Ceremony Of Innocence

By DM Evans

Chapter: 6


"Ouch! Damn it!"

"Keep it quiet, Eddie!" The young man looked back at his cousin who had tripped over God knows what.
Eddie rubbed his ankle. "This is a bad idea, Carl."

"Like hell! They've got all sorts of stuff lying around here that we can take and sell." Carl waved a hand around the construction site.

"I'm going to go to jail over stealing two by fours," Eddie groaned.

"Look, if you're going to piss and moan why don't you leave before we get caught," Carl grumbled, with a nervous look to see if there was a guard around.

Eddie glanced around. He thought he saw something moving at the high school across the street. Panic surged through him. He didn't mind a little mischief but this was more than he wanted to get involved in now that he was here. "You know, I'm gonna do that." Eddie fled.

"Eddie, you idiot." Carl watched his cousin go. "I needed that jackass."

Carl decided to forge ahead and steal some of the smaller things from the construction site. He could still be able to get some expensive stuff even if it took a longer time and more trips. He saw some boxes off to one corner of the site. He had a good view of the new school and it gave him a shudder. Carl had heard about odd things happening in the town when he had gone to the old school. He never believed it and he still didn't.

Much to Carl's disappointment, the boxes were filled with something far too heavy to move, especially alone. He moved on to find more likely prospects. The wind shifted, bringing in something that smelled like a broken sewer line. Carl gagged and looked around faster, trying to find a target to steal.

He didn't see anything to steal but what he did see nearly made him wet himself. Three creatures were behind him. The smell roiled off of them. Their skin looked like melted, well oiled chartreuse wax. Tiny mouths erupted from that nauseating flesh at off intervals. Carl backed away, his mind refusing the truth in front of him.

"You guys are either way early or really late for Halloween," he said, forcing bravado.

"He's seen what we do," one of the creatures said in a voice raspy like steel wool on metal.

"Um, I didn't see anything," Carl said then whirled and ran.

The stench creatures swarmed over him. The last thing Carl felt were hundred of little mouths gnawing into him. He didn't live to hear the creatures spitting out every mouthful they took.

"They always taste bad," one of the Moahilya demons said.

"Not to mention the way they smell."

"We'd better get back to work. We've a lot to do to honor our contract," the third said and they started back toward the school.


"I worry about you going to Chicago," Buffy said, her hands wrapped around a steaming cup of hot chocolate. They were having a girl's night. Giles had kindly vacated to a British-themed pub so Dawn, Buffy and Willow could have time free of men. He did call a half hour ago bemoaning Spike's arrival at the pub. Buffy told him to just drink with the vampire and be thankful for mature company. She could feel the glare radiating over the phone line.

"And here I thought you couldn't wait to get rid of me." Dawn grinned over her cup as she settled on the couch next to Buffy.

Buffy snorted. "I'm being serious. The first year is the hardest, especially when you're away from home for the first time."

"Chicago's dangerous," Willow said, curling up tighter on the chair closer to the fireplace. "In different ways than Sunnydale. You're not used to being in such a big city."

"I grew up in L.A.," Dawn countered.

"There's a difference. You were a kid. You had your family to take care of you. In Chicago, you'll be an adult and alone." Buffy took a sip of her drink. "Giles did say we all have to face the growing up thing sometime. But it's hard."

"Yeah, it's a little scary. I'll admit to that," Dawn said, blowing a wisp of her long hair off her face.

"You'll do fine, Dawn," Willow said perkily.

"You really will," Buffy said. "But there are lots of distractions. Booze, boys; I don't want you getting involved with all that."

"I don't drink and you don't get to lecture me about boys, Buffy. I don't mean to be mean but I've got better sense than you in that department. Okay there was that one vampire boy but I learned from that. Two of your three long-standing boyfriends were vampires." Two pink splotched of temper stood out on Dawn's pale cheeks.

"Dawn," Buffy said, eyes wide with shock.

Dawn held up her hand. "Sorry. Really. I don't want to ruin our night fighting.

"It's okay, Dawn." Buffy poked at a marshmallow with a finger. "I mean, you're right. I don't want to admit it but you've got a point. I have no excuses for it either."

"The heart wants what it wants," Willow put in, her crystalline eyes fogged with emotion.

"But it's really over right?" Dawn looked askance at her sister. "You and Spike. I can't go if I think you could be back with an attempted rapist."

Buffy raked the fingers of one hand through her hair, yanking at it. "Dawn, there's so much you"

"What? Don't understand?" That came out as a snarl.

Buffy looked away. "Look, it's over Dawn, long over. Things happened that we couldn't ever come back from even if I were nuts enough to want to try."

"Well, it was just stupid of you to get involved with him in the first place," Dawn said. "And I know that Spike's really charming. I mean, I had a crush on him, too. I was even mad at you for stealing him from me. I owe him my life and all but there's still evil in him." Dawn looked into her cup as if divining answers in the chocolate. The anger in her face smoothed away when she finally looked back up. "Maybe that'll change now that he has a soul’s complicated isn't it? That's part of growing up, too, right?"

Buffy and Willow nodded, wry, almost sad, looks etching into their faces.

"Oh yeah." Willow glanced over at Buffy cautiously. "Maybe you should tell her about Parker, Buffy, so it doesn't happen to her."

Buffy gave Willow a dark look that made her shiver. "I don't think"

"Buffy, that sort of thing happens all the time. Dawn should know about it to protect herself," Willow argued stubbornly.

"Buffy." Dawn put a hand on her sister's knee. "What happened? How bad did you get hurt? Did someone slip you a roofie or something?"

Buffy sat back, her head dipping back onto the couch. "It wasn't a physical thing. Parker seemed like a great guy, sweet, sensitive, yadda yadda. But it was only an act to get me into bed and I went. We didn't date or anything, just talked and I was dumb enough to fall for his act. I was so slow to pick up on it, too. I thought it meant more than some fun. He was out to rack up as many one-night stands as he could and it might not have been as scary as being raped but it still hurt because I'm the one who let it happen."

"I'm so sorry, Buffy. Why didn't you tell me?" Dawn said, setting down her mug.

Buffy reached over and stroked Dawn's hair. "It's not something I care to talk about with my little sister. The thing is, Willow's right. There are a lot of users out there. Parker got to me because I was hurting over Angel going to L.A. And you'll be vulnerable, too, Dawn, away from all your friends and family."

"I know. You've taught me to take care of myself though," Dawn reassured her.

"I'm glad you know about roofies, too," Willow said. "Cause that happened to Buffy, too."

Dawn's eyes popped open wide. "What?"

"Not for sex," Buffy said hurriedly. "Cordy and I went to a frat party when we were still in high school."

"Buffy, I can't believe you. I put one toe over the line and you have a melt down." Dawn pouted.

"Hush you. I was rebelling and I think I might have been mad at Angel, too." Buffy shook her head, not believing how dumb she had been. "Why else would I go hunting for college boys with Cordy? I accepted a drink and it was drugged. I woke up chained in the basement as a sacrifice to a dark god but I could have just as easily woke up naked in some guy's bed."


"One of the few level-headed girls in that loser Wiccan group I sat in on a few times was really into feminist stuff, woman power and all that. She told us some frat rules for survival. Never leave your drink alone, never accept a drink from anyone, always pour your own, that sort of stuff. It sounds a little rude but it's better than waking up and finding you've been someone's play toy," Willow said.

"Thanks, Will. I'll remember." Dawn sat back, chewing her lips. "Let's talk about happier things."

"You got it." Buffy smiled widely. "That leaves me finally getting rid of my bratty kid sister or abandoning Giles in a bar with Spike as topics."

Dawn whacked Buffy with a pillow. "I'll give you bratty sister."

Willow sighed and drained her cocoa. "So much for a nice quiet night."


"Lorne must have been pretty nice guy to have this many people turn out for his wake," Faith said, looking around the club that had been rebuilt on Caritas' remains. She clung close to Wesley, uneasy with so many people in one place; worse so many non-humans. Cacophony couldn't cover the noise level of the club. The memorial karaoke was going full tilt and most of them couldn't sing.

"Lorne is hard to describe," Wesley said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "But the short answer is, yes, Lorne was a good man."

"Damn, I didn't know there were this many kinds of demons," Faith said with a healthy mix of anxiety and curiosity.

"Most of them are okay," Angel said, distracted. "Lorne didn't usually deal with the outright evil types."

"Wakes have always creeped me out," Fred said, running her hands up and down her twiggy arms as if she was cold. Gunn pulled her closer.

"We won't stay long if you're not up to it," he promised.

Fred shook her head, her long hair flying. "I can stay for Lorne. It's the least I can do."

"Angel, is something wrong?" Faith asked quietly. "You've been scanning this place like you're expecting an attack."

Angel shoved his hands in his pockets. "I'm looking for Wolfram and Hart's people. There's no doubt some will show."

"And if they do?" She raised an eyebrow. "Plan on taking them on here?"

Angel's dark eyes were dead as he replied, "Only if I have to."

"Angel." Fred clamped a hand on Angel's forearm. "Look. It's Cordy."

They all followed Fred's pointing finger. Cordelia was pushing her way through the crowd. Her eyes looked swollen and her dress, while a sober black, was cut to attract attention. If anything her ability to garner appreciative looks had improved Angel moved toward her, his large frame making a spearhead for his friends to follow in his wake. Cordelia made a little sob and flung herself into his arms. Angel held her as if she was made of spun glass. Cordy, sensing his coldness, took a step back.

"I'm sorry," Cordelia said, wiping her eyes before reaching out to Fred who hugged her. "I should have been here."
Fred shook her head. "You're where you belong. There's nothing any of us could have done. We couldn't know this would happen."

"I know but I feel so...I don't know, out of touch and alone," Cordelia said, her eyes roaming over to Faith. "I didn't even know Faith was with you now. It's good to see you."

Faith detected a note of insincerity but decided to blow it off. After all, Cordy had never been a big fan of hers and Faith had hurt those she cared about. "Thanks. Angel said you're on your way to being a big star."

Cordelia smiled. "I hope. It wasn't easy to convince them I needed to leave and they want me back by tomorrow night. I can try to find some excuse to stay longer."

"No," Angel snapped.

Cordy recoiled, shocked at the vehemence in his tone. "But you need me," she said hesitantly.

"I need you not to mess up your big chance, Cordy," he said more gently. He tried to bleed away all his free-floating rage before it concentrated on Cordelia. "There's nothing you can do to help here."

"Maybe...who knows. The Powers That Be might turn back to me now that..." Cordelia trailed off. "That sounds selfish."

"But certainly within the realm of possibility," Wesley said, placatingly. "But Angel has a point. You need to think about yourself, too. You have a chance at your dream. Not everyone gets that. Don't squander it."

"And if it does turn out the Powers screw you again, you can always come back," Fred said brightly.

"Thanks." Cordelia smiled wanly. "I really need a soda or water or something."

"The bar's over that way," Gunn gestured to where the crowd was thickest, excepting the memorial karaoke machine.
"Good luck."

Cordy wrinkled her nose. "I think I'll pass."

Angel suddenly spun around, his nostrils flaring. His friends pulled closer to him as if sucked into his gravitational pull.

"Angel?" Faith looked at him curiously.

"Thought I smelled something familiar." He looked around, moving off on his own.

Cordelia followed him. The others wisely gave them space.

She gently touched his shoulder. "Angel, can we talk?"

He paused and turned to look at her, preoccupied. "About what?"

"About why you're treating me like dirt, for one." Cordelia jutted out her chin. "I know I can't even imagine what you're going through right now but you aren't going through it alone. We all care about Connor, very much."

Angel laughed harshly. "So much so you crushed him completely."

Cordelia paled under her makeup. Tears welled up in her dark eyes. "That's not fair."

"Really? It's true. He was in love with you. You knew that. You knew how I felt, too, and yet you went right for my son. I don't even want to know your reasons, Cordy. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you had good intentions, I don't know. I could live with your inability to handle the whole of me. Having to live with what Angelus did is enough to cripple anyone. Maybe you and I were in love, maybe we weren't. Either way, what you went through on that higher plane killed any chance we might have had. I accepted that but I can't accept what you did to Connor."

Angel's voice barely raised above a whisper throughout the diatribe but it hurt worse than any screaming could have.

Cordy trembled as she looked into his dark eyes. "I didn't mean to hurt him. I just wanted... I wanted him to know what love was like. I thought the world was going to end that night."

"It didn't. Congratulations, you taught Connor about love and the price you pay when it goes wrong. I suppose he would have learned that some time or other but it shouldn't have been from you, Cordelia." Angel wished he knew what to do with her. He didn't want to completely destroy Cordelia. He knew deep down she hadn't meant to hurt him or his son but he was having so much trouble keeping his pain bottled up. "He didn't know who to be angry at, you, me or even himself because he never could sort out just how we all fit together. I couldn't help him. You left him but you took his heart with you. And when Wolfram and Hart's men found him, he was in no condition to put up a fight and now my son is gone."

Cordelia scowled. "You can't blame me for that, Angel. It isn't fair."

Angel's eyes slotted, his temper nearly slipping the reins. The club seemed to fade away until all he could see was
Cordelia painted red with his rage. "Really? Connor's an amazing fighter, Cordelia. Hell, he nearly killed me a couple of times. He should have been able to handle them but after you left him, he could barely think straight. He's just a boy, for God's sake. You should have known he wouldn't handle it well. Maybe you're right, it's unfair to blame you but I'm not feeling particularly fair."

Cordelia wiped a tear off her cheek. "I'm sorry, Angel. I didn't mean for any of this to happen and I'd take it all back if I could."

Angel sighed, turning away. "I know. And I appreciate you being willing to sacrifice your dream to stay here and help."
He looked back at her. "But there is nothing you can do. And in spite of it all, I want you to be happy. I want you to go back to New York and I want you to be happy there."

Cordelia hugged him from behind, resting her cheek against his shoulder blades. "Thank you and I am so sorry, Angel. I'd give anything to make this right."

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze then broke her grip carefully seeing a young red head desperately trying to get his attention

"Sorry to interrupt, sir," she said, giving Cordy a look that said she thought she was intruding on a lover's quarrel. "Someone asked me to give this to you."

Angel looked at the note she held out. She was entirely human and no one he knew. "Who?"

She shrugged. "Don't know. He just gave this to me, pointed you out and headed out the door. I almost thought he was a homeless man."

"Thanks." Angel took the note and as he unfolded it, he caught that familiar scent again. He read the note then bulleted through the crowd, nearly trampling a few people, to get back to his friends. Tossing the note to Wesley, Angel continued on his hurried way out the front door.

"What was that about?" Faith asked, her eyes tracking Angel.

"Oh my!" Wesley's blue eyes widened. "It's from... never mind. Just read it and keep it to yourself. We don't know who might be listening in -and we'd better try to catch up to Angel."

Faith read and ran at the same time. She grimaced, seeing the name on the note. It simply read Meet me at Little Texas tomorrow at nine. I know where Connor is. L. M. She knew whom it had to be from.

Angel managed to break free of the crowd. He quickly scanned the streets, seeing a small man flagging down a cab. He wore a hooded jacket, with a cap on under the hood pulled down tight over his head, blue jeans and a t-shirt. He could pass as homeless but the scent on the breeze told Angel otherwise. He snagged the man before he could get inside the cab and slammed him back against a building.

"Tell me where he is!" Angel snarled, looking down into angry blue eyes.

Lindsey tried to peel Angel's hands off his jacket. "Let me go, you idiot. They're watching this place. If they see us together, your boy is dead and so is my brother."

"Angel!" Faith raced up the sidewalk. The rest of Angel's crew along with Cordelia were still fighting past the crowd.
Angel let Lindsey go, but he didn't step back. "Tell me now."

Lindsey shot Faith a look. "Louder next time." He turned back to Angel. "Tomorrow. They have no idea where that place is. I can get there without them following me but I'm telling you, this place is being watched and every second we're standing here brings us that much closer to being caught. They can kill them before we could even dream of saving them. He's safe for now. They have plans for him that require him to be alive but they'll be willing to kill him to keep you from getting him back."

"Listen to him, Angel," Faith said but Angel was already moving away from Lindsey.

Angel paused, glancing over his shoulder. "If this is a trick..."

Lindsey pulled his hood tighter, shielding more of his face. "No trick. Tomorrow night. I'll help you save Connor and you help me save my brother." Lindsey headed up the street, crossed it and bee-lined for the vulture-like cabs that haunted club row.

"Angel?" Wesley asked as he and the others finally managed to push their way through the crowds to the outside.

"We can't talk here," Angel said. "I'll tell you on the way to the hotel."

The vampire didn't look to see if the others could match his pace back to the car. He was stunned to see a large, orangish demon propped up against the Belvedere GTX. The thing peered at him in a near-sighted way through four tiny eyes.

"Angel?" The thing sounded like it was speaking from inside an aquarium.

"Is there something I can do for you?" the vampire asked, keeping at a cautious distance.

The creature looked around frantically. "Keep it down. I don't want anyone to know I'm doing this. That's why I didn't drop by your place."

"Does everyone know to avoid me?" Angel asked wearily.

"Pretty much. I wanted you to know about the gladiator ring in the old school," the demon said, handing Angel a piece of paper. "There's the address. A vengeance demon girlfriend of mine said they were fighting your boy there. She saw it herself. My brother died in that ring, could be your boy killed him. It doesn't matter. I know how it goes, killed or be killed. My girl took care of avenging my brother on the person who put him in the ring in the first place but I thought you should know about this."

"Thank you," Angel managed to say, his throat tight.

"They had him there today, flooded the pit and put him in with Feux Follets. Don't know how he defeated them. My girl said he nearly drowned." The orange demon turned, obviously nervous about being seen with Angel for too long. "Shut them down if you can."

"Don't you worry," Angel said. "And I'm sorry about your brother."

The demon just nodded and shambled off.

"This is great," Cordelia said, grabbing Angel's hand. "Now you can find him."

"Maybe. I have no idea if they keep using the same place or not but I'm going to head there tonight."

"We'll go with you," Wesley said.

"Should we be worrying that they might have more Feux Follets in the place?" Gunn wrinkled his nose. "What the hell are they?"

"A type of fey, they appear like blue flames over water and they drown people... seem to like Canada," Wesley replied.
"Just stay out of water deeper than a puddle."

"Fred, you need to go back to the hotel and see what all you can find out about this school." Angel looked at her gently. He didn't have to add he wasn't about to risk her unborn child. "Gunn, do you want to go with her?"

Gunn looked at his wife. "No, Fred can handle herself. You might need me."

"I can go with Fred, help out. My plane doesn't leave until tomorrow," Cordelia said.

"Thanks. Come on, let's get over there," Angel said impatiently.

"Angel, perhaps we all should head back to the hotel. None of us are armed for this sort of thing," Wesley reminded him.
Angel growled wordlessly but he knew Wesley was right. Oh, they all had some sort of weapon on them but not what they might need if the pit was well guarded. "Of course. Let's go before it gets any later. Cordy, thanks for helping Fred. Did you drive here or do you need a ride to the hotel?"

"I'd appreciate the ride." Cordelia smile softly.

Angel gave her a grateful look then glanced skywards. He had never been a praying man and had no plans of starting now. Still, he was grateful to whatever it was that moved both Lindsey and that demon to reach out to him with information that could save his son. For the first time in months, he truly felt hopeful.


Angel knew he was making a mistake. His bones told him so. His heart wasn't listening and he was a slave to it. All he wanted was some clues from Lilah's office. They had found the school. It was unoccupied but obviously it was outfitted as a fight ring. Connor's scent was all over the pit. Angel could imagine Connor's terror, his pain and his pride at winning. Angel wanted to burn the place down, salt the earth but calmer heads prevailed.

Angel left the calmer heads at the hotel to get some rest. He had an hour before dawn and he figured it wouldn't hurt to check out Lilah's office. Wesley had previously concocted a spell to bypass Wolfram and Hart's vampire alarms but it wouldn't last long, just enough to do some snooping. So Angel had downed the potion and came upstairs. He had only been in her office a few minutes when he heard someone coming up the hallway. Mentally cursing, he frantically searched the office for a place to hide. There wasn't any he was small enough to fit into. He could go out the window but he wasn't looking forward to such a long fall. He could seriously fracture something and he couldn't afford that just now. Lilah came through the door, nearly dropping her coffee cup upon seeing him.

"Angel." She cast an angry glance at the ceiling. "So much for the damn vampire alarms."

"What are you doing here, Lilah?"

"It's my office. I was about to ask you the same," Lilah replied, recovering her composure. "I get here early all too often."

"I'm looking for my son."

Lilah cocked an eyebrow at him. "Here? In my office?"

"Well, I didn't think you have him trussed up under the desk but I know you have him." Angel advanced on her.

Lilah backed away, stumbling over her desk chair, falling into it.

"I know what you're doing to my son, Lilah." He loomed over her. "Did you honestly think I wouldn't find out about it? It was stupid of you, Lilah, to expose him like that. Demons talk. You should have known someone would eventually leak the information."

Lilah smirked up at him. "If you knew anything, we wouldn't be having this talk. You'd just kill me now and rescue him."

Angel reared back, furious at himself. Was he losing his ability to scare people? The tiny bit of him that Angelus resided in was ashamed of himself.

Lilah slugged down some of her coffee. "So what do you want of me, Angel? Yesterday was a terrible day. Today is promising to be worse."

"I can almost guarantee that. It's only a matter of time now, Lilah. I'll find Connor and when I do your life expectancy will make a may fly's seem long."

Lilah got to her feet, moving close enough that he could feel her warm breath. He could smell Connor on her. This woman had been with his son long enough to pick up his scent. He wanted to just take her, force her to show him where Connor was but he suspected Lilah feared her employers more than she did him. She might be willing to die before helping him.

"Did it ever occur to your Angel that your son hasn't been kidnapped? He hates you. We all know this. Did it ever occur to you that Connor faked the kidnapping scene, joined us and is hiding from you?"

Angel growled, wanting to tear her head off. He wanted to reach in and pull out her heart. He wanted to not believe that could be true and it killed him that deep down he knew it was possible. The damage Holtz had done couldn't be undone. Justine had fed the monster inside his son and both he and Connor had to live with the fact Connor had sunk him to the bottom of the ocean.

Then came Cordy and no matter what her reasons for sleeping with Connor were it had changed all their lives and for the worse. Yes it was a possibility Connor could have turned against him and he would always hate Lilah for planting the horrible seeds of doubt inside him. But he couldn't let her know she had gotten to the heart of him. "I know my son. He's stubborn. He's moody. He can be brutal. He's a lot like his old man. But he wouldn't join up with you. I should snap you in two for even suggesting it but I won't. If I kill you now I won't get the pleasure of doing it slowly once Connor's safe." Angel saw the fear in Lilah's eyes. She believed him but as quickly as the fear flicked into those pale eyes it fled again as her steel returned.

"It's nearly dawn, Angel," she said, making a shooing motion. "Run along."

"Just remember that, Lilah. It's a promise from me to you. I will kill you." Angel turned and left. He could only hope he hadn't just bought his son more trouble. He could feel the sun on the horizon and then the alarms started going off. So much for the spell. He had run out of time to poke around more. Angel did the wise thing and fled the building.
