Spike's Destiny

By Katt

Chapter One: The Seeker

While walking the paths between dimensions, The Seeker hears a stray thought. The word vampire rippled through the ether. Because thoughts often convey more than the spoken word, The Seeker knew exactly what type of creature a vampire was just from that one thought. She found this interesting, a creature that drank blood to survive. The Seeker stepped into the dimension known as Earth. She read the human minds that passed by the building she had stepped into and learnt where to find these creatures. Having found that vampires are nocturnal and predatory, The Seeker decided to familiarise herself with this dimension before approaching the vampires. She had not been to this part of the dimensions before so she set about learning the ways of Earth.

First of all she would need clothes like the humans wore so she could walk amongst them. She reached out with her mind and called to a human male to come to her and bring clothes for her. Ten minutes later a man came to her with a sack of clothes. He was tall, muscular and out of breath. In the sack was a pair of jeans and a t-shirt as well as a pair of runners, she looked into his mind to see how they were worn then put them on. The Seeker then took his arm and forced him to show her around the city. Everything she saw, she simply took the relevant information from his mind and in this manner learnt almost everything about Earth by nightfall. Unfortunately her guide knew nothing of vampires so she wiped herself from his memory and left him at dusk. Her guide had shown her all the places she wanted to search for the creatures and she had no trouble finding them again. The Seeker knew to look for a demon essence inside a human body and wandered the streets looking for vampires. She did not find any that night so she moved on to the next city.

She found two vampires the second night. She let both of them drink from her and both turned to dust with the first mouth full. The Seeker was not impressed and wondered if she would ever find her Eternus Bellator. For many nights The Seeker moved through the city's of Earth, looking for vampires. She allowed several of them to drink from her and all of them turned to dust. The Seeker soon tired of the dimension and left it.

Forever seeking, always walking in the spaces between dimensions. Hunting, searching, seeking. She went from one dimension to another and found nothing. Headed for another part of the dimensions she passed Earth again and decided to give it one more try. Vampires seemed to be the most likely creatures to fulfill her prophesy it was just a matter of finding the right one. She started to seek out as many vampires as she could find. Most of them she left alone but she did let some of them drink from her, with the same result as before.

It was around this time that she started to hear the names Darla and Angelus from the vampires. Those she questioned talked of a vampire duo like no other, remorseless demons that loved to kill and cause mayhem. The other vampires virtually worshipped the pair. The Seeker began to search for these two creatures. She asked every vampire she came across about Angelus and Darla. All responded to her questions the same way. "No, I've never met them. I've only heard about them from other vampires". She soon began to think that these vampires were merely a myth. If The Seeker had learnt anything it was patience but hers was beginning to wear thin. She had almost given up on finding them when she came across a most unusual vampire, one that did not feed on humans. One who skulked in the shadows and fed on rats. She was going to kill this pathetic creature. Curiosity caused her to read the vampire's mind to see what had bought the creature so low and she discovered that the vampire was the legendary Angelus. A gypsy curse had restored his soul and reduced him to the pitiful creature that now cowered before her. Disgusted, she left him to his misery.

She had found two names in the vampires mind, Drusilla and Spike. She knew that Drusilla was Angelus's daughter but did not find much about Spike. She decided to ask around amongst the vampires she knew. Two vampires she spoke to referred to Drusilla as Drusilla the mad. Most said that she was quite insane. All agreed that she was Angelus's childe. Some even said that Spike was her childe. The Seeker did not bother to look for them, as she knew from Angelus's mind that they were not in the area. They had left the company of Angelus and Darla long ago. Her search started all over again, this time for Drusilla and Spike who were said to be worse than their respective grandsires. Vampires worse than Angelus and Darla would surely be capable of keeping up with her levels of cruelty and violence. At least she hoped so. The Seeker went to Europe, which is where the pair had last been sighted. Only to find that they had already moved on.

The Seeker was sick of the cat and mouse way of doing things and resolved to use her powers to find the vampires. She left the confines of earth and walked into the time stream, from here she could view the past and future of earth. The Seeker moved forward in time and found that the vampires she sought would end up coming to Sunnydale. Again she moved forward, to see that Drusilla would leave Spike and he was to be neutered by a government agency. Now that she had found Spike in the time stream she could follow his thread back into his past or forward into the future. She chose not too and quickly left the time stream. Back in the spaces between dimensions, The Seeker paused there to think. Her usually ordered, self centred thoughts had been disrupted by the images she had seen in the time stream. She did not understand why the vampire being rendered harmless had created turmoil in her mind.

'Could he be the one? My Eternus Bellator? Why else would such a fate as his moved me so? I have come so far, searched for so long and to find The One reduced to a harmless shadow of his former self…no, he can not be The One.' She thought to her self. Needing proof one way or the other she stepped back into the time stream and viewed the rest of Spike's immediate future. She found that Spike's thread spilt into two just after he was neutered. The Seeker followed one half to find the vampire in love with the slayer and working with her against evil. This disgusted her even more than the miserable thing Angelus had become. She retraced the thread to its split and followed the other half, she had not gone far when she found the proof she was looking for. Spike drinking from her and not exploding in a cloud of dust. A triumphant smile formed on her lips and she threw back her head and roared in victory.

After aeons of seeking she had found the instrument of her destiny, her Eternus Bellator. All she need do was to bend the creature to her will and she would rule every dimension in existence. She would be The Seeker no more, for she had found The One.

Strangely enough she was in no great hurry now, she wanted to savour the moment. Revel in her triumph but most of all she wanted the vampire to be indebted to her and if necessary, give his life for her. Nothing short of utter devotion would be fitting. She was, after all, going to rule all. She left the time stream and went back to earth to make some arrangements for the elaborate plan she had devised. Spike was about to have his destiny decided for him and he didn't even know it yet.


The Dimension Walker arrived in Sunnydale shortly before Spike came back from L.A. She was in time to stop him being chipped but had decided against interfering in that part of his future. She had determined to let this part of his fate come to pass as she intended to use it to her advantage. She would allow Spike to be chipped and suffer for a time so she could be the one to deliver him from his torment. She watched the vampire from a distance, getting to know his every move. The more she watched the more she came to like his style and the way he thought. This creature was definitely going to be able to keep up with her violent nature. Perhaps even push her to new extremes. This thought delighted her beyond measure. She had waited this long, a few more weeks would make no difference.

While she waited for the perfect moment to reveal herself to Spike she acquired a taste for clothes and procured many outfits. Most of which were selected because Spike would like them. These she stored in a house she had commandeered from an unfortunate group of vampires.
Soon enough the time had come to confront Spike, she dressed in a black lace sheath, a g-string and black leather knee high boots. Using her usual method of travel she stepped into the spaces between dimensions and stepped into The Bronze a moment later. No one noticed her sudden appearance and she seated herself in a dark corner to watch for Spike. She did not have to wait long. He strolled in as though he owned the place and began looking around for the slayer and her friends. Fortunately they were not there, Spike stayed a little while just in case they showed. After an hour he became bored and left The Bronze. She followed him to Willy's place but did not go in, as she would have been noticed in a place like that. Spike spent two hours at Willy's and by the time he left, he was quite drunk and had decided to go back to his crypt and sleep it off. She waited for him to enter the crypt and relax before she made her entrance.


Spike wandered into his crypt, intending to head down stairs and sleep but he did not make it that far. He dropped into the ratty old chair he kept upstairs for watching t.v. and began to doze.

She waited and as he began to doze, made her entrance.

Spike started awake at the sound of the crypt door slamming, he looked up to see a scantily clad woman standing there. A nasty smile formed on his lips. 'Shame I can't eat her, this one looks tasty' he thought.

She smiled at him and decided to play human for the time being.

"So tell me, what's a gorgeous woman doing in a dank crypt like this?" he asked.

"Looking for you, Spike" she replied.

The vampire was instantly wary, not only had this human walked into his crypt as if she had every right to be there, she also knew his name. He decided to play it cool and see what the woman wanted.

"Oh. And why are you looking for me?" he inquired.

The woman walked towards him with a seductive smile on her lips. "I've come to give you everything you've ever wanted, to make all your dreams and fantasy's a reality"

Spike raised his eyebrow questioningly and said "What makes you think you can do all that?"

"I don't think…I know. As a matter of fact, I'm the only one who can"

'Why are the beautiful ones always nuts?' thought Spike.

"I assure you that I'm completely sane. Do you really think I'm beautiful?"

"Beautiful…you're a stunner. Hang on a minute…I didn't say that out loud…what are you?" he started to get up.

She pinned him to the chair telekeneticly.

"What the hell?"

"Don't fight me Spike, I'm not here to harm you"

"Maybe not but your not human and I can't move so forgive me for being mistrustful. What are you?"

"I'm a unique being, the likes of which has never been seen in this dimension. I am telepathic and telekenetic. I have many other powers, none of which are important at the moment"

"What do you want with me?" asked Spike suspiciously.

"As I said, I've come to make all your dreams come true"

"You know, I'd be a lot more trusting if I could move"

"Yes but that would spoil my fun" she said as she straddled his lap.

He let his eyes roam slowly over her lace covered breasts and licked his lips suggestively. She laughed and slapped him lightly "Naughty boy".

"Hay, you sat on my lap" he said with a shrug.

She leant down and kissed him. He kissed her back.

She pulled away and smiled at him. Then started to nibble on his right ear which sent shivers down his spine and made him moan.

To be continued….