Send Me An Angel

By Angel Jade

“Aaahhhhhh!” Cordelia cried out, interrupting the conversation Angel and Wes were having. Angel ran over to her, barely catching her in time. He cradled her in his arms while the painful vision tore her mind apart.

As soon as it stopped, Cordelia started babbling information. “Motel, three hour drive from here. Angel you have to go. Room twelve.”

“What else? Is it a demon?” Wesley asked.

“Angel has to go alone.” Cordelia muttered, holding her head.

“Isn't there anything we can do? We can't just stay here. What kinda demon is it?” Gunn protested.

“No demon. Just go, Angel. Hurry.” Cordelia said, almost in tears.

“Cordy, I need to know more than `the motel' to find it.” Angel told her.

Cordelia got up and walked over to the computer. She waited as the computer connected, then typed in the name. A web page came up and she printed out the little map. “Hurry, Angel. He's in pain. And he's really scared. I can feel it.”

Angel glanced at the map, before running outside. “Three hour drive…I'll make it there before the sun comes up but I might not be able to get back until tomorrow night. I've got my cell phone.”

“Don't forget to turn it on!” Wesley shouted after Angel.

“The guy in trouble…what else did you get?” Gunn asked Cordelia. She didn't look at him.

“Nothing. Just that he needed help.” She lied.

“But I don't understand. Why Angel on his own? Surely it would be better if we all helped?” Wesley complained.

“The powers obviously need us for another reason.” Cordelia said. “Or maybe we'd just get in the way.”

“Well, if we're finished here, I'm gonna head home.” Gunn sighed. “Page me if the powers decide we're useful, after all.”

“Night!” Wesley said, as Gunn grabbed his things and left. “This is very odd. I'm not sure that letting Angel go alone was a good idea. No demon, you say…hmmm.”

Cordelia just stared at the computer screen. A picture of the motel stared back. Room twelve…it looked like a demoralizing place to be. She wondered how he had ended up there.


Angel drove as fast as he could. Cordelia had looked worried, if not a little disturbed by what she had seen. If only she could have explained more. Angel felt a little nervous about turning up unprepared for what he faced.

But he had weapons. And his strength.

He just felt…strange, without his friends to back him up.


Angel clutched the axe in his hand, a couple of weapons stashed in his clothes. He stood outside room twelve, waiting, listening carefully.

Muffled cries could be heard, but that all. Angel took a step back and kicked the door open. What he saw was enough to make his heart start.

“Lindsey?” Angel looked at the once familiar face, crouched on the floor, shirt and pants open, but on. Blood pouring from head wounds, arm wounds…

“Who the fuck are you?” The guy standing over him asked.

Angel just stood there…the powers had sent him here for this? “What are you?” Angel asked the man. “Demon? Vampire?”

“What the fuck's this guy on?” The man asked Lindsey.

Lindsey just looked down at the carpet, not moving.

“Lindsey? You need my help or not?” Angel asked angrily. He'd just driven all this way for this?

“No, leave me alone.” Lindsey muttered.

Angel nodded. “Fine.” He walked back to his car. There was no way he'd help the ungrateful lawyer. But the powers…

The man standing above Lindsey smirked down at him. “Old boyfriend?” He asked.

“No.” Lindsey replied through clenched teeth. He winced as he was dragged up by his shirt and thrown onto the bed.

“Man, he must really like you. Leaving you here, all by yourself…” The man mocked. “I guess I was right, you are a pathetic fuck.” The man raised his hand, ready to hit Lindsey again, but something stopped him.

“Can't let you do that.” Angel hissed, as he threw the man across the room.

“Angel.” Lindsey warned angrily.

“Shut the fuck up, Lindsey.” Angel replied, watching the man as he came at Angel again.

It only took one punch to knock him out cold. Angel looked at Lindsey coldly. “Now you gonna explain why I was sent here?”

“Why you lookin' at me, I didn't ask for your help.” Lindsey growled, getting off the bed, doing his pants up.

“No, the powers asked me to help you. Why, I have no idea.” Angel sighed. He watched Lindsey walk to the closet and saw as his shirt flew behind him. He saw red marks across Lindsey's back and shook his head to himself.

“Yeah well, be sure to say thanks for me next time ya see `em.” Lindsey said, sarcastically.

“Yeah, well. I've taken care of your boyfriend for you, now I can go home. Please feel free not to get into trouble again.” Angel replied spitefully, as he went to leave.

“He wasn't my boyfriend,” Lindsey protested, “I…”

“I really don't care.” Angel interrupted. “Damn it.”


“I don't believe this.” Angel growled.

“What?” Lindsey demanded.

“The suns up.” Angel sighed. “I don't know if I can risk going all the way back to LA.”

“Great. Have a nice afterlife then.” Lindsey smirked, pulling a suitcase from under the bed. Angel watched as Lindsey winced with pain.

As much as he liked to watch Lindsey in pain, he was by Lindsey's side, pulling the case out for him before he could stop himself.

“Thanks.” Lindsey muttered, opening the case.

“You're hurt.” Angel said.

“Oooh, you become a detective while I was away?” Lindsey mocked.

“Take off your shirt.” Angel commanded.

“Fuck you.” Lindsey replied.

“Do it.” Angel insisted.

“Why? So you can make fun of me. Lindsey gets his ass kicked…that a big joke to you?”

“Only if I did the ass kicking.” Angel retorted. Lindsey glared at Angel until finally giving up. He ripped his shirt off and tossed it on the floor.

Angel glanced at the shirt. As Spike liked to tell everyone, he was anal about tidiness. But apparently, so was Lindsey because he picked it up and placed it neatly on the bed before Angel could comment.

“You happy now?” Lindsey asked, angrily, half naked in front of his worst enemy.

Angel ignored him, concentrating on the wounds on Lindsey's back. They were only a day or so old, nothing past that. “What happened?”

“None of your fucking business, now will you please leave me alone?” Lindsey asked stubbornly.

“I'm stuck here.” Angel pointed out.

“Yeah, well I'm not and I'd like to get out of here before he wakes up.” Lindsey told him, gathering his clothes and throwing them into the suitcase.

“He raped you.” Angel stated, smelling the scent on Lindsey.

Lindsey paled but he looked indignantly at Angel. “He didn't rape me. God, where do you get off…?”

“I can smell him on you.” Angel said, his face finally gaining a little emotion.

“He didn't…” Lindsey broke off, unsure of how he could possibly explain. “You know, I don't have to explain anything to you.”

“The powers sent me here for a reason.” Angel said, not sure why he was even bothering with him.

“I don't give a rat's ass what the powers want you to do. I want you to leave me alone.” Lindsey threatened.

Angel smirked. “I work for them, not you.”

“Fuck you.” Lindsey replied.

“So if he didn't rape you…”

“Shut up…just shut the hell up.” Lindsey yelled, wishing it had been anyone but Angel. He would have been happier to see Lilah and armed thugs, here to drag his ass back to LA.

“Are you gay Lindsey?” Angel asked, slightly amused at Lindsey's worked up state.

“No! I'm not gay…Angel please…go save the world, torture somebody else…just please, leave me alone.” Lindsey begged, throwing the last of his things in the bag. He got himself so worked up, the strain of the last couple of days and the injuries finally took their toll and he collapsed.

Angel was there to catch him before he hit the floor.


Lindsey woke hours later and found he was lying in bed. He looked around, afraid the guy Angel had knocked out was still around. No sign of anyone. Maybe the guy had killed Angel. It's not like there would be a body…

But Lindsey knew in his heart that there was little chance of that. The guy had probably woken and Angel would have sent him on his way. But then where was Angel?

“Angel?” Lindsey called cautiously.

“Here.” Angel replied, walking in from the bathroom. He was in a towel and was dripping wet. “Just taking a shower.”

Lindsey watched the glistening body with fascination. He found himself wondering how Angel got in such good shape. “I was hoping you'd gone.”

“No such luck.” Angel replied, smiling. “Your boyfriend woke up and…”

“He's not my boyfriend.” Lindsey repeated angrily.

“Hey, take it easy. You don't want to faint again. Oh and it was no trouble putting you to bed. Don't thank me too much.” Angel added sarcastically.

“Whatever.” Lindsey said, rubbing hid forehead. “You got any aspirin on you?” He asked. “No, I don't suppose you do.”

“Any in the bathroom?” Angel asked, trying to be helpful.

“No.” Lindsey sighed. “Guess I can live with it.”

Angel rolled his eyes. “Where you heading next?”

“Why d'you care?” Lindsey asked, carefully.

“Just making conversation.” Angel put his hands up in protest. “Calm down.”

“It's none of your…”

“Business. Got it.” Angel smirked. “Thought you were heading home.”

“Was.” Lindsey said, quickly.

“What stopped you?” Angel asked.


“Oh.” Angel didn't really know what to say next, so he kept quiet. The two just looked at each other for a moment.

“Did your friend get a vision?” Lindsey asked finally.

“Cordelia…yeah, she did.” Angel said. “Said someone was in trouble down here. Didn't say it was you though.”

“Would you have come if she had?” Lindsey joked.

Angel answered seriously. “Probably not at first. But I would have come eventually.” He thought for a second. “I better call and tell them I'm okay.” He pulled out his cell phone and dialled the number.

“Cordy, hi.” He said, turning away from Lindsey who watched him intently. “Yeah, I'm fine…no, he's fine. You knew? You knew and you didn't say anything…I would have…we're going to have words when I get back…no…no, Cordelia, I'm not…Cordelia…no, no way, no chance…I said no…he won't come with me…I haven't, he just won't…fine.” He switched the phone off and put it back in his pocket.

“I'm not going with you.” Lindsey said.

Angel nodded thankfully. “I knew you wouldn't.”

“Your friend was worried about me?” Lindsey asked, surprised.

“She gets over emotional about the visions, don't take it personally.” Angel said.

“Does she usually get visions like this?” Lindsey asked hesitantly.

Angel looked at him and sees the fear in Lindsey's eyes for the first time. He realised it had always been there. When Cordelia said the person he was supposed to save was afraid and in pain…she wasn't joking. Lindsey was holding back. “No, it's usually demons or some big evil…”

“Oh.” Lindsey looked away, hiding the hurt in his eyes.

Angel suddenly felt sorry for him. “Lindsey, I was sent here for a reason. You're not telling me everything.”

“So?” Lindsey challenged.

And then Angel realised what Lindsey was doing. He was trying so hard to push Angel away; he wanted to deal on his own. But above all, Lindsey wanted help. Preferably without loosing his pride. “Lindsey, you're going to tell me everything if I have to beat it out of you and then we're going to talk about this.”

“I thought you were going to leave.” Lindsey said, snidely.

“You need my help. I'm here. Don't try and get rid of me because I'm staying.”

Lindsey looked as if he was about to cry. “I don't need your help.”

“I don't care.” Angel replied. “Because I'm here whether you like it or not.”

Lindsey thought about it before looking back at Angel. “What do you want to know?”

“Start from the beginning. You left LA…” Angel coaxed.

“So I left LA. Minutes afterwards, I'm stopped by the police. Some joker has put a big sign on the back of my truck.” Lindsey glared at Angel.

Angel smothered a grin. “Go on.”

“So, I apologise and carry on. I'm going home…extremely happy. Until I stop for a drink. Leave the keys in my truck and guess what?”

“It gets stolen?”

“Good guess.” Lindsey said. “So I walk to the nearest motel. I stay for one night, spend everything I have. But then what do I do? No money, no transport, no food…”

“Why didn't you call your family?”

“Maybe because I left my family behind a long time ago.” Lindsey replied. “I stay another night at the motel anyway, hoping that I could get away without paying. I get caught. The guy who owns the place, he came here and asked for money. I didn't have it.”

Realisation dawns on Angel.

“He beat the crap out of me and told me to pay up.” Lindsey said, looking at anything but the sympathetic eyes of Angel. “Then said there was a way I could pay.”

Angel nodded, knowing exactly what Lindsey meant.

“He told me I could stay here as long as I needed.” Lindsey said, trying very hard not to cry. “As long as I did as he asked me to. And I agreed. I had nochoice. He only made me blow him at first and I did. I did it because I needed a place to stay.”

Angel frowned and looked at his feet. If he'd have known Lindsey was in this much trouble…wait, he didn't care about Lindsey. Lindsey was the asshole who killed Darla. Made her evil again…

“Last night he wanted more.” Lindsey continued. “He wanted to fuck me.”

“And you said no.”

“I said no.” Lindsey repeated. “So he got violent. Used his belt. Do you know what it's like to be beaten by a guy with his belt?”

Angel remembered his father. He had beaten him with a belt. And later…Angelus had taken great pleasure in using one on Spike. “No.”

“Yeah, well…you showed up and here we are. No big deal.” Lindsey dismissed the subject and looked at his suitcase on the floor. Still full.

“Do you need money?” Angel asked.

“Not from you.” Lindsey replied. He was angry and Angel couldn't blame him. Lindsey had just bared his soul and Angel knew what it was like to do that.

“You can't stay here.” Angel pointed out.

“So I'll hitchhike.” He said. “Are you going to put clothes on anytime soon?”

Angel realised he was still practically naked and grabbed his clothes from the chair. “Hitchhiking is dangerous.”

“No shit, Sherlock.” Lindsey said sarcastically. “I can take care of myself.”

Angel only had to give him a look.

“Fine, maybe I can't even do that, but right now I don't give a shit.” Lindsey stuttered.

“Yes you do.” Angel argued.

Lindsey glowered at the vampire. “Look, you did your job, now you can fuck off back to LA.”

“As soon as the sun sets.” Angel replied.

“As soon as the sun sets.” Lindsey reiterated.

“But until then…”

“I'm leaving.” Lindsey said, grabbing his bag.

“Fine.” Angel said.

“Right.” Lindsey stood there looking at Angel, almost wishing he would stop him.

“Good luck.” Angel said.

“Yeah, well, I'll be fine.”


“You say thank you to Cordelia for me.” Lindsey said.

“Will do.”

Lindsey went to leave but stopped at the door. “And…thank you…”

Angel looked at the back of the ex-lawyer, wishing Lindsey would look at him. “No problem.”

Lindsey opened the door and walked out.

Angel watched him leave, wondering why he wasn't happy to have solved yet another `case.'

“Angel!” Lindsey's voice called out desperately.

Angel ran to the door and looked out. Lindsey was standing there, surrounded, and there was nothing Angel could do. They were in direct sunlight.


Men dressed in more black than Angel owned, surrounded Lindsey. They were covered in bulletproof vests and weapons of all kinds. Angel had to wonder why they would go to so much trouble for just one man.

Lindsey looked at Angel and silently cursed him for being so damn weak against the sun. Opposed to him, who was weak period.

“Could use some help over here!” Lindsey called out, knowing full well Angel could do nothing. He watched as the vampire disappeared back into the room. “Hey!” He yelled in protest.

Angel looked round the room for something useful. He looked at the blanket, wondering if he had a chance…but quickly dismissed the idea.

He grabbed the axe he'd brought in and ran to the door. The men had Lindsey on the ground, using the cattle prod-like devices they'd used on him not so long ago.

He aimed at the larger man and threw the axe. It sliced through the air and straight through the guy's neck. The men surrounding Lindsey looked at Angel. One of the men signalled and two of the guards began to run towards Angel. The two men left dragged Lindsey off the floor and towards the van they had arrived in.

The two guards came at Angel as if they had no idea who he was. Two snapped necks later, Angel looked up, ready to watch helplessly as Lindsey was dragged away, but that wasn't what he saw.

“Took your time!” Lindsey's voice said in mock exasperation, walking into the shade with his suitcase as if the two men holding him hadn't even been there.

Frowning, Angel looked over to the van and saw the two bodies lying in an unnatural position.

“How the…”

“Got hold of one of the guns.” Lindsey said, looking away.

Angel saw the lie in Lindsey's eyes and became angry. “What's going on?”

“Nothing.” Lindsey protested.

“The hell it isn't.” Angel hissed, following Lindsey back into the room. “I didn't get send here to save you from your…that guy. Why am I here?”

“Don't keep asking that. I haven't got a fucking clue okay?” Lindsey growled. “I don't need saving Angel.”

“Who were they?”

“Wolfram and Hart. Who else?” Lindsey rolled his eyes.

“I thought they were leaving you alone.” Angel probed.

“They were.” Lindsey said, looking away from Angel. He wondered why this was so hard. Why couldn't he just spit it out?


“And now they're not.” Lindsey said sarcastically. “Go bug someone who deserves saving.” Lindsey paused, realising he hadn't meant to say that.

Angel saw his mistake and wondered why he wasn't smirking. He didn't know how to reply.

“Just go.” Lindsey begged.

“Not until I'm finished.” Angel said firmly. “Why won't you tell me what's going on?”

“I can't.” Lindsey moaned, clutching his head.

“What is it?” Angel asked, concerned with the ex-lawyers strange behaviour.

“A headache. Jeez, you a doctor too?” Lindsey scowled.

“Fuck you, Lindsey!” Angel yelled, scaring Lindsey with his sudden outburst. “I'm here to help you and you keep making jokes. This isn't easy for me either. You killed Darla and I hate you for that. You sold your soul for an office and I hate you for that. But you walked away and dealed with the consequences and I respect you for that, okay? We're not enemies anymore, Lindsey. We're nothing to each other so stop fucking with me and let me help you.”

Lindsey remained silent, his back to Angel. He slowly looked around and nodded. Angel saw the tear stains down his cheek and his anger subsided.

“What happened to you?” Angel asked softly.

“I don't know exactly…” Lindsey began. “I was on my way home and…” Lindsey slumped on the bed, staring into the distance as he spoke. “And something attacked me. It was a demon I think…a random attack.”

“What did it look like?” Angel asked.

“I don't know. Demony?” Lindsey joked. When he saw Angel's serious gaze, his smile faded and he continued. “Anyway, it attacked me and I killed it, but when I checked it was dead, my hand touched the skin and it was drawn to it…you know? Pulled down and I couldn't move away. Then I got this pain in my hand that moved up to my brain. Next thing I know, I wake up and the demon is nowhere to be seen. I check myself over, not hurt, and I still have the little money I had left. I got in my truck and drove home. Halfway there, I stopped for a drink and a guy picked a fight. I got my ass kicked, but just as I got really pissed off, the guy keeled over and died. I felt weird…as if I'd got pins and needles on my hands. I ran from the bar and carried on driving. A day later, a van full of Wolfram and Hart pull up and try to shove me in the van. Same thing happens. I don't know what the fuck that demon did to me, but I wasn't exactly unhappy about it at first.”

“What happened?”

“Met some more of their henchmen along the way. This time, a guy in a suit stops me and offers me the world. He says I have a gift…one that Wolfram and Hart intend on owning whether I agree of not.”

“A gift?” Angel looked confused. “But surely anyone could get this just by touching the demon?”

“Extinct.” Lindsey smirked. “Guess I just wiped a species out. Oops.”

“So you said no?”

“Have you seen what Wolfram and Hart do to their `gifted' employees? I had no intention of going back and when I tried to kill the guy in the suit, I collapsed.”

“You collapsed?”

“Yeah, looks like this gift is not human friendly. I can't control it and I can't handle it.” Lindsey sighed. “So I have a choice. Go to Wolfram and Hart and learn to control it or go home and die.”

“That's why you didn't go home?”

“I'm fucking lethal, Angel. God knows who I'll kill next.” Lindsey lay on the bed.

“Shit.” Angel said.

Lindsey began to laugh.


“You…shit.” Lindsey smiled. “That word…it doesn't seem right from you.”

“Yeah well, you've got yourself into quite a situation here.” Angel smiled back. “It deserved an exclamation.”

“It sure did.”

“So what happened, after you collapsed?”

“A guy rescued me.” Lindsey said, avoiding eye contact again.

“A guy?”

“Just your everyday average guy. He saw I was in trouble and saved me. Brought me here at my request. I was on my way back to you.”

“You were?”

“I knew you wouldn't help me, but it was the only place I could go.” Lindsey brushed the hair from his face and looked at Angel, studying his reaction.

“You must have been desperate.” Angel joked.

Lindsey smiled. “You have no idea.”

“So I guess I'm supposed to sort this out. Get rid of your `gift' and stop Wolfram and Hart…again.” Angel sighed. “Well, better call the gang.”

“Don't tell them…” Lindsey cried out suddenly. “You know, about how you found me?” He added softly.

Angel looked at the pleading eyes of the lawyer and nodded. “Of course I won't.

“Hi Wesley.” Angel said as Wes answered the phone. “No, I'm fine. I need you to research a demon for me.”

“Big, brown, lizard like.” Lindsey said.

“Big, brown, lizard like.” Angel repeated to Wesley. “When it dies, it passes on a gift of some sort to the person who touches it. The last one alive is apparently dead…yeah…no, not that kind of gift. It kills humans when the gifted experiences extreme emotion like anger…yeah, thanks Wes.”

Angel put his phone back in his pocket and looked at Lindsey. “Well?”

“He's looking it up, shouldn't be too long. There aren't many demons who pass anything, let alone something like this.”

“I don't know why you're bothering, I'll be dead soon anyway.” Lindsey said quietly.

“It's worth trying, isn't it?” Angel asked. He saw the resignation in Lindsey's eyes that told him Lindsey didn't think so.


“You'll be fine.” Angel said, trying to comfort him.


Angel watched the monosyllabic man with a sympathetic gaze. He had no idea how to help him, so him simply sat down next to him and remained silent.

“Angel?” Lindsey's voice quivered.

“Yeah?” He answered.

“You won't leave now, will you?” Lindsey asked, swallowing his pride.

“No, I'm right here.” Angel replied, no hint of sarcasm anywhere.

“If I die…”

“You're not going to die.” Angel interrupted stubbornly.

“Will you tell my family?” Lindsey asked.

Angel hesitated. “Yeah.” He hated to think about the event, but he knew it was only a matter of time. “Yeah, I will.

“My little brother and sister…and my twin brother…”

“You have a twin?” Angel asked, smiling.


Angel prepared himself to make some sort of comment but an image of the two handsome men side by side stopped him dead in his tracks.

“Angel?” Lindsey called out.

“What?” Angel snapped out of it, realising he had zoned out.

“I got four. My twin brother, and my little brother and sisters. Then there's my dad. Will you tell them?”

“How old?” Angel asked out of interest.

“Twenty, eighteen and twelve.” Lindsey replied. “My other brothers died when I was six.”

“Flu season.” Angel said, remembering a conversation long ago where he'd made fun of a desperate Lindsey who had come for him for help.

“Yeah…flu season.”

“You're not going to die. We'll find out how to stop this.”

“I haven't spoken to any of them for so long. Last time I saw Rachel she was so little.”


“My twin brother, Casey…we haven't spoken since we fought ten years ago.”

“Lindsey!” Angel yelled, finally getting his attention. “Tell them yourself. You're going to be fine. Stop going on.”

“I just…”

The phone interrupted them. Angel pulled his cell phone out. “Angel” He answered. “…You found it? Extinct, yeah we know…what? Are you sure...?”

Angel put the phone down and looked at Lindsey.

“I'm dead, aren't I?” Lindsey asked, not really wanting to know.



“You're gonna live.”

Lindsey studied Angel's face for sign of a joke. “I am?”


“What did they say?”

“You weren't joking when you said you had a gift. You're a wanted man now.” Angel told him.

“What do you mean?”

“You have the power to kill and heal people, given time. No wonder Wolfram and Hart are after you…you could be a weapon of great destruction.”


“Or a weapon of great good.” Angel added. “I guess that's up to you now.”

“I don't want this.”

“Tough, you got it.” Angel replied.

“I don't know…what to do.” Lindsey whispered.

Angel looked at him. He wasn't sure what the powers had in mind, but he was supposed to take care of this bastard. “You're coming back with me.”

“What?” Lindsey looked at Angel as if he'd gone mad.

“You heard. As soon as the sun sets, we're going back to LA.”

“No…I don't want…”

“You think you have a choice?” Angel asked.

Lindsey wasn't sure whether Angel was joking so he nodded. “Fine, but I'm not staying with you.”

“Do as your told and we'll get along fine.” Angel smirked.

“Bite me.” Lindsey hissed. Angel actually looked as if he was considering the option. “Whoa…I was joking. I'll come with you.”

“Good boy.”

“Don't patronize me.”


“I'm not a child.”

“Compared to me you are.”

“Fine gramps, I guess I need to take care of you `cause you're so damn old.”

“Are we going to have this all the way home?”



“This is a really bad idea.”

“I know.”

“I might have to kill you before the day's through.”

“I know exactly what you mean.”


Lindsey sang loudly on the way home. Angel cringed at the choice in music. And yet, although he hated to admit it, Lindsey really could sing.

They were only a few minutes from the hotel. Angel was trying to think of ways to explain Lindsey's presence to Wesley and Gunn. Cordelia wouldn't mind, she had suggested it after all.

“Angel?” Lindsey asked meekly. “Are your friends going to mind?”

“Probably.” Angel replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

Lindsey frowned, wondering why he was letting himself get dragged into this. It was better when he was at the motel. He deserved to be treated like shit. At least he couldn't hurt anyone he cared about there.

Not that he cared about Angel.

Or his annoyingly pathetic gang of losers.

“We're here.” Angel said, snapping Lindsey out of his thoughts.

Lindsey looked at the hotel, a worried look on his face. He cursed himself for allowing Wolfram and Hart turn him into such a coward. He was afraid of everything and nothing these days. Gone was the confident lawyer he had once been. But then he'd had Wolfram and Hart behind him. Take away that and what's left?

Lindsey. Nothing more. Just a man.

But that was no longer true. Lindsey was no longer just a man. He was a killer. A weapon of destruction.

“Are you planning on sleeping out here?” Angel asked, yanking the door on Lindsey's side open and dragging Lindsey by his shirt.

“Hey!” Lindsey protested.

“Shut up and get inside.” Angel ordered, taking Lindsey's suitcase for him.

Lindsey stood looking up at the hotel. This was it…

“McDonald, if you don't get inside, I'm gonna get testy.” Angel warned, walking ahead without even looking back.

“I'm coming, I'm coming.” Lindsey sighed, questioning his actions. Since when did he let Angel boss him around?

Since Angel became his last hope.

Lindsey stepped inside and saw Angel trying to explain why the `evil lawyer' was staying with them for a little while.

“Are you serious?” Gunn asked raising his eyebrows.

“I have to agree with Gunn, this man is a known enemy. Who knows what his ulterior motive is.” Wesley said quietly. Lindsey heard everything and smiled.

Ulterior motive.

`Yeah, I'm going to kill you all in your sleep.' Lindsey thought to himself. `Probably will, now I'm part of the fucking X-Men.'

“Lindsey.” Cordelia smiled at him. Lindsey was immediately suspicious.

“Cordelia.” He said, remembering her name. “Thanks for the help back there.”

Cordelia beamed, happy he knew who she was. But Lindsey saw something else behind the smile. Sympathy.

She had the vision. She saw. She saw everything. She saw enough…

“Thank you for choosing Angel investigations. Please feel free to get into trouble again.” She joked. “And you get all this for a small price…”

“Cordelia.” Angel intervened, pushing her to the side.

“It's not like he can't afford it.” She muttered, half-joking.

“You can take one of the guest rooms. We'll keep looking for more information. Wesley says he's found something useful.” Angel offered.

“That's great.” Lindsey said, faking a smile. “Guess I'll get some sleep then…”

Angel nodded and left him standing there and all of a sudden, Lindsey felt very alone. He watched the band of superheroes, saving the day, from the sidelines and wished he could be with them. The old Lindsey probably would be. He'd been quite popular in his teen years, despite things being hard. He'd hung around in groups like theirs and they'd eaten pizza and joked around. Now look at him. The moment he joined Wolfram and Hart, he'd lost everything. He'd lost whatever it was that had made him feel alive and he'd been left with nothing but money. And now that was gone too.

He'd been mistaken when he had said he could go home. He could never go home. It wasn't the `gift' that was the problem, it was him. He was dead inside and no one could bring him back.

Silently, he lifted his bag and dragged it upstairs, both detesting and welcoming the silent loneliness it brought.

Meanwhile, Angel, Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn continued to research. Or rather, Wesley and Angel were trying to research…

“What did you do when you found out it was him?” Cordelia asked, desperate for information.

“What do you think?” Angel replied, sarcastically. “You should have told me.”

“You wouldn't have gone.” Cordy smiled.

“Is that such a bad thing?” Gunn asked. “Now, I'm cool with saving the innocent…it's what we do…but this guy works for Wolfram and Hart.”

“Worked.” Angel corrected, jumping to Lindsey's defence.

“Just `cause he walked away, don't make him a good person.” Gunn pointed out.

“If I recall, he did this once before and look what happened then.” Wesley said, joining in.

“If he goes back to Wolfram and Hart, I'll…” Angel broke off.

“What? You'll what?” Gunn asked. “The guy could kill us just by thinking about it.”

“I'll kill him.” Angel said, uncertainly. He didn't know where this sudden urge to protect Lindsey had come from. He silently cursed the powers for doing this to him.

“It won't come to that, I'm sure.” Wesley said.

“Come on, the powers want Angel to help Lindsey. I wouldn't have had one of my oh-so-painful visions if they didn't.” Cordelia added.

“Just as long as you keep him under control.” Gunn warned.

“I plan to.” Angel promised. “I wouldn't risk any of your lives and you know it.”

No one spoke, but they all thought back to Angel's recent abandonment. Wesley's near death experience. Angel hadn't helped them then.




And not one of them looked certain about it.


Lindsey opened one of the rooms and saw it was being used. He walked in, wondering whose it was. He didn't know how many of the bat-pack lived there. Who ever it was, they were pretty neat.

He ran his hand over the bed and looked over at the record player in the corner.

Angel. No doubt about it. He looked at the classical music next to it and smiled. He wondered over to the chair and saw a ring tucked into the side of the cushion. He pulled it out and studied it. It was an amazing gold ring, beautifully crafted. He could tell just by looking at it that it was worth a lot. He placed it on his finger. It was a little loose, but it looked pretty good. He took it off and rubbed his index finger around the inside, realising Angel's finger had been there. With no reason he could think of, he put it in his pocket, feeling safer having it with him. He realised it was a bizarre thing to do or feel, but it wasn't his fault he was going insane. He'd been though a lot. That's what he told himself.

“Hey.” Angel said.

Lindsey spun round with a guilty look on his face. The `I've done something wrong but you can't prove a thing look' his mother always joked about. “Your room?” Lindsey asked simply, hoping Angel had not seen him stealing.

“Yeah, there's one across the hall if you want it.” Angel said.

“Sure.” Lindsey walked out and across the hall, shutting the door behind him. Obviously Angel hadn't seen or he would have mentioned something.

“Lindsey.” Angel said through the door. “We're ordering Chinese, what do you want?”

Lindsey rolled his eyes. “Nothing for me thanks.” He wondered if Angel had really come up to ask him that.

Angel sighed and walked away slowly, looking back at the door every so often. As he walked down the stairs, he looked at his group of friends, who were working away.

“I'm starving, whose turn to get the food?” Cordelia asked.

Angel sighed. Poor excuse for a conversation starter. Should have known Lindsey wouldn't have wanted anything.

“I'll go.” Gunn offered.

“You get Thai again and I'll kick your ass.” Cordelia warned.

“How about Mexican?” Wesley asked.

“Chinese.” Gunn said.

“Nah, get Thai.” Cordelia said, changing her mind.

“I thought you didn't want Thai?” Gunn asked, frustrated.

“Yeah well, now I've got a craving.” Cordelia replied.

Gunn let out an exasperated groan and walked out to get the food.

“I rather fancy Mexican tonight.” Wesley told Cordelia.

Angel stood watching the scene. He was with his friends, doing his job…then why did he want nothing more than to be talking to Lindsey right now?

There was something addictive about arguing with him. He knew he should be helping with the research; after all, it was his stray he'd brought home, but he made a decision, which he couldn't explain the reason for.

“I'm going to get some rest, I haven't slept in days.” Angel said, running up the stairs before anyone could complain.

He walked towards his room and stood in the doorway, watching Lindsey's room, wondering what he was doing in there.

“Angel?” A voice called out. Angel opened Lindsey's door and looked in.

“How did you know it was me?” Angel asked, seeing Lindsey perched on his bed.

Lindsey shrugged. “I changed my mind about the Chinese, if it's not too late?”

“No…of course not. We haven't ordered yet.”

“I'll have whatever.”

“Sure.” Angel wondered why he was so ecstatically happy about having to go out just to fetch Lindsey some Chinese. He went to leave before looking back. “Are you okay?”

“Me? I'm fine.” Lindsey replied, quietly.

Angel frowned when he saw the sadness in Lindsey's eyes. He did the one thing he knew would cheer him up. “Yeah well, you look a mess. You might be broke now, but you still have a reflection.”

Lindsey looked shocked for a moment, before gaining a wry smile. “Make myself pretty just for you? Ah, Angel, didn't know you cared.”

“I really don't.” Angel replied. “But if you're going for the unemployed bum look…I say go for it.”

“Opposed to the gay look…”

“I do not look gay!”

“Whatever makes you feel better.” Lindsey said.

Angel walked away, happy to have at least made him smile. He ran downstairs, and just before walking out the door to fetch Lindsey some food, he turned to his confused friends.

“Do I look gay?”


As he walked through the door, Angel immediately sensed something was wrong. Cordy, Wes and Gunn were missing, books were still strewn across the room and it was deadly silent.

With well-practised stealth, he crept over to the weapons cabinet and removed a Kryakn battle sword. He listened for any sign of sound. Nothing.

He made his way to the stairs, keeping his eyes and ears focused, dreading what he would find. His first thoughts were of his friend's safety. He couldn't loose them again. But he soon realised it wasn't just them he was worried about. What if Lindsey was…?

Angel wondered why he was worried about Lindsey when he should be suspecting him. It was entirely possible he had…

But he couldn't bring himself to think that. The conversations he had had with Lindsey, they had been real. Lindsey hadn't been lying, Angel had believed every word.

If anyone was to blame, it was Wolfram and Hart.

He checked each room carefully, finally settling upon Lindsey's. It was empty. The room was a tip. The bed had been tipped over and the closet doors lay off their hinges. Someone had been looking for something.

Angel walked back downstairs to call the cell phones of his friends. He walked into Wesley's office and paused at the television and video player. That hadn't been there before. A little note said `press play'. Angel pressed play and the screen flashed, his three friends stood there. He watched as they were held at gunpoint.

A voice said simply. “Deliver Lindsey McDonald and you can have your friends back.”

The tape ended. Angel slammed his fist on the television, breaking it. They didn't have Lindsey, for that he could be grateful, but they had his friends.

“I hid.” Lindsey whispered from behind him.

Angel spun round, both relived and angry to see him standing there.

“They had your friends before I even realised they were here. There was nothing I could do.” Lindsey said, guiltily. He felt really bad about not being able to save Angel's friends. Seeing the pain on the vampire's face made it even worse.

Angel was surprised to hear the words. Since when did Lindsey give a damn about anyone but himself? “I have to get them back.” Angel said simply.

Lindsey nodded. It seemed he had already acknowledged his fate. “I guess we better go then.”

“Not until we have a plan.” Angel told him. Lindsey looked up at Angel, a small look of hope on his face. “You don't think I'd hand over someone as dangerous as you to them, do you?”

Lindsey didn't know whether to feel hurt, relieved or nervous. “If things go wrong and they…”

“I'll kill you.” Angel said.

Lindsey nodded again. “I don't want to become a killer.”

“You won't.” Angel promised. “I won't let you.”

“How's this going to work?” Lindsey asked hesitantly.

Angel looked down at some of the books Wesley had been reading. He saw some notes Wesley had made and smiled. “I have a plan.”


Two days later


Angel had passed on a message to Wolfram and Hart. He had promised them he would hunt Lindsey down and give him over to them in exchange for his friends. Two days had passed and Lindsey and Angel were hiding out in a small town near LA.

The time had come. They got into Angels's car, Lindsey with his hands tied around his back and a gag in his mouth.

“This is it.”

Lindsey muffled a reply and motioned to his belt with his head. Angel leaned over and pulled the belt across Lindsey. As he did, their eyes caught and Angel felt a pang of fear. This was going to be risky; it was entirely possible not all of them would make it out alive.

“You sure you want to do this?”

Lindsey nodded his head, and then turned to look at the road ahead of them.

“I know this is pretty big stuff. You've only had two days, but I know we can pull this off.” Angel swore. He started the car and they drove back into LA.


“I've got him.” Angel said into his cell phone.

“Bring him to the Gracechurch parking lot, fifth floor.” The male voice replied. “If you're alone and he's unconscious, you'll get your friends back.”

Angel put his cell phone down when the guy hung up. This was going to work, it had to. “They want you unconscious.”

Lindsey looked a little alarmed at first, before nodding.

“I'm going to have to knock you out, we don't have time to do it any other way.” Angel said, looking at Lindsey for a reaction.

Again, Lindsey didn't look too impressed, but he eventually nodded.

Sighing Angel pulled over. They weren't far from the parking lot; chances were they were already being watched. He gently pulled Lindsey forward then used a gun to smack the back of his head. Lindsey fell unconscious and Angel watched him miserably. This wasn't going to work.


Angel pulled up on the empty floor and saw the black van parked nearby. He saw a man get out, surrounded by armed guards. Angel got out and walked round the car, opened the passenger door and pulled the unconscious man out.

“Where are they?” Angel called over to the well-dressed man.

A woman got out of the van. Angel immediately recognised her. Lilah.

“They're nearby.” She said, walking over to him, not even waiting for the guards to catch up. She eyed Lindsey's restrained and helpless form being held up by Angel and smiled. “He put up a fight?”

“No, the guy bugs me. Wouldn't shut up.” Angel said.

“You held up your side of the bargain.” Lilah said. “Now we'll keep ours.”

Minutes passed and Angel waited for something…anything. Then his cell phone rang. He shifted Lindsey so he could reach his phone.


“Angel, it's Cordelia.” A quivering female voice replied.

“Cordy, are you okay?”

“They let us go Angel. We're fine.” She said.

“Are you sure?” He asked, not entirely sure whether Cordelia might be being forced to say this.

“Angel?” The voice changed.


“They let us go, but just to be on the safe side, we're going to Sunnydale. If they follow us, at least we'll have protection there. Be careful.”

“I will. Call me every ten minutes, okay?” Angel said. He put the phone down and looked at Lilah.

“Hand him over.” She said.

“How do I know you won't simply take them back as soon as I do?” Angel asked, suspiciously.

“Why would we want your friends? It's him we're after.” Lilah smirked.

“Fine.” Angel passed Lindsey over, eying the armed guards carefully. They were obviously expecting Angel to attack or try something. With that many stake guns pointed at him, he knew he wouldn't have a chance. One of the bigger men took Lindsey and dragged him back to the van.

This was it. Now or never. “One little problem.” Angel smirked at Lilah. “That's not Lindsey.”

The big man carrying the fake Lindsey keeled over in great pain. The guards looked around for a sign of who was doing it. Three more of them dropped to their knees, the breath taken from them, their eyes rolling back into their heads, followed by the well-dressed man.

Lilah didn't know what to think. She looked at the semi-unconscious fake Lindsey on the floor and pointed at him. “Kill him!”

The two guards left grabbed their rifles from their sides and aimed at him.

Angel tackled one as the other grabbed his stomach in pain, dying slowly. The guard had no chance against the vampire and died instantly. Angel got up and grabbed the moaning fake Lindsey's hand, dragging him to his feet.

“” Lilah asked, looking a little more than scared.

“Meet Casey McDonald.” Angel smirked. The real Lindsey walked out from behind the pillar at the back of the lot. He limped over to Angel, his body aching. Angel met him half way and raised his hand up to Lindsey's cheek, brushing back his hair. “You okay?”

“I'll live.” Lindsey smiled. “Almost didn't make it here in time. Good job I did, huh?”

Angel turned back to the shocked lawyer. “As for you…”

“Leave her.” Lindsey said, clasping Angel's hand. “She going to wish we'd killed her when Wolfram and Hart find out about this.”

Angel looked at Lindsey. “You'd better stop this, people are going to get confused as to which of us is the hero here.”

“Learning from the Master.” He grinned.

“They won't stop looking for you.” Lilah hissed at Lindsey.

“Tell them they'll have to come through me first.” Angel growled back.


“They're not there?” Angel asked Wesley on the phone. “What do you mean, not there?”

“I mean, no one is here. We've checked Buffy's house, Willow's place…no one is here.” Wesley repeated.

“Wait there, we're on our way.” Angel said.

“Things went well I take it?” Wesley asked.

“As planned.” Angel threw a smile at Lindsey who sat beside him in the car.

“Well, we'll wait at Buffy's house, maybe she'll come back.”

“Meet you there.” Angel replied, before switching the phone off.

“We're going to Sunnydale?” Lindsey asked.

“Where's Sunnydale?” Casey asked from the back.

“Another ten minutes from here.” Angel replied.

“This is messed up. I want some serious explanations when we get there.” Casey demanded.

“Don't we all.” Angel added.


Angel didn't bother asking how they got in with out Buffy being there. He simply ushered Lindsey and Casey inside.

The faces of shock stared back. Cordelia had rather a delighted shock, where as Wesley's was more fascinated. Gunn's shock however…

“What the hell? Since when was there two of them?” He exploded.

“Did this happen by accident?” Wesley asked, curiously.

“Twins.” I said, trying not to smile at his friend's reactions.

“Two evil lawyers?” Gunn asked.

“Evil?” Casey asked, raising his eyebrows. “You're evil?”

Lindsey looked down at his feet awkwardly.

“Lets just sit down and talk. We're all pretty confused right now.” Angel interrupted.

“Yeah, sounds good to me.” Gunn agreed.

They all sat down in silence, waiting for someone to offer an explanation.

Angel began. “You all know how Lindsey got these powers…” Everyone nodded. “Well, just after you guys were kidnapped, I got a plan.”


The missing two days…


Angel looked down and saw the notes Wesley had been making. One simple equation stood out. Mediation = Control. Angel smiled, realising that that was one thing he could teach Lindsey. Mediation. If only they had time.

But Wolfram and Hart didn't know Lindsey was here. For all they knew, Lindsey had run off. If he told them he'd find Lindsey for them, it would buy him some time. Lindsey could learn to control his gift and use it on them.

But Angel knew the lawyers would have already thought of that. They'd be ready, have some sort of plan…

If only he could give them a body double.

And then it hit him.

“I have a plan.” Angel said.

Lindsey blinked a couple of times. “Well?”

“It's a long shot.” Angel said, “but if we can pull it off, I can get my friends back without losing you.”

Lindsey froze at the words.

Angel realised what he had said and rushed to correct it. “I mean, lose you to them…your powers…it'd be really bad for me.”

But the damage was done. Lindsey didn't mock him like he thought he would have.

“Anyway, back to the plan.” Angel moved swiftly along. “You said you had an identical twin, right?”

“Oh no, don't go there. I'm not dragging my family into this. Especially not him. We haven't spoken in ten years.”

“Perfect opportunity.” Angel suggested.

“No. I won't put him in danger.” Lindsey protested.

“It will get you out of danger.” Angel argued.

“Not for long.”

“He won't be in danger. They'll think he's you. They want you alive, remember? If anything does go wrong, I'll kill anyone who goes near him.” Angel swore.

“And if you get dusted first?” Lindsey pointed out.

“You think of a plan, then.” Angel challenged.

Lindsey thought for a moment. “He won't do it.”

“It's worth trying.” Angel said. “Just hear me out, I've got it all planned.”


Casey had agreed to come. Lindsey had begged and apologised and told him half of what was happening. When Casey heard Lindsey's life was in danger, he had agreed to come immediately. He was on the plane, heading for LA.

From there, he'd drive down to the small town Lindsey and Angel had just driven down to. And there, they'd finalize the plan.

But for now…

“Breathe deeply.” Angel said, sitting cross-legged next to his `apprentice.'

“I am breathing deeply.” Lindsey argued, frustrated.

“Focus on the glass bottle.” Angel said softly.

Lindsey laughed.

Angel sighed angrily and looked at Lindsey. “What's so funny?”

“I kill people, not bottles.” Lindsey grinned.

“You can do almost anything you put you mind to.” Angel told him.

“We're not going to be smashing bottles are we? If we are, I hate to tell you this, but your plan sucks.”

“You need to learn to focus your power.” Angel told him.

“Well, Professor Xavier, it's not working.” Lindsey mocked.


“Never mind.” Lindsey rolled his eyes. “Come on then, lets break bottles.”

He returned to focusing again. Angel watched him, the little hope that this was working fading fast. If only…

“If you weren't so useless at everything, maybe we'd have a chance.” Angel hissed.

Lindsey spun his head to look at Angel, intense anger in his eyes. Angel felt himself being propelled back by a strong force. Lindsey ran to his aid, terrified he had killed the vampire. “Are you okay? Angel?”

“I'm fine.” Angel said, sitting up. “Now do that to the bottle.”

Lindsey laughed. “Bastard.”

“That's me.” Angel sighed. “Now back to work.”

“Sure thing, Yoda.” Lindsey grinned.


“Never mind.”


Lindsey had been staring at a glass bottle all day and it was getting boring. He tried to get angry at the glass, but it wasn't working.

“Do you need me to piss you off again?” Angel whispered, breaking his concentration.

“Fuck.” Lindsey yelled. “I'm trying to kill the glass, not you.”

“Then imagine the glass is me.” Angel said, dryly.

“Good idea.” Lindsey said, clenching his jaw. He looked at the glass and imagined Angel's self-satisfied smirk and the glass shattered into little pieces. Angel jumped back to avoid the raining shards and looked at Lindsey, a look of disbelief on his face.

“You must really hate me.” Angel said.

Lindsey burst out laughing.

“Stage one complete.” Angel cheered.

“Stage two?” Lindsey asked.

“Multiple objects.” Angel said, pulling out several glass bottles.

Lindsey groaned and sat back down, focusing on the bottles.

“This time, you must only kill the green bottles. Not the clear ones.”

“Excuse me?”

“The clear ones are innocent people. Kill them and I'll kill you.” Angel said, only half-joking. Lindsey realised he was talking about his friends.

“I'll try.”

“Do or do not. There is no try.” Angel smiled.

“You have seen Star wars.” Lindsey said.

“Result of living with humans.” Angel explained, remembering with a tinge of sadness when Gunn and Wesley had forced him to watch `classic' movies. “Not exactly my kind of films, but...we're really not here to talk about movies. Get on with it.”

“Okay.” Lindsey took a deep breath and imagined the green bottles were Angel being mean and the clear bottles were Angel saving his life. Nothing happened.


“I've been doing this all day!” Lindsey begged like a child.

“And you'll keep doing it until you get it right.” Angel said, sternly.

“Fuck you.” Lindsey muttered.

“Your brother will be here soon, so why don't you keep going until then. I'm sure you'll have a lot to catch up on.” Angel said.

“Angel…what if I hurt him?” Lindsey asked, his voice wavering.

“That's why we're learning focus, so you can control this.” Angel reminded him.


“I can't teach you everything. I'm not qualified and we don't have enough time. But we can teach you enough. After that, there are places you can go. Tibet's a great place to go to learn…”

“Will you take me?” Lindsey asked.

“I can't leave my friends. I have a job to do…” Angel replied, softly, wondering why Lindsey looked so hurt and why he was even asking in the first place.

“Right.” Lindsey sighed. “Maybe my brother will help me out.”

Angel remembered the lack of cash Lindsey had. “If it's money you need…”

“I don't need your fucking charity.” Lindsey yelled, simultaneously blowing all six bottles up.

Angel sighed. “You need to control your temper.”

“You think?” Lindsey replied sarcastically.

“You're impossible.” Angel growled.

“This is impossible.” Lindsey argued.

“It's not, you just need to learn…”

“I meant us.”

“Us?” Angel looked at him with an innocent look.

“Not `us' as in relationship…`us' as in working together.” Lindsey corrected him, his cheeks going red.

“I knew that.” Angel lied. He pulled out some more green and clear bottles. “Lets try again, shall we.

Lindsey dropped his head in exhaustion and groaned.


“You need to find something.” Angel told him. “Something that gives you the serge of emotion you need, but keeps you calm. Happy. Content.”


“Be serious.”

“How about hot showers?”


“What?! I don't have anything or anyone in my life that means anything to me except you.” Lindsey said. “Uh, I mean…that…you piss me off.”

“But I obviously piss you off too much.” Angel pointed out.

“Not all the time.” Lindsey offered.

“That's not helpful.” Angel said.

“Or maybe it is.” Lindsey smiled and turned back to the bottles. Half thinking about the green bottle, half thinking about Angel, just after he'd got out of the shower. Dripping wet, muscles to die for…

Three green bottles smashed. They didn't blow up as the previous one had.

“You did it! You controlled it.” Angel yelled in excitement. “What did you think about?”

Lindsey smiled to himself. “Nothing in particular.”


Casey arrived a couple of hours later. He got out the car; his bag slung over his shoulder and studied the place they were staying in. Cheap motel in the middle of nowhere. He heard shouts from the garden to the side and walked round. He saw his brother and another man sitting in the shade, talking.

“Hello Lindsey.”

“Casey.” Lindsey jumped up and looked at his brother. Angel stared at them both in fascination. As Angelus he'd always loved twins, but he'd seen enough of them to not care about the wonder of two people looking so alike. But this was different. Two Lindsey's. One with floppy curtained hair, the other with short hair. One dressed in pants and a shirt, the other in jeans and a t-shirt.

“Hi, I'm Angel.” Angel said, offering his hand.

Casey nodded politely and shook it before turning back to his brother. “So are you going to explain what's going on?”


Everything had been explained. Except that vampires and demons existed. That would have taken a lot longer to sink in.

“I don't get it…this is a joke right? You're trying to tell me a lawyer firm is after you because you have super powers? Do you know how many flaws there are in that story?”

“I know it seems weird, but I'm telling the truth.” Lindsey promised.

“Prove it.” Casey challenged. “Fly.”

“I can't fly, I'm not fucking superman.” Lindsey argued.

“Then do something.”

Lindsey looked over to one remaining bottle and smashed it just with one thought of Angel smiling.

Casey went white. “You weren't joking.”

“No.” Lindsey said sadly. “Not a joke.”

“Just like the movies.” Casey muttered.

Lindsey and Angel smiled.

“Do you have x-ray vision?”

“Uh, no.” Lindsey replied.

Casey looked disappointed. “That would have been cool.”

“Can we concentrate on the important details here?” Lindsey interrupted.

“My friends have been kidnapped and they're willing to do a swap for your brother.” Angel explained. “I'll explain the plan and then you can make up your mind.”

“I'll do whatever it takes.” Casey said.

Lindsey felt his heart sink. His brother was still willing to help him after all this time. They used to be identical in everyway, from looks to clothing to personality. Would Lindsey do the same for him if their roles were reversed? Would have done, would now, but not the other Lindsey. Lindsey the lawyer would have let his brother die. Lindsey smiled to himself, realising he was no longer the `dead shell lawyer' he thought he would always be.

He was changing.

He had once said that no one could bring him back…now it seemed the one man he had hated was doing the impossible. Angel: his enemy, his friend, his hero.


They sat alone outside in the dark. Casey was sleeping off his flight in the motel room. They sat in silence, watching the stars, both lost in their own thoughts.

Angel had been trying to figure out how Lindsey had gained such control so fast. Whatever it was he was thinking about, it had made all the difference.

Lindsey thought about Angel. Why was it that imagining Angel half naked or smiling at him gave him such clarity and control? Lindsey didn't understand his own mind and that worried him slightly. What was going on here that he hadn't worked out yet?

Angel wondered if perhaps Lindsey thought about Darla. He had loved Darla perhaps more than Angel had. Or maybe he thought about his family. Families are nice to think about when you haven't seen them for so long. Angel knew what that was like. To see the face of his little sister every night made him calm. He felt guilty, but she made him calm, as if she was with him…protecting him. Angel was really tempted to ask.

Lindsey put his hands in his pockets and felt the ring he had stolen. He felt rather guilty about it and thought about telling Angel. But pride got in the way and he left it where it was.



“What do you think about?”

That caught Lindsey off guard. What did that question mean exactly?

“When you use your powers, what do you think about?”

“Oh…you, I guess.” Lindsey admitted.



“I thought I pissed you off.”

“Like I said, not all the time.” Lindsey replied.

“So I calm you enough to control your gift?”

“Something like that.” Lindsey said, feeling awkward.


Lindsey sighed. He wasn't in the mood to hold back right now. He felt guilty, nervous, weak, strong, angry, alone and content. He decided he didn't give a damn what he said because he didn't plan on living through any of this anyway. “I think about you because it makes me happy and sad, angry and calm and disgusted and horny, okay?”

Angel didn't move. “Yeah, I know what you mean.” He said finally.

Lindsey looked at him. “What?”

“You've been driving me mad since I first saw you. I've felt like that since then.”

“You have?” Lindsey couldn't believe he was hearing this.

“I smelt your arousal back in the motel when I came out the shower.” Angel said. “I saw you take my ring.” Lindsey looked down at his lap, embarrassed.


“But I kinda figured you weren't ready. Not yet.” Angel said.

“But I am ready.” Lindsey said. “I need you…now.”

Angel gave him a soft smile. “You're not ready. But I can wait.”

Lindsey sighed. He pulled the ring out his pocket and passed it to Angel.

“Keep it.” Angel said. “It's helped me through some tough times, maybe it'll help you.”

“It already has.” Lindsey said, taking his chain from around his neck and putting it on it, before replacing the chain. “Thank you.”


The next morning, Casey, Lindsey and Angel finalized the details of the plan. Lindsey got a taxi to LA, leaving Casey and Angel behind. Casey was tied up and placed in the car. When Angel found out where he was supposed to meet, he rung Lindsey from a payphone and told him where to be.

Lindsey had shown up minutes after Angel, just in time to hear the three words: “That's not Lindsey.”

He quickly dispatched all the guards and the well-dressed lawyer, before showing himself. The plan had worked…


“Wow.” Cordelia said, sitting back into her chair. “That was…wow.”

“You did good.” Gunn said to Angel and Lindsey. “You probably pissed `em off even more, but you still did good.”

“I guess it was lucky I found out how to control your powers before we were kidnapped.” Wesley pointed out.

“Yeah, we couldn't have done it without you all.” Angel said.

“Thanks, all of you.” Lindsey said.

“Well, if you don't mind, I think I'm going to go back to reality. This has been one messed up journey.” Casey sighed.

“How'd he react to the whole `Angel is a vampire' thing?” Cordelia asked.

“He's a what?” Casey frowned; looking decidedly worried about the sanity of the people he sat with.


The car was squashed on the way back, but Cordelia really didn't mind squashing up to Casey and by the look on his face, neither did he. Lindsey sat close to Angel, watching him drive, smiling.

“I'm telling you, you have to stay here. I could show you some great sites.” Cordelia flirted.

“Well, if you're offering…” Casey smiled.

Lindsey rolled his eyes. “Always chasing the girls.”

“Not like you, you spent all you time with the guys.” Casey shot back.

Angel smothered a grin and Lindsey chuckled quietly. “Yeah, guess I did.” He murmured.


Sleeping in separate rooms was hell for both of them. Neither slept, both tossed and turned, thinking of each other.

Angel kicked the cover off violently, then, his obsessive tidiness made him pick it up and replace it neatly.

Lindsey stared out of the window, watching the sunset. The hours they slept were really strange. Sometimes they slept during the day, sometimes at night and sometimes half and half. Lindsey wondered how Angel's human friends managed it.

Angel wished he could go into Lindsey's room. He didn't care about waiting for the right time; he couldn't stop thinking about him.

Lindsey fingered the ring willing Angel to walk into his room and slam him into the nearest wall and…

Just push him into the nearest wall and…

They both stood up, not willing to wait for each other anymore. They opened their doors and saw each other.

“Couldn't sleep.” Lindsey said quickly.

“Hungry.” Angel muttered.

Lindsey took a step back. “Want me to get your blood for you?” He asked nervously.

“Nah, I think there's enough right here.” Angel smirked.

“Huh?” Lindsey looked terrified.

“I'm just messing with you Lindsey.” Angel joked.

“Oh.” Lindsey sighed. “You want to talk or something?” He asked, hopefully.

“Or something.” Angel replied.

“Oh, okay, well…good night.” Lindsey said, turning back into his room.

“Wait! No, I meant something other than talking…not nothing.” Angel said.

Lindsey's face lit up. “Oh!” He grinned. “What did you have in mind?”

“This.” Angel clasped Lindsey's face with his hands and pressed his lips against his. Lindsey paused with shock, before responding to the kiss.

Lindsey's hands reached down to Angel's boxers and pulled them down, breaking away from the kiss.

“Are you sure?” Angel asked.

Lindsey replied by reattaching his lips to Angels. Angel helped Lindsey remove his own boxers, before they made their way clumsily to the bed. Lindsey landed on his back, with Angel's muscular body pressing down on his own. He was hard instantly and felt Angel groan mid-kiss from the feel on his cock pressing into him.

“Turn over.” Angel whispered in Lindsey's ear and Lindsey obeyed.

“Wait! Do you have any…?” Lindsey asked, but no one was there. He went to get up, but Angel walked back in, a tube of lubrication in his hand. “And why do you keep that here, may I ask?” Lindsey accused.

“For all the other clients I fuck after saving their lives.” Angel joked.

“I'm just a client?” Lindsey asked.

“But a very handsome one.” Angel grinned.

“That's alright then.” Lindsey smiled, lying back down.

Angel applied the lube to Lindsey's ass, pushing his fingers inside, feeling how tight Lindsey was. He then put some on his erect cock, before gently pushing into Lindsey.

Lindsey struggled not to make a sound, knowing his brother's room wasn't far from his, but the pain made it difficult.

Angel eased himself in gently, giving Lindsey's ass time to adjust. One the pain subsided, Lindsey started feeling the pleasure. He groaned happily and felt Angel nibble on his neck, playfully.

Ordinarily he would have feared for his life, having a vampire so close to his neck, but Lindsey realised he trusted Angel with his life, vampire or not.

Angel came and moved out of Lindsey, turning him over. Lindsey was breathing hard, his cock still hard. Angel knelt down and took it in his mouth, hearing Lindsey moan with pleasure.

He ran his tongue along the shaft, then skilfully, took it as far as he could and began to suck.

Lindsey arched his back wondering how it was possible to feel so good. He never wanted it to end.

As he came in Angel's mouth, he collapsed back onto the bed and felt Angel slide in beside him. They lay in each other's arms, breathing and thinking, both content at last.


The next morning, Lindsey and Angel were the last up, the other having got up five hours before. They were gathered round a table talking about books. Angel followed Lindsey down, trying not to put his arm around him even look at him differently.

“You two are up late.” Cordelia pointed out. “Left me and Casey to do all the work.”

Wesley cleared his throat and Gunn glared.

“Oh, and those two.” She added.

“Angel, it seems we've found something of use.” Wesley said. “I was researching this all night. There may be a way to pass on the gift.”

“Pass it on?” Lindsey asked, excitedly.

“Though the ritual is unclear, it may be possible.” Wesley said. “I suspect that's what Wolfram and Hart planned on doing with you if you didn't agree to help them.”

“But who you gonna pass them on to?” Casey asked, his hand on Cordelia's.

“Anyone.” Lindsey said. “If it gets them off my back.”

“Pass it on to a demon, then kill the demon so the powers don't get into the wrong hand.” Cordelia suggested.

“It's worth a try.” Wesley said.

“But won't the powers just pass onto the next person who touches the dead demon?” Gunn asked.

“No, they're only passed on through the demon Lindsey killed.” Wesley explained.

“If you get rid of your `gift' you can come home. Dad'll be ecstatic.” Casey smiled.

Lindsey looked at Angel, who looked at the floor. “Yeah, I could do that.” Lindsey said softly.

“It'd be great. Me and you, buddy.” Casey cheered.

“…But I can't.” Lindsey said. Angel looked back up. “I was kinda hoping I could stay here.”

“But it's not safe. You'd be safer at home. We've all missed you, man.” Casey argued.

“You could move here too.” Cordelia suggested to Casey who smiled at the comment.

“I've come to far to go home.” Lindsey said. “I think I need to be here right now, if no one minds.”

“I don't.” Angel said quickly, earning him a few strange looks.

“Yeah, and Casey, you could visit some time!” Cordelia grinned.

“No skin off my back. Just make sure he doesn't go evil again.” Gunn said.

“It's your hotel Angel, it's you choice.” Wesley said, really not bothered either way. “If he has no powers, Wolfram and Hart won't come after him. He might as well stay here.”

“It's settled then.” Angel said, happily.

“I really can't change your mind?” Casey asked Lindsey.

“Afraid not.” Lindsey smiled at Angel.

“You can visit any time you want to.” Cordelia told Casey.

“You better be careful, I might just take you up on the offer.” Casey said.

Everyone started to talk to each other, about Casey, Cordelia's flirting, Wolfram and Hart…

Except Lindsey and Angel. They just looked at each other, before silently slipping away upstairs.
