Brown Paper Packages

by Alexandria

Chapter One

Xander let out a happy sigh when he saw the familiar brown paper package in the mail. "Ah, the joys of the Internet." He had come to realise that Willow was right, you could get ANYTHING over the Internet. Particularly porn. It was amazing. Log on, pick out the videos, place the order, rent for a week, enjoy, send back. No one was the wiser. No embarrassing trips to that certain video store. No looking around to see who was watching as you went into the back room. No hiding the titles as you walked past the families renting Bambi. Anything you wanted, all completely private.

Which was great. Especially when you didn't really want anyone to know exactly the types of porn you were renting. Xander threw the rest of the mail on the table and dropped on the couch, quickly ripping open his box.

"Let's see, what do we have here, His and Hers 7, Bi-Boys 12 and, oh, my favourite, Everybody Play 18." He felt the happy grin cross his face. He had discovered the joys of bisexual porn when Anya had picked some out. He had felt a little uncomfortable at first, especially when the threesome they had been watching changed to a twosome with only the guys, but he couldn't deny that he found it arousing. Especially when Anya had begun using the dildo on him. That was when he realised that maybe, just maybe, his innocent checking out of others guys in the locker room wasn't so innocent after all. Since then, he had done a lot of thinking and realised that, yes, he was attracted to men as well as women and that, no, it didn't freak him out nearly as much as he expected. Anya had left about a month before, she had gotten some information about having the curse removed. Their parting had been sad, but Xander was slowly getting over it. He missed the sex, though. Missed it A LOT. Then, while prowling around some porn sites one night, he had found a video rental site. He browsed, found some things he liked and now well, now it was his new favourite pastime.

He stacked the videos on top of the TV and went back to his usual routine, unwinding after a hard day at work. He quickly fixed some dinner, sorted through the bills and junk mail, more bills than junk, unfortunately, then had a quick shower, the anticipation running through him the entire time. Finally, he wandered back to the living room, comfortable in his sweats and T-shirt. He made sure all the necessary supplies were on hand. He was an old fashioned kind of guy, relying on those faithful standbys, hand lotion and tissues. He popped one of the videos in at random and settled back, in for another enjoyable Thursday night.

He grinned slightly at the familiar cheesy music and too bright colours. The grinned deepened as he saw the "plot" of this one featured construction workers. He and Anya had had many long and intense discussions over his requirement that there be at least some semblance of plot. However, such trivial distractions as plot and clothing were soon gone and he settled down to enjoy, slowly stroking himself.

The woman was hot, but the men, god, the men were hotter. This was something else he had discovered. The men in straight porn, while hung like horses, were not that attractive. However, bi porn, well, the men were hot. His kind of hot, generally, slender with perfectly toned bodies. He watched as the action intensified, one man dropping down on the woman while she swallowed the other's shaft into her mouth. His stroking grew slightly faster as he watched the bodies rearrange themselves, as the men slowly sank into each entrance of the woman's body. The bodies on the screen began to writhe as the men's thrusts settled into a pattern, one thrusting in as the other pulled out. The groaning from the screen mingled with the panting from the couch as Xander tightened his grip. Suddenly, a fourth figure joined the frame, a hand reaching down to run along one of the men's backs.

"Looks like you could use some help," came the murmur from the screen, the low hum of the words arousing enough without the added benefit of the silky accent. A beautiful, pale skinned form leaned down, the perfect ass coming into view as the man bent into the frame, moving to kneel behind the man pounding into the woman's ass. Long, thin fingers reached down and began to thrust in and out of the other man's opening. Xander's panting grew harder as he watched a head lean down and begin kissing down the man's back. Blond hair, sharp profile, pale lips and cheeks. More words spilled out.

"So hot, so perfect. Yes, luv, just like that."

Xander stopped, eyes growing wide. That voice, those words, so familiar they cut through the wave of his arousal. He watched more intently, hand slowing as the face came into sharper focus. It was the razor edge sharpness of the cheekbones that gave it away.

Spike. It was Spike. Spike on the screen. Spike moving back to thrust into the man. Spike's beautiful body laid out for all to see. Xander's hand automatically pumped harder and harder, moving in time to Spike's thrusts. He watched as Spike moved slowly in and out of the man, watching Spike's muscles contracting with each thrust, watching as Spike took control, trying to pound into the woman through the other man. Finally, his head tilted back and he let out a strangled cry as he pulled out, coming on the man's back. Xander's mouth went dry as he watched. He didn't think he had ever seen a more beautiful sight. He barely noticed the other men come, didn't see the woman at all. All he could concentrate on was Spike lying on his back on the floor, naked. Perfect.

Three other men entered the frame and moved immediately to Spike. One slowly ran his prick along Spike's mouth and Xander let out a moan as he saw Spike's lips open, swallowing him down. Another leaned down, tonguing Spike's nipples while the third pushed his fingers in and out, obviously preparing Spike. Xander's strokes grew harder and harder as he saw the second man kneel next to Spike, taking Spike's dick in his mouth at the same time that the third man pulled Spike's legs onto his shoulders and thrust deeply into the vampire's body. The entire time, Spike continued to suck and lick the first man. Xander managed to spare one thought **I thought they didn't photograph** before coming harder than he had in months.

Xander lay on the couch, panting, trying to recover for the intensity of the orgasm. He finally focused back on the screen just in time to see Spike arch away, coming once again while the man pumped in and out of his ass. Xander felt himself twitch in response and, in a blind panic, he turned the television off. His thoughts slowly came back to him and he stood on shaky legs and headed to the bathroom to clean up, the mess a little too much for mere tissues. He stood under the shower's warm spray, hearing his heartbeat slowly return to normal. Spike. Spike in a porno. Spike on film. Spike's ass. Spike's mouth. Xander shook his head sharply. No, it wouldn't do to start pondering THAT now.

Clean, he returned to the living room and turned the television back on. He quickly rewound the video to that part, hitting pause as the face came into view. It was unmistakably Spike. He rewound to the beginning, seeking the list of credits he had automatically zipped past, curious to see what name Spike would use. The credits began. Candy Fields. Samantha Storm. Rock Johnson. The usual. Then, simply, Spike. Xander rolled his eyes. What else did he expect. Of course Spike wouldn't bother to come up with some other name. And, besides, from what he saw it seemed perfectly appropriate. Xander looked at the clock. 8:15. Still time to make it to the mall. He threw on his jacket and headed out the door, the beginnings of a plan in his mind.


"Xander, what in the world are you doing? Since when did you own a video camera?" Buffy asked as Xander slowly panned across the room.

"Since last night, don't know why, but I suddenly realised that I wanted one. Figured it would be nice to catch you all on tape doing something truly horrid. Then maybe I could have some nice blackmail material." He never took his eyes off the small screen on the side of the camera. He liked it, enjoyed the power he felt with it in his hands. The salesman had talked him into getting one slightly more expensive than he planned, but Xander had managed to avoid buying the most expensive model, thus still feeling virtuous that he hadn't gotten what he REALLY wanted.

He turned the camera on Willow and Tara. Tara immediately ducked her head while Willow just shot him an amused glance.

"Planning on making another Blair Witch parody?"

Xander grinned back. "Hey, at least our ghoulies and beasties would be real. Thought maybe we could film the Buffster slaying, you know, replay, review style and stuff like that." That had nothing to do with his reason for buying the camera, but he knew they would like the idea. And it was a good idea.

"That, that is actually a good idea, Xander." Giles said looking up from his book. A small frown crossed his face. He should have considered that years ago. He let out a sigh, realising the modern world was catching up with him once again.

"Do have them from time to time." Xander continued to film, waiting for Spike.

"So, what's going on tonight, end of the world and all that?"

Xander swallowed hard when he heard the voice, images of Spike's naked body instantly springing into his mind. He breathed deeply, grateful that he had remembered to wear his baggiest pants. Otherwise, he might have had some explaining to do. He turned and trained the camera straight on Spike. Sure enough, the vampire showed up on the screen.

"Hey, Spike, wave to the camera."

Spike just shot him a look and flipped him off. Xander continued to track Spike as the vampire moved to collapse on the couch.

"Bloody hell, what are you doing? Get that thing away from me." A low growl as Spike patted the pockets of his duster, looking for his cigarettes.

"What's the matter, camera shy?" Xander was stunned at how calm his voice was. His hands were shaking slightly and he was glad that the camera had image stabilisation.

A snort. "Not bloody likely, pet."

**Not from what I saw** Xander grinned a little as the words crossed his mind, then he closed the camera with a snap. He couldn't wait to get home and see if he was right, see if Spike did indeed show up on the tape.

A few hours and several dead vamps later, Xander stumbled into his apartment. He went immediately to the VCR, loaded the tape into the adapter and pushed it in to play, not even bothering to shed his coat. He watched as Buffy, Willow, Tara and Giles all waved, heard their words. Not too bad if he said so himself. The movement was smooth and he had framed them nicely. Knowing he was stalling, he finally hit fast forward until he saw the camera begin to spin. He hit play, his heart in his throat. Sure enough, there was Spike. For whatever reason, Spike showed up on the tape. He watched Spike flip him off, watched him sit down, heard their banter. So, Spike did show up on tape. So, that wasn't just some remarkable look and sound alike. Xander hit stop and dropped down in front of the computer. He knew that site had a search engine that would look by actor. He pulled it up, entered Spike's name and waited. His jaw dropped when he saw the results. 34 films starring or featuring Spike. His hands shook as he selected a few, reading the thumbnail sketches, looking for ones in which Spike was the featured star. Sure enough, there were 6 in which Spike seemed to be primary actor. Xander tried to ignore the fact that they were all gay porn and selected three. He placed the order before he could change his mind.

He moved back to the television, popping out his tape and putting in the other, already cued to Spike's entrance. He sat back, eyes glazing as he watched Spike set to work, already counting the minutes until the new videos would arrive.
