Tornado Of Souls

By Frau Hunter Ash

Part Four

Buffy sighed as she crawled onto her bed. She could hear Giles, Oz and Angus continuing the conversation about Garou, cursed werewolves, vampires and Hunters and how Buffy fit into all of it as a Slayer Garou.

Xander and Cordelia had finally gone to the upstairs guest room to crash on the bed, fully clothed, as Joyce had checked, and Buffy had gone to her own room to sleep for a few hours.

Faith paused, noticed Buffy's door slightly ajar and frowned when she heard Buffy crying. The brunette Slayer opened the door slightly and entered the room. Buffy, hearing Faith, turned over, hugging a pillow tightly.

"Go away, Faith," Buffy muttered.

Faith frowned. They had all been hit with a lot of information and shocks in less than a two day period.

"You okay, B?" she asked softly, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"No," Buffy admitted. "Everyone thinks I'm a freak because I'm a Slayer, a cool freak but a freak. Not quite human, you know? Now they REALLY think I'm a freak."

"Yeah, I do know," Faith nodded slightly, holding back from reaching out and touching Buffy's shoulder.

"Only you do, don't you?" Buffy asked softly, turning over and sitting up against the headboard, still hugging the pillow. "I'm missing Will."

"Me too," Faith agreed and laughed softly at Buffy's surprised expression. "We kinda hit it off the last couple of days, thanks to you, B."

"Thanks to me?" Buffy asked.

"We were trying to figure out why you were acting so weird and we put our heads together," Faith explained. "She's not so bad for a geek and she thinks I'm okay for a slut."

"You aren't a slut," Buffy said absently.

"How would you know?" Faith teased.

"When you claim to have gotten horizontal with someone, you never smell of sex," Buffy countered.

Faith looked stunned. "What?"

"I know it's an act," Buffy smiled gently.

"Tell me about this wolf thing, B," Faith encouraged, wanting to change the subject.

"In some ways it's amazing, Faith," Buffy sighed wistfully, her eyes becoming distant. "Giles and Angus are talking about it right now. Angus is explaining that my first change was long overdue and probably delayed because I’m a Slayer. It hit when I sent Angel to Hell. I lost it. Really, really lost it."

"Well he had tormented you guys and killed people for awhile," Faith nodded.

"No, not Angeleus," Buffy corrected. "Willow cast a spell that restored Angel's soul. Angeleus had started the spell to destroy the world, though. I had to kill him to stop the spell. I sent Angel to Hell, not Angeleus."

"Uncool," Faith agreed.

"Yeah," Buffy nodded. "I lost it and went into my first change. When I came out of it, I packed a bag and left Sunnydale. I wasn't even really sure if I had changed or had hallucinated it. When I hit LA, a Garou was waiting at the bus station. They keep a Garou at the station watching for runaway Lost Cubs."

"Smart," Faith grinned. "Kinda like pimps."

"Yes," Buffy laughed. "They knew me for Garou and took me somewhere, locked me in a room and made me eat and sleep until I was a little more coherent. Then they took me to a Fianna pack and I began my training."

"What's that like?" Faith asked, suddenly envious of Buffy's calm and joyful expression.

"Amazing," the blonde Slayer whispered. "It's hard to talk about."

"Like Slayer training? How to handle being furry and stuff?" Faith asked, genuinely curious.

"Some. How to handle the different shapes you can take, how the pack interacts, history, modern politics between the Tribes and always more and more about the Wyrm," Buffy tried to explain.

"Worm? Evil worms?"

Buffy laughed and threw the pillow at Faith.

"W-Y-R-M," Buffy said. "The source of the power of evil in the world."

"Whoa, cosmic, B," the dark Slayer muttered.

"There's all kinds of rituals and rites of passage stuff to get through," Buffy continued. “That’s how I got the scars on my thigh, one of the passage things.”

"How…what does it feel like?"

"What, changing?" Buffy asked softly and Faith nodded. "It's…it really hurts the first few times. It's harder to change all the way to full wolf form. I can't talk about a lot of it."

"What do those weirdoes want with Red?" Faith asked and watched Buffy's face crumble.

"Hunters," Buffy said with a frown. "Fanatics that believe anything not human is evil, from Satan and must be destroyed, no matter what the costs."

"Isn't that what we do as Slayers?"

"Sort of but there are a lot more Hunters than the two of us," Buffy said, moving to lay back down on the bed, Faith beside her as they looked up at the ceiling. "They won't listen to reason. They don't believe in a connection to the earth and can't believe that we're part of nature."

"Why not?" the brunette Slayer asked softly.

"The Earth doesn't matter to most of them, something about their religious beliefs about having domain over the Earth," Buffy frowned. "Humans think they are the top of the food chain and the evolution ladder. Garou's can shape-change, we can walk in the spirit world and we're connected to the Earth so that threatens their superior views."

Faith frowned and rose up on an elbow to look down at Buffy.

"This is getting disturbing, B," Faith complained.

"How so?" Buffy demanded.

"Calling everyone else 'humans', talking like you're different," Faith complained.

"We're both different than most other humans," Buffy pointed out, her eyes saddened. "Only a potential Slayer can understand what we're like and we learned to live with that. Now, I had to find out that I'm different than other Slayers, other Garou and I'm not really human anymore."

Faith continued to frown.

"Most of the time a young Garou, a Lost Cub, is taken into a pack and the Tribe and live with at least the pack," Buffy continued. "I'm unusual because I'm also a Slayer and I'm needed here. I'll probably travel to my pack several times a year to reconnect with them and our sacred home."

"Where's that?" Faith asked, beginning to feel tired herself.

"I can't say, it's kept secret, even from most of our Kin," Buffy frowned. "Only those close to Mother Earth, to Gaia, can go near our caern, our home."

"Weird, B, weird," Faith muttered.

"It's strange," Buffy admitted.

"What will they do to Red?" Faith repeated.

"The Hunters? Convince her I'm a killer, against nature, against God, and that the wolf in me comes from Satan," Buffy said, tears filling her eyes. "They're on the way to convincing her I'm a killer."

"Not you, the wolf," Faith argued. "Willow thinks there's a difference after dealing with Oz and his furriness."

"And they have an agreement that he'll either kill himself or she'll kill him if he ever gets out and kills an innocent," Buffy countered. "Willow will demand the same thing from me, especially as a Slayer."

"So, she comes back to town, we grab her and talk some sense into her," Faith grumbled.

"Does this make sense to you?" Buffy asked softly as Faith laid back down next to her.

"Not yet but I figure we'll work on it," Faith mumbled.

Buffy nodded and turned over, hoping to grab some sleep before the next crisis.

* * *

The next day Giles called the Rosenberg house and asked for Willow but was told that the honor student was out of town on a family emergency and would be gone for at least a month. Xander and Buffy were greeted with harsh words and a slammed door when they went to talk to Willow's parents that afternoon after school.

"Damnit!" Buffy shouted as she slammed the door to the Summers' home. Xander looked equally unhappy as Faith's eyebrows rose in question.

"They wouldn't even talk to us and called Buffy a 'perverted' goya jifa – meaning a disgusting perverted non-Jew," Xander growled, throwing his backpack on the floor as Buffy clenched fists.

"Harsh!" Faith muttered.

"The Hunters got to them," Buffy complained.

"Damn!" Faith growled, hating to see the hurt and anger in Buffy's eyes and the rage in Xander's. "Giles called on the answering machine, says everyone is coming over at 7pm for planning."

"When is Oz leaving with Angus?" Xander asked.

"End of the week," Buffy said absently.

"What about school?" Xander asked.

"No longer important to Oz," Buffy said slowly.

Xander and Faith frowned and Buffy blushed.

"He's starting a new life and might have little contact with general society anymore," Buffy tried to explain.

"What about the band and his music?" Faith asked.

Buffy smiled, a wistful look on her face.

"He'll learn some new music, Clan Fianna is known for their music, parties and howls," she said softly.

"Howls?" Faith asked.

"Gatherings of the pack or packs, kinda a party with rituals, bragging and reconnecting with Gaia. Then party time."

"His family?" Xander asked.

"Angus will talk with them. Oz and his little cousin will be taken to the pack and trained. They'll get to see their families occasionally; the family will be considered Kin because they know about Oz and Lisa's Garou status. Kinda like you guys are now considered Kin because of how close you are to me."

"Occasionally?" Xander frowned. "Taken from their families?"

"It's for everyone's protection, Xan," Buffy tried to explain. "Hunters aren't above taking Kin hostage to get to the Garou."

"Now that Hunters know you're furry and here, will you have to leave?" Xander demanded.

Buffy frowned and wouldn't meet their eyes. "I don't know," she admitted. "The Elders may decide that me staying here is too risky for me and for all of you."

"What about Slaying?" Faith demanded. "Evil stuff, hellmouth."

"You're a Slayer, Faith, and there was never meant to be more than one," Buffy pointed out.

"No, I don't…I don't want to do this without you around, B," Faith said softly and immediately looked embarrassed. "Look, I'll be back later."

"Where you going?" Xander questioned.

"I got something I gotta do," Faith snapped and slammed out the door, leaving Buffy and Xander confused.

* * *

Willow sat down on her cot, grateful to be left alone for a moment for the first time since the Watchers had picked her up. The next hours were confusing to the young honor student; the Watchers revealing themselves as Hunters, talking to her parents, packing a few things and boarding a private plane within two hours of leaving the cemetery.

Willow Rosenberg hadn't heard what the Hunters had said to her parents but Sheila and Ira had been very willing to let Willow go for "specialized training" for the next month.

The intelligent student had kept her wits enough to know that they were now somewhere in Arizona, near Phoenix, at a private ranch. Willow had been taken to a barracks like building and shown a small room with a bunk bed, two desks and two dressers. It reminded her of counselor rooms at summer camp.

Apparently she didn't have a roommate at the time and wasn't given very long to settle in before being taken to another large building for dinner, introductions to everyone, and beginning indoctrination.

Willow felt like she had been kidnapped by a cult after an hour of trying to eat, answer questions and listen as several people talked at once. Each of the men and women had an enthusiasm for "hunting," that reminded Willow of religious converts.

After dinner, someone walked up to the stage and introduced themselves as Raymond Johnson, head of the Brotherhood of Hunters, Western Chapter. Willow bit the inside of her lip to keep from laughing. It sounded like something out of an Elk's Lodge but everyone around her were deadly serious and nodded at his introduction.

"As you know, this is the second active training camp for those of us who have been blessed and cursed with the truth about the supernatural," Johnson began. "I want to thank the new recruits for coming. Your future won't be easy and it might even be short."

Willow was instantly reminded of Giles' lectures to Buffy about her Fate as a Slayer.

"Most of you have suffered already," Johnson continued. "I commend you for your bravery, especially the young ones with us. Now that you've seen the monsters, we invite you to join with your brothers and sisters and discover the strength of our Brotherhood."

Willow looked around with a frown. She turned her attention back to the stage when names were called and pairs of people walked up to face the crowd. The budding witch quickly caught on that these were the new recruits and their "counselors". Each counselor told the basic story of the recruit and the recruit was welcomed with hugs and sometimes tears from the "Elders" on the stage, including Johnson.

Willow jumped slightly when she realized Watcher Ryan had moved next to her and was smiling down at her. She tried to smile up into his hazel eyes but felt a familiar fear gripping her. She knew they were going to be called up on stage and she hated and feared public appearances.

Tim Ryan gently grabbed her arm and steered Willow through the crowd and helped her up the stairs, as if expecting the student's reluctance.

"This is Brother Ryan and Willow," Johnson said into the mike. "All the Brothers and Sisters of the Western region know there are some solo fighters. It is my sad duty to report that a fighter against the darkness has fallen to that darkness. We've told you of the fighter in California, called by the Divine to fight evil. She has been infected by that evil."

Shouts and gasps of disbelief filled the cafeteria and Willow's head dropped as tears filled her eyes.

Johnson, looking very much like a politician or preacher, held up his hands for silence as the sounds of tears began reaching Willow's ears.

"I know, I know," Johnson said loudly. "The worst of it is that she didn't fall in battle, as would honor a Hunter of her years and talent. The Hunter fell to a werewolf's bite and has become a killer."

Willow felt Ryan's arm slide around her shoulder and leaned against him, much as she would have if it had been Giles.

More shouts of disbelief were the reaction and Willow's tears began escaping from her eyes as well.

"This is her best friend, Willow," Johnson said, pointing to Willow. "She has been fighting the darkness and evil for years beside the Slayer and stayed in the fight when they were recently joined by the second Hunter."

Murmurs of approval swept towards the stage.

"Willow began her fight in her sophomore year," Johnson continued. "She and a group of divinely imbued students stood with the Hunter and fought the evil. Willow has even overseen the care of one of her fellow students after it was discovered he was a werewolf. Together, the Hunter and the small group kept him from acting on his evil urges to kill and ensured his safety as well."

Willow felt the tears flowing freely down her cheeks, remembering everyone: especially Oz. It had only been a day but it felt like she had been gone forever.

"Now the Hunter is infected and has tasted human blood," Johnson continued. "We aren't sure when she was infected or how many she has possibly killed. The Hunter ran away from her duties a few months ago and we lost track of her. When she returned to her home, we were ready and observant. Our worst fears were confirmed and she is tainted and lost. Our Brothers approached Willow and she has agreed to come to us and train. Brothers and Sisters, her training won't be easy and I ask you to help her all you can. Willow is training to kill her best friend and, even though it's the right thing to do, we know it won't be easy. Too many of know what it's like to have a family member taken by a vampire and turned into one of those damned creatures. Others have seen their families ripped to pieces. Welcome Willow among us, my friends."

Willow was barely aware of the applause and shouted greetings as Ryan led her from the stage and through the crowd. Gentle hands reached out to touch her, welcoming her as she began to sob against Ryan's chest.

The red-head curled up around a pillow later, crying herself to sleep but none of the three females who helped her settle in seemed surprised.

* * *

Faith smiled and folded the knife and put it back into its sheath behind her back. She raised the window to Willow's room slowly. The brunette Slayer was grateful it wasn't dark yet. It made it more dangerous, especially since Ira and Sheila Rosenberg were right downstairs but it also made it exciting.

Faith had an idea that the Hunters had been prepared to talk to Willow's parents. They had been prepared for everything else, including having doctored photos of Buffy as a werewolf killing someone.

The dark Slayer had already been through the cell with Buffy earlier and they hadn't found any sign of a tunnel. Xander and Giles had searched outside the tomb as well and together the small group tore apart the crypt, finding three wireless cameras.

Buffy had growled and smashed them under her feet before Xander could protest that the frequency could be tapped into. Faith pointed out that the only one who might even be able to do that was Willow. Buffy growled again, reminded once again the red-head was gone and she felt responsible.

Faith had an idea that there might be something in the Rosenberg house that could lead the Scooby Gang to Willow or give them a clue as to what they were facing in trying to get the red-head back.

She was determined that they were going to do just that. If not for Buffy's sanity, then her own. Faith genuinely had come to like the geek.

The Slayer rummaged through Willow's desk quickly and efficiently, not finding anything pertinent. Faith frowned. That meant whatever she was looking for was downstairs, probably in Mr. Rosenberg's study.

"Damn," Faith muttered and listened closely at Willow's door. She wanted to be back before the meeting with everyone, either with questions or an innocent face. The last thing Faith wanted was to be spotted or caught in the house.

The Slayer stayed close to the wall as she walked down the stairs slowly, her ears picking up the sounds of Ira shifting in his seat in the living room as he watched some sort of ball game and Sheila in the kitchen making dinner. Faith knew enough about "breaking and entering" to know that older houses had stairs that creaked, particularly in the middle. She hugged the wall where there was the most support for the stairs and kept her, hopefully, out of being noticed in Ira's peripheral vision.

Faith breathed a small sigh of relief when she slipped into the study and carefully shut the door behind her. She quickly crossed to the desk and began rummaging through the papers until she spotted a familiar looking manila envelope, just like the ones the Hunters had been pulling the file folders and pictures out of.

The Slayer growled as she pulled out 8x10 photos. She walked over to the window and held them up to the light coming in from the shutters and bit her lip to keep from yelling out in anger.

There were a lot of photos, most of them grainy and slightly out of focus and they were all of Buffy. All of Buffy naked or getting that way with someone. Two someones, Faith noticed. Her and Oz. The pictures were highly sexual and graphic and Faith frowned.

She knew for certain that she and Buffy hadn't tried any of those moves, thank you! She also highly doubted that Buffy had gotten horizontal with Oz either. He was much too hooked on Willow and Buffy was still grieving for Angel.

Besides, didn't Buffy say something about Garou not mixing it up sexually with other Garou? That meant these were fakes, just like the ones the Hunters had shown Willow of a werewolf Buffy killing humans. No wonder the Rosenbergs had slammed the door in Buffy's face. They did think Buffy was a slut and a pervert!

Faith dug further in the envelope and found several papers and a map. She quickly stuffed the folder into her a waistband behind her back and opened the window as quietly as she could. It was beginning to get dark, just what she needed as she slipped out the window and shut it behind her.

* * *

"Okay, no yelling at Faith for doing it!" Giles finally snapped as the group debated the wisdom of Faith's actions. "Enough! We're tired, stressed and I personally think it was a good idea. Now, Faith, did you find anything that might help us?"

Faith grinned and wiggled her eyebrows at Buffy and the blonde Slayer grinned, a spark of hope racing over everyone's faces.

"How about a map to the place where they've got Red?" she asked, pulling out the envelope from behind her back and digging through it. She finally handed over a folded map to Giles. Faith grinned as he almost ripped it unfolding it so quickly and spreading it out on the dining table.

"Hmmm," Giles muttered as everyone crowded around the table. "Arizona, near Phoenix. Isolated in the high desert, probably a former summer camp."

"Okay, we go and get her back, simple," Buffy said firmly.

"Not so simple, you're talking about walking into a den of Hunters, young one," Angus growled. "They are even more paranoid than Garou about their caerns."

"We are not just going to leave her to them!" Buffy growled, her voice dropping an octave and everyone jumped when Angus literally growled back.

"Back off, pup!" he snapped, his eyes changing to wolf yellow.

"This is my ward, Angus!" Buffy growled back. "The pack knows my commitment to the gang and mother."

"Diving into a Hunter's nest is akin to suicide and will gather you nothing but death!" Angus growled. "Find another way, warrior."

"What about the rest of us going in and getting her?" Faith suggested.

"I think that might be the only way," Giles said slowly. "I suggest that Buffy stays here while the rest of us go to Phoenix and see if we have a chance of getting Willow back."

"I'm not staying behind!" Buffy snapped.

"Yes, you are!" Giles snapped back. "Sunnydale still needs a Slayer and it's very likely that the Hunters left someone behind to keep an eye on you and all of us. They'll be anticipating this action."

"Damn!" Buffy yelled.

"I suggest that Joyce, Oz and Angus keep an eye on you and one out for Hunter's," Giles continued.

Angus nodded. "No matter what you find out, I need to leave with Oz by the end of next week."

"Alright," Giles frowned. He hated knowing Oz was going and that it would mean leaving his life in Sunnydale behind. Leaving them and probably Willow or would Willow go with him as his mate? Giles didn't like the thought of losing two of his kids.

Buffy was frowning as well. Angus' sharp eyes noticed Faith leaning into Buffy's shoulder and lightly wrapping an arm around the blonde. He especially noticed Buffy relaxing at the touch.

"We'll get her back, B," Faith said softly.

"It's my fault," Buffy whined. "If I had followed my instincts and told you guys what was happening, they never would have gotten to her!"

"You were following the traditions, small one," Angus countered. "We made you promise not to tell your friends."

"Why?" Giles asked. "As the Slayer, Buffy shouldn't have any secrets from me."

"Giles, it was necessary," Buffy said wearily. "I had to fight them tooth and claw to agree I could tell Mom."

"Again, Buffy's unusual in that she returned to her friends and family after joining the pack and Tribe," Angus said gently.

"Living at home was hard enough when I became the Slayer, I needed someone to help me on the Ahroun moons," Buffy explained. "The Elders thought that Mom was the best choice to tell, she'd instinctively protect me, even if she didn't understand the Garou part of me."

"Well, I'll admit I was still having trouble adjusting to the Slayer news," Joyce said with a frown. "Giles and I argued about it the entire time you were gone and I still don't like it. I like this even less, especially since it probably means you'll have to leave or die even younger. But, I'm here for you and always will be."

"Thanks, Mom," Buffy said softly.

"Right," Giles said firmly. "It's getting late and tomorrow is a school day. I suggest Cordelia and Xander get notes from their parents that they'll be out of town for the next four school days. Today's Wednesday, if we haven't found a way to get Willow back by Monday, then I don't think we will."

"Okay," Cordelia nodded. "My parents are going out of town for the weekend. I'll tell them I'm staying at Harmony's for the next couple of days and the weekend."

"I need someone to forge an excuse for school," Xander said slowly. "Will always does that when I'm sick."

"I'll write you and Faith a note, Xander," Joyce said quickly as everyone frowned.

"Thanks, Mom," Buffy said softly.

"Everyone go home and to bed now, no slaying tonight!" Joyce snapped. "No arguments, neither one of you are in any shape to go out tonight."

Faith nodded but Buffy continued to frown.

"She's right, Buffy," Giles said calmly. "I'll drop Oz off at home."

"I'm riding with Cordy," Xander chimed in.

"You two get some rest," Giles said softly to the Slayers.

"Okay," Buffy finally nodded and let Faith pull on her arm as everyone exchanged hugs and whispered words of reassurances.

Buffy was surprised but pleased when Faith led the blonde Slayer into her room and sat Buffy on the edge of the bed.

"Stay!" Faith ordered. "I'm going to get some sweats for you to sleep in. I don't think you need to be alone tonight."

Buffy nodded, actually grateful for Faith's insight and waited as the dark haired Slayer threw an oversized t-shirt and pair of shorts at her. The Slayer stood up and pulled her shirt off as Faith turned her back to Buffy and pulled her own shirt off and quickly pulled on her own sleep shirt.

The blonde Slayer relented and let some of her control slip again as Faith, instead of turning her back to Buffy in bed, wrapped her arms around Buffy and pulled her close. Buffy began crying softly as Faith gently stroked her hair and held her.

"It's okay, B," Faith whispered. "I'll get her back for you."

Buffy fell asleep but it eluded Faith as she thought about Willow and Buffy.

Why did the thought of their deep friendship bother her, Faith demanded from herself. Was she ready to face that answer?

* * *

Willow thought she was back at summer camp the next morning when whistles woke everyone up and she joined the lines of mostly young people for use of the bathrooms and then breakfast. Everyone was friendly and encouraging but not smothering and the recruit felt herself relaxing as she began to wake up.

"I'm Tommy Hernandez," a young man across the table introduced himself.

"Tawanda Jones," the girl on her right.

"And I'm your training partner, Tara Maclay," said the girl on her left. "They thought that us magic types should stick together."

Willow grinned. "I was beginning to worry I had stumbled across a Christian summer camp."

Everyone laughed and some nodded. Willow's eyes kept coming back to Tara's blue eyes and shy nature.

"They get a little heavy with the Divine Chosen thing," Tommy agreed. "Don't let them worry you, we've got Rabbis, Priests, preachers, and atheists here to teach us."

"Rabbis?" Willow asked softly with a cough.

"Yeah, they celebrate the Sabbath with us on Friday evenings," Tara explained.

"You said magic though?" Willow asked softly.

"Yes, I'm Wiccan and have a little bit of magic talent," Tara admitted with a blush. "They said that you do too."

"Yeah," Willow muttered, blushing herself and wondering why. Willow was normally shy and wasn't accustomed to large groups of people accepting her, but what was it about Tara that made her nervous and shy?

"I heard the Elders saying that they were going to train you quick, a fast track thing or something," Tawanda said over her orange juice.

"Yeah, you've already fought the damned things," Tommy nodded, his eyes growing hard and intense.

"Easy, Tommy," Tawanda suggested. "He lost his little sister to some really low life, ugly vampires."

"I'm sorry," Willow said softly.

"It's okay, I'll get mine," Tommy swore.

"Wait until you see some of the stuff these guys have come up with to fight these things!" Tara said enthusiastically. "Stakes that have a silver core for both werewolves and vampires…."

"Shotgun shells loaded with silver balls and wooden pellets," Tommy grinned.

"Hollow points filled with silver," Tawanda joined in.

"Flares to confuse vampires and flamethrowers to take them out," Tara said.

Willow frowned and looked down at her plate, envisioning the results of what those weapons could do to a werewolf. The red-head suddenly looked ill and she felt Tara's hand on her arm.

"We understand," the young woman said softly, her brown eyes gentle. "Tommy had to stake his sister. Tawanda had to identify her mother's body, only the head was recognizable."

"And…and you?" Willow asked, her eyes filled with tears.

"I had to kill my brother," Tara said softly. "He changed in front of all of us and killed my mother immediately. His fur was black as night and his eyes blazing an evil red. He threw my brother into the wall, crushing his skull. He came for me next. It was Thanksgiving and Mother had the good silver out on the table. I grabbed a knife and stabbed him but that only made him angry. I held up a tray to block his blows and his claws sliced it in half. When he attacked me, he fell on it, sliced through his neck. "

"I'm sorry," Willow said gently.

"We understand how hard it will be to kill your former friend," Tommy nodded.

"Why do I have to do it?" Willow asked, her voice cracking. "Why can't another Hunter do it?"

"We know, we asked the same thing," Tawanda nodded. "They want us to pass through the worst thing a Hunter can face, killing your own family or a friend. After that, they know the Hunter can face anything without hesitation."

"My friend deserves better than being killed by her best friend," Willow protested.

"Who better?" Tara countered. "You love her. It's an act of love, Willow. We're protecting humanity and setting the creature's soul free."

"Somehow shooting my friend with silver buckshot doesn't feel like an act of love," Willow snapped. "She's given up so much for the world! Her friends died, she got tossed out of school, she even died once!"

"She deserves better than living with the knowledge of killing innocents," Tawanda countered. "Your friend, more than any other human, would want that if she was thinking clearly."

"Didn't you have that type of agreement with your other werewolf?" Tommy asked.

Willow nodded, dropping her eyes again, coughing. "Yeah, if Oz ever got out and hurt someone, I was to kill him or he'd kill himself."

"Wouldn't your friend want that too?" Tara asked softly.

Willow stood up and stumbled out of the Food Hall, running to the now empty bathrooms. The honor student curled up in a back stall, hugging herself and crying.

* * *

Buffy frowned as Giles pulled away from the curb with Cordelia, Xander, and Faith. Angus placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, you're friends are resourceful," he said easily.

Buffy nodded but continued to frown. Once again her friends were in danger and this time it really was because of her.

"Can I come home after things settle down here?" she asked. "For a visit, for a howl?"

"Of course, small one," Angus grinned. "Maybe bring that dark beauty of yours?"

"Dark? Faith? I thought only Kin were allowed at howls," Buffy asked with a confused expression. "Like…sexual partner types."

"You two are getting very close and she understands parts of you that others don't," he said calmly. "And she wants you."

"Faith wants anything breathing," Buffy muttered.

"That's not true and you know it," Angus grinned.

"How would you know what I know?" Buffy complained.

"She desires you," Angus shrugged. "I can sense it and see it."

"Straight here!" Buffy protested.

"You are attracted to her," Angus growled. "I know you and I know your scent."

"Goddamn wolves," Buffy complained. "No, I'm tired, stressed, worried and…and…very straight. Only sex with guys."

"One male, if I remember your story," Angus countered. "One male, one time."

"This conversation is getting really freaky here! You're trying to talk me into being gay?" Buffy snapped. "I thought we were supposed to mate with humans and have more little Garous running around. That requires a male on my part."

"Who says that can't happen?" Angus grinned. "I hear Melissa Etheridge and Julie Cypher have two beautiful kids. I'm just trying to get you to look at yourself, your motivations, your desires and don't let labels stand in your way."

Buffy frowned and looked up at her pack mate, mentor and friend.

"Buffy, you know it's likely you won't live a long life," Angus continued, his voice soft and gentle. "Take love wherever you find, don't let gender blind you."

Angus smiled and kissed the top of the Slayer's head before moving inside the Summers' home.

Buffy frowned and trotted off into the night on Slayer duty. Vampires and demons were going to pay for her confusion tonight.

* * *

Willow tossed restlessly in her bunk and barely heard the door to her room opening.

"Willow? Are you okay? You didn't show up for afternoon class or dinner?" Tara's voice asked and the red-head moaned.

Tara quickly crossed the room and sat down on the bed next to Willow and held her hand to Willow's forehead. The young trainer brushed her long hair out of her eyes and frowned.

"You're burning up," Tara growled. "Stay here!"

Willow managed to have the coherent thought that she really didn't feel like getting up. The red-haired student fell back into a fevered sleep.

"Damn!" Ryan cursed as the doctor showed him the temperature showing on the device, reading the numbers of 103.5. "What brought this on?"

"I'd say stress and exhaustion, she probably hasn't even noticed she's been coughing," the doctor theorized. "Several days in bed, a good round of antibiotics and she might avoid pneumonia."

"Oh hell!" Ryan complained. "There goes her training for a week."

"At least," the doctor agreed as Tara placed a wet cool cloth on Willow's forehead. "We need to transport her to the Infirmary."

"I've got a couple of security guards standing by with a stretcher," Ryan muttered. "Tara, will you stay with her?"

"Of course, Brother," Tara nodded.

"Report any changes, either of you. Willow is a special case and the Elders are very interested in her," Ryan ordered.

"Yes, Brother," Both doctor and trainee nodded.
