Ceremony Of Innocence

By DM Evans

Chapter: 4

SPECIAL WARNING: The NC-17 portion of this is non-consensual and you’ll find it under the second "Los Angeles" section if you care to skip it.


"Where are Xander and Anya?" Dawn asked, looking out the living room window. Revello Drive seemed dead, which was usually a good thing.

"Dawnie, they have better things to do than hang out with us," Willow said with a gentle smile. The newlyweds’ honeymoon was currently consisting of a lot of alone time and long weekend in succession planned for L.A., San. Fran and maybe even Oregon.

"But I asked them just for a few minutes," Dawn huffed.

"Knowing Anya, Xander doesn't have any free moments," Giles said, looking up from the book he was reading purely for fun. The women just looked at him in shock.

"Well, I have to go patrol soon," Buffy said, putting a few stakes in her leather jacket.

"I guess I’ll just tell you three then," Dawn said, sitting on the couch with Giles.

"Tell us what?" Buffy shrugged into her jacket.

"Lorne told me something at his club. We decided not to ruin everyone’s evening, as if you could understand it as drunk as you all were." Dawn gazed at them all sternly.

"What did he say?" Buffy asked, instantly all business. Giles set aside his book and Willow crowded onto the couch.

"That someone was tampering with the Hellmouth. He didn’t know who or why just that it’s happening now." Dawn felt suddenly nervous, having kept it quiet for a full day.

"Dawn, why did you wait to tell us this?" Buffy asked, her brow wrinkling.

"Because I didn’t want to spoil the wedding party and it’s so vague that I didn’t think it would be much help," she replied defensively.

"Why not tell us on the way home?" Willow asked.

Dawn rolled her eyes. "You were all hung over and grumpy."

"I suppose what Lorne saw isn’t particularly helpful, and I can understand your not wanting to destroy Xander and Anya's happy event," Giles said calmly, giving the older girls a cautionary look. "I’ll give Lorne a call and see if there might be more he can add or if there was anything he held back."

"Thanks, Giles," Buffy said, putting a hand on Dawn’s shoulder. "And I’m sorry he didn’t have something better to tell you for your song."

"I know but it’s better this way. Now we know," Dawn said with a fragile smile.

"That’s true. I’ve got to go," Buffy said.

"Be careful. Willow, still want to help me with the math homework?" Dawn asked.

"Buffy, might need my help out there," Willow hedged.

"Nope. It’s just routine," Buffy said.

"Okay, but let me call Xander and leave him a message about this. He's working in the area of the Hellmouth. He should know to be on the look out for something odd," Willow said.

"Good idea. Make your call first," Giles said.

"And I’ll swing by Willie’s and see if I can shake anything loose down there," Buffy said. "I wish there was a way to shut that thing once and for all."

"I’m hoping we have already done so but Hellmouths can pop up just about anywhere. There’s a great temptation to try and harness that power," Giles said.

Buffy frowned. "Just what I so didn’t want to hear." She headed out into the night, grateful for Dawn’s warning and nervous all over again about the possibility of having to deal with the Hellmouth yet again.


"You'd-best-talk-to-us," Faith said, punctuating each word with a fist. She didn’t know the name of the demon she was pounding on, only that its arms and back were quill encrusted and those quills could be launched as poor Gunn had found out. Wesley was against an alley wall trying to extract the quills thrust into Gunn's thigh. Angel had several sticking out of him as he manhandled another of the demon’s compatriots. The others had run off. Faith had managed to pin this one to the wall quite literally and thrilled to the discovery its abdomen and chest were quill-free. She busily worked it over.

"Stick yourself," the creature gasped.

"Wrong answer." A wide manic smile lit up Faith’s face and she slammed a fist into its gut. "We know you have the answers we're looking for." She delivered another punch.

"All right. The law has itself a pit. They throw demons in and bet on the fights," it rasped out begrudgingly, its quills drooping.

"And they have Connor?" Angel asked, still grappling with the other quill demon.

"Who?" Faith’s demon tried to squirm free and she gut kicked it. It dragged in a ragged breath, deciding to be more helpful.
"They got some human kid, does great in the pit. That’s all I know."

"I’m betting you know where the fights are held," Faith said, punching him just for the thrill of being out again and able to let fly with her energy in a good way.

The demon Angel was battling snarled, shut up, and managed to shove his forearm into Angel's neck. The vampire howled as his cold flesh was pierced by multiple quills. The demon tossed Angel aside, his quills rustling. Hearing that, Faith ducked and he shot one long quill into his companion’s eye. It bore straight through the demon’s head and he fell on top of Faith, luckily quill-side out. The last remaining demon escaped before anyone could move.

Wesley left Gunn and ran to Angel’s side as Faith pitched off the demon pinning her down. "Are you all right, Faith?" he asked, his fingers going to Angel’s profusely bleeding neck.

"Fine. Can’t say the same for my dancing partner." She threw an easy smile at her one-time Watcher. "How’s Angel?"

"I let our best lead get away," Angel growled, shoving Wesley aside. He landed on his backside.

"I wouldn’t say let. You’re hurt rather badly," Wesley said, dusting off his pants.

"Tend to Gunn. This isn’t going to stop me," Angel said.

"I’m guessing 'law' has to be Wolfram and Hart," Gunn said, managing to get to his feet. He clamped a hand over his bleeding leg. "I hope to hell those quills weren’t poisonous."

"They were Dauebene demons," Wesley said. "Non-venomous but we need to get you back to the hotel and make sure none of the quills broke off in you or they’ll fester."

"I’m going after it," Angel said.

Faith snagged his arm, dragging him to a halt. "You’re dripping blood everywhere. You’ll leave a trail a blind man could follow."

Angel tore free roughly but she caught him again. "It’s gone. We know all we’re gonna from them," Faith said.

Angel snarled wordlessly, heading back for the car while Wesley helped Gunn to walk.

"We know Connor’s being forced to fight, Angel. It’s just a matter of time now until we find either a demon who’s been in the pit or someone who’s betting on the matches. This is the best news we've had," Wesley said, trying hard to spin the night’s events positively.

"It would have been better if Giles had had some answers for you," Angel snapped, almost collapsing behind the wheel of his car.

"He did his best," Wesley replied, helping Faith get Gunn into the car.

"I know," Angel said, more calmly. "But Lilah put me into one of those fighting pits. It nearly killed me. I’m stronger and more experienced than Connor. We have to find him before he gets murdered in there."

"Man, that boy was raised in hell. The demons called him the Destroyer," Gunn said. "I think he can hold his own until we can mount a rescue."

Angel glared, a low rumble percolating in his torn throat. Gunn didn’t retract that statement, however.

"Gunn’s right, Angel. Now we know he's still in the city. We know he’s somewhere big enough to hold these matches. We’ll question every demon we can find to see if we can get a lead," Wesley said.

"And you can always question Lilah herself," Faith said.

"Not until we know more. While I don’t think she’d harm Connor, we don’t want to push her. He’s worth more to her alive than dead, I would think," Wesley said. "Especially when it comes to controlling you, Angel. If Connor dies, Lilah knows you’ll kill her."

"Unless they found something saying he'd interfere with their planned apocalypse," Angel said.

"Then they’d have killed him outright, Angel. No, they want him alive and that will enable us to find him. Once we get you and Gunn patched up, we can search for more clues. Don’t worry. No one is giving up," Wesley said but he could see it didn’t do much to mollify the vampire.


"This had better work with him half tranqed," Lilah muttered as she passed through the containment spell and into Connor’s cell. She glanced down at him. He had been staked spread eagle across the mattress. She hadn’t ever given much thought to how undignified the position was, how horribly exposed, until now. She could do just about anything to him and he was powerless to stop her. There was something appealing about it.

Ugly bruises covered him from his battle earlier today. It looked like they never fed the boy, even if she knew that wasn’t true. They were concerned with his health and fed him well, especially on match days. Still, she could count all his ribs and his belly was a bare little hollow. This was a boy’s form, still developing and filling out, with barely a hint of what it might be when he reached manhood.

She wasn’t sure where the senior partners had come up with a child of Meretseger but they had. Egypt, she suspected since that’s where the former goddess had ruled millennia ago. The thing had been unnerving, a giant scorpion with a woman’s head. It had nearly killed Connor. Luckily, it hadn’t managed to spit any of its venom on him since Lilah was unaware of any cures for it. She had been surprised they had been willing to risk Connor before they had gotten everything they wanted from him but obviously they figured he could defeat the horrid thing. She had been equally surprised they had squandered Meretseger's child.

Lilah sat beside him. He seemed to be sleeping peacefully, even if she knew he was drugged half out of his mind. His full lips were parted in sleep, but then again his mouth was always half-open. Maybe he had sinus troubles and Lilah hoped it gave him headaches. But more than that she hoped she’d catch Gavin alone and thank him properly for suggesting to the senior partners that she was the one to handle the task just to be sure it wasn’t flubbed. Maybe she’d make Gavin’s skin into a hand bag and pumps then walk all over Lindsey for snickering at her over this assignment. She smoothed out a wrinkle in her outfit, one usually reserved for cleaning the house, well if she actually cleaned her own place. She set a plastic jar and blue nitrile gloves just out of Connor’s sight line, wrinkling her nose against the smell of him. Maybe they ought to do more than just hose him off after a battle. Months of sweat and blood perfumed his body like a stuffy locker room with a backed up toilet. She traced a bruise above his hip. The purpling ran from the small of his back, over the prominent crest of his bony hip to the faint goody trail bisecting his belly.

At her touch, Connor’s blue eyes flew open and he tried to move away from her. Realizing he was tied down, he screamed wordlessly, trying to break free. The metal shackles and chains creaked from his effort.

"Go ahead; get it out of your system. They anchored it into the flooring and the manacles have been known to hold demons a hell of a lot stronger than you." Lilah smiled at him.

Connor struggled some more then finally gave in. "Why?"

"I needed to be in here with you and let’s just say I don’t trust you." She flicked a lank lock of greasy hair off his face.

"I’m going to kill you."

She laughed. "I don’t doubt you’ll try. We’re going to do something here, Connor. I wish I didn’t have to participate but I have my orders, like it or not. My suggestion, don’t fight me and you might actually enjoy it."

His eyes narrowed. "Doubtful."

"Have it your way." Lilah reached around and got the gloves. She pulled them on making sure he watched. She could see both curiosity and fear in his eyes. He obviously equated the gloves with what the doctors had done to him and was in no hurry to have that repeated. She touched a blue surgical gloved finger to his shaved face. "Be good and seriously, you’ll enjoy it. Be bad and I’m going to make this hurt."

"Go ahead, hurt me. I’m used to it," he assured her.

"Have it your way." Lilah trailed her gloved hand over his chest, slowly moving down. He winced as she grazed bruised bits of him, soft like rotted fruit from the swelling. "The senior partners are curious if they can make more like you."

He gave her a blank look. "I’m unique."

"True, but your special gifts might be inheritable. Which means we need to make sure you’re not as sterile as a mule. And lucky me, I was selected to find out." Lilah's hand slid down the shaft of his penis. She felt him flinch away, his eyes turning into wide cerulean ponds.

"Don’t!" He struggled even harder against his chains.

"What’s the matter? You don’t like this?" Her gloved hand wrapped around him, slowly pumping him.

He thrashed as much as he could. "Stop it. Don’t touch me."

"Just relax. This works much easier that way." Lilah felt a note of pleasure ring through her. She had thought she’d been given this scut job to humiliate her but maybe the senior partners knew her better than she thought. She enjoyed dominating him. He was shy, very modest even. She could see it in those huge blue eyes. She knew exactly what she was taking from him and it made her go warm and moist.

He pulled against his bindings so hard Lilah knew he tore flesh. She smelled blood. "Don't-it's not right."

"Oh yes, I forgot you were raised by someone with morals." Lilah looped a finger under his foreskin to tickle the head of his cock. It felt odd to her since her gloves deadened all sensation to her fingers. Still, the delicate fold of tissue peeled back a bit, though it was tight as if he didn’t have a chance to use his penis often. His cock quivered in her hand as she stretched his foreskin and he made a little groan, pleasure or pain she wasn’t sure. "I really hate turtlenecks. Too bad they didn’t take care of this for you."

Connor’s eyes screwed shut. "Please don’t."

"You’re fighting me. I’m betting this scrawny teen-aged body of yours can be stimulated enough to override your will. A lot of men can be, you know. I’m winning but I don’t have to tell you that," Lilah said, feeling him beginning to stiffen under her touch.

"I hate you." He ground the words out, his eyes still tightly shut, his whole body rigid.

"Who cares? The less you fight, the quicker this is over with." Lilah stroked him a little faster, surprised that he was still only at half-mast. The boy had will power, she’d give him that. She let his cock drop and moved her hands to his face. "Look at me, Connor." When he refused to open his eyes, she dug her nails into his cheeks, hoping she wouldn’t rupture her gloves.
"Look at me."

He opened his eyes. "Quit touching me."

Lilah leaned close. She liked the look of fear in his eyes, drinking it in like champagne. She couldn’t believe how arousing subjugating a man like this was. A tingle warmed her between her legs just looking at his helpless body. "Has anyone ever done this to you before? Are you a virgin?"

He growled and snapped at her, taking her by surprise. Lilah barely managed to jump back. She felt his teeth graze her, the reek of his breath gagging her. She slapped him hard enough to split his lip. He licked away the blood, his eyes never leaving her. The look on his face was just this side of insane.

"Little bastard. I hope you are a virgin and this is as good as it ever gets for you." She squeezed his testicles hard and he moaned. Realizing this wasn’t going to help, Lilah went back to fighting to arouse him.

"I’m not," he said finally.

"Pity." She pumped him faster, feeling his body giving in. As he hardened, the delicate folds of his foreskin peeled back like an opening flower. She was more than a little astonished that he was built half as well as he was. Aroused, he had something to be proud of. She had had bigger but given the all-around runtiness of him, what she had in her hand was amazing. She moved her hand faster and he grunted, his lips twisting into a rictus of pain.

"Stop - it hurts."

"I thought you said you could handle that." She smirked, imaging how the rasping glove had to feel on his sensitive skin.
"Next time I’ll remember the lotion. Ummm, I can just imagine your father tied down like this. Think he’d enjoy it more than you?" Lilah delighted at the look of shock and dismay on Connor’s face at that.

Connor’s eyes shut again, his body finally relaxing against his bonds. Lilah didn’t think that he was ready yet for the big finish then noticed the tears leaking out of the corner of his eyes. They decorated the lush fringe of his lashes like dew drops. If she had wanted him humiliated, she had obviously succeeded. A trill of power raced through her leaving her wet and almost horny enough to want to mount him hard, ride him until he hurt. Did he know? Could he scent it? Part of her hoped he did and knew just how much pleasure his pain was giving her. Let him think on it and know something this illicit and sweet would have to be enjoyed again, at least by her.

She rolled his testicles in one hand as her fingers plucked at his foreskin. He wasn’t going to participate in this but he was beyond fighting her now. It didn’t take much longer before his breath started rasping in ragged pants. She got the jar, planning horrible things to do to Gavin if any of this got on her. Lilah might be turned on but she had never been one who wanted to be splashed all over with cum. It was harder than she thought to manoeuvre the jar into position and keep stimulating him at the same time. Finally he came in thick spurts against the plastic of the jar. A piteous whimper pried its way past his lips. Letting him go, she eyed the viscous mass at the bottom of the jar.

"This looks as bad as it smells. Ever notice that?" she asked. He didn’t answer her and she saw he was crying harder but still silently. She almost felt sorry for him then remembered he just tried to bite her face off.

She capped the jar, stripped off her gloves, and headed out of the containment spell, a gris-gris hidden on her body making that possible. Once she was outside of the confinement area, Connor gave in, weeping audibly. Lilah forced herself to ignore it or she might just have to head to a restroom first to finish herself off, feeding off his pain as much as she was. Lilah headed for the lab. She almost threw the jar at the technician when she got there.

"Hope that’s adequate," she said.

The tech spun the jar in her hand. "And then some. We’ll be able to run our tests and freeze the rest."

"Knock yourself out," Lilah said as her cellular rang. She answered it. "Gavin? Where are you? I’m going - what? Lindsey went where? Son of a bitch. I didn’t think he knew where to find that freak. We can’t take any chances. Send a clean up crew."

Lilah signed off and headed for the senior partner’s offices to update them on her success and the latest crisis.


Lindsey hoped he had slipped Wolfram and Hart’s surveillance. He was sure he was under some despite Lilah’s telling him he was free to spend his off hours anyway he wanted. The only thing forbidden was any contact with Angel. He had no desire for Wolfram and Hart to know he was visiting a seer. And it had taken a few hours to drive to Vegas from L.A. It was risky and he hated putting his brother at risk and then there was Connor. Lindsey couldn’t say why he cared one whit about a boy he met once. It made little sense but both parents had left fingerprints in his life.

And it was just wrong to do to anyone what Lilah was doing to Connor. Two years away had robbed Lindsey of any desire to be involved in something so insidious or even to sit by and let it happen. He knew Kevin would die if he tried to pass on any information to Angel and he couldn’t trade his brother’s life for anyone. So his hope was Lorne could read him and pass on what was needed.

Lindsey had gone to Caritas only to find a new bar built on the ruins of Lorne’s place that was sort of a homage bar to Caritas' memory. It was run by a seer Lindsey had seen once or twice, a friend of Lorne’s. Shaking, and not wanting to talk to him - he could only imagine what she saw in regards to him, she had put him on Lorne’s trail in Vegas.

Lorne’s new place was incredible and crowded beyond belief. Lindsey felt very claustrophobic. He would have thought living in L.A. would have cured him of it but he preferred the roominess of Oklahoma. He had to bribe someone to get a chance on stage. Lorne’s eyes widened seeing him, which was disconcerting given their color and intensity. The demon swept over to him in an outfit Lindsey could have sworn was stolen from Huggie Bear.

"Well, isn’t this a surprise. Everyone put your hands together for this young Okie. He and I go back a ways. Unfortunately I don’t see his guitar but you’ll love how Lindsey croons," Lorne babbled into the microphone, smoothing the lines of his lavender suit.

"Thanks, Lorne." Lindsey felt an embarrassed flush kiss his cheeks. He wished Lorne had been quieter about it all though. He knew he wasn’t exactly low profile coming here but he was hoping at least to keep his name out of it. There was nothing to do for it now though. He sang Toby Keith’s "I Just Wanna Talk About Me," hoping Lorne would get the hint. Halfway through the song he caught a look at the demon and almost faltered. Lorne look on the edge of a heart attack, provided he had a heart.
When the song ended Lorne retook the stage. Lindsey could see the fine tremors running through him. "We’ll be taking a half hour break." He held up his hands against the outcry. "I’m sorry. Everyone will get a complimentary plate of the World’s Best Nachos and cheese sticks."

Lorne waved for Lindsey to follow him. The tension roiled off of him, Lindsey was almost drunk off it. He wished Lorne hadn’t just called him out in front of everyone. If he had been followed, they’d not miss him going off with Lorne for a private chat. He thought for a moment about just running off and let Lorne do what he had to, except Lindsey feared the scene Lorne might cause. The demon was a master at drawing attention to himself. Lorne ushered him into the office and sat him on the overstuffed Corinthian leather sofa. Lorne’s hands shook as he mixed himself a drink.

"Want one?"

"You look like I might need one." Lindsey frowned. "I’ll pass."

"Why did you come to me with this?" Lorne asked, falling into his chair behind the desk.

"Why do you think?" Lindsey could see the dismay in Lorne’s orange-red eyes. "What did you see?"

"Your brother will be dead if you make one more misstep," Lorne said and Lindsey felt like a sledgehammer pulverized him.
Lindsey dragged a hand through his shaggy hair. He should have known. "They know I’m here."

"I didn’t see that." Lorne downed his drink in two long swallows and got up to fill another. "But I don’t see a long future for your brother."

"Did you see where they have him?" Lindsey’s blue eyes filled with hope.

"Keep your enemies closer," Lorne muttered.

Lindsey rocked back in his chair, wishing he had asked for that drink. "He’s in the building."

Lorne shrugged, nearly spilling his second drink. "I think so."

"Makes sense." Lindsey got up, prowling around the posh room. Who did Lorne’s decorating? The ghosts of Beau Brummel and Versace? "Magical defenses in conjunction with the best security the mundane world has to offer. I had hoped he’d be there somewhere...do you know where exactly?"

"I see a sunrise over the tower."

Lindsey’s face scrunched up. "The penthouse?"

"Possibly. And you know where the boy is, too." That came out as an accusation.

Lindsey turned slowly. He didn’t know Lorne could look so menacing. All right, Lindsey was far from being afraid but Lorne was trying. "Connor?"

"You do know." Lorne slammed his glass down. "How can you not have done anything to help?"

Lindsey stalked over to him. "Because they’ll put my brother in that pit with the demons to fight. Angel’s freak son can handle himself. My brother will die. I can’t do that to him, Lorne." Lindsey’s voice faltered. He took a deep breath to compose himself. "I came here hoping you could be the go-between. I know I might have sentenced my brother to death in doing so. They’ve got Angel’s kid in the sub-basement. They’re torturing the hell out of him, mentally. No one deserves that. Kevin, my brother, would want to help. He’s good that way. That’s why I risked it."

"Kevin’s going to die one way or the other, Lindsey." Lorne put a sympathetic hand on Lindsey’s shoulder. "Even if you do it all by the numbers, give them what they want, they plan in killing him and you."

Lindsey buried his face in his hands. "Can you see what I can do to prevent it?"

"I think you know."

"Angel’s never going to help me." Lindsey lifted his head. "Unless I help him. Tell him for me, Lorne. I’ll try to think of another way out. I need to get out of here, Lorne, in case they did follow me. I can’t stay here long."

"I understand." Lorne picked up the phone and dialled. "Come on, pick up."

"Lorne, I think Wolfram and Hart has the place up," Lindsey cautioned then added seeing Lorne’s confused look, "wired for
sound at the very least."

The demon nodded. "Angelcakes, I hate leaving you a message like this. The hotel has ears and all that. I have important information about you know who. Call me immediately."

"Thanks, Lorne. I’m leaving." Lindsey saw Lorne looked as distressed as he felt. It made him physically ill. There was not going to be a good outcome of this, he just knew it.

"You be careful."

"Don’t worry about me."

Lindsey left as quickly as he could, praying harder than he had since the day he had woken up to find his flu-stricken sibling dead in the bed beside him as a child. He hoped he could save Kevin without resorting to Angel. Once he did that he’d only have one chance at rescuing Kevin and Connor before Wolfram and Hart knew what he’d done and summarily executed his brother and possibly the rest of his family. He drove toward L.A. regretting ever thinking Wolfram and Hart was his way to salvation from his impoverished life.
