Making Friends

By Whiskey Meteor

Xander woke at a decent hour in the morning, after a good night's sleep for once. Spike had come to visit him the night before, and over the course of the visit, Xander had gone from wondering, to knowing that he was gay. The two men had talked at length, and there had been an unexpected, but extremely pleasant kiss from Spike.

When Spike had left his room the night before, Xander had felt content, and sure of himself. But as he rose from bed and dressed, doubts began to creep into his mind again. <Xander>, he thought, <do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into?> Xander shook his head; how would his friends react to this? And how was he supposed to tell them, <Welcome home, oh, and surprise, I'm gay!>? <And what about Anya?> he thought suddenly. Sure, *they* were over, but Xander couldn't help but think that she'd be hurt and confused by this revelation. Xander sat down on the bed, thinking, <And Andrew?> he sighed. Spike had known that Xander was attracted to Andrew, but he hadn't said anything about the attraction being mutual. <What if Andrew's still in love with Warren?> Xander wondered. Buffy and the others would be back in two days, <So you'd better figure this out before then.> Xander got up off the bed and wandered downstairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, Xander looked into the living room. Andrew was still asleep on the couch. Xander smiled and leaned against the door frame, watching the other man sleep. <Aw,> Xander thought, <he looks like a little angel.> Xander looked at Andrew's tousled hair, and the blankets pulled up close to his chin, leaving his feet exposed. As quietly as he could, Xander walked into the living room and knelt down by the couch. He lifted a hand and gently pulled the blankets back down to cover Andrew's feet. Andrew sighed lightly, and smiled in his sleep, but did not wake. Xander sat for a few minutes, watching and thinking. Xander wanted to kiss Andrew awake, to take the other man in his arms and… and… <Whoa> Xander thought, rising, and backing quietly back to the door. <Kissing is fine and dandy, I can do kissing,> he thought, <but kissing leads to… other things…> Xander scratched his head, <Geez, I'm like a *blushing virgin* again.> Taking one last longing look at Andrew, Xander retreated into the kitchen, with new worries on his mind. Xander was deep in thought when Spike emerged from the basement, and sat down at the table across from him.

"What're you so lost in thought over?" Spike asked.

"Huh?" Xander replied, "Oh, hi, Spike."

Spike frowned, "Great, *now* what are you confused about?" he asked, exasperated. "I thought you had everythin' all figured out." He frowned more intensely, "Don't tell me all my efforts were for naught."

"Shh," Xander said, nodding to the living room, "Andrew's still asleep." He bit his lip, "Spike, could we... go downstairs?"

Spike narrowed his eyes, leaned forward and lowered his voice, "Look, Harris," he said, "There will be no repeat of last night's kissing incident. I was tryin' to help, and I didn't-,"

Xander cut him off, "*To talk*," he said, "Can we go downstairs *to talk*?" He rolled his eyes, "Yeesh, gutter mind much?"

"Oh," Spike leaned back again and shrugged, "Yeah sure, why not." He stood and nodded to the basement door, "You go first," he grinned, "don' want you checkin' me out and getting any *ideas* in your head."

Xander glared at Spike, but led the way downstairs. He seated himself at the head of Spike's bed, and Spike sat down at the foot. "Thanks, by the way," Xander said, "For, you know... helping."

Spike frowned, "You're welcome... just don' go tellin' anyone about it." He was silent for a moment, and then raised an eyebrow, "Well?" he asked, "What did you drag me down her for?"

"Well, I was just thinking, and..." Xander took a breath and continued, "Spike, have you ever... you know... *been* with another guy?"

Spike's eyes widened, "Xander," he said slowly, "when I said I'd do *anything* I could to help... I mean, kissin' you was one thing, but I am *not* gonna -,"

Xander cut him off, waving his hands madly in protest, "No, no, no. I don't want..." He sighed, "I just thought, I mean, maybe you could tell me what to... you" He asked, hopefully.

Spike frowned again, "So what, you want me to give you pointers?" Xander looked at him, embarrassed, but hopeful. "What are you askin' me for?" Spike said, "Go ask sleeping beauty, he's the gay one."

"I can't ask Andrew," Xander said, "That would defeat the purpose of asking." Spike furrowed his brow, not understanding. Xander went on, "If... if something happens between Andrew and me, I don't want to look like a complete moron-," he shot a look at Spike, who had been about to make a comment. Spike closed his mouth, and Xander continued, "I thought that you might be able to help... you know, being a vampire and all."

"What, 'cause vampires'll sleep with anythin' that moves?" Spike raised an eyebrow, "*that's* a myth, mate."

"Oh," Xander frowned. "Sorry to have assumed... I guess..."

Spike had busied himself, picking at something on the knew of his jeans, "Course..." he said slowly, "most myths *are* based on truth..."

"Hah!" Xander said triumphantly, "I knew it!"

"Yeah, well," Spike glowered at him, "keep it to yourself or-,"

Xander cut him off again, "Yeah, yeah, dead man, got it." He looked at Spike carefully, "So?" Xander asked.

"So, yes, alright?" Spike said testily, "I've shared m' bed with the odd bloke," he rolled his eyes, "but I'm not gonna tell you what to do. Figurin' it all out, that's half the fun."

Xander frowned disappointedly, "You won't tell me *anything*?"

Spike got up and began pacing slowly back and forth, "Xander, it's not like it's a complete mystery," he said, "I'm sure you could figure this out on your own."

Xander sighed, "Yeah, I guess... it's just I really like Andrew, and..." he shook his head, "I don't know why I'm even worrying about this," he said, "I don't even know if Andrew likes me. I mean, he could still be in love with Warren for all I know."

Spike stopped pacing and turned to gape at Xander, "You're kidding me," he said. Xander stared at him blankly. "Are you blind as well as stupid?"

"What the hell is *that* supposed to mean?" Xander asked, glaring at Spike.

"Come on," Spike said, exasperated, "You'd have to be both blind *and* stupid not to 'ave noticed." Xander continued staring. "Andrew?" Spike said, "The boy's mad about you, he prob'ly can't even remember Warren's name."

Xander smiled shyly, "Really? I- I mean, you think-,"

Spike cut him off, "Yes! He likes you, you like him, now go upstairs and bloody well *do* somethin' about it!" He threw his arms in the air, annoyed.

Xander got up off the bed, "Geez," he said, "Calm down, blondie." Spike scowled at him. Xander started towards the stairs, stopping in front of Spike, "Why do you care anyway?" he asked, narrowing his eyes, "Are you plotting something I'm unaware of?"

Spike met Xander's stare and grinned, "Constantly," he said.

"Ah-hah!" Xander exclaimed, pointing a finger at Spike, who help up his hands defensively.

"Hey, don't go gettin' your pants in a bunch," Spike said, "*Right now* all I'm plottin' is getting you two together... so you'll stop botherin' me about it every chance you get."

Xander lowered his finger. "Oh," He said, and then grinned, "You realise that you're doing something *nice* here, right?" He looked at Spike thoughtfully for a moment, "You have changed, haven't you?" he said finally.

"Yeah, well," Spike shrugged, "Just hate seein' two people who *should* be together, but aren't." He stalked back to his bed and sat down. "Not a big fan of unrequited love," he said.

Xander sighed, and sat down on the bottom step, "She'll come around," he said, "Buffy, I mean."

Spike looked back at Xander, cautiously, "Yeah, well she has every reason not to," he said, "What I did- what I *tried* to do to her..." he trailed off.

"She knows you've changed, Spike. She knows you're trying to be a good guy now," Xander said softly. When he thought about it, Spike and Buffy weren't that much different from him and Andrew. <Of course, Andrew only killed one person, whereas Spike probably killed thousands...> Xander thought to himself, <but the point is that they both *want* to be good.> "She believes in you," Xander shrugged, "and I'm starting to see why she does."

"Well, cheers, mate," Spike said, and then grinned, "let's just hope she comes around before the world ends." Xander chuckled. Spike frowned, "Did you just laugh at my joke?" He asked.

Xander cleared his throat, "Um... yes?" He ran a hand through his hair, and stood up, "Spike, I'm going upstairs to have some breakfast and... I know I'll probably regret this later, but... I'd like it if you came with me."

Spike cocked his head to the side, "Xander, are we... becoming... *friends* now?" he asked, confusedly.

Xander shrugged, "Stranger things have happened," he said, and then scratched his head, "although I can't think of anything stranger than *us* being friends..."

Spike put his hands over his eyes, and groaned, "Oh god," he said seriously, "William the Bloody has just made friends with *Xander Harris*." He shook his head sadly, but rose, and followed Xander to the stairs. "Well, in the spirit of friendship," he said, "I'll give you my best tip." Xander looked at him, expectantly. "Lube," Spike said, gravely.

"Lube?" Xander said, disappointedly, "That's your best tip?" He shook his head and proceeded up the stairs.

"Scoff if you will, but you can *never* use too much lube." Spike shrugged, "I think it's an excellent tip."

"Sure." Xander said, and as they stepped into the kitchen, he grabbed a bowl and some cereal, and sat down at the table.

Spike stayed at the door for a moment, "I'm *friends* with Xander Harris..." he muttered, shaking his head. Finally, he shrugged, and sat down at the table, across from Xander. "Could we just *pretend* we're still enemies when the others get back?" he pleaded.

Xander grinned, but said nothing. <If this morning is any indication>, he thought to himself, <this is going to be a *very* interesting day.>
