Knowing Me, Knowing You

By Angel Jade

Lindsey was having a bad day. Not only had Lilah shown him up for the thousandth time, but he'd managed to screw an important meeting up, he'd lost an important file and now he was having to walk home because his stupid car had broken down.

Life just couldn't get worse at this point.

"Get back!" A voice yelled. Too late. The giant demon jumping over the wall crashed into him and they fell on the floor. Lindsey struggled to get out from underneath the thing, but it was decidedly happy to have found it's dinner and clawed at Lindsey. It ripped the material on Lindsey's arms, causing three little cuts. Before it could tear him apart anymore, it was yanked off the lawyer by a dark figure.

Lindsey stood up and looked around, a little disorientated. He heard a neck snapping and hoped it was the demons, not his rescuer. He couldn't see much…his eyesight was blurring.

"Oh, it's you. Sorry, if I'd had known, I would have let the thing eat you first." Angel's voice said dryly.

"Angel?" Lindsey murmured swaying. He collapsed and everything went black.


Angel walked through the doors of the Hyperion with Lindsey in his arms. Wesley, Gunn and Cordelia looked up in surprise.

"What happened?" Cordelia asked, clearing the lobby desk so Angel could put him down there.

"Good Lord, is that who I think it is?" Wesley asked, getting closer.

"Evil lawyer himself." Gunn smirked. "You do this?"

"No." Angel replied. "Idiot got injured during a demon fight. I think he's been poisoned."

"The Plotyus demon?" Wesley asked.

"The very same. I killed it, but it got him first." Angel reported.

"Oh…" Wesley went to find the book he had been looking at earlier.

"Wouldn't he be better off in a hospital?" Gunn asked. "Or are we helping the enemies now?"

"Don't know many hospitals specialising in demon poisoning." Cordelia said.

"Oh dear." Wesley said, walking back through from his office. "I really should have noticed this earlier."

"What?" Angel asked.

"The demon's poison is used to confuse and even incapacitate its prey, whether it be demon or human. He should wake up soon." Wesley explained.

"Then why `oh dear'?" Cordelia asked.

"It seems the after effects of the venom is amnesia. Long term in fact." Wesley said.

"Amnesia?" Cordelia smiled. "You mean he's not going to have a clue who he is when he wakes up?"

"Possibly." Wesley replied.

"Hey, we could have some serious fun here." Gunn grinned, deviously.

"Hey, no ones having any fun." Angel told them. "I'll dump him back at his apartment and he can work it out himself."

"By long term, you mean forever?" Cordelia asked Wesley.

"Oh, no. A month perhaps. Most venom with similar properties only causes very short-term amnesia. Compared to them, this is long-term, but obviously not compared to the actual medical condition…which can last as long as…"

"Lets stay on topic here." Angel reminded them.

"Indeed." Wesley took a look at the cuts on Lindsey's arm. "If I could get a sample, perhaps I could find an antidote."

"Who wants an antidote… this could be our big chance." Cordelia said.

"Now we're talking." Gunn piped up. "Revenge."

"No." Cordelia said. "We could convince him he works for us. By the time he remembers who he is, chances are he'll be loyal to us and stay."

"Why would we want him working for us?" Angel asked.

"Angel's right…Lindsey has proven to be weak, untrustworthy…" Wesley began.

"No, actually I was referring to the fact I just don't like the guy." Angel corrected.

"Still, I think it would be wise to take him back to his apartment and let him work things out himself. Angel has already done more for Lindsey than he deserved by bringing him here." Wesley pointed out.

"Why didn't you leave him to die?" Gunn asked simply.

"I think Angel's left enough lawyers to die this year." Cordelia said dryly.

Angel looked down at Lindsey and felt guilty. There was no excuse for what he'd done. Perhaps this was his chance to make it up. "I suppose we could use another hand round here. Besides, it could be kinda fun to see his face when he remembers who he is."

"What are you going to tell him?" Wesley asked.

"Could you convince him we've been dating for two months?" Cordelia asked hopefully.

Gunn coughed at the same time as speaking. "Desperate!"

Cordelia hit him playfully.

"He's Lindsey McDonald, he's been working here for a year after dating Cordelia. They've now split up because Lindsey discovered he's gay…"

"Angel!" Wesley chastised.

"Ah, come on!" Angel grinned. "Gunn's right, revenge is sweet!"

"Grow up." Cordelia said to him.

"Okay, he's worked here for a year. We met him on a mission and he started working for us." Angel thought for a second. "This isn't going to work…"

"Why not?" Cordelia asked.

"We shouldn't be playing with his memory…" Wesley warned them.

"There'll be too many inconsistencies." Angel explained. "For example…why doesn't he have any clothes or personal possessions here?" Angel asked.

"We could go get them." Gunn suggested.

"I should just take him back." Angel said, shaking his head.

Lindsey moaned and began to stir. The A.I gang looked at him expectantly.

"Too late." Gunn said.


Lindsey moaned again and tried to sit up.

"Lindsey?" Cordelia called gently.

Lindsey looked around blankly. He didn't know the people standing around him…come to think of it…he didn't even know who he was. "Who are you?" Lindsey croaked, nervously.

Cordelia and Gunn exchanged glances.

Wesley gave Angel a look. He was not happy about the arrangement, but if Angel was going to do it, he should do it now.

"Lindsey." Angel said. "Do you remember anything?"

"I…I don't remember anything. What's going on? Who the hell are you?" Lindsey asked.


"Angel? Do I know you?" Lindsey asked.

"Yeah, you work here, remember?" Angel said. He knew this was a bad idea.

"No…I don't remember anything. Lindsey…is that my name?" He asked.

"Yes. Your name is Lindsey and you work here. You were poisoned by a demon. You have amnesia." Wesley explained.

"A what?" Lindsey looked at Wesley as if he were mad.

"What do you remember?" Angel asked.

"I don't know…I know stuff…like I think I can remember the alphabet and…but I don't remember who I am, where I am, who you are…I don't remember." Lindsey began to panic. He felt empty inside. As if he no longer existed.

"It's okay. You'll get your memory back soon. For now though, you're just going to have to trust us." Wesley said.

Lindsey nodded. He had no reason not to trust them. They claimed he worked for them…who was he to argue?

Angel watched him intently. He felt guilty about doing this to him. Lindsey might deserve all he gets but it was immature to play with someone like this.

"Who am I?" Lindsey asked.

They all looked at each other, not sure how to answer. Angel took the lead.

"Lindsey McDonald. You've worked here for a year after being attacked by a demon…"

"Again with the demon. What do you mean by demon?" Lindsey asked.

"Ugly, dangerous, evil…" Cordelia said. "Like a monster, but real."

"Are you all insane?" Lindsey asked, simply.

"It'll come back to you." Angel said. "For now, just concentrate on you."

"Me. Okay. How old am I?" Lindsey asked.

Angel looked desperately at the others. "Uh…"

"Twenty-eight." Cordelia said quickly.

"Where am I from?"

"Uh…Utah." She said, throwing a look at Angel.


"None." Angel said.


"Us." Wesley said. Gunn tried not to laugh.

"And who are you?" Lindsey asked.

"Angel, Gunn and Wesley. I'm Cordelia." She introduced.

"Shouldn't I go to a hospital?" Lindsey asked.

"Not with demon poisoning." Wesley said.

"Oh right…demons." He shook his head in disbelief. "Lindsey McDonald, twenty-eight years old…what am I?"

Angel resisted insulting him. "Private investigator."

Lindsey laughed. "Cool."

"Where do I live?" Lindsey asked.

"Here. Your room is across from mine." Angel said.

Lindsey looked Angel over and realised it brought familiar feelings up. It was as if he knew him somehow. "I think I know you."

Angel raised his eyebrows. Uh-oh. Busted.

"Somehow. You bring feelings of…"




"…Respect." Lindsey said.

"Respect?" Angel looked at Lindsey. No way Lindsey respected Angel. Must be the amnesia.

"Yeah well, you and Angel are best friends you know." Cordelia said, winking at Angel.

Lindsey caught the wink and misunderstood it. He looked at Angel again and tried to work out the feelings he had for the stranger before him. Was it possible Cordelia was winking because they were a little more than friends? Was he gay? He reminded himself to ask Angel later.

"Lindsey, do you wanna go to your room and lie down?" Gunn asked, trying really hard to keep a straight face.

"No, Gunn, he probably wants to stay down here and find out more about himself." Wesley said, giving Gunn a significant look. "Besides, don't you need to go somewhere and fetch some things?"

Gunn thought for a second. "Oh! The things! Yeah, I need to go get…the things. Does anyone know the address of the…things?"

"I'll show you where." Cordelia took Gunn to the files in Wesley's office.

Wesley followed them in to talk privately while Angel was left with Lindsey. The two men looked at each other awkwardly.

Lindsey saw the awkwardness in Angel's eyes and wondered why it was there seeing as they were supposed to be best friends. The only explanation was that Angel was awkward because they were more than friends and now that Lindsey had lost his memory, it made things very difficult.

Or was that just jumping to conclusions?

"So, Angel." Lindsey said. "Best friends, huh?"

Angel studied Lindsey's face. Did he know? Was he playing with them? "Yeah…best I ever had." Angel said, dryly.

Angel was being sarcastic! Lindsey was getting more and more positive that there was more to the relationship than everyone was letting on. It would certainly explain the feelings Lindsey had in the pit of his stomach. Not respect. Not exactly…lust perhaps? Love? No, Lindsey was sure it wasn't that. He hoped it wasn't. How awkward would it be to be in love with someone you don't remember?

Gunn walked out, a piece of paper in his hand. He was on his way to get Lindsey's things so they could convince Lindsey he lived there. The more they all thought about it, the more it seemed a bad idea. But one they couldn't change now. Maybe he would come in useful.

"See y'all in a bit. I'll be back with the things." Gunn said, walking out.

"I'm going to take a sample of blood and try and work out an antidote." Wesley said, bringing in a syringe.

Lindsey wondered if he was afraid of injections. He didn't have time to think about it because it was shoved into the skin near the wound and the blood was drawn before he could protest.

"I'm going home. Love to stay, but there's a movie on I really wanna watch." Cordelia said. "See ya."

Angel shook his head. He was alone with Lindsey again. He was ready to tell Lindsey everything when Lindsey said something.

"Am I gay?" Lindsey asked suddenly.

Angel blinked. "Huh?"

"Gay. Am I gay?" Lindsey asked impatiently. This was kinda embarrassing. This might be his best friend, but…

"I…uh…don't think so. What makes you ask?" Angel asked nervously.

"Oh…nothing." Lindsey said, he could have sworn that was why he was feeling so strange round this guy. Perhaps he was gay and Angel didn't know. Or perhaps Angel was lying so not to confuse him. Or perhaps he was straight, he was just being stupid.

"So…you feeling any better?" Angel asked.

"I feel fine. Little headache maybe, but apart from that…" Lindsey replied.

"Oh, that's good." Angel said, not sure what else to say.

"We're not friends are we?" Lindsey asked.

"What? What makes you say that?" Angel asked.

"You act strange round me. Could be one of three things; you fancy me, you don't like me or you find it awkward to be around an amnesiac." Lindsey stated.

Angel smiled. "Tempting three choices there."

"Which one you gonna pick?" Lindsey asked, trying to mask the hope in his voice. Why was it suddenly so important that Angel liked him? He didn't even know the bloke.

"None of the above." Angel said.

"Then what is it?" Lindsey asked.

"I just…don't feel well. Fighting demons does that to you." Angel said.

"But we get on?" Lindsey asked.

"Sure, we get on. We have…mutual interests." Angel said, referring to Darla.

"Like what?"

"Uh…we like…um, music."

"Music?" Lindsey asked.

"You like to play, I like to listen." Angel said.

"Play what?" Lindsey asked, interested.

"You play the guitar. And sing." Angel told him.

"I do?"

"Yeah. And you like…arguing. You've got the debating thing going for you…" Angel tried to think of other things he knew about Lindsey.

"Do I have a girlfriend?" Lindsey asked.

"Uh…no. Not at the moment." Angel replied. "You did like a girl, but she left."

"Oh." Lindsey tried to think about her but nothing came to him. "God, this is frustrating. I feel like I have no life!"

"It'll come back." Angel said, wishing Gunn or Wesley would come back.

"I know, but…I can't even remember my name." Lindsey said.

"Lindsey McDonald." Angel reminded him.

"Yeah…Lindsey McDonald. Has no fucking meaning to me." He said. "You're the only thing that does at the moment."

"I am?" Angel started to feel a little nervous about this.

"Yeah. When I see you, I can almost remember something." Lindsey said.

Angel wondered if it might be the abject hatred.

"Oh well, I guess there's nothing I can do but wait, right?" Lindsey asked.
"Yeah. That's all." Angel agreed.


Gunn came in with a couple of bags of things and Lindsey's guitar under his arms. Lindsey was in the office with the others, so he snuck upstairs.

Angel heard him and snuck out to follow him. "Hey, you get everything?"

"Yeah, clothes, crap and more crap." Gunn replied. "Which room?"

Angel took Gunn and showed him which room he wanted Lindsey in. It wasn't far from his, so he could keep an eye on the lawyer.

Gunn dumped the things and they both set about decorating the room, making it liveable. Gunn messed up the sheets to make them look as if they had been slept in, but Angel disagreed. "He's probably as obsessively tidy as me."

"Yeah, I guess. His apartment looked pretty damn clean." Gunn said and replaced the covers.

"Angel?" Wesley called.

Angel ran downstairs. "Yeah?"

"Cordelia's back, she just had another vision." Wesley said. "We need to move, now."

Angel looked behind Wesley and saw Lindsey standing next to Cordelia, a worried expression on his face. For a moment he was transfixed on that face. He hadn't expected to see concern on the face of an evil lawyer. Getting amnesia was the best thing that ever happened to Lindsey.

"Angel?" Wesley called, desperately.

"Oh…yeah…right. Let's go." Angel said. "Gunn!"

"Right behind you." Gunn said, running past and to Cordelia's aid.

"What about Lindsey?" Angel asked.

"He might as well come. We can't leave him here on his own." Wesley said.

"Right. Okay, let's move." Angel said, walking to the weapons cabinet. "Lindsey, give me a hand."

Lindsey looked up eagerly as he saw Angel remove weapons. "Wow. Do I get one?"

Angel rolled his eyes. "Whatever."


The car was a little full with all five of them, but no one seemed to mind. Lindsey kept throwing glances at Cordelia.

"I'm okay, I swear. It's getting better." Cordelia said, amused at Lindsey's looks.

"You look rough." Lindsey told her.

"Great." She said dryly.

"I just mean, you were looking beautiful earlier and now…you look tired." Lindsey explained.

"Really?" Cordelia smiled.

Angel glanced behind him and looked at them quickly. They were flirting, he was sure of it. One minute Lindsey thinks he's gay, and then he's coming onto Cordelia…

"Angel, watch the road." Wesley warned.

Angel looked ahead, wishing he'd pulled the plug on this earlier. This was all he needed.


"This is it, the place in my vision." Cordy said as they pulled up.

"Are you sure?" Angel asked.

"Mmm, lemme see. Painful vision pulling apart my brain to show me a picture of this place…yeah, I think I remember it." Cordelia said sarcastically.

"Alright, I'll check out the roof. You guys check the perimeter." Angel said.

"Me too?" Lindsey asked.

Angel looked at him and nodded, hesitantly. "Yeah…you too."


Lindsey followed Wesley, Gunn and Cordelia, holding a crossbow clumsily. He looked around, the dark getting to him.

Meanwhile, Angel climbed onto the roof of the old building and peered in the skylight. It was painted black, but there were a couple of scratches, leaving enough room to see down into the large room.

Sure enough, there were several vampires, terrorizing some human girls. Angel went to stand and find a way in, but he slipped and fell onto the glass. It broke under his weight and he went down, landing in a pile in the middle of the vampires.

"What do we have here?" One asked. "Dessert maybe?"

"You don't want me." Angel said, standing up. "I'll give you indigestion."

They attacked and Angel pulled out a stake, ready for them.


Wesley tried a door carefully but it wouldn't budge. Gunn tried to help, but it was too hard to budge. Cordelia noticed an open window next to a drainpipe and pointed it out.

"I don't know if I'll get up there." Wesley said, frowning.

"Me neither." Cordelia said.

"I'll try, hang on." Lindsey said. He grabbed the pipe and climbed up, easing himself up carefully. When he reached the window, he climbed through it and landed softly on the other side. He saw the key in the door and smirked. He opened it and the other three walked in.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Wesley asked.

"I'd tell you but I have a really bad memory." Lindsey replied.

"Come on, we must be close." Gunn said, leading them down the passage.


Angel had taken down three of them, but he was getting a beating. He'd lost his stake long ago and now he was just trying to stay alive.

Gunn burst through the door, followed by the others. They raised their crossbows and began to aim at the vampires. Lindsey hesitated before doing the same.

Wesley managed to kill one, but they were all moving so fast, it was very difficult. The few that were holding the human girls on the side let the humans go and moved to attack. Gunn aimed and shot one right in the heart and it dusted as it ran.

One vampire had found Angel's stake and ran at Angel with it. He raised it and aimed it at Angel's chest. Just as the tip reached Angel's skin, the vampire turned to dust and the stake fell to the floor. Angel looked around and saw Lindsey lower his crossbow.

Angel grabbed the stake and dusted the remaining few.


"Wow, that was intense." Lindsey said as they walked back to the car.

"You saved my life." Angel stated.

"I wasn't sure I could get the guy. Am I a good shot? I mean, usually? I just aimed and poof!" Lindsey grinned. "It was fun."

Angel smiled. "Yeah, fun."

"What do we do now?" Lindsey asked.

"We go home and rest." Cordelia replied.

"Oh…that could be fun too." Lindsey said, jumping in the car.

Angel and Wesley exchanged looks.


Wesley, Cordelia and Gunn had gone home. Angel had the responsibility of looking after Lindsey at the hotel. They sat in the lobby at first, neither sure what to say or do.

Lindsey thought of questions he could ask Angel, hoping he would get his memory back. "So, do I have any hobbies?"

Angel looked up from the newspaper and frowned. "I'm not sure."

"You're supposed to be my best friend." Lindsey reminded him playfully.

Angel rolled his eyes. "Look Lindsey, we're not friends, okay…" He'd had enough; there was no way he could stand having the lawyer around any longer.

"I knew it." Lindsey said. "These feelings I have for you, there's no way I'd have been able to keep them secret."

"Uh…feelings?" Angel asked, nervously.

"Every time I look at you, I…it's weird. I think I like you…it's the only thing I remember. Feelings for you." Lindsey tried to explain.

"Lindsey…we're not…we don't even like each other." Angel told him.

"Then I guess I must have been a good actor, because right now, the only thing I want is to…"

"Whoa, stop there." Angel begged. "I don't think I want to hear the rest of that conversation."

"Tough. I'll remember everything soon. And then, maybe I'll turn into a fucking chicken and never tell you I'm hot for you. It freaks me out too, hell, I didn't know I was gay."

"That makes two of us." Angel interrupted.

"The point is, I need to get this off my chest." Lindsey said. "Gay or not, I'm attracted you."

Angel reached for Cordelia's chair and sat down, dumbfounded. "And you think you felt like this before?"

"I felt it from the moment I woke up."

"Ha! Demon poison." Angel said, praying that was all it was.

"No…it just means I had these feelings before. I must have." Lindsey said.

"No, Lindsey, it's not possible. You hated me before." Angel told him.

"Maybe I was scared?" Lindsey suggested. "I don't care. Now you know. What you do about it is your decision."

"What I do about it?" Angel asked.

Lindsey stood up and walked over to the vampire. He lent over and brushed his lips against Angel's before pulling away. "What you do about it." He repeated.

Angel watched Lindsey intently, seeing him in a way he hadn't before. Not the evil lawyer he'd hated, but the caring man who worried about Cordelia, got excited about killing vampires and saved Angel's life. Angel hesitated, before pulling Lindsey back towards him, capturing his mouth with a kiss.

Lindsey kissed back, feeling Angel's hands run into his hair, holding him in place. Lindsey reached over and began to unbutton Angel's shirt. He may not remember his past, but something told him he'd been waiting to do this for a long time.

Angel let Lindsey continue. He was shocked at Lindsey's forwardness. He'd never have expected this from him. Not that he was complaining now. He was seeing Lindsey in a whole new light and he liked what he saw.

He pulled back. "Bedroom."

Lindsey grinned seductively. "Desk."

Angel smiled and led Lindsey to Wesley's desk. Once there, he pushed the documents aside and pushed Lindsey down onto it.

Lindsey giggled as his back hit the desk and Angel swooped down to bombard him with kisses. They resumed the removing of the clothes.

Lindsey whispered in Angel's ear. "Fuck me."

Angel drew back, all kinds of thoughts running through his head. He knew he was taking advantage of the lawyer and as soon as Lindsey got his memory back, he'd do everything in his power to stake Angel, but he wanted this…needed it.

Lindsey turned over, waiting for Angel. He didn't have to wait long. Angel began to stroke himself, urging out a little pre-cum. He used it to lubricate himself and Lindsey before pushing inside. Lindsey moaned as Angel began to thrust into him, moving rhythmically. He grabbed at the table feeling himself getting closer and closer to climax.

Angel saw Lindsey was close and reached down to help him out.

Soon after Lindsey came in Angel's hand, Angel came inside Lindsey.


"Are you coming upstairs?" Angel asked Lindsey, now fully dressed again.

"Nah, I think I'll stay down here. I'll be up in a minute. It's almost seven a.m." Lindsey told Angel.

"Okay. Don't stay too long." Angel said, smiling.

"You're the boss." Lindsey joked.


Seven hours later, Lindsey walked in Angel's bedroom. He'd been careful not to get caught by Wesley, Cordelia and Gunn who had dragged themselves in not long ago. Except Wesley. He'd been in since eight.

Lindsey climbed into Angel's bed as if he'd been in there a thousand times before. Angel didn't wake up, but he did wrap his arms round Lindsey.

Lindsey wondered whether he even knew who it was.

He lay there thinking, before shaking Angel awake.


"Wake up." Lindsey said.


"'Cause I said so." Lindsey said.

"Why'd you say so?" Angel asked, smiling.

"Do you even like me?" Lindsey asked.

Angel's eyes opened immediately. "What?"

"You said we didn't get one before. Do you like me now, or was this just about getting laid?" Lindsey asked simply.

"That's a stupid question." Angel said softly.

"Humour me." Lindsey replied, dryly.

Angel leaned over and kissed him. "Does that answer your question?"

Lindsey sighed. "I guess."

"How about this?" Angel kissed him again, this time his hands began to run down Lindsey's sides down to his thighs.

"Better." Lindsey said, biting his lip as Angel's hands came to his cock.

Angel moved below the covers and Lindsey frowned, wondering where he was going. His question was answered as Angel's mouth moved over his erect cock and began to tease him.

"Fuck, Angel!" Lindsey hissed in pleasure.

Angel skilfully ran his tongue down Lindsey's shaft and sucked at the end, before taking Lindsey's length as far as he could.

Lindsey clawed at the covers and groaned as Angel pleasured him. It didn't take long for him to come down Angel's throat.

Lindsey struggled to breathe for a second and when he opened his eyes, Angel was watching him happily. Lindsey looked away.

"What?" Angel asked.

"I'm starving. I'm gonna go out and get something to eat." Lindsey said.

"Oh…I can get Gunn or Cordelia to…"

"No, it's okay. I just need some fresh air." Lindsey said.

"Hurry back." Angel said.

Lindsey half-smiled, as he got dressed.


Angel walked downstairs about an hour later and walked into the office. Wesley looked up at him and nodded. "Did you see Lindsey?" He asked.

"When?" Angel asked, paranoid Wesley knew.

"At all. I thought he might have come back for his stuff." Wesley said.

"What do you mean?" Angel asked.

"Oh, no one told you. I found the antidote last night. I gave it to Lindsey first thing this morning. He took off once he remembered." Wesley said.

Angel felt a ball of dread rise in this throat. "What time?"

"About eight, half-past…why?" Wesley asked.

Angel sat down. "He came back. About an hour ago."

"Oh…what happened?" Wesley asked.

"Um…not much. He acted as if nothing was wrong." Angel said. "Why didn't you ask me first?"

"Angel, you knew how I felt on the subject. Messing with people's memory isn't wise. He would have got it back sooner or later anyway." Wesley explained.

"What time is it?" Angel asked.

"Almost half-past three." Wesley replied.

"I'll be in my room." Angel muttered, before leaving.


Lindsey sat on the wall, over looking the beach. He watched the children play and the adults sunbathe. But most of all, he watched the sea drift in and out.

He worried endlessly about what he was supposed to do now. He'd made a

life changing decision while he'd had no memory. Was he supposed to go back to work and pretend it had never happened?

Without the complications of good and evil, wrong and right, villain and hero…he'd been able to see how he really felt. He'd discovered feelings for Angel. The one person he thought he hated.

But would Angel ever accept him now he had his memory back?

Was Angel just taking advantage of him?

Even worse…had Angel used the opportunity to mock Lindsey? Kick him while he was down? Lindsey's jaw clenched. That was low. It had to be the reason. Why else would Angel sleep with him? Lindsey jumped off the wall and headed to work. Fuck Angel. He didn't need the bastard.


Angel sat alone in his room, brooding. Now Lindsey was back, there wasn't
a chance in hell he'd ever get close to him again. Why would Lindsey want to sleep with him now? Now he remembered everything Angel had done, everything he had done…?

Lindsey would go back to work and they'd have to continue as if nothing had happened.

But it had.

Angel liked Lindsey. Not liked, really liked. He wouldn't go as far as love, but something inside him needed to see him again.

He knew he didn't have a choice. It was up to Lindsey. Of course, a little persuading might be in order…

Only a couple of hours until sundown.


A couple of hours later, Angel walked out of the Hyperion on a mission. He didn't bother telling anyone where he was going, he just left.

He arrived at Wolfram and Hart and walked in, not at all bothered about the vampire alarms.

He got in the lift and went straight up to Lindsey's office. Just outside, he was confronted by armed guards. He looked around, unsure whether it was worth killing them.

"It's okay." Lindsey said, stepping outside. "I'll take it from here."

Angel looked at the lawyer, who was avoiding eye contact. The guards nodded and walked away.

Lindsey gestured for Angel to come in. Angel walked into the office and sat down casually.

Lindsey sat the other side as if he were addressing a client. "Can I help you?"

"Lindsey, we need to talk." Angel said.

"Why?" Lindsey asked coldly.

"Don't act like nothing happened." Angel said, calmly. "I know this might be hard for you, but you were the one who jumped me…"

"Come to rub my nose in it, huh?" Lindsey asked. "You kick me while I'm down. It's all about revenge with you, isn't it?"

"Wait a second. You jumped me." Angel pointed out.

"I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't know who you were…"

"But you felt something for me. You said it yourself." Angel reminded him.

"Felt. Felt something. No longer feeling anything." Lindsey lied.

"Bullshit. You feel the same as me, don't try and hide it." Angel said, raising his voice.

"Quiet." Lindsey hissed. "Wait…what did you just say?"

"You feel the same way as me, don't try and hide it." Angel said, sounding out the words slowly for him.

"You what?"

"Are you challenged in some way?" Angel asked. "I. Like. You."

Lindsey sat back in his seat. "Things are difficult."

"No shit. You're evil."


"I'm not evil." Lindsey protested.

Angel smiled. "I was just kidding."

"See, this is weird. Now you're all, joking and happy…this is wrong on so many levels." Lindsey muttered.

"I tell you what. I'll give you space, I'll give you time, I'll give you anything you need…" Angel offered.

Lindsey eyed him suspiciously.

"But I want one thing from you." Angel said, getting up and walking round the desk. Lindsey stood up, nervous at how close Angel was. Angel grabbed Lindsey's head and pulled him towards him. Angel kissed him softly, before pulling back and walking out.

Lindsey just stood there, silenced.


"Oh good, you're back." Wesley said. "We're going out to dinner."

"You coming?" Cordelia asked.

"Actually, I should stay here." Angel said, walking upstairs.

"What's bugging him?" Cordelia asked, quietly.

"Missing Lindsey perhaps." Wesley joked.

Cordelia laughed and followed Wesley out.


Lindsey stood outside the Hyperion. He was positive he didn't want to do this. He knew it was a bad idea. Everything about it was wrong. If he went in, chances were he wouldn't come out. Not the same anyway.

But he was drawn there. He had to end it or sort it out or at least fuck Angel one last time.

He took a deep breath and walked in. "Angel?"

Seconds passed before the vampire walked over the balcony and looked down
at Lindsey. "Took your time."

Lindsey smirked. "Had some thinking to do."

"And?" Angel asked.

"And I think this is a bad idea." Lindsey replied.

"We covered that." Angel reminded him.

"I don't think we should…" Lindsey broke off. This was really hard.

"If you're here to break this off, I won't let you." Angel said, sternly.

"Break what off? We don't have anything." Lindsey yelled.

"Of course we have something. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here and we wouldn't have fucked this morning." Angel told him.

Lindsey looked away. "I won't leave my job."

"And I won't leave mine." Angel said.

"Then I guess we're fucked." Lindsey said.

"Good choice of words." Angel smiled.

"Don't." Lindsey pleaded. "This is hard enough as it is."

"I won't let you walk away." Angel said.

"You don't have a choice."

"I can hound you day and night…well, night anyway. I won't let you walk away while I know you still want me." Angel said, walking down the stairs
towards Lindsey.

"Please…" Lindsey begged.

"Stuck for words all of a sudden? Come on, if you don't want this, use your amazing articulate debating skills and fight me." Angel teased.


"You can do better than that." Angel urged, standing right in front of him now. "Come on, convince me."

Lindsey clenched his fist and hit Angel as hard as he could.

Angel stumbled back, holding his cheek. "I meant verbally fight me. Ow!"

"Serves you right." Lindsey smiled.

"You won't walk away." Angel told him.

"Watch me." Lindsey said, turning away. He walked towards the door, praying Angel would stop him…make all the choices for him.

He wasn't disappointed. Angel stood in front of him, his hands holding Lindsey's arms gently. He looked into Lindsey's eyes and waited.

"It won't work." Lindsey told him.

"Things never do. I'm not asking for forever, I just want today." Angel said.

"And tomorrow?" Lindsey asked.

"One day at a time." Angel told him.

Lindsey looked at his feet. He was going to regret this. "If you ever fuck with me, I'll kill you."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Angel smiled.

