Tornado Of Souls

By Frau Hunter Ash

Part Eight

Giles sat at the interrogation table and waited patiently. The trained Watcher showed no emotion as Robert Johnson, rogue Watcher, Hunter and fanatic was escorted into the room.

Giles reflected that the cultured Englishman certainly looked different in an orange jail jumpsuit, complete with leg and waist chains connected to his handcuffed hands.

The jail guard sat Johnson down and then closed the door behind him.

"Did the Council arrange our little meeting here?" Johnson asked after several moments of silence and a contest of wills.

Giles resisted smiling, having won the first round.

"Yes," Giles admitted. The Englishman was well versed in mind games, as were all Watchers and Council members but sometimes the truth worked better.

"And am I going to find myself being transferred to England on some sort of charges so the Council can get their hands on me?" Johnson asked calmly.

"No, they're content to let you rot here in a California prison," Giles resisted obviously smirking as Johnson looked surprised.

"A trial will mean the truth comes out! They wouldn't dare risk that!" Johnson protested.

"You might want to plead guilty by reason of mental defect then," Giles smirked, and was delighting when Johnson turned red. "Shall we get down to it, then?"

"What are my choices?" Johnson asked.

"I'm about to give them to you," Giles nodded. "On the surface, you're looking at attempted murder of a young college student visiting a sick friend. You haven't told the detectives why you attacked Buffy. There isn't much doubt that you attacked her, with independent witnesses of nurses, guards and us. Your friends' prints are on the handcuffs and yours are all over the knife covered with Buffy's blood."

"I know all that," Johnson snapped.

"I've spent the last three days talking with the Council and explaining things," Giles continued. "Including Buffy's condition. They agree that she has been a remarkable Slayer and see no reason to change things. As long as we promise to take appropriate precautions on Full Moons as we were doing with Oz."

"You've hidden him already?" Johnson smirked. "You're a Watcher turned traitor, protecting the monsters."

Giles sighed.

"I know that Hunters usually concentrate on vampires because of the advantage of being able to hunt them in the daytime," Giles commented. "I also know that Hunters usually avoid hunting werewolves because they're usually not alone."

"You've been studying Hunters as well as Slayers," Johnson commented, his voice flat.

"Yes," Giles nodded. "You understand that werewolves usually aren't alone, correct?"

"Yes, there's usually three or more if Hunters come across them," Johnson admitted.

"Then understand this, the werewolves find each other and form packs," Giles explained, trying to put it in terms that Johnson could understand. "Buffy belongs to a pack and each pack is part of a larger group. Getting the picture?"

"You're saying they're more organized than we thought?" Johnson demanded.

"Yes," Giles nodded. "Just like some vampires have formed clans and such. Tell me, what happens to Hunters when vampires and werewolves learn their identities?"

Johnson actually turned pale but attempted to hold his composure.

"Yes, I know Hunters, Johnson," Giles nodded. "I was a Hunter, you idiot! It is one of the interesting facts about my past that drew the Council to me. You'll never sleep easily again. You might be safe in the daytime from vampires but werewolves can move during the daytime. You'll be seeing vampires and werewolves in every shadow."

"What are your terms?" Johnson asked softly and Giles nodded. Even prison wouldn't be safe from vampire controlled ghouls or werewolves seeking the death of the Hunters.

"If you keep quiet about Buffy's werewolf condition, the Council will have you transferred to England," Giles said calmly. "Once you reach England, the Council will probably send you into exile."

"And your monster goes free?" Johnson demanded.

Giles' eyes hardened. "After what you attempted to do to Willow, I could snap your neck in one move, mate. You don't agree to this and you won't last a year."

"The Hunter compound and other Hunters?" Johnson demanded.

"They can disband and find other Hunter groups to join," Giles said calmly. "Their names won't be released to the wolves or vampires."

"If they won't disband?" Johnson snapped.

"Then they'll find themselves under siege," Giles responded easily. "We got Willow out of your hands with a group of werewolves helping us. They live in the area, they know your camp and have it under observation. One word from us and they'll take your camp out."

"You'd let humans be killed?" Johnson demanded. "Slayers don't kill humans!"

"I'm not a Slayer, remember?" Giles pointed out. "If you don't threaten my kids, I'll let yours slip away."

"You get Buffy and Faith as Slayers, Willow's yours again and you even took Sister Tara," Johnson complained.

"You drove her off when you attempted to brainwash Willow," Giles countered.

"I don't have a choice here, do I?" Johnson smirked.

"Not if you and your three conspirators wish to live," Giles agreed. "The Council is sealing the records on Buffy's condition, only the High Council will know of it. You break the silence about Buffy and you'll be dead within a week."

Johnson hesitated, thoughtfully pondering.

"Alright, I agree," he finally said.

"You and the four others will never return to the States," Giles pressed.


"You'll never approach Buffy or any of the other kids, no matter where in the world any of us end up," Giles added.

"Yes, agreed," Johnson said wearily. "You agree not to turn our names over to demons and let the Phoenix camp disband."

"Yes," Giles agreed.

"Deal," Johnson nodded.

"Buffy and Willow are back in Sunnydale in the hospital," Giles informed the rogue Watcher. "You almost killed both of them with that attack. One hint of any Hunter near them and I'll release your name to every demon, vampire, and werewolf I can find, including anyone claiming to be a vampire, werewolf or demon on the Internet."

"No prison on our side?" Johnson demanded.

"Limited. After your transfer to England, the Council will take over," Giles explained.

"Acceptable," Johnson agreed.

Giles stood up and knocked on the door. A moment later a guard let him out of the room and the Watcher made his way through the maze of doors and papers to get outside the jail.

The Englishman knew he would be grateful to get out of Los Angeles and back to Sunnydale. He was very uncomfortable leaving Buffy and Willow in the hospital without him but he knew that the bargaining with the Council and the Hunters had been more important. Hopefully this would ensure Buffy's future safety from this group of Hunters.

Willow thought that the Elders and rogue Watchers hadn't told the entire group of Hunters and trainees Buffy's name and Tara confirmed it. That gave Giles hope that he might be able to contain the information that Buffy, his Slayer, was a werewolf.

Giles stopped at a row of payphones just inside the doors of the jail and dialed several numbers and waited patiently.

"Buffy Summers room, please," he asked calmly. He wasn't surprised when Faith answered the phone.

"Buffy's room," she said into the phone.

"It's Giles, Faith," he said softly.

"Got good news, Handsome?" Faith asked and he could hear Buffy demanding to know who it was.

"Is Willow there as well?" he asked first.

"Yeah, Red is here," Faith responded.

"Good, I made the deal with both the Council and those Hunters," Giles explained. "Tell Buffy and Willow, if everyone holds to their common sense, we won't have any problems."

He could hear Faith relaying the news and Willow's squeak of delight and Buffy muttering something.

"Buffy asks if you had to say anything about the Garous?"

"Only vague references to organized packs of werewolves," Giles said calmly, knowing Buffy's fears of "piercing the veil" and having to answer to her pack and the rest of the Garou nation for letting outsiders find out about werewolves and their true nature. "I'm on my way back tonight."

"Cool, because we've got problems back here," Faith told him.

"Now what?" Giles demanded.

"Red's parents," Faith said, the bitterness evident in her voice. "They said that if she was hanging with Buffy or Oz they would disown her and they don't like Tara or me either."

"Did Joyce explain to them that the pictures were faked?" Giles demanded.

"Yeah, they didn't believe her," Faith complained. "They said they're going to pull her out of school and send her back east to some rabbi run type school."

"Oh God," Giles muttered. "What is Joyce doing?"

"Talking with a lawyer today," Faith told him.

"Good, tell Willow to hang in there," Giles said. "We just got her back and we're not about to let her go now."

"Same here," Faith agreed.

* * *

Tara found Willow crying softly as Buffy slept.

"Willow?" Tara asked softly.

The red-haired witch looked up from her wheelchair, wiping at her eyes. Her head had been resting on the bed next to Buffy's hand.

"Sorry, just an emotional meltdown," Willow said softly.

"Wanna me to wheel you outside for some sun?" Tara offered.

"Yeah, that's good," Willow agreed. "I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing," Tara said softly as Willow released the brakes on the wheelchair. "The doctors say you'll be able to go home soon as long as you rest."

"Yeah, Buffy should be out by the end of the week," Willow nodded. "My Mom and Dad came by again today."

"What?" Tara squeaked. "Wh-what did they want?"

"For me to come home and abandon all of you," Willow said softly, trying to keep calm. Getting excited caused her heart to beat fast and her breathing to quicken and that hurt.

"Wh-what did you tell them?" Tara asked, her own heart pounding rapidly.

"I couldn't do that," Willow said softly as Tara wheeled her into an elevator.

Willow was surprised when they went up instead of down. Tara smiled and wheeled her friend to a different elevator that was labeled "freight" and they continued upwards.

Willow smiled when Tara wheeled her out onto the roof into the sunlight.

"I thought you'd like this," Tara said shyly.

"It's nice, thank you," Willow smiled.

Tara squatted down next to the wheelchair as they watched the sun playing over the city. The blonde witch felt her heart skip a beat when Willow slipped a hand into hers and leaned on Tara's shoulder.

"Tara, what's gonna happen to us?" Willow asked softly.

"Mrs. Summers says that we can move in with her and Buffy," Tara said slowly. "If you don't mind sharing a room, that is. I think Mrs. Summers is going to let Faith share Buffy's room. Separate beds though."

"No," Willow wondered why her heart was suddenly pounding again. "I wouldn't mind sharing a room with you."

"We'll both be declared emancipated adults, go back to school and figure out the adult stuff later," Tara smiled reassuringly.

They were both quiet for a few moments, both enjoying the contact and silence.

"Willow, c-can I ask about…about Oz?" Tara asked.

"Sure, you can ask me anything," Willow nodded. "Oz was my boyfriend. Only one I ever had, really. Things got rough when we found out he was a werewolf. We'd lock him up and watch over him on full moons."

"He couldn't control it?" Tara asked, remembering the lessons Giles had given them about Garous.

"No, we didn't know about Weres being able to control it," Willow explained. "Or I wouldn't have run away when I found out about Buffy. God, Tar, I was almost willing to kill my best friend!"

Tara wrapped her arms around Willow as the witch began to cry again.

"I believed she could be evil!" Willow sobbed.

"Shhhh, you believed what you had been taught," Tara said, trying to soothe her friend. "They worked hard to convince you."

"They hurt Buffy! They drugged me!" Willow continued to cry and Tara held her until Willow's sobs subsided but the hacker seemed reluctant to let go of her.

"Willow," Tara said softly, pulling back slightly. "I…I've been thinking th-that I might need to leave."

"What?" Willow sat back, her eyes wide with sudden fear. "No! That would be bad! I…I…why?"

"Will," Tara began slowly. "Th-this is so hard." She stood up and walked to the edge of the roof. "I…I like you, a lot."

"That's a problem?" Willow asked, confused.

"It…it could be," Tara said, turning away from Willow. "I…I th-think I like you too much."

Willow was confused for a moment and felt her heart beat speeding up, beginning to realize what Tara might be implying.

"You…you mean," Willow stammered. "Like Faith and Buffy like each other now?"

Tara nodded, her head dropping with expected rejection.

Willow frowned, her thoughts racing faster than she could keep up with. Thoughts of Oz and warm fuzzies but not the overwhelming grief over his leaving that she expected. Comparisons between holding hands with Oz and holding hands with Tara, of looking into deep green eyes and blue ones and how her heart pounded whenever she was near Tara while with Oz it was comfortable.

Which one made her hands shake, her knees go weak, and sent a warm feeling through her whole body that seemed to nest right below the belt. It never felt like that with Oz, she realized.

"Tara?" Willow said softly, trying to calm her breathing before she started coughing again.

The blonde witch refused to move.

"Tara, I can't get out of the chair and come to you," Willow said firmly but her hands were shaking badly. "Please come here."

Tara turned with tears streaking her cheeks and slowly approached the red-haired student.

"It's okay, I understand that we can't be friends," Tara said softly, her voice cracking.

"Tara, either get down here where I can look at you or I'm getting out of this chair and probably get sick and everyone will yell at me…"

Tara reluctantly squatted down next to Willow's wheelchair but still wouldn't look at her friend.

"You know what Buffy said to me the first time we went out?" Willow asked softly, raising Tara's chin with a gentle finger. "She said 'seize the day'."

Willow, her heart pounding loudly, leaned forward and let her lips find Tara's as they closed their eyes.

Tara fell back onto her rear, touching her lips with a surprised expression as Willow eased back in her chair, touching her lips as well.

"Wow! Electric shock?" Willow mumbled.

"Didn't feel like static whatever," Tara said, her eyes as wide as Willow's.

"Can we try that again?" Willow asked shyly.

Tara looked surprised again.

"You want to? You weren't wigged?" she asked softly.

"Very not wigged," Willow admitted. "You?" she asked fearfully.

Tara moved up onto her knees and reached out to gently touch Willow's hair and move her hand down Willow's cheek and jaw line.

"You're so beautiful," Tara whispered, her eyes filling with tears.

"I'm too skinny, I'm a geek, I don't have cool clothes," Willow began babbling, tears filling her own eyes.

Tara stopped the babble with her lips.

Willow moaned and moved closer to Tara and the blonde witch ran her fingers through Willow's hair, pulling the redhead closer.

The kiss was tentative and gentle but soon became exploring until the need to breathe broke the two apart. Tara leaned against the wheelchair, breathing heavily, her forehead resting against Willow's.

"Oh God," Willow whispered, holding tight to Tara. "You could do that forever."

"What about Oz, what if he comes back for you?" Tara asked, her voice cracking again.

"Oz," Willow said with a frown, leaning back into her chair as she thought. "Oz was comfortable. He was scared of sex because the werewolf thing and it was safe with him. I loved him, I still love him. He's so cool but it doesn't feel like this."

"What does it feel like?" Tara asked softly as Willow leaned forward to grab her hands.

"Like I'll die if you're not with me," Willow said, a tear escaping her eyes.

Tara almost knocked the red-head out of the chair rushing to hug her tightly and kiss Willow again and again.

* * *

Buffy looked up as Willow wheeled into the room and did a double-take as she looked at her friend. Tara and Willow actually looked flushed and there was easiness about them that the Slayer couldn't place.

"Whoa! B, they figured it out!" Faith grinned, causing both witches to blush a bright red.

"Figured what out?" Buffy asked and noticed Tara's hands coming to rest on Willow's shoulders and how her friend leaned into the contact. The Slayer grinned.

"Will?" Buffy asked softly.

"We…uh, Tara's staying," Willow smiled shyly.

"Complete with snuggles?" Buffy teased.

"To hell with the snuggles, you get past the bra yet?" Faith grinned as Willow began coughing with embarrassment.

"Faith!" Buffy scolded, smacking her would-be girlfriend on the arm.

"I think it's cool," Faith smiled a genuine smile. "They're right together."

"Yeah," Buffy agreed as Willow leaned against Tara's arm, a gentle smile on her face.

* * *

Faith grinned as Buffy spun with a round-house kick that almost took a vampire's head off. The blonde Slayer turned and flashed Faith a smile as they both staked a vampire at the same time.

"How's it going over there, Faith?" Buffy asked.

"5x5, B!" Faith grinned. "You?"

"He's dust," Buffy grinned and laughed as Faith turned and ran the few feet between them and tackled her to the ground. Instantly Faith's lips were on hers and Buffy's fingers were in Faith's hair, pulling the dark Slayer closer.

Buffy moaned and drew a leg up between Faith's, causing the other Slayer to break off the kiss with a gasp and a flush of her skin.

"Damn, B," Faith muttered. "One touch and I'm dying."

"I am so not going to last a month," Buffy complained.

"Well, we're both minors, what are they gonna do to us?" Faith teased.

"Let's take this home," Buffy whispered, her voice going husky with arousal.

Faith jumped to her feet and lent a hand to her girlfriend.

"Have you seen Red and Tar? They're going just as insane as us," Faith smirked.

"Yeah," Buffy nodded, linking her fingers with Faith's. "I always thought of Willow as the ultimate shy type but with Tara, well, she can't keep her hands off."

"I know the feeling," Faith whispered, pulling Buffy into a passionate kiss that left them both breathless. "B, I know we're young and everything and I've never dated anybody before….Christ, what the hell am I trying to say?"

"Well, I've dated all of three guys and only slept with one of them," Buffy smirked. "My boyfriend at Hemry was a joke. Pike was great but got himself killed by a pack of vampires and…well, you know what happened with Angel."

"Psycho vampire from hell," Faith nodded. "I know we're supposed to take things slow and date lots of people before we grow up and settle down to marriage somewhere around 23 or something but we're Slayers and you're a werewolf."

"We live in Sunnydale and the odds of reaching 24 aren't exactly good for us," Buffy agreed. "I love you, Faith, for as long as you'll have me."

"Cool," Faith grinned, sighing with relief. "I love you too and I don't want to date anybody else and I don't want to wait."

"Me either," Buffy agreed, nibbling Faith's neck, sending shivers down the other Slayer’s spine.

"Home! Now!" Faith demanded.

* * *

Buffy managed to shut the door behind her in the semi-darkened house just as Faith grabbed her against the said door, kissing her brutally. Buffy moaned and wrapped her arms around Faith, the brunette Slayer almost pinning her against the wood.

"Faith, Buffy? Can I talk to you?' a voice called from the family room.

Faith jumped back from Buffy so fast she almost fell down with a squeak.

"Mom?" Buffy called softly, surprised to find her mom still up and waiting for them. She helped Faith stay upright and they walked into the living room where Joyce was, indeed, waiting for them. She was curled up in an easy chair, blanket thrown over her legs, book in lap and a small reading lamp on.

It was obvious she had been waiting most of the evening.

"How did….slaying go?" Joyce asked calmly.

"Pretty well," Buffy said cautiously. "Vamps are no match for two Slayers."

"Good, as long as you two are safe," Joyce nodded. "I talked with Willow and Tara earlier."

"Yeah?" Buffy asked, sitting down on the sofa, her body tense.

"I know I've insisted on single beds for each of you," Joyce said slowly. "I'm making a very adult decision here. I've got to go to San Francisco this weekend to oversee a shipment coming in from Asia for the gallery."

"Okay, you going to tell us to switch rooms so we're not tempted?" Buffy asked, trying to keep her voice from cracking. She so did not want to talk about sex with her mother.

Joyce Summers had been more receptive of her relationship with Faith than she had of Buffy's relationship with Angel but Buffy didn't want to push her mother either. Two underage lesbian couples in the house was a little rough for the single parent.

"No, actually I'm leaving my credit card," Joyce smiled. "I want the four of you to go shopping this weekend for beds that suit each pair of you."

Buffy's eyes widened and Faith sat down next to Buffy, heavily.

"You…Mom? You're saying we can….can sleep in the same bed?" Buffy squeaked. "Isn't that tempting fate? I'm strong and the Slayer and everything but sleeping in the same bed with…with someone I love is a little much to ask for restraint."

"I thought Red did the babble thing," Faith teased softly and Joyce laughed, causing Buffy's eyes to widen even further.

"Actually you should have heard Willow babbling when I told her the same thing," Joyce smiled. "Both couples have a limit of $800.00 for bed and stuff and you have the weekend to…to get acquainted. I'm not going to demand restraint except at school. I don't want you giving Principal Synder any excuse to come down on any of you."

"Wow," Faith muttered, reaching out to hold Buffy's hand. "Mrs. Summers, Mom, I…I just want to say that I love Buffy very much. It's not a kid thing."

"I know, Faith," Joyce said softly, seeing the tears welling up in Buffy's eyes. "I know and I thank you for telling me."

"How did Willow and Tara react?" Buffy asked, trying to get her voice back from the twilight zone where it had ran away to in shock.

"A little bit more wigged about it than you," Joyce smiled. "Have the beds delivered and don't tear down the house while I'm gone."

"Mom, I…" Buffy stammered.

"Don't say anything, honey," Joyce said, moving the blanket and book aside and standing up. "You're seventeen and Faith almost is. Willow and Tara are the same age. Some kids get married at your age. Most of the time the marriages don't work but they don't live on a Hellmouth and they aren't Slayers. I'd want a typical marriage for you but I'm going to be more than satisfied if you're happy with Faith. That's the important thing."

"I am, Mom," Buffy nodded.

"Then I'm glad," Joyce smiled and hugged both young women. She headed for the stairs. "I love you, Buffy."

"Love you too, Mom," Buffy said softly, laying her head on Faith's shoulder.

"Come on, lover," Faith said gently. "Let's go to bed. We've got two more days of school before the weekend."

"Remember, full moon next weekend," Buffy frowned.

"We'll watch over you, B," Faith said calmly. "No big deal."

"I just don't like losing control," Buffy complained. "I know what happens as the wolf but I can't control it. It's like I'm watching from far away on full moons."

"We'll get through it, B," Faith said firmly, leading Buffy up the stairs. "Just like we'll get through waiting the next two days."

"Oh God," Buffy whispered. "Now that it's only two days until I…I can touch you, it feels like forever!"

* * *

Willow smiled and leaned back as warm arms wrapped around her and lips began nuzzling her neck.

"H-how did you know it was me?" Tara whispered as Willow turned in her arms.

As expected, Tara had found Willow in the stacks of the library after school.

"I could sense it was you," Willow said softly, pulling Tara closer.

"Not at school, remember?" Tara whispered, pinning Willow against the books. "We just got you back in and me registered."

"I'm just glad that fight with my parents is over," Willow nodded, moving her hands over Tara's ribs and back, under the blonde witch's shirt. "That was bitter!"

"I know, baby," Tara said softly, holding Willow tightly. "They'll come around eventually."

"I don't think so," Willow shook her head. "Telling them and the court that I'm gay pushed them over the edge. They might be liberal for everyone else in the world but not when it comes to me."

"I-I'm just glad we're in California," Tara admitted. "When they told the judge they were going to send you to a Readjustment Treatment Program, I thought she was going to have a heart attack."

"Yeah," Willow smiled slightly. "Now Joyce Mom is our guardian. I can't believe the last two months. Buffy's a werewolf but it's okay, I get practically kidnapped by warped Hunter cultist but that's okay because I meet you, and now my family disowns me because I have you."

"I love it when you babble," Tara whispered, moving to kiss Willow passionately.

"Hey, Will! Giles said you were up…"

Tara backed up into the bookshelf as Willow squeaked in surprise. Both turned to see a stunned Xander at the end of the row of shelves.

"Will?" he said softly.

"Xander, I…uh…," Willow stammered and both her and Tara looked nervous.

"What? Both my female best friends are dykes now?" Xander snarled.

"Hey!" Willow snapped back. "What's the problem? You haven't said a word about Buffy and Faith!"

"That's because they can kick my ass," Xander growled. "You…my best friend forever! Since grade school! What happened to your feelings for Oz and…and your crush on me?"

"I…I grew up and fell in love with…with a wonderful, beautiful and intelligent woman who…who just happens to love me back!" Willow shouted.

"Look, Will," Xander frowned. "I know you're grateful for Tara taking care of you when you were sick and helping get you out of there, but this…"

"What this?" Willow snapped. "This is more than…than gratitude! Go away and think before you say another word."

Xander snapped his jaw shut but looked hurt and confused.

"Xan, we've been best friends since grade school," Willow said, her voice softening. "You came after me and helped save me, I love you. Please take a step back and see that."

"Oz hasn't even been gone a month, Will," Xander protested, his eyes pleading for things to go back the way they were before Buffy ran away.

"Oz left mentally when he found out about the wolf," Willow said sadly. "What I feel for Tara is…is…it's amazing."

"Amazing?" Xander squeaked as Tara lowered her head, letting her hair hide her face. Finally his eyes lost their hardness and he looked at his friend. "I need some time, okay?"

"Xander?" Willow questioned, her voice cracking.

"I just found out four of the five women in my life all prefer each other, okay," he said softly. "I'm a little wigged here."

"He's worried," Tara said softly.

"Worried about what?" Willow asked, obviously confused.

"Of his rep," Tara said, glancing up.

"Xander?" Willow's voice was one of disbelief.

"Well, it won't exactly put me at the top of the popularity list," Xander grumbled.

"Is Cordelia rubbing off on you?" Willow demanded, her face going hard again. "You're worried what others will say when they find out your best friends are….are dykes?"

Xander winced at the term and Willow's eyes blazed.

"Willow," Xander began slowly.

"No, after all these years of Cordelia tormenting me and you?" Willow snapped. "If this is about your rep and what others might say, then you've become shallow, self centered, self righteous and a jerk!"

"Willow!" Xander protested. "I'm sorry! I really am!"

Willow looked unconvinced and walked back to Tara, intertwining her fingers with the other witch's.

"This is who I am, Xander," Willow said firmly. "I took on my parents for this, I fought Principal Snyder to come back to school for this and I'm willing to lose you for her."

"I'm sorry, I just kinda wigged," Xander said, hanging his head.

Willow's face softened and she nodded slightly.

"Okay," Willow said gently.

"I need to…to go and do something for awhile," Xander stammered.

"Okay, we'll catch you later," Willow said calmly and waited until Xander had left the library before turning and collapsing into Tara's arms.

"Shhh, we knew it might be hard, baby," Tara said gently.

"I know, it just hurts!" Willow whined.

"He'll come around," Tara said.

"I know but it won't change what he said," Willow complained.

"I know, but we all m-make mistakes and say stuff w-we wish we hadn't," Tara said, holding Willow tight.

"God, you feel so good," Willow whispered, her voice dropping as her lips went to Tara's neck causing the witch to gasp.

"You're so beautiful!" Tara whispered back.

Willow pulled back blinking and breathing heavily. "Gotta get to research or I'm going to attack you."

Tara smiled and nodded, unable to speak.

"This weekend," Willow muttered to herself. "Gotta calm down."

Tara smiled as she watched Willow scrambling down from the stacks and out of the library.

She couldn't wait for the weekend either.



Despite Willow’s irritation and hurt over Xander’s reaction, within a week the best friends were trading verbal and physical jabs. The young man presented Tara with her own Scooby Doo lunchbox as amends.

Buffy and Faith settled into keeping Sunnydale at least mostly out of the hands of demons, vampires, sorcerers and Hunters. Three months after becoming a couple, the two Slayers visited Buffy’s clan for a Howl. Buffy told the tale of Angus falling to the Hunters and presented Faith as her mate and kin. Faith was accepted by the clan of werewolves.

A year later Faith and Buffy traveled to Arizona to visit the Get of Fenris clan to fulfill Faith’s part of the bargain. Despite Robert’s enthusiasm to conduct the affair in the old fashioned way, he grinned and shrugged when Buffy and Faith insisted on the Viking werewolf being more of a donor than a lover.

Nine months after that, Faith gave birth to a baby girl and she was named Gillin.
