Xander Harris - Wookie

By Whiskey Meteor

The morning sun filtered in through the window and brought Xander out of his dream; it had been an *amazing* dream. With his eyes still closed, Xander reflected... He'd dreamed that he'd spent the better part of a day and most of the night with Andrew. There had been confessions of love and wonderful kisses that had led to other wonderful explorations. Xander sighed. It had felt so perfect - so real; he wanted to believe that it had all really happened. He wanted to believe that Andrew was *his* now, because if *that* were real Xander would be happy. <But it wasn't real>, Xander thought sadly, still squeezing his eyes shut tightly. There was a light sigh and a warm body turned in the bed beside Xander, curling closer to him. Xander's eyes shot open, <It was real?>, his mind screamed, <IT WAS REAL!> He sat bolt upright in bed, and looked down at the young man sleeping beside him. <Andrew!> he thought, <*My* Andrew!>. Xander reached out and drew Andrew into his arms, covering his face with frantic kisses, babbling breathless sweet nothings.

Andrew started awake, "Xander?" he managed through the entourage of kisses, "What-," *kiss*, "What's gotten-," *kiss*, "into you?" *kiss* *kiss* *kiss*

Xander pulled back, holding Andrew's face in his hands, and examining it carefully, "This isn't a dream, you're real," he sighed, "You're real..."

Andrew narrowed his eyes, "Of course I'm real," he whined, "Xander... Are- are you okay?"

"I'm perfect." Xander announced, placing a final kiss on Andrew's forehead.

"Uh-huh...?" Andrew continued to regard him suspiciously.

Xander sighed, "I... I just woke up and thought... I thought it was all a dream," he admitted sheepishly.

Andrew smiled, "Nope, it was all real," he said, scooting a little closer to Xander and tickling his sides, "And now you're stuck with me." He giggled.

Xander batted away Andrew's hands, "You're playin' with fire there, ticklish-man," he warned. Andrew's eyes widened, and Xander made a lunge for him, aiming tickling fingers at any bare skin he could make contact with... And there was plenty of bare skin. Andrew squealed and giggled, fighting Xander off half-heartedly. Finally, Xander gave in to Andrew's protests and ceased his tickle torture. They collapsed in each other's arms, Andrew gasping for breath, and Xander chuckling to himself triumphantly.

Finally having caught his breath, Andrew sat up, "I'm gonna go have a shower," he announced, wrinkling his nose, "I'm all smelly."

Xander grinned, "Well, I wasn't gonna say anything... but," He fanned a hand in front of his nose, "I was going to have to start calling you smelly-Andrew..." Andrew pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. Xander leaned forward and caught the pout in a quick kiss, "I'm not kidding," he added, "You smell like a Klingon."

Andrew grimaced, and pushed Xander's shoulder playfully, "A Klingon?" Xander nodded gravely. Andrew smiled devilishly, "Well you should see your hair," he taunted, "You look like a Wookie."

Xander scoffed, caught Andrew's hands in his, and wrestled him easily onto his back. "No one calls Xander Harris a Wookie and gets away with it," he growled playfully.

Andrew giggled, "Wookie!" he squeaked.

Xander gasped, mock scandalized, and then he grinned, "Now you're in trouble." He descended on Andrew, bringing their lips together with another kiss.

Andrew sighed happily as Xander pulled back, "I'm gonna have to get in trouble with you more often," he giggled.

"Mm..." Xander smiled and rolled over to lie beside Andrew. "Well," he sighed, "I hate to have to put an end to our fun... But Buffy and her slayer army are coming home tonight. I guess we'd better clean the house up and open some books, you know, make it look like we've been working while they've been gone."

Andrew frowned suddenly, "Xander," he whined, "Are we going to pretend like... like none of this happened when they come back?"

Xander sat up and cocked his head to the side, "Why would we do that?" he asked, "Is- is that what you want to do?"

"What?" Andrew asked, shaking his head, "No, I- I just thought you might not be... you know, comfortable with people knowing."

"Andrew," Xander said softly, placing a hand on the other man's chest, "I love you... I couldn't keep that a secret even if I wanted to."

Andrew bit his lip, "They might not understand," he whined.

"What's not to understand?" Xander said sarcastically, "I'm just a big hairy Wookie in love with a smelly ol' Klingon,"

Andrew smiled weakly, "It's just..." he sighed, "Xander, I don't want to see you get hurt... you know, because of *me*."

Xander sighed, "I know," he said. "I don't expect them to be all *yay*, but," he shook his head, "but they'll get used to it, and I'd rather upset my friends than lie about this. You're too important to me to be kept secret." Andrew smiled brightly, and Xander leaned over and kissed him. It was slow and sweet, and, without words, confirmed that everything Xander had said was true. Eventually, reluctantly, they pulled apart. Xander grinned, "Now go take your shower, you smelly Klingon." Andrew giggled, and rose from the bed, wrapping a sheet around himself like a toga. Then after stealing one more kiss, he scurried off to the shower.

* * * * *

Xander pulled on some clothes and descended to the kitchen in search of food. The blinds were drawn, and Spike was sitting at the table, sipping blood from a coffee mug. "I've said it once, and I'll say it again," Xander grimaced, "*Yuck*."

Spike raised his mug in Xander's direction, "Mornin' to you too, mate." Xander grabbed some cereal, a bowl and some milk. He joined Spike at the table, and began shovelling food into his mouth. Spike raised an eyebrow, "Where's you're better half?" he asked.

"Shower," Xander managed through a mouthful of cereal.

Spike chuckled, "Worked up an appetite, did ya?" he asked, "I was startin' to think you two might never come outa that room."

Xander ginned sheepishly, and put down his spoon, pushing the now almost empty bowl of cereal away from him. "Again... thanks," he said.

Spike shrugged, downing the rest of the contents of his coffee mug, "That's what friends are for, right?" he said, "'Sides, it's nice to see someone happy around this place for once." He grinned wickedly, "And for god's sake, brush your hair. Andrew's right, you do look like a bloody Wookie."

"How did you...?" Xander asked, confused. "...Oh, gross," he grimaced, "Please don't tell me you were listening."

Spike scoffed, "Just how disturbed do you think I am?" Xander raised his eyebrows. Spike rolled his eyes, "Okay, fine, I may have listened *a bit*, but it's not like I was tryin' or anything." He pointed to his ears, "You know, *vampire hearing* an' all that?"

Xander frowned, "I'm just going to pretend that we never had this conversation." Spike chuckled. Xander reached out and poked the remainder of his breakfast, "Hey, Spike?" he asked, "How am I supposed to tell my friends about this?"

Spike furrowed his brow, "Xander why on earth would you want to tell you friends that I heard you and Andrew-,"

Xander cut him off, "No, not that," he scowled, "I mean, how am I supposed to tell them that I'm... that I'm *with* Andrew now?"

Spike sighed, "Well, if it were me, I'd start by tellin' 'em I was gay," he shrugged, "You know, and sorta work up to the dating a murderer bit."

Xander scowled, "Gee thanks," he said, "Great advice."

Spike shrugged, "If you got a better idea I'd love to hear it, mate."

Xander sighed, "If I did I wouldn't be asking, now would I?" There was a knock at the door. Xander rose from the table, went to the door, and opened it to find Giles waiting on the front steps. "Giles? Come on in," Xander said, opening the door wide and ushering the older man inside, "What can I do for ya, G-man?"

Hands in his pockets, Giles gave a small smile. "I've come to speak with Buffy," he said, "I spoke with her on the phone this morning and she said that she'd be home later today. I thought that I could wait for her here, and see if you've reached any conclusions in your research on the First?" Giles raised his eyebrows hopefully.

"Oh," Xander scratched his head, "Right... Um, lots of research, but... uh, no conclusions yet," he shrugged, "Sorry to disappoint."

Giles sighed, "No, no, don't apologise, Xander, I'm sure you've been doing everything that you can."

Spike appeared at the doorway to the kitchen, nodded a greeting to Giles, and then turned to Xander, "Xander's just being modest, aren't ya, mate?" he said, "You gonna tell Giles about that one thing you figured out?" Xander shot a wide-eyed stare at the vampire, who stared back at him with his eyebrows raised.

Giles glanced back and forth between the other two men, and then fixed his gaze on Xander, "Xander," he said slowly, "If you've found any information on the First, it is extremely important that you share it with the rest of us..."

Xander groaned and covered his face with his hands, "It has nothing to do with the First," he glared at Spike between his fingers for a minute, and then turned back to Giles, "Can we sit down for a minute?"

Giles nodded, "Of course," he said, still wearing a confused look on his face. Giles proceeded into the front room, and after shooting another dirty look at Spike, Xander followed. They sat down on the couch, and Spike retreated back into the kitchen. Giles looked at Xander, questioningly, "Xander, what on earth is it?"

Xander took a deep breath, and then cleared his throat, "Uh..." he scratched his head, "Gees, I didn't think it was going to be this hard..."

"That *what* was going to be this hard...?" Giles asked slowly.

"Telling you..." Xander scratched his head again, nervously.

"Telling me what exactly?" Giles prompted.

Xander made a strangled noise and then whispered, "That I'm gay."

Giles blinked, "I'm sorry, Xander, I didn't quite hear you, could you perhaps... speak up a bit?"

"He said he's gay!" Spike shouted from the kitchen.

Giles laughed, but when Xander said nothing, his amusement quickly faded to a look of fatherly concern, "Is this true?" Xander shrugged, and nodded. "Xander..." Giles said, "I- I'm not entirely sure how to respond to this." He placed a hand on Xander's shoulder, "But," he said, "you shall have my complete support, just as you always have-,"

"And I'm dating Andrew," Xander blurted out.

Giles withdrew his hand, "Andrew?" he asked warily. "Have you gone completely mad?"

Xander took a deep breath and turned to face Giles, "Maybe," he conceded.

Giles spluttered, "I- I'm sure that you could find someone... someone better suited to you than- than Andrew." He narrowed his eyes, "the boy murdered his best friend. Certainly you haven't forgotten that?"

"No," Xander said firmly. "Giles, I know this sounds crazy, and I can't really explain it all, but," he sighed, "there's no one in the world better suited to me than Andrew. I know what he did, but he's changed. He's a good man now, Giles."

Giles looked at Xander, searchingly. "Perhaps," he said finally, "perhaps you're able to see something in Andrew that the rest of us have missed... but..." he trailed off, deep in thought.

"Giles," Xander said quietly, "he makes me happy... I'm in love with him." Giles smiled to himself and shook his head. Xander looked at him, unsure, "Whatchya thinkin', G-man?" he asked slowly.

"I'm thinking," Giles said, taking off his glasses, "That we've *all* been on the Hell mouth for much too long." Both men chuckled, and Giles placed his hand on Xander's shoulder again, "I - I'm not quite sure I understand all of this, but if it's my approval you're looking for, then you have it." He sighed, putting his glasses back on, "Just promise me that you'll be wary and try not to let your feelings for Andrew cloud your judgement."

Xander pulled the older man into a hug, "Thanks, G-man." Xander got up off the couch and sighed, "I just hope telling the others goes this well."

At that point, Andrew (who had long since finished his shower, and was hiding at the top of the stairs listening) came running into the front room and leapt into Xander's arms. Xander was startled, and consequently they tumbled back onto the couch together. Giles quietly vacated his seat and went to stand at the bottom of the stairs beside Spike, who had come out of the kitchen to see what was going on. Andrew began pressing frantic kisses onto Xander's lips, "Oh, Xander," he said breathlessly, "I was so worried that you wouldn't tell him," *kiss* *kiss*, "I think I'd-," *kiss*, "explode if I-," *kiss* *kiss*, "-had to pretend that I didn't love you." He took a few shaky breaths, never breaking eye contact with Xander. Then, completely oblivious to the other two men watching them, Xander and Andrew's lips met again in a kiss so fevered and passionate that it would have been banned from network television.

Slightly embarrassed, Giles looked over at Spike, "Would it be safe to assume that there was, in fact, no research whatsoever done this weekend?" he asked.

Spike grinned and retreated back into the kitchen. Shaking his head, Giles followed him.
