
By Acid Raine

"I don't see why I have to be tied up," he glowered at me.

His icy blue eyes had me frozen for a minute. I ran my tongue over my lips which were suddenly oh so dry. "It's just while I'm sleeping," I said, reluctantly leaving the vampire to turn out the lights.

"'s if I'd bite you anyway!" he exclaimed.

My heart fell. I turned back to him. "Oh you would."

"Not bloody likely!"

Truthfully, I had only tied him up to get that close to him. It meant so much, hand slipping slightly to touch his arm or his hand. Any small contact sent shivers down my spine. And besides, who's never wanted to live out the fantasy of tying a really sexy guy to a bed? Chair, fine whatever!

I reached over, turning the off the light and said, "I happen to be very biteable pal. I'm moist and delicious."

"Alright yeah fine, you're a *nummy treat*."

"And don't you forget it."

It was another one of those nights. Restless, hot, muggy. I didn't know if he was sleeping or awake. Hard to control the blood which seemed to have taken up permanent residence in my cock since he moved in with me. Granted that was a whole six hours ago, but that's quite a while to keep yourself under control.

I looked over to the vampire. He was there, eyes closed, perfectly still. No comforting rise and fall of the chest to tell me if he was awake. He looked so.....helpless. And he *was* helpless really. If I wanted to go over there and rip his clothes off, suck his cock until he screamed......there was nothing he could do about it. I shivered involuntarily, disturbed about how hot the thought of raping him got me.

No way, that would be wrong, wouldn't it? Maybe a mass murderer had it coming....I pushed the thought out of my head in disgust. Losing morals much?

I fell asleep, it was fitful. The scent of him carried over into my dreams. He was kissing me, touching me. His hands were creeping gently under my shirt, teasing my nipples. I moaned. He whispered that it was alright. That he wanted me too and that this had to happen. He reached down, hands dipping under my boxers, taking my cock in his hands. He stroked me gently, teasing me, still whispering in my ear.

I woke up moaning his name, touching myself. Then, after a pause, I shot up in bed. Had he heard me??

I looked frantically over at the vampire, trying to judge whether or not he was awake. "Spike?" I said it, but the words didn't come out. "Spike??" Louder this time, or at least I tried.

I jumped out of bed. I forgot about how hard I was in a total panic. I jumped over to him and kicked him in the side. He woke up, his mouth moving frantically, probably spewing every British-irritated word that existed at me, but nothing came out.

What the Hell was going on?

I grabbed the phone and called Buffy before I realised how moronic it was. Someone picked up but there was no voice. I hung up with frustration.

He was looking at me. The corner up his mouth was turned up in an undisguised sneer. I swear my blood started to boil. He didn't have the right to make me feel like this! It didn't bother me that my friends ignore me and only talk about me when they need a laugh, but Spike? The de- fanged vampire with an attitude? The one I wanted to fuck deaf, blind and senseless? No way. Not fair.

He gave me a startled look. I doubt I'd ever glared that hard in my life. Wow I actually surprised Spike, maybe he was a little nervous now. But then his wary look turned to one of amusement. His gaze was focused on the monster attempting to free itself from my pants.

Suddenly he started laughing. It was a strange, that soundless laugh, there was only the sound of the chair shifting as he moved to rest him head on his fist.

"That's it!!" I screamed it but of course it didn't come out.

I started advancing on him and his grin faded rather quickly. The look of grim satisfaction on my face must have freaked him out even more because he started struggling almost wildly against his bonds. I came up in front of him and put my hands firmly on his arms, all but pinning him to the chair. He couldn't move, and he couldn't even make a sound. I couldn't believe I was doing this! This wasn't me, this was.... I climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. The leer on my face was far from my own. If I had been thinking, the frightened look in the vampire's eyes would have put me off. I was scaring *Spike*?? But at that point, I was just amused.

I pressed my cock into him, his eyes widened when he felt how hard it was. "You feel that baby? That's for you, it's always been for you."

There's something about not being able to talk that makes you say the darndest things.

I put my hand on his cheek, he flinched away from me. I laughed and grinned at him savagely before descending on his mouth. The kiss was bruising and claiming. I forced entry into his mouth and explored him with my tongue. I felt a tremor go through him, but this was different from the last one. I broke the kiss and looked into his lust-filled eyes. God I didn't think my cock could get any harder! I kissed him again, this time with even less abandon. And this time he kissed me back. Our tongues fought for dominance. I let him win, I let him plunder my mouth.

I moaned and soundless moan. He started to struggle under me. I pulled away in confusion. He looked at me angrily and hit the chair arm in frustration, then made a pointed gesture towards the bed with his head. My eyes widened as comprehension came to me. He smiled an evil smile. There was no way I was going to win this but suddenly, that didn't matter in the least.

I jumped off the chair almost reluctantly and struggled to untie him. Luckily, the night before I was been more concerned with fleeting touches than with knots that would hold. As soon as the ropes were loose he was on top of me, forcing me to the bed.

I fell backwards and he came with me, on top of me, kissing me, pressing his erection against mine. The only sound in the room was my ragged breathing as we continued to battle with our mouths.

He broke the kiss and trailed his lips down my cheek, arriving at my neck and began to suck slowly, driving me crazy. I pushed his head harder again my neck craving more. Taking the incentive, he grazed my neck with his teeth causing me to buck up and yell. "More, Spike please!" All that came out was a pathetic wheezing sound.

The smile he gave me was evil. He mouthed something which looked a lot like, "I could really get to enjoy this." Then he kissed me again, but this time it was gentle. *Way* too gentle.

I tried to grab him but he had effectively pinned my arms underneath me, so I was forced to succumb to his cruel torture. He ran his cold hands lazily down the sides of my neck, giving me a slow massage. He moved down my shoulders and his hands dipped under my shirt, touching that skin that was growing *way* too hot.

I nibbled on his bottom lip gently, sending an approving shudder down his body. Moved my head, trying to get access to his neck which he granted without hesitation. I kissed a wet trail down his neck. "Want you, need you," I moved my lips against his neck, hoping to convey the meaning of the words I couldn't say through actions.

He moved to kiss me again and then finally, fucking finally, he ran his hands down over my chest and then back up, under my shirt, pulling it off. He took one of my nipples into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue until it was tight and hard. I was glad he couldn't hear me whimpering. He moved to do the same to the other one and I bucked up involuntarily. He pushed me back down to the bed with a firm hand and gave me an evil smile that just screamed "this is what you get"! I whimpered soundlessly again, totally helpless.

He moved slowly down my torso, leaving a trail of angel-light kisses in his wake. I thought my heart might have stopped when he tore off my boxers with one swift movement. His mouth descended slowly. My hands were free now but I was too far gone to do anything. Then suddenly he started to lick and kiss and massage, concentrating his efforts on every area of my thighs except the part that needed it the most. I would have screamed in frustration and in pleasure but I couldn't. And he knew it.

Bastard. The anger overcame me again and I managed to regain the use of my arms, grabbing him and flipping him over so that I was on top of him. His look was startled but it was mixed with amusement. And oh yeah, lust. God, *Spike* wanted me! The sarcastic British master vampire actually wanted me!

I lost it completely as I took his mouth again. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back almost passionately. I broke the contact for just as much time as it took to pull his shirt over his head and then I was back on him. Kissing, biting, taking. Finally skin-to-skin, my sweat made both out bodies slick. I moved to his neck sucking hard, tasting him. I knew he was moaning even if I couldn't hear it. I smiled at that, moved down to lick and bite at his shoulders. God he tasted good! I couldn't believe I was touching him, I'd fantasised about it was so long.

His skin was soft and silky and oh-so-cold. God I wanted him, wanted to fuck him, to be inside him and claim him.

I knew it wouldn't happen and I was right. Spike had other ideas.

He took advantage of my pause to reverse our positions again, straddling me. His jeans chaffed my torso, I wanted to rip them off him so bad! I scratched my nails down his thigh and tried to give him a pleading look. He leered at me and shook his head. Fuck he was enjoying torturing me *way* too much. Not that I wasn't enjoying it too.

I gave in, massaging my hands up and down his jean-clad thighs, waiting for him to make the next move. He leaned down and gave me a gentle kiss, and then in one swift movement, he was down my body and lying with his face *way* too close to my cock. He couldn't hear me whimpering and pleading for more. I couldn't hear him laughing. It was a pretty sweet deal. Finally, he decided I'd suffered enough and he ran his tongue up the length of my cock so slowly that the tremors started again.

I ran my fingers through his hair, trying hard not to force him down. He teased the head of my cock, moving his tongue around in lazy circles, I was so close I thought I would come right there. Then suddenly he took me all in. I thrust upwards, almost out of surprise, and again he forced me back down. He held me there, completely immobile while he sucked and licked and bit. God! Anya doesn't have a fucking clue what she's doing! Finally I shot into his mouth, the scream I let out would have rocked the house. I closed my eyes, almost unconscious. I was trembling slightly.

Then suddenly I was rudely grabbed, flipped over onto my stomach and pulled to my knees. I let out another whimper. I'd never pictured this scenario like this. I would never admit it to Spike but I was terrified. Would he be able to hurt me even with the chip? I must have been trembling because he started to rub my back soothingly until I relaxed. Slightly.

And then the finger was there, seeking entry and I forgot all my fears, not to mention everything else. My mind was a void concentrating on that one space where Spike pushed past that tight ring and was inside me. I couldn't believe how good it felt. He moved his finger slowly back and forth, I grabbed handfuls of the sheets and clutched them so hard my hands ached. And then a second finger joined the first, stretching me. I thrust back against him, forcing them deeper. And then they were gone. I would have screamed out in protest.

He was gone for a few seconds and I wondered if he had left and if this was my punishment for trying to take him against his will. But then he was back and the head of his lubed cock was seeking entry to my body. I cried out without sound as he eased in. He wasn't making a huge effort to make it painless but he wasn't trying to hurt me either.

My ragged breathing filled the room.

It was so slow. Torture. And then I was full, I could feel his body against mine. He gave me a moment to adjust. It hurt, God it hurt, but it was him. It was Spike. It was hard to believe, but I'd never wanted him more than in that moment. With some difficulty I reached around and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him towards me. I turned and kissed him.

He pulled back and raised an eyebrow, said something that was probably "ready?" I swallowed and nodded. Turned my head so that he couldn't see before I mouthed "be gentle". I knew he wouldn't be, it didn't matter, He pulled out and then thrust back in. I choked, the pain was still there....but didn't matter any more. He moved slowly at first, keeping his hand on my back soothingly. Then he grabbed my hips and thrust, started thrusting so hard I thought I would die. Pain, pleasure, so close to being the same thing. Every time his cock banged mercilessly on my prostate I cried out his name. Then he came and his seed filled me, chilling me. He gave one more violent thrust, pushing me over the edge again and then pulled out.

We collapsed on the bed, side-by-side. The room was filled with the sounds of ragged breathing but nothing else. I glanced over at him. What the Hell had just happened? I had just tried to rape someone! But....he was did that change anything?

I continued to gaze at his face. He had slipped into game somewhere along the line. His eyes were closed. His features softened into their human guise. The phone rang suddenly, making us both jump. I picked it up and tried to say hello without thinking. There was obviously no voice on the other end but I could hear a soft, familiar, classical piece playing in the background. Giles. The person on the other end hung up. I got the message. Time for a meeting of the scoobies.

I looked over at the vampire, trying to think of a way to explain why I was leaving. My concerned face must have said it all because he just laughed his mocking laugh and motioned towards the stairs. Sullenly, I pulled some clothes on and headed for the stairs, only sparing myself one fleeting glance back at the vampire who continued to regard me mockingly. Researching *sucked*.


I walked back towards my house shaking my head. If we already knew what was happening, then why the Hell did we have to continue researching it? In the end I had grown more than tired of Anya's irritating little gestures and Willow's frantic glancing about the room that I had just picked up and left. I needed to see Spike.

He would probably just laugh at me some more but I needed to see him.

Back at my house I slipped through the door quietly, not wanting to wake up my parents. I took a bag of blood from the fridge and heated it for Spike, hoping he was still there. When I descended to the basement I found him draped over the chair, fully clothed (dammit) and smoking a cigarette. I was about to explode about smoking in the house but I realised how useless it would be and stopped. I touched his arm and he opened his eyes. I held out the mug of blood to him, hoping to make a peace offering. I knew how pathetic my puppy-dog face must have looked but I didn't care. He smirked at me, but took it.

I sat down on the bed facing him, I started to mouth things at him, every apology that came to mind. For some reason it was less embarrassing when I couldn't talk anyway. He regarded my over-exaggerating mouth for a moment, sipping his blood and then smirked again. "You look a little silly you know."

"Hey!" I exclaimed without thinking. "You're talking!....I'm talking!"

"Very good pet," he said, taking another long drag on his cigarette.

"Okay," I started shakily, dammit now I had to really say this, "umm I'm sorry. You know. About what happened......I mean...trying to ra-well...take you when you couldn't do anything and.....well I participated right, so that's good but-" I went on for a while, Spike's expression growing more and more amused by the second, until he got tired of my ramblings and leaned over to kiss me firmly on the mouth. Effectively shutting me up.

"Hush pet," he said simply.

"So you mean..." I faltered, a blush creeping into my cheeks much to my humiliation. "You mean, maybe this could work out or something. We could do this again?"

Spike laughed at the child-like hope in my voice. He reached out and slowly stroked a finger down my thigh. "I have to admit, don't like you much pet," he said.

My heart fell.

"But, if it's more shagging you're looking for, I'm right here." He leered at me.

I grinned. Fine, he didn't have to like me.

"Besides," he murmured, getting up and coming over to straddle my thighs. He ran his tongue slowly up my neck and whispered in my ear, "this time, I want to hear you scream."

