Between Scylla and Charybdis

By Xanpet

Chapter Seven

Spike lifted the manhole cover and dropped straight in. Xander clambered in after him. They walked, in silence, along the tunnel and through a hole in the concrete wall into what had clearly been the nest. The first thing that struck Xander was the size of the bed. "What did you ever see in Harmony anyway?"

Spike shrugged, "Any port of call in a storm or, to put it more bluntly, any puddle of piss in a desert?" He replied, as if he wasn't sure. "Maybe, I felt sort of sorry for her. I know what it's like to be discarded by your wank-off Sire and besides, after a hundred years of Dru, perhaps I just like fucking virgins."

"Like fucking virgins…what?"

"Verb not adjective, tosspot!"

Xander thought for a moment. Spike had the uncanny knack of making him feel so stupid sometimes. "Hey! No making fun of the grammar impaired…and could you ever use a person's name? I have one you know?"

"Okay, Alexander LaVelle Harris, Mr."

"That's better. Respect from the dead that walk, William James…"

"JOHN! William John Hayter, deceased. Shit! Xander at least I got yours right."

By now they were out of the lair and going down another long metal ladder. Spike dropped the last few feet and waited for Xander to climb down.

"Let me ask you something, Alex. Do you love me at all?"

Xander swallowed hard. "Yeah, 'course I do, but you don't exactly make it easy."

"Well, how could I make it easier? Not be male? Not be dead? Not be a vampire? Not be Spike?!"

Xander didn't answer right away but instead, stepped into the pool of light being cast by Spike's torch. "Sorry." He said, simply.

"Xander, I know what I am. I can't change the past. No one can. We can only change the future. I love you. I once told Buffy I was drowning in her, but shit Mate, you're Charybdis herself in comparison. I look into those deep dark pools and I get sucked right in. I'm going down with the ship and I ain't never coming up again."

Xander moved even closer and wrapped his arms around the waist of the shorter demon.

Spike continued, "How can you possibly believe that I think I'm above you? You have a soul. I look into your eyes and I can see it. You touch me and I can feel it. You tell me you love me and I can hear it. I'm nothing. I'm an institutionalised, abused, rent boy. I was thrown away at birth. Made by an insane demon and abandoned by my sire. And what's more…" He wriggled out from Xander's grasp and started down the tunnel once again. "…I'm a bloody awful poet!!" He finished. Xander ran to catch up with him for a second time. Grasping him by the elbow he turned the vampire round.

"I wish I could record what you just said. You have that whole poetry thing going all the time. You're a major league poet and I so shouldn't blame you for me and my inadequacy issues. You open your mouth and 'bamb' poetry. Remember 'its always blood, that's why we drink it, it makes you feel something other than dead.' Poetry. And I bet there's plenty more where that came from. I only wish you'd write something for me. So, and risking total potty mouthdom here, stop talking shit, Fang boy."

They started on down the tunnels once more. This time Xander lead the way. Spike began again, addressing his lover's retreating back.

"I did. Not my fault your mother decides to tidy for the first time in her life and binned it or whatever happened. Oh yeah, and while we're on the subject of names. I've been - Fang Boy, Fangless, Dead Boy Jr., The Bleached One, Boy Wonder and, my all time favourite, Oh Impotent One. And you know just how fucking untrue that is. But, I fully intend on showing you again and again and again and…"

"Oh! Wow." Xander interrupted with a gasp. Through another hole and they were into the crypt. Xander had never seen so much gold or so many precious stones in all his born days. He picked up a handful of Spanish coins and ran them through his fingers. They made a clatter as they fell.

"Come on. Those are small and round, so bloody unlikely to be a sword."

"Rude much? Not feeling the love here anymore. Is it any wonder trust is an issue?" Xander picked up a large serving platter and then tossed it aside.

"You don't trust me?"

"Well yeah, I mean I let you do the naughty, touchy, sucky bits so…yeah, but - well sometimes I get the feeling your not sharing stuff. Secrets even."

Spike didn't look up from the pile of armour he was raking through. "I don't bleeding know what I should be more worried about, you thinking I'm keeping secrets or the phrase 'naughty, touchy, sucky' coming from the north, of a grown man, of nearly twenty."

He crawled under a long bench that was draped in strings of pearls. He wasn't going to be drawn into this argument. When the chip had been out for a couple of months. When he was still fighting the good fight and fucking the good fuck, then he'd surprise his lover with the truth, and everyone would know how serious he was about being good, or at least about being there.

Suddenly, he put his hand on what he'd been looking for and, manoeuvring backwards, he brought out a sword that stood to his nose. It had a broad blade and was modest in design. Greek letters were etched into the bullhorn shaped sword grip and otherwise plain, bronze pommel. He swung it round his head once and spun it in his hand testing it for balance and when he was satisfied he said, "Come on Harris. We don't have all night and I promised you a good seeing to."

"Ok, so not always poetic!" Thought Xander.

Back in the basement, Spike put down the huge sword and threw his coat on a chair. "Come 'ere you." He said. Xander stood in front of him and took his tee shirt in both hands. Spike lifted up and the garment joined the coat on the chair. Xander licked at Spike's throat tasting his skin and drawing the Adam's apple into his mouth as far as he could. Spike began to purr and the low rumbles vibrated along his lover's tongue. He licked down Spike's throat and along the groove between his pecks. The young man sucked at each of the vampire's pale pink nipples, making them stand proud and tight. He nipped at them and Spike gasped.

He trailed his tongue down the bleach-blond's flat stomach and firm abs, kneeling to undo the button fly of taut black jeans. Spike's stiff cock immediately sprung free of the denim.

"Commando again? Why d'you never wear underwear?" Xander asked.

"Don't own any, saves on the washing and why delay the inevitable?" Spike bumped against Xander's lips with the head of his tool as if to make his point.

Xander opened his mouth and let the smooth cock pass over his teeth and down his throat. Not too far though. He was not a vampire and he still needed to breathe. Besides he had yet to get the hang of deep throating.

He caressed Spike's velvety ball sac with his palm as he held the prick at its base. The vampire began a series of low chesty rumbles. Xander knew he was making his lover feel really good. He moved his other hand to pinch and press Spike's cool ass cheeks, finding the groove at the base of his spine; the brunette ran a hot finger into the moist space and pushed against the puckered opening. Spike growled and began to thrust. His knees buckled as he lent over the boy, whispering breathlessly, "Let's take this to the bed, Xan. We don't have long and I need it now, Sweetmeat."

Xander stood and stripped. Spike struggled with his laces but it wasn't long before they were both naked on the bed.

Spike lay on his front and wriggled his arse provocatively. Xander knelt between the other's legs and spread the vampire's pale cheeks apart. Spike sighed as the boy licked tentatively at the hole and blew, teasing for a few seconds more before he introduced a spit-wet finger. He groaned as his lover crooked the digit against his prostate, feeling that sweet ache all the way from his gut to his toes. He raised his arse further, as if he was presenting.

"Xanpet, I don't think we have time for one finger, two finger, three finger. Can't we just cut straight to fuck?" His voice was deep and full of sexual craving.

"And you know what?" Xander reflected. "Still more romantic than…. Okay, so not going there right now!"

Xander spat on his hand and rubbed it over the head of his dick. He introduced his cock to Spike's tight opening. There was clearly not enough lubrication, but Spike was determined and pushed back, impaling himself on the rock hard tool. Xander began to move and Spike's grunts seemed to time themselves with the thrusts.

"Oh, God yes!" Panted Xander.

"Oh, fuck yes!" Moaned Spike.

"Verb or adjective?"

"J F G O W I!!" Spike growled through gritted teeth, reaching underneath to pull his own hood at the same pace as Xander's strokes.

Their rutting became even more aggressive. Xander slapped the other's ass and the vampire snarled into the pillow. Something about the noises coming from Spike made Xander abruptly stop. He realised that in the few months they had been doing this, they'd never tried it face to face. "Turn over." He commanded, withdrawing.


"Please turn over Wil'." Xander whispered gently into his ear.

Spike reluctantly rolled over to reveal the visage of the vampire. He'd bitten his own forearm and there was blood on his lips and fangs. But to Xander he looked beautiful and the young man knew then that he loved the creature. Gone was the worry and fear. He gently traced a finger over the brow ridges and down the hardened bridge of Spike's nose. He looked deep into soulless yellow eyes, and for an instant there was something more. "I love you." He murmured.


"Shhh." Xander ran his tongue down a fang and pressed it against the tip of the longest canine. Instantly there was blood. He let it drip into his lover's mouth. The vampire savoured it for a moment and then swallowed. Hungry for more, he pulled Xander down into a passionate, tongued kiss.

"I love you so much." He sighed into Xander's mouth. "Fuck me, please?!"

Xander's neglected hard-on agreed and he re entered his lover, raising Spike's legs over his shoulders. Spike gripped Xander's buttocks as the boy pistoned in and out, heading towards his climax. When the dark haired man came, he slumped onto the blond, wailing into Spike's shoulder. Howling, the vampire followed his lover over the edge.

Then it was silent. Well except for Xander's heavy breath. The two held each other in a sweaty embrace and when Xander looked up, it was into the handsome, human face of the demon. He slipped himself out and moved so that his head was in the crook of Spike's arm. Spike kissed soft brown hair, "Hey, no post coital kipping! We have places to be and demons to fight."

"Mmmm," Sighed Xander, but he was already drifting.

Chapter Eight

"Well here we are." said Spike. He hated moments like this. When the love of his life and he, were about to enter a battle, from which they may not return. He'd done this with Buffy and look where that had ended up. A damaged demon and a grieving boy, finding comfort in one another. Was that what they were doing? Maybe, back in the day but now? Well now this felt a lot like love. Like falling in love - again.

The two looked at one another, dark eyes meeting blue. Spike threaded his fingers behind Xander's head, losing them in the thick, dark mane. He pulled gently. Kissed the fringe, then the forehead, the nose and finally the mouth. The rich, full, sensuous mouth. Xander deepened the kiss and everything else vanished for both of them.

Long minutes later Spike reluctantly let go. "Come on, I didn't park so's as we could park."

"Oh parked did you? Funny, I thought you just stopped in the middle of the street. Why you are never ticketed beats me."

"There ain't a copper in Sunnydale who'd touch the DeSoto. It's good this demon thing."

"I take it they don't know you're chipped."

"You know, that can have a metaphorical meaning, as well as a literal one. Ought to think about it sometimes." Spike felt his temper rise. "Not now, dozy demon." He thought, "Just put a sock in it for a while, eh?"

He got out of the car and pulled out his coat and the sword. The others were already on the wharf corner where the last attack had been reported. The sea monster was heading for the ocean, seemingly. Was it in his imagination or had it got rather chilly out here? "What you lot doing with faces like the middle of a wet weekend in Skegness? If you're going to tell me that a giant whirl pool's just opened up in the 'arbour car park, I'm going home."

"Come on." Said the Watcher. He had had no time to really assimilate the information that Willow had given him. He wanted to question Spike alone where, if necessary, a little force could be applied, but the demon of the day was more pressing. Spike would have to wait.

The plan was simple, six of them, six heads. Each of them would act as a distraction. The demon would be moving more slowly, thanks to the spell, and that would allow them to sidestep the heads more easily. Spike, with his supernatural strength, was on chopping duty. They didn't like it but they really had no other choice, and judging from what Willow had overheard, he was still chipped at the moment.

He sauntered down the street, oblivious to their worries. "Here little puppy. Come and get your vampire treats." He called to the empty night.

He kicked over a dumpster. It made a terrific crash and with a snap, out shot one head, then another and another. Willow began her incantation and the strange bark of the demon became a bellow. The result was something akin to the Doppler effect.

Spike swung the sword at the first head. It was instantly severed and he was showered in gore. The demon blood was black tar clinging to his skin and forming a sticky coating on his duster. He went more carefully at the second that had turned towards him. Still, even sawing at it got him further saturated in blood. Two down, three to go. "Mustn't sever the last head or go for the heart." He reminded himself. Suddenly there was a scream and the head nearest Dawn was snapping and hissing at her.

Spike spun round, slithering in the blood, and with an uppercut took that head off too. The grisly trophy tumbled to the dockside by Giles' feet. Now he was cross. He revealed face of the vampire and roared at the demon. Head four instantly turned towards its attacker. He swung, but missed and Xander had to duck to avoid the incoming blade.

Demon against demon, Spike swung again. Circling his head with the mighty cleaver. Willow shrieked and the blade stuck fast in mid-air. The momentum the blond had built up however, carried him forward, and he fell in the ever-increasing pool of blood. He looked up to see the cutting edge of the sword mere inches from Tara's neck. Her eyes were wide with shock and fright. "Let go, Witch." He yelled, "Keep chanting. I got it. It's OK. Just didn't see her. For fuck sake let go!"

Willow released the sword, but sent it spinning out of Spike's hands and down the quayside. The monster was now moving at full speed and with half its heads still intact. Xander dived for the sword. Sliding in the slick of blood, he grasped the hilt and as the roar became deafening above him, he closed his eyes and thrust upwards. The barking and howling became a pained scream and then an ear-splitting wail as the weapon drove itself into the creature's heart.

"No!" Moaned Spike, frustration not allowing him to be discreet. Another chance gone. He would have this fucking chip forever.

The rest of the body shrivelled and sunk into the water, making it foam and an eerie silence hung over the wharf.

But he didn't have time to take in the full meaning of events. The gore that had fountained from Scylla's chest had deluged Xander. Human featured now, Spike realised, to his horror that his lover was drowning in the blood. He skittered over to him and wiped the thick sticky goo from the boy's face. There was no breath. Without thinking Spike cleared Xander's airway with his fingers. He tipped back the young man's head, pinched his nose and then sucked air into dead lungs. Forming a complete seal over Xander's mouth, he exhaled. He turned his head away for another breath. Years of smoking made this action, so unnatural for a vampire, easy. Two more goes and Xander coughed and sat up groggily. Spike smiled at him in unspoken love and stood. He didn't know it, but he had just accomplished something his Sire hadn't thought possible.

He sighed and reached into the pockets of his duster. They were thick with blood. He pulled out his lighter and cigarettes. Ruined. He threw them both into the sea.

Giles picked up the sword and started towards the vampire, his face like thunder.

"What is it, Watcher?"

"Just go home, Spike."

"Now what have I done, apart from save the boy's life? Monster's dead ain't it?"

He shrugged himself out of his coat. The two-inch covering of congealing blood made it heavy and repulsive. He dropped the spoilt garment on the ground. "I don't know what I have to do for you bleeding people?"

"You betrayed us - again." Spike's gob had rarely been more smacked.

"What the fuck are you jawing about, Bookman?" He couldn't believe that he was having this conversation, standing with demon blood pooling around his boots, but there was more to come. Willow stepped up and slapped him hard around the face.

"That's for trying to kill Tara."

She went hit him again but he caught her hand, "I wouldn't, Red." His soft tone dripped ice. His deadly gaze held her furious one. She lowered her hand. Something was eating at his supposed friends. They hadn't even noticed that he had just brought Xander back from the dead.

"I didn't try to kill Tara. She was standing to my left. I have a blind spot on that side 'cos the eye's weaker. I just didn't clock 'er."

"Witness here. Bat like blind without the glasses. And when did it become bash the domestic vamp night? Did I not get the memo?" Xander asked, still sounding wheezy. He still couldn't quite believe what Spike had done for him. He had been there when Angel said it wasn't possible. "Spike loved him enough to work miracles." Xander thought but his faith in his lover was about to be shaken even before it had had a chance to cement itself.

"I don't know why you're sticking up for him, he was planning to do you next, you know." Said Dawn, accusingly.

"What!?" Xander and Spike chorused.

"Willow said. She followed you, well not literally, magically."

"And she heard me plan to kill Xander?" Now he felt physically sick. If only they knew how much the boy meant to him. It would be inconceivable that he could even think it. Never, chip or no chip, 'til the sun froze and the moon wept. Xander was his last true love and of that he was certain. He could simply tell them. Fuck, he should tell them but instead he asked, "And just how did you come to this colourful conclusion?"

"You said you wanted to kill the Whelp." Willow said frowning. Spike's actions in the last half hour certainly didn't suggest that murder was on his agenda but he'd done this before.

"We just did. Scylla means whelp in Greek. Anyway why the bloody 'ell would you think that was Xander? I've called him many things," Spike had that horrible feeling of deja vu. Hadn't he had this conversation? Somehow he didn't think this time it was going to end in hot and horny sex. "I called him
Special Ed. once but never Whelp."

Now all eyes were on Willow. "Well, I…er - a…" she stammered but she never finished.

"Vampire, you have double-crossed us!" Tony Viscotti boomed.

Chapter Nine

"Could this night get any worse?" Spike wondered to himself. It had started off so well. Simply, entwined in the arms of his lover. Where he belonged, where he wanted, no needed to be. Right now. Not trying to convince said lover, that murder was not on his mind, and certainly not debating human dregs like the Viscotti brothers.

"Yeah, you got me Viscotti. So now just fuck off."

"You have a bad mouth and a bad attitude."

"I'm a VAMPIRE! Has no one remembered that? Let me remind you." He put his game face on.

"We are aware of that Mr. Spike. We did not come unprepared, but it would be impolite to simply stake a defenceless man."

"'Sides which, you'd 'ave to catch me first."

"Oh yes, how foolish of me, let me take a little security. Something to keep you around." Suddenly, Dawn and Tara were caught in the arms of the hoods, with guns at their temples. Willow began an incantation but was shot in the leg before she finished. "Just a warning, Ms. Rosenberg. See we know who you are also."

Xander was horrified. He whispered in Spike's ear, "You played 'make a deal' with these assholes?!"

Spike knew he'd mess up. This was going to cost him. Maybe everything. He looked from man to man. Of the five, two were tied up with the girls, Tony Viscotti was furthest from him, with the large frame of Lincoln to his right and Martin to his left. A plan formed itself in the vampire's mind. The Viscotti's were classicists and no one was packing anything greater than a single-shot handgun. He was a vampire, but was he Superman? There was only one way to find out.

He launched himself at Danny, who was holding Dawn and, with vampire speed and agility, he turned the gun hand so that, as the trigger fired, the bullet hit Ray, who was holding Tara. She screamed and ducked as the contents of the gangster's head erupted onto her shoulder. "That was good," thought Spike, no time to worry about niceties, "No pain, keep the geezer spinning."

Spike next directed him at Martin Viscotti. This time he had to pull the trigger himself, which hurt like hell. He tumbled back, clutching his skull, and did a complete backward roll, to end up slamming into Lincoln. Lincoln Viscotti couldn't stop himself as the momentum kept him turning. He went reeling into Tony just as his finger pulled the trigger. Both guns went off at once and there was a pained, surprised look on each man's face as they sunk together, dead to the ground. Only Danny Viscotti remained alive. He looked at Spike, still in full vamp mode, threw Dawn aside and ran.

Spike didn't turn round. He walked along the dockside and back to the car. Reversing it up the quay, he said to Giles, "Put Willow in the back and I'll take her to the ER."

"What will you do after that?"

"Don't question me, Watcher. Not right now." He knew in his heart of hearts that he wasn't going to fix this. As he started the engine he said, "I wouldn't have seen any of you harmed you know? I just wanted this bloody thing gone."

Giles sighed, "You'd better get going." He said simply.

It was the early hours of the morning when Xander opened the door and stepped into the basement. He could hear the shower running and see Spike's discarded clothing. He was cold, tired and ached in places he didn't know he had. But the feeling of weariness transcended any of these and it wasn't just physical. The emotional roller coaster, he'd been riding since Glory's defeat, had cork screwed tonight. "You had to wake up sometime, Harris." He thought, "For God's sake he's a he, he's an undead he and he's a Spike shaped he. But he's a he that loves me, that saved my life. Can you say messed in the head?"

Spike emerged from the shower and began to towel his water-darkened hair. Xander passed him without making eye contact and went in. They didn't speak.

The vampire sat on the edge of the bed and stared, unseeing, at the rumpled covers. The smell of their lovemaking was enough to make him want to weep, "If he can say he loves you after this then stay." He thought. "But if not…" He knew he'd screwed up. It didn't seem to matter what motivated him, the demon twisted and warped everything.

Xander came out of the shower and they both dressed in silence. It was as if both knew that they weren't going to bed. Spike was the first to break the hush. "Well thanks for the vote of confidence back there, China."

"I tried!" Spike's apparent hostile attitude, after everything that had happened, made Xander's temper flare. "You made a deal with the mob! We could all have been killed, and okay, so that's a daily occurrence, but I really did think you had more sense than to add to the mind numbing danger. Is anything you say true? You said you'd protect Dawn. She had a gun to her head tonight and, guess what? Your fault. What were you thinking trying to have the chip removed anyway? Isn't that the little piece of technology that keeps you, and ergo us, safe?"

Spike was hurt and that made him angry, he spat back, "I can't protect you with this in here. Any human filth could top me off. We were set on not four nights ago. The Viscotti's could have done it. Not every evil out there is demonic. This fucking piece of Army shit's not saving your life, it could get both you and me brown bloody bread!"

"Oh, like you'd care. Don't I have enough grief in my life without vampire mind games."

"Mind games? You think you're the victim of mind games? I am impotent. Do you know that, do you know how that feels? Vampires hunt, that's what we do. I'm chipped, broken, spoilt, adulterated. Shitting fuck Xander, I was medically raped!!!"

Xander watched Spike for a while, as he moved about the room. He tried a more conciliatory tone, "It's not easy for me either you know. Those are my friends back there. We've been through a lot of pain together and, might I remind you, some of which was at your hands. I have to adjust to the biggest lifestyle choice of my existence here but I am trying. And, you know, undead guy, I made a great deal of fuss about vamps and how much I don't like them. I'm going through a lot here, so credits please."

"Credits! You'll be wanting gold stars for effort next! Not playing Xander. Now you listen to me and listen good," He stopped his methodical actions and walked right up to his lover. Close enough to feel hot breath on his cool face. "I asked you once and I will ask you once more with feeling. There is a thing here, it's large and it's ugly and it's right here." He held up his hands to embrace an invisible shape. "Is this a gay thing, a vampire thing or a Spike thing?"

Xander gulped and looked away. "Christ, I can't even look Wil' in the eye. Time to be honest," He thought. There was no invisible barrier, nothing in the way of them. "There's no thing here!" He answered.

Spike turned away with his trademark shrug and continued with what he was doing.

"What was he doing?" Xander asked himself. Oh yeah, packing. Packing? Packing! PACKING!! "Spike stop. I mean, why? OK, I know why but I mean you don't have to…. You've never…why…?"

The last was so pathetic, so utterly lame.

"You've already answered that, Sunshine. You still have trouble with the gay label. Forget that we make each other feel so good it aches, that we enjoy each other's company, that we, dare I say it, love each other. That don't matter one iota cos, hey, Xander's friends might think he's gay. Well, shock, horror, probe, Sun headline - tit for brains - you are gay and if your friends condemn you for it, which until now I thought highly unlikely, then guess what, they're not your friends. You have a problem with my race. It's understandable we're the enemy but I thought I'd proved, beyond all reasonable doubt, that I was your friend. Shit on a stick, it didn't take Buffy this long to understand that, and I wasn't letting her arse fuck me every night, and finally you can't stand to think that the creature you love is Spike. That's who I am Xander. William is dead. Only Spike here now." The time had come time to ask the question, "Do you love me?"

Xander didn't answer. He couldn't. How had it come to this? This was not how it should end. "Rewind, be kind." He thought, "Could we start again please?"

Spike picked up his bags and started up the stairs. Without looking back, he opened the door, and set off into the night. "He's leaving. Xander, you prick, he's leaving!" Xander raced up the stairs and out into the street. He heard the DeSoto's engine and the crunch of gears as Spike headed for the intersection and the freeway. "Spike!" Xander screamed, the yell grazing his throat. "Spike, I love you. There, see, I said it, in front of the house and in full view of the neighbours. I love you. I love you, Wil'. I love you. I love you." He collapsed to his knees, tears dropping like large heat spots, in the dirt.

Spike swung the DeSoto out towards route 17 and south. He didn't look back until he was on the freeway, the Clash hammering out of the stereo. Mick Jones asking the question he'd already answered. He put his foot down on the gas and thrashed the engine faster. He couldn't get away rapidly enough. Sunnydale receded into the distance. The lights of the other cars tinted his view with a rosy hue. He wiped his face with the back of his hand. He had never felt this bad. All hope gone now. He blinked, being dazzled by rear lights, but maybe just maybe, the colour in his vision was the hint of blood stained tears.

