Tornado Of Souls

By Frau Hunter Ash

Part One

Willow smiled as she opened the door to Buffy's room but then frowned. Was that actually Buffy Summers lying on her bed with a book open in front of her?

"Wow. Studying?"

Buffy began blushing and shut the book before sitting up.

"Hey, Will," Buffy stammered. "I, uh, just reading. No studying here. You know me."

Willow started to reach for the book and was surprised when Buffy grabbed it up and tossed it on her shelves. The red-haired honor student frowned and noticed immediately Buffy absently playing with the tusk around her neck.

The budding witch decided not to push it right then. Buffy had only been back two weeks from her attempt to runaway from her life and Willow still wasn't sure how far she could question the Slayer about the little changes Willow had noticed.

After a fight with zombies and Buffy's reinstatement into school, things had returned almost back to normal but there was still a little tension at times between the Slayer and the Scooby gang.

"So what are your major plans for the weekend?" Willow asked, throwing herself down on the bed with an exaggerated sigh and was pleased when Buffy grinned.

"Faith, of course, wants to hang out at the Bronze tonight and find someone to get horizontal with after slaying," Buffy grinned.

Willow nodded, not surprised. She knew Buffy was working hard at making Faith feel welcome after the first awkward adjustment period of discovering another Slayer and having a very big and very powerful vampire after same Slayer.

A Slayer with an attitude, a smart-ass mouth and a sharp wit that rivaled Cordelia in wounds left by words.

"That tells me what Faith wants," Willow smirked. "What do you want to do?"

Buffy raised her eyebrows in surprise; Willow wasn't usually so… so… catty.

"Well, are you going to the Bronze tonight?" the Slayer asked, knowing that she owed her friend some quality time. Buffy knew Willow was the one most hurt by her disappearance for months among her friends and she meant to make that up to the red-head.

"Yeah, Oz is playing and I thought I'd play devoted groupie," Willow grinned and Buffy laughed, ruffling her friend's hair. Willow lost her grin as she coughed several times. "I hate fall allergies," she muttered.

"I missed you, Will," Buffy admitted softly.

"Why didn't you let us know you were okay?" Willow asked, keeping her voice soft. They hadn't really talked about the time Buffy was gone and Willow had been patient, figuring Buffy would eventually open up.

Willow really hoped the time was now; there was so much she wanted to know about Buffy's time away from Sunnydale. She especially wanted to know about that boar's tusk around Buffy's neck, the massive claw scars on Buffy's left thigh, and the Celtic knotwork band tattoo around Buffy's right bicep.

Willow didn't quite believe the story of a drunken night at a tattoo parlor. The band consisted of some very intricate Celtic interlacing around Buffy's arm to a circle with a symbol in the center of the circle, like a medallion. Willow's research hadn't found what that symbol was yet either and it was driving the computer geek crazy.

The scars Buffy explained as a rather tough demon that had gotten too close, causing a wound deep enough to scar the Slayer.

"I wasn't alright," Buffy said with a frown, her eyes becoming distant as she leaned against the headboard of her bed. "I was scared and running. I had sent Angel to Hell. Not Angeleus but Angel."

"You told me and Giles, I never should have done that spell," Willow muttered and Buffy reached out for her hand.

"Not your fault, you were trying to save him," Buffy tried to smile. "It was just the fates, karma or whatever that he had already cast the spell to summon that stupid demon and I had to stop the spell."

"What did you do all those months? Didn't you want to call?"

"Every day," Buffy nodded. "I was afraid if I talked to any of you I'd lose it and come running back or reveal too much and you'd find me."

"But why?" Willow couldn't resist asking. "I'm your best friend! We're supposed to turn to each other!"

"Yes," Buffy nodded, her eyes filling with tears. "I wanted to, Will. I was afraid of your disappointment, your anger, and I knew you'd talk me into slaying."

"But you came back to it," Willow protested.

"Yes, destiny and all that stuff," Buffy said calmly. "I learned that I can't run from it, it's what I am. I'm unique, even different than Faith and I have a responsibility because of it."

"Wow, Giles would do a back-flip if he heard you say that!"

Buffy managed to grin at that one.

"Yeah, he always thought I was too casual about the destiny of being the Chosen One thing," Buffy agreed.

"How are you different from Faith?" Willow asked, wanting to keep her friend talking and to ignore her own coughing.

"She likes the slaying and accepts that she'll probably die young, kinda a fatal approach," Buffy said slowly, as if thinking of her words. "I learned some stuff about myself that… it's just different than it was before."

"Is that why the tattoo and tusk?"

Buffy's hand went immediately to the tusk and a panicked look darted across her eyes.

"Told you, nothing to report there," Buffy said lightly but her voice was strained. "This guy I made friends with in the diner gave me the tusk, said he knew by looking at my aura that I was a warrior and should have it. The tatt, well that was the idea of a friend after we'd been drinking."

Willow glanced away, knowing her friend was lying and debated whether to force the issue or not.

"Hey, Buffy!" a voice called from the hallway.

"Yeah, Mom?" Buffy yelled back as Willow frowned.

"Don't forget you've got your visit with your Father Sunday until Tuesday night," Joyce Summers called. "I've already talked with Principal Snyder and your teachers so there won't be a problem."

"Thanks, Mom, I'll be packed."

"Sunday until Tuesday?" Willow questioned.

"Yeah, have to take advantage whenever Dad is in the country for a visit," Buffy shrugged. "Only three days."

"And three nights," Willow complained. "Three nights when Oz just happens to be turning furry like."

"Faith and you can keep wolfie watch in the library," Buffy pointed out.

"I know, I'm just gonna miss you," Willow whined. Buffy smiled as the honor student coughed and looked miserable.

"I'll be back Tuesday morning," she promised. "Oz and I can eat a huge breakfast while you look on with those adoring eyes at your favorite boyfriend."

"Hah! Only boyfriend!" Willow pointed out.

"Better than no boyfriend," Buffy countered.

"I thought you and Scott were doing okay," Willow frowned again.

"It’s so damned hard, Will," Buffy complained. "What the hell do I talk about? Do you have any hobbies? Mine is killing vampires, demons and keeping a werewolf locked up."

"You've got us to talk to about that stuff," Willow said slowly.

"What does that leave with Scott?" Buffy whined. "School? I don't think so."

"You're smarter than you let on, Buffy, why not?"

"It's almost secondary to anything," Buffy tried to explain. "Only Mom is encouraging me to think of college, not even Giles thinks I'll make it that far because I'm the Slayer. School is secondary, family is supposed to come second, my friends aren't even supposed to know, and I 'm not supposed to have a love life!"

Willow was unsure how to respond, feeling inadequate once again. She had no idea how to help her friend. Buffy was popular, beautiful, and intelligent and had more on her shoulders than Willow could even imagine.

The only one who could relate was Faith and everyone was still trying to adjust to the dark Slayer's abrasive personality. It had gotten easier after the mess with that ancient vampire known as Kakistos, Faith had eased up a bit and so had the Scooby Gang. Xander was still fascinated with the dark Slayer, Cordelia was jealous of the new girl, and Joyce was easily accepting. Willow had been intrigued with Faith but had quickly found her annoying when Faith had turned her sharp wit and tongue on the shy red-head, especially when the Slayer realized that Willow was easily teased.

Buffy had been resentful of everyone's easy acceptance of Faith until facing Kakistos with Faith and understanding something of the terror and hardships the other Slayer had faced. She was still reluctant to accept the brunette Slayer totally on face value though.

"Wanna head down to the Espresso Pump for some cocoa?" Buffy suggested. "Mom is heading down to the gallery, she can drop us off."

"Sounds good," Willow grinned.

* * *

Buffy took a deep breath and stepped into the light in the Bronze. She could sense a vampire or demon nearby and knew they probably felt her arrival too. Now that things had changed so drastically, the Slayer knew unless she was willing to expend the energies, the undead and demons would sense her just as quickly as she sensed them. It would make slaying harder, but then the changes would make slaying interesting in other ways, she grinned wolfishly.

She had already taken a cruise around two cemeteries and dusted seven vampires. Now Buffy was steeling herself to face her friends again. Ever since her return, things had been awkward. She had expected the yelling and figured she deserved it. To all of them, she had ran away and didn't even bother to write or call and tell them she was safe.

The Scooby Gang had continued on without her, taking over the Slayer duties, risking their lives every night because she wasn't there. They had all been worried sick about her and she had taken their anger and accepted the guilt. The truth would have been worse and Buffy knew they could never understand what she had been through.

Especially Willow. Buffy knew she had hurt Willow the worst by her absence and silence but it had been necessary. Just like the silence continued to be necessary.

Buffy grinned when she spotted Xander and Cordelia necking on a sofa with Will sitting in a chair near them, watching the Dingoes play on stage. The Slayer started towards her friends and froze, sensing another nearby.

She quickly spotted Faith on the dance floor with Scott, Buffy's would-be boyfriend but ignored them. It wasn't the other Slayer she was sensing and it wasn't a vampire or demon. Buffy spotted the young male hesitating on the dance floor as he looked for her. Her eyes narrowed as he noticed her then looked back at his companion; the young student was annoyed that he wasn't paying attention to her.

The young male smiled, kissed her and apparently offered to get them something to drink because a moment later he was headed for the bar.

Buffy decided that she should get a drink before joining her friends and worked her way around the dance floor. She slid through the crowd until she was up to the bar and standing next to the young man.

Buffy knew that he was checking her out from head to toe and so pulled off her leather jacket, revealing a tank top that barely covered her body and showed off her tattoo and boar tusk nicely. She knew he saw both and felt his muscles relax. While he waited for his drink he absently picked up a pen and began doodling on a napkin in front of him.

The Slayer smiled slightly and waited to order her drink as he took his and headed back to his date.

Not even a Hunter would have noticed their interaction.

* * *

"Hey, B!" Faith grinned cheerfully. "What's the up?"

"Not much, I checked the north side tonight," Buffy smiled. She was actually becoming used to Faith, finally able to see through the tough outer shell.

"I grabbed the west earlier," Faith nodded, sitting in Scott's lap as he looked slightly panicked at Buffy, wondering what her reaction would be.

Buffy merely ignored the move and took a sip of her coke. It was true that she and Scott hadn't broken up officially but she wondered if they had really been dating either. The Slayer discovered she didn't care and certainly wasn't going to fill Faith's need for drama by causing a scene.

Buffy almost laughed when Faith looked disappointed and almost glared at her. The Slayer also caught Willow's sharp eyes watching the interactions. Sometimes her friend was too sharp and the Slayer wondered if returning had been a good idea, especially now that Faith was here.

It wouldn't be hard to disappear again. Hell, Faith had even taken over her boyfriend, lived in her house, was accepted by her friends and the Council. It would be easy.

The only problem was that Buffy didn't want to leave. The Scooby Gang was her family, more so than any other unit could ever be. Even if they didn't understand her and what it felt like to be her, she still loved them greatly. They reminded her a bit of the hyena pack that Xander had formed when he had been possessed. The Scooby Gang was like an animal pack or family.

Buffy smiled to herself, watching Faith. Maybe that's why she fought with the brunette Slayer all the time; they were both alpha types in the pack.

Oz jumped off the stage during a break and pulled Willow up out of her chair and proceeded to kiss her deeply, letting her know that he had missed her during the day. Buffy was suddenly confused and fought to keep the emotion from her face or eyes. Oz was more than happy to see Willow; Buffy could sense his arousal from the music gig and holding Willow. What was surprising was that Willow wasn't aroused even though the kissing they were doing would have had Buffy more than a little wet.

"Get a room, you two!" Faith growled as she pulled Scott back onto his feet.

"That's your style, not ours," Willow snapped, keeping her arms around Oz' neck.

"What? You prefer the back of his van to a room?" Faith taunted.

Willow blushed a bright red and Oz whispered something in her ear, encouraging her to ignore the brunette Slayer. Faith laughed and she turned to follow Scott to the dance floor, taking a quick glance in Buffy's direction with a frown.

"God, she drives me crazy," Willow muttered and Buffy raised her eyebrows in surprise. Instead of settling into a Scooby friendship or tolerance like the rest of the gang had, Willow's irritation with Faith was just getting worse.

"Just ignore her, girlfriend," Cordy advised.

"What's your problem, Will? Faith's okay ever since they got rid of that Kali guy," Xander asked.

"I don't know," Willow muttered as Oz kissed her forehead and headed back towards the stage.

"She just knows how to hit your buttons," Buffy commented.

"I remember when you were complaining that she was trying to take over your life," Willow remarked as she sat back down, watching Oz jump back onto the stage.

"Yeah, that's what it felt like," Buffy nodded honestly. "I was still off balance from coming home."

"How is school going, Buff?" Xander asked.

"Well, Snyder isn't happy that I'm going to be gone for two school days but it's not like I'm skipping out if my Mom clears it ahead of time," Buffy said easily.

"Two days?" Cordy frowned. "How the hell do you rate getting out of here for two days?"

Buffy grinned. "My father's in LA and I'm going to spend a couple of days with him."

"You get LA and I get Sunnyhell?" Cordy demanded.

"Looks like!" Buffy's grin widened.

"I can't win!" Cordy whined.

"Sure you can, Cordy," Xander smiled, nuzzling her neck. "You get to be seen with me!"

"Arrrggghhh!" Cordelia growled and smacked Xander playfully on the arm as the Scooby Gang laughed. They knew it was still a sore spot that she had actually fallen for Xander Harris, Sunnydale reject and she was the most popular girl in school.

Now she was one of the "rejects" because of it and her friendship with the Scooby Gang.

"How did I get stuck with you?" she whined.

"My incredible good looks, extremely kissable lips and sexy body?" he ventured and Willow rolled her eyes as Buffy almost choked on her soda.

* * *

"Any sign of Faith and Scott?" Xander asked as they walked out of the Bronze into the cool night air.

"Nah, she probably…" Willow started to mutter and quickly snapped her jaws shut. It was Buffy's ex-boyfriend she was about to comment on about various sexual positions with Faith in some nearby alley.

"How does your Mom like having two delinquents in the house?" Cordy asked, a slight bite to the question and pretended to look innocent as Xander and Willow glared at her. Buffy ignored the taunt in the question.

"She demands that we both keep up our grades and not run away again, either of us," Buffy said calmly.

"She isn't worried you might take off again in LA?" Cordy asked.

"Tactful, much?" Willow demanded.

"It's okay, Will," Buffy said softly. "I ran away, I gotta deal with the anger you guys feel about it."

"Oh generous much?" Cordelia demanded. "Going to tell us about your special box that you lived in on the street?"

"Delia!" Xander snapped. "Crossing a line here! We've already gone through this!"

"No, we yelled at her for leaving and not telling us where she was," Cordy snapped back. "This is me yelling at her because she's been so damned secretive about everything since she got back! Weird tatts and what is that Indian type thing around your neck? Go native or something?"

Willow was surprised at how much Buffy's eyes suddenly shined with anger.

"Something like that!" Buffy growled. "It was given to me by my…by a good friend and it symbolizes that I'm a fighter, a strength totem."

Buffy could see Cordelia about to launch into another attack but the Slayer spun on her heels, holding up her hand for silence. Xander clamped his hand over Cordy's mouth before she could protest.

The Slayer was off in a run before the scream finished reaching the others.

Willow, Xander and Cordelia skidded to a stop at the end of the alley, in time to see Buffy ramming a stake into the chest of a vampire as another figure fought with two others. Xander started to move to help the Slayer when the other three figures fell into the dim lighting and the Scooby members gasped in surprise. Two of the fighters were vampires in game face and the third was a werewolf.

"Oh God," Willow muttered. "How do we help her?"

"Wouldn't happen to have a silver bullet in a pistol would you?" Cordy demanded sarcastically.

"No, and not a trank dart either," Xander complained. "It's not a full moon!"

Buffy turned and tackled the figures to the grimy alley floor.

"No!" Willow screamed and Xander grabbed his friend by the arms. "She'll get bit!"

"Won't do you any good if you get bit too!" he snapped in her ear.

It was hard to tell what was happening in the shadows. The growls, screams, moans and shouts of rage didn't ease the tension among the students either. Finally, two figures seemed to disappear and two stood up facing each other.

Buffy stepped into the light and watched calmly as the werewolf turned and dashed down the alley, jumping on top of a dumpster and then over a fence.

"Buffy, quick!" Xander yelled, letting go of Willow. "We can follow him!"

"No, it's okay," Buffy said quickly, holding up her hand as the gang joined her. "Let him go, I'm too tired and wigged to chase him."

"Wigged?" Willow squeaked. "You weren't bitten were you?"

Both Xander and Willow began searching Buffy for any sign of blood or bite marks until she smacked their hands with a smile.

"No! I wasn't bitten!" she snapped playfully. "I'm wigged about the fact that it's not a full moon and we just ran into a werewolf."

Better that than the truth, she reflected.

"Oh, okay, I understand that," Willow said softly, sighing with relief. It was bad enough that they had to lock Oz away for three nights out of every month without having to worry about a Slayer werewolf.

"Can we go home now?" Cordelia demanded.

Buffy smiled and nodded.

* * *

"You awake, B?" a voice called from the door and Buffy sat up in her bed.

"Yeah, Faith," she called back softly and felt Faith enter her room and sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Do we need to talk about Scott?" Faith asked, her voice sounding small and unsure.

Buffy laughed a slightly bitter laugh.

"You intentionally throw yourself at him, sitting in his lap and making out and now you ask if I've got a problem with it? What's wrong with this friendship picture, Faith?"

"I'm sorry," Faith said softly as Buffy reached over and turned on her bedside lamp. "I'm working on the friendship thing. I never had any friends before."

"I know and I'm not mad," Buffy said calmly. "Scott and I never clicked, just don't make it a habit, okay?"

"I don't know why I did it," Faith suddenly complained. "I don't even like him that much. He's cute as hell but not a lot more to him, you know. He can't even begin to understand what we go through."

"Yeah, I understand completely," Buffy nodded.

"It was like I was doing it more to get a rise out of you than to be with him," Faith said thoughtfully.

"Why in the world do you want to fight with me all the time?" Buffy demanded.

Faith suddenly grinned, her brown eyes dancing.

"Well, you know me, B," she said in a husky voice. "Either fighting or sex, best things in the world."

Buffy felt her face turning red as she shook her head.

"You're impossible, Faith!" she declared firmly. "Everything is either a fight or sex, is that it? Including us?"

Faith shrugged, the impish glint apparent in her eyes. "I like either."

"Straight here!" Buffy growled.

"Oh tell me another one!" Faith grinned as Buffy's blush deepened. "Don't tell me you haven't thought about throwing Willow across your bed and kissing her silly."

"Willow?" Buffy squeaked as her eyes widened in surprise and terror.

"Why not? She wants you," Faith grinned. "I can feel it coming off of her every time she's near you."

"And you?" Buffy demanded. Faith lost her smart-ass grin and then tried to regain it but Buffy could tell the smile was strained.

"I like sex, B," Faith smiled, trying to shrug off the question. "You're incredibly hot and there's that Slayer energy between us. Gotta lead to fireworks when we get it on."

"Dream on, Faith," Buffy snapped. "You're telling me you just want sex; no romance, no love?"

"Over-rated," Faith said quickly. "Eat lots of chocolate, same results."

"I saw Devil's Advocate too," Buffy countered. "Keanu chose love."

"No, he chose to blow his brains out instead of having incredible sex, waste," Faith smirked.

"So, sleeping with me wouldn't be a waste?" Buffy taunted, wanting to push Faith for some reason and then it hit her. She was going away for three days and the reason she was going away. Buffy was going to miss everyone, even Faith.

"Definitely not a waste," Faith nodded as she stood up and headed for the door. "Never say never, B."

Buffy shook her head. By Gaia, she'd have to be careful with that one. The blonde Slayer had too many secrets and having Faith living with her wasn't helping. Once again, Buffy was regretting that her mom had insisted Faith stay with them when she found out Faith was staying in a rat-infested hotel in the roughest part of town.

The Slayer suddenly felt very old and touched the boar's tooth next to her cross. Not only did she have the usual things to fight for: friends, family, the world in general, but now she had the entire world to fight for. The world no one saw and few knew about.

* * *

Faith was surprised to open the door and find Willow on the other side early Monday morning. The brunette Slayer's frown matched the red-head's.

"What? You forget B's out of town?" Faith demanded, running a brush through her hair as she tried to finish getting ready for school. It was one of the demands from the Council and Giles that she could have done without, Faith thought. She did not need to go to school, damnit! She'd tolerate it though; staying in Sunnydale and in the Summers' house depended on keeping up grades and curbing her street-life type behavior.

"No, I forgot my biology book here when we were studying Saturday night," Willow complained around a cough.

"What the hell do you need books for?" Faith smirked as she moved aside, letting Willow in. "You've probably got the damn thing memorized."

"Don't start!" Willow snapped. "Just remember, you might need my help one of these days in school."

"Not from you, Red," Faith snapped back, her brown eyes flashing.

Willow hesitated at the bottom of the stairs.

"Faith, why are you pushing me so hard?" Willow asked softly, her eyes hurt.

The brunette Slayer hesitated, looking confused for a moment. Willow could almost see the struggle and wondered if Faith was going to retreat behind the hard shell or actually open up.

"I could ask the same thing," Faith frowned.

Willow sighed. "I don't know," the girl said truthfully.

"You feel like a threat, Red," Faith said slowly. "I react on instinct to a threat. You're not a vampire so you get the smart ass reaction."

"Why would I be a threat?" Willow asked, clearly puzzled. "You're smart, beautiful, strong and a Slayer. How could I be a threat?"

"One word from you and Buffy would toss me aside," Faith said softly, hating herself for displaying any kind of weakness.

"I thought you didn't need anyone," Willow countered.

Faith resisted a snide comment or even hitting Willow.

"I'm sorry," Willow said softly.

"I'm trying not to run, okay?" Faith snapped. "Everyone tells me I can make a new start here; I just want a fair chance."

"Then why pick on me?" Willow demanded. "I can understand Cordelia, she's shallow and it’s a requirement for high school, but why you?"

Faith continued to frown.

"I'm jealous, okay?" Faith finally snapped.

Willow leaned against the wall, obviously surprised.

"Of what?" she asked softly.

"You're beyond smart, you're cute as hell, you got a cool boyfriend, you've got family, friends and Buffy," Faith admitted, turning her back as she clenched her hands into fists.

"I don't believe this," Willow muttered. "You're beautiful and can have any guy you want. And why are we fighting about this?"

Faith turned around with a grin. "Got me, Red."

"Truce?" she offered after a moment.

"Yeah, just lay off the teasing?" Willow countered.

"Yeah, if you help me figure out something," Faith lobbed.

"What, a homework problem?" Willow perked up immediately; school was something she really knew she excelled at beyond everyone around her, except maybe Oz and his hidden intelligence.

"No, more personal," Faith said slowly. "I've watched you watching Buffy, something's bugging you too."

"What do you mean?" Willow asked, suddenly closed down.

"Look, I've only been here less than a month and I didn't know her before she ran away but I can sense the tension with all of you," Faith said slowly, walking up the stairs with Willow. "And you've been watching her like a hawk and I don't think it's just lust."


Faith reached out with typical Slayer speed and caught Willow before the red-head could fall down the stairs in surprise as Faith laughed.

"You're also cute when you blush," Faith grinned.

"Do you have to make everything sexual?" Willow complained. "And I am not…boyfriend, Oz, straight here!"

"Yeah, right," Faith muttered with a grin.

"Not that gay is bad but…" Willow stammered as Faith steered her back up the stairs.

"Don't worry about it, Red," Faith grinned. "Just friendly teasing, no harm, no foul. Let's get your book and head to school."

"Okay," Willow muttered.

They found Willow's book on Buffy's dresser and Faith picked it up and found Willow frowning, looking at a set of bookshelves.

"What is it?" Faith asked, watching Willow's thoughtful expression.

"Well, Buffy's smart, smarter than she let's anyone know," Willow muttered, looking at the books that were a new addition to the bookshelves that were normally crowded with knick knacks instead of books. Now there were several books and Willow looked over them with a bookworm's curiosity. "But studying and books do not happen in the same sentence with Buffy Summers."

"History of the Celts," Willow read aloud. "Celtic Mythology, A Trip Through Scotland and Wales, Gaelic/English Dictionary?"

"Buffy taking a special class?" Faith asked.

"No, there's nothing like that at Sunnydale High," Willow said absently, noticing a binder. Willow's hand hesitated but Faith decided the issue by reaching past Willow and grabbing the binder.

"Come on, let's go to school, we'll look at this over lunch, what say?" Faith said.

Willow glanced at the clock and nodded.
