Tornado Of Souls

By Frau Hunter Ash

Part Six

"Help us? Why would a Hunter want to help us get Red back?" Faith demanded.

"Well, he seems to be having an attack of guilt," Giles said. "Mr. Ryan said that Willow is sick, very sick, and the person in charge has decided on a radical drug and mental brainwashing while she's sick. They fear that we might get to her before she's ready and willing to kill Buffy."

Buffy growled deep in her chest and Faith jumped, startled. She frowned as Buffy's eyes turned wolf yellow.

"What does he want?"

"To trade Buffy for Willow," Giles said slowly. "He thinks that the Elders will agree to release Willow back to us if we turn Buffy over to them."

"Let's do it," Buffy said firmly.

"No!" Faith shouted and Giles frowned.

"It makes sense!" Buffy snapped back. "I'm useless as a Slayer now that the Hunters are after me. They'll try and track me if I go back to my pack and I'll be endangering them. This way you get Will back in one piece and can bring her back mentally before they totally destroy her."

"No! There's got to be another way!" Faith protested. "We've still got that pack of weres in Phoenix willing to help us!"

"Buffy, do you know what they'd do to you?" Giles asked softly.

Buffy wouldn't meet his or Faith's eyes. "Yeah, lots of silver, fire, cutting and maybe even an exorcism."

"Silver?" Faith demanded.

"Torture," Giles nodded.

"They'll try and get the location of my pack and our caern, anything they can get out of me," Buffy said softly.

"No, no goddamn way!" Faith shouted.

"Buffy, they'll drug and torture you for days before killing you," Giles frowned.

"I know," Buffy said softly.

"No!" Faith snapped. "I'll get Red back for you! You're not going to do this!"

"Can you contact him?" Buffy asked Giles, ignoring Faith's yelling.

"No, he'll call back when he's sure that he's not being watched and has privacy," Giles frowned. "Buffy, I'm afraid I must agree with Faith on this. I can't let you just walk into death."

"Isn't that what you do every night when we go out?" Buffy snapped.

"No, that's not the same thing," he growled. "You have a fighting chance against vampires and demons, this is suicide."

"To save my best friend, it's worth it," Buffy said firmly.

"Giles, could you give me a moment with Buffy?" Faith asked calmly.

Giles frowned and saw a confused look on Buffy's face, matching his own.

"Well," he stammered.

"Please, Giles," Buffy nodded.

The Watcher frowned but walked out of the hospital room slowly.

"Don't yell, Faith," Buffy said easily.

"No, I won't yell yet," Faith growled, moving close to the blonde Slayer's side. "I told you I made a deal with those Viking werewolves!"

"Yeah, you agreed to help out on a mission and they help you get Will back," Buffy nodded.

"There's more to it," Faith snapped.

"What did you agree to?" Buffy asked.

"To get horizontal with one of your kind and expand the population of werewolves," Faith snapped, a tear flowing down her face.

"Why in the world would you agree to that?" Buffy demanded, her expression one of shock.

"To get Red back for you I agreed to something, anything to keep you happy and safe, B," Faith said softly. "I'm begging you not to do this."

"Can you get her back?" Buffy asked, her voice almost a whisper.

"Yes," Faith said firmly. "Let me do this. We now know where she is, Red will be in the Infirmary."


The brunette Slayer growled and leaned over Buffy, her lips crushing against the other Slayer's, her hands holding the sides of Buffy's face gently.

Buffy moaned and pulled Faith closer to her. The kiss, desperate at first, became passionate and exploring. Faith whimpered as she drew back and rested her forehead against Buffy's, tears escaping her eyes.

"B, I told Red last week the reason I pick on her was that I was jealous of her friendship with you," Faith whispered. "I thought you wanted her."

"No," Buffy said slowly. "I've thought about it, admitting that. But it's you I dream of at night, it's you I think about constantly."

"B," Faith whispered, kissing Buffy's forehead, eyes and then lips.

"Don't do anything until I get back," Faith begged. "Give me a chance to save you both."

"Faith, even if you get Will back, the Hunters will still come after me," Buffy countered. "You can't go with me and I can't stay."

"Couldn't I go as your mate? I mean, if this works between us," Faith said shyly.

"Sunnydale needs a Slayer, Faith," Buffy said sadly.

Faith frowned and sat down in the chair next to the bed, holding tightly to Buffy's hand.

"Giles doesn't think that those Hunter guys have told the Watcher Council about you. They couldn't without giving themselves away. If we destroy their organization, they have to keep quiet if they still want a job with the Council," Faith pointed out.

"I'd still be Hunted by all those idiots they're training," Buffy countered.

"Not if we threaten to out them to the Council," Faith said hopefully.

Buffy frowned and she reached over to wipe the tears from Faith's face.

"You make me feel, B," Faith said softly, beginning to cry freely. "I've been running and just…just going with whatever at the moment. I don't know what I'm feeling, B."

"Come here," Buffy said softly, pulling on Faith's hand, drawing the Slayer back to her lips.

Giles closed the door quietly.

"B, I never….I haven't…" Faith stammered as her body began to heat up, sensations running all along her nerve endings.

"Shhh," Buffy said softly. "Me either, only with Angel."

"I'm not going to let you give your self up," Faith said firmly.

"I can't lose Willow like this, not because she's thinks I'm evil," Buffy said just as firmly.

"If she knew the truth, she wouldn't let you, either," Faith said, her voice sullen.

"Can you do it or do you want to wait for me?" Buffy asked softly.

"No, I don't like the idea of drugs and mind bending, even for two days," Faith said slowly. "I'm leaving tonight, hopefully with Giles. We'll get her back day after tomorrow. Joyce Mom is armed to the teeth now and wants to stand guard over you."

"Don't get killed," Buffy growled, kissing Faith passionately.

"No, I want more of this," Faith growled back.

"Want, take, have?" Buffy grinned.

"5x5, B!" Faith grinned back.

* * *

"How is she?" Raymond Johnson asked as the doctor scribbled notes, watching two men and women hovering over the red-head.

"Willow is stabilized and your trainers are working hard on her," the doctor muttered.

"I sense disapproval, doctor," Elder Johnson growled.

"I don't know why you're rushing this," the doctor snapped. "Past cases have shown that the Hunter kills the target but is totally useless after that, usually suffering from a mental breakdown or committing suicide."

"Yes, I'm hoping Willow is a success case," Johnson said absently. "Her target is powerful and has powerful contacts in our world and among the demons. You know sacrifices are acceptable."

The doctor didn't respond but continued frowning. He noticed that Brother Ryan didn't appear happy about the decision either and stayed behind to watch Willow for a few minutes before leaving the infirmary.

"Doctor?" Tara asked softly, watching the trainers from across the room.

"Yes, Tara?"

"They're hurting her, aren't they?" she asked softly.

"I'm afraid the Elders have chosen an extreme short cut in Willow's training," the doctor said slowly. "Like most short cuts, it's a harder road."

"It looks like something out of a horror movie," Tara said, almost whispering. "Aren't we the good guys?"

"I used to think so, Tara," the doctor said softly.

* * *

Buffy stood by her hospital window, watching Giles' rental car pulling out of the parking lot. Joyce wrapped her arm around Buffy's shoulders.

"They'll be okay," Joyce said, trying to reassure her daughter.

"It's so dangerous, Mom," Buffy complained. "Faith and everyone won't kill anyone human, that puts them at a disadvantage. The Hunters won't hesitate to kill them or Willow."

"Why would they kill Willow?"

"She knows about them and the compound, if they think they might lose her, they will kill her," Buffy tried to explain.

"What happens when they come back?" Joyce asked, ignoring the probability that some of "her" kids might not come back, including Willow.

"I don't know, Mom," Buffy admitted, leaning into her mom. "I might have to leave."

"I know, Buff," Joyce whispered.

* * *

Faith, for once, was courteous and kept the music at a low volume, letting Giles sleep in the back of the car. He shifted uneasily, trying to stretch his tall and lanky frame out as much as he could. The Watcher was uncomfortable with his 16 year old Slayer driving but they didn't have many choices. They had to get back to Phoenix quickly and everyone was already exhausted.

Xander and Cordelia had reported that the local pack of Fenris Garou were anxious to move against the compound and everyone was on emotional overload. Xander urged Giles and Faith to return to Phoenix as soon as possible.

"Giles? You asleep?" Faith asked softly.

"Not quite," the Watcher muttered.

"Thanks," Faith said.

"For what, Faith?" Giles asked, keeping his eyes closed.

"Trusting me with this," Faith explained. "I can't let Buffy just give up."

"I wouldn't let her either," he said simply.

"What would you have done?" Faith asked, genuinely curious.

"Forced her to face the fact that sometimes those around us die in this fight," Giles said firmly. "First rule of Slaying, stay alive."

"You'd let Willow go?"

"Yes," he admitted. "To save Buffy, you and possibly the world, I would. Then I'd probably drink myself into oblivion every night."

"You saw us, didn't you?" Faith asked in a low voice. "I heard the door."

"Yes," Giles muttered. "I might think of some kind of lecture after we're out of this but I can't think of one right now."

"I know we're young but we don't have a lot of time," Faith frowned.

"I know. I can't say I was happy when I found out that Buffy had been sexual with Angel. Even if he hadn't reverted back to Angeleus, I still would have been unhappy with her having sex at 17," Giles said. "I expect you two to seriously think about what you're doing and how far you want to take this relationship. You're even younger than Buffy."

"I'm 17 next month, Giles," Faith pointed out. "Pretty much legal then."

"Then I suggest you two practice some restraint until then," Giles growled.

"We barely even kissed," Faith muttered.

"Just watch you're driving and let me know when you get tired," Giles said from the backseat.

* * *


The hacker opened her eyes slowly and tried to smile as Tara's face came into focus.

"Hey," Willow tried to speak, her voice harsh.

"Are you okay?" Tara asked, running a worried hand over Willow's forehead.

"I feel terrible, my chest feels like someone is sitting on it," Willow whispered as Tara helped her sit up and take a drink of water.

"You got awfully sick," Tara said. "Pneumonia and mental exhaustion."

"Wow," Willow mumbled, leaning into Tara's arms without thinking about it. Tara readily moved to where she was almost sitting on the bed, holding the potential witch.

"Willow? Can I a-ask you something?" Tara stammered.

"Yeah, just not too loud, everything hurts," Willow said softly.

"I…they've been giving you drugs and yelling at you to train you to kill your friend," Tara said slowly. "Is that okay with you? Did you agree to drugs?"

"Drugs? No, drugs aren't a good thing," Willow mumbled. "No drugs."

Tara frowned as she held the coughing young woman.

"We've got to get you out of here," Tara whispered, almost to herself.

"Gotta fight bad guys," Willow whispered.

"Is Buffy a bad guy?" Tara asked.

"I…I…she said she could explain," Willow said, remembering the last time she saw Buffy.

"I don't like what they're doing, Willow," Tara said firmly. "I understand training but mind control? I ran away from home to get away from that."

"I don't think I can walk," Willow said softly.

"I know and I don't know how to get us out of here," Tara admitted.

"Buffy and Faith will come for me," Willow said confidently.

"What can they do?" Tara asked. "A werewolf and a human can't get in here."

"Buffy isn't just a werewolf," Willow managed to smile. "Both her and Faith are more than human."

"I hope so, I've got a bad feeling about this place since Brother Johnson took over two weeks ago," Tara said.

* * *

Buffy walked slowly into the house as her mother held the door open. The doctors had been determined to keep the Slayer in the hospital and she was just as determined to get out.

Joyce thought Buffy was too pale and her face was drawn from the pain. She wished that she could help her daughter more. She watched Buffy walk slowly into the family room and sit down on the hearth in front of the fireplace.

Buffy sighed as she placed a hand on one of the stones.

None of the Scooby Gang had noticed the renovation around the fireplace except the new mantle piece. They hadn't paid any attention to the new stones, just as Buffy had hoped. This particular one was a special stone imbued with magic; it was part of Buffy's caern and helped connect her to them and to the Earth.

Joyce didn't really understand her daughter's strangeness, not the slaying or the werewolf thing. It even got more complicated when Buffy tried to explain about the Garou's and their spiritual and physical connection to the Earth. Somehow this stone, with small glyphs in the corners, helped Buffy and Joyce just accepted it.

The woman had always thought she was a typical mom in America. Even when her husband ran off with his young assistant and demanded a divorce, barely seeing his daughter a couple of times a year.

Joyce thought she had done the best anyone could have done, moving Buffy to a small town after her daughter had gotten into trouble. Keeping an eye on her wayward daughter until finally the truth came out.

Then everything turned upside down and Joyce found out that nothing she had believed in was true. Buffy wasn't a juvenile delinquent as she had feared, Buffy was a Slayer. Destined to fight evil and destroy vampires.

Joyce's world had collapsed in one night, she had found out her daughter was somehow a supernatural fighter and she lost Buffy that night.

Lots of discussions with Giles had helped. Lots of yelling at Giles had helped even more. She had come to some sort of terms about Buffy being the Slayer, then Buffy had come home and hit Joyce with even more earth shattering news. Werewolf, her daughter was a werewolf and werewolves weren't what Joyce thought.

Buffy had both hands on the stone with her eyes closed. Joyce thought her daughter looked better and was pleased when Buffy opened her eyes and smiled.

"Thanks, Mom," she said softly.

"For what, kiddo?"

"Not letting the doctor's fight me," Buffy smiled. "I needed to be home."

"I know," Joyce smiled. "Let's check the machine."

"Right!" Buffy eye's widened and dashed for the answering machine, Joyce noticing that her daughter was moving better. "Message!"

< B, it's us, > Faith's voice carried through the room. < Really wishing you were here to talk to these damned furry types! I might have to muzzle them to keep them from killing everything in sight! >

"Buffy?" Joyce asked as Buffy smirked.

"She made a deal with a tribe that's notoriously fond of fighting," Buffy tried to explain, replaying the tape again for both of them.

< Anyway, we're okay and got here in one piece and I wasn't the one who got the speeding ticket. > Faith continued and they could hear Giles complaining in the background. < We're going to try for tomorrow during breakfast. I know, none of us like going in the daylight but they'll all be in one place and we can move in and out quickly.>

Then Xander's voice joined in.

< Hey, Buff! Don't worry, we'll get her back! >

< Okay, the furs are here so we're going to plan now. Later, B. We'll have good news or that place is going down to the ground. > Faith promised.

Joyce wrapped her arms around Buffy as the Slayer sniffled, fighting back tears.

"I should be there, Mom," she whispered.

"You can't even tie your own shoes right now," Joyce countered. "Let your friends and family take care of this one."

* * *

Faith spun on her heels, stake in hand. The werewolf male held up his hands quickly with a grin.

"Peace, warrior," he said softly, glancing around the hallway. Fortunately, there weren't any hotel guests in sight.

Faith put the stake away slowly. She knew that the stake would be almost useless against a werewolf, especially one of these Viking types, but it was instinctive.

She looked the Garou up and down, appraising him for the fight they were possibly facing in the morning. He was tall, as tall as Giles and about as lean. Unlike most of the other male Garou arguing inside the hotel room, he had military short hair and a massive scar down his left jaw. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a handsome face that Faith knew would have made him extremely popular on a high school campus.

"You are?" Faith asked.

"Among my kind I'm called Thorfinn Moves-Silently," the tall male answered. "When I'm among humans, call me Robert."

"Kinda boring," Faith laughed, appreciating his easy manner.

"Faith, nice enough," he countered. "We've heard rumors about Slayers, never met one before."

"The only wolfie type I'd ever seen was Oz and he was pretty much like American Werewolf, just wanting to eat everyone," Faith countered.

"You really good enough to take on a pack of Hunters?" he asked.

"I'm good enough to take on anyone and anything," she smirked.

"Good," Robert nodded. "I hope we get your friend back."

"Thanks," Faith said softly.

"After this is over, maybe we can get closer?" he suggested.

"There's someone in my life," Faith said slowly. "You're cute and everything but there's someone special."

"Well, Hildgrun told some of us about your bargain, consider me?"

Faith laughed and smacked the young werewolf's arm.

"That was charming!" she scolded and Robert shrugged.

"I'm a Viking, we're not known for our tact," he grinned.

"Me either," Faith laughed. "We'll talk about this baby thing after we get out of this."

* * *

Buffy paced restlessly most of the night and shared several cups of cocoa with her mother as they waited the night through, knowing they wouldn't hear anything until midmorning or later.

The Slayer and Mother went over past photos, especially those taken over the last two years in Sunnydale. Buffy smiled at the growth they had all gone through in the two years.

"Will was so shy!" she said softly.

"I was so worried that you'd get into trouble again," Joyce commented. "I was so glad to meet Willow and Xander, they seemed so normal."

Buffy laughed. "No, I was the weird one! And then things just got weirder."

Joyce managed to smile and nod.

"I wish you could have told me what you were going through," Joyce said thoughtfully. "Maybe that mess with Angel wouldn't have been so bad."

"I know," Buffy said softly. "It was so hard when Merrick was killed, I was just hoping to put it behind me when we moved here. I planned on just slaying occasionally, not let it be my life."

"What happened?" Joyce asked, grateful that Buffy seemed willing to talk. They hadn't had done a lot of that since Buffy's return from running away.

"Started having nightmares, prophetic dreams," Buffy tried to explain. "We found out that a major type vampire was about to break free and turn Sunnydale into a drive thru for vampires. Willow was attacked and I was forced to act."

"Willow? That soon?" Joyce asked.

"Yeah, almost the first day I met her a vampire picked her as a victim, I had to save her and Jesse," Buffy's expression turned into one of painful memories. "I saved Willow but Jesse was turned. Xander had to kill his best friend."

"Oh Buffy," Joyce said softly. "How could you all carry that and not turn to us, your parents?"

"In Sunnydale it's not so surprising," Buffy said calmly. "You're an exception, Mom. Well, except for that time that you tried to burn me at the stake."

"You've told me about that and I still can't remember," Joyce complained.

"Exactly! Just like you don't remember Darla biting you," Buffy exclaimed. "Xander's parents were abusive, now they just ignore him and Willow's parents are always gone. What's really weird is that Oz' parents know about him and his cousin and help lock the cousin up every full moon. They're the only ones beside you that know the truth."

Joyce frowned. "That's too much to handle alone," the mother complained.

"I know, that's why I ran away after I had to send Angel to Hell," Buffy continued. "I didn't know if I had imagined changing into a werewolf but I was sure that I had just sent the first guy I ever fell in love with to Hell. I just wanted to get away from it."

"Then you found out about the Garou stuff," Joyce said, hoping to prompt Buffy to keep talking.

"Yeah, and I was trained into a Tribe and pack," Buffy responded.

"But you fought to come back and be the Slayer, couldn't you have stayed with the pack?" Joyce asked.

"Yeah, they wanted me to stay," Buffy nodded, looking at the clock again. "I ran into trouble in LA when I ran away and discovered I'm the Slayer. It's what I am and what I'm supposed to do in this life. With the Garou skills, I can be a better Slayer."

"And part of the hunted," Joyce countered.

"Maybe, hopefully not if I'm careful," Buffy said slowly. "Like a superhero thing."

"Buffy, what about you and Faith?"

"I…uh…what do you mean?" the blonde Slayer stammered.

"You're the only one who can get through to her," Joyce said slowly. "There's an energy between the two of you, is it that you're both Slayers?"

"It's more than just Slayer stuff," Buffy admitted, her face turning a bright red.

"I've overheard some of her joking and it does get a little…suggestive," Joyce continued. "Is there something to it?"

Buffy knew her face was bright red by this point in the conversation.

"Could be," Buffy admitted. "We're…it could be something. I…I might love her, Mom."

"Another complication in your life," Joyce said slowly. "I want you to be happy, Buffy, with whoever that is. I can't say I'd want this for you, though. Being gay or bisexual isn't easy and your life isn't easy to start with."

"I know but it's there, Mom," Buffy said softly. "I've been attracted to girls before, it's not just because Faith is a Slayer. Her being a Slayer means she understands me and that's rare."

Joyce sighed and reached over the breakfast counter to hold her daughter's hand.

"If this is who you are going to be happy with, then I'm glad you found her," Joyce said slowly. "I do insist that you both wait before making the same mistake you made with Angel. She's still only 16."

"We've barely kissed, Mom," Buffy protested, her face still blushing.

"Strong rule here, Buff," Joyce said firmly. "Personally, I'd like you both to wait until you're both 18 but you keep reminding me that you might not live to 18. So the rule is, you both have to be 17 and be safe about it."

"Okay, Mom," Buffy smiled a small smile as she glanced at the clock again.

* * *

Willow clutched at her chest as Tara held her tightly, the witch coughing painfully. Tara reached over to the metal tray/table next to the bed and grabbed a Kleenex and held it to Willow's lips to catch the blood.

"We've got to get you out of here, Willow," she said softly.

"How?" Willow whispered. "I heard…them…last night…More drugs….today."

"You need to be in a real hospital," Tara protested, gently stroking the red hair.

"Can I…keep…you?" Willow whispered, snuggling into Tara's shoulder.

Tara, startled, looked down and realized Willow was drifting back into sleep.

"Yes," Tara said softly.

* * *

Xander pulled the truck up to the gate slowly and confidently.

"Just say 'hi' and nothing else, okay, Cordy?" he whispered as he rolled down the window, the armed gate guard approaching.

"Oh alright!" Cordelia snapped.

The guard stepped up onto the running board and looked in the cab, his eyes suspicious. He looked Cordy and Xander up and down, taking in their uniforms, name tags, and manifest book on the seat between them.

"You two new?" he demanded.

"I'm Stan's brother in law," Xander answered. "He called in sick last night."

"Usual load?" the guard asked and Xander grabbed the manifest and handed it over.

"Yeah, white sheets and more white sheets," Xander smiled. "Listen, I just moved here. Any good churches around here?"

The guard's eyes instantly lit up and he turned over the invoice and scribbled on it.

"This is the number of my pastor, give him a call," the guard said enthusiastically. "He's the best!"

"Excellent!" Xander grinned. "Thanks!"

"Okay, do you know where to take the load?" the guard asked.

"Yeah, first part of the load to the first aid place, I road with Stan last week," Xander smiled and reached out his hand to shake the guard's firmly.

"Good, check with me on the way out. I'm Phillip," the guard smiled.

"I'm Matthew," Xander smiled and put the truck into gear, handing the manifest book to Anya.

Xander breathed a sigh of relief as they moved slowly through the compound.

"Let's hope we don't have to fight," he muttered as he turned the wheel of the delivery truck, backing it up to the dock at the end of the Infirmary.

Both Xander and Cordy quickly got out and went to the back. The young man glanced around and nodded to his girlfriend and they opened the doors slowly. Xander could make out a few eyes peeking around laundry bins in the darkness of the inside of the truck.

"Okay, troops," Xander said softly. "We're at the Infirmary, let's keep to the plan and not kill anyone, okay?"

He and Cordy stepped aside as several figures dashed past them. The werewolves were dressed like any other trainee that could be found in the compound, jeans and bright red t-shirts. To help identify each other quickly, they had added blue baseball caps.

Faith moved towards the doors of the Infirmary with Cordelia beside her.

The brunette Slayer growled with impatience as they wandered through the storage area and down the hallway, opening doors as they went.

Finally the third door opened to reveal a familiar sleeping red-head and an unknown trainee who squeaked in fear.

"Hey, Red!" Faith said sharply.

"St-stay back!" the girl stammered, standing up between Willow and the two strangers. "Don't…don't come any closer!"

"Listen, sweetheart," Faith grinned, raising her fists. "You REALLY don't want to play with me."

"Doesn't play well with others’ is Faith’s motto in life," Cordy added.

"Faith? You're friends with Willow?" the girl asked, lowering her hands slightly.

"Yeah, we're gonna take her home," Faith growled.

"She's really sick, please help!" Tara begged.

Cordy moved past the girl and felt Willow's forehead.

"She's burning up, Faith," she frowned.

"Let's get her out of here and into a hospital," Faith snapped.

"Faith?" a weak voice called and Faith winced as Willow broke into a coughing fit. "Tara?"

"Right here, Willow," Tara said and moved to quickly help Willow sit up to ease the coughing. "Your friend Faith is here to help us."

"Faith," Willow voice was raspy and harsh.

"Right here, Red," Faith said, glancing outside the door.

"Tara…can't…stay…come with…us," Willow gasped.

"Fine," Faith snapped. "Cordy, keep an eye out here while I grab Red."

"The programmers are due here any minute!" Tara said urgently.

"You follow Cordelia there, I'll bring Red," Faith growled as she looked at the IVs leading to Willow's arms. Faith grabbed the IVs off their hanging racks and handed them Tara. "Stay close!"

The Slayer pulled the barely conscious witch over her shoulder.

When Cordy opened the outer door they could hear shouts of confusion and anger and an alarm began blaring.

"What?" Faith demanded.

"The Weres have set fire to some of the empty buildings to keep everyone occupied," Xander explained, pulling a Glock pistol out of his belt. "Quick, inside!"

Then he spotted Tara right next to Faith, holding two IV bags.

"Who's this?" he demanded.

"A friend of Red's," Faith growled and moved into the back of the truck. She placed Willow on a prepared sleeping bag as Willow coughed painfully. Tara sat down next to Willow, holding the IV bags up. "Stay with her."

Faith grinned as Cordy climbed back into the cab of the truck and Xander started to close one of the doors.

"Keep the door open and grab our friends as we go," he said and headed for the driving seat.

Faith stood by the door, her hand wrapped in a convenient hand strap by the door as Xander drove along slowly and grabbed their friends. The Slayer grinning at the enthusiasm from the Weres. They were laughing and teasing each other that this really wasn't worth their time but it was fun.

"Don't get furry on me!" Faith teased back. "We've got civilians on board."

"You brought a Hunter on board?" one of them demanded.

"I think she’s a trainee. She wanted to help get Red out of there," Faith growled, closing the door. "Everyone down behind the bins or inside one in case they want to search."

Faith and two of the Weres moved the bins around to hide Willow and Tara from casual view from the back of the truck.

* * *

"Matthew! Sign yourself out! I've got to keep the road clear for the fire trucks!" the guard shouted.

"Okay, that's why I'm getting out of here!" Xander shouted back.

Xander didn't begin to relax until they were ten miles down the road.

Cordy held up a walkie talkie to her ear.

"The Weres say that they flattened all the tires, ripped out the distributor caps and set fire to several empty buildings. That should keep them busy," Cordy reported.

"Radio Giles and tell him to put the spike strips across the road after the fire trucks go by," Xander grinned.

Cordy turned her attention to the communication device and then grinned.

"He is very happy!"

"Me too! I don't think the Weres even had to show their claws," Xander smirked.

"Thank God!" Cordy smiled. "I will be so glad to get back to Sunnydale."

Cordelia suddenly looked stunned.

"I did not just say that, did I?"

Xander grinned.

"Let's take Will home," he suggested, chuckling softly at Cordelia.
