face to face with vampires, giant cobras, male chauvinist abusive fathers, alien ceiling-crawlers that spit goo, the hoity-toity watcher's council, a horde of well-armed and crazy zealots called the Knights of Byzantium, knife-wielding demons who get slash happy about my abdomen, hellgoddesses, and my super-strength slayer sister when she thought I was evil, so your face making isn't high on my threat scale, boyo."

"What did you just say?"

Dawn sighed. "You don't frighten me. You don't even give me uneasy belly rumblins. I've seen way scarier stuff than you. Like Spike if he misses an episode of Passions."

"You are an odd girl."

"This from the guy wearing a dress."

"They're robes, than you!"

"Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Bitchy McBitch."

"You're wearing them too." He snapped peevishly.

"Yes, but I'm a girl."

"I really am beginning to despise you."

"Right back at ya, powder."


"What what?"

"Insufferable." He muttered under his breath before turning to her. "Powder?"

"Well, it's this muggle movie about this really really really really pale kid-"

"Oh do shut up."

They had finally reached Gryffindor Tower. Dawn muttered the password quietly, so Draco couldn't hear.

"Goodnight, you big jerk off. Don't choke on your own spit in your sleep."

She had just stepped in the door when she was grabbed by the collar of her robes and yanked back viciously. Dawn yelped in surprise.

"Hey." The fat lady said with a scowl on her face.

Draco spun her around to face him.

"Get off!" Dawn swatted at his hands.

He grabbed her wrists and twisted both her arms behind her back. She struggled. He struggled back. What was it about him that he needed to be in control? Especially with her. Dawn ended up being pinned against him with her shoulder blades pressed to the wall behind her. Her feet were barely touching the floor. Her breath was coming in great heaving bursts that pushed her chest against his. His face was just inches from hers. His breath was fanning the hair that had come loose around her face back. They were so close. Dawn did the only thing she could think of in this type of situation.

She head butted him then kneed him in the groin.

When he was bent over with a hand on his balls and the other holding the lips she might have busted with her forehead, Dawn clasped her fists together and slammed them into the base of his skull William Shatner Star Trek style.

It was just then the portrait door opened, and Neville Longbottom happened to peek out. He let out at squeak of surprise as his jaw dropped at the sight of Dawn clubbing Malfoy in the head. She rushed at the door and yanked Neville back in with her.

Several eyes were upon them as the door slammed, and Dawn walked into the common room breathing heavy with a wide-eyed Neville behind her.

"Dawn?" Ron asked. "Neville?"

She waved her hand dismissively at him and leaned over to catch her breath.

Seamus Finnigan stood and started towards them. "You two all right?"

"She just bloody well kicked Malfoy's ass!" Neville screeched.

Instantly Dawn was surrounded by people. Well, mostly sixth year boys. Potter, Weasley, Thomas, Finnigan, and Longbottom being in the immediate circle. Colin's little brother Dennis was there as well, blinking up at her like she was Venus just ridden in on the sea foam.

"Are you all right? Did he hurt you?" Harry Potter asked as he placed a hand on her arm.

"Him?" Dawn snorted and patted Harry's hand. "Naw. He's not so tough. Besides I think my knee to his crotch caught him unawares."

The boys all winced. Some of them even shielded their groins almost protectively with a hand - as if Dawn's knee would go wild and aim for them as well.


She looked up. Anya was shoving her way through everyone with Hermione and Ginny right behind her.

"Someone said Malfoy attacked you, and you beat him up. Is this true? Are you all right?"

"It's partly true. He got a bit rough and grabby hands, so I head butted him, kneed his man parts, and clubbed him in the head when he was bent over holding himself." She clasped her hands together and held them over her head in an exaggerated pose. "So glad Xander made me watch old Star Trek episodes with him. You go William Shatner and your two-handed punch."

Hermione gasped. Dean Thomas, being muggleborn, grabbed onto a chair as he started laughing so hard he very nearly fell down.

"Good girl." Anya said clapping her on the back. "Not about the two-handed punch because you look ridiculous. About the Malfoy. Never let a man be rough with you unless you want him to be, and if you want him to be, you should lay down safe words beforehand, so if it gets too rough or too weird-"


Hermione had rushed over to the portrait door and stuck her head out. She pulled herself back in with a relieved sigh. "Well, you must not have permanently damaged him. He's not out there now."

"Damn." Ron muttered.

"Ron! This is serious. What if Malfoy tells someone Dawn hit him? As a perfect, I should take away points for fighting."

"Why?!" Ron snapped. "She was just defending herself. You heard her. She said Malfoy got too rough with her. Besides, you didn't even SEE it, Mione. How do YOU know they were fighting?"


Anya interrupted. "Why would he tell?"

"What?" Hermione looked confused.

"Think about it, Hermione. You're Draco Malfoy. Would you tell anyone a fifteen year old girl brought you low?"

Hermione opened her mouth to argue.

"Admit it, Hermione. Anya has a point." Harry said.

Hermione harrumphed and stalked off to the girls' dorms.


By breakfast the whole of Hogwarts was already buzzing with the tale of big bad sixth year Draco Malfoy getting himself trounced by little fifth year Dawn Summers. By the end of the meal, Dawn could almost see the smoke coming out of Malfoy's ears, so it was of very little shock to her when he grabbed her by the arm as she was exiting the great hall and steered her off into a semiprivate corner of the corridor.

"What have you been saying?" He hissed.

Dawn jerked her arm out of his hand. "Stop it!"

"What have-"

"I didn't say anything. Neville saw me hit you. When we went back into the common room, it was full, so..."

Draco turned and stalked away from her... towards Neville. "Longbottom!"

Neville went pale upon seeing an angry Draco Malfoy bearing down on him. Most of the Gryffindor sixth years had stopped. Dawn went tearing off after him. She skirted around Draco and planted both hands on his chest in and effort to stop his stride. Her mary janes skidded across the stone floor.

"Draco, no. Don't."

He tried to push her out of the way. But Dawn wasn't having it. In very short order they were struggling, and not too long after that, Dawn managed to get Draco in a headlock right as he grabbed a handful of her long brown hair and yanked on it. Dawn let out a fearful yowl.

"We should stop this." Harry said in awe.

He'd never seen anything like it. Even Ron and Malfoy had never gotten physical. It was still wands with them. Plus, there was the fact that Malfoy was usually very verbal in his attacks. With everyone. He hadn't even hit Hermione back that time she'd hit him first. He was too 'polite' to strike girls, but it was like he forgot to be a 'gentleman' with Dawn.

"No way." Ron said. "This is too much fun."


Everyone froze. Snape was stalking up looking more pinched than ever. Ms. Malfoy was behind him with a hand over her mouth and her other arm full of scrolls. She looked properly horrified. Dawn and Draco still had their death holds on one another.

"Release each other at once!" Snape snapped harshly.

Dawn and Draco let go... reluctantly. Malfoy rubbed his neck, and Dawn patted her hair back into place.

"The rest of you... classes! Now!"

Everyone scattered like cockroaches in a fifth rate motel when the light comes on.

Snape stood silently glaring at Draco and Dawn. She had her eyes glued to the floor. Malfoy was turned away, looking to the side. Both of them were displaying a very stubborn set to their jaws.

"Well, what am I to do with the both of you?"

Dawn looked up. "I was just trying to keep him from picking a fight."

Draco snorted.

"Not that it would have been much of one, no offense to poor Neville Longbottom, but you'd kick his butt."

Draco smirked at her.

"Oh shut up. I wasn't trying to be complimentary. Just truthful. Besides do you really think Finnigan, Thomas, Potter, and especially Ron Weasley would have just stood by and let you pick on Neville? I've been here less than a day, and I can see that group is thick as thieves. Use the brain in that pointy head of yours, Malfoy."

Narcissa had to fight to keep the disapproving look on her face. She liked Dawn a great deal. And she made Draco react to things. Precious little had done that in the last year or so. Hopefully with enough run-ins with the girl, her son would start to show some of his former self again. He was either angry or apathetic these days. His grades last term were proof of that.

"Dawn..." Snape said reproachfully.

"Fine." She sighed. "I apologize, Malfoy. Next time attack poor Neville Longbottom and see how hard Ron Weasley pounds you into the stone floor for it."


Narcissa cleared her throat harshly. Draco looked at his mother. She had a look on her face that just screamed 'apologize!'.

Draco sighed. "I'm sorry I became physical, Summers."

"I won't take points away today, but I want no more of this undignified behavior. No Slytherin indulges in fisticuffs... and neither does my daughter."

Dawn would have laughed at him using the word 'fisticuffs', but she was too stunned that he had actually called her his. HIS daughter. The only people ever to claim her for real had been her mother and Buffy. And Spike.

*It doesn't matter where you came from, or... or how you got here. You are my sister.*

Fat tears welled up in Dawn's eyes. She ground her teeth and tried to bite them back, but they spilled over anyway.

Narcissa noticed and grabbed Draco's arm to steer him away. "Come, dearest, let's get you to class."

Draco was looking at Dawn with the oddest expression on his face. The girl was a complete enigma to him. An annoying enigma, but confusing nonetheless. And a contradiction as well. How was it she didn't even flinch about his sneer, but a few words in a tone considered downright pleasing for Professor Snape and she was crying?

Unless it wasn't the scolding that had gotten to her.

He'd figure it out later. Draco allowed his mother to pull him away.

Dawn felt two fingers under her chin. She allowed him to raise her face. Severus looked a little panicked. Just a little, mind you.

"I don't mean to-"

"No." She waved her hand. "I totally deserved it for embarrassing you."

"You don't embarrass me, Dawn. Never think that. I am quite proud that you do not let Malfoy bully you. I just wish you'd pick a more ladylike manner in which to put the arrogant prat in his place. Now, what has you crying?"

"You..." She swallowed nervously. "You called me... yours. Your daughter. Did you mean that? I mean, really mean it."

"Of course I meant it."

"I know we said this wasn't allowed but..." She threw herself into his arms.


"I know. I know."

She tried to pull away, but he held he quite tightly. "Have I told you that I am very proud of you? I am. I was thinking perhaps we should renegotiate this no hugging or touching rule. But why should this upset you so... my calling you mine?"

"Only three others have ever laid claim to me.... and all three of them are dead. Well, one's undead, but he isn't here."

"It's so important for you to belong somewhere?"

"Isn't it for everyone?" She asked delicately wiping her eyes.

Severus produced a handkerchief for her to dab at her eyes with. "I suppose."

"You suppose? Didn't you ever belong to someone before?"

"Not until now."

Dawn gaped at him.

"Now, clear yourself up and get to class."

"Oh! I'm going to be late!"

"I don't think that will be a problem, Miss Summers. Your first class is..."

She looked at her schedule. "Potions."

He smirked at her. "Just don't make tardiness a habit. There will only be so much favoritism I can show a Gryffindor, daughter or no."

She hooked her arm through his as they headed towards the dungeons.

"What are you doing, Miss Summers?" He asked looking at her arm through his.



Dawn was surprisingly clever at potion-making. Well, it made sense. She'd always been inventing new stuff in the kitchen at home in Sunnydale.

After that, it had been all downhill. She had fallen asleep in History of Magic. She couldn't help it. Professor Binns spoke in a monotone. To her horror, Anya had told her she had even snored... loudly. Her exact words were 'sputtering buzz saw'.

Then came Divination. Dawn decided she definitely did not like Professor Trelawney. By the end of the class she had been shaking. The woman had talked about how death surrounded Dawn. How people died all around her. No matter how strong, how pure of heart they were... they died. Ginny and Colin had to physically restrain Anya to keep her from attacking the professor.

The little quartet was very quiet at lunch. Until Ron had finally wormed it out of Ginny. He'd snorted loudly about Binns and Trelawney. He told Dawn to not worry about Binns. Everyone fell asleep at least once or twice in his class.

Then Harry had told her not to worry about Trelawney. He told Dawn that she predicted his death every year. The others confirmed it with much huffing by Hermione. Dawn got the feeling the Gryffindor prefect truly disliked Professor Trelawney... with a fiery passion.

Now the four of them were on their way to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Dawn was feeling better until Professor Black started in on her. The man was relentless. At first she was thinking he had somehow found out she used to live on a Hellmouth and was testing her. Then he got really nasty about vampires. He said the one thing that you didn't say to Dawn.

"Miss Summers, you don't know what you're talking about."

She arched her eyebrow at him. She didn't know what she was talking about? About vampires? Hello, she knew some personally.

"I assure you, Professor Black, I know about vampires."

"Then you realize what you just said was ludicrous. Vampires do not have souls."

"Except for one."

"Not possible."

Her anger flared suddenly. Dawn jumped to her feet and slammed her fist on the desk.

"Dawn..." Anya whispered nervously. Professor Black was looking at Dawn very meanly, and Anya didn't like it.

"Miss Summers-" Professor Lupin started.

"No! Not until he listens! There is so a vampire with a soul-"

"Sit down or I will take away points!" Professor Black growled.

Dawn went on as if he hadn't even spoken. "His name is Angel! Formerly Angelus the Scourge of Europe. He was cursed with a soul by gypsies. He lives in Los Angeles, California. I know him. I met him when I was ten. He dated my sister. They were in love."

"Love? Even if this is true, what would a vampire know about love?"


"Know a lot of vampires, do you?"

"Personally? Two. Angel and his grandchilde Spike. Also known as William the Bloody."

"William the Bloody?"

"He's my surrogate big brother."

"He's your brother. And this Angel dated your sister? What sort of a girl dates a vampire?"

"A slayer."

"Your sister's the slayer? The slayer's a myth."

Dawn dug into her robes and pulled out a picture. She walked to the large desk that Professor Lupin was still sitting behind and Professor Black was standing behind. Dawn placed the picture on the desk.

"Her name was Buffy, and she slew vampires and demons. She fought the forces of darkness. She saved my life and the lives of countless others. She saved the world... a lot. She was absolutely the toughest person I have ever known... and I have the distinction of calling her sister."

Professor Lupin spoke for the first time since Professor Black had started in on Dawn. "Was?"

Dawn started hyperventilating. "She died a few months ago."

"Are you expecting pity?"

"Sirius." Professor Lupin whispered hoarsely.

Dawn didn't say anything. She ran. She busted through the classroom door so hard that it banged against the opposite wall and cracked the glass in the little window.

"Dawn!" Anya jumped to her feet.

"Miss Bell, please take your seat."

Anya glared at Professor Sirius Black with every bit of her that remembered how to be a vengeance demon. "With all due respect, Professor Black, eat my ASS!"

Almost everyone gasped. Colin Creevey actually fell out of his chair in shock. Ginny was surprised the air around Anya hadn't turned to ice with the look she'd thrown at Professor Black.

In a swirl of robes Anya stalked out of class after Dawn, leaving chaos in her wake.


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