Between Scylla and Charybdis

By Xanpet

Chapter One

Xander woke early, well early for them anyway. He gazed for a while, at sleeping vampire next to him and sighed. How had he gotten himself into this, how was he ever going to get himself out again and did he really want out anyway? They had both been lonely; he knew that and both had lost true love time and time again. Had both seen vulnerability in each other? Spike needed him as much as he needed Spike.

He got up and went to the refrigerator. Behind the bags of blood, were eggs and mushrooms. He took them, put them into a jug and made himself an omelette in the microwave. Then he went back to bed to eat.

Spike began to stir. "Good morning, Wil'." How long had it taken him to become comfortable with that? "Want some eggs?"

"Morning Sweetmeat and no thanks." Dulcet English tones rang out. Even the accent gave him the horn nowadays, where it had only irritated before. Now that voice absorbed him with its sensual depth.

Xander carried on eating as Spike rolled over, so that his arm fell across the young man's lap. Lying there, prone, his breath should have been warm, damp, tickling against Xander's leg. If he'd had any breath of course.

Xander couldn't even tell if Spike was asleep again. So different from Anya, so much less scary than Faith, so much more compassionate than Cordelia. If anyone had told him three months ago that he would be sharing his bed with a vampire he would have so laughed. Not only sharing his bed. They were lovers, orgasm friends. - Anya, how long had it been? The pain of her death, that had been so acute, so crippling, was now a dull ache in his chest and stomach.

He had assumed it felt the same for Spike over Buffy. In the aftermath of the battle against Glory, Xander had hardly given time of day to the vampire. Anya, insisting she was fine, went back to work but the headaches and gotten worse and worse. The strike from the girder had caused a slow bleed into the brain and soon his beautiful Anya had been admitted for emergency surgery. They had been so scared. He'd had the priest called and married her, there, at the bedside. He had explained as best he could about mortality, but it was still a shock when it happened, in an operating theatre, so far away from him. He never thought he'd recover. No one would have thought he'd find solace in a vampire. An ostensibly male vampire at that, but here he was and there Wil' was.

He shook his tousled head, "Gotta go, Wil'. Be good. Don't frighten the neighbours."

"Oh please." Whined Spike, but he was joking and fell back to sleep almost immediately.

Spike woke up at about four in the afternoon. He roused himself from slumber and lumbered towards the fridge. He moved the eggs and half a punnet of mushrooms to find the bags of blood behind.

"What was he doing?" He thought as he tossed the blood bags into the microwave. "Making breakfast." Answered the internal voice that could have been his demon but was most likely to be his inner child. "Petulant toe rag." He grumbled to himself.

He poured the warmed blood into a large soup bowl and settled down to feed.

Why was he here again? Oh yes, the boy had needed him. Almost as much as he had needed the boy, as he did need him. So much warmer than Angelus, so much kinder than Dru, so much smarter than Harmony. If anyone had told him three months ago that he would be making puppy eyes at the child, he would have ripped open their skulls and pissed on their brains. Not only making puppy eyes. He was allowing himself to be shagged stupid, "Don't call me stupid!" - Buffy, how long had it been? The pain of the death that had been so acute, so crippling, was now a dull ache in his chest and stomach.

He assumed that it felt so much worse for Xander over Anya. After Glory's defeat he had taken Dawn home, looked after her and cared for her, as he had promised he would 'til the end of the world. Or rather until Social Services decided that it wasn't healthy. He had raged against the decision but Giles had explained, rather gently for the Watcher, that as he couldn't even appear in court or swear any form of oath, though he had cursed few just to prove himself, he was on to a loser before he even started. Dawn was better off as a ward of court, with Giles as her guardian.

He found solace in a drink bottle until Xander came to dry him out and bring him back to the land be living! "Where I just so want to be." He complained.

Xander got in at about five. He dumped his tool bag and belt on the floor, took off his boots and headed for the shower. Then he did a double take. "Have you been sitting there naked all day?"

"No I've been in bed for most of it."

"But what if my parents had come down? That's the washing machine. Even my mother has to occasionally do the laundry."

"I'll believe it when I see it. Anyway no danger - vampire hearing."

"Oh yeah - bat ears."

"Any more bat remarks from you and its tickling time."

"God, I love you!" Thought Xander.

"Fuck, I love you!" Mused Spike.

"And just how were you proposing to explain your presence?"

"Well I thought - Hi I'm your widowed son's, undead, bisexual lover might be a laugh." And then again…Xander raised his eyes to heaven and without another word went to the bathroom.

The phone rang. Spike considered answering it but then changed his mind and allowed the machine to do its job. It was Giles.

"Was that the phone?" Xander came dripping out of the shower.

"It was Giles."

"You answered it! Really, what part of discreet did you miss?"

"I didn't answer it and which part of lovers did you not get?" Spike glowered at the man-child, who was lickably wet, in front of him. "We got to go to Giles for a 'team briefing'. Then yous and me got to talk."

The drive over was a mixture of affection, amusement and annoyance. It wasn't that Xander was ashamed or embarrassed by the undead being he had been so intimate with for the best part of two months. "OK. Who are we kidding here? Spike could turn embarrassing into a new Olympic event." He thought to himself. It was just that he couldn't even form an explanation in his own mind, let alone demonstrate to anyone else, that grief hadn't finally driven him completely crazy.

They got out of the car. Spike was 'all hands' as usual. "Behave." Muttered Xander, giving his honey his best 'or else' stare.

Giles and the others were gathered in the living room. Willow and Tara were side by side and hand in hand. "See they don't have issues with public displays of homosexual affection." Said Spike internally. Dawn came down the stairs from what must now be her room. She plumped herself next to Spike. "Huh and Little Bite doesn't have a problem showing friendship towards the undead." His inner narrator continued. "So what's all the brew ha ha?" He asked out loud.

"I've just been given a final briefing from the Council." It was well known that after Buffy's death Giles had been recalled to England to report to the Watcher's Council.

"And what do those stuffed crows want?"

"Your head on a stick to begin with, Spike."

"And there was me thinking they were vampire experts."

Giles went on, daring with a look, any other interruptions. "We are to stand down. There will be no further slayers sent to Sunnydale. They are even wondering about whether to raise another slayer at all. The bloodline now goes through Faith."

"And what with her being crazy and in LA and in jail and I'll be quiet now. Listen this is me, being quiet, except its not, so I will, now." Tara looked sympathetically at her girlfriend while Giles just looked.

He went on. "But we have a problem. We are still on a Hellmouth. Every local demon knows who the Slayer's friends are and we have made ourselves an active part of the fight."

"Well who's fault was that eh? You were her Watcher. Slayers are supposed to be separated from family and friends. One to stand alone, not one to stand gossiping with her chums."

"Glass houses Spike. Remember picking a side?" Spike glared at his lover. That was cold. What was he trying to prove? How much he hated the vampire?

"Whatever the errors of the past. It is the present we must deal with now. We live on the Hellmouth. We, as a group, know more about the interaction between good and evil here than anyone. Mayor Wilkins built this town for demons to feed on but these are our friends, relatives and neighbours. We either walk away or we stay and fight, and for all the victims of this place, I say we fight."

"Now that was worthy of Henry the Fifth. Hurrah for Giles, Sunnydale and St Buffy!"

The assembly turned to look at Spike but there was no mockery in his face or tone. "What? I want to stay here too you know. I promised to look after Nibblet until the end of the world and I've nowhere else to go so 'fraid you're stuck with me."

"Oh lucky us." Said Giles with more than a hint of sarcasm.

The conversation moved from the discussion of the Hellmouth into how everyone was, Xander's work, Willow's magic and Dawn's report card. The meeting broke up finally with a promise to get together on a regular basis.

When they got back to the car however, Xander could tell that Spike's mood had darkened, and by the time they were home, he was positively bristling.

"What is it Wil'? What's wrong?"

"Oh I'm Wil' now am I?"

"You wanted me to call you Wil'. You asked the first time we…you know…did it.

And I know if I'm doing it I ought to be able to say it."

Xander remembered the first time; right after Spike had finished telling him about who he really was. They had gone to bed and it had felt so right, Spike's coolness, his angled body, the taughtness in his muscles. He had taken Xander in his mouth. Shown him just how well he could suck cock. Taught Xander to do the same. He had guided Xander in preparing him for entry, although as a vampire it wasn't really necessary, a little pain and blood would have merely heightened the experience, it was fun and Xander had been rewarded with the screw of his life.

"Yeah too damned right you should." Spike looked as if he was waiting for a response but when none was forthcoming he went on, "Tell me Xander what is this thing between us. I can't solve it if I don't know what it is. Is it a gay thing, a vampire thing or a Spike thing? 'Cos something is getting in the way of us and I don't like it. I weren't lying in there when I said I had nowhere to go. But do I have a reason to stay?"

His blue eyes seemed to bore deep into Xander's soul. "Course you do. I need you. It's just I need some time too. Confused American here okay?"

"Okay?" He said again leaning his forehead against the vampire's and hoping he sounded more convincing than he felt.

Spike sighed. "Okay." He put his hand on the car door.

"Where are you going?"

"To get something to eat." The gold glint in his eyes told of the hungry demon within. "Don't worry lover, just like Arny, I'll be back."

He got out of the car and headed back into town, is black leather duster billowing in the breeze.

Chapter Two

When Spike arrived at Willy's, the place was jumping like dead flees on an iceberg. The few demons, and other assorted low lives, that frequented the seedy hovel, had spread themselves so thinly, that the place actually looked empty. No one interacted. That suited Spike down to the ground.

He went up to the bar. "Usual." He said to the jail bait bar tender, "And three to go." The boy had turned to get his order when Willy himself came to the counter, "I'll get this one Freddie. You go serve the Fyarl demon down there."

Spike regarded the owner barely disguising his distaste. He'd drunk more blokes like this than he could remember the taste of. "Well?" He snapped after a minute. "Can I help you?"

"I think we might be able to help each other Spike, my friend." Spike let it pass. It really wasn't worth the effort. "I know a way for you to solve a little problem with some, how shall we say, surgery. Micro surgery if you get my drift." The guy was as subtle as half a brick in the face. Spike said nothing. "So anyways I have these acquaintances. They owe me a favour, I owe them a favour, I think yous should meet."

"Fine, then I'll owe them a favour! Anyone you'd acquaint yourself with I, sure as screw means fuck, don't want to."

"Now don't be like that. We'll just help each other out, you and I. Two minuses make a plus, now am I right or am I right?"

"Don't get smart Willy. It looks about as good on you as that shirt. Sorry not interested. No can do I. Got to go, dinner's getting warm." And he was out of the door before he could change his mind. Unlife was quite complicated enough thank-you.

Spike made his way back through town. He tried not to think about what Willy's proposition might mean. For shit's sake he was just beginning to fall in love again. Xander was healing in his arms, bit-by-bit and learning more and more about himself. Maturing, flowering. Spike wanted to stay and see it through, losing the chip could lose him Xander as well. Whatever reassuring words the lad had used, there was something worrying him and Spike suspected the beast within was a large part of it.

He had reached Main Street when the Sunnydale Cinema spilled its contents onto the pavement. "Shiny, happy people holding hands." Spike thought lyrically. Not afraid to express their feelings, show their desires.

As the couple nearest him crossed the road, a dog barked, then barked again. The yelping continued for a moment and then Spike couldn't help but stare. Such a pitiful noise was coming from two enormous heads that loomed out of the alley directly opposite. Two more and another two beyond that joined them. The six-headed beast was truly hideous. In each of the heads were no less than three rows of teeth that looked easily sharp enough to strip flesh from bone and hanging, seemingly useless, from it's body Spike could count at least eight withered and knarled legs.

The grotesque creature reared for a split second and then swooped down scooping a person in each of its half dozen jaws. It snarled again and disappeared back into the gloom, leaving Main Street a mass of screaming people and one somewhat curious vampire.

"And another fascinating Thursday on the Hellmouth." He thought.

He really wanted to go home and slip into something hot. "Or someone. He he." It was none of his business if yet more of the population became demon fodder. Then he remembered Giles' big speech. These were neighbours, friends, lovers. If he was going to be part of the 'Magnificent Six' then he really ought to go and report this to the glorious leader, and not for money either. "Fuck it!" He swore and headed back towards the Watcher's house.

When he got there it was in darkness. He banged on the door. Upstairs lights went on. Sounds of muffled swearing. Downstairs lights went on. There was more swearing, clearer now and with added gusto. "Ooo, that was a naughty word, Watcher." Spike sniggered to himself. Sounds of the latches being undone and then Giles flung open the door.

"What the bloody hell do you want, Spike?"

"You greet all visitors that civilly?"

"You are not a visitor. You are a pain in my backside."

"Was that an offer?"


"Shh!! You'll wake the neighbours. Just thought you ought to know as soon as poss. that there's a new nasty in town. Six headed jobby. Looked a bit like the Lock Ness Monster if it existed. Which it doesn't. So now you know. Sunnyhell's at it again." And with that he went, leaving Giles standing on his

Spike carefully unlocked the door to the Harris' basement and entered. Xander had given him the key so he could come and go as he pleased. He moved quietly down the stairs, pausing to look at the sleeping human. No matter how tough things got he was determined to make this work. He'd never tried at a relationship before. Maybe that's why they all failed. He had just taken for granted that Dru would be there forever. They were immortal so why shouldn't their love be eternal too. But immortality and eternity were not the same. He couldn't die but he could be destroyed and so could love. Poof, dust, as easy as a stake through the heart.

He picked his way carefully through the room, night vision being a useful asset. Having put his blood in the fridge, he stood at the end of the bed and stripped. Then, starting at Xander's toes, he began to lick with long firm strokes of his tongue. Xander stirred and woke. Spike carried on his tongue bath until he reached Xander's face. " 'ello." He said.


"What for? Your life's too short to be sorry and mine's too long to worry about such minor details. Whatever this thing is, we can work out."

He pressed his body against Xander's, absorbing the young man's heat. Rubbing gently until his erection was seated neatly into the crack of his lover's arse. "Mmmm." He sighed. His cool fingers walked lightly over the boy's waist.

"Stop. It tickles. I said stop!"

Xander rolled over and captured Spike's hands, holding them by the wrists above Spike's head. Of course he knew Spike had let him do it. Wanted him to. He looked so vulnerable and yet, with one flick of his wrist, Xander could have been on the floor.

"Well? Now you've got me, whatcha goin' to do?"

"This." Xander mirrored Spike's tongue bath. Of course he had to let go to do it, but Spike didn't move. However he did speak, "What we need is an iron bedstead," he observed. "One with a fancy head and foot that squeaks really loudly."

"Why squeaks?"

"So we can make a lot of noise."

"Hey, no. No noise."

"That sounded like an order. Are we playing 'do as you're told Spike'?"

"Do as you're told, Spike."

"Sir, yes Sir."

"Don't move." Xander traced his tongue down Spike's throat and along the centre line of his alabaster chest. He couldn't resist laving at each armpit. Spike actually inhaled but other than that made no sound. Down the smooth torso, sinking his tongue into Spike's navel. Evidence that he had been born human, once. Xander's brown locks brushed like whiskers along Spike's skin. Another suck of air.

Xander actually missed the crucial area and instead began licking the sensitive crease of Spike's hip, right along the bone. That made Spike move. And yelp. And wriggle. "Uh uh uh. No noise, don't move."

"You dratsab!"

Xander spread Spike's thighs apart and kissed the inner surface, just where dark pubic hair finished. Still he didn't touch Spike's cock. Spike pushed his hips up towards his lover. "You moved. You lose. I win a gallon of semen a night, for life."

Spike laughed deep and full of sexual desire. "I may be supernatural Xander, but I think I still produce the standard ten cc's." He pulled Xander, by the hair, up towards his dick. Xander obliged, that way no pain.

Xander began to give his lover head. He licked gently at the tip, dipping his tongue into the salty slit. Little sighs from above, telling him that what he was doing made Spike feel real good. Then a little further down, retracting the foreskin as he went. He'd learnt not to pull too hard. Spike was so sensitive there. More sighs. It was amazing to Xander that he could have this much power over another man. "Only this wasn't a man," Xander reminded himself. Spike began to move his hips. Xander held his cock at the base to stop it being thrust all the way down his throat. He fisted it as he sucked.

Then he abruptly stopped and looked up. Spike groaned, "What is it now, prick tease?"

"Do you want to? I mean try…you know - me, tonight?"

"We've had this conversation. No."

"It might not."

"It will. You're a virgin."

"Am so not!"

"Yeah, sorry, I forgot, American male - you've probably been denying that charge since you were in first grade."

"Third." Xander mumbled.

"Still, no matter how well lubed you are and how well prepared, if you tense up it'll hurt, then I'll hurt and that'll put the kibosh on any further nudey-prod games. You lots think I'm being a big nancy over this, don't you? I can't describe how much it hurts. The whole of the inside of my skull fries.

Look, it's not just the chip, though that's part of it, and it's not just that I'm being ultra professional, though I probably am. I don't think you realise how talented you are. I could play bottom for you forever. She was a very lucky lady."

Xander said nothing but smiled.

"Right, if we're done with the rabbit? Look, I've gone and lost it now. We'll have to start all over again."

"Do as you're told Spike."

"Sir, yes Sir."

Chapter Three

When Xander got in from work he had a surprise waiting for him. "Surprise? Constant challenge to my equilibrium more likely." He reflected. "Still, two could play at that game."

"Wow, you going owt tats?" He said out loud in his best British accent.

"Close, you'll be in the right hemisphere if you keep practising and 'we're' going out tats."

"Damn, I lose again." Xander complained mentally.

"Just where are 'we' going?" He said out loud, looking the English vampire up and down. "Are you trying to get a date or a client in that? Not that dead cow doesn't look fabulous on you darling!"

Spike was wearing the tightest leather pants Xander had ever seen. They had to have been sprayed on, surely. They laced up either side and on top he had a camouflage string vest on over black, sleeveless tee. There was no doubt his vampire honey was H.O.T. "Blistering. Nuclear. Oxygen depriving 'think I'm going to swoon like a girl' hot. God, X-man you need help." Xander thought.

"I'm going to ignore that last remark. Just change into something clubby and not too het for fuck's sake."

Long minutes later Xander returned showered and changed. "Well that's okay if you're auditioning for a Village People revival."

"You think? I don't really…and hey, at least I own more than one shirt."

"Yeah and they're all so tasteful! Black jeans instead of blue eh?" It was no good Spike had a hundred year head start on the wit and repartee.

They got into the car. "So just where are we going?" Xander didn't know whether to be curious or worried. He now had on the tightest pair of black jeans he owned or could breath in and a clean white sleeveless tee. He had lost the vest after Spike had become incoherent with laughter. "And I put myself
through this, why?" He thought.

"We are going to the only gay club in Sunnydale that the witches wouldn't be seen dead in. Got to protect your image after all - hard man."

"Sunnydale has a gay club?"

"Yep. Sell it to The News of The World. It has three but 'Wet'n'Wild' isn't really in town, its out past the 'Shithouse Motel'. No friends, no worries, just yous and me. I think we deserve it, don't you?"

There was no argument from Xander. Until they got there that was. He'd never been to such a place and looking at the clientele he suddenly felt under dressed and over awed. "Couldn't we just go to the Bronze?" He said pleadingly, the snarky voice in his head said, "Or maybe Mars? I hear the red planet is lovely this time of year!"

"Yeah, all right, let's go do the vertical hump, dressed like this, in front of your mates, good call, Sunshine." Spike started the engine.

"No, no, no. We go in here, great." Spike just laughed at Xander's spectacular cave in and they got out of the car.

The club was dark and sweaty. There was no air-conditioning and the walls were wet with condensation. Garage, Jungle and Techno seemed to be the order of the day. "How many vampires you reckon are in here?" Asked Xander nervously.

"Don't ask. We're not here to hunt or slay, just have a good time." He sauntered up to the bar. "Gin. Neat." There was just a new revelation every minute. Spike drank something other than his seemingly trade mark JD.

With his drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other, he found a table and sat down. He hadn't stopped grinning at Xander since they got there. Now he leaned in for a kiss. His lips were cool and tasted of gin. "Love you." He mumbled into Xander's mouth.

Xander began to relax. There was no one else here he knew he decided and he liked the comfortable feeling he had. No one cared. Everyone else was too absorbed in their own hormones, trying to score or just having a good time to spare a glance at Spike and him. "Okay, people glance at Spike!" Xander mentally corrected himself. The furious beat was relentless.

Spike put down his drink and strolled out onto the dance floor. Xander just watched. Spike was lean and lithe. He matched his body movements precisely to the beat, oozing sex from every pore. Vertical humping was right. He caught Xander's eye and beckoned with one finger. Xander shook his head. Spike nodded and came back to the table. Taking Xander by the front of the tee he lead him back to the dance floor.

Spike put his right hand on Xander's hip and placed Xander's right hand on his. After a while he brought the brunette in closer, until they were grinding against one another. Spike held Xander in a long, deep kiss and Xander sighed. He was content and that made him feel instantly guilty. For a fleeting moment he thought of Anya. Spike saw the expression on his human lover's face and pulled him even closer. They held each other like that while, all around them, others gyrated to the pounding sound system.

Five drinks, two dances and three cigarettes later Spike announced that he wanted to go to the loo. Xander looked for a minute trying to compute the latest piece of Brit Slang to assault his ears. "Ah bathroom, but you don't, do you?"

"I want to go to church and I don't think you're inhibitions will allow it out here."

"Go to church? You're havin' a religious conversion now? But you're a vampire. Are we forgetting the 'child of the damned', 'allergy to holy stuff' deal? So not good for you." But Spike wasn't listening. He towed Xander to the toilet door.

"See that room over there." He said. "Most of these places have a dark room where things can get a little fleshier but I just saw two vamps go in so I get the feeling its going to be a little messy."

"This is the ladies and ooo, ooo, ew TMI."

"You see any ladies? It's good. More stalls."

When they got inside there was another couple, at it, against the sinks. Spike had to shove Xander from behind to stop him staring and guide him towards an empty stall. "This brings back memories, China. Used to hunt like this all the time."

"Does the word TMI mean nothing to you, Fangboy?"

Spike locked the door and then kissed Xander hard pressing him against the ply board wall of the cubicle. He pushed his tongue against Xander's lips demanding entry. Their tongues entwined and for what seemed like forever they stood there clinging and stroking. Tongue fucking each other's mouths, until everything else disappeared.

Spike struggled with Xander's trousers. Xander laughed and undid the fly himself.

"I can't believe you still managed to get boxers on under those." Spike said incredulously. "The question why springs to mind."

"Excuse me for not expecting to get molested, by the undead, in a public restroom. What was I thinking?!"

Spike grinned at the word molested and wiggled his eyebrows. He slid both jeans and boxers down. Dropping to his knees in one smooth movement, he encased the young man's shaft in his cool mouth and sucked. Xander groaned. Alcohol and the thumping of the music, both did there bit to free up his inhibitions. He cared for nothing except Spike's talented mouth on his cock.

Working his tongue around the throbbing head, Spike coated it with saliva making it slippery and wet. He teased at the circumcision scar. It was strange, they said cut blokes were less sensitive, but he had always found this spot had them moaning instantly. Xander was no exception. He pushed his hands into gel set hair and sighed and writhed against the wall.

The vampire then sunk right down onto the shaft. Opening his throat he let the cock slide all the way in. Not having to breath or having a gagging reflex, were good. He used his throat muscles to squeeze Xander's dick. Swallowing to create undulating ripples on the underside. Xander moaned his name, his breath becoming ragged and full of passion. Soon. Youth would not allow him to last that long.

Pulling back, Spike allowed Xander to fuck his cheek. Xander rubbed the bulge with his palm, stroking the knob through the skin. His cock was slick now with saliva and the lapping sounds made his sac tighten with desire.

He began whimpering, "Oh yes baby, that's right, do it, do it for me Wil'."

Spike increased the pace and Xander was there. With a last groan he came long and loud, shooting hot semen down the vampire's throat. "Oh baby, oh Wil', yes. Oh baby, yesssss!!"

He carried on licking until Xander jumped and wriggled. "Ooo, no, no, enough."

"I hope you'll never get enough of me, Sweetmeat." Said Spike, still on his knees. "Come on let's go home where we can get comfy."

They had almost got back to the car when Xander, in his new mood of carefree abandon, decided to grab Spike and press him up against the nearest wall for a hot kiss. Spike obliged. After a while though, he pushed Xander gently away from his cool chest. "Not 'ere lover." He said, not quite believing his own
words, "It's a little exposed don't you think?" As if to answer his concerns there was a shout from the other end of the street.

"Well lookee here boys. Girls night out!"

Xander felt all of Spike's muscles tighten through his thin tee shirt and a low growl start to build from deep in his chest. Xander had rarely been this close to the beast and, even though he knew the rage was not directed at him, an almost primeval race memory told him this was a predator, a human predator.

"Vampire!" He thought, "Evil vampire!! No, remember chip! Nice vamps don't bite. Can't hurt you... Can't hurt anyone human." Now here came the slow realisation, "Can't hurt them. Oh God!" He recognised the dilemma and the irony, that in order for him to be safe, he was about to get his face severely pounded. Something he was very familiar with.

He stepped away from Spike and rounded on the three guys. "Is that the best you can do?" He asked.

"No we can do this." No less than five guys appeared out of the shadows and started towards them both. Spike instinctively vamped. However, what should have scared them away just seemed to make them madder.

"You think you can scare me, leech. Take me? I was born in Sunnydale and my Dad and his Daddy too. Your kind make me more sick than faggots." Sneered the nearest thug.

"Yeah an' I gots a score to settle with your filth. You killed my Mama." Said another.

"We're taking back this town!" Cried the first, "Get 'im boys!"

Five to one should have been a walk in the park for Spike. He was a Slayer killer for Shit's sake, but now he was reduced to fighting for his existence, against wankers he wouldn't have stopped to take a dump on. He tried swing after swing, kick after kick. Each one had him reeling. It didn't seem to matter whether he connected or not. The pain was blinding.

Xander faired better. Even though brawling in the street wasn't his first course of action in these situations he had no choice. If they really had come out spoiling for a fight with some vamps, and nothing said these guys were bright enough not to, then they would be tooled up and Spike, Master Vampire, could be dust. Christ, Wil' could be dusted by local butt munches in an alleyway. "So not going to happen." He thought.

He fought with renewed vigour. Throwing punch after punch as though he was fighting demons. And who was to say he wasn't. He had enough internal demons to work off. These guys were just the impetus he needed.

The thugs kept coming although they did appear to be slowing. Xander saw an opening. Grabbing Spike by the wrist he dragged him to the car. He threw open the passenger door and bundled Spike in. Then, jumping the hood, he tossed himself into the driver's side and not a spilt second too soon as the goons
descended upon them.

"Keys!" He screamed at Spike, started the ignition and without looking reversed the car at speed. With a crunch of gears they took off into the night.

Spike looked with sorrow at the bruises on his lover's face and arms. Not that he was much better but he knew his injuries were already beginning to heal. Xander had been in such fights for years; with no supernatural assistance at all he had fought against everything the Hellmouth could throw at him. This though, this wasn't fair.

He knew now that he had to do everything in his power to get rid of the chip once and for all. It was out of there, gone. His greatest desire at this moment was to lick his own wounds and Xander's. Healing them, at the same time healing the damage that had been done to their relationship tonight.

Xander looked so sad as he sat at the wheel of the DeSoto and Spike couldn't do anything about it. He was helpless, impotent. If he told Xander he knew what the lad would say - It didn't matter, he was fine, they were okay.

"I'm sorry." Spike said simply.

"It doesn't matter. I'm fine. We're okay."

But it did and he wasn't and they weren't and Spike was going to do something about it.
