Lost In Cyberspace

By Anne Rose

Part 11

It had been a peaceful couple of weeks after the nerds had been arrested. There were the usual vampires and assorted mix of other demons to slay. There was that demon at the Double Meat Palace, but Spike and Buffy had dispatched her with very little trouble. The monster relied on her paralyzing venom, and with victims who were wise to it, she quickly found herself on the wrong end of Buffy's axe.

Between Buffy, Spike, Tara, Willow, and Giles, they were managing to keep the bills paid while Buffy attended to the slaying. She was still looking for a part time, day job, but she hadn't found anything yet. Spike seemed unconcerned. When pressed, he said he had a plan, and she shouldn't worry. She found that to be a source of comfort and concern.

Buffy could hardly believe it when Spike told her that her 'career' in a number of the prophecies involved assembling Double Meat Medleys. At least she hadn't been wearing one of those awful orange hats when Riley hit town and asked for her help. She couldn't imagine anything more embarrassing.

The door to the crypt flew open with a bang. Spike lifted his head slightly and saw Riley standing holding his weapon out in front of him, aiming right at Spike's chest. "You should be careful where you point that, mate." Spike said calmly, trying to ease Buffy off his chest and putting himself between her and Riley.

"Stop wiggling," Buffy murmured, trying to pull him back down, and burrow her face back into his chest. In doing so, she pulled the blanket away, uncovering her face.

"Buffy?" Riley exclaimed.

Buffy groaned, still not fully awake. Spike reached over and ruffled her hair. "Company's here, Luv. Rise and shine."

"I killed the last one," she muttered, "your turn."

"Pet, it's Soldier-boy, come to pay his respects," Spike said, jostling her again.

"Oh god," she grimaced. "I need to get dressed. At least I was invisible when Xander broke in."

"Sorry to have to say it, but your friends have no manners," he chuckled.

"Oh right, unlike your polite demon friends," she muttered while fishing around for her clothes.

"Clem's very polite."

"Hello," Riley interrupted. "This is all very nice, but that's not why I'm here ... Doctor."

"Who?" Spike asked.

"Where are they ... Doctor?" Riley repeated.

"Where are what, and why do you keep calling me that?" Spike retorted.

Buffy looked at Spike, "Why don't you boys get reacquainted," looking back and forth at them, seeing they weren't moving, "Hello! Turn around so I can get dressed, Riley."

"Yup, what would the missus think?" Spike quipped.

Riley rolled his eyes, "Fine, but first, you come over here where I can keep an eye on you." He said, motioning to Spike.

Spike clutched the blanket to his chest in mock horror, "Buffy, help me, he wants to see me naked," he squeaked.

Riley sighed, reached over grabbed Spike's jeans off of the chair, and threw them at him. Spike caught them with one hand. "Thanks mate," he said, slipping them on and sliding off the crypt. He collected his shirts as he walked over to Riley. "Now, now, eyes this way. Not yours anymore." He said, jerking his head away from Buffy.

Riley ignored the taunt and smiled at Spike through gritted teeth. "Glad to be back in Sunnydale. The locals all speak English, and I know who to beat for information. It's all brought me here. Where are the eggs, Doctor?"

"Eggs?" Buffy asked, popping around Riley and standing by Spike. "You made breakfast?" She chirped to Spike. He grinned back at her.

"Demon eggs, from the Suvolte," said Riley, exasperation replacing his shock over seeing Buffy and Spike in bed together. "I know they're here, and I'm taking this place apart until I find that nest." Riley walked to the ladder and started climbing down.

"Mind the furniture," Spike called after him. "I have everything just so."

Buffy rolled her eyes at him. They both followed Riley down into the basement.

"You screwed up. You didn't keep 'em frozen, did you ... Spike?" Riley yelled.

Buffy stared at the eggs, for a moment with her mouth open. She turned and punched Spike in the arm.

"I told you, you were forgetting something," Buffy said, walking over and tapping one of the eggs.

Spike looked over at her and smirked. He loved it when she was being playful. "Not my fault, Luv. Rupert said we only had to freeze the live ones."

"Hunh?" Riley grunted, confused.

Spike was chuckling now. "Yeh, the witches did a little spell, sort of hard boiled this lot. But, not to worry, we saved two just for you commando types. They're in the freezer back at the Magic Box." He slid over to Buffy and put his arm around her.

"Buffy!" Riley was glaring at her now. "When were you going to tell me about this?"

She straightened up and met his glare with her own. "When were you going to tell me about Sam?" She cocked her head, "Can you say, awkward moment?"

Riley sighed, and relaxed his posture, dropping his eyes. "All right, fair enough. I guess I could have handled that a lot better." He looked back up at her. "I'm sorry. I just didn't know what to say, 'Hi Buffy! My wife, who you haven't met, and I, need you to help us hunt a demon.'"

She walked forward and slapped him lightly on the arm, "Would that have been so difficult?"

"Yes, actually," Riley answered, shuffling his feet as he shouldered his weapon. Spike chuckled, causing Riley to step around Buffy and advance on him suddenly, jabbing a finger into Spike's chest. "And you, if you ever hurt her..."

Spike batted Riley's hand away, interrupting him. "Give it a rest, I know this part. And you'll have to take your turn behind Giles, Xander, the witch, and dear old Grandsire."

"Hunh, who?" Riley asked, shaking his head.

"Tall, brooding, too much hair gel and totally smitten with ..."

"Angel? He doesn't know about... this... you?" Riley interrupted, amazed.

"Nope, was saving that one for a rainy day." Spike's mouth quirked up in a grin as his eyes danced.

Riley chuckled in spite of himself, "Ya, I'd pay to see that."

Spike looked thoughtful for a moment, "Suppose I could put the money toward Nibblet's college fund. While we're at it, I could also sell you a slot higher up on the list of people who get to stake me."

"What?" Riley was jarred out of visions of Angel's reaction by Spike's babbling.

"Oof!" Spike exhaled as Buffy jabbed him in the ribs.

"This is such fun, but we need to get going. Now!" She ordered, shooing Riley toward the ladder.

He climbed up and waited for Buffy. "Are you coming?"

"I'm taking the tunnels back to the shop with Spike. Meet you there," she answered. He nodded back.

"Hello! Who's going to clean up this mess. Those eggs stink!" Spike called after him.

Buffy grabbed him and kissed him before he could say anything else. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you."

"I always enjoy this," he said starting to pull on the hem of her shirt.

"I meant taunting Riley." She slapped at his hands, and started walking down the tunnel.

"Oh ya! It almost makes up for that novelty stake gag." He said, jogging to catch up with her. "And I noticed you didn't exactly jump to his defense." He grinned, catching her arm and slowing to walk with her.

"I was too stunned by the sight of all that male bonding over your dislike of Angel."

"Naw, you've got us all wrong, Luv." He saw her look up at him, raising an eyebrow. "We hate that bloody wanker," he finished with a smirk.

Buffy chuckled, and pulled him closer as they walked. "But there will be no telling of Angel." She said sternly. "I will tell him." He looked at her. "When the time is right... and I'm ready... and I can't possibly avoid it any longer...," she trailed off.

"Now see, this is the problem, Pet. You don't want to tell him, and I do, could save you a big headache." His laughter trailed off. "Or is there something else?" He asked quietly.

Buffy stepped in front of Spike, abruptly halting him. All the laughter gone from her face, replaced with grim determination and a touch of something else... fear possibly. "I will tell him. And yes there's something else - You - dusted. I won't go through that again." She searched his eyes. "Promise me I won't have to go through that again." Her lip quivered as she stared up at him.

He stroked her face gently, "Shhhhh," he murmured as he pulled her into his chest. "What's all this then?" He was trying to figure out what she was talking about. "Did you have another of your Slayer dreams? Was I... did I get staked or something?"

"No," she moaned. He pulled her chin up to look at her face. She tried to pull away for a second and then gave up. "Like Angel." He pressed his lips together in a tight grimace, as she said that, not sure at all where she was headed with this, and fearing the worst. She saw it and shook her head. "No, you don't understand. I can't watch you die... and... I can't kill the man I love again." She slapped at his chest, "Don't ever do anything that makes me have to kill you."

Relief and joy flooded over his face. Spike stood motionless, absorbing what she had said. He was brought back to earth when she tightened her grip on him. He said, leaning in to kiss her softly. "Not sure I heard you properly, can you say that again?"

"If you didn't hear me, I'm not saying it again," she wrinkled her nose at him.

"I love you too." He said with a sigh. "I promise, you'll never go through that again," he said as he began kissing along her jaw line and down her neck.

...And they were very late getting back to the Magic Box.

Part 12

"Ok, what do we know?" Buffy asked. It was a couple hours after dawn, and the curtains were drawn in her room to keep the sun out. She was lying sideways across her bed, on her stomach, with the sheet pulled around her, going over their mental list one last time.

"Nibblet hasn't made any wishes," Spike leaned forward, nudging the sheet down a little with his finger as he drew an imaginary checkmark on her back.

"No wishes, check," Buffy noted, "and we haven't been ignoring her."

"Right." Spike nodded, moving the sheet and making another check a little lower, just below her shoulder blade. "I helped her return the jewelry to the Magic Box."

"I still think you should have gone during the day," Buffy shook her head.

"Didn't want Anya to catch us, and was more fun that way, sort of like old times," he smiled, remembering past adventures.

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Ok, it's past my actual birthday, I'm not inviting anyone from work, Xander's not inviting anyone from work, un-birthday and no civilians!" Buffy ticked off the items on her fingers.

Spike made two more checks, enjoying how her muscles twitched under her skin where he touched her. "How 'bout Clem? He's hardly a civilian, and he'd definitely be a help if anything goes wrong."

Buffy knew the big, floppy eared, loose skinned demon was just about Spike's only friend. "Sure, bring him along, but no kittens, and... nothing is going to go wrong." She sighed as he swept her hair out of the way and started massaging her back.

"No kittens, got it. Speaking of things not to drag home, what did you do with the broken sword from that big demon last week?"

"Gave it to Giles. Figured he could make sure the demon wasn't coming back." She groaned. "A little lower, I think I strained something last night."

Spike chuckled, "How do you suppose that happened, Luv?"

She flailed ineffectually at him, unable to reach him from her stomach. Giving up she fluffed the pillow under her chest and rested the side of her head on it, looking at him.

Spike laughed again. "You're undoing my work here, hold still."

"Do you think this will work?" She wondered.

He shrugged. "We're ready as we'll ever be." Spike said, massaging the knot in her lower back.

"Yep, we've though of everything." She moaned.

"Everything... Hey, where is everybody today?" Spike asked.

"I told them I needed the day to work on things for my birthday. Getting the house ready for the party. They'll be here by 7:00."

"Thought Red and Tara were handling all that?" Spike asked, rolling her over onto her back, and looming over her, an arm resting on each side of her head.

"They are," she chuckled. "Nothing can go wrong now."

Later, the alarm rang. Buffy rolled over hit it again. It was no use; the clock said 6:30pm. Tara and Willow were probably already getting things set up. She had 30 minutes to get up and dressed before the rest of the Scoobies arrived for her un-birthday party. Groaning she sat up and stretched. Then she reached over and jostled Spike. "Come on, time to face another Buffy birthday."

"Is it that late?" He asked, a little disoriented.

"It's 6:30," she replied, pulling the covers back and starting to get up.

"Where did the time go," he smirked. She turned to look at him, and dodged his arm streaking out to grab her.

"No, no, no!" She said, grasping the sheet firmly, shaking her finger at him, and backing away. "There are still a couple of my friends who haven't walked in on us, and I intend to keep it that way. Get up and put some clothes on."

He sighed, but got up anyway. Leaving the blanket behind, he followed her around the room, 'looking for his clothes'.

"What are you doing?" She gasped as he slid up behind her and wound his arms around her body. She caught one of his hands as it started roaming over her skin and down under the sheet she had wrapped herself in.

He nuzzled her neck. "I'm looking for my clothes, as ordered. Last time I saw them, you had them."

Giggling, in spite of herself, she shoved him away. "I'm going to go dress in the bathroom if you keep that up." She warned him.

"Can't have that," he groaned. Leaving her alone for the moment he collected his clothes and sat on the end of the bed. From there he watched her as he pulled his own clothes back on. She was pulling things out of the closet and holding them up to herself. "Could save you a lot of trouble if we just stayed up here for the party."

She didn't look at him. She knew the expression he would have on his face, and if she saw it she didn't think she'd be able to finish dressing. "Why don't you go downstairs and see if Willow and Tara need any help."

"I like the view better up here," he said.

"I have to get ready," she groaned. Grabbing his arm she pushed him out the door, and closed it behind him.

"Hey, what about my boots?" He said, banging on the door.

"You can get them later. Now go downstairs and leave me alone." She heard him laughing as his voice trailed off down the stairs.

As he arrived in the kitchen, Spike said, "I've been sent to help you two with any last minute details."

Willow and Dawn looked down at the tray of snacks they were arranging, trying to hide their faces. Tara was also blushing, but she had a mischievous look on her face. "She finally tossed you out?" Tara giggled.

Spike smirked back at her, but bit his tongue as he noticed Dawn. "None of that. Just tell me what you need help with."

"You could take the punch bowl and the cups out there and set them up," Willow suggested.

Spike nodded and started carrying the cups out to the table.

A few minutes before 7:00, Buffy came downstairs and looked around. Willow and Tara looked at her expectantly. She dashed over and hugged both of them, and then Dawn. "You did such a nice job decorating the house. And the food smells great. Thanks!"

"Oh, it was nothing," Willow said, grinning. "Happy Birthday, Buffy." She loved having happy Buffy back again.

There was a knock at the door and Buffy went to let Xander and Anya in. While they were wishing her happy birthday Giles arrived. "Happy Birthday," Giles said, giving her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "I brought you a little something." He handed her a small package with a garish bow.

"Thanks, Giles," Buffy said and the walked over and put the present on the table with the others.

Spike walked out from the kitchen followed by Clem. "Nice to meet all of you," Clem said, waving and catching their attention.

Giles blinked and then squared his shoulders, walked over to Clem, and extended his hand. "Nice to meet you, Clem. I'm Giles." He shook Clem's hand and raised an eyebrow at Spike. "You're a friend of Buffy's?" He asked Clem.

"Well, we played poker one time, but mostly I'm a friend of Spike's. We hang out together, play poker, watch TV, that sort of thing." He explained, trying to sound as harmless as possible to the humans.

"Ah, I see," Giles nodded.

They milled around, ate, drank, talked about the upcoming wedding, and exchanged stories of past Buffy birthdays. By 8:30 they had settled into the living room and Buffy was starting to open her presents.

She closed her eyes as Anya and Xander went to go get something. Opening them, she saw Xander had made her an oak chest for her weapons. "It's lovely, Xander. Thank you," she said, giving him a quick hug.

"I'm not threatened by that," Anya told Dawn. "Xander and I are getting married this weekend, and it's ok if his friends hug him."

Dawn nodded and smiled back at Anya. When Anya looked away, Dawn rolled her eyes.

Tara and Willow had cast a protection spell for Buffy and Dawn, and they cast another to cover Spike. "It won't make you invincible or anything," Willow explained. "But it will take the edge off the baddies." Buffy was touched that they had thought of Spike.

When she unwrapped Giles present she found a copy of the Slayer's Handbook. "I thought you said there was no point?" She said, looking at it with amazement.

Giles nodded, "Better late than never. You can at least get a few good laughs. I believe you've rewritten most of the book." He smiled at her fondly.

"Open mine now," Dawn said, sliding a large flat box onto her lap.

Buffy opened it and inside was a lovely leather coat. "It's beautiful Dawn. Thank you." She said, as she smoothed the leather with her hands.

"I hope you don't mind. I used some of the 'egg' money," Dawn said.

"Oh, Dawn, I thought you were going to get something for yourself." Buffy replied.

"I wanted to get you something. You're clothes are always getting trashed. And you need a new coat." Dawn smiled as Buffy reached over and hugged her.

"Hey, Spike, where's your present?" Xander asked.

"I've already unwrapped my present from Spike," Buffy answered, grinning at Spike.

He smiled back at her. "Actually, I did have something else." He got up and went upstairs to get it.

"Thanks everyone. This is my best birthday ever," Buffy said.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Buffy got up to go answer it.

Part 13

They had left LA a little before sunset. Angel had taken over the wheel from Wesley once the sun was down. He, Wes, and Lorne were packed into the front, while Cordelia and Groo sat in the back on either side of Conner's car seat. Fred and Gunn followed in his truck.

All the way up the freeway, Wesley and Cordelia were arguing about their plans when they reached Sunnydale. Their bickering was driving Angel nuts. 'Maybe it was time to give up the sporty midlife-crisis wheels and settle down with a nice mini-van with bucket seats,' he wondered.

Angel tried to remember why he'd thought this road trip was a good idea. No wedding could be worth this torture. However, after Wesley and Groo had taken out Holtz and his "army," things had heated up in LA. Wolfram and Hart called out their own army and were doing their best to make life difficult for Angel and company. The invitation to the wedding couldn't have come at a better time. They would arrive a little early - several days early actually. But he was sure they could find something useful to do on the Hellmouth.

Where to stay was another matter, they hadn't had time to make any arrangements before leaving town. Hopefully Wes and Cordy would get it sorted out before they drove him insane.

The visit to Sunnydale would also give him a chance to introduce Conner to Buffy and the others. He was worried and excited at the same time. He knew Buffy had heard about Conner via Wesley and Giles, but he had no idea what her reaction had been. His team had all been too busy trying to keep Conner safe. At least now he and Buffy would have a chance for a quiet chat.

The small caravan arrived at 1630 Revello Drive, at about 9:00 pm. Angel turned off the engine. "Everybody, out!"

They piled out of the car. Groo handed the car seat, with Conner in it, to Cordelia. He walked with her as she followed Angel up the steps. Fred and Gunn climbed out of the truck, tagging along with Wes and Lorne bringing up the rear.

"We should have called first." Cordelia nudged Angel. "Or at least used the cell phone. If you knew how. When are you going to join the rest of us in this century?" She snorted.

"It's a little late for that now," Angel said, turning to look at her. "And we did sort of leave in a hurry."

Cordelia sighed and shook her head as Angel knocked on the door.

A few moments later, Buffy peeked out through the window and opened the door. "What are you guys doing here?" She gaped at them.

"Can we can explain inside?" Cordelia said, pushing past Buffy with the car seat.

Dawn saw the car seat come in and jumped up from the couch. "Ooh! A baby. Can I hold him?" Dawn asked, as she played with Conner's little fingers.

The others crowded in through the door, pushing Angel aside. "Fine," Angel said. "I'll just wait over here." After the stampede into the house, Angel followed them. His face smashed into the invisible barrier. Stunned for a moment, he paused. His face was a mask of confusion, as he reached out and tested the doorway again. He couldn't believe he'd been uninvited.

"Buffy, do you mind?" He growled, waving at the door.

"Um, actually, I need to talk to you first. Hang on." Buffy closed the door and disappeared for a minute. When the door opened again, she stepped outside instead of inviting him in. The instant she crossed the threshold Angel's head jerked up and he growled, his eyes flashing yellow as his face morphed.

"Where is he?" Angel demanded, grabbing Buffy's arms.

"Let go of me," she protested, knocking his hands away. "What's gotten into you?"

"I can smell him. Spike's here, or he was recently. And you...," he sniffed her again. "You reek of him." Angel growled out. "What's going on?"

By now the others had heard Angel's outburst and had come to the door to see what the problem was. Buffy backed through the open door, and bumped into Cordelia and Wesley. "Would you guys give us some space here?" Buffy asked, waving them all back into the living room.

Buffy looked back through the doorway at Angel as he seethed, waiting for her to invite him in. She took a deep breath. "Spike is here, in the house," she explained. Buffy flinched as Angel roared and threw himself at the invisible barrier. "We can talk on the back porch. I'll meet you there in a few minutes." She said firmly, closing the door against his pleas to come in.

"Buffy, you're shaking. Is everything all right?" Giles asked, noting with concern how the encounter with Angel had affected her.

She looked at Giles and gave him a weak smile. "It will be." She shook her head, "One way or another, it will be." Giles nodded. "He knows about Spike."

"How?" Giles asked.

Buffy tapped her nose. "Oh," Giles said, and then his eyes opened wide, "Ohhh!" He exclaimed, pulling his glasses off and fiddling with them.

"Ya, Oh," Buffy sighed. "Please just make sure nobody invites him in."

"If that's what you want, I'll see to it." Giles said. "And Buffy, do be careful."

"I will," she said, and then dashed upstairs.

Giles watched her go and turned to back to the living room. Some of the 'guests' were sitting, others were milling around nervously. When he walked back in they peppered him with questions.

"Giles, is Buffy ok?" Willow asked.

"What about Angel, she's not letting him in is she?" Dawn looked at him fearfully.

"Why shouldn't she let him in?" Cordelia demanded. "I don't understand any of this."

"He sounded pretty evil there, Cordelia, and my, what big teeth grandma had. Are you sure he didn't lose his soul when he was..." Xander waved his arm at Connor, "With Darla?"

"He's not evil!" Cordelia snapped. "I don't know why he's acting this way."

The Sunnydale contingent didn't answer her. Some shuffled their feet, or fidgeted, none of them would meet Cordelia's eyes.

"Ok, what's going on," Gunn asked. He was standing with his arm around Fred.

"It's rather complicated, Mr.?... I don't believe I caught your name?" Giles inquired.

"Charles Gunn," he walked forward taking Giles' hand and shaking it. "I work for Angel Investigations, along with Fred, and Cordy, and Wes."

"Fred?" Giles looked over at Groo.

"No," the woman beside Gunn said, extending her hand. "Winifred Burklen, pleased to meet you Mr. Giles. I've heard so much about you from Wesley and the others," she gushed with nervous excitement.

"I see," Giles said. "And the other 'gentlemen' with you?" Giles turned towards Groo and Lorne.

"They're from Pylea, where I lived for five years after getting sucked through a dimensional portal. Angel came and rescued me," she beamed. "Well, actually, he and the others came to rescue Cordy, she got sucked in also, but while they were there they rescued me too."

"So, you're *not* human?" Giles asked, removing his glasses and cleaning them.

Groo carefully helped Cordelia off his lap, and stood. "No, I am the Groosalugg," he strode forward, clasping Giles hand firmly. "I followed my beloved princess here to your dimension to serve her," he said, as if it needed no further explanation.

"You followed... Winifred?" Giles asked, confused, looking at Fred who was clearly connected in some way to Gunn, and back to Cordelia who was standing by the chair she and Groo had been sharing.

"No," Groo shook his head slowly, "I followed my princess, the beautiful Cordelia." He walked back over to her and wrapped an arm around her.

"Willow, does Buffy still have that bottle of scotch I left here?" Giles asked, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"I'll go find it." Willow hustled off.

"Now Wesley, perhaps you could start at the beginning and explain all of this." Giles sighed.

Buffy arrived upstairs to find a very worried Spike pacing around her room. As she walked through the door, he grabbed her, hugging her tightly. After a moment he looked down at her, "Are you ok?"

"I assume you heard all that?" She asked. He nodded. "I guess the Buffy birthday curse is still alive and well," she moped.

"He had to find out sometime, Luv," he said, pulling her over to the bed and sitting with her in his arms.

"I know... I just wish he could accept it. What am I going to do if he won't leave us alone? Do I stake him? Do I let him stake you? Then I could stake him, for staking you, and live by myself with a dozen cats maybe." She babbled miserably.

"I think Clem could help you out with the kitten end of things. He owes me a couple favors," Spike joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm serious, Spike," she said.

"I know you are. For now, he's outside and I'm inside. If necessary we can just wait him out." He smoothed her hair and rubbed gentle circles on her back.

"Ok," she said standing up. "I have to go back out there and talk to him, but first I need to change." She grabbed some clean clothes and headed to the bathroom, with Spike following.

She turned on the water and started to peel out of her clothes. "What are you doing?" Spike Wondered.

"I'm just trying to not antagonize him any further," she said stepping into the water and quickly soaping herself.

"He's still going to be able to smell me," Spike said quietly, and a little sadly. "I'm inside you, and he knows that."

Buffy rinsed and then pulled the curtain back to look at him. "I told him that, Spike. I'm not hiding anything from him. I just... I just don't want to throw it in his face. That's all," she said, stepping out of the shower into the towel he was holding.

He dried her gently and then held her for a moment. "I love you. Be careful."

"I will," she said, pulling her clothes on quickly. "I love you," she kissed him, and then pulled back to look at him. He was grinning like an idiot. He still hadn't gotten used to her saying it. "Ready?"

"For what?" Spike asked.

"I'm going to introduce my new boyfriend to Cordy, my ex-watcher, and their friends. It would help if the you were there for it." She smiled at his confused look.

The confusion was quickly replaced by the same silly grin he'd been wearing. "Boyfriend?"

She smiled indulgently at him. "Well, what else to you call the man I'm sleeping with..." she kissed him again, "who practically lives here."

"That's true enough. Ok, let's go then," he said, sounding confident, but she could see it was just a facade. She squeezed his hand and they started down the stairs.

Part 14

Wesley was just finishing his exposition on the various members and 'friends' of Angel Investigations when he looked up to see Buffy coming down the stairs. He froze with his mouth open. When he found his voice he merely said, "Oh my god!"

The rest of them turned, and some stood, as they watched Buffy slowly descending the stairs. Her left arm was behind her as she led Spike down the stairs. The paused at the bottom for a moment, Buffy's eyes darted around the room, eventually landing on Wesley. Spike was also surveying the group, taking in the tight jaws and slowly flexing and loosening fists on several people.

"Everyone stay calm. Nobody make any sudden moves," Wesley said.

"Who is that?" Fred asked.

"It's Spike," Cordelia spit the words out. "Drusilla's boy toy."

"As in, Angel, Darla, and Drusilla?" Fred asked, her voice quavering. Cordy nodded to Fred. "Oh," Fred gasped.

"He's not with Drusilla anymore," Dawn blurted out. "Hasn't been for years." Suddenly she was very frightened for Spike. These people would stake him before he had a chance to explain. Impulsively, she dashed forward and stood in front of Spike. "He's our friend. All of you back off!"

All hell broke lose - shouting and yelling, some trying to dash forward to intervene, and others holding them back. It was then that Dawn realized she was still holding Conner.

"Everyone! Calm down!" Buffy yelled, stepping forward. Cordelia nearly had a stroke when she saw Dawn and Conner, now standing between Buffy and Spike.

Spike reached out and stroked Dawn's head. "Uh, Nibblet, thanks, but let Big Sis handle this. If you don't get Conner back over to the cheerleader, I think she's gonna have a fit."

"But they might hurt you," Dawn pleaded.

Spike smiled reassuringly at her. "Go on now. I'll be fine." He pushed her gently back towards the others.

Cordelia held her breath as Dawn reluctantly walked back over to her. Cordy snatched Conner away from Dawn and backed up to stand next to Groo. She looked him over carefully. Spike hadn't touched him, but it reassured her anyway. 'Spike hadn't touched him,' she thought about that for a moment. Something was off.

"Ok, now that everyone's had a moment, let's all just calmly go back to the living room." Buffy made shooing motions at them, as they slowly moved back. Spike followed her, a couple paces back, still nervously eyeing the others. Between the chip, and trying to be on his best behavior for Buffy, he was out of his element.

Buffy came to a stop, leaning against the wall, by the front door, at the entrance to the living room. "Giles, maybe you could explain."

"Buffy, I really think you should..." He started to say.

"Giles, do you really think they're going to listen to me, or to Spike?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Excellent point," Giles muttered. "Willow, would you please get another glass for Wesley?"

"I don't really need a drink, Giles," Wesley said.

Buffy reached behind her and pulled Spike forward, wrapping his arms around her waist, and leaning back against his chest. Spike looked stunned for a moment, his eyes darting around the room, then he relaxed a bit and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"On second thought, perhaps Willow could bring me a large glass," he said, reaching behind him for a chair and sagging into it.

Willow handed him a glass, and Wesley held it out as Giles poured a generous amount of scotch into it. He took a large gulp and grimaced. He took a second gulp and then looked from Buffy back to Giles. "Perhaps it would be good if you did explain, Giles."

"And perhaps you all could pass some of that my way," Gunn said taking a glass from Willow. Anticipating this, she had brought out a tray and was passing glasses around. Giles handed her the scotch bottle, as he prepared to speak.

"Giles, if you can handle this, I have that other situation to take care of." She glanced toward the back door.

"I'm sure everything will be ok in here. Good luck."

"Thanks Giles," she said, letting go of Spike and starting to move away.

"Oi, don't leave me here alone!" Spike said, suddenly very nervous, more for Buffy's sake than his own.

"You want to come out there, with me?" Buffy asked.

Spike considered it for a moment, but realized she stood a better chance of succeeding without him. He sighed, "Be careful. He gets crazy when he's angry, even more so when he's jealous. He may not be Angelus, but from what I've heard, he's not the Angel you knew either."

Buffy nodded, and kissed him, much to the shock and horror of the LA group. "I think I can handle him, but I'll yell if I have any trouble." She was lying, he knew it, but it made them both feel better.

As Buffy walked over to the kitchen and out the back door, Dawn scurried over to Spike and stood in front of him. "I won't let them do anything," she said with a very stern look on her face.

It was all Spike could to do avoid laughing - the Big Bad, being protected by the Slayer's little sister. He patted her on the shoulder. "Thanks Nibblet, good to have a friend."

Giles had collected himself and began to speak. "It all started when a government agency called the Initiative came to town," Giles began.

Spike interrupted. "Not to disrupt your flow there Rupert, but I think it started when I made that alliance with the Slayer, and helped her stop Angelus from sucking this world into hell. Stopped him from torturing you as well, if you'll remember."

Giles paused for a moment, "Yes, I suppose it may have started as far back as that." He hadn't really considered that before. Once again he was forced to reevaluate Spike. "All right then, about four years ago Spike approached Buffy and requested a truce..."

Buffy opened the back door cautiously. Angel was sitting quietly on the bench. She wasn't sure whether to be relieved or alarmed.

She stepped outside, gauging his reaction as she went. He hadn't moved. He just sat there, with his hands on his knees and his head bowed forward, looking at the ground. "I can still smell him," Angel said, without looking up.

"I know," Buffy said. "But I just thought..."

"I heard." Looking away again he said, "thanks."

Slowly, she moved to the bench opposite him. "So, now what? You know I won't let you kill him."

"Because you think you're in love with him?" Angel shook his head.

"No, because I am in love with him, and I need him." Buffy answered.

"You don't know what you're saying, Buffy. Spike's not who you think he is." Angel stood suddenly and started pacing, his voice rising. Buffy unconsciously leaned away from him. "I don't know how he's convinced you to let him... get this close to you, but he's up to something."

"For two years?" Buffy interrupted him. "Four, if you count the time he helped me defeat you!"

He looked up at her in shock. "That wasn't me, Buffy. You know that."

"Looked like you," she snapped back.

He grimaced and looked away. "Do you really think he'll be any different?"

"Yes, he's already different." She said, her voice softer now. "He doesn't have a soul to lose." She went on to explain about the Initiative and Spike's chip.

"That's very nice. But what about when the chip stops working? What then?" Angel argued.

"You mean like since I've been back?" She countered. "The chip hasn't worked on me since I died. Apparently Willow's spell altered me just enough to make it not recognize me."

"What?" Angel furrowed his brow.

"You heard me. Spike could have killed me any time he wanted, but he hasn't. Ask yourself why."

"He always was the romantic one in the family." Angel said. "The way he doted on Dru. Made me and Darla sick sometimes." He lifted his head, looking at her again. "What about Dru? Have you considered what will happen when she comes back?"

"Been there, done that." Buffy quipped. "She came to Sunnydale not long after you failed to kill her and Darla. Speaking of Darla..."

"Speaking of jealousy," Angel interrupted, "Do you think this is about anything other than Spike getting back at me for Angelus taking Dru away from him?" Angel stepped forward and caught her arms, forcing her to look at him. "Think about it. Why else would he be doing this?"

Buffy wrenched her arms free, snapping Angel's head back with an angry punch to the face. He staggered back from the blow and it was all Buffy could do to keep from hitting him again.

"I'm tired of explaining myself to people who don't want to listen!" She yelled.

Buffy reached into a flowerpot and pulled out one of the stakes she kept there for emergencies. Spinning it lightly with her fingertips, she looked at Angel. "Let me simplify this for you. What did I do to Spike when he tried to kill you?"

"You dropped an pipe organ on him and broke his back. It put him in a wheel chair for months," Angel recounted.

"Right, and he didn't kill you, did he?" Buffy's glare bored into him. Angel shrugged uncomfortably. "Angel, if you harm Spike, I will kill you." She said menacingly, then her voice dropped to a whisper. "And I will hate you for making me do it."

Angel stepped forward, but Buffy put out a hand to stop him. "Just promise me you won't try to hurt him." She pleaded.

Angel bowed his head and his shoulders slumped along with it, "I can't do that."

"Fine, then we have nothing more to talk about." She said quietly, spun around, and dashed back into the house.

Part 15

Buffy burst through the back door, into the kitchen, crashing into Lorne, nearly knocking him over. Stopping suddenly, she looked at him, a little disoriented. "Sorry," she mumbled, hoping to escape before anyone saw the tears starting to escape from her eyes.

"Don't worry about me, honey." Lorne answered, backing away and wiping water off his jacket as he watched Angel hurl himself against the doorway, trying in vain to follow Buffy. Lorne shook his head and set the glass he'd been drinking from down on the counter.

Spike stepped forward and caught her, as she was turning to leave. "You all right, Luv?" He reached up with one hand and smoothed her hair back, looking into her face. The tears that were threatening started to pour out. "Shhhhh, it's all right," he cooed as he rocked her gently. "It's all gonna be ok. You'll see." He murmured over and over, as she sobbed.

"He's going to kill you." She managed to get out. "I can't... I can't go through that again."

"He can try," Spike growled, ignoring Angel for the moment. "But I promised you you'd never have to face that again, and I always keep my promises." He helped Buffy up onto one of the stools by the kitchen island, and she wrapped herself around him, not letting him go. Spike looked up as he heard Giles and Wesley walk toward the kitchen. Cordelia was trailing behind them, holding Conner.

"Buffy...," Spike said, trying to get her attention, "Slayer?" But she didn't respond. Turning back toward the open kitchen door, his face changed. Spike glared at Angel, baring his fangs at him and growling. If he hadn't promised Buffy, he would have charged out there and challenged the Poof.

Angel's face had morphed into his demon visage at the sight of Spike holding Buffy. He growled back at Spike, from his helpless position outside the house.

Lorne looked from one vampire in game face to the other. "Well kids, this is not a happy family reunion. But I might have a solution for you, if you could take a short break from the manly posturing."

Spike and Angel both looked at Lorne, as did Giles, Wesley, and Cordelia, who were now crowded into the other doorway. Spike spoke up, "Our differences go back a long way. Anyone who knows dear old grandsire should know that as well." He glared a challenge at Lorne.

"Now, now, kiddies. Give Uncle Lorne a chance," he waited a moment to see if they were listening. "Angel, is your only issue with Spike the fact that you believe he has ulterior motives and doesn't love Buffy?"

"That, and knowing him for over 100 years," Angel answered.

"A simple yes or no will suffice," Lorne replied. "If you believed he really loved her, and wouldn't harm her, could you see your way clear to not try to kill him?"

Angel scowled at Spike, and then looked again at Buffy, cradled against him, sniffling, and he sighed. "If Spike sings for you, and if he gets the all clear, then... maybe... I could agree to not stake him." Lorne raised an eyebrow at Angel, putting a hand on his hip. Angel rolled his eyes, "All right, I won't try to harm Spike. *If* he passes."

Giles was a bit confused, but Wesley and Cordelia were nodding as Lorne spoke.

"I'm not letting you subject Spike to some bizarre ordeal!" Buffy said, suddenly paying attention to the conversation again. "I'm not handing Spike over to a demon."

"Calm down, sweetie." Lorne started to pat her arm, and then thought better of it, pulling his hand away. "You've lived on the Hellmouth too long. You know, not all demons are evil and bent on destroying the world. Some of us came to this dimension for freedom of artistic expression."

Buffy raised both eyebrows, "Hunh?" She looked around the room for an explanation.

"Lorne's ok, Buffy. He runs a karaoke bar... Ok, that does sound evil." Cordelia paused, shrugged, and then went on. "At least he used to, until it got blown up and trashed a couple times by people hunting Angel and Conner."

"Ok, so I'm starting to get the singing part," Buffy asked, "but where does Spike figure in?"

"Lorne's sort of a..." Cordelia fumbled for a short explanation, "He's sort of a lie detector... with horns." Wesley winced, but Cordelia elbowed him and raised her hands, challenging him to do better. He shrugged back, and didn't say anything.

"You're not related to a blighter named Sweet by any chance, are you?" Spike asked, suspiciously, pulling Buffy closer to him.

"Sweet?" Lorne asked, "Ohhh, bad news. No, I'd stay away from him kiddies. He has this thing for..."

"Song, dance, flames, young girls?" Buffy quipped.

"Ah, I see you already met him." Lorne nodded. "No, no relation at all."

"Ok, so Spike sings some ritual song, and you tell Angel if he's lying," Buffy said. "Anything else he has too do? Stinky herbs, magic objects?" She asked.

Lorne laughed. "No, nothing so trite. Blondie here just needs to pick out a song." He waved a hand at Spike. "Sorry I don't have my books with me, or my sound system," he continued, looking around the kitchen. "But this will do for our purposes."

"I have no idea what to sing," Spike ran a hand through his hair. "Most of the music I know requires a band to back you up."

"Why don't you sing one of those delightful Victorian numbers," Angel growled from the doorway. "I'm sure Buffy would enjoy that version of Greensleeves you used to sing when you were drunk."

Everyone looked back at the door. Spike growled and looked like he was going to do something rash. Lorne held up a hand, stopping Spike, "Just hang on a minute." He walked over to the kitchen door and smiled at Angel, as he swung the door shut in his face. Turning, he said, "He can be a bit tiresome. Now, where were we?"

Spike's eyes danced as he suppressed a chuckle and smirked at Lorne, "I could get to like you, mate. I believe I was choosing a song." He looked up in the air for a moment, "Nope, still can't think of one." He shrugged at Buffy.

"It can be anything?" Buffy asked Lorne.

"Anything at all," Lorne nodded encouraging her.

"Spike, just sing 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat,' ok?" Buffy suggested.

"Don't know it," Spike pouted.

"Spike, this is important," Buffy pleaded, "It's really simple. It's a nursery rhyme."

"Fine," he sighed, "tell me how it goes, and I'll sing it."

"It's easy, you sing it in a round. It goes, row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream." She looked at him, "Got it?"

Spike nodded. "Ok, you start."

"Don't be a baby," Buffy chided.

"I don't know the tune, now do I," he retorted.

"Fine," she huffed, and started singing the first verse. Spike repeated it after her, and they progressed through the song one verse at a time.

Giles sighed and polished his glasses. Wesley leaned towards him, "Is it always like this?"

Giles winced and started to say something, and then realized there was no point and just shrugged his shoulders. Wesley nodded.

Lorne watched Buffy and Spike intently, as she taught him the song. His eyes darted back and forth from one to the other. A few minutes later, when Spike had learned the simple lyrics and tune, he was ready to sing it for Lorne.

"So, do you ask me questions or something, or do I just sing?" Spike asked.

"No, honey, you just sing. Any time you're ready," Lorne answered. He had already heard more than enough, but this was so interesting, he wanted to hear more.

"Shall we try the round?" Spike asked.

Buffy shrugged, "Sure, why not."

Spike began singing, and Buffy jumped in after the first line.

Lorne leaned back against the counter and listened. He swayed to the music as if he were listening to a fine Sinatra standard.

Buffy and Spike ran through the song twice altogether, stopping and restarting a couple times, getting the verses mixed up and finally dissolving into a fit of giggles and laughter.

Lorne collapsed back against the counter.

"It's horrible wasn't it," Buffy said. "I'm not much of a singer."

"No... no kitten, it's beautiful," Lorne said catching his breath, and walking over to open the door again. Buffy looked puzzled. Wesley and Cordelia looked shocked, but Angel just drooped against the doorframe. "He passes," Lorne pronounced. "He does more than that." Looking at Angel, he went on, "You'll never have to worry about them. It's not often when you see it that strongly."

"Spit it out, man! What did you see," Giles asked, his anxiety getting the better of him. He felt like he was the only one in the room who didn't understand what was going on.

"Love," Lorne answered. "Pure and simple, or in their case, not so simple, but it's there, and it's strong."

Buffy and Spike smiled at each other. A warm, all consuming happiness radiated from them, as Spike pulled Buffy back into his arms and kissed her.

"What else did you see," Angel asked, interrupting the tender scene.

"Everything," Lorne said, slightly awed. "Spike here has been changing and twisting the threads of fate, reweaving whole sections of the Fates' tapestry. Very interesting stuff. Quite a few lives saved and other tragedies averted." He caught Angel's eyes for a moment. "It was Spike's information that sent Wes and Groo after Holtz. If he hadn't, Conner-kins would be in the Quor-Toth right now - the darkest of the dark realms."

Angel bristled at that. The last thing he wanted was to owe Spike anything. "He's still Spike." He said to Lorne, as if it should be self-explanatory. "When I left Sunnydale so Buffy could have a normal life, Spike was not what I had in mind."

"Listen to me," Lorne interrupted Angel's rambling. "This is normal, for her. And you would be surprised at how normal her life will be with Spike." Lorne turned and winked at Buffy. "There are all sorts of surprises in store for you, sweetie." She wasn't sure what to make of that.

Angel started to protest again, but Lorne held up his hand, stopping him. "I looked into his soul, and I saw what he's been through, and what he's done over the last few years. I got the crash course on young William here, and his future."

"He doesn't have a soul," Angel grumbled.

"Shame on you." Lorne reached through the door and slapped Angel. "All sentient beings have souls. The demon variety is just a little different than the human kind." Angel scowled at Lorne, and then at Buffy and Spike.

Angel was about to say something else when Lorne cut him off. "Look here big fella, bottom line is, you made a deal. Spike sang, I read him, and everything he's said is true. Now the only question is, are you going to find some way to deal with that, and live up to your end of the bargain, or are you going to force that sweet young thing to kill you again, and ruin her life?"

He looked at Angel for a minute, letting it all sink in, and then he turned around. "Woo! After all that, I need the rest of that glass of water." He picked up the glass from the counter and filled it at the sink. He drank the water slowly and they all waited for Angel to make a decision.

"Lorne." Angel called him over and quietly asked him, "Is she really going to be happy? I just can't imagine it."

Lorne looked at the pained expression on Angel's face, and he felt sorry for his friend. Gently, he said, "She's going to be fabulously happy, and also she'll want to kill him occasionally, but mostly happy." He rested a hand on Angel's shoulder. "He's what she needs."

Angel looked at his feet for a while, and finally without looking up he said, "Spike, I said I wouldn't try harm you if Lorne said you weren't a threat to her." Bringing his head up, he looked at Spike. "If you ever prove him wrong, you know what I'll do."

Spike had a flippant comment on the tip of his tongue, but as he took in the expression on Buffy's and Angel's faces, he let it die there. "It'll never happen. I give you my word."

Angel nodded. He saw Buffy look back at him as if she was about to say something. He looked at her and shook his head. "Cordy, could you bring Conner out?" He turned and went back to the bench and sat down.

Part 16

"So, are you ever going to come in?" Buffy asked, leaning against the doorframe. She had been watching Angel feed Conner for a few minutes. The rest of the gang had settled back down in the living room and were swapping stories of demons slain and apocalypses averted.

"Are you inviting me in?" Angel asked, still looking at Conner's face.

"I already did. Do you need to hear it again?" She smiled softly. "Come in the house, Angel."

"Thanks," he said, looking up and finally meeting her eyes. "I'll be in, in a few minutes."

"Ok," she nodded. Buffy turned and walked back through the kitchen, bumping into Spike who was loitering in the doorway to the living room.

"Everything all right?" He asked.

"Nope, but that's nothing new," she grinned at him as he frowned.

"Invited him in then?" Spike raised an eyebrow.

"He gave his word." Buffy answered, and Spike nodded and moved past her. "What are you doing?" Buffy grabbed him, suddenly alarmed.

Spike looked at her for a moment, "I guess it's up to me to offer the olive branch, especially now that he can go anywhere I can," he quirked an eyebrow up at her.

"There's always Giles' place," she chuckled, but then her eyes clouded. "Be careful. Remember what you told me - he can be dangerous."

Spike nodded, with a grin. "I'll holler if I need the Slayer to come rescue me. Ok?"

She chuckled again and gave him a hug. Then she walked back into the living room.

Spike walked over to the fridge and grabbed out a container of blood. He picked up two mugs and filled them before popping them into the microwave. He wasn't sure what he was going to say to Angel, but he knew with the way things worked in Buffy's life, he couldn't avoid him forever, literally.

The microwave beeped and Spike pulled the mugs out. Taking a steadying breath, he turned and walked towards the door. Looking out at Angel holding Conner on his lap, he suddenly realized this might not be such a good idea after all. But that had never stopped him before.

"Mind if I join you?" Spike asked.

Angel instinctively pulled Conner closer to him. "What is that, a bribe?" He growled.

Spike straightened his shoulders and walked forward, holding the mug out. "Nothing of the kind, Peaches. Purely self-serving here. You haven't eaten in a while, and unlike me, you don't have a chip to keep you from snacking on my friends." Spike set the mug down on the bench next to Angel, and took a seat opposite him.

Angel's jaw tensed, he stared at Spike for a long moment, refusing to rise to the bait. All the while, the scent of the blood taunted him on another level. It had been a long time since he'd eaten. He watched Spike swallow the contents of his mug, and he could see the younger vampire was working to maintain a calm facade. With a sigh, Angel looked down at the cup. Picking it up, he drained it quickly.

"What happens to them, *your friends*, when that chip of yours fails?" Angel asked flatly. If he expected Spike to react with shock or shame, he was disappointed. Instead Spike just smirked in that irritating way Angel had always hated.

Spike caught Angel's eye and held it. Slowly and evenly he said, "Chip hasn't worked on Buffy since Red brought her back."

Spike had the satisfaction of watching Angel's mouth drop open. It had been a long time since he'd been able to shock the Poof. Not since he killed that first slayer. 'Hmmm,' Spike thought, 'perhaps not the best subject to be reliving.' Pushing it aside, he waited to see what Angel would say next.

Angel stood abruptly, causing Spike to jump up and back away, raising his arms defensively. But instead of attacking him, Angel just paced around the deck, shaking his head. "It's not possible," he muttered. "We're killers, and we can't change that."

Spike watched him warily. "Guess we'll add that to the list of things you and I don't agree on."

Angel looked up at him, as if just noticing he was there. A look of understanding and shock washed over him as what Lorne had told him finally sunk in. "This does not make us *friends*, William." Spike nodded. "But I'll keep my word. Our paths are bound to cross again..." he bored into Spike's eyes and added, "now that you're wearing a white hat."

Spike grimaced. 'Score one for you, Peaches,' he sighed to himself. "I still don't have a soul. They know that. But as long as I'm able, I'll do everything I can to make Buffy happy. And that includes protecting Dawn... and Buffy's friends." Spike shook his head, "Bugger!" He swore, looking back at Angel. "Guess that includes you and the little nipper now." He pulled out a cigarette and his lighter. "Ain't love grand." He sighed as he stared to light up.

Angel reached over and snatched the cigarette from Spike's lips, tossing it away, "You can start by not giving my son cancer."

"Bloody hell!" Spike swore again.

"And watch the language!" Angel snapped.

"Don't push it, Peaches." Spike growled. "When Snack Sized there gets old enough to understand, Uncle Spike'll mind his manners." The two vampires stood toe to toe for a moment, upping the ante by shifting into game face.

There was no telling how long the standoff would have lasted, if Conner hadn't stated laughing and cooing. It completely destroyed the moment. Angel suddenly shifted his focus from Spike to the baby, cooing back at the baby and making goofy faces.

Spike was taken aback. One moment he was staring down his grandsire, the next he was watching him make a fool of himself with his son. "Ain't love grand," he murmured again. "Neither of us are what we're supposed to be... are we?"

Angel shuffled for a moment, and then sat back down. "No, I suppose we're not." He rubbed his forehead as he watched Spike sit down again. "So, tell me your story. How did you wind up here?"

"You mean Sunnyhell, or in love with the Slayer?" Spike asked, flippantly.

"Both," Angel replied.

"Ah, so you believe me now? That I'm not just up to some scheme?" Spike replied, pouncing on the opening.

"Lorne wouldn't lie to me," Angel sighed, a bit deflated. "Go on, talk, you've always loved an audience, here's your chance. Amaze me."

Spike raised an eyebrow and considered his old adversary, the former Scourge of Europe, who was currently patting the infant he was holding against his shoulder, trying to get a burp out. Spike shrugged and began, "Dru figured it out long before I did," he began. "After I helped Buffy defeat you, Dru left me. Said I tasted like ashes. All she saw was the Slayer when she looked at me. So, long story short, I did the only thing I could... came back here to kill her..."

Spike continued on with his story, relating what had happened with the Initiative, Adam, Glory, Buffy's return, and finally about discovering the oracles.

Angel had been listening intently. When Spike got to the part about his instructions from the oracles, Angel laughed. "I've been telling you to shut your mouth for years."

"Yah, no offense Peaches, but she's a lot better at motivation than you ever were." Spike replied, raising and eyebrow knowingly. Angel's violent outbursts directed at Spike had never quieted him for long, but for Buffy, he would willingly turn himself inside out.

"I still don't understand how do you do it, without a soul I mean?" Angel asked.

"You mean since you went all psycho when you lost yours? Murdered and tortured her friends, terrorized her for months?" Spike goaded Angel.

Angel slammed his hand down on the bench, silencing Spike. "Yes... that," he growled. "How do you keep the demon under control?"

"First of all, I don't have a split personality like you seem to. Me, my 'demon', and I, all the same chap." Spike looked at him for a moment, and the smirk faded. "It's not easy." He stood and paced back and forth. "The chip is there, always, keeps me from harming the others. And I like them. They... grow on you. Especially Nibblet." He stopped pacing and looked down at his feet. "And then there's Buffy," he sighed. He looked up at Angel out of the corner of his eye, "But then you know that tune."

Angel nodded gravely. "You need to understand, so I'll say this really slowly, Spike. We're still not friends. At most we have a truce... for her sake. All I need is for you to give me an excuse."

Spike met Angel's harsh glare with his own. "If that day ever comes, you'd better be real certain, mate. 'Cause if you break her heart again, she'll never forgive you, and you'll have to live with that." He watched Angel wince, and knew he'd hit a sensitive spot. He'd started to get used to holding his tongue around Buffy and the Scoobies, but Angel was a whole other thing. He sighed as he realized he'd done it again. "Look," he started. "It'll never come to that."

"You're so sure you can handle it?" Angel scoffed.

Spike clenched his jaw and held back his first impulse. "No, but there's a long line to dust me if I ever slip." He watched Angel's eyebrows rise with curiosity. "Oh ya, I'm real popular among the cross and stake set. Watcher's first in line, then Red... The whelp wanted to be next, but I like Red better. Captain Cardboard is even on the list. He claimed a spot when he was back in town a few weeks ago."

"I hate that guy," Angel growled.

Spike chuckled, "Yup, and it's mutual. He and I figured you and Buffy were about the only thing we had in common."

"He was here and then he left, again?" Angel shook his head. "What did you do?" He looked at Spike menacingly.

"Uh, uh, uh, none of that Peaches. You can't threaten me. You gave your word." Spike waved his finger at Angel, but then snatched it back when he growled again. "If you must know, it had nothing to do with me. He came back with his new wife."

Angel was shocked, again. Spike was loving this evening. "I can't believe it. How could he? I knew I hated him!" Angel sat glowering for a moment, and then asked quietly, "How did Buffy take it?"

Spike was dying to make a snide comment along the lines of 'takes one to know one', but lost interest when he heard Angel's concern. It sparked the same concern for Buffy's happiness in him. "Strangely enough, it went pretty well. She had me, and he had Samantha, and there was a job to focus on. Suvolte demon and all. And she and I played a couple jokes on the boy. He won't go storming into someone's home so fast next time, I'll wager." Spike laughed as he thought back, seeing Riley's face again.

"I don't think I want to know." Angel grimaced, having a pretty good idea what Spike was implying. "I'm just glad she was ok." He was glad she hadn't faced that alone, even if it was Spike who had been there for her, but there was no power in the universe that could make him admit it.

Suddenly they were jerked out of their reverie by an explosion in the general area of Conner's diaper. The infant cooed and laughed, quite pleased with himself. Spike wrinkled up his nose in disgust. "How can you stand that?"

"This is nothing." Angel shrugged. "It gets worse when they start on solid foods, but the disposable diapers they have now are really great. They keep his skin dry and then there are all these ointments and lotions. It's just amazing."

Spike shook himself as Angel stood and carried Conner into the house. 'Things just couldn't get any more...,' he stopped the though midway. 'Not wise to tempt fate on the Hellmouth,' he thought as he walked inside.

Part 17

The next evening the two groups met up again at Buffy's house. Xander had gone to the airport to pick up Uncle Rory. Yet another houseguest to fill their over-crowded home. Anya stayed behind at the last minute. She had muttered something about the Gnarals teleporting in later, and people being incinerated if she wasn't there to greet them.

Angel, and the other's from LA, stuck close to the Magic Box and Buffy's house to avoid the chaos of the final wedding arrangements. But no one was immune.

In order to prove she wasn't threatened by Cordelia, or maybe just to keep a closer eye on her, Anya added her as a bridesmaid. Naturally that meant that Groo would be required to escort her down the aisle. Since neither had been involved in the plans before this point, their inclusion generated a flurry of activity. Groo had to be fitted for a tux. Cordelia needed a dress.

All the details slowly came together. The rehearsal and rehearsal dinner were over. It was a relative success. In other words, no one had died. Well, not unless you count Buffy's purse that Xander's dad threw up in.

Spike and Buffy sat on the couch in her living room. Her bridesmaid dress was hanging in a plastic sack in the upstairs hall along with his tuxedo, and Dawn's and Willow's dresses. They were safely out of sight where no innocent bystander had to look at them.

"So, do you think Anya hates us, or is it just more of her ex-demony 'I don't remember how to be a human' thing again?" Buffy asked as she snuggled into him, and reached for the TV remote.

Spike seized the remote, holding it out to the side, away from her. "Could be worse. Isn't the traditional dress burlap covered with blood larva?"

"And you're saying that would be worse?" Buffy asked, as she tried to worm her way close enough to grab the remote. Turning more, so she was facing him, she stretched across him, trying to reach his far hand. He smirked and moved the remote slightly nearer, only to snatch is back away as she got close.

"Dunno, Luv," he said, as she scrambled over him. He smirked as he watched her concentrating on her goal. He switched tactics and lifted his arm above his head, causing her to reach up after it.

Buffy gave a small victory cheer as she finally got hold of the remote. The next moment she yelped, loudly, as Spike wrapped an arm around her waist, dragging her down into his lap, as his other hand pulled her head down, until their lips met..., and the remote dropped from her hand, forgotten.

"Get a room!" Dawn exclaimed, as she snatched the abandoned remote off the couch, and flopped into the armchair.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Buffy asked, turning and giving her an annoyed look.

"As if!" Dawn shot back. "Besides, Angel and his friends will be here any minute. And Tara and Willow are gonna be back downstairs any moment."

Right on cue, they heard footsteps on the front porch. Buffy sighed and gave Spike a last kiss before she rolled off his lap and back onto the couch.

"I'll get the door," Spike said. He got up and walked to the door. "Red! Tara!" He called up the stairs, "Company's here." He saw Willow appear at the top of the stairs as he turned the doorknob.

The door crashed open, knocking Spike back. A dark, snarling form launched across the threshold and tackled him, growling, "You were told you'd pay if you double-crossed us!"

Spike recovered quickly from the shock of the attack and was now struggling to keep the sharp fangs of his adversary away from his neck. "I've... been... expecting... you...," Spike managed to get out, as he thrashed about, finally clamping one hand around his opponent's neck.

Buffy jumped up when she saw Spike fall backward. She dashed across the room and opened the weapons chest, grabbing out a stake and her favorite axe. When she turned back toward Spike, she noticed Cordelia standing in the doorway with Conner.

"What's going on?" Cordelia demanded, hesitating to come through the door with Conner.

Spike rolled suddenly, shoving his opponent off him, and Buffy swung the axe neatly through his neck. Spike jumped up, looking at the body, and out the door. "Better get inside, Cheerleader. No telling how many friends he has."

"Two less than a minute ago," Angel said, ushering the others inside. Gunn quickly stepped over the body, and he and Groo bent down to pick it up and toss it outside. "I noticed at least a dozen more around the house. I'm surprised you didn't sense them," he said, looking at Spike.

Spike straightened his shirt and brushed imaginary dirt off his jeans. "Was a bit preoccupied just then," he said, waving toward the demon they had just dispatched. He wasn't fooling Angel for a second, but the rest of the crew didn't need to know all details on his and the Slayer's relationship.

"I noticed something, but I just figured it was you. After all, half your crew gives off demony vibes." Buffy added lamely.

Lorne raised and eyebrow at that last comment, and he and Angel exchanged a look. Buffy shivered involuntarily as she wondered if Lorne could divine things about a person without them singing. He reached over and patted her on the shoulder, "Calm down, Sweetie." He whispered. "I can't tell exactly what's going on in there, unless you're singing." He wiggled his fingers, indicating her head. "But I've been around the block a few times, and besides, a blind man could read the two, uh three of you." He winked at her and she just stared back at him for a moment.

"Hey guys, not to put a damper on anything, but even I can see the baddies now," Gunn interjected. "I'm counting... a whole lot, out there in the yard." They all looked out the windows and now they could clearly see dozens of demons surrounding the house.

Groo grabbed a sword and took a position by the door. "We should devise a plan for repelling the demons. Angel, what do you suggest?" He asked, looking at Angel with anticipation and deference.

Before Angel could answer, Buffy interrupted. "Uh, guys, my house, my plan."

"Oh, of course," Groo replied, bowing slightly. "My apologies. You are the Slayer, so you should lead us. What are your wishes?"

Buffy gave Angel an, 'Is he for real?' look. Angel simply shrugged rolling his eyes.

"OK, simple plan, after all simple plans always work best. Everybody who can use a weapon, grab one and guard a door or window. Willow and Tara, see if you can do something to keep them outside. Dawn, you'll be upstairs, locked in the bathroom."

"Buffy!" Dawn protested, and stomped her foot, as everyone else scurried around grabbing weapons and finding an opening to guard. Tara and Willow were hurriedly arranging items on the dining room table. Tara lit candles as Willow flipped through a book.

Buffy turned and grabbed Dawn's shoulders. Cordelia was still standing next to them, in the hallway. "Dawn, someone needs to watch Conner. The upstairs bathroom is the safest spot in the house. We can't fight off the bad guys if we're worried about the baby." Dawn nodded slowly starting to understand Buffy's plan. "Here, take this," Buffy handed her sister a lighter weight axe, with a long handle. "If they get past us, you'll have to protect him until Giles and the others get here. Take the cordless phone with you and call them."

"Ok," Dawn gulped. "I'll call the cavalry."

Buffy pulled her into a hug, and squeezed her tightly. Letting Dawn go, she patted her on the arm, "Get going. We'll hold them off as long as we can."

Cordelia prepared to hand off Conner, as Dawn went to get the phone. As Dawn picked up the phone, she saw a demon crash though the back door and into the kitchen. At the same time, another two broke through the front door, and leaped toward Cordelia and Conner.

Cordelia's piercing scream filled the air as the demon lunged at the baby. Angel turned and started to sprint towards them, as did Groo. Buffy raised her axe. Just as the demon reached Conner, Cordelia began to glow.

Cordelia hovered just above the floor, the light spreading out from her and into the room, filling the rest of the house, and finally spilling out into the yard. As the wave of light passed through the demons, they melted away, vanishing without a trace.

Angel and Groo pulled up short, and Buffy slowly lowered her axe, staring at Cordelia. "Cool trick, Cordy." Buffy gasped. "I don't remember, how was it again that you said you acquired that little ability? Oh wait, you didn't say." Buffy turned and glared at Angel. "What else did you leave out?"

Angel looked back and forth between Buffy and Cordelia, "It's a long story. Mortals can't carry the visions. They were killing her. So..."

Cordelia interrupted. "So, we made a compromise. The Powers That Be made me part demon, and I get to keep the visions without the migraines or my skull blowing apart." Cordelia sat into a chair, cuddling Conner. "Short story really."

"Ok," Angel shrugged sheepishly. "So, short story," he said as he went to close the front door. Amazingly, the door was repaired. The same was true of the kitchen door. The glass was gone from the floor and back in its place in the window. As Angel returned to the living room, he asked, "Anybody know what brought that on?" He watched Spike and Buffy exchange a guilty look, as Spike shifted his weight before she pulled him down onto the couch beside her.

"We sort of pissed them off a few weeks ago." Buffy offered. Spike chuckled.

"We stiffed 'em on the down payment for those Suvolte eggs. Killed the first batch that came to collect last week. Looks like they weren't discouraged enough." Spike sighed. It had seemed like a great idea at the time.

"You dragged Buffy into one of your stupid schemes, and now she's being hunted by these demons," Angel growled, stepping forward.

Spike leaned back on the couch, stretching his arms back over his head, and then dropping one arm around Buffy, all the while defiantly maintaining eye contact with Angel. "First of all, it was a brilliant scheme. Slayer and I came up with it together. Second, those demons sell Suvolte eggs, and the like, as weapons, so they needed killing any way you slice it. We just figured out a way to pocket a wad of cash in the process."

"Money! You did all this for money?" Angel was flabbergasted. "Buffy, can't you see he's dangerous? He'll bring you nothing but trouble."

"Angel, weren't you listening? Demon arms dealers, in Sunnydale." Buffy exclaimed, as she shot off the couch, stalking up to Angel, and standing toe to toe with him, her fists clenched. "And when was the last time some bad guy wasn't hunting me?"

Angel looked away sheepishly. "I know you're the Slayer, Buffy, but that's all the more reason to find someone other than *him*."

Buffy lowered her voice and said quietly. "That's not what this is about and we both know it. I'm not a normal girl, I'm not going to have a normal life, and I what I need is not a normal guy. You better than anyone else should know I can't just walk in the sun with some normal guy." She caught his eyes and held them. "That didn't exactly work out for us the last time I was in LA, now did it?"

Stunned, Angel just stared at her. "How?"

"The oracles were very thorough," Buffy answered quietly.

"I just wanted you to have a life, and someone to love and grow old with," Angel murmured.

"Angel, I swear, you're so bloody thick sometimes, I could just...!" Words failed her and she growled and stomped back to the couch.

"Buffy, I'm s..." Angel started.

"Save it! Let's just focus on what we do next." She leaned back into Spike's arm and finally noticed he was grinning from ear to ear. "And what are you so happy about?"

Spike pulled her close and gave her a quick peck on the forehead, "Nothing, just warms my heart to see us all getting along so well." He chuckled as she glared at him. But she couldn't manage it for long, and quickly her scowl melted into a smile.

Cordelia coughed, bringing their attention back to the current situation. "As much as I hate to say it, Spike's calculated risk is probably going to pay off. When I was... doing my light bulb thing, I sensed that they had thrown everything they had at us this time. They tried to overwhelm you with numbers and make an example, instead of trying something clever."

"Ok, but there could be more, right? I mean we have no idea how big their organization was," Gunn asked.

"Um, no, we got them all. There were the 83 here at the house, and then another two dozen that stayed behind." Cordelia replied uneasily.

"Oh," Buffy breathed.

"That's some talent you've got there, Cheerleader. Maybe we should keep you around?" Spike said.

Part 18

Spike fidgeted with his bow tie. There were pluses and minuses to finally being accepted by Buffy's friends. The tie and tux ensemble was a minus. However, being a groomsman and usher had its fringe benefits. In addition to looking devastatingly handsome, if any of the non-human guests got out of hand, he got to show them the door, preferably at high velocity. Although, if Xander's father got fresh with Buffy again, he'd consider dealing with the migraine just for the pleasure of roughing him up a bit.

He surveyed the room from his vantage point, lolling against the wall. Most of the contingent from LA was hovering around together. Fred looked lovely in her little blue slip dress as she leaned against Gunn's chest. They were chatting with one of Anya's friends. There was so much noise in the room that even Spike couldn't make out the conversation.

Lorne was mixing happily with the other guests. Earlier he had been consulting with the small combo Anya had hired to play dance music after the wedding. There was a string quartet as well, but they really weren't Lorne's style. Anya had given him a list of songs she wanted him to sing. Lorne was flattered and had happily agreed to sing a couple of sets.

That left Angel, Wesley, and Groo. The three were holding up one of the other walls and ostensibly tending to Conner. Spike chuckled as he noticed Groo fidgeting with his tie and looking about as uncomfortable as he felt. Angel on the other hand looked way too comfortable. Something needed to be done about that.

Several of the bridesmaids were wandering around the room. Their aggressively ruffled, violently green dresses clashed with everything they passed. Halfrek was one of them. She wandered by, catching his attention. "Hallie," Spike called out, leaving the wall, and walking towards her.

Halfrek turned at the familiar voice, and blinked when she saw Spike. Smoothing her hair she smiled nervously, "William, how nice to see you again." She said, unconvincingly.

Spike glided over to her, with a slightly predatory look on his face. In direct contrast to his expression, he said nonchalantly, "No need for that, Luv. We're just a couple of people, here for a wedding. No reason we can't just enjoy ourselves."

Halfrek's expression changed from nervousness to suspicion. "I don't know what you mean, William. I'm here to support Anyanka as she binds herself to that... that..." Halfrek waved her hand, looking for a word.

"Wanker?" Spike supplied.

Halfrek giggled. "Yes, although I would never use such a crude term." She said, fiddling with her pendant. "So, are you sitting on the bride's side or the groom's?"

"Neither. I'm walking the Slayer down the aisle," he replied.

"Interesting turn of phrase." Halfrek said, raising an eyebrow.

Spike shrugged, keenly aware of vengeance demons' ability to extract feelings and ill-conceived wishes from people. "I don't see anyone on your arm. You come to the wedding stag?"

Halfrek shifted her weight back and forth. "Another of my sisters and I accompanied D'Hoffryn. We all wanted to be here for Anyanka."

Spike stared hard at her for a moment, until he saw her flinch slightly under his gaze. "Wanted to be here in case Xander screwed up is more like it." Halfrek shrugged. "So, you'll be needing someone to dance with later, after the ceremony."

"Are you offering?" Halfrek asked, far to eagerly.

Spike snorted, "Right, like I'm stupid enough to cheat on Buffy with a vengeance demon. That would make a nice little package for you, wouldn't it." He looked away, his eyes sweeping through the crowd. "But then you're a justice demon, aren't you? I know someone else who's into justice. Bet you two'd have a lot in common."

Halfrek did a bit of a double take as the conversation changed direction abruptly. "None of your pranks, William. Is this your friend with the 'skin condition' we're talking about?"

Spike grinned, "No, not Clem. This one's got a sun allergy like me, but he's also on a mission to right wrongs and all that poofy stuff. You'll just adore him." Spike pointed across the crowd to the opposite wall. "And he's a devoted father."

Halfrek looked where Spike was pointing. "Tall, dark, handsome... Ooooh, yummy!" Then she paused. "The baby's not actually his. Is it?" Halfrek asked, confused. "I thought you said he was a vampire?"

"He's not like your regular vampire. Has a soul, a son, and the whole brooding champion of goodness package. Makes me come over all queasy, but you should like him."

"Hmmmm," Halfrek mused appreciatively, as she twirled a lock of her hair, and started to walk across the room.

"Might want to change faces before you say hi." Spike called after her. "He's partial to humans."

Halfrek winked at him as she morphed into her human face. He watched her saunter across the room and insert herself between Angel and Wesley. He could almost hear her cooing over the baby. Spike watched Angel's face lit up as he began talking about his second favorite subject, his son. He was still too far away to hear, but Spike could just imagine what they were saying.

*Oh, he looks just like you, only not as well endowed,* Spike supplied, as he watched Halfrek chuck Conner under the chin.

*Yes, he's just a baby, but I'm sure he'll take after my manly proportions in no time.* Angel ruffled Conner's hair. *As you can see, I've already started him on the hair gel.* Spike mimicked Angel, as he watched him stand up straight and puff his chest out, pleased with Halfrek's attention.

Halfrek toyed with her neckline, and leaned in. *It makes him look almost as irresistible as you. Perhaps we could discuss this some more after the ceremony, when I have a napkin and can keep the drool off my dress, or better yet, you could rip this hideous monstrosity off of me with your manly hands.*

Angel frowned slightly. *That could be a problem. As much as I'd love to ravish you, as you can tell by the way I'm staring down the front of your dress, while pretending to look at my son - you see, my soul was restored in this really slipshod way and any happiness could bring about the end of the world.*

Halfrek cocked her head, listening to whatever Angel had actually said. *Oh, I think we can find a way around that. I know some people, who know some people.*

Spike was suddenly jarred out of those thoughts by the sight of an old, balding man in a raincoat accosting Xander. Making his way silently across the room, Spike slid up behind the old man. Xander gaped in horror as the man's head tilted sideways. There was a wet popping and crunching sound as Spike snapped his neck and dropped him. Released, the body sunk to the floor, stretched out, and changed color. Lying on the floor was not the old man, but the body of a demon. "An old project of Anyanka's, come back to wish the happy couple unwell. Consider it my wedding present to you two," Spike said, patting a confused Xander on the shoulder.

Spike walked down the hall and knocked on the door where the girls were. Buffy opened the door, and smiled at him. "All taken care of?" She asked.

"He never knew what hit him." Spike answered.

Anya pushed forward and tried to hug him, but he caught her hands and squeezed them instead. "Save that for the groom," he said with a wink. He could really get into this prophecy business. It was a bloody shame Red hadn't been able to reestablish the connection to the oracles.

Part 19

The wedding ceremony went off without a hitch. Anya's vows were eccentric, to say the least, but Tara had managed to talk her out of any mention of being Xander's "sex poodle." But even that couldn't have distracted Spike from the woman standing on the other side of the happy couple. Even the sea of hideous green ruffles Buffy was drowning in couldn't make her any less beautiful to him.

Groo prodded Spike in the back, and he noticed the ceremony was over. He wondered how long he'd been staring and how many people had noticed. He was still the Big Bad and he wasn't going to let some sappy wedding ruin his reputation. Then he saw Buffy again, smiling and waiting for him to take her arm and escort her back down the aisle. He stepped forward, linking her arm in his, and they walked slowly following the other couples, with a grin on his face. 'Well,' he rationalized, 'got to be smiling for the pictures. Wouldn't want to ruin the album.'

The ordeal was not quite over. Since Anya didn't want Xander to see her in her wedding dress before the ceremony, pictures had to be taken afterwards. But, half an hour later, they were finally able to join the festivities.

Spike and Buffy followed Xander and Anya back into the main hall. Once there, they were able to move away from the newlyweds and find a quiet corner to sit down. "My feet are killing me," Buffy said. "Standing in heels all day is murder."

Spike recognized his cue and leaned over to pick up her feet and pull them into his lap. Buffy sighed as he pulled off her shoes and started rubbing her feet. They sat for a while and watched the other guests mill around. There was Xander's father, at the bar again, and already arguing with the bar tender. Dawn had managed to get Conner away from Angel and was feeding him a bottle. Lorne was getting setup with the band, and it looked like Anya and Xander were preparing to cut the cake.

Buffy groaned, "We're going to have to get up in a moment."

"Why's that?" Spike asked.

"After the bride and groom cut the cake, then there's toasts, and then all the unmarried people get herded together to try to catch the garter and bouquet," Buffy sighed.

"I'm sure we're up to the challenge," Spike said confidently. Buffy just smirked back at him, giving him the odd feeling that he was missing something important.

Lorne's voice came over the sound system, instructing everyone to gather around the happy couple. Xander and Anya cut the cake, and he delicately placed a piece in Anya's mouth. Spike was surprised as he watched. He would have pegged the whelp as a smear the cake on her face sort of chap. Maybe there was some hope for him yet?

Anya returned the gesture, feeding Xander a small bit of cake. Then they kissed and the crowd applauded.

Next were the toasts, followed by the inevitable tossing of the bouquet. In the jostling and shoving that followed Anya tossing her bouquet and Xander flinging the garter, two victors emerged.

"You could have warned me they'd be throwing elbows," Spike complained, as Buffy looked at his face.

"I think it'll heal before you can actually get a black eye. Stop being such a baby," she laughed at him.

"Hey, you at least could shove back. I was stuck there, in the middle of a melee with no means of defending myself!"

Buffy leaned over and kissed the tiny bruise on his face. "Better?"

He swung his arm around her and pulled her close. "Much better," he said, and then he waggled his eyebrows, "but it was a fierce battle. I got bumped and bruised in all sorts of interesting places."

Buffy smiled, and gave him another quick kiss. Then she looked back at the dispersing crowd. "Well, that's not right! Dawn's way to young to be getting married." Buffy laughed as she and Spike wandered back to their chairs.

"You lost me there, Pet." Spike said, sitting back down.

"She caught the bouquet," Buffy said. They looked over at Groo, who was standing there, somewhat dazed, holding the garter, and Dawn had the bouquet.

"Oh, right. I was never sure if that was just a TV thing or if it was for real," Spike answered. Buffy looked at him curiously. "What? It's not as if I've been to a wedding recently, now is it?"

Buffy pulled him close and gave him a hug. "No, I suppose not." She watched as Anya was trying to explain to Dawn that she and Groo needed to dance together. Instead, Dawn walked over to Cordelia and traded the bouquet for Conner. Buffy chuckled as she watched Anya trying in vain to regain control of the situation.

Music started playing, and Lorne stepped back up to the microphone. "This first song is for Xander and Anya." He began singing as Xander led Anya out onto the dance floor. Buffy rested her head on Spike's shoulder as she watched her friends sway and spin slowly to the music. They looked so happy, and in love, that it brought a tear to her eye. Spike wrapped his arm around her and they sat quietly enjoying the music.

As the first song ended, other couples began to head out onto the dance floor. Spike stood and extended his hand to Buffy. She took his hand and the walked out among the other couples. As they began to dance to another lyrical old standard, Buffy was surprised to see Angel across the floor, dancing with one of the bridesmaids. The woman had dark hair and a fair complexion, but Buffy didn't remember seeing her before. Spike noticed Buffy was distracted, and looked over to she had her attention. He grinned when he saw who Angel was dancing with.

"That's Halfrek, Anya's friend," Spike said.

"What? Who is?" Buffy asked.

"The woman dancing with Angel. The one you're staring at," Spike replied.

"I wasn't..." she started, looking up at him. He raised an eyebrow. "All right, maybe just a little. But it's only because I didn't recognize her when she's not all veiny."

"Whatever you say, Luv." Spike murmured, as they continued their dance.

Towards the end of the song, Spike heard Buffy's tummy rumbling. "Shall we hit the buffet line after this song?" He asked. Buffy nodded. When the song ended, Buffy and Spike headed towards the buffet table. Buffy put herself together a plate of food, while Spike went to get drinks for them. On the way back to the table, Buffy ran into Angel, standing off to one side.

She thought about walking by without saying anything, but that would be even more awkward, so she squared her shoulders, veered a little to the left, and walked up to him.

He was still looking down at the floor when she heard him say, " Hello, Buffy."

"Hey," she replied.

"It's a happy occasion. Your friends getting married," he said.

"Yeah, it is. They've been through a lot, but they finally made it here," she sighed. "I'm really happy for them." She paused for a moment. "I saw you were doing pretty well, making new friends."

He looked confused for a moment and then said, "Oh, you mean Hallie? We just met." He shrugged. "She seems nice enough."

"She's an old friend of Anya's. I hadn't seen her before with her human face." Buffy explained. "Just don't go making any wishes around her."

Angel looked surprised, "Vengeance demon?" Buffy nodded. Angel sighed, "That explains it. I knew something was off, but I couldn't place it. Yeah, I'll be careful."

They lapsed into another awkward silence. Angel shuffled his feet and looked at the floor.

"Are you ok with all of this?" Buffy asked finally.

"What, with you and Spike, with wishing things had been different?" He said to the floor, and then he looked up and met her eyes. "I won't lie to you, it's hard, and it hurts to see you with him." Buffy looked stricken for a moment as she saw how hard this really was for him. Angel continued, "It's nice to watch you be happy, even if it is with him. So I can live with it." He paused again. "You, uh... you glow."

Buffy chuckled quietly. "That's because the dress is radioactive."

Angel chuckled.

"I should..." Buffy started.

"Yeah," Angel nodded.

Buffy walked past him and back to the table where Spike was sitting, watching her. "That didn't seem too bad. What did the Poof want?"

She sat down and toyed with her fork. "Not much. He wanted to tell me he was glad I was happy."

Spike nodded again. There was really nothing left to say about that, so he sipped on his cup of blood while Buffy ate her food. When they finished eating, they got up and danced again.

The dancing lasted for what seemed like hours to Buffy. Then Xander and Anya finally said their good-byes and left. As soon as they did, Buffy felt like her legs were suddenly full of lead. She sagged into Spike and mumbled into his chest. "I think I'm going to fall asleep right here. All of the sudden, I'm exhausted."

Spike walked her back to their table and then went to find Dawn. The last time he'd seen her, she was dancing around the room with tiny Conner in her arms. A few minutes later, Spike was back with Buffy's coat, but no Dawn. "Seems Little Bit is still full of youthful energy. Begged to stay and get a ride back with Willow and Tara. Told her I'd check with you."

"Sure, that's fine. Does that mean we get to leave?" Buffy looked hopeful.

Spike waved at Dawn, and she smiled. "Yeh, put this on and we're out of here," he said, holding open her coat for her. She slid into it and they quickly said their good-byes.

Buffy fell asleep on the short drive home. Spike turned off the car, and looked down at her head resting on his thigh. He smoothed her hair back and shook her gently. When she didn't wake, he picked her up out of the car, closing the door with his foot, and carried her into the house.

As he walked up the stairs, she sighed and burrowed her face into his chest. Spike smiled as he laid her on her bed. She looked so peaceful. He sat her up carefully, unzipped her dress, and peeled it off of her. The rest of her clothes followed quickly. He searched for a moment before finding a t-shirt and grabbing it out of her dresser. Returning to the bed, he gently pulled the shirt over her head and arms, and then he tucked her into bed.

Quickly stripping out of his own clothes, Spike slid under the covers, and wrapped himself around her. Buffy sighed, and snuggled closer into him. He watched her sleep for a few minutes, thinking about the day. Today had been the end of what they had learned from the prophecies. From this point forward, they were on their own. Whatever lay ahead, they would face it together, he thought as he drifted off to sleep.

Spike was awakened in the early morning by the bed shifting suddenly as Buffy bolted out of the room. He heard her run to the bathroom, and he was starting to get up when he heard the sounds of her retching. Concerned, he called out to her, "Buffy?"


As the season six reruns began playing, they instigated a flurry of emails on Spoiled_Spuffy as subtle but definite changes started appearing. Videotapes were pulled out and compared, as well as transcripts from the episodes.

There was never any explanation about the changes from Joss and Mutant Enemy, but something was clearly up. Older and Far Away aired out of order in the reruns, and Dead Things and Normal Again, had disappeared without a trace. In their place were completely new episodes that dealt with the repercussions of the Suvolte egg business, and a cross-over with Angel the Series. It came out in those episodes that Spike had received a huge amount of money in advance for the eggs. Buffy and Dawn had already spent part of it on trivial things like the mortgage, college tuition, and food, even before the eggs were destroyed.

Naturally, Spike had killed the middle-men, well, middle-demons, when they came to collect. As a result, some fairly nasty characters arrived in Sunnydale with murder and mayhem in mind. Luckily for Buffy, it was during the cross-over episodes and the crew from LA was there to lend a hand. It all culminated in the season finale, Hell's Bells.

This sparked another rash of emails on the lists. Hadn't the networks said they weren't going to do cross-overs?

The debate raged all summer on the fan lists.

Meanwhile, back in Sunnydale, Willow was still trying to re-establish the connection to the oracle's dimension, and Buffy's tummy problems weren't going away...
