Chocolate Covered Vampire

By Angel Jade

Xander stood outside Spike's crypt, shoving a bag of shopping into his rucksack whilst grinning to himself.

It was all Spike's fault really. I mean, if you think about it, there was no way Xander would have allowed himself to get like this without the persuasion of a certain handsome vampire.

But now all Xander could do was think about new ways to surprise and out kink the master of kinky sex.

This wasn't exactly original…but he hoped he'd at least get raised eyebrows from the undead one.

He was about to knock on the door, when it opened and Spike stood there, cocky smirk on his face, no shirt and barely any pants. "Coming in pet, or you wanna do it outside today?"

Xander cocked his head, equally as cocky. "Nah…got something way better!"

Spike snorted. "Do your best."

"I'll out kink you." Xander said, confidently. "I know your weakness."

"No you don't mate. Trust me you don't." Spike grinned.

Xander smiled coyly, causing Spike to frown slightly.


"I didn't say anything." Xander smiled.

"You looked at me funny." Spike accused.

"Would I?"

"What you got planned?" Spike asked.

"That…would be telling." Xander smirked.

"Okay…you play it like that…but next time I'm going all out." Spike threatened.

Xander just laughed.

Spike followed the boy as he walked around the crypt. "So…what's it to be then?"

"Strip." Xander said, his voice full of amusement.

"Bloody hell, you could say please!" Spike moaned, undressing anyway.

Xander watched his lover undress, not moving.

Spike just smirked back, not at all embarrassed…he was used to it…he could tell some stories about Angelus…

But this really wasn't the time.

Xander waited until Spike was undressed, before gently pushing the vampire backwards until he fell onto the bed. Spike grinned, as Xander straddled him, still fully clothed.

"Uh…Pet? We kinda need to be naked to have fun, ya know." Spike pointed out.

Xander simply leaned over and ran his hands up Spike's sides, up to his arms, gently pushing Spike's arms above his head.

It took a while for Spike to catch on. He only realised when Xander brought out the handcuffs and cuffed him to the bed.

Spike laughed. "Nice try Pet, but you're forgetting the whole vamp strength thing…" Spike teased.

Xander simply smirked back. "Did I?"

Spike pulled against the handcuffs, a smug look already in place. It faded the moment he realised what Xander had had done. "You didn't…"

Xander nodded, with fake sympathy. "Me and Angel had a little chat."

Spike was really unimpressed now. "You what?"

"Well, I hate losing…you know that. And quite frankly, I had no idea how to out kink you."

"You didn't…" Spike repeated, Xander's words washing over him. "Tell me you didn't…"

Xander chuckled. "It wasn't all that bad…I think I gave him months worth of wank material…he seemed quite happy to help me out. Something about hot pokers?"

Spike groaned. "Bastard."

"Now, now…" Xander chastised. "Don't be like that…Angel said you'd enjoy this."

"Angel's a pouf!" Spike said.

"And you aren't?" Xander frowned, amusedly.

"Xander…Pet…Angel was lying…don't like this…not at all. I'm on top, you know that." Spike said.

Xander simply laughed. "Me and Angel got on quite well. He told me some great stories."

Spike was a little pissed now. "What do you mean you got on quite well?"

"Calm down…we didn't do anything. We just had a little chat." Xander grinned.

"He isn't here is he?" Spike asked, a horrified look on his face.

"You think I'd share you with anyone?" Xander asked. "Not today, anyway."

Spike looked up at Xander, an amused look back on his face. "You haven't got it in you."

"To what? Whip, beat and fuck you? No…probably not. But then again, I do plan on doing things my way." Xander said, grabbing his bag from the side.

"What you got in there?" Spike asked, slightly nervous. He hadn't seen this side of Xander and as much as he hated to admit it, it was making him horny as hell. Whatever Angel had told Xander, Spike would have to remember to thank him for it.

Xander pulled out a tub of body chocolate and a bag of marshmallows.

Spike laughed. "What you gonna do with those?"

"You'll have to see." Xander said, cryptically.

"You never fail to amaze me, luv." Spike said, affectionately.

"You ain't seen nothing yet." Xander said, pulling his top over his head and tossing it to the side.

Now it was Spike's turn to watch.

Xander moved back, off Spike's hips, so he could remove his own pants. He saw Spike's painfully obvious erection and cocked his head. "So soon? You better hope I let you come tonight."

Spike shook his head laughing. "You're not gonna intimidate me. You're human. You're Xander Harris…no way you'll ever be the dom."

Xander snickered to himself. "I'm not the one in handcuffs."

"Not yet." Spike muttered to himself.

Xander dropped his pants; enjoying the slight lust in Spike's eyes as the vampire realised Xander was wearing no underwear.

Naked and on a high, Xander undid the pot of chocolate body paint and began to apply it gently to Spike's cock.

The vampire moaned, the soft touch more torturous than pain. "Xander…stop messing around and fuck me."

Xander smiled. "You'll like this…trust me."

Spike could have killed Xander for teasing him like that…and making him look like he was shagging a pot of melted chocolate didn't help. He was about to object again, before Xander lowered his mouth down onto Spike's chocolate covered cock.

The vampire moaned as Xander slowly ran his tongue down the shaft, from the tip to the base, licking off the chocolate with deliberate meticulous detail. Xander continued until he'd cleaned Spike's cock, completely before taking in the whole length, deepthroating it.

Spike came with a relived cry into Xander's mouth.

"Fuck Xander! You weren't joking." Spike grinned. "Now uncuff me so I can fuck your brains out."

Xander smirked. "We're far from over, Spike. So if I were you, I'd lie back and enjoy the ride…"


Xander leaned over Spike, teasing the vampire's nipple with his teeth. Spike arched his back with intensified pleasure, wishing he had his hands to pull Xander's mouth to his. Hell, if he had his hands, this would be going a lot faster.

But Spike had to admit, Xander's way was all kinds of fun. He'd never been this horny…

"Angel said you like it on the bottom." Xander teased. "It'd make it more fun for you, but this is kinda new to me."

"No, pet. This is perfect." Spike said, honestly, appreciating Xander's efforts to find out what he liked.

Xander smiled. "Good, because I have a little present for you, turn over."

"Can't…" Spike moaned, trying to do it, but getting his hands twisted in the cuffs.

Xander raised his eyebrow. "I'm not falling for that." He leaned over and straightened them out simply. "They're not coming off until I get off."

Spike smirked. "I'm a bad influence on you."

"I noticed." Xander replied, helping Spike to get comfortable. "Now, Angel advised me to do it without lube…but that was directly after explaining how you chained him up and had him tortured, so I think maybe he was lying."

"That's my boy, glad you got some sense." Spike grinned. "Angel's a tosser."

"I wouldn't say that Spike, after all, I did invite him down to…join in some time." Xander smiled, grabbing the pot of melted chocolate from the side and applying the last of it to Spike's ass.

Spike wanted to have a go at the boy, but it was very hard to do when he had a finger jammed up his ass and the thought of Angel joining in only making him harder. "Uh…Xander…don't you think that'll be a little sticky?" Spike asked when the smell hit his nose.

"Don't worry, I'll help clean up afterwards." Xander said, grinning as he brought his finger out.

Spike went to reply, but his voice caught in his throat as Xander started rimming him. He gasped at the feeling building inside him and clawed at the sheets, the handcuffs yanking at his wrists.

"Fuck Xander!" He groaned. "Gonna come…need you in me now."

Xander quickly finished what he was doing and thrust into Spike, the chocolate acting as a great lube for his fully erect cock. Spike was practically screaming as Xander fucked him into the mattress, his hands exploring Spike's bare back. "Fuck, yeah." Xander moaned. "This is so good."

Xander gasped as he came into Spike and he flopped down on top of his lover.

"Thinking maybe I should send Angel a little thank you card." Spike joked.

Xander giggled between deep breaths. "No need, he's waiting for a call so he can come play too."

"That was amazing pet." Spike whispered, wishing he wasn't bound to the bed so he could show his affection. Xander reached over and undid then, realising the vampire's intentions.

Spike managed to move himself and Xander so they lay together, his arm draped over the boy. He captured his lips with a kiss, as gentle as Xander had been with him.

"Did I win?" Xander asked hopefully.

"Think we both bloody did." Spike laughed.

"You know what I mean!" Xander said, hitting Spike playfully.

"We'll know when it's over."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you think I'm gonna let you have the last word? Next time is my turn." Spike grinned. "And I already know what I'm gonna do."

Xander gulped slightly, "Oh yeah?"

"Just one question, Pet." Spike said, seriously. "What were the marshmallows for?"

Xander grinned and leaned over to get them. With the pack, he pulled out a jar of hot chocolate and ran over to Spike's kettle.

Spike laughed. "You know me too well."

"Look in the bag, got you a pick of cigarettes too." Xander said, as he made the drinks.

"Fuckin' heaven. Hot chocolate with marshmallows, fags, you…and handcuffs." Spike grinned. "What more could a guy need?"

"A threesome would be nice." Angel said, leaning against the door.

