Promises To Keep

By Crazy Evil Dru

I look at myself in the mirror. Not bad. But I wanna look my best. It's the big day. *My* big day. Or night, I should say.

I turn around in the mirror and check out my ass. Looking better than ever, I think. Although I *have* been working out for the past… eight years. I mean, how could I not? I had to help the gang out. And I did.

I like to think that Buffy would have been really proud of me. I guess I was responsible for keeping the gang together and slaying. And we have stayed together, despite weddings, births, a miscarriage, homes, mortgages and all night slaying sessions. Something I've been looking forward to for eight long years. I just wonder if he'll remember.

"Happy birthday, Dawnie!" Willow and Xander say as I'm squished between their arms.

"Happyday, Daw!" Jessie screams.

"Thank you, Honey." I pick him up and swing him around a little before he runs back to Anya. Xander and Anya certainly make beautiful children. "How's Becca?" I ask as I glance at the newborn.

"She's great."

"Good," I say. The party has been wonderful. Just what I expected, a party at the Bronze. What else do we do for birthdays around here? But… I walk over to Willow, "Did he say he'd come?" I whisper under my breath to her.

She just turns to me and smiles. No one really knows… or wants to think… only Willow. She's the only one who doesn't have a major problem with it. But I ca- HE'S HERE!

My entire body tingles as he walks in. He smiles sweetly at me and hands me a box and a small gift bag.

"Happy Birthday, Nibblet," He says as he hands it to me. He continues to walk past me and places a hand on my belly as he does. "Wait to open 'em 'til you're home," he whispers into my ear and then walks by me. I press my hand to the place on my stomach that his hand was… I feel like I'm on fire.

I'm actually wet.

"Thanks, Spike," I say, but I don't think he heard me. I just take the presents and put them with the others. Willow smiles at me and I smile back. But I'm dying inside.

Yes, I *had* a crush on him. When I was fifteen and he was telling me stories in his crypt, when we were hiding from Glory, I'll admit it. I had a crush on him. He was gorgeous and dangerous and a vampire and forbidden. He was also completely in love with Buffy. And yes, once I saw how he wasn't crushing on her, that he actually *loved* her, I was crushed.


When I looked over at him and saw him crying for her… I wipe a tear from my eye and turn back to the party with a smile. He's taken his usual place in the back of the room. And he just surveys the room.

He has promises to keep.

He promised he would protect me. And he has. He sits outside the house at night until I go to bed. And then he sits outside my window until just before dawn. I've invited him inside, but he never takes the invite. He just perches on the tree and keeps an eye on everything. I actually feel safer, knowing he's there at night.

So yes, he's kept that promise. He's backed us up in fights every night since… for ten years.

And we're friends, so he says. But I want so much more than that.

I can remember when I realised how totally in love with him I was. The night of my eighteenth birthday. He saved my life, yet again. And I thanked him and he turned to me and said…

"No problem, Luv."

"No, thanks for helping me. I mean, I know it's for Bu- but thanks."

"Not for anyone, but you, Luv," he said as he tucked my hair behind my ear.

And I realised that I loved him. Not just a crush. I *love* him. When I think of him, my knees go weak and my stomach gets queasy. I watch him all the time… his mouth, his hands, his body… I dream about him at night. I wanna spend all my waking hours with him.

Of course to him, I'm Nibblet.

And it kills me. But I'd rather have him in my life as a friend than not at all.

But… I wonder if he remembers my twentieth birthday… cause I do.

The night is almost over. We've had cake, slayed a vamp who crashed, blown out candles, opened presents and remembered all the missing faces at the party. Now it's late.

And I need to know the answer to the question that's been burning through my mind and gut. Does he remember?

Anya and Xander leave with hugs. And Giles bids farewell. Angel and Cordelia left already, an hour ago so they could be home at a reasonable time. Willow, Tara and Spike stayed behind to help me.

"We can help you get this stuff home," Tara offers.

"I'll help her," Spike says and my heart practically melts. He's so gentlemanly sometimes. I can completely see that nineteenth century mentality shining through, though he vehemently denies it.

"Thanks," I say.

"No problem."

"Well, okay, then. We're done here. We'll see you tomorrow, Dawn," Willow says and we hug before she and Tara leave Spike and I with the bags of gifts.

"Great, thanks for the help."

"You okay?" He asks as he picks a few things up.

"Yeah, I'm fi-"

"Tell me the truth."

He always does that. He always knows when I'm thinking about her.

"I'm… okay, I guess. I just always thought she'd be here," I say as we leave the Bronze and start walking home. "Both of them," I add.

"And they are, in your heart."

"Funny, my heart feels very lonely at times like these."

"Well, if you'd start seeing people… your sister wa-"

"She wanted me to have a normal life. Blah blah blah," I finish his sentence. "But she's not here and I am. I just don't have time for anything that's not forever."

OH MY GOD! I quickly glance over at him but he doesn't seem phased by the comment. Of course he wouldn't be, because he doesn't see me like that. He doesn't see his forever in my eyes, like I see mine in his.

"It's just not easy… How do I explain that I don't want children? And why? How would I explain the amount of time I spend with you or the gang?"

"You haven't tried. In ten years, you haven't tried," he says.

Cause I haven't wanted to. I want you… but I'm just glad I don't actually blurt that out. I mean, only one time was I ever obvious in the fact that I wanted him. And I wonder if he remembers.

We get to my house after talking about my job and how things are going in that department. And how my thesis is coming along. I love how interested he looks as I'm talking. And then we get to the house and we the stuff inside.

"Want a drink?" I ask as I pour myself a brandy.

"Sure," he says because it's tradition. On special occasions, or when he's over, we have a brandy together on the back porch. "Thanks, Luv," he says as he takes it from me and heads back.

And then things are just silent. We drink in silence.

Meanwhile, my body's on fire, aching for him, burning for him, slicking itself to invite him inside. I wonder what his skin would feel like, or taste like. I wonder what his fingers would feel like. How many times have I slid my fingers inside myself in the shower wishing they were his?

I take another drink.

"So-" I start to say but realise he's said the same thing. I just smile and he looks away.

"Do you… remember when we started this?" I hold the glass up.

"Your twentieth birthday," he replies.

"Yeah… I wanted to… well… do you remember what you promised?" I ask him.

"Of course I do."

I was standing there, in front of him, with my robe opened, my breasts and sex illuminated by the candlelight. "Brandy?" I asked as I handed him the glass.

"Sure," he took the glass. "Luv? What's all this?" He pointed to the candles.

"I'm tired of waiting, Spike. I want…" I looked down in embarrassment. "I want my first time to be with you. I mean, I want to make love with you. For my birthday."

"Huh?" He asked as I walked towards him and took his hand in mine. I placed it over my heaving breast. I was so nervous, I was panting. My entire body was shaking and tingling and shivering as his hand cupped my flesh.

"I want it to be you, tonight," I said and in hindsight, I was a little drunk on the brandy, not to mention love and hope.

"Sorry, Luv. I can't," he said. Plain and simple, as he pulled his hand away from me.

I quickly shut my robe and left the room. He followed me out onto the porch and sat next to me.

"It's not like I don't… *want* to, but…"

"You don't like me that way."

"You should find someone to spend your life with, someone who's not… a demon."

"But what if I can't?" I asked him, terrified that I'd never find someone who could understand my world, and the fact that I'm not really *real*.

"You have to try," he insisted.

"But what if I can't?" I repeated more forcefully.

"Then… in five years… if you haven't found anyone," he turned to me and looked directly into my eyes, "Then I'll make love with you."

"You will?"

"I will."


"I promise."

"Well?" I ask, my palms getting sweaty. "It's been five years. Have you… do you… I mean…" I know I'm getting red with embarrassment, like it's not bad enough it's my first time. "Want more brandy?" I ask as I jump up to run away before I embarrass myself any further.

"Yes," he says. "To all of them."

I stop and turn towards him. "Wh-"

"Get the presents I bought you." I turn to go inside when he adds, "And the brandy too."

I return to the porch carrying the bottle of brandy, the box and the bag. "Here," I say as I hand him the bottle.

I sit back down next to him. "Open them," he says quietly.

"What's this about?" I ask, but he doesn't answer me.

"The bag first."

I nod and open the ba- "Oh my god!" I scream as I pull it out. "Where did you find it?"

"Went lookin' in the right places I guess."

I hold the necklace up and he flinches away from the cross. "Sorry," I apologise as I hold it up to the moon. I start to cry a little and his arm reaches around and pulls me towards him. "Where did you find it?" I ask again.

"Had to hunt down the company that cleared the wreckage and find out where they dumped their garbage an-"

"You had people dig through ten years of garbage to find her necklace?" I ask.

"We kinda lucked out… while we were lookin', demon came over and asked what we were lookin' for and he said there was this one bint who always went through the trash when they first dumped it and picked out the good stuff."

"So you chased it down through ten years?" I look back down at the necklace. I spent hours tearing the house apart hoping that I didn't remember her wearing it, but we all knew that she'd had it when she … when she jumped. I wanted it. It was always something I knew was hers. And now it's in my hands… "Thank you so much, Spike."

"Welcome, Nibblet. I just thought it was high time it was in a Summers' hand." And he just holds me as I stare at it and cry. I don't cry often, usually when I'm home alone and realise that I am truly the last Summers' woman and I'm not even real.

Spike's the only one I'll cry in front of now. He understands that sometimes, I need to be sad. Sometimes, I need to cry for the simple reason that I have tears and have to weep.

Yet another reason why I'm completely in love with him.

And another reason why he'll never want me that way.

Because sometimes, when I'm sobbing, I hear him too. He loves her and she's gone and he can't seem to understand that, even after ten long years.

I wipe my tears and pull away. "Thanks," I say again and he nods. "Look, I'm wiped… I think I'm just gonna go take a shower and read for a while. You're welcome to hang and watch some TV, or whatever… We have enough cake left over, you could mash it up with some blood… but…"

"Open the box," he says, and I'm glad he stopped my ramble.

But honestly, I just wanna go upstairs and cry because finding this necklace meant more to him than giving it to me. It's like some part of him… finding Buffy. He's been waiting for her to return and make his life Hell for ten years… And now I'm mind babbling… "I'll open it tomorrow, I promise. I'm just…"

"Open it," he insists.

"Quickly, and then I'm going upstairs," I say as I put the necklace back in the bag and grab the box. I just wanna get away from him so I can cry because he'll never want me the way that *I* want *him*. And the promise we made… *he* made, was just some promise to a kid he promised to protect. I rip the paper off and ope-

Oh. My. God.

I look over at him and back at- Oh. My…

"Do you like the colour?" He asks. "I wasn't sure… I thought it would look nice on you. You seem to have a lot of dark blue stuff… I thought- do you like it?"

"Huh?" Is my smart comment of the day because- Oh. My. God.

"I checked the size… it should fit."

"Huh?" I ask again and look up at him.

"Will you try i- Can I see you in it?"

I look back down and pull it out. It's a… it's a teddy. A navy blue, lacy, silk teddy that'll barely cover me up. I hold it up and see him watching me through the fabric, it's so sheer.

"Do you like it, Luv?"

"That's the… oh my god." It's the first time he's called me anything but 'Dawnie' or 'Nibblet' in ten years.

"And for the record," he says as he leans in to my lips, "I did *not* find the necklace for Buffy, I found it for *you*, because I knew how important it would be and I wanted to get you something important."

"You're pretty important," I reply before his lips are on mine and OH MY GOD!

I am kissing Spike. Spike is *kissing* me and I'm not asleep! Or at least… I don't thi- SHIT! HANDS! I gasp into his mouth as I feel his hands fondle my breasts softly as he kisses me. His tongue… his lips… are like ice-coal. Stoking the fire while trying to cool the flames. I've played this scene out in my head so often… and it doesn't even come close.

"Spike…" I gasp and whimper as his lips pull away from mine. And it's an odd feeling… having been aroused this much *by* someone and not myself or a video… and especially by *Spike*.

"So… will you wear it for me?" He asks.

"Only for you," I reply. "Come upstairs?" I ask and he nods. We stand up and go inside.

By the time we get upstairs, my heart is racing and I'm freakin' nervous and shaking like I've never shaken before. I know I shouldn't be nervous. It's Spike. And I've been waiting for this forever, but… I've never been with a man… I've never even *seen* one live and in person.

What if I'm terrible? What if he doesn't fit? What if I can't come? What if… ok… panicking won't get me anywhere. I follow him inside and close the door behind us. Then I feel his arms wrap around my waist and his mouth is in my hair and kissing the back of my neck. Oh shit…

"Put it on," he whispers against my skin. He turns me in his arms so I'm pressed against him. "Put it on so I can see how beautiful you are."

He slides his hands up to the sides of my breasts before he starts unbuttoning my satin shirt. I'm having trouble breathing when I finally feel his cool fingers circling my nipples. Shiiiit… "Spike…" I moan and slide out from between him and the door. "Oh god…" I pull my shirt closed and turn to look at him. "I know… I mean, this was my idea… before… but I'm just… don't feel you *have* to do anything cause…" And now I'm babbling again.

I shut up and watch him slip his duster off. "Dawn," he says without even realising it's the first time he ever used my name. He sits on the edge of my bed and pats a spot next to him, "Come sit." I do.

"Dawn, I've been looking forward to this for five years now. I can't tell you how happy I was as each day went by and you brought home no one. Every night, when I sat outside your window, I was relieved when you were alone."

I turn towards him and he takes my hand in his as he continues. "Every night, I listened to you from the roof of your porch. I'd sit under the window and listen to you… you cried sometimes and other times…" He pauses and I smile, "Other times I'd hear you moaning softly. I'd hear you moving on the bed and imagine how gorgeous you looked… how beautiful you'd look under me. I've been waiting for this night for five years… though it seems like forever."

"Spike…" I look into his eyes in disbelief. "Then why… why did you push me away five years ago. Why did you wait until now to tell me this?"

"I had to be sure… of my feelings and of yours. I wanted you to have time to think about it and *really* consider what a relationship with me would be. I guess I was a coward."

"A coward?"

"I wanted to make sure you didn't just feel sorry for me or weren't just looking for comfort. And I wanted you to know the same thing."

"I *want* you, Spike," I say as I touch his cheek. "I have… for a long time, but I'm just… nervous."

"Nervous?" He asks.

"Well, I've never… that was the whole point five years ago. And I've waited, in the hopes that there was a chance."

He takes the box from the bed and hands it to me. "Then put it on, for me."

I nod and go into the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror. Wow. I can pretty much see everything. And I can feel myself getting wet… just thinking about having him inside me tonight.

"Dawn?" He knocks on the door.

"Just a minute… I'm just…" Now or never. I open the door and stand awkwardly in the doorway as he gawks at me. "I feel weird… in this." I put my hands on my hips but that seems stupid, so I put them down, but that's even worse, so I just cross them and stand there looking at him.

"You look…" And then he just smiles. "Perfect," he walks over to me and pulls me towards him. I grip his forearms as he kisses me. "Sexy," he kisses me again. "Stunning." And again before nibbling on my ear. "Gorgeous."

"Not at all awkward?" I ask before laughing and looking around. "You found the candles."

"Yes. I know how much you like them."

"Spike?" I ask. He looks at me. "Is this just a… one night kind of thing? Cause…"

"Most definitely not, Dawn."

I smile. "Good… because for me, it's forever."

"Me too," he replies.

"I love you," I say.

"And I love you, Dawn Mae Summers."

He kisses me again, passionately and I feel his hands roaming over the sheer fabric. I can feel the cool seeping in through the silk and lace. "Make love with me, Spike."

"Alright," he replies and guides my hands to his shirt. I'm glad he didn't wear the black tonight. I unbutton it slowly and push it off… his body is soooo… I run my hand tentatively over his chest, down his pecs, across his abs, up his arms… "Your hands feel so good, Luv. Like feathers kissing my skin."

I smile. I didn't realise he'd be so tender… so poetic. Just another thing that surprises me. Yes, I know he was a poet when he was alive. He even told me, after much goading and begging on my part, where I could find the only remaining clue that he was ever alive. One book. William Brody wrote one book, a collection of poetry that was kept at Cambridge in storage. I got it, after much money, letter writing and convincing that I was the one surviving relative.

We move back towards the bed. He lies on his side and runs his hands up from my knee to the inside of my thigh and I'm whimpering as I feel his fingers graze my moist sex. "Spike…" I gasp and the look in his eyes… it's just amazing. Like I'm the only woman he

I move my fingers to his jeans and start to work the buckle but he catches my hands. "Patience, Luv."

"But I wanna feel you," I explain.

"And you will, just give it time." I nod and he smiles.

I am nervous but not *too* nervous. I've bought porno. I've watched porno. I've purchased vibrators. It's not the sex part of the sex that has me nervous. It's the love. It's Spike. It's the fact that I've waited for so many years for this and now it's happening… I'm going to have Spike inside me tonight.

I continuing caressing his muscular chest and can't help but imagine how his muscles will move when he's above me. I want to feel them moving as he moves within. I can feel his fingers trailing up and down my legs, lightly brushing my sex before trailing back down over my thighs to my feet. He's so gentle.

"Spike," I moan. "Please, touch more. Touch me more. Please…"

He nods and leans over to graze my lips with his. I never realised how cool his body was, perhaps because I've never been this hot. I can feel his eyes penetrating me as I imagine his… he will later. They're undressing me. Trying to get under the sheer fabric, even though it's not that concealing anyway. I watch as he locks his eyes on one of my breasts and leans down. "Oh god," I whimper as his mouth locks over my nipple, sucking through the lace. I slide my hands up his back while tracing all the muscles that keep him hovering above me as his tongue tends to me.

"Spike," I moan, "Oh god…" I don't think I've ever felt this before, *ever*. In fact I'm sure I've never felt this extreme sense of belonging ever before.

"You're so beautiful, Dawn," he murmurs through mouthfuls of cloth and flesh.

"Kiss me," I plead. I need to feel his lips. He looks up and his eyes are just so… hungry. For me? I squeak and he smiles. "Please kiss me," I repeat. And he does. God, he does.

His lips are so tender. I guess I always thought this would be more… passionate and rushed, but the fact that he's so tender makes it a different kind of passion. I can feel his tongue sliding against mine while his hands glide down over the satin that barely covers me. He stops at my navel and starts pulling the fabric up and bunching it in his hand. I gasp into his mouth at the first feeling of his cool fingers on my stomach.

"Spike?" I whisper as he lets me breathe.


"Isn't this wrong?" I ask because frankly, I really can't resist.

"What? Us?"

"No," I say as he looks down at me. "It's *my* birthday and *you're* unwrapping *me*."

He starts to laugh and I smile. "You'll get to unwrap me," he says.

"When?" I ask.

"Yeah," he replies. "Now," he stands up and puts his hand out for me. I sit up and can't resist putting my hands on his hips and pulling him forward toward the bed so he's standing between my legs. I place my mouth on his stomach and kiss him softly, all over. I can feel his hands playing with my hair as he groans my name. I like how he says it like this, like he can't get enough of me.

As I cover his stomach with wet open-mouthed kisses, my hands move to his buckle. I unbuckle it and slowly pull it out of his jeans while he plays with my hair and groans my name. I love the way he tastes, how his skin feels so good against my lips. I like how his muscles quiver under my mouth and how he caresses my hair so softly.

I unbutton his jeans and he catches my hands before I'm able to unzip them. "Wh-" I look up at him. "I… I go commando," he says. "Just thought I'd warn you."

I laugh. "You think I didn't know that? Spike, I've been studying you for five years."

He smiles and releases my hands. I unzip his jeans and stand up so I'm pressed against him. I can feel the satin sliding against his skin as it rubs against my stomach and the lace rubs my oversensitive nipples. A moan escapes my lips and I slowly push his jeans off his hips. I feel his erection spring free and rub against my half-covered sex. I gasp at the coolness against my moist hot centre.

*That's* gonna be inside me?

Okay. Panicking now.

"Shhh…" He whispers against my lips. "Don't worry, Luv."

"Don't worry?" I ask worriedly. "DON'T WORRY?" I repeat insistently. "Spike…" He steps back from me and I look down. I swear, I feel the colour drain from my face. "It's… I can't-"

"Dawn," he says calmly. He takes my chin and lifts it so I'm looking at him. "Do you trust me?" I nod. "Then trust me, you *can*. I won't hurt you." Okay. I do trust him, but… "Dawn, you're meant to pass a child. You can handle this."

"It'll hurt," I state.

"Some. Yes. It's your first time. But… I promise… it'll be okay."

I can't help but believe him when I look in his eyes. He's so sure. They're so full of… love? For me? I believe that he won't hurt me. After all, he's probably done this a ton of times. He knows how to make it the easiest on me, right? He kisses me reassuringly and I kiss him back.

He takes my hands and holds them out a little so he can look down at me. "You're so incredibly beautiful, Dawn. So perfect… I can't believe that you're even the same person as that little kid I knew."

I smile and he cups my face before kissing me passionately. I think all hesitation I had melts away as his hands slide under the fabric and lift it off my body. The satin floats helplessly to the floor as his hands run up my back and pull me close to him. "Oh god!" I can't help the tear that falls down my cheek at the feeling of his body pressed completely against me. I'd only dreamed of this moment. I never thought it would ever happen and now he's here, rubbing my back sensuously.

He sees the tear or smells it, I'm not sure, but he just kisses me that much deeper. His lips are soothing to me. His hands and arms wrap around and hold me tight as he moves us back to the bed. He tightens his grip as he lifts me onto the bed and hovers on top of me. I can feel his penis rubbing against my wet cleft and I'm scared. I don't want to be. I know he wouldn't ever hurt me. But… I'm just tense that he's gonna just thrust inside me.

Instead, he kisses his way down my body, this time actually licking my nipples, with no fabric over them. I gasp as his hand cups my bare sex. "Spike!"

"Shh…" He coos.

"What are you-"

"I'm going to get you ready for me. Just relax and feel."

Okay. Relax and feel. I can do THAT!

OH GOD! He just… I feel his tongue sliding between the length of my lips. It's so cool against my skin. It feels like… like Heaven. That's what it feels like. And just when I think it won't get any be-

"SPIKE!" Oh my… he's… I feel him thrust his tongue into my wet channel. I can't help but rock my hips and squeeze his tongue. I grab his head and hold his hair as he tongues me. I never… oh my god. "OhgodSpike!" I cry.

I can feel the rush of liquid to my sex and the pounding of my heart in my ears as I chant his name and arch off the bed. "SpikeSpikeSpikeSpike… ohgodpleasepleaseplease…" It's just too much for me… I start to cry as I call his name. I can't help it. I just… I never thought it could feel this good. I feel his fingers as they start to stimulate my clit. "SHIT!" I shout as he speeds up his tongue and I just start to thrash around under him. "PLEASE!" I beg him.

"Come for me, Dawn," he gasps. "Make it wet for me," he mumbles before diving in and I just start screaming as I come. I don't know what I'm screaming. His name. His praises. I don't know. I just thrash around and scream 'cause that's all I can do at this point.

"Dawn?" I open my eyes and look at him.

"My entire body is humming," I announce as I hold his hand on my stomach.

"Want it to hum more?" He asks. I feel him slide two fingers inside me and start working me again. "Huh? Wanna feel more?" I nod and he slides a third finger in as well. I can feel him gently scissoring his fingers, trying to stretch me for him. This will be the first time I have a live penis inside me. And he's larger than anything I've used on myself thus far.

"You're really wet, Dawn. Feel." I nod and slide a finger inside with his. "See?"

"Shit, Spike…" I groan as he hooks fingers with me and we both open my passage up. I arch into our hands as he kisses me intensely. I gasp when I feel him thrusting against my hip, his hardness rubbing against me. "Please!" I moan as my other hand brushes his erection. He growls loudly at the contact and I smile into his kiss. "Please," I say. "I'm ready, Spike. Please."

"Alright," he whispers before pulling his fingers out of me. He gently lifts my knees and then pushes them open until I can feel the cool air hitting my most sensitive warm areas and I shiver. He crawls between my legs and settles himself on top of me. I feel his hardness poised at my entrance and he captures my lips once more before I feel him slowly start to push inside.

"SPIKE!" I whimper as I squeeze my muscles.

"Relax, Dawn. Try to relax. Invite me in."

I look into his impossibly blue eyes and instantly relax. This is the man I… this is the man I love. He slides in easier and I hold his arms tightly as he stretches me.

At last, he's sheathed inside me completely. He stays absolutely still as I just take in the feelings. The pain of having something this large inside me. The pleasure that's still resonating from earlier. The love I feel for him…

"Spike, I love you," I say and I watch his eyes widen as he looks at me.

"What?" He asks.

"I love you. I always thought it. I always felt it. But until tonight, I didn't *know* it. I love you, Spike."

He smiles and captures my lips with his as he rolls his hips forward a little causing his erection to shift within me. I arch up and draw him a little deeper. "You okay?" He asks.

I nod. "Uh huh," I manage before I'm completely overwhelmed with emotion. I love him. I told him. Spike's inside me. I'm having sex. I'm having sex with Spike. Right now.

I feel him slide out and I squeal. It hurts. I've never had anything this big inside me before. He knows this so he just kisses me and whispers my name as he pushes back in slowly.

"Spike!" I whimper, "Gods, Spike, it hurts."

"Do you want to stop?" He asks in all sincerity.

I shake my head. "No. Just go slow."

He kisses me deeply as he starts to move ever so slowly. In. Out. In. Out. And I feel his hand make its way down to my clit, which he starts to rub. I wrap my legs around his and he starts kissing my neck and face. It's starting to get easier, he's starting to slide in easier. I'm stretching and fitting around him. I look into his eyes and it looks as if he's completely amazed by this feeling, like he's never felt something so good.

He grazes my lips with his own before kissing his way down to my ear. "I love you, Dawn. I love you so much."

I… I… I don't know… I didn't know. I… he loves me? Spike loves me?

"I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want it to be true. But I can't stop it," he confesses and I lean up and pull him down for a sweet kiss. My body is on fire. The pain, it's slowly being replaced with pleasure. Oh my god… he can do things to a woman's body that I don't think anyone can. I grab at his shoulder blades and pull him towards me.

I'm sweating and whimpering now. It feels good. Really good. Better than anything *I've* done to my body previously. It just feels really good. He's moving a little faster and I'm anticipating what it'll feel like to have him orgasm inside me. Just the thought makes me shiver.

"You okay?" He asks in between pants and grunts and groans.

"Uh huh," I reply. "Feels so good."

"I know," he whispers as his motions become a little more hurried. I can feel him reaching inside me, moving inside me, filling me. I never realised how empty I was before tonight. Never realised how much Spike fills me.

He kisses me now with wild abandon, his tongue surging into my mouth, probing me for some unkept secrets. I can feel his skin rubbing against mine, his velvet steel probing me as his tongue does. It's all too much. My body is alive for the first time ever. I'm filled with this intense… heat. Passion. Love. Desire. Burning.

"Spike," I sigh. "GodSpikeplease."

"What?" He gasps.

"Pleasemakemecome," I plead. "Godplease!"

He just smiles at me and his entire body just fills with this extreme urgency. *Our* bodies start moving on their own, consuming each other, driving us towards pure ecstasy. I'm whimpering and crying and sobbing his name into his shoulder and I'm pretty sure he's doing to same with my name.

My body arches up into his, bringing him deeper still, and I'm thrashing around under him. I've never… He twists my clit and I'm done for. "SPIIIIIIIKE!" I wail as I shudder and come for what seems like hours. I drench us both as I feel him explode inside me. It's like an avalanche gushing into me and I scream and come again as he screams my name.

I open my eyes and feel his soft purring under my cheek. I smile and kiss his bare chest before looking up at him. "Hi," I say sheepishly.

"Hi," he says. "Are you alright?"

"Oh yeah." My body is sore. I know that for sure. But it was worth it. "Perfect."

"Me too," he smiles. "That was amazing, Dawnie."

"You were pretty amazing yourself," I say before resting my head back down. "I meant it, Spike. I really do love you. More than I ever thought possible."

"I love you too, Ducks."

"Spike, promise me something."


"Promise me that you'll protect me forever. Promise that you'll love me no matter what. Promise you'll stay with me."

"I promise. Until the end of the world, Luv, until the end of the world."

//But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep//

