Brown Paper Packages

by Alexandria

Chapter Eleven

Spike sighed as he slipped the key into the lock and slowly opened the door. It had been a long, long day. First, there was the unexpected call from Angel checking up on him. For some reason Angel was back in one of his occasional “must check up on my wayward childe” phases and Spike had been forced to listen to a good twenty minutes of alternating lecturing and worrying. It was nice in an odd sort of way to know that Angel did still care, but he always chose to express that concern by turning into even more of a control freak than usual. Repeating, “Yes, Angel, I’m getting enough to eat.” “No, Angel, I’m not purposefully trying to upset Buffy.” “Yes, Angel, I know that they’ll stake me if I get on their nerves.” “No, Angel I would most decidedly not be better off in Los Angeles,” did grate on his nerves. The only good part about it was getting to hear the anger in Angel’s voice when Spike mentioned how everyone but Xander had left him to lick his own wounds after that debacle with the giant spider’s nest the previous week. There were few things more amusing then listening to Angel fume and sputter about how that little gang was treating his childe. Quite amusing. And it served Giles right to get the call that Spike knew the Watcher would get the second Spike hung up with Angel. They knew he didn’t heal as quickly now that human blood wasn’t the mainstay of his diet. But they didn’t really care. Well, Spike thought as he tossed his keys onto the kitchen table, Xander cared. But he couldn’t show that while the rest of them were around. But Xander had returned to the crypt as soon as he could, bringing blood and bandages and cursing under his breath while he tended to Spike’s wounds. It was rather sweet.

Spike shrugged out off the duster and draped it over one of the chairs at the table as he wandered into the kitchen. Then there was the visit to the Magic Box. Giles hadn’t apologised, not quite. But he had deferred to Spike as they did research to find out exactly what kind of spiders were now breeding like cockroaches. It was nice, but nerve wracking. Buffy spent most of the day glaring at Spike in that way she had whenever someone corrected her. Apparently, Giles had decided to pass the tongue lashing down to Buffy. Spike shook his head as he stretched. Buffy took being corrected nearly as well as he did. And, truth be told, he didn’t really blame Buffy for abandoning him at the crypt and taking off as quickly as she did. After all, it must have been distinctly unpleasant to be coated in that thick purple slime. It wasn’t as if Spike was the only one she abandoned. Willow and Tara were treated to only the most cursory of checks to see if they were fine when Buffy dropped them off. Still, it had been unpleasant. And it merely contributed to Spike’s foul mood.

Spike hopped onto the kitchen counter, spinning his lighter round and round. Then, to top everything else off, the damn DeSoto had a flat tire when he finally got the chance to leave to come to Xander’s. He hated changing tires, there was something just wrong about it, something annoying and demeaning at the same time. At least he always made sure to keep a spare in the trunk. Wouldn’t do to be caught without one, after all. Nothing cramped the style of a quick get away more than being stuck helpless on the side of the road. Spike shook his head sharply, watching as water droplets flew about the kitchen. To add the final grace note to this horrible day, it began to pour right in the middle of changing the tire. He was drenched to the skin in the amount of time it took for him to scream “Bugger it all” into the night air. So here he was, grumpy, wet, tired, hungry and pissed off. Spike let out another sigh as he slid off the counter and stalked across the kitchen.

“Right, mate, that’s why you’re upset. That’s what it is. It’s not that Xander’s away for that stupid conference thing. Oh no, that’s not it,” Spike muttered as pulled the refrigerator door open. “Wanker.” Spike stared into the refrigerator, not really seeing the contents. He knew damn well that the cause of his foul mood was the absence of his lover. And it drove him mad to admit that, even to himself. He thought back to the week before when Xander told him about the conference.

“Um, Spike,” Xander muttered, his face buried in the side of Spike’s neck.

“What, Xander?” Spike murmured drowsily, tilting his head back as Xander’s tongue slowly licked his flesh.

“I’m going to be gone a few days next week. There’s this thing for work, a trade show or something like that in Phoenix and, well, they’re sending me.” Xander quietly said, running a hand through Spike’s hair. “So, I’m going to be gone from Thursday night through Sunday afternoon.”

“Oh,” Spike replied quietly. “That’s, that’s great that they’re sending you, I mean, it’s a good thing, right, means that they’re giving you more responsibility and all that rot.” He tried to keep his voice upbeat, ignoring the way his stomach twisted. Four days. Xander was going to be gone for four days. They hadn’t been apart that long since they started this, this whatever it was, and Spike was stunned to find out how much the mere idea of it bothered him.

“Yeah,” Xander replied, turning onto his side so that he was looking down on Spike. His hand automatically came up and began to trace Spike’s jaw. “It’s kind of a big deal, actually.”

“That’s great, then, Xander. Are you staying somewhere nice?” Spike closed his eyes, concentrating on Xander’s touch. If he didn’t open his eyes, then Xander wouldn’t see how much the idea of being apart bothered the vampire. After all, he had no right to be so upset. And he was happy for Xander, he truly was. It was wonderful to see Xander finally start to get some respect.

“Yeah, the hotel’s supposed to be really great. Um, I was wondering, if well, I mean, you don’t have to, but, I was hoping, that, well, it’s stupid, but I would kinda like it, I mean, you can say no, but,” Xander babbled, his own gaze falling on anything but Spike’s face.

“If what, luv?” Spike propped himself up on an elbow and caught Xander’s hand, pressing a quick kiss to the back.

“If maybe you could stay here at night? I, I want to think about you here, in my bed, while I’m gone. I, just, I would like that.” Xander finally met Spike’s eyes and Spike went still at the emotions swirling in those chocolate depths.

“Of course, I will. I mean, your bed is significantly more comfortable than mine.” Spike smiled as the fear faded from Xander’s eyes. “Besides, I can go through your little video collection while you’re gone, maybe get a few ideas.” Spike laughed as Xander shoved him onto the floor, the intensity of the last few minutes fading as he yanked Xander down on top of him. Neither of them were quite willing to discuss exactly what it was that was between them. They would soon, Spike knew, he could feel it coming, but not quite yet.

Spike shook himself sharply and reached into the fridge to grab a beer. No good thinking about all that now, he told himself firmly. Xander had only been gone since mid-afternoon and it would do no good to start missing him now. Spike grabbed a beer, closed the refrigerator door then opened the freezer door. Sure enough, there were blood packets stacked in a neat pile. Spike grabbed the top one and the turned to the microwave, snagging a mug from the drain board. An eyebrow slowly raised when he saw the bright yellow note stuck to the bag.

“Eat me.”

Spike smirked at the note. So, Xander remembered their little discussion about Alice In Wonderland.

“Funny, pet.” Spike emptied the blood into the mug, placed it in to heat, then reached over to where he set his beer on the counter. A small yellow note was attached to the bottle as well and Spike chuckled as he pulled it off.

“Drink me.”

“Think I will.” Spike took a long pull from the bottle, feeling the grin dancing on his lips. It was silly and stupid and so such a Xanderlike thing to do that he couldn’t help but grin. He couldn’t help it, he found Xander’s sense of humour contagious. Xander was far wittier then he expected and this was exactly something that Xander would do. He wondered idly what other little surprises Xander left him. The microwave beeped and Spike grabbed the steaming mug. Beer in one hand and mug in the other, he headed into the living room, settling into the couch and looking forward to a night of vegetating before the television. He quickly polished off the blood, wanting to finish it before it got cold. He reached out and picked up his beer from the coffee table, noticing the video tape set there for the first time. He saw the now familiar yellow note and, curious, he held up the tape.

“Play me.”

Spike felt a low clench of anticipation coil in his stomach as he quickly turned on the television. So, Xander left him a tape. He couldn’t wait to see what was on it. He had to admit that he found his lover’s fondness for video to be a bit of a turn on. Walking in to find Xander preparing himself while watching Spike and William, well, Spike swallowed as he put the tape in the VCR, well, that may have been one of the most erotic things he would ever witness. Spike settled back into the couch, propping his feet on the low table in front of him. He grabbed the remote and hit play.

The screen went black for a few moments, then there was Xander. He was sitting on the foot of his bed and had a small grin on his face. He was wearing a dark green button down shirt and a faded pair of blue jeans. Spike leaned forward, curious as to what Xander was up to.

“Hey, Spike,” Xander said from the screen. His fingers were drumming anxiously on his thighs and he quickly licked his lips, something Spike knew he did when he was nervous. “Um, I know that, well, I’m going to miss you while I’m gone, and, I hope I’m not wrong about this, but I figure you’re going to miss me too, so I thought I would leave you a little something to, well, help, with the missing I mean.” Xander’s voice grew more confident as he spoke and a wicked gleam came to his eyes. “And you did say you wanted to watch my video collection.”

Spike leaned back, watching enthralled as Xander slowly stood, his fingers moving up to the first button on his shirt. “So, remember, you asked if I really watched those films and wished it were you?” Xander slowly undid the first button on his shirt, staring straight into the camera as he did so. “Well, I did. I would come home from work..” Xander paused as he moved to the next button, sliding that out of the hole, then dropping his fingers to the next button, “and I would come here, into my bedroom and get undressed,” another button was undone as Xander’s voice took on a low, sultry tone. Spike shifted on the couch, feeling a familiar stirring in his groin. He couldn’t take his eyes off the screen, couldn’t stop watching as Xander’s words and actions fired his passion. He couldn’t believe that Xander had done this, had stood before a camera and set out to seduce him. A low moan echoed in the living room as he shifted, his jeans becoming almost painfully tight.

“Yes, I would get undressed so slowly, just like this, dragging it out, knowing what I would be doing once I was naked,” Xander’s voice hit him like a drug, mesmerising him as those fingers so slowly, torturously unbuttoned that shirt. It was a striptease in slow motion and Spike started to whimper at the first glimpse of Xander’s chest. “Yeah, I always took my time, the anticipation was part of the fun.” Finally, finally the last button was undone and Xander shrugged the shirt off, letting it fall to the floor. Xander took a deep breath, shivering slightly, his eyes closing, then coming slowly open. Again, he looked straight into the camera. Spike could see the clear line of Xander’s erection straining against the fly of those jeans that were clinging so perfectly to Xander’s thighs. “Yeah, I would get so hard just thinking about seeing your naked body, the perfect paleness of your skin, the line of your muscles as you flexed and strained, yeah, just thinking about it would get me so hard and hot.” Spike could feel his own erection pressing against the tight fabric of his jeans, but he waited, not wanting to free himself until Xander did. He still was shocked by this, by the way Xander’s words were as seductive as that body. But it was undeniably hot. Almost unbearably hot. He slumped down a little on the couch, getting more comfortable, adjusting the angle so that his head was cradled by the cushions, making sure that he could still see the screen.

Xander’s fingers slowly traced the waistband of his jeans, his fingers caressing the fabric. “Thinking about it was hot, but watching you, gods, Spike, watching you was so much hotter.” Xander dropped his hand to the top button of his fly and Spike drew in a sharp breath. “Oh yeah, I liked watching you so much.” Spike’s hand dropped to his own lap and he matched Xander’s movements. “You are so beautiful, I don’t tell you that, I don’t know, I don’t want to treat you like a girl, but, Spike,” a low moan sounded from Xander’s lips as he undid the next button, “you are so fucking beautiful, you have no idea.” Another button then another, quicker now, almost as if Xander couldn’t hold back. Spike undid his own fly, his muscles quivering in arousal. Xander finally undid the last button, then kicked off the jeans. He stood there, naked and fully erect, a faint blush staining his cheeks. “No, Xander, you’re the beautiful one, fuck,” Spike sighed out, stopping in the middle of pushing his jeans down around his ankles. “Christ,” Spike sighed out, drinking in the vision of Xander on the screen. Was this how Xander felt watching him? If so, well, he could understand Xander’s obsession. As much as he was panting to see the rest of the tape, he could barely wait to rewind it and watch it again.

Xander slowly brought a hand up and curled it around his erection, beginning to stroke in a slow, steady pace. “After I got naked, I would go out to the couch, probably sitting right where you are now, at least that’s what I hope, and I would put in a tape and begin to watch. I would touch myself just like this.” Spike felt his own hand curling around his prick, his fist pumping in time with Xander’s. “Yeah, I would watch and stroke myself and watch you,” Xander’s voice was low and husky now and his words were punctuated by small pants. “I would watch you and I wanted it to be your hand, wanted it to be your lips, your ass, your prick shoving inside me, Spike, you have no idea,” Xander’s breath was coming in harsh gasps now as his pace picked up. “No idea. I want you to know, to understand, fuck, please touch yourself, please watch this and jerk off to me the way I jerked off to you, please, no idea how much the thought of that turns me on, fuck, Spike,” Xander’s pace was picking up and Spike matched him stroke for stroke, desperately trying to time his release to Xander’s. He was growling now, his head tossing and turning, his eyes falling shut and then snapping back open. He didn’t want to miss a second of this, didn’t want to miss a moment of watching Xander pleasure himself.

“Spike, fuck, Spike,” Xander mumbled his name over and over, his hips jerking into the rhythm. “Gonna come, come with me, please Spike, come with me, come on, come on, fuck, Spike,” Xander called as he came, his head thrown back and his eyes closed. Spike bit down sharply, holding back his own orgasm to finish watching Xander’s. Fuck, Xander was gorgeous like that, skin flushed and chest heaving. Spike held on for another second, but when Xander collapsed to his knees, panting harshly, Spike lost it. “Xander, fuck Xander,” he moaned, arching back as the sweetness of it ripped through him. He lay there, shivering slightly, trying to recover.

“Tissues are on the table you know.” Spike blinked once, then grinned. He watched as Xander staggered back to his feet, still gloriously naked. “I so hope I don’t regret this, I really hope you don’t think it was stupid, but well, yeah, guess I’ll find out when I get back, um, anyway, right yeah, well, anyway. I’m glad you’re staying there. See you when I get back.” Xander grinned, then the screen went black. Spike watched for a few seconds more, then a smile spread across his face. Well now. Spike grabbed some tissues from off the table and quickly cleaned himself off. He reached down and grabbed the remote from where it had fallen on the floor. He hit rewind, then set the remote down as he attacked the laces on his boots. Might as well get comfortable. It looked like he was in for a long night. He just hoped his hands didn’t cramp.
