Cherish The Day

by Hilary & Richess

Chapter Six

Buffy had learned so much about Spike.

“William.” She told herself. As she walked toward the Darcy’s after patrolling. Buffy opened the door to see Mr. Darcy walking through the foyer.

“Ahh Buffy you are home.” The man gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Buffy looked at him strangely before putting on an awkward smile. The sixty year old man continued to walk into the living room. He reminded her of her Grandfather who lived in Palm Springs, so he wasn’t too bad , they had no children of their own. Buffy followed him into the living room to see Elizabeth and Henry in a heated discussion which immediately stopped when the slayer walked into the room.

“Hello Buffy.” Henry Travers said as he stood.


“I think that I should leave you to talk to your Watcher.” Henry said his goodbyes and promptly left.

“So what was that all about?” Buffy asked sitting down on chair.

“Some of the council members would like to know more about the future events of the Slayer and things in general. At the Council we are trying to decide what to do.”

“Oh. Well maybe I could tell you stuff about the Slayers, but what else? There is so much to know about history. Well, I guess futurey now!” Buffy smiled.

“Yes but there is something else. They want to know about the vampire. The one that saved you. Your relationship with him, and since he is from this time… the council believes that you should . . . . not prevent his turning.”

“What?” Buffy asked calmly.

“They believe that if you stop his turning that the future might be changed.”

“It’s already changed with me being here.”

“Yes but . . . . Well the future that you’ve vaguely described to us does not seem like a bad place but . . . I don’t agree with the other Council members.” Elizabeth replied softly.

“Good, because I’m going to kill demons and not bother with Council instructions. I didn’t listen to them, *then* and I'm not going to now.”

Elizabeth listened to the contempt in her voice. “Why don’t you tell me all about your time as a slayer and then I’ll tell the Council what should done?”


“So if we allow this man to be turned into a vampire he will kill two slayers. One in 1900 and in 1977.” Elizabeth said to the Chairman.

“Well that changes things. We shall let this slayer do what she deems best. I do not want to alienate her. Having two slayers is a blessing, but you will keep a eye on Ms. Summers and Mr. Kingston. That is all.” His voice droned.


Buffy wandered into the library and soon found William pouring over a pile of books. He looked up when he heard footsteps and she smiled at him.

"Hey." Buffy greeted as she sat down opposite him. William smiled and felt his cheeks flush red. Despite all the time they had spent together he still found himself feeling nervous around her. There was something about her manner and confidence, which made him feel like a nervous, clumsy fool.

"Hello Buffy." He smiled shyly.

"What are you doing after you finish work tonight?" Buffy asked.

William's eyes widened and his mouth opened. He had to remind himself to breathe or he probably would have fainted on the spot.

"Well...I...that is...mother will be expecting me." He stammered, feeling his face flush redder than it ever had before.

"It's just that I have the night off and I was thinking we could maybe go out and do something." Buffy couldn't help but think how adorable he looked when he blushed.

"I don't know..."

"Oh, come on." Buffy urged. "It'll be fun. I'm sure your mom won't mind. I'll even let you choose where we go."

William thought about it for a moment, sighed and then smiled. "Very well."

"Great." Buffy beamed. "I'll meet you here after you finish and walk you home."


"I'll leave you to it then. See you later Will."

As he watched her leave the library it occurred to William that she had just called him Will. No one used the shortened version of his name, yet somehow it sounded right coming from her. With a small smile he went back to his translating.


The Slayer came back an hour later still bored out of her mind. William stopped writing when she walked through the library doors. Her golden blond hair fluttering around her face. A slight smile on her face radiated her aura in volumes. William was fascinated that this beauty before him killed creatures of the night. After Buffy’s tale of hunting demons, William had sneaked into the back library stacks and found volumes of books on the female warriors called slayers. He was even more impressed that someone like Buffy commanded that power and yet there was nothing overpowering or threatening about her. William looked back down as he began to scrawl the last words that popped into his head.

"What's this?" Buffy asked as she perched on the end of the table, waiting for William to finish what he was doing. His eyes went wide with horror as she picked up the piece of paper.

"Buffy, don't. It's nothing." She glanced down at the paper and smiled at the words she saw written.

Her beauty radiates.
Like the sun on a summer’s day.
Her smile could warm the coldest regions.
She fills my heart and makes me whole.

Buffy looked up from the paper at William who was blushing furiously.

"You wrote this?" She asked with a smile, trying to imagine Spike, the Big Bad, as a poet.

"Well...I...yes, I did."

"Poetry was one of my favourite classes in school." She said sadly, thinking of the life she had been forced to leave behind. After a moment she collected herself. She had to accept that she was here to stay and stop brooding about it. At the rate she was going, she'd be able to give Angel a run for his money. "Who did you write it about?"

"No one." William hastily replied. "Well...what I mean is..."

"I'm sorry." Buffy interrupted. "I shouldn't be butting into your private life. I'll go and wait in the training room and you can come and get me when you're ready."

"There's no need for you to go."

"It's ok, I could do with a quick workout anyway. I'll see you in a bit." She walked towards the door and turned back to William. "Whoever your ‘no one’ is, she must be someone very special."

"She is." William said quietly as Buffy walked out of the door. "Very special."


"Buffy, dear, you look lovely." Smiled Mrs. Kingston as Buffy stepped into the house. Buffy was dressed in one of the dresses Elizabeth had bought her, a pale yellow one that reached the floor.

"Thank you." Buffy smiled. "Although I have no idea where your son is taking me. I hope I'm dressed ok."

At that moment William stepped into the room, wearing light brown trousers and jacket with a white shirt. His jaw dropped when he saw her.

" I mean is...I…"

"Spit it out, boy." Said his mother. "Haven't I taught you that it's rude to keep a lady waiting for a compliment?"

"You look beautiful." He finally managed to stammer.

"Thanks." Buffy replied. "You don't look half bad yourself. Are you going to tell me where we're going now?"

"Well, there's a dance in the Assembly Rooms...I thought if you wanted to...maybe..."

"I'd love to." Buffy smiled.

William returned the smile and went to open the front door. Mrs. Kingston pulled Buffy to one side.

"If that dreadful Cecily girl is there, try and keep my son away from her." She whispered.

Buffy nodded, trying her best to push back the twinge of jealousy she felt at the mention of Cecily's name.

"I'll do my best."

Mrs. Kingston patted her cheek. "You're a good girl. Off you go then, and have an enjoyable evening."

Buffy walked back over to William and took the arm he offered her. She looked back over her shoulder.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Kingston."

"Goodnight, dear."


The dance had already started when Buffy and William arrived. William escorted her to a free table and went to get some drinks while she sat down. He soon returned and handed her a glass of fruit punch. Buffy sipped it and sighed with contentment as the fruit and spices warmed her. If there was one thing she didn't think she was ever going to get used to, it was the cold.

Buffy looked around at the couples dancing and was amazed at all the complicated steps that were involved.

"How do you guys learn how to dance like that?" She asked William in awe.

"It's part of schooling here. Those who can afford it go to Finishing School and part of that is learning etiquette such as how to dance."

"Can you do it?" Buffy asked with a grin.

"I know the steps, but I rarely dance."

Buffy stood up and held out her hand.

"What?" William asked with confusion.

"I want you to teach me." Buffy replied.

His face went white. "Oh, no. I can't."

"Sure you can. Come on." She took his hand and pulled him to his feet. As she was leading him to the dance floor a young man of about William’s age stopped them.

"William, you sly dog. Aren't you going to introduce me to your delightful companion?"

"George, this is Miss Summers. Buffy, this is Mr. George Knightly."

He took her hand and kissed it. "Enchanted. Perhaps I can rustle you away from William for a dance later on."

Buffy noticed William’s discomfort at George’s interest in her. The handsome brunette leered at the slayer shamelessly in front of William.

"Maybe." Buffy said dryly. "I rarely dance."

"That's a pity, but when you get bored of the ‘Translator’ you can come and look for me" George replied with a wink before spotting someone else he needed to talk to and disappearing into the crowd.

William hung his head low, not daring to look up at Buffy.

“If you would have rathered.....”His voice trailed off, “You know, gone off with George.”

"Oh God NO!! He's creepy." Said Buffy.

"Yes, he's one of the most infamous womanizers in the whole of London." William replied. “Many women are quite taken...”

"Well, never mind him, let's dance."

"Buffy I really don't think this is such a good idea." He protested.

"Don't be silly. Now, what do I do?"

Buffy looked around at the other couples on the dance floor and copied their posture. She took William's hand and wrapped it around her waist. She then wrapped one of her arms around his and took his hand with the other.

"Something like this?"

William felt as though his whole face was on fire but he managed a nod.

"Good. Now what?" Buffy asked.

William had to think. It had been so long since he'd danced with anyone that he could barely remember what to do. Plus he was so nervous, he could barely think straight. He glanced around him and saw that this dance was one of the first dances he had learned.

A little shakily at first he began to lead Buffy in the dance. She was a fast learner and soon picked up the steps. By the time the first one had finished they were in full flow. Halfway through the second dance the people around them began to whisper, asking each other who William's mysterious partner was. No one had seen her before or seemed to know where she came from. Buffy and William were completely oblivious to this, their eyes were fixed on each other and they continued to dance.

They spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms, dancing and talking about everything and nothing. When the evening finally ended, they were both a little disappointed but knew there would be another like it soon.


"I had fun tonight." Said Buffy as they stood on William's doorstep. "Thank you for teaching me to dance."

"It was my pleasure." William replied. "I had forgotten how enjoyable dancing was."

"We'll have to do it again sometime."

"Tomorrow?" William asked hopefully. Buffy laughed.

"Sure, why not." She leant up and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Goodnight, Will." She whispered softly before disappearing into the night. William stood there, unable to move. Finally he reached up his hand, touched his lips and smiled. She had kissed him.


"What's this place?" Buffy asked as they walked through London the next night, looking for somewhere to go. They had stopped outside a small building with a sign outside reading 'The Kings Arms'.

"A tavern." William explained. "Not a very respectable establishment."

"I want to go inside." Said Buffy with an excited smile.

William shook his head. "This is not the sort of place a gentleman takes a lady."

"I'm not a lady." Said Buffy as she grabbed his hand. "Besides, I want to see all aspects of life in this time. We'll only stay for one drink, I promise."

Before he could protest, she dragged him inside and found them a table. The serving girl placed two large mugs of beer on the table before winking at William and disappearing into the crowd

Trying to forget the cave girl experience she had the last time she'd drank beer, Buffy sipped it slowly. William watched the other men downing their beers in one go and decided to follow suit. There was no way he was going to look like anything less than a man in front of Buffy. Taking a deep breath he picked up his beer and gulped it down.

Buffy watched in amazement as he downed his beer.

"Take it easy." She warned, but he paid no attention. When the glass was empty he sat back, trying to ignore the fuzzy sensation in his head.

"That's an unusual taste." He said, his voice slightly slurred.

Buffy suddenly regretted bringing him in here.

"Maybe we should go." She suggested.

Suddenly a man stumbled over to their table, glared at William and leered down at Buffy.

"What's a delicacy like you doing with him?" He grabbed hold of her arm. "Why don't you let me show you what a REAL man can do for you."

"Let go of me." Buffy said softly but coldly.

William climbed to his feet, waited for the dizziness to pass and glared at the man. "You heard the lady. Let go of her or...or..."

The man laughed. "You'll do what?"

"I'll do something you will regret."

This just raised more laughter and the man tightened his grip on Buffy's arm, causing her to tense up.

"Very well." Said William. "You have insulted my lady friend and me. I challenge you to a duel."

More laughter.

"A duel? This isn't some snooty upper class place, but seeing as it's you, I'll take you outside and beat some sense into you."

William nodded. "Whatever the means, honour must be satisfied. Shall we?"

As the two of them walked outside, a cheer filled the tavern and everyone ran out to watch. Buffy ran over to William and caught hold of his arm.

"Will, this is crazy." She hissed. He took off his glasses and handed them to her.

"I won't let him get away with talking to you like that." He rolled up his sleeves and took a step forward.

The other man had finished preparing himself and looked over his shoulder, grinning at the crowd.

"This'll be over in a second." William used the distraction and put all his strength into a punch to the man's jaw. The blow spun him around and sent him to the floor where he lay, unconscious. William looked shocked for a second and then stood proud.

"Well guessed." He said before walking back over to Buffy. She looked just as stunned as the rest of the crowd. For that split second when he had punched the guy, she had seen Spike.


She breathed as she handed him his glasses. "That"

William smiled, ignoring the pain in his hand.

"Are you ready to go now?"

Buffy nodded, he wrapped his arm around her and the two of them walked back towards his house. Same as the night before, they stopped on his doorstep. He reached up his hand and brushed her cheek, she gasped. "Will, your hand."

He looked down and saw that his knuckles were red and already starting to swell and bruise. Buffy opened the door and pulled him inside. He sat down and she went into the kitchen to look for something to put on his hand to reduce the swelling. Of course this was 1880 so there was no way of keeping ice in the house. Buffy settled for soaking a rag in cold water. She walked back into the living room and smiled at what she saw.

William had removed his jacket and tie and was sitting fast asleep in the armchair. She walked over and wrapped the damp cloth around his hand. He didn't even stir. She picked up his jacket and placed it over him to keep him warm.

"My hero." She whispered before kissing him and leaving for home.


For the next few weeks William and Buffy were inseparable, they went out together every night. Sometimes they went dancing, or out to dinner, or to the theatre. It didn't matter what they did as long as they were together. One night it struck Buffy, she was falling in love with him, and she was pretty sure he felt the same.

The slayer sat down in the hard wooden chair and slammed the thick book closed and stretched herself.

They had been sitting in the library researching the latest demon reeking havoc on the street of London. Buffy , Elizabeth and William had wasted most of their day looking for this ‘Croec’ demon but not much was written about it in any book. It’s powers and weakness were virtually unknown.

“This is tiresome.” William sighed” Did you have to do this often?”

“Well I had my friends....”


“No it’s ok. It’s getting a bit easier.”

Buffy watched he loosened his tie and continued to read. Then he stretched and fix his glasses and sighed.

Buffy stood up and grabbed another book.

“I am not helping am I?” He sighed as Buffy stood behind and set down a book next to him. Suddenly her slim fingers began to gently kneed into his sore shoulder muscles. He moaned slightly and then straightened up quickly trying to enjoy the relaxing sensation that she was providing.

“Just sit.” Buffy whispered into his ear.

“But, but....”

“Shush.” Buffy commanded.

The Slayer continued to work her magic until William grabbed her hand. “Research!”

Buffy looked at him, his voice sounded strong and confident like Spike’s.

“We must do this, because I don’t want anything else to happen to you.” He guided Buffy toward the chair next to him and kissed her fingers. “Research.” He repeated with a slightly apologetic smile.

