Coming Home

by Bestrafe Mich

Xander dragged his feet, forcing himself up the last few steps to his front door. It was almost more effort than it was worth to dig in his pockets for the keys, to lift them to the locks and force them to turn. He rested his forehead against the cool wood, one hand next to his head, the other resting on the handle. He stayed there for a few minutes, gathering himself, forcing the pain and bone-deep weariness back.

Finally, he turned the handle and stepped into the dark apartment. He quietly shut the door behind him, making sure to slide the locks in place. He liked to pretend that doing so would keep the world out, keep the shit he had to put up with every day from invading the precious few hours he had away from responsibilities and obligations and duties. To reinforce that illusion, he toed off his shoes and padded into the kitchen to disconnect the phone.

That done, he turned and slowly made his way to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes in his wake. He entered and closed the door and let his eyes adjust to the darkness. When he was able to make out the vague outlines of furniture, he carefully made his way deeper into the room. When he reached the bed along the far wall, he stood and studied the figure sleeping in the centre of the mattress, curled around his pillow, sheets kicked off exposing pale flesh.

//He's just so cute.//

Xander continued to stare, unable to bring himself to move, mood lifting with love and adoration for the man wearing a pair of sweats that had to be Xander's, considering the fact that they had almost come completely off as Spike had turned in his sleep.

He continued to study the blonde as he woke up, blinking sleepily and looking around in confusion. A disoriented and confused Spike was a heart-melting sight. As blue eyes slowly focused on him, he had to smile softly. "Hey," he whispered.

"Xan?" Spike yawned a little and rubbed at his eyes, glancing at the clock on the little table next to the bed. "What're you doin' home s'early?"

"Bad day."

His remaining weariness drained from him at the small understanding smile his lover gave him. He smiled back when Spike un-wrapped his arms from the pillow and held them up in invitation.


Xander climbed and snuggled down into the welcoming embrace, returning it with easy affection. "Missed you." He smiled again at the light kiss brushed against his temple and the arms holding him pulling him closer to Spike's body. He sighed in contentment and quickly followed his lover into sleep.
