
By Binzey

Thousands of muddled thoughts rushed through Xander's brain like a speeding car through heavy traffic. As soon as he had formed a coherent thought it crashed directly into another causing a muddled mess. A muddled mess that he could neither make sense of or try and speak.

He was well and truly drunk.

A quick glance to his right also proved that his drinking partner was just as bad as he was. If by the way the blonde still had his mouth open in silent shock was any indication to go by.

The angry face above him blurred in and out of focus and he found himself not able to stop his right hand from reaching up into the air. His arm felt heavy but it moved of its own accord, only stopping when it became fully stretched.

His arm trembled as he tried to keep it still, but the more he tried, the more it trembled. In the end he stopped trying as he grew unimpressed with his limbs ability to function properly.

The angry woman that stood above him, hands on hips, looked unimpressed too and it was at that moment that he realised that he hadn't even given a reply yet.

Giving his best imitation of his goofy grin-which at that moment wasn't very hard to do due to his drunken state, he wiggled his fingers slowly and deliberately. "Hi" he spoke drunkenly before hiccuping loudly.

In a state of shock, Xander's eyes widened and his left hand clamped over his mouth to try and contain the loud and sudden sounds coming from him. When he hiccuped again, he quickly smacked his right hand over his left. The sound of flesh hitting flesh was loud to his ears but he didn't care as he hiccuped again. Eyes widening further he looked around for help.

It was only when he heard a loud giggle from beside him he turned his attention back to his surroundings. He could here the music very loudly-its constant Bomb! Bomb! Bomb! Made his body vibrate in time to the beat. He could also hear people talking-both loudly and quietly, under that he could hear the sound of a cue hitting a ball where people played Pool and the sound of drinks being poured and served. But even quieter than that was the sound of a foot tapping the floor repeatedly.

He wanted to tell the owner of the foot tapping to stop it but decided against it as it would guarantee to make the situation much worse.

The sound of giggling coming from the blonde hared vampire made him scowl, turning his head to the right and away from the woman above him, he glared at the vampire. Blood-shot brown eyes met glistening blue but Spike continued to laugh at Xander's expense. Knowing that there was only one way to shut him up Xander hit the blonde across the head.

It was now Spike's turn to be shocked. Blue eyes widened in disbelief before a flash of hurt passed through them. The dark hared mortal immediately felt guilty for hitting him but reminded himself that if Spike continued to laugh he would probably end up being staked and Xander didn't want that.
He was still about to say sorry when a very loud voice cut him off.

"What have you got to say for yourself Alexander Lavelle Harris?" Buffy fumed as she tossed her light blonde hair over her shoulders and continued to glare at her friend. "What's gotten into you? Your drunk with Spike . . ." She gestured wildly with her hands before continuing " And why is he untied?"

The last statement caused a few strange looks from the people around them. If they weren't already staring they would have been now. A few pointed towards them and whispered quietly to each other.

Xander didn't know what to say, every time he opened his mouth to speak, one look at Buffy convinced him that what he was about to say would only make it worse. He knew what Buffy wanted to hear but there was no way he was going to say he was sorry when he wasn't. Opening his mouth to speak he once again decided against it.

Another giggle made him scowl at Spike, who once seeing Xander's glare decided to shut up. Clasping his right hand over his mouth, he stared at theangry slayer above him. The Vampire unhappily decided to remain silent for Xander's benefit, plus he also wanted to see how the Whelp would handle the situation.

"Well?" Buffy demanded again.

Xander tried to think of something to say, but once again he couldn't think of anything to try and calm the situation. So instead, he said the first word that entered his head the moment he had saw her. "Oops!"

To Be Continued…