Masked Truths

By WildCherry 45

// indicates flashback
<> indicates thought
** indicates emphasis

Part 1- Mind Games

Willow relaxed into her chair and watched the sun set. She loved this time of the day, it was always gorgeous, no matter the season. No matter what was going on in her life, she could always look up at the sky and take comfort in it's simple pleasure. She sat there, sipping her hot tea and nibbling on a cookie, staring into the sky and watching how the pinks, purples, and light blues all blended together so well, like a perfect picture. She sighed and slowly her mind started to drift and yet again, like so many other times, she found herself, drowning in memories.

// "Why'd you do it?" Willow asked, her cool façade quickly slipping away as the tension was growing thicker.

"I'm sorry Will, please forgive me, I'm sorry- really sor-"

Willow held up her hand to stop the pointless apology and asked again with more resolve, "I said, why'd you do it?"

"I don't know" she whispered quietly.

"Oh, so you don't know *why* exactly you went behind my back and did only god knows what things to my boyfriend? I trusted you Buffy, you were my *best* friend and you abused that trust and took advantage of me."

"Will, I'm sorry, *please* I'm begging you, forgive me," Buffy's lower lip started to quiver as she gave way to tears.

"How long?" Willow's voice carried an icy tone. <You will *not* crack- you can't>

"It was only today, I don't know *why* I did it but I just- god it's hard to explain- it all happened so fast."

"Right, and *that's* your excuse?"

"I'm not excusing myself Will. I don't *deserve* your forgiveness but I'm asking for it anyhow. Please- if you really have to be pissed at somebody then direct it towards me, not Spike. It's not his fault!"

"How the hell is it *not* his fault? This kind of thing sorta involves *two* people Buffy, what? Did he just lay there and let you molest his body or something?"

"Look, I talked him into it ok? I admit it, I'm a lying and scheming whore that talked my best friend's boyfriend into having sex with me."

"Ahh, so you *do* admit it. You really *did* have sex with him then. My god Buffy, I cannot believe you! You know what- I'm not even going to *waste* my time. Screw this! I'm leaving." Willow went into the master bedroom of the apartment that she shared with Spike. She gathered her belongings with shaky hands and stuffed them into her suitcase. Not really paying attention to Buffy's figure standing in the doorway crying and trying to convince her otherwise. She was too involved in her thoughts. <I thought today was supposed to be a happy day too.> She had come home from the grocery store, deciding beforehand that she was going to make Spike a surprise dinner. She skipped her classes for the day just so she could prepare. She came home early, expecting Spike to be in bed sleeping, well.. he was in bed alright and he was sleeping, just not alone. No, he was there in bed, with her best friend. It made her sick and she had almost heaved right on the spot. The scent of sex was still heavy in the air and it became all too obvious. The love of her life had just cheated on her, with her best friend. She came back to reality at the sound of Buffy's sobbing voice. She looked to the corner where Buffy was crouching by, her head in her arms.

"Please Will, don't leave, not like this. Please!"

"Too late, you should've thought of the consequences of your actions *before* you went and screwed my boyfriend, excuse me, ex-boyfriend. Speaking of the bastard, where the fuck is he?"

"Right here." Spike stood leaning against the doorframe, his ice blue eyes scanning the room, taking everything in.

"Where the hell were you? I expected that you and Slutty, as you so like to call her, over there would've been too exerted to even move," Willow sneered, blinking back tears.

"What are you doing?" he asked evenly, too evenly.

"What does it *look* like I'm doing?" Willow stuffed the last of her essential things into her suitcase and started to zip it up.

"Are you leaving?"

"You think? What gave it away?"

Suddenly Spike's even and calm mask faded away as he came up behind Willow, trying to embrace her.

"Willow luv, please don't leave."

She laughed, it was a cruel laugh. One that chilled both Spike and Buffy down to their very core. "No point in staying. I have nothing left here. Hard to believe that I could lose two of the most important figures in my life in just one day."

"Willow please, I'm begging you- don't leave. At least let us explain," Buffy said quietly from her corner. She looked up but Willow refused to meet her eye.

"And what? Listen to the lies that you're bound to fabricate? No, I've had *enough* of the screwing around, literally in both your cases. I'm leaving." She walked into the main room, Buffy and Spike trailing her.

"Luv, please, don't do this. Please!" Spike's desolate tone did nothing to soften Willow's icy and resolved exterior. "Just let us explain."

"Fine- you want to explain? Ok- explain this- how could you guys have done it? *Why* did you do it?" Willow whipped around to face Buffy, "Does our friendship mean *nothing* to you?"

Buffy opened her mouth to respond but Willow cut her off, "And you" she turned her icy glare to Spike, "You fucking asshole! We've been together for 2 years! 2 years! And you just throw it all away by sleeping with my best friend! I thought you of all people would know how it felt to have the person that you love with all your heart cheat on you- but no- you go and screw me over anyway- what exactly was I?- just a convenience until you found something better?" She held up her hand to stop the pleads that were bound to come, "I don't want to hear it" And without a word of goodbye, Willow Rosenberg walked out of the apartment that she had called a home for the past year.//

Willow got up, the sun had set and it was getting cold. She went back into her hotel room and laid on the bed. It had been two weeks since she had left, without so much as a glance back, and it *still* hurt like hell. She knew she had to go back though, she had to go back for the ones that didn't betray her. For Giles, Xander and even Anya. She smiled at the thought of them. She had called them earlier today to tell them that she was fine and they were nothing if not supportive. She had a long talk with Giles about what she was planning to do and had another equally long talk with Xander though his conversation went a little differently. He filled her in, in the things she *really* wanted to know. Spike and Buffy had been going through hell, not just physically but mentally too. He explained how all three of them had sat the two down and interrogated them about what the hell had happened to make her leave so abruptly. At the end, to say the trio was pissed off would have been an understatement. Giles was pacing around his living room floor, making the clucking sound. Xander sat in his chair, gripping the arms so hard that his knuckles were turning white, obviously trying hard to restrain himself from doing physical damage. Anya however took the more forward step and pressed the guilt even farther. She always was a master of the human mind. At the end of the conversation the decision was made, Willow would stay in the guestroom of the apartment that Xander and Anya had and that she was to come home, tomorrow. She hung up the phone with mixed feelings. She was happy that she had at least *some* supportive friends, she still felt the after effects of the betrayal though. She was sad, peeved, and tired all mixed up into one. For the first week she could barely fall asleep, the pain was too much and she ended up crying herself to sleep every night. It slowly got better though, but not much. Even to that very day she would wake up wishing that she was in Spike's arms, despite what he did. She still loved him.


The demon rejoiced in the news that he had just received from one of his minions. Everything was going *exactly* as planned. The two key figures in the powerful witch's life had lost her trust. He had figured that she would run away but tomorrow she was coming back and he could follow through with his plans. He smiled an evil smile, thinking about how easy it all went. All it took was some simple mind bending and voila- his plan was set into motion. Soon, he would have *exactly* what he had worked so hard to gain, soon.

Part 2- After Effects

Willow stood outside Giles's apartment. She was nervously wringing her hands together, still debating if she was actually going inside or not. <you can do this.. you can do this..> she repeated the mantra over and over again in her head as she walked up the steps and tapped lightly on the door.


The tension was thick in the living room of Giles's apartment. They were all awaiting Willow's return. Spike leaned against the wall, closed his eyes, trying to control his feelings. He couldn't believe what an *idiot* <no, that's just putting it lightly, *very* lightly> he was. He didn't know *why* he had done it. It seemed like he was going through a daze and when the actions were actually happening the *real* him could do nothing but watch as he threw his life away by doing the one thing that would hurt his beloved the most. <Something's bloody wrong.. I can feel it> He was brought out of his thoughts with a gentle rapping on the door, <she's here>


Buffy sat on a chair, her arms crossed on the table and her chin resting on her forearms. They were all waiting for Willow to come back, quietly not to mention. None of them really talked anymore, well they talked just not to her or Spike. She sighed, <*what* were you *thinking* Summers? Were you even thinking at *all*?> Her thoughts drifted back to that day, the day she screwed up her life in more ways then she ever thought possible. When Willow asked her *why* she honestly didn't know *why*. It all happened so fast and she couldn't even control her own movements. It was as if someone possessed her body and she could do nothing but let it happen, she was completely powerless. But of course Willow would never believe her if she told her that, she was having a hard time convincing herself of that fact but it was the truth. <Something's going on.. *something* or *somebody* is fucking with us.. I *know* it> She turned her head slightly at hearing the knock on the front door, <she's back>


The tapping repeated itself again, the 5 figures stood frozen, in shock? No, mostly in not knowing *what* to do. Giles finally snapped out of it and ran to door, flinging it open. Willow took a step back, surprised by the force that the door opened.

"Hey Giles," she said quietly, a soft smile gracing her small face.

"Willow, you're back!" was all Giles could get out before he stepped forward and embraced the girl, he had thought of as a daughter for so many years, in a tight hug.

"Come in, come in," Giles waved her in and then closed the door as Willow stood awkwardly in the center, the smile still there until her eyes rested on Spike. Their eyes met and immediately Willow felt tears spring alive but before her condition worsened, Xander charged ahead and grabbed her tightly, "I missed ya Willster. Welcome back."

She smiled warmly at him and returned his hug but couldn't help looking past his shoulder, meeting Spike's eyes again. "I'm sorry," he mouthed.

She shook her head and pulled out of Xander's embrace to be returned into another's, Anya's. "You're back! We all missed you!" Anya said giddily, she whispered quietly for Willow's ears only, "If it makes you feel any better, I made their lives pure hell."

Willow chuckled softly and whispered back, "Thanks Anya." She let go of the former demon and did a quick scan of the room, it was obvious no one knew what to do. They were all looking at her to take the lead. <well.. you knew this was gonna happen- so just go with it> she sighed softly before speaking, "So, Giles. Any new demons or apocalypsey things that we need to research on?"


After 2 hours of extensive research on the latest demon that was threatening to open the Hellmouth, Willow quickly said her goodbyes and started her walk home. She had originally decided to stay with Xander and Anya but something inside her was just telling her to move back to her old house. She didn't know *why* because the last thing she wanted right now was to be alone but for some reason she ended up convincing them that she would be better off staying at home. <why does something feel.. off?> Before she could further analyze her thoughts she heard her name being called. She turned around to see Spike running up to her.

"Red! Wait up!"

"What do you want Spike?" she said in an annoyed tone, hoping to get him away.

"We need to talk"

"Uh.. no we don't!"

"Luv, you have to give me a chance to explain-"

"Explain what Spike? That you slept with my best friend? That you betrayed my trust? That you made me love you?" She whispered the last part, but Spike caught it.

"Oh luv," Spike moved quickly and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

Willow was too emotionally exhausted to move away from him. She sobbed quietly and they stood there for a few minutes before she regained her composure and pushed him away, "No, I can't let you do this to me. I can't just forgive you like that. I *won't* let myself be weak and just be charmed back in. Goodbye Spike." And with that she walked away, at a frantic pace. She ended up walking a block before breaking out in a full out run, running away from the past, running away from the pain, but mostly running away from the vulnerability. She was *this* close from giving in to his sweet talk. <That was a close one Rosenberg, don't, I repeat, *don't* let him get to you. You need to spend some *serious* time and think about this whole situation for a bit> When she reached her house she was not only emotionally but also physically tired but it felt good. It seemed like when she was running, the only thing she could focus on was the journey ahead of her instead of being lost in thoughts that seemed to be haunting her. She bounded up the stairs and drew a bath, <I gotta face this sometime, time to give this whole thing some *serious* thought>


The demon smiled to himself again, his cockiness getting the best of him. The witch was doing precisely what he wanted her to do, she was shutting the vampire and slayer off from her. The rest of that little group of hers would be powerless to prevent what was bound to happen. A few more details and everything would be set.


"What's wrong?" Xander asked as he joined Willow on the front porch of the Rosenberg residence.

"Nothing... just thinking."

"Not working, you can't fool the Xan-man here... now seriously, tell me what's bothering my lil Willster."

She let out a small chuckle before replying, "Thanks Xander. I'm just thinking about" she paused and let out a big sigh, "everything."

He waited patiently for her to continue.

"It just feels weird, ya know? I mean everyone's trying to act normal and I go along with it but when I'm alone with my thoughts.. it just.. it just scares me.. and I just want to go back and believe that it never happened but.. I know that it did. And I don't know why it happened.. even after thinking about it for only the gods above know for how long," she choked back a sob and straightened her back before continuing on, "Am I not good enough Xander? Is that why he did this to me? Why she did it to me? I keep on thinking that somehow this is my fault.. it isn't.. right? It's not my fault, is it? I don't deserve this.. do I?" her voice carried an almost hysterical tone.

He wrapped his arms around her and rocked her back and forth until she calmed down a bit. He spoke calmly and evenly, "Willow.. none of this is your fault. Don't even think it, you're the victim here. I still can't believe they could do something like this, that they would stoop this low. They don't deserve *you* Willow.. not the other way around. You deserve nothing but the best and from now on that's all you're going to get." He tightened his grip on her, reassuring her that he spoke nothing but the truth.


<Someone's here> Willow's eyes popped open when the thought passed through her mind. Shooting up in bed, she reached over to turn on the light. The sleepy redhead squinted her eyes for a second, adjusting to the bright light before she moved off the bed and reached for the doorknob. After hearing nothing, Willow slowly opened it and cautiously walked down the hall. She was halfway down the stairs before her mind immediately processed who was in her house, <Spike>

"Why are you here?" She said into the dark. She walked further down the stairs and flipped on the switch. The room was suddenly bathed with light and she saw that he was sitting on the couch, staring right at her.

"We need to talk luv."

"I told you already.. I don't want to hear it."

"Well, you might not want to hear it but I'm going to tell you anyway."

"You just don't get it do you? *I* *don't* *care* anymore. Whatever lies that are bound to come out of your mouth, I don't want to hear them. So please see yourself out now," she finished calmly before walking into the kitchen. She was desperate for whatever extra time she could buy to compose herself. She knew he wasn't going to leave that easily. And she was right.

Spike followed her into the kitchen and pulled her around. Willow stumbled backwards and her hands grasped for the counter to steady herself. He put both of his hands on the counter, effectively trapping her without actually touching her.

He began in a calm and hard voice, "Then I'll make you care, I'm not giving you up that easily. I love you Willow!" The last part was voiced with pure emotion.

"Then why'd you cheat on me? With Buffy of all people." She whispered, willing herself not to cry.

"Something's in the air luv, something's.. wrong." He lifted his head as if examining the atmosphere surrounding them. He gently raised her chin with one finger, "Can't you feel it?"

Hesitantly she nodded. He removed his hands and backed away a step. "Will you hear me out now?"

Again, she nodded her head silently.

Part 3- Wait

"That day.. everything happened so quickly. It was as if someone or something was controlling me, making me do things that I didn't want to do, that I have *never* even imagined of doing," Spike paused and looked up to see if she understood, but Willow stared intently at her cup of tea. He forced out a sigh from his dead lungs. "The Slayer means nothing to me luv, I only put up with the daft bint for you. Because I love you. Willow-" he tried to move closer to her but she only backed away more. She cleared her throat and then spoke.

"Do you think something hellmouthy is at work here?"

Spike nodded, his ice blue eyes pleading, begging her to just seethe truth they held. She looked up slowly and when their eyes met, she saw. She saw the truth in his words and the infinite amount of love that he had for her. <No, no! You *can't* do this!! He *cheated* on you! WITH BUFFY! You can't just forgive him for that! *NO*> She straightened her back. <But it wasn't his fault, something is messing with us, all of us. He tried to control his actions but he obviously couldn't- he was helpless- you know he would never intentionally do this to you!> Willow shook her head in confusion, her thoughts in a jumble. When she looked up again she saw that Spike was looking at her with a look of curiosity and worry. "We have to call Giles."


"Ok, alright- ok- We'll be over there in about 20 minutes- ok- don't worry- I won't- ok- ok- bye," Willow hung up the phone and turned towards the bleached blonde that was leaning casually against the doorframe. She opened her mouth to speak but Spike cut her off.

"20 minutes- Yeah I heard."

"Ok.. so umm.. we should get going then."

Just as she was about to open the door he spoke up, "Do you believe me?"

Willow cocked her head to the side, her face showing confusion. "About what?"

"When I told you that I love you."

She tensed and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She cleared her throat before replying, "Loved being the key word here."

"*LOVE*" Spike emphasized, "I *LOVE* you. Only you Willow"

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, "I know."


The walk to Giles's apartment was made in deafening silence. Spike had tried repeatedly to bring the love-subject up but every time she silenced him with a simple look. By the end of the walk he had given up for that night but definitely not for good. Willow sat on Giles's couch, silently sipping her soda. She had had enough tea for one night. They were all awaiting Buffy's arrival.

Buffy rushed into the quiet apartment, her movements frantic, "Ok- Ok- I'm here- what's wrong Giles?!"

Her hazel eyes surveyed the room and she saw that everyone, everyone being Spike, Giles, and Willow, were all calm and composed. The next time she spoke she lowered her voice down an octave, "Sorry. Hey Will- Spike."

"Sit down Buffy, we have some things we need to talk about," Giles nodded towards the couch.

Buffy got an uneasy feeling in her stomach, <why do I have a feeling that the news is *not* going to be of the good?>


Buffy sat back in her seat and let out a big sigh, <so it is true- something really *is* screwing with us.. whoever is behind this is going to get a *major* ass kicking.. messing with m->

"Buffy!" Giles repeated, a bit louder this time.

Buffy's head snapped up as she realized that Giles was talking to her, she grinned sheepishly, "Sorry- just thinking- what were you saying?"

"We should get started on the research immediately, this issue must be resolved as soon as possible."

"Do you want me to call Xander and Anya?" Willow asked, standing up and stretching.

"No, we're enough people for tonight but we'll inform them in the morning."

Willow nodded and grabbed a book off the table, "Let's get started then."


The demon cursed the vampire for his strong will. He could bend his mind but only to a certain extent. <This is not good.. this is *not* good> They are getting closer to discovering him- and when they'd discover him, they'd discover his mistress. The demon cringed as he thought of all the punishments he would receive. His mistress would not like this. He had to fix this- *fast*.


Buffy slammed the book down on the table and slid it across the table in frustration. "This is getting us nowhere!" She stood up in a hurry, her chair tumbling to the ground. "I'm going to Willie's and see if I can get some more information."

Willow jumped at the sound of Buffy slamming the door. She let out a sigh, "She's right. We don't have enough to go on. All we know is that *something*
is messing with our heads but we don't even know if it's actually a demon or something.. something else."

Giles opened his mouth to protest but Willow cut him off, "I know Giles- we won't give up but until we get more information about *what* we're looking for there's no point in researching."

"Alright, you two," Giles waved his hands in their direction, "Go home- get some rest and meet back here at sunset tomorrow."


"Do you want me to walk you home pet?" Spike asked as soon as they were out of Giles's apartment.

Willow glanced at Spike and felt a tinge in her heart, <my god.. I don't think I've ever seen him that.. vulnerable> She gave him a small smile, "Yeah, if you wouldn't mind."

The walk itself was made in silence, both minds racing with various thoughts. It wasn't until they reached Willow's doorstep that either of them actually spoke.

"So- ummm." She clasped her hands together and looked down at the ground, trying not to meet his gaze. "Thanks for umm.. you know- walking with me."

"No problem ducks," he paused as if waiting for her to say something, "I'll see you tomorrow then." He began to start on his way home when he heard a soft voice.


He turned around, a hopeful look upon his face, "Yeah luv?"

"I- umm- I.. err." She cleared her throat a few times, "Wait for me- ok?"

His face lit up with those words, knowing exactly what she was referring to, "For eternity" And with that he turned around and continued his walk home with a new swing in his step.

Part 4- Belonging

"So- what'd you find out?" Willow asked as she plopped herself down onto the couch. Xander threw her a can of pop as he stole the box of donuts from Anya. Spike was in the corner, looking out the window and Buffy was front and center, prepared to announce her newly found information. Giles walked into the room, quietly sipping his tea. Buffy waited for him to sit down before beginning.

"A whole lot actually. It always amazes me what a simple pounding will get you. Ok- apparently there's a new big bad in town, the only thing is no one knows who this big bad is. The kicker- it's a she. The thing is she gets this Bakape demon to do all her dirty work."

"So basically we've to find this Bakape-demon-thing and pound him for info," Xander rubbed his hands together, "So- anyone up for a little torture?"

"Not so easy Xan." Buffy leaned forward before continuing, "Think about it for a sec- if this big bad is this careful about not divulging any info bout herself- then she obviously would pick a trusted demon to do her dirty work."

"Do they have a name for her?" Willow asked, taking a sip out of her pop can.

"They call her mistress"

"That.. helps" Willow began to massage her forehead, <I feel a headache coming on>

"Wait- you said that a Bakape demon is working for her?" Anya asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you know how powerful a Bakape demon actually is?"

Anya looked around, only blank faces were staring back at her. "Ok- let's just say that the Bakape demon is definitely up there. I've only met one in my years and believe me- very powerful. The last one I met didn't take orders from anybody."

"Wait- why are they considered to be so powerful though?" Willow asked from her seat, <this can't be good>

"Mind control," Spike answered from his corner, "They can bend the mind to fit their needs and the victim never knows. The only way to escape it is to have a strong will. You can overpower it's control over you but there aren't many cases of it."

"So is that what happened to you guys?" Xander waved his hands in the direction of Buffy, Willow and Spike.

"Yeah, I think so," Willow nodded and then turned to Giles, "So- research?" At Giles's nod they all got up and headed for

"I think I got something" Willow hit a few keys of her laptop before speaking up again, "Ok- mind control demon.. blah blah blah.. we know this already- ah hah! Ok to kill it- A Bakape demon's power source is located on it's forehead in the form of a gem. To successfully kill the demon one must destroy the power source." She looked up, "ok- so we know how to kill it now."

"Does it say where we could usually find one?" Buffy asked, twirling a stake in one hand.

"Umm.. let me see" After a couple more clicks with the mouse she spoke up again, "They can adjust to most environments but they dislike damp areas."

A pout began to form when inspiration suddenly struck her, "Wait- you said that this Bakape demon was working for this mistress character right? Well- why don't we start there instead? I can start looking to see if there have been any female buyers for new houses or maybe renters and you can go around the warehouse area to see if anybody has got anything set up there. Since this demon doesn't like damp areas it takes lakes and underground areas off the list." She glanced over at Spike and saw that he seemed to be in deep thought, an agitated look on his face, <wonder what's bothering him>
"Ughh.. I really don't feel like searching anymore- can we do this tomorrow?" Buffy whined.

Giles let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Go on then!" He waved his hand towards the door.

"Thanks Giles! Bye guys!" Buffy squealed, rushing out the door.

Willow shook her head grinning and began to pack up her stuff. When she was done she saw that Spike was still sitting in the corner, the same agitated look on his face. She walked up to him and nudged him. He shook his head and blinked a few times and then looked up at her. "Walk me home?"


"So." she began nervously, "What were you.. umm.. thinking about?"

"This demon.. and it's mistress- they're bad news, luv."

"Thank you Mr. stating the obvious" She joked trying to bring a smile to his face. She saw the look on his face and quieted down. They walked a few
more steps in silence when suddenly something clicked in her mind, "You know something don't you?"

He began to walk faster, as if trying to avoid the subject.

"What is it Spike?"

He whipped around, finally facing her, with amber eyes. "I *won't* let him take you away from me! She was the *last* time. *You* *are* *mine*!" Before she could conjure up a reply he was gone. <damn vampiric speed.. what the hell is going on?>


Buffy sat in the seat of the diner, tapping her fingers against the table, waiting for Willow to arrive. She looked down at the table, staring at the design, trying to chase away her nervousness. She looked up when she heard someone call her name.

"Hey Buffy!"

"Hey Will!"

"So- um.."

Buffy held up her hand to stop her, "Before you get started just let me talk- ok? I just wanted to apologize. I never would do anything to intentionally hurt you, you know this. You're my best friend Will, and you always will be. I'm sorry that I didn't have enough will power to override that demon's control over me but I was just in a daze. I was so confused- I honestly had no idea what the hell I was doing. I'm sorry Will, I really am. If you never forgive me, I'll understand. Or if you're actually willing to be my friend again, I'll give you as much time as you need but I just," she took a big breath before continuing on, "I just wanted to make sure that you knew that I'm *really* *really* sorry." She clasped her hands together and dug her nails into her skin, waiting for an answer. What she got, was definitely the last thing she expected. She looked up to see that she was now wrapped around in the redhead's arms, tightly not to mention. "Thank you Will," she whispered before she gave way to tears.


"I need to ask you something."


"Did you.. did you," Willow looked up at the ceiling and tried to calm her nerves, "Did you *want* to do stuff with Spike?"

Buffy nearly choked on her milkshake. "No Will! Never- believe me. I mean Blondie is nice to me sometimes and everything but just- *NO* I have *never* thought of him like that."

Willow rose an eyebrow at her comment, knowing she was lying.

Buffy looked up guiltily, "Ok Ok! So I might have stared at his ass a couple of times but seriously- it was always a look but don't touch kind of thing."

"Ok, well that makes me feel better."

"Don't be nervous around me Will, we have to put the past behind us, even if it is kinda screwed up. You can talk to me bout anything," the blonde slayer leaned over and touched Willow's hand, "I'll always be here for you. I don't want things to be awkward between us. I want things to be like what they were- before all this."

She gave Buffy a small smile.

"Speaking of Spike, what's up between you two anyway?"

"I don't know Buff- it's so weird- the mixed feelings I have. I mean- I *want* to forgive him, I do- so badly. I mean it's not even his fault- but this whole experience is kind of like a nightmare come true. When I found you two together, everything just spinned out of control and it was like I lost my grip on reality." She shook her head, "I just need time.. I love him so much though.. I hope he can wait for me."

"He will- believe me, he will. He loves you Will, it's as simple as that. And you know when Spike loves someone- he's completely devoted."

"I know- but I can't lose him Buffy- I just can't."

"Well, you know what you have to do."

Willow leaned back into the vinyl seat and closed her eyes for a brief moment.

"So have you talked to him lately?"

"Yeah, actually I have.. it was so weird .. something's bothering him Buff.. I could feel it."

Buffy munched on a French fry, "Did you ask him 'bout it?"

"Yeah- and then he got all defensive and told me that I was his and that "he"," she used her fingers to do air quotes, "wouldn't take me away from him and that "she"," yet again she did air quotes, "was the last time."

"Damn pronouns!"

"Thanks Buffy- because that's really helping me right now" Willow commented dryly.

"Sorry- just thought you needed some comic relief," Buffy took a sip out of her milkshake, "Look- he was probably just really steamed when you asked
him, funny how a vampire can be steamed- Is that even- ohh.. getting off track- what was I saying? Oh yeah- he was probably just really mad then- give him some time to cool off and then talk to him about it again." She swirled the straw around her glass a couple of times, thinning out the milkshake.
"I'm gonna trust you on this one and just go with what you're saying."

"Good, now Giles gave us the night off and it's too late to go to the Bronze so what do you think of going to Blockbuster and renting some movies? I could really use some Brad Pitt right now."

"Lead the way"

Part 5- Reconcile

Willow sat on her bed, her mind racing. Buffy's words kept repeating over and over in her mind, "You know what you have to do" <*Do* you know what you have to do?> She sighed and moved into a more comfortable position, lying on her stomach and resting her head against her crossed forearms. <You have to forgive him, it's not his fault> The image of Buffy and him lying together in bed flashed through her mind. <It wasn't under his control though> She let out a frustrated groan, <how many times have I thought this over already?> She shook her head and let her mind drift to happier memories. The first time they kissed, the first time they made love, and the first time he whispered those three little words in that oh-so-sexy tone that made her stomach flutter. Her lips turned up into a small smile as she remembered all this. <I love him> Her smile grew bigger as she realized her mind was made up. She got up and headed for the bathroom, <he's waited long enough>


It wasn't working. It *wasn't* working. She was no longer affected by his control. He had tried to hurt her with what he thought would work best, the image of *them* together. It didn't work though. *Shit*

"Did you fix it?"

The demon cleared his throat, "Fix what mistress?"

"Naughty boy- don't lie." She shook a finger at him.

"Everything will be fine mistress, everything will be fine." He hated to have her upset, he had to find some way to fix this. He just had to.


Willow knocked on the door to their apartment <his apartment> she mentally corrected. After getting no answer she knocked again, a bit louder this time. She waited a few seconds before opening up her purse to look for her keys. She opened the door quietly, <what am I doing? Just gonna add breaking and entering to my list of things I never should have done.. although is this considered breaking and entering because technically I did knock and this *was* our apartment.. wait- I'm getting off track aren't I?> she shook off her babbling thoughts as she walked quietly to the main bedroom, dropping her purse on the couch on the way. She opened the door carefully and stepped into the room. The covers were strewn about and it looked like someone had just gotten up, <that's odd.. I won-> Before she could finish her thought she was pushed up against the wall, with force but not enough to harm her.

"Spike!" she squeaked out.

He placed his hands on either side of her, yet again trapping her. <déjà vu>

"What are you doing here Red?" He leaned down and breathed in her scent, <hmm.. I missed that, fear mixed with arousal.>

"I just umm.. I just.. I wanted to come.. and umm… you know- errmm.. talk," she was having a hard time forming complete sentences, <too close! too close> her mind was screaming but her body didn't seem to be getting that.

"Talk ehh?" He lowered his mouth to her right ear and began to nibble on her earlobe. Cool hands began to work their way up her shirt. <*mine*.. only *mine* and *never* his!>

"Hmmm.. Spike.. that feels nice." <wait a sec- you're supposed to be.. oohh.. that tickles> She let out a small giggle as he drew small designs with his finger tips on her abdomen. <no! no! no! talking- yes talking! You're supposed to be finding out.. hmmm.. what's.. wrong.. with-> Her mind seemed to stop working as his mouth made its way down to her neck, alternating between sucking and nibbling. <screw it> She brought her hands up to his neck and lifted his head, then guiding his mouth to her own. After the first touch, both had lost control. They became lost in the taste of each other. <too long- too long> Willow pushed at her lover's chest a little, signaling him to back up towards the bed. Somehow they made it to the bed without falling over each other. The petite redhead pushed Spike down onto the bed, took her shirt off and threw it over her head, all in one fluid motion. Her lips turned up into a mischievous grin as she pounced on the vampire and attacked his mouth. His hands found their way to her ass and he gave her a hard squeeze before starting to unzip her skirt. Willow pulled him up by his shirt and wriggled out of her skirt. The blonde demon started to lift up his shirt while his little pixie worked on his pants, all the while still kissing. They finally broke the kiss in order for him to take his shirt off and again, she pushed him down. Willow moved him up the bed and he leaned against the headboard, completely naked. She began to crawl up his body and when her lips were hovering just a few centimeters above his, she lowered her head and gave his lower lip a little nip. The redhead pulled back and straddled him, his fully erect member only an inch away from her ass. His hands were gripping her hips as she undid her bra, and then throwing it to the side. She lowered her head to his neck and bit down, no doubt wanting to leave a bruise. That was the last straw for Spike. He flipped them over, ripped off her panties and plunged into her waiting core. When he was fully embedded within her, he paused for a moment- letting her adjust to him. After a few moments, she moved her hips a little, signaling him to continue. He brought both her hands to the headboard and she immediately latched onto it. The vampire kept one hand on her hip, guiding their motions. He balanced his weight so only a minimum was on his forearm that was keeping his upper body from collapsing onto the panting redhead below him. He began to thrust faster and harder, getting closer and closer to the edge.

"Who.. do.. you.. belong.. to?" Spike grunted out between thrusts.

Willow bit her lower lip, and met his gaze. The intense love in his eyes no longer frightened her like it did only a couple of days before. She knew that he could see the love was returned when he looked into her own.

"Tell me Willow!" Spike let out a moan as he plunged in even deeper. "Tell me!"

"Only you Spike," Willow breathed out, "only you."

With those words he sped up his movements and began to pump in and out of her even faster then before. He felt her tighten around him and then heard her scream her release, "SPIKE!"

He thrusted three more times before roaring her name and emptying his cool seed into her quaking womb. Spike wanted to be embedded forever in her hot little body, but after some moments he rolled off of her and pulled the covers up over their naked and exhausted bodies.

"Thanks for waiting," she murmured before falling asleep in his arms.

"I always will luv, I always will." He pulled her body against his tightly, <mine>

Part 6- Mirage

"Will you tell me now?" Willow asked quietly, still savoring the feel of his strong arms wrapped around her.

Spike was quiet for a few moments, "The demon, he took her away from me, Dru. By that time she was so out of it that she had no idea what she was doing and so she went with him. She became an obsession of his and so when she said she wanted "her Spike" back, he got jealous and staked her. He killed her right in front of me. She was running to me, babbling about the stars and he just shoved a stake through her heart. And she dissipated into dust before my very eyes." He forced out an unneeded sigh and continued, "He promised me that he would get his revenge one day. And now he's back, messing with us. I'm not going to let him take you away from me, you're mine, Willow. Not gonna let you go, ever." He tightened his grip on her and began to nuzzle her neck.

"Yours Spike, only yours." She turned around and faced him, her lips meeting his.


Willow looked over at Buffy and saw the blonde slayer wink at her. She grinned and leaned further back into Spike. She turned her head and met Xander's gaze. He gave her a small smile, obviously approving. She sighed and turned her focus back to Giles who was talking at the moment, <oops.. should've paid attention>

"..why don't you all just get started looking for what I said"

Willow looked up guiltily but headed for the computer anyway. She turned to face Spike, shielding her head from Giles's view. "So- what did he say?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Wasn't paying attention, luv?"

"Shut up!" She slapped him playfully across the chest, "Seriously- what are we supposed to be looking for?"

"*You*" he emphasized "of all people should know, it was your idea."


"Remember the other day, female renters, buyers, etc. Any of this sound familiar?"

"Oh," she swirled around in her chair and faced the monitor. "You're hilarious by the way," she commented in a dry tone.

"Yeah- but you love me anyway," he said in a hopeful tone. She still hadn't said the words yet. He knew she did but he wanted to hear them for more reassurance.

"Yeah, I do."


"Ok- here's what I got," Willow spoke up, "there's been 2 new female buyers for houses. I checked it out, one of them bought an average house and the other, a mansion. As for female renters, nobody new."

"Let's check the mansion first," Buffy decided. "What's the addy, Will?"

"17 Dean Circle."

Buffy looked up, trying to figure out where exactly that was. "It's in River Woods," Willow added.

"I'm gonna go check it out then."

"Alone?" the redhead asked, worried for her friend's safety.

"Well," the blonde turned to Xander and Anya.

"I think we're gonna stay here and hold the fort," Xander said matter-of-factly.

"In other words grope and make googly eyes at each other?" Buffy asked sweetly.

Giles walked into the room to see Xander flip Buffy off. "What's going on now?"

Buffy turned to Willow and Spike, "You guys gonna come with?"

Willow glanced up at Spike and saw his "doesn't really matter to me" face and turned back to Buffy and nodded yes.

"Ok, me, Will and Spike are gonna go check out a lead."

"No attacking or fighting then?" Giles asked.

"Nope, we should be violence free tonight." The slayer answered confidently.

"Hmmm.. but bring along something just in case," he warned.

"Got it Giles," she replied, heading for the weapons box.


"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Buffy pouted as she glared at the big rock on the ground.

"Aren't slayers supposed to have that agility factor and *not* run into inanimate objects?"

"Shut up Spike!" She shot another accusing glare at the rock, "it wasn't there a minute ago."

"Shhh!" Willow held a finger to her lips, "the light's on." She pointed at the top window.

"Come on, follow me," Buffy waved her hand, signaling for them to follow.

"Careful Slayer- oh look- another rock. Don't want to walk into more of those pesky little things, now do we?"

"Real funny Spike, *real* funny!"

The three stood still, looking up at the window. "Ok, we gotta get up there somehow," Willow turned to Spike, "boost her up."

"What?" he looked puzzled.

"Boost.. her.. up" she repeated, more slowly this time.

He still looked puzzled.

She rolled her eyes. "Ughh," she turned to Buffy, "you know what I'm mean, right?"

"Yeah- got it." She pulled Spike up to the wall. "Ok, hold out your hands like that.. there we go.. now don't drop me!" she warned.

Spike's back was facing Willow as she was watching in amusement.

"Hey- .. I think I see something.. 'kay.. never mind.. there's nobody in there." She heard a muffled cry but she couldn't turn around to see without losing her balance, "Spike, let me down!"

As soon as her feet landed on the ground, a well known female voice asked, "Sneaking around now are we? Thought you'd be smarter then that."

Buffy turned pale as she saw who the voice belonged to, "Faith"

Part 7- Revealed

"But then again it is *you* so what could I expect?"

"Faith?" Buffy looked around, noticing that Willow was no longer standing in her original position. "Where is she?"

"Why, whoever are you speaking of?" Faith asked, suddenly acting innocent.

"*Where* *is* *she*?" Buffy said again, more forcefully this time.

"Don't worry B, she'll be fine.. for awhile" And with that she disappeared.

"How- Wha- What the *hell* just happened?" Buffy walked over to where Faith stood only a few moments ago, "Where the fuck did she go?"

"Illusion" Spike had finally got over his initial shock and now.. well.. he was *pissed* <he took her.. she's mine!!! *mine*>


"She was never really there. The Bakape probably channeled into our minds and made us think that she was there but she never was."

"Ughh!" Buffy threw her hands up in the air, "We have to go get her! We have to go in there *now* and get her *back*!" She picked up the axe that she had dropped on the ground previously and began to stomp towards the front door. When she looked back she saw that Spike wasn't following, "Why are you not following me?"

"Slow down for a sec Slayer and *think* about this" He paused and waited for her to calm down, "If Faith somehow got a demon as powerful as a Bakape to work with her then she obviously has learned a few things in the past years. Now from what I heard from Red she sounded like a nasty lil' bitch to begin with so we don't want to go into this fight unprepared." He saw the worried but understanding look on her face and decided to comfort her a bit, "Don't worry Slayer- we'll get her back" <we have to>


"Giles!" Buffy yelled as she made her way into the apartment with Spike.

Moments later she saw Giles race down the stairs, his hair mussed and his eyes tired, "What's the matter Buffy?"

"Trouble- we have to get Xander and Anya here- *now*"


"She did *what*?" Xander asked shaking his head in disbelief.

"The Bakape demon created an illusion and so she just disappeared out of nowhere- I think it was to buy time or something like that"

"So- Willow's with them now?"

At Buffy's affirmative nod, Xander exploded, "So what the hell are *we* still doing *here*? We should be rescuing her not just sitting here discussing and reviewing!!!" After he was done he saw that no one was moving, except for Buffy who was now shifting uncomfortably in her seat, "Why are we *not* moving?????"

"Calm down honey" Anya coaxed putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "We don't know anything about what's been going on with Faith or how strong she is. If we go into this fight blind and get ourselves killed it won't do Willow any good."

"I know- but I'm just.. worried." He put his head in his hands, "She's my best friend, An"

"Shhh.. shhh" Anya pulled him into her arms and began to rock him back and forth slowly. "What are we gonna do?"


The three others in the group sat frozen, shocked, needless to say at the scene before them. They had to figure out something- and quick.

"We need info- and *fast*" Buffy stated, getting out of her seat, "I'm going to Willy's to see if he knows anything new" <he better>

When Buffy left, Spike finally spoke up. He turned to Giles and began slowly, "We need reinforcements Watcher."

Giles nodded, understanding who he was talking about.


Buffy returned to the apartment an hour later with no new information gained. "Nothing- absolutely nothing" She began to pace frantically around the living room, "What are we going to do? We have to save her? God- what if she's already dead? No- I can't go there! We're gonna save her- I know it- We have to- We have to!" Giles walked up to the hysterical slayer and wrapped his arms tightly around her, "Calm yourself Buffy- be strong- be strong for Willow"

"I'm so worried Giles" the tears now streaming freely down her face, "If anything happens to her-"

"Shhhh- it's ok- just breathe- be strong"

"Be strong- I have to be- for her- strong" she repeated unsurely. "Strong"


The room was quiet as all five occupants were fast asleep, well.. at least four of them were. Buffy looked up at the ceiling from her position on the floor and closed her eyes tightly, trying to force herself to sleep. At least in her dreams she could find comfort. Comfort from the fear and anger she was feeling at the moment. The fear that she might lose one of her best friends.. again- she had only gained her back for so short of a time before she slipped through her fingers- yet again. <don't go there Summers- just don't> The anger directed at Faith mostly but not only at her, it was also directed towards herself. <If I had been more careful- I should've known- I should've *known*> She sighed, shaking her head tiredly, <we'll get her back.. we'll get her back> she repeated again and again, trying to convince herself.

She was brought out of her thoughts with the urgent pounding on Giles's door.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" Xander yelled as the upper half of his body bolted upright off the couch. He turned to Buffy with a curious look, "Who's at the door?"

"I don't know", she whispered out shakily, <it can't be Faith- can it? Oh my god- what if? NO! NO! Don't go there- just *don't*> She got up and made her way to the door, suddenly afraid of what she would find on the other side of it.

Her hand gripped the door knob as the other fumbled with the locks. She breathed in a deep breath and prepared herself for what she was about to find.

"Oh god"

Part 8- Dreams

She was there in his dreams. She was only a couple feet away from him, staring off into the sunset, the first one he's seen in quite a while. Only a couple feet away, but it seemed like a million miles. He reached out his hand, trying to reach her, to bring her into his arms where she would be safe but the harder he reached, the farther she seemed to be. Suddenly the scene changed. He was now in the middle of a cold, stone room. But he wasn't alone. His supersensitive hearing picked up a heartbeat, a steady one that was beating only a few feet behind him. He turned around with caution, a part of him fearing what he would find. "Willow" Her head was hanging down and she was chained to the wall. He tried to move towards her but he found that he couldn't move. A ferocious growl spilled from his lips as he realized the position he was in. Suddenly he sensed movement from her previously still body. Her head shot up as if she knew who was in the room with her. One single word was whispered before his dream ended and reality was put in place of it, "Help"

Spike's eyes popped open as he awoke from his dream <more like nightmare> "Help" The word began to repeat itself over and over in that desolate tone of hers in his mind. He *wanted* to help but he bloody well couldn't. <Bloody *fuck*> His demon roared with rage at the thought of him simply sitting there while his mate was suffering. He gripped the sides of the chairs, trying to regain control. <It won't help *her* if you lose control- *get* *a* *grip*!> Suddenly his head snapped up as he felt a familiar tingling that traveled throughout his whole body. <Peaches>


"Angel?" Buffy blinked a few times, she turned around and looked at Xander, "I'm not seeing things am I? Is he really there?"

"Umm.. yeah- Deadboy- what are you doing here?"

"I called for help" Giles answered for the vampire who was now feeling a *tad* bit uncomfortable. "Come in Angel"


"Wh- Help?" Buffy finally regained her voice and managed to sputter the words out.

"We can't handle Faith alone."

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Anya asked sleepily from her spot on the couch.

"Slipped my mind" Giles said apologetically.

"I'm guessing there's a lot more that you have to tell me" Angel stated.

"I suggest you sit down"


Angel walked further into the room until he noticed the bleached blonde demon sitting in the corner.

" 'ello Poof"

"Spike" he gritted through his teeth, "Why are you here?" Seeing the smirk on his childe's face he figured he wasn't going to get an answer so he turned around and faced the Scoobies, "Why is he here?"

Before any of them could answer, Spike piped up, "You should bloody well know Peaches- after all- it was *you* who forced me to work with the soddin' group"

Angel suppressed a growl and then turned to Giles, "What's going on?"


"Love?" Angel repeated incredulously.

At the affirmative nod from all the Scoobies he asked, "And you're all ok with that?"

Yet again, they all nodded quietly, "Can somebody please say something?" Angel requested irritably.

"Nice to know you still have that *great* personality Deadboy" Xander quipped. He noticed the glares that he was receiving from Buffy and Giles and quieted down but not before speaking in his own defense, "*What*? He said to say something."

"That's not really the most important issue at hand here though. We need your help to get Willow back. We have no idea *what* the hell is going through Faith's mind but with what we've seen so far- it ain't good." Buffy stated calmly. <Be strong- for Willow- *strong*>

"What can I do to help?"

"Can you find out what Faith's been up to lately? I mean Will is usually the one that takes care of the net research.." Buffy sentence was never finished as the blonde was having a hard time maintaining the balance of her emotions. She cleared her throat before continuing on, "Anyway- Can you find out where she has been, who she's been in contact with, or any new powers or strengths she may have gained over the years?"

"I'll talk to some of my contacts and see what I can find out" Angel replied with a nod.

With Angel's words everyone spread out over the room to do whatever they had to do. Xander went straight to the kitchen to well.. eat. Anya went back to her previous task, sleeping and Buffy began to prepare weapons for the fight ahead. Giles on the other hand picked up a book and began to read up more on the Bakape demon to see if they could get the upper hand in the fight by maybe overpowering it. Through all these various motions, Spike and Angel's eyes never left each other.

"Talk, Outside, *Now*" Angel mouthed.

Part 9- Confessions

"Two years Spike, two years and you never spoke a word about your relationship with Willow to me! Do you really hate me that much childe?"
Spike looked up, surprised to find so much pain laced in Angel's brown eyes, "No" He forced out a sigh, "I don't hate you. I never did" His _expression grew more serious as he continued on, "You left me Angelus. Do you remember that? We were inseperable for over a century and one day you just up and left- and after all that you just expect me to open up when you decide you want to come back into my unlife?" he paused as he realized his voice was growing louder with every word. "It doesn't work like that" he said coldly. Spike clenched his jaw and closed his eyes as he struggled to regain control, "I loved you Angelus. And in some ways- I still do. But I can't just let go and forget the past that easily so we can be friends. Not after that."
After a long moment, Spike began to walk towards Giles's door leaving his shocked sire alone to contemplate the meaning of his words when he heard Angel whisper out, "I'm sorry" The words thundered through the silent night.

Spike paused and rolled his hand into a fist, trying to regain control, "I know"


Angel walked out of the kitchen with a grim look on his face. He glanced over at Spike who was still refusing to look at him after their talk. His attention was then drawn to Giles as the Watcher asked if he found any new information. Angel shook his head negatively, "Nothing"
The Watcher let out a big sigh and motioned for Angel to take a seat, "I may have an idea"


"A spell?" Buffy repeated incredulously, "*That's* your master plan?"

"It'll weaken her defenses, perhaps even freeze her completely if we catch her off guard which would give you the upper hand" Giles explained calmly.

"What about the demon?" the blonde Slayer asked still not believeing that his idea could actually work.

"We'll" he looked to Xander and Anya, "lure the demon away and if you can get Faith alone this just might work" Giles began to pace around the living room floor.

"Because if he's not there he can't intercept" Xander finished nodding his head in realization.

"Precisely" Giles smiled, he was glad at least *someone* understood. Seeing Buffy's disapproving look he sighed, "It's all we got"

Buffy looked down, knowing the truth in his words, it *was* all they got and time was already running short, <Willow could already be dead.. Stop it Summers! No point in wasting time thinking useless thoughts. You have to be strong> She looked up, her expression hardened, "Alright, let's do it"


"They're planning something. I can feel it. Your little Scooby Gang would risk everything to save you Red" Faith smiled evilly as she circled Willow who was chained to a wall.

"Don't do this Faith. You still have a chance to turn back" Willow tried to reason.

"And what? Join your little group? Please" the brunette scoffed and held up a hand in rejection, "Spare me"

Willow tried another tactic, "Why are you doing this?"

Faith cocked her head to side, thinking of an appropriate answer, "Revenge is fun- isn't it?"

Suddenly both heads turned as a crash was heard from the far side of the house. Faith turned back to face Willow who was struggling against the chains and also trying to figure out what was going on. "Looks like I was right. Now- don't move!" she taunted before heading off in the direction of the sound.


"You think she heard it?" Buffy asked as she squinted her eyes trying to see through the darkness of the hallway, "And shut up Spike. Don't say whatever it was you were about to say. I'm askin Angel"

"Bit touchy now aren't we Slayer?"

Before Buffy could snap out another comeback Angel spoke up, "Will you two stop it!? Yeah, she heard it Buffy"

The three halted their steps as they reached the end of the hallway. It was split into two new passages. Angel let out an unneeded sigh, "Looks like we're splitting up. Spike you go that way- look for Willow. Buffy and I will go this way"

At the nod of the two blondes, the three restarted their steps and moved towards their specified routes.


The bleached blonde turned around to face Angel's worried chocolate eyes, "Yeah?"

"Be careful"

Spike paused a moment before replying, "You too Angelus"


Buffy and Angel continued down the dimly lighted hallway. The blonde Slayer's nerves were on the edge, "Where the hell is she?" she gritted out impatiently.

"That eager to see me B? Awww" Faith placed a hand against her heart, "I'm touched"

Not wasting another moment Buffy threw the bottle of potion that Giles had prepared earlier down at Faith's feet and yelled out, "Congelo"

The brunette Slayer found herself paralyzed as she struggled to move.

"It worked!" Buffy stated surprised. She walked up to Faith's unmoving body and grabbed her around her neck, "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this"

"Wait! Don't kill her!" Angel yelled out urgently.

Buffy whipped her head around in shock, her grip tightening around Faith's neck, "Why the hell not?!"

He looked away from his former love's piercing gaze, "Because I love her"

Part 10- Revived

"You *what*?" Buffy screeched. Before Angel could answer, Faith unfroze and used the blonde's shocked state to her advantage. She twisted Buffy's arm to loosen the grip that she currently had on her neck. Buffy stumbled back a few steps, still dazed and confused, and Faith kicked her in the abdomen, effectively sending her flying into Angel.

"Nice to know you still care" The brunette slayer met Angel's pained and tortured eyes and gave him a genuine smile before running down the hallway. Faith pressed a button on the wall and then continued her running. After a few moments Buffy regained her strength and pushed herself off Angel, shooting him a quick glare, and ran after Faith. She soon ran into an invisible barrier, she pounded her fist against it a few times before turning around, deciding to rest for now. When she turned around Angel was standing a few feet away from her, the tortured and guilty look still on his face. Buffy merely ignored it and briskly walked right passed him. Angel quickened his steps to catch up to her. When they were out of the mansion he finally spoke up, "At least let me explain"

"No reason to Angel- your life- your decisions- your consequences that you have to deal with" she returned coldly.

"Don't you even care at all?"

"No" she quickened her steps.


Anya looked frantically to Xander, their plan was *not* working. Ok- yeah they had lured the demon away, which surprised the ex-demon in the first place but they were having a hard time keeping him busy. Giles was already knocked unconscious and Xander wasn't far behind. <Shit!> She had to figure out something- *soon*


"Buffy" Angel tried again, "Buffy- will you at least *look* at me?"

Buffy turned around, a bored expression on her face, she crossed her arms and began to tap her foot then looked at him expectantly, "Well?"

"You're actually gonna let me explain?"

"If you don't start talking- I'm not gonna- so get on with it"

"I didn't want you to find out this way Buffy, but I really do love her"

Buffy looked at him incredulously, "Ok- how did this happen?"

"Remember when she came to me for help?" At Buffy's affirmative nod he continued on, "That was when this all began. I started to fall for her then and when she left, I convinced myself into believing that I just cared about her a lot and not in that way but I lied to you guys when I told you all that I didn't know what she had been up to. She would call me occasionally and sometimes I would even get letters from her about her travels. She's grown up a lot, and it's part of the reason why I was so shocked the first time I heard from Giles that Faith was involved in all this" he shook his head, "I thought she changed" he said to himself more then to Buffy. "I began to fall harder for her and when I finally saw her, I realized the truth- I *do* love her" He finally looked up to meet Buffy's eyes and saw understanding in the Slayer's hazel eyes. Angel continued to return her gaze, waiting patiently for a reaction or answer.

"You do realize that you just made all this so much more complicated?"

Angel let out a small laugh, "Yeah- believe me I know"


"Anyanka" the demon acknowledged as he kicked Xander's unmoving body one last time.

"Hi" Anya gave a little tinkle wave, "See I don't actually know your name so I can't really return the greeting"

"So it's true"

"What?" Anya asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"You really are human now. I didn't believe it when I first heard it but now you're here in the flesh right in front of me."

"Ok- umm- that's great but are you going to kill me? because I *really* don't want to die. Especially not now, I finally just got used to this damn human body"

"Don't worry- I'm not going to kill you, I have other plans for you" Those were the last words that she heard before she saw a fist flying at her. Anya's limp body fell into the grasps of the Bakape demon. He began his walk back to the mansion.


Spike continued his walk down the hallway. <Didn't I just pass that painting? Bloody hell.. I'm lost> His ears perked up when he heard voices coming from the other side of the wall. <Is that who I think it is? No, it can't be- it just bleedin well can't- not possible> He shook his head, <bloody hell- I'm turning senile> The bleached blonde demon continued down the path until he reached a door. As the door opened he caught the last words of the sentence that was being spoken, "Hurry little tree"


Willow looked up when she heard someone enter the room. She blinked a few times and she was almost positive that her mind was messing with her. <It can't be- it's just *not* possible> She closed her eyes tightly as she felt the cold hand caress her cheek. Her eyes shot open when she felt herself being released from the chains.

"Are you real?" the redhead asked, her voice trembling from fear.

"Of course I am lovey, the bad man is gone now but he will be coming back soon. We must hurry little tree"

Willow blinked her eyes a few times, still not believing what she was seeing, <but I thought.. what the *hell*?> She reached out her hand and touched the raven haired vampiress on the shoulder and stuttered out, "D-Drusilla?"

Part 11- Twisted

"But you're- you're dead!" Willow exclaimed, then paused for a moment and thought about how stupid that sounded, "I mean- I know you're already dead- I just meant that you're dust- poof- as in gone" she blinked her eyes again, "Why are you not dust?" then her eyes widened as she realized how *that* sounded, "Not that I want you to be dust or anything because you haven't really done anything to hurt me.. in fact you're rescuing me- why is that? You're not going to take me and go off and torture me- are you?" Willow paused for a moment <why the hell are you giving her ideas?? Shut up- shut up *now*> "And I'm rambling so I'm just gonna be quiet now"

Drusilla giggled for a moment before brushing a strand of hair from Willow's face. The redhead backed away for a second, still unsure of what was going on.

"Don't be worried, little tree. All will be unveiled in due time."

Before she could put any more thought to the cryptic answer a shocked voice called out, "Dru?"

Willow's gaze shifted from the insane vampiress to the bewildered bleached blonde demon.


Faith leaned back against the headboard and brought a hand up to her neck. She slowly massaged the bruises that Buffy's gripping fingers had made. <Why is he here? Why did he just have to be here.. now?> She let out a sigh as her thoughts continued to be focused on the souled vampire, <Does he understand? Does he know why I'm doing this? I had to get revenge, after all that B put me through, I just had to> Her expression hardened as her thoughts continued in that direction <If he doesn't get it then it's over, whatever the hell we had> She sighed as she realized how much she was lying to herself. She could never let him go, no matter what she convinced herself to believe in.

// "Are you leaving?"

"Don't look at me like that- I have to Angel."

"Why Faith? I thought you.. I thought we had something here."

"We do, but I just can't deal with all this right now. I just need time to think about it all. It's too confusing- me and you."

"It doesn't have to be." Angel walked over to the brunette slayer and moved to hug her but she backed away. His eyes flashed with pain.

"It's the way things are, we just gotta deal with it." She walked to the door and put her hand on the knob. She stiffened a little as she heard Angel's next words.

"Will you be coming back?"

She let out a big sigh, "Maybe.. I'll keep in touch"

~*~ 2 weeks later ~*~


"Angel?" Faith asked nervously, her mind still trying to process the reasons as to why she decided to make this phone call.

"Faith? Is that you?"

"Umm.. yeah." She paused a moment, "So- how've you been?"

"Great- um.. just great- and you?"

"5 by 5"

They were both silent for a long moment before Angel finally broke the awkward silence, "Why'd you call Faith?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing and to tell you that I won't be coming back, at least not anytime soon. Please don't be mad at me. Just trust me when I say I need to do this. Goodbye Angel." She hung up the phone softly before he could get any words in and got back into the cold bed of the empty and dreary hotel room. //


"Buffy, calm down and sit." Angel suggested, he was a bit emotionally tired from all the events of the evening and the blonde's continuous pacing didn't help the matter.

"No Angel, I will not just sit down and act calm. They should be back now. Something happened to them, I can feel it. I knew we shouldn't have sent them alone to distract that damn demon." Buffy continued her nervous pacing, her emotions running on high. She jumped when she heard the door open forcefully. Xander stumbled in with Giles in tow. They were both a bit bloody and it was obvious the fight didn't go in the direction they wanted it to.

Buffy looked them over and suddenly a question came to mind, "Where's Anya?'


Xander cringed as he fell into the seat, he was sore all over. He never realized he was capable of feeling this much pain physically, "She was gone when we woke up. I figured she came back here." His brown eyes looked around the room, "Where is she?"

"That's what I'm asking you!" Buffy nearly shrieked, her emotions on overload.

"She's not here?" Xander got up despite his muscles protests and began to search the apartment, "Anya!" he shouted, "Anya! Where are you?" his voice raising up an octave from fear, "She's not here Buffy." He turned around to face Giles, "Where is she G-man? Where is she??" he asked again. Suddenly realization dawned on him, "He took her didn't he?" He put his head in his hands, "Fuck- Fuck- Fuck!! He took her. Oh god" his fingers began to grip the hair on his head tightly, "What are we going to do? What are we going to do?" He looked up at Buffy frantically, "What are we going to do Buff? I can't lose her- I can't. Not her."

"Xander, calm down. It'll be ok, she's probably just lost or something" Even as the words came out of her mouth, she knew they weren't true. <This whole thing just got so much worse> "Let's just wait until Spike and Willow get back."

"Willow?" Xander's head popped up, "Where is she?"

"Spike was getting her. They'll probably be back soon." As soon as Buffy said those words she heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see Willow standing in the doorframe. "Oh god Will, you're ok" Buffy breathed, immediately moving to hug the redhead when Willow halted her with a hand held up, signaling for her to stop.

"Hold on Buffy- there's someone I need to show you first."

"Is it Anya?" Xander asked hopefully from behind Buffy.

"No umm, come here" Willow waved her hand in a "come to me" way but the stubborn vampiress wasn't budging. Spike ended up pushing her towards Willow's direction. When Drusilla came into the view of the others the only one that spoke was Giles as the other inhabitants of the room were stunned into disbelief.

"Oh lord" Giles began to clean his glasses furiously before putting them back on and blinking a few times, trying to figure out if his imagination was getting the best of him. When he realized that it wasn't he repeated his previous words, "Oh lord."


The demon smiled evilly as he shifted Anyanka's body into a more comfortable position for the currently unconscious blonde. He finally got what he was after. After all this time, after all the lies, the deceit- he finally got her. It was worth it though. Ok- yeah- he had to follow the orders of a slayer and do what she asked for a while but in the end it was worth it. Without that damned slayer there was no way he could've gotten to his precious Anyanka. He couldn't wait until she awoke.

Part 12- Clarity

"I-I-Is that *Drusilla*?" Xander managed to stutter out.

"umm.. yeah" Willow said with a nervous grin.

"I thought she was dust!" Buffy stated bluntly.

"Yeah, that's what *I* thought too," the confused redhead turned to Spike, "I mean that's what Spike thinks he saw."

"That *is* what I saw, luv. It happened right in front of my face and it wasn't exactly something that I would just forget."

"Ok, this isn't helping us" the blonde slayer began to massage her forehead, <this is just too much for one night> She motioned for Willow to bring Drusilla in.

"Umm.. Buff- kinda need a little more than that here"

"huh? Oh yeah- Drusilla, come in" Buffy walked towards Angel, who at the moment was still stunned. She walked up to him and snapped her fingers in front of his face. The movement finally got his attention as he snapped back to reality. When she turned around she saw that Drusilla, Willow, and Spike were all already seated and waiting for the interrogation to begin.

"Ok- do you guys know anything about this yet?" Buffy waved a finger at Willow and Spike.

"Nope, she refused to tell us anything until we got here" Willow sighed out.

"Drusilla," Giles cut in, afraid that Buffy would do something not so smart in her current condition, "Will you explain to us now?"

The vampiress nodded calmly and began, "The bad man played with my Spikey and my Angel." She held her hand to her head and closed her eyes and began to sway, "I see the lies that he pushed into your minds, my poor darlings."

"What? Is this helping us?" Buffy asked annoyed at the confusing answers they were getting.

Angel nodded, understanding what she was saying, "Yeah, it does. The reason why I was so shocked when she came in was because I felt something, like a cut off of connection with her when the Bakape supposedly killed her. It always felt.. wrong but I never really questioned it."

"In other words, you were too busy brooding" Xander added. He immediately clamped his mouth shut when he saw the glares that were directed at him.

"Bloody hell! That means he's been messing with me too, ever since the beginning. He made me see an illusion. That was the revenge- that was the ultimate revenge. To know that I couldn't save you and that I was too late."

There was a silence then until Willow looked up and around, "Where's Anya?"


<This is all his fault.. this is all *his* fault> Faith decided as she walked into the room where Willow was held captive. <She's gone and it's because of *him*> "Shit!" she yelled out to the empty room. <When did this all get so confusing?> She sat down dejectedly and put her head in her hands, <It was all so clear before- get revenge on Buffy- forget about Angel but no, he has to just come back into my life> She groaned at the headache that was forming. Her head popped up as she heard the front door slam shut. She got up and walked towards the direction of the sound, her guard up. She relaxed a little when she saw that it was only the demon and apparently he had a body in his arms.

"Who's that?" She asked curiously as she walked over to where he was standing.

"Someone I've waited so long for." He answered cryptically. "I have no more use for you Slayer, you may leave."

"Excuse me?" She looked at him like he had gone insane, "You have no more use for me? I am not some little-"

Before she could finish the Bakape backhanded her right across the face and she fell to the ground clutching at her injured face. The demon kicked her in the ribs, hard. He lifted her unmoving body and threw her against the door with force. She bit back a painful groan as she refused to let him win. When he walked over to her once again, her foot shot out but he caught it and twisted it. This time, she did scream and she blacked out from the pain.


"Oh god, Anya- I can't believe I forgot about her!" Xander put his head in his hands again. "We have to find her- we have to find her *now*"

"The bad man has the poor girl. She is not hurting though, pet." Drusilla walked over to Xander and gently patted his head as if she did it everyday, "No worries." Surprisingly, he calmed down a bit and he gave Drusilla a small smile before pushing her away, gently. "Thanks"

Nothing more was said as there was an urgent knock at the door. Everyone started to shoot each other nervous glances as no one knew who was at the door. Buffy got up, having already decided beforehand that she would not let this whole situation get the best of her, walked over to the door and flung it open. Who she saw, was the last person she expected.


Part 13- Confrontations

"Why are you here?" Buffy asked coldly, her hazel eyes sweeping over the injured slayer, taking note of all the bruises and cuts.

"I" she began and then looked down, "I need your help"

The blonde slayer scoffed, "You think after all that you've done- we would help you?" She turned around and faced Angel, already knowing what he was going to say, "I can accept it Angel but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. It also doesn't mean that I have to be all friendly with her, especially considering how she's the one that got us into this whole mess in the first place." She turned back around and glared at Faith who was leaning against the doorframe. The brunette slayer's brown eyes looked to Willow, pleading for her to do something.

Willow looked down uncomfortably, not knowing what to do.

"What is she talking about?" Xander asked curiously.

Angel looked away and judging by his manner it was obvious that he wasn't going to say anything without some force.

"Look- this isn't helping us." Willow said decidedly as she looked up meeting Faith's gaze, "We can't keep lying to each other like this- we have to be completely honest now and just let everything out- no matter *how* hard it is." The redhead walked up to Faith, gently pushing Buffy aside.

The blonde slayer looked on in shock as Willow helped Faith in through the door and onto a chair, "Willow- what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Luv, are you sure that's wise?" Spike asked as he watched Faith closely, his eyes narrowing and observing every move that she made. He didn't trust her. She took his Red away from him and *that* was definitely something that could not be forgotten.

"Spike- Buffy, everyone- there's no point in ignoring her. We can either treat this like adults, help her, and get some information in return," her green eyes landed on Faith, questioning if that much was ok with her, at the brunette's nod she continued on, "or we can hold grudges and try to save Anya with nothing to go on." She walked over to the closet, grabbed a first aid box and began to clean up Faith's cuts, "So why don't we all just put aside our differences for now and focus on how to get Anya back. We can worry about our *many* issues later."

Buffy let out a sigh and walked over to Giles who was standing at the back of the room, observing the scene that was playing out in front of him with a watchful eye. The blonde crossed her arms, "You better start explaining- *now*"


"Where do you want me to start?" Faith cringed when she felt the sting from the alcohol that Willow was putting on her cuts. She looked to the kneeling redhead and gave her a small smile.

Giles cut in before Buffy could reply with a smart remark, "Why don't we leave the personal information for later. Now is not the time to delve into that sort of thing, not when Anya's life is at stake. Faith- do you know anything at all about if the demon might have Anya?"

"Anya?" The brunette's brow furrowed in confusion, "Who's Anya?"

"The woman I love" Xander replied absently, still in deep thought.

"Ex-demon, about so tall, blonde hair, brown eyes, quirky, loves Xapper" Spike bit off his sarcastic remark when he saw the warning look that Willow gave him.

"The Bakape was holding a body when I last saw him. He seemed to be treating whoever he had with a lot of caution, as if he was afraid she would break or something. I couldn't see her face though, she was blonde" Faith looked down as she racked through the rest of her memories, trying to remember if there was anything else, "Oh yeah- he also said something about how she was someone that he had waited a long time for."

Giles pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to process all the information, "Do you know why he suddenly decided to go against you?"

"I don't know- it was like all of a sudden he just did a major 180. I don't know how he managed to gain all that strength though. He was never that strong before. I mean the reason why I could control him so easily was because *I* could beat the shit out of him instead of the other way around."

Giles got a thoughtful look on his face when Faith said those words, "Anya said something before about how the last Bakape demon she met refused to be controlled. Maybe he deceived you."

"But why would he do that?"

The watcher shrugged, when suddenly a thought came to mind, "Why did he agree to help you so easily though? I am assuming you went to him for help."

"Actually he came to me- he said something about wanting to help me get my revenge on the other slayer," she looked to Buffy.

"Stupid bint. Didn't you ever wonder why that damned demon would help you so bloody easily, voluntarily not to mention. You're a bleedin slayer- demons don't exactly go out of their way to help them get revenge."

"Look Blondie- I was just happy that something out there would help me. The reasons as to why weren't exactly important to me."

He scoffed, "Well, they should've been."

Before Faith could get out another remark, Willow stopped them, "Will you two please stop? This isn't helping"

Faith sat up suddenly as she remembered something, "He did say something about he had no more use for me."

"He was using you?" Xander asked confused, "Wait- I get it now!" The others looked at him expectantly and he continued on, "The Bakape agreed to help you because he used you to get to us. That's the only logical reason I can think of as of now. But what I don't get is how did he know that you knew us?"

"Mind control- remember that?" Spike stated, "He probably went into your mind and looked through your memories and thoughts."

"He can do that?" Faith asked shocked.

"You *really* don't know a damn thing about this demon do you, Slayer?"

"Don't start Spike, please" Willow looked at the blonde demon pleadingly and he quieted down, not wanting to upset her.

Unable to stay quiet any longer, Buffy spoke up, "So- what are we going to do now? I mean we have the information but we're not one step closer as to *how* to save Anya."

"This demon is tough- I'll tell you that much. I can barely walk now because of that damned thing" Faith was nearly seething as she said the words.

"Well, it doesn't help to just sit here and do nothing. We have to figure out a way, no matter what it takes- and it better be soon!" Xander stated, getting up and pacing.

"It's alright lovey. Shhhh- you must be calm or else you will disturb the stars." Drusilla said, speaking for the first time in a long while.

"Oh my god- what are you doing here?" Faith asked confused, finally noticing the insane vampiress for the first time.

"She's not dust, she never was-" Buffy began, but stopped when Faith cut her off.

"You were dust? What- What are you talking about? I mean- how are you here? I thought the Bakape had you locked up."

"Locked up- what?" Willow asked, now it was her turn to be thoroughly confused. She turned to Drusilla, "You never told us that"

"Don't worry little tree, he didn't harm me. It was my time to leave though, the stars were whispering. They told me that there was another in his heart."

"Again with the what?" the blonde slayer was getting aggravated with all the half answers that Drusilla was giving.

"She's talking about how if she had left before the Bakape would have found her, capture her again, and then put her through more torture then before. But now he has other things in his mind that are more important to him- apparently a new love." Spike said, clearing things up for everyone.

"Oh my god- you don't think?" Willow's hand flew to her mouth as the thought came to mind.

"What?" Xander turned to his best friend, confused. The look on her face made everything fall into place, "Oh god- Anya"

Part 14- Rest

"This is bad.. this is bad" Xander turned to Giles, "this *is* bad right?"

Giles cleared his throat, a look of extreme concentration on his face, "Not exactly- if Anya truly is this demon's new love then it means that he won't hurt her but if Anya does matter a lot to the Bakape then that means that it will be harder to get her back."

"That's not comforting me G-man!" Xander began to pace again.

"This is just one demon though- we can take him" Buffy said, determined.

"Are you sure Buffy? I mean would you actually want to take that risk? Look at Faith- she nearly kicked your butt the last time," Willow clamped her mouth shut as she realized she was bringing back bad memories, "I mean- she's a slayer- and a very strong one at that and the Bakape did all this" she waved her hand over all the injuries, "to her without a second thought."

"We have no other choice" Buffy spoke forcefully, "And like Xander said, we're wasting time."

The tension was thick in the room as no one was sure what was going to happen next. Finally Giles broke the silence, "It's nearing dawn. Why don't we all go home and get some rest- even if it is only a few hours. Be back here by sun down and we'll go and fight this thing. Buffy is right- we really don't have any other options. If we all get some rest, it will help us in the fight that is to come."

"Where are you staying Faith?" Willow asked as she got up.

"Not with us, Red" Spike stated, his voice daring anybody to make an objection.

"I understand- it's cool- I'll just get a motel or something"

"You can stay with me" Angel said calmly, finally speaking, the first time since the brunette slayer showed up.

"You sure you want that Deadboy? I mean she'll probably end up staking you in your sleep." Xander added as an after thought, "Not that I'd mind"

"Ok- all of you- out *now*" Giles started his way up the stairs, hoping that the rest of them would get the signal.

"What about Drusilla?" Buffy asked, still not budging from her spot.

The rest of them looked away, "Oh- no you don't! I'm not letting her stay in *my* house!!!!" the blonde slayer nearly screeched but already knowing there really wasn't much of a choice. Xander couldn't protect himself from her if she decided to go skitzo on him and the rest of the two couples had their own issues to get through. "Fine, whatever- but we're doing the de-invite spell as soon as she gets her ass out of my house"

Willow nodded as she realized that Buffy was talking to her. "So- leaving now?"

"Yeah, pet." Spike wrapped an arm around the petite redhead's waist tightly, as if afraid she would be taken away if he held on too loose.

"Nasty slayer, must I, little tree? I do not wish to stay with her." Drusilla pouted.

"I'm sorry Dru, but you're going to have to"

"Hey- this isn't exactly all peachy for me ya know?!" Buffy began to walk out the door. "Come on Drusilla, get your undead ass over here."

"Buffy- Drusilla- please- be nice." Willow begged, <Goddess- I hope they don't kill each other>

"Whatever" Buffy grumbled as she started her walk home with Drusilla in tow.

"Goodnight dearies" Drusilla addressed the rest of the room as she walked out, following Buffy.

"Night Willster, Fang" Xander nodded towards Willow and Spike, "Deadboy- umm.. Faith"

"We'll be leaving now too" Willow dragged Spike along and left Faith and Angel to talk about.. whatever.


"Lying, hypocritical poof" Spike declared as soon as they were farther away from Giles's apartment.

"What are you talking about?" Willow asked confused as she leaned against him, she missed this- she missed *him* so much.

"He was on *my* case for not telling *him* things when he's been hiding all that." His look was a face of disgust as he said the next words, "still has horrible taste in women, he does- another slayer- does he ever learn?"

"Faith? Wait- you mean- as in Angel and Faith?"

Spike smiled slightly at her naivety. "Yeah luv, that's why the room was so full of tension when we left."

"I thought- oh- this all makes sense now." Willow giggled at her stupidity, "Poor Angel."

"Don't know why you feel bad for Peaches, luv. It's probably all his damn fault as it is."

"Spike, that's mean." She reprimanded but she couldn't help but let a small smile slip out.

"Evil, pet- did you happen to forget that?"

"Oh no, of course not" she pretended to shiver.

"You mocking me, Red?" He rose an eyebrow.

"No- what is this mocking you speak of?"

"Red.." he warned.

"Yes Spike" she looked up at him innocently.

"We're getting home, *now*" Spike began to quicken his steps and latched onto Willow's arm as he began to drag her back to the apartment.

"Spike!" she laughed, "Wait up!"

"You're taking too long" he decided and scooped her up into his arms.

"Spike!" she squealed again, "I can walk you know. That's what legs are for."

"Pet, now is not the time to talk about your gorgeous body parts."

"You have a sick mind, you know that?" She kissed him gently, "But I love you anyway"

"I love you too, pet. And when we finally get home, I'm going to prove to you just exactly how much." He waggled his eyebrows and the redhead couldn't help but let out a small laugh.


Faith tried to stand up but it just hurt too much, she gripped the side of the table and bit her lip <Get a hold of yourself> She leaned her weight on her other foot and looked up to see Angel hovering over her, a worried look on his handsome face. She smiled slightly, "I know- We need to talk"

Part 15- Decisions

When Spike finally got back to the apartment, he nearly tripped over himself in anticipation. He dropped Willow onto the bed and she bounced a few times on it. A few giggles slipped out of her mouth and before she could make a comment he pounced on her mouth.. and the rest of her body for that matter.

She reluctantly pushed him away when she broke the kiss, 'Need.. to.. breathe" Her chest heaved as she sucked in lungfuls of breath.

"Pesky human need" Spike muttered as he unbuttoned his shirt. When Willow's breathing returned to normal he attacked her mouth again with a hungry kiss. The redhead pushed the silk shirt off his shoulders and it fell to the floor, forgotten as the couple traveled further onto the bed, never breaking the kiss. The blonde demon moved his mouth over to her ear and began to nibble on her ear lobe as his fingers began to unbutton and unzip her jeans. Spike kissed his way down her neck until he reached her shirt. He frowned, then deciding to go with instinct, and ripped her shirt in half.

"I liked that shirt!" Spike merely shot her a sexy grin and threw the tattered material over the edge of the bed. He pulled off her jeans and threw that away as well. Willow's hands weren't idle as she fumbled with the zipper and button of his black jeans, mentally cursing Levi's. When she finally got them past his hip, the clever hacker used her feet to push them off of him and he kicked them off the bed.

Willow was eager to get him inside of her but Spike wasn't having any of it. He crawled on top of her and held both her hands together above her head with one hand.

"Spike" she whined, but seeing the look he had on his face she knew she was going to get nowhere that way. So in all fairness, she did the only thing that she could think of to distract him. Willow wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed the lower half of his body down, the head of his cock coming in contact with her clit. Using the moment of surprise she flipped them, with the help of Spike, proving he was no longer interested in foreplay. The redhead lifted herself above him, positioned him, then lowered herself onto him with a hiss.

"Oh gods, oh gods- Spike- oh" She moaned out in between thrusts, driving herself harder onto him each time.

Spike gripped her hips tightly and rolled them over so she was on her back. As he felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge he gritted out, "Come for me baby. Come on."

Willow's head fell backwards as she arched her body up, her orgasm ripping through her. The feel of her muscles contracting around him sent him over the edge and he grunted as his release was shot into her quaking womb. Spike remained inside her, their foreheads touching, as they both were still recovering from the intense coupling. Finally, he pulled out of her and both the pixie and the demon drifted off to sleep- wrapped in each other's arms.


Faith got as far as five steps from Giles's door before she let out a groan. She bit her lip as she realized what a mistake that was because the next second, Angel was all over her.

"You can't walk, Faith. You're having enough trouble standing." He reasoned trying to get through her stubbornness.

"I'm ok- I'll be fine. It's just gonna.. take me awhile- but I'll get there."

"At this rate by the time we make it to the suite it's going to be sunrise."

The pretty brunette cocked her head to the side, "Why did you rent out a suite?"

"I like having my own personal space" the older vampire defended. He shook his head when he saw the pained expression covering her face, <Screw it> Angel lifted her up into his arms, "I'm only doing this because I don't want to be dust" She merely smiled back, appreciation shown in her eyes.

The rest of the walk was made in silence until they arrived at the hotel. It was the only high class hotel in Sunnydale and because the Hellmouth wasn't a very popular tourist location the guests were scarce. Angel walked in through the doors, Faith still in his arms- neither caring about the confused and amused looks that were shot at them by the hotel employees.

When they finally reached the room, Angel insisted on carrying her through the door and into the room, despite her many protests. After another half hour, both were finally settled in. Faith smoothed out the covers that were now wrapped around the lower half of her body as she was sitting up, leaning against the headboard. Across the room from her was Angel who was resting on a plush chair, his eyes unreadable. Both were waiting for the other to make a move. The brunette slayer looked up at the ceiling to gather her thoughts and finally, she spoke up.

"I really don't know where to start."

"Why did you attack them, even after.. everything" Angel silently hoped his vague question included enough details for her to understand what he was talking about.

"They're not my friends, Angel. Ever since the beginning of this whole thing I've been against Buffy and the rest of her precious Scooby Gang. The only reason why I'm helping them fight right now is because I need their help and because I want to kick some demon ass. But when this is over, I'm gone."

"Why do you do that? Why do you always leave just when things are starting to change for the better?"

"They won't change. I know they won't. Don't you remember all the shit that I've put every one of them through- and vice versa. I fucked B's boyfriend among other things, I used Xander like a sex toy, I kidnapped Red, and I helped an insane mayor on his plan to become a demon. I've already lost track how many times I've tried to kill them all. You don't just forget those kinds of things overnight, no matter how much you want to." Faith's tone was resolved.

"I was there Faith, I know what you did. I killed Willow's fish, I punched Xander- hard in the face, I killed Giles's only love and then proceeded to torture him for hours, and don't even get me started on all that I did to Buffy. We've all made our.. mistakes to put it very lightly but they can be forgiven. If they can forgive me for all that I put them through, then they can forgive you." Angel reasoned, still not willing to give up on her.

"How do you know I want them to forgive me? Maybe I like being the way I am."

"If you did, then you wouldn't be arguing with me- You wouldn't actually be listening to the words that are coming out of my mouth. Because inside, you know they're true. You still have a chance, Faith. And I'll be here for you if you need my help."

The brunette slayer looked down and began to wring her hands together. Her nervousness and worry getting the best of her, making her feel foolish. She looked up, her decision made, "I can't stay here- after this whole thing ends, I have to leave."

Angel's face dropped and he looked at her with a sad expression until he heard her next words, "I was hoping that I could go to LA with you- fully for my own benefit of course."

The teasing tone in her last words brought a smile to his face, which was a rarity at that.


"Do I have to invite you in?" Buffy asked the pointless question in annoyance.

Drusilla stood on the porch, waiting for the words to be said. No words coming from her own mouth, as she decided against speaking with the nasty tart.

"I mean maybe it won't be that bad to sleep on the porch. Willow didn't exactly specify that you had to be indoors." The blonde slayer rambled on. "But if you turn into dust she won't be all that happy with me, and an unhappy Willow is not of the good." She let out a sigh and said reluctantly, "Come in Drusilla."


"Your home sings. It's singing to me" Drusilla commented as she stepped through the threshold, speaking as if it were completely normal to say that someone's house was singing.

"Really.. now?" Buffy began slowly, "I knew this was a mistake" she muttered before walking to the guest room, "Ok, follow me- guest room is here. Bathroom is there. Here are some blankets for the windows so you won't turn crispy in the morning."

Buffy left her standing there to go into her own room. After she finished changing, the slayer stepped back out into the hallway to head to the bathroom when she saw Drusilla still standing there, unmoving. "Do you plan to move anytime soon?"

"I'm a princess"

<I feel a headache coming on> "That's *great* Drusilla. Now get your royal ass into bed or at least get out of my way!"

"Princesses don't do work. They are to be served."

"Is there a point to this?" Buffy asked as she massaged her forehead.

Drusilla held out the blankets and Buffy stared at her absently. When she finally got it she shook her head with a laugh, "Oh- no- I don't think so. I am *not* your freaking servant!" Seeing as to how the vampiress wasn't budging, Buffy gave up and snatched the blankets from her. After setting everything up Buffy went into her room and grabbed a night shirt and then threw it at Drusilla, "I don't think you're gonna wanna sleep in that so change."

She turned around and headed off to the bathroom, searching desperately for an Advil. When she got out she saw that Drusilla was indeed in the shirt but she wasn't in bed. "What is it now?"

"I want a story" her tone and words made her sound a lot like a 3-year-old.

"You have got to be kidding me" After a few more moments of just staring at each other Buffy threw up her hands and pushed Drusilla into the guestroom, <I can't believe I'm actually going to do this!> The blonde managed to get her into the bed and she had her hand on the light switch. "Ok- once upon a time there was this sl- umm.. warrior. This warrior was special because she was a woman. Except she had extremely bad luck because the powers that be liked to screw with her life every chance they could get. They seem to find amusement in her frustrations. So anyhow one day the ultimate challenge was set in front of the warrior when an annoying ass princess comes to stay with her, by force I might add. However because the warrior is such a giving and wonderful character they managed to make it through. Moral of the story- if you want to stay solid and not turn into dust particles by morning- don't piss me off." Buffy turned off the light and added with a sweet smile and fake enthusiasm, "Night!"

Part 16- Taken

Buffy woke to the sound of whimpering. Her eyes shot open and when her mind processed who it was she dropped her arms onto the covers deflatedly and let out a groan. "What now?" She moved into the hallway and knocked on the door to the guest room insistently, "Drusilla, are you ok?" <Note to self- make Willow buy me those boots that I saw at DKNY- she owes me after this!>

The blonde slayer opened the door and turned on the light. She saw Drusilla curled up into a feral position, her whimpers getting louder. Buffy's caring instincts kicked in and she walked to the bed and wrapped her arms around the shivering vampiress. After a few minutes, Buffy finally let go- convinced that she was asleep. <Ok- now.. let's just pretend that never happened> But before she could make it to the door, a feminine voice spoke, "Dear girl- sweet and sour- like strawberries"

<Damn.. no such luck> Buffy turned around and looked at the hazy eyes of the raven haired vampire, "I just came in to check up on you, why- is beyond me. But now that I know that you're ok- I'm gonna leave."

"No worries, dear strawberry- the wounds will close. Do not pour the salt though dearie, or old ones will re-open."

Deciding to ignore Drusilla's cryptic response, Buffy let out a small smile and closed the door.


"When are we going?" Xander asked, tapping his fingers impatiently against the table.

"After we all get our weapons." Buffy stated, then rolled her eyes when nobody got up, "As in now people"

While everyone moved to grab their preferred weapon, Willow and Buffy stood off to the side.

"You didn't kill her, I'm proud of you" The redhead said with a laugh.

"It was one of the toughest obstacles that I've ever had to go through- and I'm a Slayer." The blonde shuddered as she stuffed a knife into her boot, "cruel and unusual torture I tell you. She made me tell her a bedtime story!"

"Did you?"

Buffy held her head down in shame and muttered, "sorta"

Willow burst out into laughter but managed to control it when the blonde slapped her in the stomach, "It's *not* funny!"

"Yes, it is. I'm sorry- but the image of you telling a story to Dru is just.. too funny"

"Glad you're finding this so amusing" She retorted dryly before moving to join the others.

The redhead cleared her throat, "Sorry- sorry- I'm done. I promise"

"Uh huh" Buffy replied, not believing a word that Willow was saying.

"Is Faith coming with us?" Willow asked, blatantly ignoring the looks that Buffy was shooting at her.

The brunette nodded affirmatively, "I wanna kick some demon ass"

Giles looked around the room, "Is everyone ready then? Alright, let's go"


"Are we going for the sneaky approach or are we just gonna go in there.. and umm.. save her?" Willow asked, her grip tightening on the axe she was holding.

"We don't have time for sneakiness- enough of the waiting. We are going in there and saving her!" Xander said firmly.

"The odds are on our side if we use the element of surprise so I suppose Xander is correct in saying that we should just attack. He is correct- time is running out." Giles replied before quieting down as they were nearing the mansion.

"Here we are." Buffy looked around at the rest of the group, "Ready?" She nodded towards Willow and the witch acknowledged her by directing her powers toward the seemingly weak wooden door.

"It's guarded by magic- I can feel it." The redhead said and rubbed her hands together, gathering her powers. "Attenuo" A bolt of red swirling lights was thrown at the door and Willow could feel its magic wearing off, "Buffy, now!"

Buffy looked to Angel and the vampire immediately knew what she was thinking. Together they both ran at the door, ramming their sides into it and they fell through, landing onto the wooden pieces. The others quickly rushed in behind the two. While the vampire and slayer dusted themselves off they heard a voice call out, "I knew you were to come. Now it's time for some fun."

Suddenly, Xander turned to Angel, the young brunette's eyes unexpectedly losing the clarity they had only seconds before and began to attack the confused vampire. Before any of the others could make a move the demon appeared in front of them and smirked. The Bakape held out one hand and a blue ball was formed, levitating above the palm. He whipped his hand back and threw it towards Giles, Buffy, Spike, and Faith. 5 angry and muscular demons appeared after the blue smoke faded away.

"It's just an illusion!" Spike yelled over the fighting as he began to block and attack.

"Illusion, my ass!" Buffy kicked one of the demons in the stomach and it merely stumbled back a few inches. <This can't be good>

"Fight it! Believe it's not real!" The bleached blonde demon suggested as he decapitated one with a swish of an axe. He turned away to help a struggling Giles but when he turned back he saw that the demon he beheaded only moments earlier, had grown a new head. "Oh- bloody hell."


"Xander- snap out of it! I really don't want to hurt you!" Angel twisted Xander's arm back, effectively stopping him without hurting him, "I can't believe I just said that" The older vampire was having a hard time controlling the squirming brunette and opted for an easier method, <You leave me no choice> he threw Xander's body against the wall. The young brunette's unmoving body slumped to the ground, "Sorry"


Willow held out both her hands, her mind struggling to keep up the dome of protection that was currently formed around her and Drusilla. <Little tree- can you hear me?> A confused look covered the pretty redhead's face as she tried to figure out if it was really Drusilla's voice in her head.


<Yes, little one. Go look for the other- I will keep him at bay.>

<Are you sure you can handle it?>


Without any more further urging Willow ran out of the circle and followed her instinct and ran up the stairs, searching for Anya.


<Shit! Shit!> Faith was on the ground and the demon was closing in on her. She looked frantically to the others. Angel was struggling with Xander. Willow and Drusilla were using their magics to fight the Bakape. The rest of the group was having trouble with the unkillable demons. Her brown eyes looked into the empty and blank eyes of the demon, <You're not real.. you're not real> And for a moment, she actually believed it. She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for it to strike but it never came. She opened her eyes again and saw that in place of the demon was a cloud of blue smoke. <Holy shit- Blondie was right!>

Excited with the new found information she ran to the others and yelled out Spike's name to get his attention. He whipped around, knowing exactly who it was, and kicked her in her midsection. She stumbled backwards with an "oof" Her eyes flashed with anger, "Dumbass! It's me!"

"My mistake" he replied with fake sincerity.


<They're not real. They're not real. They're not real.> Faith repeated the mantra over and over in her head and soon, one by one- each of the demons disappeared into blue clouds of smoke. Buffy had a confused look on her face but didn't have time to comment when she saw what was happening to Drusilla. It looked as if the energy and power was being slowly sucked out of her. Before the enraged slayer could make a move, Angel attacked him with a beastly growl. He pounced on the Bakape, sending it flying onto the ground with Angel right above him. The older vampire continued to punch the demon, harder and harder each time. "*Do* *not* *touch* *my* *childe*!"

The demon was weak from it all, the casting of the spells, the mind control- and he hadn't even begun to suck the energy from Drusilla. Understanding his fate he looked up at the pissed off vampire above him and with a smirk he placed his hand on Angel's unbeating heart, putting all his leftover energy into this one last task. There was an unnatural yellow glow appearing in Angel's eyes and in the palm of the Bakape demon. After it disappeared, the vampire twisted the Bakape's neck and the sickening crack echoed through the room that was now silent.

Drusilla's hazy eyes opened and suddenly she scampered back against Spike, whimpering. "Daddy's back"

Part 17- Gone

"What?!" Buffy screeched, her eyes desperately searching for a weapon <Great! One evil demon down- another to go!>

"Shit!" Spike cursed and did the only sensible thing he could think of. He ran up to his sire who was still kneeling on the ground and kicked him hard in the back of the head. The older vampire's body slumped onto the ground, knocked unconscious.

"I found her!" Willow yelled from the top of the stairs, appearing with a limping Anya. The redhead had her arms wrapped around the ex-demon as they made their way down the stairs. She sensed the discomfort in the group and asked, "What happened?"


"It's all wrong! All wrong!" Drusilla was now in a sitting position, her back against the stone wall.

"Dru, luv? What's all wrong?" Spike's tone was soothing, at times like this only him and Angel could get her to calm down.

"It's gone. He took it away. All gone."

The blonde demon turned back to the rest of the group, "You guys go on ahead- I'll deal with her."

"What are we going to do about Angelus?" Willow asked, still holding onto Anya.

"Chain him up- only option we have left until you can do the spell." Buffy turned her head and finally noticed Xander's unmoving body. "Shit- Xander!"

"What? Xander- oh god- is he ok?" Anya asked frantically. Willow rubbed her back comfortingly, trying to calm her down.

"Xander! Xander!" Buffy continued to shake him until his eyes reopened and he asked shakily, "huh? What happened?"

"You were knocked unconscious. You ok?"

"Yea- I'm just a bit dizzy."

Buffy helped him up and he managed to regain balance, "Can you walk?" At his reassuring nod she let him go gently and moved to Angelus.

"There's no way I can move him. And I'm not risking the chance that he might wake up." The slayer said decidedly.

"I'll run to the van to get some chains." Faith offered and at Buffy's nod she was on her way.

"Spike- any luck with Drusilla?" the blonde slayer asked, turning her focus to the two vampires.

"She's really out of it. Something's worrying her." He answered without turning around.

With worried eyes Buffy turned to her Watcher, "What are we going to do Giles?"

"Stay calm, Buffy. We'll get through this. We always do."


The Orb of Thesulah began to glow as Willow continued to chant. Angelus started to laugh as he felt the power surge through him.

"Little one- stop trying. It's not going to work!"

The witch ignored his words and continued with the spell. Buffy looked worriedly to Giles, "Isn't it supposed to be working now?"

Suddenly, the power of possession left Willow and the redhead fell weakly onto the floor of the mansion. Spike hurried to her side and whispered words of comfort as he rocked her back and forth. He looked up and turned to Buffy, "It didn't work. Something doesn't feel right."

"How could it *not* work?" The Slayer looked at her Watcher confused, "It worked last time!"

"I don't know. This whole situation is quite odd as it is." Giles stated as he continued to think of what could have gone wrong.

"Giles, that's not helping me!" The blonde slayer began to pace hurriedly and then looked to Angelus who had a self satisfied smirk on his face. She brought her foot back and kicked him hard in the upper thigh section. "Next time I won't miss" she hissed out threateningly. "Now- tell me what you know."


"It's gone- all gone." Drusilla repeated again as she rocked back and forth on the chair. Xander unwrapped his arms around Anya and moved in front of Drusilla, kneeling in front of her. While the rest of the group remained at the mansion to deal with Angelus and cursing him with a soul again, Faith, Xander, Anya and Drusilla were sent back to Giles's apartment to try to calm the vampiress down.

"Why aren't you more afraid of her?" Anya asked as she joined Xander on the floor.

"I honestly don't know, especially considering how she's tried to kill me before.. a couple of times actually. But she comforted me when you were gone and it helped me get through it all; only fair for me to do the same for her when she needs it." The young brunette gave his girlfriend a loving hug before returning his focuses onto Drusilla.

"Well, it seems little ol' Xander is all growed up now" Faith quipped from her seat on the couch.

Before Xander could make a remark, Drusilla shot out of the chair and began to swirl in circles around Giles's living room, "It's all changing- the spark- it's moving."


"Nothing, absolutely *nothing* at *all*, *Buffy*" Angelus replied, the smirk still on his face.

A flash of annoyance passed onto Buffy's face and, fed up, she kicked him hard in the area where she had threatened before, but he never thought she would.

"Maybe I didn't make myself clear," her tone took up one of promise and was icy, "Now tell me what you know, or else you won't like the results of what is going to happen to you."

Groaning slightly, Angelus regained control of his demon, disgusted at having to cooperate with a slayer. Yea, ok, not exactly the first thing he wanted to do when he just got back but, hell, he liked his cock right where it was- attached to his body. "You can't curse me again."

"Yea, we kinda figured that out dumbass. Give me a little something more!" The annoyance and weariness was obvious in Buffy's voice.

"I thought I was always what you wanted, *slayer*" He retorted, though knowing better. Honestly, he wasn't exactly in a position to taunt.

"Past tense, lover. Well, ex- get over it sweetcakes- I've moved on." Buffy's eyes turned hard again, "Now tell me what you know"


Xander, Anya, and Faith all stood back and watched Drusilla dance around in circles.

"She's been going at it for, like, 15 minutes. I'm surprised she hasn't passed out from all the spinning." Faith commented as she looked to Xander, "You plan to stop her anytime soon?"

"Well," Xander began unsurely, "Spike said that when she gets like this it's best to let her go through with it and that she should stop on her own."

"And you believe the bleached idiot?" The slayer asked skeptically.

"You got any better ideas?"

She paused for a moment, "Well, we could always restrain her."

"I'm always up for a little bondage fun but even I'm agreeing with Xander on this one. She's not doing anything to hurt us or herself so we should just leave her be." Anya suggested as she went into the kitchen, determined to go about their normal routine.

Drusilla stopped in mid-spin, "It's all changing. Everything's different. I feel it in the air. The moon, it whispers such wonderful things." She held a hand to her ear and leaned upwards, "pss.. pss.. pss.. Do you hear it?"

"Well, at least she stopped." Faith went back to reading her magazine.

The vampiress went on as if Faith never even spoke. "She will find the spark. The sweet strawberry will change it all." Drusilla looked around the room, deciding that none of them would help her in her mission. She sprinted out the door and in the direction towards where the others were.


"The soul, it's gone."

Buffy raised an eyebrow, "What in the *hell* are you talking about?"

Angelus opened his hands as he continued to explain, "When the demon died, it took it with him. And when I killed it, the soul went with the power of the demon. And now that the demon is dead, there's no way to get the soul back."

"I don't believe you"

"Well, slayer, tough luck because that's the truth."

"I-" Buffy stopped herself and turned around to face Giles, the distress clear on her face. She walked up to him and spoke in a hushed tone, "What do you think?"

Giles led her out of the room and when they were a safe distance away from their captive he spoke his opinion, "I think he speaks the truth, to a certain extent at least."

"What are you talking about, Giles? What did he mean by the soul went with the power of the demon?"

"The Bakape is a special breed of demon, highly powerful and very rare. When one is killed the power is divided among the rest of the living demons. The only exception to the rule is if you destroy the power source, in the form of a gem, on the demon's head before you exterminate it. If you recall, Angelus didn't do that before he killed it."

"So where did the soul go?"

"One of the remaining demons must have it."

"Well, how do we get it back?"

"You have to find the demon that has it."

Part 18- Prepare

"And how, exactly, do you propose we do that?" Buffy asked, her nerves on the edge from the events of the evening.

"Willow should be able to do a simple locator spell to locate the demon." Giles rubbed his forehead, "I'm not positive on the exact details, but after that we should be able to get Angel's soul back." He paused, "Perhaps a transition spell to put the soul into the proper body."

Before Buffy could reply, Drusilla suddenly burst through the door.

"Drusilla! What are you doing here?" Buffy looked behind the vampiress, expecting the others to be joining her, "And where are the others?"

After a few more moments, Faith, Xander, and Anya ran through the door.

"Drusilla.. ran.. away.. crazy," Xander panted out, putting his hands on his knees.

"Drusilla ran away right after this crazy outburst of hers." Anya clarified, "Like now."

She pointed to the spinning vampiress who was yelling out, "I feel it all in my head. Calling." Drusilla stopped her spinning and walked gracefully over to Buffy, "Dear strawberry, you shall change it all."

"What the hell is she talking about?" Faith demanded.


"The soul is in one of the remaining demons?" Faith repeated, bewildered.

"Correct," Giles answered.

"As in Deadboy's soul?" Xander asked, trying to comprehend everything. At Giles's nod he asked, "Are you sure Will can do the spell? And speaking of which, where is she?"

"Somebody ask for me?" Willow asked as she walked into the room with Spike behind her. "I got the extra chains you wanted, Buffy." She walked over to the slayer and handed the restraints over to her.

"Will, umm.. you kinda missed a few things." Buffy started.

"Again? Why do I always leave the room when the important stuff is happening?" She asked to nobody in particular.

"Well, you see- we need you to do a spell, a couple actually."

Willow raised an eyebrow and leaned back into Spike's embrace, "Ok- explain."


Willow sat in the center of the circle with a candle placed in front of her. A map was positioned beyond the circle and, after making sure everything was in place, she lit the candle and began the spell. Tightly clutching the crystal in hand, she said the words.

"Aperio," she sprinkled the herbs onto the map. "Detectum," she held the crystal over the map, "Invenio." The crystal moved on it's own accord over
the map and pointed to the city of, "Venice, Italy," Willow said audibly.

"Venice?" Buffy repeated, then wondered aloud, "Why would a demon be in Venice?"

"Maybe it likes Italian culture?" Xander joked. at the dirty looks he got from most of the group he quieted down. "Yeah, ok- being quiet now."

Anya gave her boyfriend a comforting pat on the shoulder and said reassuringly, "I thought it was funny, sweetie."

Faith looked to Buffy, "We going to Venice then, B?"

"I guess"


Buffy stuffed the last shirt into her suitcase, zipped it up, and then sat her on her bed with a defeated sigh. It was decided that she, Faith, and Willow were to go to Venice, find the demon, kick the demon's ass if it wouldn't cooperate, then retrieve Angel's soul.

Originally, she didn't want to go, thinking Faith and Willow could handle it. After all- Faith was the one Angel loved now. But, Drusilla kept on insisting that her "dear strawberry" would be the one to change it all. The blonde slayer rolled her eyes at that thought and fell back onto her bed that bounced a few times after the action.

Sometimes all she wanted to do was just fade into the background and not be the center of attention. To just be able to live out her day in peace instead of being bombarded by all these life-threatening tasks. It got tiring after awhile, and she just wanted her rest. Getting up and dragging her suitcase to the door, she sighed and shook the wistful thoughts out of her mind. Now was not the time to dream about a hopeless future, now was the time to focus.


"Luv, do you have to leave?" Spike whined as he threw the shirt that Willow had previously put in the suitcase back into the closet.

"Yes, Spike, I do," she replied, folding up a pair of jeans and putting it into the suitcase. She turned around and grabbed a few more shirts, not noticing that Spike was throwing the jeans that she had just folded back into the closet, too.

"I don't see why the two half-wit slayers can't figure out the damn spell by themselves."

"Spike, they need me for the spell. You know I wouldn't be going unless I really had to." Her brow furrowed in confusion when she realized all her previously packed clothes were gone. "Ok," she put her hands on her hips, "What'd you do with my clothing?"

"Don't know *what* you're talking bout, pet" he replied innocently.

"Spike," she warned.

"Yes, pet?" he replied, his eyes wide with supposed innocence.

The redhead pounced onto him and pulled him up, inches away from her face by his collar, "Give me back my clothes."

"Make me," he countered challengingly.

Willow pretended to think about it then attacked his mouth. When she pulled back to breathe, she teased, "You asked for it."

Spike ignored her teasing tone and pulled her back down for another kiss, among other things.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Xander asked.

Giles walked out of his kitchen with a raised eyebrow, "A bit late to be asking that, isn't it?" He paused, "I already sent them all home to pack. They'll be back here within the next half hour."

The brunette shook his head. "Ok, we've got Buffy and then we've got Faith," he used his hands to further express his point, "Are you not seeing my point here G-man?"

"Please don't call me that horrid name, and Buffy is mature enough to get along with her."

"And what makes you think Faith will play nice?"



Buffy dragged her suitcase into Giles' apartment with a groan, "How much is this costing me?"

"Nothing actually. Well, except for gas money," Giles said as he helped Willow with her bags.

"What do you mean nothing?" The blonde asked in confusion. She expected the trip to cost her at least $700. Airline tickets were getting pricey these days.

"Spike is going to drive you all to LA. I called one of my friends for a favor. He has a private plane that he's letting us borrow. He just happened to be going to Venice for a business trip and he didn't mind bringing along a few female passengers." Giles clarified.

"In other words, the old guy wants to gawk and stare at you for payment." Anya said with a smirk.

"Thank you, Anya, for that lovely imagery," Buffy said with a fake smile. She looked to Giles, "You guys can take care of Angelus?"

"We'll be fine Buffster. Deadboy is all nice and chained up in G-man's basement." Xander reassured, "Try to have fun, well.. as much fun as you can have."

Faith walked in through the door with a duffle bag and asked, "Ready? Blondie's already got the car all set up."

To Be Continued...