Kiss, Command, Promise.

by Xanpet

"I don't see why I should go." Said Spike petulantly, as he dumped the bag of weapons on the sandy bottom of the cave and plumped himself down on top of it.

"'Cause this is your fault, maybe!?! 'Oh lets go find some action, Xander. Impress the Slayer, Xander. It'll be fun, Xander.'" He was becoming first-rate at the North London brogue.

"Not quite as good as Dick Van Dyke, Xander!" Spike clearly did not agree.

"And look now," Xander went on, "Tide's in and we're trapped. Why am I surprised even? Look, you don't breathe. You can't drown. You go for help. Go on, yah big baby!"

"And I can't swim neither and I ain't walking. D'you know what a dead body looks like when it's been soaked in salt water?!"

He watched Xander pace the entrance to the cave. It would have been quite romantic under any other circumstances. The full moon's eerie light glinted off the ocean and the boy's dark hair took on a halo like sheen. Spike wanted to bury his hands in the rich softness. Okay maybe it was romantic even under these circumstances.

A small smile crept over the vampire's face. "Come back here," he said, "The sand's dry so the tide never gets back this far. We could just stay 'ere 'til it goes out again."

"Great idea! Sun'll be up by then and you'll still be trapped. That or a crispy critter." A low growl warned Xander that the beast was not amused. But he was too cross to care so he carried on ranting, "Great, just great! Exactly how I wanted to spend my Friday night! Whatta we gonna do now, Fangless? Play I spy?"

"I spy with my little eye something beginning with W."

"Water." Xander snapped. "My turn. I spy with my little eye something beginning with R."

"Rocks. I spy with my little eye something beginning with T."

Xander scratched his head and looked around. Moon, sea, sand, cave...exotic but not T. "I give up."

Spike looked him up and down, "Twannock." He said.

"Hey - Okay, new game. Truth or dare."

"I dare you to swim for help."

"No! I may have swum for the school but the rip tides out there could out suck a vampire."

"Forfeit then."

"Hold up there, Speedy. That doesn't count!!!" Xander said. To say he didn't trust Spike would have been an understatement.

"I didn't choose, you cheating son of an undead thing! Let's get some ground rules in here, before I find myself in falsies and wig."

"Something you want to tell me, China?"

"Not if you covered me in honey and dipped me in fire ants."

"Fine, well lets play truth, dare, double dare, kiss, command, promise and forfeit items of clobber, yeah?" Spike hadn't moved from his spot, now Xander came to join him sitting on the cave floor by his feet.

"But it's still my turn." Spike continued, "You lost I Spy."

Xander had this terrible sinking feeling that it was going to be a long night. "Truth." He said.

"Have you ever kissed a bloke?"

"A very long night." He thought. "No." He said out loud.


"But I didn't lie." Spike gave him a withering look.

"I didn't." Xander insisted emphatically.

"What not even at High School? Not even for a bet? Come on, the other one's got bells on."

"Never. My turn."

"Okay. Truth."

"Where were you born?" As if that wasn't the most banal question in the universe.



"It's a small village just outside Southampton in Hampshire."

"This is ridiculous we have no way of verifying anything."

"Nope. My turn."


"I dare you to swim..."

"No way!" Xander reached for his sneakers and took his socks off at the same time. He scrunched his toes into the soft sand. It was sensual and yielding.

"I get another go." Said Spike.

"Truth." Xander decided to play safe. Well safe-ish.

"What's your favourite wank-rag?"

"Razzle." If that was the most embarrassing question the demon could think of this was going to be easy.

"You looking at the bints or the blokes?"

Xander's dark eyes opened wide, "That's two questions! My turn."


"When d'you lose your cherry?"

"Chits or chaps?" Even without the night vision, Spike would have been able to tell the blush just from the heat.



"Wow that's a lot of...before or after you got dead?"

"To quote you 'that's two questions.' Choose."


"Well, as we're on the subject of cherry bombing, when, where, who and how long before you made mini Jackson Pollock?"

Xander put his head in his hands. "No way was that one question. Please remind me never to play poker with you. When - 1999, where - a motel room, who - Faith, how long - well I don't know!"

"Well give us a ball park figure. Did you make it inside?"

"Can you say gross? My turn."


Xander racked his brain for a more embarrassing question. "I have it." He thought. "What's your favourite sexual fantasy?"

"Buffy. She comes into my crypt wearing one of those floaty Eastern outfits. She ties me up with silk scarves, supine on the bed. I can feel the exotic fabric, tight around my wrists. She takes another scarf and draws it across her twat and she uses that one to blindfold me. Now I have the aroma of her most intimate places right above my nose.

Next she begins to dance. I can hear the sitars, drink in the scent of her perfume and it is sweet agony not to be able to see or touch. She glides her soft body across me, teasing, tantalising, drawing something, maybe a feather, along my cock. I can't take it, I begin to beg for her to touch me, take me. And finally, when my prick is straining and my bollocks are tight with desire, she straddles me, brushing her hot, moist cunt across my knob. I thrust upwards and she slides all the way down my length until her inner lips touch my balls, - Xander, respiration, it's a good thing, you know. Unless of course you were thinking of treating me to dinner."

Xander drew in a long overdue breath. His palms were damp, his mouth was dry and his hard on was - well - hard and full on!

"Truth." He squeaked.

Christ, he wouldn't be able to look one of his best friends in the eye, ever again. If it wasn't bad enough that he'd come out here with walking evil, the bag Spike was carrying looked suspiciously like Buffy's, and now he had an erection the size of the Empire State and no release. Unless you counted Spike, tightly muscled, compact, seductive, hot.... He'd always wondered what it would be like to bottom...

"XANDER! I asked you a question. You pay a forfeit, cloth ears."

"You're evil."

"Last time I looked in the mirror, yup."

"Well repeat it, humour me."

Spike shrugged, "If you were ever with a geezer, would you be Arthur or Martha?"

Another strangled squeak and Xander took off his jeans, with some relief. He thought through his options. The dares were so out, as was command and ditto promise. Truth was going to find him never able to leave this cave again. He would become an embarrassment hermit, with Spike as the god of cringe.
That left him with just one option. Ah, Spike wouldn't dare. The vampire was all talk.

Xander smiled to himself. "I'll get you - you evil blood sucker, you." He thought. "Try this one,"

"Kiss." He said out loud.

Spike moved with predatory slowness, resting his chill hands on the young man's shoulders, he lent over the brunette. His eyes were flecked with silver and gold in the moonlight. "I think you meant dare." He said, oh so quietly. He bent in for the kiss and Xander closed his eyes. Cool lips touched his mouth and he flinched.

He considered pulling back. "Okay evil dead," He thought, "You've proved yourself now." But Spike carried on. He threaded his fingers into Xander's hair, pleased to find it as luxuriant as it looked. He stroked a stubbled cheek with his free hand. The touch was feather light but the mouth and tongue were insisting. Xander tried to say enough but instantly the kiss was deepened. A cold tongue plundered his searing mouth. It became physical, raw, full of want and need. He gave in to the sensation just as Spike broke
the kiss.

The moon gave only passing light but Xander knew he was being smirked at.

"Yarg - frenched by a corpse!" He complained to save face. He found it difficult to cover just how flustered he was.

"My turn." Said Spike.

Xander swallowed hard, "What was the safest option?" He wondered. "Command." He chose.


"But I haven't done.... Oh I get it. You don't think I will. Hah! You've fallen victim to my evil plan."

"You wouldn't know an evil plan from a well placed turd. Now strip."

Xander took off the reminder of his clothes and shivered. "I'm freezing my butt here and it's my turn! You cheated!"

Spike gave him the international sign for 'who me?' and then sighed, "Oh I'll save you the trouble - command - strip - okay."

"You don't get out of it that easily I get two turns. Choose again."

The blond licked his lips, "Kiss."

Xander mentally slapped himself, "I just stepped right in it, didn't I? The perfectly placed turd-plan."

Both now standing, Spike took the young man in his embrace and kissed him again. He was at once gentle and insistent, until Xander yielded under the power of the vampire's lips. Spike's hands were everywhere, clinging and pressing, his erection hard against Xander's thigh.

He began to kneel, bringing the brunette with him. Xander pushed his hands into Spike's hair, not sure whether he was pushing him away or pulling him closer. He wanted this, he realised, but nerves still made him hesitant.

Spike brought a cool palm to Xander's hot cock and the man-child gasped. "It's alright," Spike whispered, "Just another part of the game." He fisted Xander, brushing his thumb over the weeping head; at the same time placing butterfly kisses in the hollow of Xander's neck. "By the way, I lied. My favourite sexual fantasy - you, here, like this."

Xander gulped. His mind was a whirl. How could this undead thing turn him on so much? All he knew was that he didn't want to stop now. And neither apparently did Spike. However, just as the boy could stand it no more, his abdomen contracting involuntarily, Spike did stop. He pinched the base of Xander's cock to prevent the seed from spilling too soon. "You might want to save that." He said.

He stood and moved away to the abandoned weapon's bag. From it he took a plaid car blanket and spread it on the sand. Sitting down he patted the makeshift rug. Xander joined him without a word. He should have been more nervous than he was but passion had overtaken every sense and, deprived of release, all he could think of was how soon before he could cum.

The kissing began once more. Spike's hands trailed down Xander's smooth chest, stopping over the furiously beating heart and rubbing the nipples taught.

Xander reached for Spike's cock but was unsure what to do. "It don't bite, neither." Spike said gently, putting his hand over Xander's and closing the fist around the thick shaft. It was cold and still, but oh so hard. The vampire guided the young man's hand in a pumping action and whispered into the boy's ear, "Suck it."

Xander didn't think, didn't question. He lowered his head and licked the salty slit then encased the length in his hot mouth. He buried his tongue behind the foreskin, causing Spike to suck air. The bleach blond moaned his pleasure.

"Xander I need you. I need to be inside you now." He panted. Xander looked up and, for a moment, he was afraid. "I...ah...will it hurt?"

Spike gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek, "Don't worry, Slayer's weapon bag in'it? Wonder what 'er and Peaches did with this?" And he produced a large bottle of hand cream.

"You thief! I knew you'd lifted that bag! Are there any condoms in there? I'm not backing out it's just that..."

"Dead, China. Nothing lives on me or in me but don't you go playing this game with humans without protection. They're dirty gits. Now I believe it's my turn."

Xander gulped but was too far gone by now to care. It mattered little what he chose anyway. "Command." He said.


Xander did as he was told.

Spike put a generous helping of hand cream onto his fingers and smoothed it between the soft globes of Xander's arse. Xander gasped and fell onto all fours, raising his hips so that thick brown hair veiled his face. His new lover pressed a slick finger against the puckered opening and slipped it into Xander's tight passage.

Xander's whole world became a sea of sensation. The glimmer of the moon on the sand, the swoosh of the ocean, the acrid smell of ozone, the tang of cigarette smoke on his tongue and that slippery finger against his prostate, sending hot shivers through his gut.

Spike added another, scissoring, stretching, preparing the brunette for entry. Xander rocked back against Spike's hand. He'd never felt anything like it. Then abruptly the fingers were removed and more hand cream was being applied.

The vampire introduced the head of his cock to the young man's hole and pushed. Xander felt himself stretching, opening, and receiving the cool phallus into his hot body. It transcended anything he'd ever felt before. A sweet feeling of fullness, of completion passed right through him.

The vampire pulled back and the young man heard himself plead to be filled again, "Do it, do it for me, Spike!" He gasped.

Spike fucked Xander. He held Xander's cock and wanked him in time with his strokes. He bent over the boy to nip and lick at the nape of his neck. Xander moaned, cried, groaned and pleaded his pleasure.

"Oh Christ, Spike. It's good, oh yeah, sooo good." Spike bumped again and again against that secret place deep inside the lad.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh fuck, gonna cum, oh yessss!!" Spike wailed his orgasm, coating Xander's insides with cold, dead seed.

White spider threads of living semen hit the blanket as the human burst with his own ecstasy. "OH Goddddd!!" He howled.

When he could think again, he looked at the blanket. "Oh shit," He thought, "I've spunked on Angel and Buffy's picnic rug! I've defiled their blanket.... Defiled their blanket with Spike!" But if they strung him up by his toes, he'd die happy. "What a game," he thought, "And one hell of a player!"

They lay on the blanket with fingers entwined, Spike listening to the steady beat of Xander's heart. The moon had moved round and now shone through a large hole about a metre above their heads. The vampire's hair looked white in the moonlight.

"Is it my turn?" Spike asked.

"I have no idea."

"Choose promise."


"Be mine, Pet."

Xander kissed Spike's marbled forehead. "Yes." He breathed and then, "Hey - I can see the moon. There's a hole up there we could have got out at any time."

There was the faintest whiff of that well placed turd-plan again. He made no move to go however, knowing that when the sun came up they would be trapped once more, and would have other games to play.

