
By Ripe Wicked Plum

Five Years, Eleven Months


"Mom! Mom!" Will raced across the sand, nearly stumbling a few times as he ran towards Buffy, a wide grin that always reminded her of Spike's on his face. "Look at I find!"

"Look at what I found," Buffy corrected him with a smile as he skidded to a stop in front of her, butt plopping down on the sand. His curly, blond hair curled around his ears, framing his chubby face, and Buffy looked up as Spike jogged up, keeping a few paces behind the boy, and the vampire grinned at her as she turned her attention back to Will. "What did you find, sweet heart?"

Will proudly held up a small, shattered piece of coral, wanting to add it to her collection of shells. "Oh! It's beautiful, sweetie! Where did you find it?"

"Slimming!" He exclaimed, and Buffy shot a sharp look at Spike.

"You took him by the reefs?"

"He wanted to see the fish," Spike explained, "Don't worry, Slayer, I had my hand on him the whole time," Spike glanced down at Will, then grinned, "Tell mom what you saw!"

"I saw fish...and...and...shells...and a wobster!" Will was beyond excited, since he had never been allowed that far out in the water before, and he stuttered in his excitement, "An-an-and a shwak!"

"Shark?!" Buffy's eyes widened, and she looked up at Spike, "You took my son swimming with SHARKS?!"

"Buffy, it wasn't like I was chumming for them or nothing," Spike protested, "It was just a black-tip. They don't bother us if we don't bother them. We're not their chosen food source.'s the ocean...sharks are all over the place. It IS where they bloody well live."

"Don't be a smart-as--" Buffy caught herself in time, "Smart-aleck, Spike. I really wish you wouldn't take him out that far!"

Will looked between his parents, eyes wide as they argued, and they glanced down at him as he began to whimper, and Buffy sighed, bending and gathering him into her arms and lifting him up. "Ugh...someone's getting heavy," She muttered to Will, then glanced at Spike, toning her voice down some. "Could you...please not take him out that far?"

"Luv, there's not many places for him to go," Spike told her gently, laying a hand on her lower back, and rubbing his thumb in a circular pattern, smiling as she leaned into his touch. "If we don't give him some freedom, he'll try to go out there by himself and maybe get hurt or worse. Better that one of us is with him, don't you think?"

Buffy sighed, then glanced down at Will, who was still watching them almost warily, as if knowing they were still fighting, despite their calm voices. "I's just...I get worried."

"I know, pet. Me too, but if he's anything like us, he'll just do it anyway, no matter what we tell him."

"Fine, fine..." Buffy shook her head, and then grinned down at Will, bouncing him a bit to get a better grip on him, "You hungry? Dinner's all ready."

Will nodded, then wriggled till she put him down, and she smiled as he darted into the hut to put the coral with the rest of her shells, and she glanced at Spike as he wrapped an arm around her waist and nuzzled her throat affectionately, their argument already forgotten and forgiven.

Six Years, Three Months

Bedtime Story

Spike smiled as he softly closed the door to Will's room, glancing towards Buffy, who was lying on their bed, "He's worn-out. I could barely finish the story before he was passed out."

"What story did you tell him tonight?" Buffy asked, "The Big Bad Vamp and the Three Scoobies? Again?"

Spike chuckled as he prepared for bed, "Haha...nope...just tellin' him about the time me and Dru took out an entire bus full of nuns." Buffy's eyes widened slightly, and he grinned at her wickedly as he slid into bed beside her, "Kidding."

"About the nuns too, I hope," Buffy said, but Spike only winked at her as he ran his hand along the curve of her hips.

"Not telling."

Buffy rolled her eyes, but couldn't help giggling as he tickled her stomach with his fingertips as he urged her onto her back, and caught her lips with his, kissing her gently and lovingly, hands roaming along her skin.

He sat up a bit to gaze down at her, her long, waist-length hair spread out in a golden wave beneath her body. He took the edge of her tattered shirt and started to lift it over her head.

Buffy sat up a bit to allow him to slid the cloth over her, then abruptly jerked away from him as Will opened the door to his room, sleepily rubbing at his eyes, and Spike sighed as he sat all the way up, running a hand through curly hair that was the same as his son's, "'re supposed to be in bed."

"Not sweepy," He replied, padding over towards them, and climbed up with a little difficulty, and Buffy smiled at Spike, rolling her eyes a bit as Will snuggled up against her.

Spike chuckled lightly as he lay down beside Will, and kissed the boy's head as he promptly fell back to sleep, cradled between his parents' bodies.

As soon as Will was completely out for the count, snoring softly, Spike gently picked him up and carried him back to his room, and tucked him back in, using the worn, soft leather duster as a blanket. Will frowned slightly, then relaxed as Spike kissed his forehead.

Spike quietly sneaked out once more, smiling in Buffy's direction as he closed the door, and leaned against it, listening to the sound of Will breathing from inside, making sure he was asleep before stalking towards Buffy again.

Buffy raised an eyebrow at him as he made every attempt to be quiet, but all his efforts were in vain as Will opened the door again, looking sleepy and annoyed.

Spike gave up with a small groan, then swung Will up into his arms, giving the boy a stern look, "William, you're supposed to stay in your own bed, remember? Like a big boy."

Will's only response was to throw his arms around Spike's neck and nuzzle his face sleepily into the vampire's throat, muttering something unintelligible as he fell asleep again, and Spike glanced at Buffy, who was giggling into her hand. "You think this is funny?" He asked in mock anger, and Buffy grinned at him.

"It's cute. Look at you. You're practically melting into a puddle of vampire goo," She teased, "All because he's giving you a hug."

Spike tilted his head to look down at his son's sweet, relaxed face as he slept and sighed deeply, shaking his head slightly, "What can I say? I'm a sucker for the brat."

Buffy rolled her eyes at her mate as he returned to bed, lying Will between them. Buffy smiled as she leaned forward, giving Spike a light, chaste kiss, "Night, Spike..."

"Yeah, yeah," He grumbled good-naturedly as he laid his head beside Will's, smiling as he ran a finger along his son's slightly chubby arm. Buffy watched the vampire, smiling warmly, reaching over Will to ruffle Spike's hair fondly before lying down, Will cradled between them.

Six Years, Six Months

First Sighting

He was watching Buffy playing on the beach with Will, teaching him to build sand castles when he saw it.

It was just off in the distance, a small, white object that moved slowly across the sunlit water.

Spike shielded his eyes as he stood up, protected under the shade of the porch, and his entire body tensed. Boat...fuck's a 'effin boat!


Buffy's head whipped in his direction, and then she looked in the direction he was pointing, then leapt to her feet, eyes widening.


Buffy gave Will a shove towards the hut, telling him to go to daddy, and the four year old looked up at Buffy, obviously perplexed, but he obeyed, trotting towards his father, who was shouting at Buffy excitedly as she raced down the sand in the direction of the signal fire that Spike had always kept built-up just in case.

She thanked the Lord for that much as she bent in front of it, taking a bit of dried moss and two sticks, grimacing slightly. She'd give her life for a lighter at that point.

It took her nearly twenty minutes to get sparks going, and ten minutes later, she finally lit the fire, and picked up a large, broad leaf and fanned the flames till the pile of wood ignited. As the fire caught some life, she started throwing on palm leaves, the oily residue inside the leaves tingeing the smoke a thick black that lifted high into the sky.

Buffy glanced towards the horizon, relieved to see the small white object was still in sight, and kept by the fire, throwing more leaves on it.

She looked towards the hut, where Spike was holding Will, pointing out the ship on the horizon, and she stopped in the middle of feeding the fire as she stared at her family, the sudden urge to just put out the fire and let things be coming over her.

They were happy here...weren't they? They had everything they could want...everything they could need...they had food, water, shelter...and they had each other...the outside world not bothering them...the stress and pressure of everyday life a joy compared to what they would have back on the mainland.

What would happen if I went home? Back to Slaying? Fighting for my life every night? Dying young and leaving Will without a mother? And what about Spike? Would he go back to killing? Even if he didn't, which, she knew in her heart that he wouldn't, what then? Would her friends and family be able to accept what he was? A soulless vampire that loved her and their son more then unlife itself? Would they find acceptance in the outside world? Or just harsh judgment?

Spike looked towards Buffy, and he frowned slightly when he saw her watching them, a look of pain and sadness crossing her face. Will wrapped his arms more tightly around Spike's neck, and buried his face against his cool skin, and Spike looked down at him.

He met Buffy's gaze, then slowly nodded his head, turning his back and carrying Will back into the hut.

Buffy glanced at the boat in the distance before turning back towards the fire and started to scoop sand over it, smiling slightly as the flames sputtered and started to die, the smoke stopping it's ascent into the sky.

She made her way back to the hut to the family and life that she had chosen over all else, a smile on her face. They were staying. They were staying together on their island.

Spike smiled as he watched Will playing with the boat he had received on his first birthday, floating it in the pool, and swimming after it happily to blow into it's sails to make it keep moving.

Buffy's arms were wrapped around Spike's middle, her head resting against his chest. She laughed when Will accidentally swam beneath the water fall and rapidly back-tracked, not liking the force of the water pouring down from above him, the boy giving the falls a look of disgust before steering his boat towards them.

It had been two weeks since they had threw away possibly their only chance at rescue, and she didn't regret a moment of it. She closed her eyes as Spike kissed the top of her head, sighing contently, then sat up as Will, damp and nude scrambled up on her lap. "Will!" She squealed, and then hugged the boy to her chest, kissing his forehead, "You got mommy all wet!"

He grinned in satisfaction, and Spike laughed, shaking his head slightly as he chucked Will beneath his chin. "Rascal," He teased the boy lightly, then swung him off of Buffy's lap and clutched him to his chest as he fell back into the water, giving his feet a little kick for good measure, and Buffy shot to her feet as she was soaked by him.


Spike grinned at her as he let go of Will and did a backstroke as Buffy gave him a deadly glare, and he wriggled his eyebrows at her, "Whatcha gonna do about it, Slayer?" He challenged her.

Will watched as his mother dived into the water after his dad, grinning as he tried to keep up with them as they swam back and forth, splashing each other playfully, but they were stronger swimmers then him and much faster and smoother in the water.

Spike swam past Will, and Will kicked his feet furiously, and water flew up into Spike's face, and the vampire stopped to splash him back, giving Buffy a chance to catch up and duck him beneath the water.

Spike came back up, sputtering, and shooting a half-hearted glare in Buffy's direction, but had to grin as Buffy started giggling at him. His hair was plastered to his skull and forehead, making him look like a drowned rat, and the vampire shook his head furiously like a dog, water droplets flying from his shaggy locks.

Will imitated him, as always, and Buffy giggled, tickling her son beneath the arms before swimming back from him when he tried to kick water at her as well, and remained outside of the splash zone.

They continued to frolic in the water like children, splashing each other and tickling whenever one got near the other, and it was a breathless, soaked, but happy family that returned to their small home along the beach.

The day dawned bright as it almost always did, and Buffy opened her eyes sleepily, glancing around to make sure all was right with the world before lying down next to Spike again, and snuggled against his side, wondering idly what had awaken her from her sleep.

Spike's arms tightened around her, and his face buried itself in her hair, inhaling her scent deeply as he muttered tiredly, "Whassat?"

"What's what?"

"That sound," He replied, yawning widely against her throat, "What's Will up too?"

Buffy sighed as she dragged herself out of bed, and opened the door to Will's room, peeking in at the boy. He was sleeping peacefully, snuggled beneath Spike's duster, one little, chubby hand curled beneath his chin. His long lashes fluttered against his cheek as he dreamed, a small, innocent smile on his face, and she smiled tenderly as she closed the door.

"He's asleep," Buffy glanced at Spike, who was now sitting up in bed, frowning slightly, "What's wrong?"

Spike cocked his head slightly, "I can hear...a sort of buzzing..."

"Buzzing?" Buffy repeated as Spike swung out of bed, and walked towards the door, shielding his eyes as he looked out into the bright sun.

"Buffy..." Spike's entire body tensed slightly, and Buffy came to his side, following his gaze, the buzzing sound now faintly coming to her ears, and her eyes widened.

Off in the distance, the white speck was back, and a black dingy was carefully navigating the coral reefs that surrounded the island, the buzzing sound the motor propelling the small boat through the water. Spike couldn't see much at that distance, but he could make out maybe two, three people inside it.

They saw the fire. They had seen the fire a few weeks before and were now coming for them.

Buffy clutched Spike's arm, looking up at him with wide eyes, then glanced towards Will's room as the boy opened it, looking out at them with his dark eyes, saying softly, "Boat."

The man could make some sort of structure on the beach, just in front of the thick jungle that made up the island's interior. He squinted his eyes against the bright sun, trying to make out any signs of life, but he was still too far away.

The petite redhead sitting in front of him nervously chewed on her bottom lip, staring out across the water, and the brunette man beside wound his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against him.

The redhead glanced towards the man guiding the dinghy around the dangerous reefs, green eyes slightly red as she asked over the roar of the engine, "Can you see anyone, Giles?"

He shook his head, forehead furrowing slightly. They had been sure they had seen smoke coming from this island a few weeks before, and would have investigated then, but fuel was low, and they were forced to return to Honolulu to refuel.

It had been just over six and half years since the cruise ship Buffy had been on had sank due to a freak tidal wave, nearly everyone on board having perished, including Hank Summers, but he had never given up hope. If anyone could have survived, it was Buffy.

He ran a hand through his thinning hair, the brown at his temples shot through with silvery-gray and his eyes narrowed beyond his glasses as they neared the beach, his eyes on the low, small hut on it. He couldn't see anyone moving in it.

As soon as they hit shallow water, Giles lifted the motor out as Xander hopped out of the dinghy, and started to pull it ashore, his feet slipping in the sand below as he tugged and Willow hopped out to help him, the redhead's face full of hope. He prayed that it wasn't another dead-end like so many others. He didn't think she could take another disappointment. It would be the last island in an endless chain that they would search before returning home to wait for the hurricane season to pass.

As the boat hit the shore, Giles climbed out on the sand, feeling his heart pound in his chest.

"Hello!" Xander called loudly, making everyone jump as he broke the silence of the island, and Willow frowned, pointing ahead of her.

"Someone was making sand castles.."

Sure enough, when Giles followed her gaze, he saw the half-formed turrets and walls of a sand castle, collapsing as the sun dried the sand, removing the water that had adhered to it together. Someone was here. It couldn't have been more then a day or so old.

"HELLO!" Xander shouted again, "ANYONE HERE!?"

No one answered again, and Giles was about to suggest they investigate the hut when a boy darted out of the door and ran down the sand, and stopped a good distance from the group, watching them curiously.

Giles frowned as he gazed at the blond boy, something about him seeming familiar, and Willow smiled as she knelt down, "Hey, little guy..."

He immediately turned and ran back to the hut, and Giles looked towards it as a woman, scantily clad in scraps of clothing stepped out onto the porch, golden hair flashing in the sunlight as the boy ran into her arms, and she lifted him up as she stared out at them.

"It's Buffy..." Xander said softly, "Oh God...we found her..."

"The boy must've been stranded with her," Giles muttered, and then started up the beach, tears stinging his eyes. It was Buffy...he could see her now, and her eyes were wide as she held the boy to her breast, staring out at him.


Xander and Willow were behind him, and they approached the porch slowly, almost reverently, their eyes on the Slayer the entire time, and the boy started to cry, wriggling in Buffy's grasp and she looked over her shoulder into the hut before putting him down.

The boy raced into the hut as Willow ran up on the porch, and threw her arms around Buffy, letting out a relieved sob, "Oh Goddess! You're alive! I knew it! I knew you'd survive!"

Buffy's entire body went tensed as she just stood there, still shocked beyond comprehension, and Willow let go of her, her smile watery, her eyes filled with tears, "We missed you so much, Buffy...we never gave up hope that we would find you..."

Buffy's mouth opened and closed a few times, and then she shook her head to clear it as she finally seemed to gain a bit of semblance to herself, and looked at Willow, Xander and Giles in turn, still a bit stunned. "You guys...were looking for me...all this time?"

"Of course, Buffster!" Xander's grin was big enough to break his face, "Do you think that we'd forget all about you?" He looked up at the hut, "Good thing we found you. You've been living in this thing for six years?"

Buffy's eyes narrowed slightly, "It's my home."

"I know, I know...but it's so..."

"Buffy..." Giles interrupted, knowing that Xander was treading on dangerous water, and the boy was, as ever, painfully unaware that he was ticking someone off, "How are you?"

"Well...I was fine..." She muttered beneath her breath as Will ducked his head out, eyes wide as he peered at all the new, strange people, and Buffy reached down, absently stroking his head.

Giles glanced down at the boy, and was struck again with the sense of familiarity. Will meet his gaze, his midnight-blue eyes going wider as he hid back in the hut, and the former Watcher could hear him talking to himself inside.

"How did you survive all these years?" Giles asked her, "I and that boy..."

Buffy smiled wanly, "It's...a long story..."

"Buffy..." Willow asked softly, "Are you really okay? I mean...out here...all alone with no one but a kid...?"

"I wasn't alone," Buffy sighed heavily, then glanced towards the doorway as Spike stepped into it, holding Will in his arms, the boy looking at Willow briefly before burying his face in the vampire's neck.

Giles frowned, peering at him, and then his eyes went wide. His looks had changed quite a bit, his hair longer and shaggier, and no longer bleached, but the smirk he threw at the old man was trademark. "Hey Watcher...long time."

Willow's eyes looked about ready to pop out of her head, and Xander, as always, was confused, "'d you know Giles was a Watcher?"

"It's Spike," Buffy informed him, rolling her eyes as she reached for her mate's hand, wrapping her fingers around his, as Will happily repeated it for Xander's benefit, "Pike!"

Buffy smiled at Will tenderly, her face softening and Spike smiled slightly as he set Will down, but the boy immediately ducked behind his legs, wrapping his arms around his knees and hiding from the new-comers. "He's shy. He hasn't seen anyone but us. Ever,” Buffy informed them softly as Spike squeezed her hand in assurance.

Giles tore his gaze away from Spike's face to look down at Will, and then abruptly looked back up at Spike. The resemblance was almost dead-on, except for the nose. "Good God...he's..."

"Our son," Buffy said softly as Spike drew her to his side, the vampire looking uncertainly at everyone, feeling a bit like Will at the moment, and wished he had someplace to hide. "He's our son, Giles..."

"You" Willow stammered, "I mean...cause...vampires...can't...right?"

"Yeah, we adopted him," Spike said sarcastically, "We had him bloody well flown in. What the hell do you think?"

"Spike..." Buffy glanced down at Will, who was starting to look about ready to cry again, and Spike bent down to pick him, and he whispered to him soothingly as he took him back inside.

Giles shook his head slightly, "We can't leave then, till nighttime..."

"What? We're taking Spike with us?" Xander asked, "What the hell for?!"

"He's...that boy's dad, Xander," Willow told him, "We can't just leave him."

"That boy's name is William," Buffy said somewhat coldly, "And who says we're leaving?"

Xander, Willow and Giles all stared up at her in confusion, and Buffy whirled, stalking inside the hut.

Willow tried to follow her, but Giles laid a restraining hand on her shoulder, shaking his head, "Give her a few minutes," He told her gently, "She just...needs to adjust."

Spike was sitting on Will's bed, keeping the boy distracted with a story, and he glanced up as Buffy stomped into the hut, and she paused to look in at them, and Will slid off his bed, holding his arms up, "Mom! Up!"

Buffy picked him up, and her eyes filled with tears as she sat down beside Spike, cradling Will to her chest. "We shouldn't have lit that stupid fire."

Spike glanced down at his hands, folded in his lap and sighed heavily, "What are we going to do?"

"I thought we decided to stay," Buffy looked at him, "Don't you want to stay?"

"Gods, yes," Spike sighed heavily, "More then anything in the world, pet...but..." He looked at Will, who was playing with a strand of Buffy's hair, "We have to think about the boy, luv. I was easy...the other day...pretending that the boat didn't see us...but now...there's a real chance at get off..."

"I don't want too," Buffy rested her head against Will's and the boy stopped playing with her hair as he picked up on his mother's mood, and she smiled slightly as he wrapped his arms around her middle. "They...acted exactly like I thought they'd act..."

"I know...I heard," Spike shook his head slightly, "But the whelp's an idiot...even you know that," He reached over and cupped her chin and lifted her face towards his as he brushed his lips lightly across hers. "It doesn't matter what they's not going to change the way you feel about me or the way I feel about you...or the fact that we have a son and are a family. We have each other...and if no one else likes that...they can fu--sod off."

"I know," Buffy said softly, closing her eyes as she held Will tighter, "I just...don't want to leave, Spike...I'm happy here...and the world out's harsh and...and hard...and bloody..."

Spike nodded slowly, brushing her hair out of her face, "I know, Buffy...but that's fine for us...but what about for Will? What kind of life is this for a child? He should have friends...he'd be going to school in about two...three years...he should be able to rot his brain with the telly...he should have a girlfriend...a wife one day...children of his own...don't you want all that we have together for him? For our son too? For him to have a future that doesn't involve mangos and fish?"

Buffy looked down at Will, his eyes meeting hers and she kissed his forehead. "Wanna go on a ride in a boat, Will?" She asked softly, and the boy's eyes widened a bit as he grinned.

"Boat! Want boat!"

Buffy giggled softly and Spike chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Buffy and then rested his head on her shoulder as she started to cry. "I know it's hard to leave, pet...but it's for Will, right?"

"For Will," She whispered as she stroked her baby's hair, closing her eyes with a sigh, "For Will."

Giles, Willow and Xander sat on the porch for about an hour before Buffy returned to the door, tentatively inviting them in, and the trio clambered up, curious to see inside for themselves.

Spike was sitting at the table he had made for Buffy, Will resting on his lap, keeping his concentration centered on his son, and only his son. He didn't want to see the dirty looks being thrown at him by them. He wasn't interested in what they thought of him.

Will was completely afraid of the strangers, while curious at the same time, but that didn't keep him from starting to cry again, and Willow jumped in surprise when Spike instinctively started purring at the sound, and Will pressed his face against Spike's chest, allowing the vibrations and rumbling sounds to sooth him a bit.

"It's...very nice," Giles said, a bit awed, "You and Spike...built this place, all by yourself?"

"Yep," Buffy smiled, proud as any homemaker would be of her home, "It's stood up against three hurricanes already. Well, we lost the east side wall in that last we had to rebuild, and that's when we added Will's room, but other then that, it stood up pretty well."

Xander peered at the collection of shells that sat on a shelf, and then glanced towards Buffy as she spoke with Giles, absently brushing her hair away from her face, and his eyes narrowed, and he stalked towards her, lifting her hair away from her throat, revealing the scar on her throat, "He bit you?!"

Buffy jerked away from Xander, more startled by the sudden contact, and Spike growled automatically at the movement towards his mate, unable to help it. "Xander! Don' that, all right? I'm not entirely comfortable around you just yet!"

"He bit you! The bastard bit you!"

"It's a mate claiming bite," Buffy snapped at him, "I'm Spike's mate, and he's mine. Now stop yelling. You're upsetting our son."

Xander glanced towards Will and Spike. The boy was watching him with fearful, wide eyes, and Xander took a step back away from Buffy as he threw a confused look at Giles, who seemed oddly not worried. "He bit her, and you don't care?"

"She's alive, Xander," Giles gave him a look, "We probably owe a lot of that to Spike, and he obviously hasn't tried to harm in her anyway. I suggest you shut your gob and just sit down and listen instead of running off at the mouth."

Spike grinned but hid it in Will's hair as Giles glanced towards him, and the Watcher shook his head slightly as he removed his glasses to clean them, "Your son is how old now?"

"Four and a half," Spike answered, then looked down at Will with a loving smile, "Smart bloke, he is too. Said his first word when he was just one, didn't you?"

Will looked up at his father, grinning unsteadily before hiding his face again, and Giles smiled slightly. He didn't quite understand how it came to be that a vampire and a Slayer had a child, but he would know once he got back to his books. Unless it became a moot point...

"You're...coming home with us, right?" Willow asked softly, her eyes on Spike as he distracted Will from the strangers, trying to put a smile back on his face, succeeding in making Willow smile when she saw the look Buffy sent towards the pair. It was filled with warmth, love and tenderness.

Buffy sighed, and Spike looked up at her, giving her a reassuring smile. "Yes...we're going...back," She answered, not able to bring herself to say 'home.' Sunnydale was no longer their home. This place was...this island...had been...was still at the moment, their home for over six years.

Willow's smile broadened as Giles cleared his throat, glancing at Xander, "We need to return to the boat and let them know we found them, and that we have to come back at night fall."

Xander nodded, throwing a glare in Spike's direction, which the vampire ignored, and Willow looked towards Giles, "Is it all right if I stay here? I want to talk to Buffy."

Giles nodded, giving Buffy's shoulder a gentle squeeze as he softly whispered to her, "I'm glad you're coming home,'ve been dearly missed."

She didn't answer him, and he gestured for Xander to follow him, and the two men returned to the dingy.

Will seemed to relax as soon as the majority of the people left the hut, and wriggled off his dad's lap to go over to Buffy and take her hand, looking up at Willow curiously, and the redhead smiled at him, "He looks a lot like Spike."

"Yeah, he does," Buffy shifted uncomfortably, then sighed as she sat down on the bed, pulling Will onto her lap, and cuddling with him almost self-consciously, and Willow sat on the floor near her feet, brushing her hair away from her face.

"We've...been searching for you for so long...going out on boats every summer and vacation from college we got...Giles spent most of his savings on renting boats to take us got better though, when I found a locator spell...but it only told us that you were in the general area of a large chain of islands about two hundred miles off from Honolulu. We've been looking at them for the past year..."

Buffy nodded slowly, her gaze coming up to Willow's and she chewed on her lip. "We saw your boat...three days ago...but...we put out the fire...I put out the fire..." Buffy looked down at Will, "We wanted to stay here so bad..."

Willow blinked in surprise, "Why? There's nothing here!"

"You're wrong," Buffy looked towards Spike, and he smiled at her tentatively, "This is our home, Willow. This is where we've raised our son so where I've been happier then...ever before. This is our home...and this is my family now..." Buffy shook her head, "I'm so afraid..."

"Of what?"

"Come on, have lived in Sunnydale, right? You know...with the giant mayor snakes and vamps trying to take me out every night? Why in the hell would I want to go back to that? Why would I want to go back to being Slayer and die young and leave my son without a mother!?"

Willow didn't know what to say to that, and Buffy shook her head as she set Will down and stood up, "I need...I need to be somewhere else right now..." She said more to Spike then Willow, and the vampire nodded, bending to pick Will up, and Buffy raced out of the hut.

Willow scrambled to her feet to follow, but Spike laid a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head, "She needs some time, Red...she needs to be alone for a bit."

"Why doesn't she want to go back?" Willow asked, looking crushed, and Spike sighed.

"It's nothing against you, Red. She's missed you all too...but you know what's waiting for her in Sunnydale. If you were in her shoes, would you really want to go back too?" Spike absently kissed the top of Will's head, running his fingers through his son's hair, 'It's the hardest thing she'll do...turn her back on all this to return to a life she hated...but she's doing it for our son."

Willow looked down at the ground, and Spike slipped past her to put Will down for his nap, the boy getting cranky from all the excitement, "Six years is a long time, Red..." He glanced over his shoulder at her, "She'll need time to adjust...we all do. Don't push her too or the others."

Willow nodded slowly as the vampire disappeared inside Will's bedroom, closing the door behind him, and she sighed as she looked around the hut before crossing over to the small table, three chairs sitting at it, and she smiled wanly as she brushed her fingers over Buffy's name, roughly, but lovingly carved into the wood.

Everything was so simple looking, but a lot of care and work had gone into it, showing the determination and love of the small family, trying to survive on an island by themselves with only the bare necessities...and doing well at it too. Well enough that Buffy didn't want to leave, and Willow had a hunch that Spike didn't want to either, but they had their son to think of.

Willow quietly peeked in Will's room, leaning against the doorway as Spike spoke with Will quietly, telling him about all the new friends he was going to be making when they got back home, and about his grand-mum Joyce, who 'made one hell of a cup of cocoa.'

Spike glanced towards her as Will snuggled beneath the duster, then looked down at his son almost sadly as he stood again, and went back out into the main room, closing the door behind him.

"You really love them, don't you?" Willow asked softly, and Spike shot her a sharp look.

"Of course I do. What kind of bloody question is that?!"

"I meant...I mean..." She stammered, blushing, "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to offend you..."

Spike shook his head slightly, glancing out the door and across the beach, where the damnable boat was waiting to rip them away from their paradise. "I'd give up everything for them, Red...already have."

Willow worried her bottom lip nervously, and the vampire brushed past her to sit out on the porch and wait for Buffy to return, anxiously looking up and down the beach, trying to catch sight of her, just as he had done for what felt like a thousand times before.

Buffy winced slightly as a rock bit into the heel of her foot, but she ignored the pain as she walked up the steep, overgrown path of the large rock face that jutted out from the island. She hadn't been up there since their first week on the island, when she and Spike had climbed it, hoping to find some signs of life.

It felt like it had been an eternity since then, but it had been all to short, nevertheless.

She reached to top, and looked down over the island, smiling slightly when she saw their small, little hut, steel roof glinting in the sun, and she could just barely make out a shadow on the porch. Spike was probably waiting for her to come back. He was always worried when she left sight of the hut.

She turned her head to look out on the ocean, and she could see the boat that would take them back to the mainland and away from the life she, Spike and Will had built for themselves, and she felt tears sting the inside of her eyelids as she sat down on the ground, shoulders shuddering slightly.

Why couldn't they just leave us alone? She thought morosely as she cried, burying her face in her hands. She desperately wanted to stay...but Spike was right. It was all well and good for them...but what about Will? He would grow up with no other company then her and Spike, and would die without knowing anything else. And even then...what about Spike after both she and Will died? What would he do? Stay on the island, alone for eternity? She knew that he would rather walk into daylight then be alone.

She lifted her head, gazing out over the ocean, sighing heavily as she curled her knees to her chin, lips trembling slightly. She had never been so frightened of anything in her life as returning back to the existence that she had left behind in Sunnydale.

She hid her face in her knees, entire body trembling as she wept. I can't do this...I just...can't...

"Mommy!" Will shot out of Spike's arms and down the beach as soon as he saw Buffy's form coming towards them.

Spike stepped off the porch, night having fallen in her absence, and he could already see the light of the dinghy sweeping out along the water as it came back for them.

Buffy knelt and captured Will in her arms, hugging him tightly as he threw his arms around her neck, and she buried her face in his hair, as if attempting to hide from what was coming. She had seen the boat leave the ship, and had returned.

She looked up as Spike approached, and smiled a bit watery as he knelt beside her in the sand, reaching out to brush her hair from her face, looking concerned, "You all right, luv?"

"Yeah," She smiled down at Will, who was looking out over the water, watching as the light approached, looking curious. He hadn't seen artificial light before, just firelight.

It's going to be a whole new world for him...she thought, A whole new set of discoveries and little mysteries for his little self to solve...

Spike watched as a loving smile bloomed on Buffy's face, and the acceptance, perhaps unwanted, but still there, rise up in her eyes, and sighed partly in disappointment. He was almost hoping that she would convince him to call it all send everyone away...but he knew that this was the right thing to do, just as she knew it.

She slowly turned her gaze towards the hut, where Willow was watching the family stuck in their intimate, silent tableau, and felt slightly violated. She wasn't used to being watched by anyone besides Will and Spike. She would have to get used to the staring, if they were going to do this.

She sighed as she stood, taking Will and Spike's hands, squeezing them gently, and started towards the hut, chewing on her lip as she glanced up Willow almost shyly, "Wills...can you do us a favor and watch Will for a tiny bit...there's...some stuff I want to see one last time before...we leave."

"I'll be happy too, Buffy," Willow said, kneeling down and smiling gently at the boy, who was suddenly shy, looking up at his mom and dad for reassurance, and Buffy knelt, kissing his forehead.

"Willow's a good friend of mommy and daddy's, honey...she'll take good care of you. Daddy and me will be right back...okay? Why don't you show Willow your boat?"

Will glanced at Willow, but excitement at showing off his most prized possession won out over shyness, and he raced inside to get it.

Spike looked down at Buffy curiously, and she met his gaze squarely, and Willow raised an eyebrow as some sort of silent message was conveyed before the pair linked hands once more, and started off into the jungle behind the hut.

She looked down as Will tugged at her pants leg, and smiled as he held up his crudely carved boat proudly, and she sat on her knees beside him, exclaiming over it excitedly, bringing a wide grin to his lips.

Spike and Buffy slipped silently along a path that had been paved by their feet over the last six years, the dirt firm beneath their bare feet.

Every few moments, Buffy would pull Spike towards her, devouring his lips in a burning kiss, hands sliding over his bare chest and along his strong arms.

He tried to pull her towards him, but she slipped through his grasp like sunlight, golden skin shining in the dim light of the moon, her eyes glimmering with unshed tears for the paradise they were to leave behind.

He followed her, as he knew he was destined to always do, but he knew no better heaven as she slipped into the water of the pool, pulling him after her, lips colliding in fiery passion. Scraps of clothing were discarded, left to float on the silvered surface of the water.

"I love you," Spike murmured softly as her skin slid slickly against his as he pulled her up against him, and Buffy closed her eyes as she pulled his head towards hers, lips meeting sweetly together.

They drifted beneath the water fall, and Buffy threw her head back, letting out a sweet laugh as the water poured down upon them, and Spike smiled as he lifted her up against him, and her laughter turned to a gasp as she slid back down, their bodies connecting intimately.

She looked down at Spike as he entangled his hands in her hair, tilting her head down towards him, capturing her lips once more as they surged together, wet skin pressed together, hands roaming, as if trying to touch every single section of skin, to connect more fully then humanly possible.

"I love you...I love you..." Spike repeated in breathless pants, against her lips, her ear, her throat, against her breasts, wanting her to feel the strength of his words in the very fiber of her being, just as she had invaded every fiber of his.

She drew Spike's lips back to her throat, over the mark he had given her years before, whispering his name as she felt the bones shift in his face, and then the sweet pain/pleasure of his fangs sliding into her flesh, and drawing her essence from her body into his.

She held his head to at tightly, half wishing that he wouldn't stop, wishing that he would end everything had begin. On their island. Let me die here...

His fangs withdrew from her throat, and he tried to lift his head, but she held him still, "Please...please..." She begged, pleaded desperately, "Please..."

Spike only pressed the flat of his tongue against her wound, holding her tightly against him as the tears fell down her face, rubbing his hands along her back until she let go of him with a sob, and she buried her face in his shoulder, "Don't leave me..." She said softly, pulling at him, clinging to him, afraid to let go...afraid that if she let go, he would disappear...just like their island was destined to do from her life.

" got you," He whispered into her hair, "I'm not letting you go...I'm here, pet...I'm not letting you go..."

Exhaustion tugged at him, trying to drag him into the supposed safety of sleep, but he wouldn't let it come.

He roamed about the small cabin, chewing on his bottom lip as he watched over his sleeping child and mate, the blond, golden-bronzed pair snuggled together on the bed, but even they couldn't find the peace they sought in sleep. Tiny frowns marred each of their perfect brows; both unused and uncomfortable with the rocking, rolling motion of the ship they were on.

He reached out and smoothed the hair away from Will's forehead, and the child seemed to relax as he felt his father's cool hand, and Spike smiled wanly, then glanced towards the door when someone softly knocked.

He opened the door, his entire body tensed till he saw it was Giles on the other side, and relaxed a tiny bit. "I just...wanted to...check on everything..." Giles looked a bit uncomfortable when faced with the vampire alone. At another point in his life, Spike would've been amused. At the moment, he was just irritated. He didn't asked to be disturbed, and he wasn't doing a thing to intimidate the Watcher. "Is...everything fine?"

"They're sleeping," Spike replied a bit sharply, "It took them awhile to finally rest, so I'd thank you to not wake them." Giles looked a bit taken aback, and Spike sighed as he slipped out into the corridor, closing the door softly behind him, but was unwilling to go farther then that. He had never felt more uncomfortable about leaving his family alone before...but he was on unsure ground. "Sorry...I'm really kind of..."

"Stressed," Giles smiled, trying to assuage the vampire's apparent irritation and uneasiness, "I completely understand. The reintegration into society will be a hard road to pave."

Spike ran a hand over his face, starting to really feel the exhaustion kick in. Giles saw this and frowned slightly, "You should rest as well. You're looking haggard..."

"I can't till..." Spike faltered, unable to really explain why he didn't think he could sleep, "I just can't..."

"Not till you reach mainland?" Giles asked shrewdly, and Spike met his gaze, slightly surprised.

"It's stupid...but...yeah..."

"I'm not at all surprised," Giles laid a hand on Spike's shoulder, and he flinched slightly at his touch, and Giles dropped his hand, not looking at all insulted. All of them seemed to be like that...not used to human contact beyond their own for over six years.

"You've been through a lot, all have. You're going to get used to everything again. It's not going to be easy and probably not very fun. Especially for your son, who's never been around anything or anyone but you and Buffy for nearly five years...and they're both...going to need you..."

Something changed in Giles' tone, subtle, but Spike still picked it up. "Why don't you get to your point, Watcher?"

Giles cleared his throat uncomfortably, somewhat disconcerted to learn that over six years of almost total isolation hadn't affected Spike's powers of observation. "Well...uh...I need...your assurance...that reach't get a sudden craving for...what did you call them? Oh, right...'happy meals on legs'..."

Spike's eyes narrowed slightly, and Giles realized that he may have overstepped his boundaries as the vampire let out an angry growl, and stepped back from him. "How dare you..."

"Spike...I'm sorry...I just needed to know..." Giles reached out, and Spike shrank back from him.

"Don't fuckin' touch me! All right?! DON'T TOUCH ME!"

"Spike...I didn't mean..."

"Just...stop..." Spike shook his head, "No one bloody well means too!"

Giles watched as Spike whirled and slipped back into the cabin, locking the door behind him, and the Watcher sighed as he leaned against the wall of the corridor, bowing his head slightly.

He looked up as Xander plodded down towards him and held up his hand, "They're sleeping."

"Yeah?" Xander scowled, "What about Dead Boy?"

"Don't even start, Xander," Giles straightened himself, and moved past the man-boy, and Xander looked towards Buffy's door.

"What?! We're not supposed to be worried about him munching on the innocents?!"

"Buffy's not concerned, and neither am I," Giles replied, grabbing his arm and pulling Xander along with him.

"Well, I am! Besides, Buffy's not one to judge. Just because he's been biting her and not killing her on that stupid island..."

Giles whirled and shoved Xander against the wall. "Listen to me, and listen to me good, Xander. Buffy and Spike have been through a lot...they've spent the last six years on that island, alone! Trying to survive and raise a child together! If you, in anyway, interfere with the only thing that is right in their lives ...I will be severely displeased."

"You call that right?! Her...screwing a demon?!"

Giles' grip tightened on Xander's arm, and he cried out in pain, "That demon is the father of her child! Her mate, Xander, and for all intents and purposes, her husband. I swear to God if you say anything like that again I will personally rip out your tongue! Just be happy Buffy's alive and coming home for Chrissakes!"

He practically threw Xander away from him, stalking back down the hall of the ship, and Xander stared after him in shock at his outburst. He had never really heard Giles speak to him...or anyone in that manner before. Jesus Christ...

Spike leaned against the door of their cabin, eyes closed as he listened to the argument between Xander and Giles, grateful to the Watcher for defending him and his family...and beyond pissed at Xander for attempting to just make it harder on Buffy to come to terms with her decision to leave the island.

The memory of her holding him to her throat, begging him to not stop flashed through his mind. He let out a shudder, opening his eyes to gaze at Buffy, her heartbeat still slow and steady, breathing even. Asleep...she hadn't heard what was said. Thank whoever was up there for small favors. He crossed towards the bed, the sound of Xander's footsteps as he let them be for the moment echoing in his ears.

He sat down beside Will and Buffy, gazing down at his family, face softening as his son hugged his little toy boat to his chest, snuggling farther into the soft leather duster. He had protested wildly when Buffy tried to tuck him in with normal blankets, long since having claimed Spike's coat for his own personal security blanket.

Buffy groggily opened her eyes, and looked up at Spike, "Honey...come to bed..." She said sleepily, reaching out for him, and he allowed himself to be drawn down with her, and he draped his arm over her and Will.

Will immediately let out a small sigh, and pressed his face into Spike's chest, seeking contact unconsciously, and Spike smiled sadly as he kissed the top of his little boy's head, and closed his eyes against the tears that threatened to come.

Buffy's hand came up to run over his face comfortingly, soothing him, and she smiled as his purrs started as he drifted off into sleep, and she laid back down, pressing her front against Will's back, and closed her eyes. Sleep was easier coming now, and much more restful.

"I tried to find you a room that wasn't close to any occupied ones..." Giles was telling Buffy and Spike, but the couple were only half-listening as they clung to each other, Will's arms wrapped around Buffy's neck as he held on to her, eyes wide as he looked around at all the people in the hotel in Honolulu.

Spike was carrying only a small duffel bag, filled with small things they couldn't bear to leave behind, and he felt overwhelmed. It was tourist season, and the island seemed to be teeming with people, and he felt his chest hitch every time someone brushed against him, and Buffy's grip on his waist tightened, and she half-buried her face in his shoulder in fright.

Willow and Xander trotted behind them as Spike and Buffy tried to speed their progress, trying to get away from the crowd, and Will was dangerously close to crying.

Buffy and Spike practically threw themselves into the elevator, and Giles offered them a sympathetic glance as he closed the elevator before anyone else could climb on. Spike slumped against the glass of the elevator, closing his eyes as he tried to get his raging emotions into check.

"Are you all right?" Willow's voice sounded distant...faraway, and Spike slowly forced his eyes open, trying to focus on the redhead in front of him, and instead of answering he glanced at Buffy and Will, both not doing much better then he was.

Giles laid a hand on Willow's shoulder, shaking his head at her gently, and the redhead looked confused, but took a step back.

"I called Joyce from the boat, Buffy...I didn't tell her about Will or Spike, however...I think I'll leave that up to you..." He smiled gently, "She's missed you a lot, Buffy...she's never given up hope either..."

Buffy only nodded her head slowly, eyes closed as she leaned against Spike for support, breathing somewhat heavily. "Wh--when are we getting out of here?"

"Our plane leaves tomorrow night at nine-thirty...we'll probably have to stay the day in LA...and then drive back to Sunnydale once the sunsets."

"Plane...?" Buffy's head slowly lifted, anxiousness crossing over her features, "How long is the flight?"

"About...five...six hours..."

She shuddered, not liking the idea of being on a small, cramped plane filled with people for six hours, and Giles smiled at her reassuringly, "People will be sleeping on the night-flight, Buffy. You, Spike and Will will be seated together, so no one will be beside you..." Giles stepped out of the elevator as the doors slid open and was relieved to see that at least no one was in the corridor.

He led them towards their room, "Xander and I will see if we can find a place that will sell us blood. I don't suppose it'll be a problem, since I am sure that there are vampires in Honolulu..."

Spike simply nodded as he tried to slide the card-key through the lock on the door, but his hands were shaking too much, and he closed his eyes as Willow took the key from him and opened the door for him.

"Thanks," He murmured, and Buffy brushed past him with Will, and then he disappeared with them inside, closing the door behind him, and Willow glanced at Giles, almost hurt, but the Watcher shook his head.

"It's overwhelming for them, Willow...they just need to be with each other right now."

"Right...and let's go back to this whole 'me and Xander' shopping for deadboy's blood..." Xander started to say, and Giles glared at him, and the boy took a step back, not wanting a repeat performance of what had happened on the boat. "Fine...fine...I'm going..."

Spike ran a hand over his face as he closed the door on the others, glancing at Buffy when she sighed as she put Will down and collapsed onto a bed, “You alright?”

"God...I don't think I can do this..."

"I know, pet..." Spike shook his head slightly as he watched Will look about the room, and he turned on the light switch, illuminating the place, and Will looked up, eyes going wide.

"Daddy! What that!?" He asked, pointing upwards at the light in the ceiling, and Spike smiled slightly.

"It's a light bulb, baby..." He sat down the duffel and pulled out Will's toy boat, then glanced at Buffy, where she was laying on the bed, "I'm going to give Will a bath, all right, luv? Why don't you order some food or something?"

" is good..." Buffy rolled over on her stomach, reaching for the menu on the bedside table.

"Remember what the Watcher said...nothing too rich or fatty...not till you get more used to having real food again..."

Buffy glanced at him, pouting a bit as she sat up. "This sucks...the one good thing about being back in the real world being cheesecake and cheeseburgers...and I can't have any..."

Spike chuckled as he swung Will up into his arms, handing his son his little boat, " piece of cheesecake...if you get some fruit to go with it...and you eat it slowly."

Buffy smiled at him wanly, "Anything for you?"

Spike chewed on the inside of his cheek thoughtfully, "Some scotch...and some fruit for Will...and maybe a little cookie," He looked down at Will, who was grinning happily up at his father, much more relaxed when it was just the three of him, no intruders violating their privacy. "Better make it chocolate chip. Think he'll flip over it?"

Buffy smiled as she got to her feet and crossed over towards them, kissing Will's forehead before kissing Spike, and the vampire smiled against her lips, then swatted her bottom playfully, "Bit of a relief, really...not having to go and build a bloody fire with two twigs before eating."

Buffy laughed a tiny bit, and he grinned at her before heading off to run a bath for Will, and Buffy cocked her head, listening to her son's squeal of delight when Spike turned on the faucets, and she giggled when he came charging out, little bottom bare, "Mommy! Look! Look!" He said, taking her hand excitedly and trying to drag her towards the bathroom to come see what his dad had done.

"I know, honey," She told him, scooping him up to kiss and tickle him, delighting in the sound of his laughter as Spike leaned against the doorway of the bathroom, a smile on his face as he watched his child and mate play.

Buffy looked up towards him, then sat Will down, giving him a tiny shove, and he ran back towards his father, "Go ahead, I'll order the food."

Spike grinned at her, then disappeared with Will once more, this time closing the door behind him to prevent escape, and Buffy sat down on the bed with a sigh before ordering room service. Then braced herself as she prepared to ring her mother.

She dialed the number slowly, feeling as if she was preparing the firing squad, then closed her eyes when she heard her mother's voice as she picked up on the other end. "Hello?"

"Hey, mom..." Buffy smiled wanly, "How's things?"

Spike toweled Will dry, smiling as the boy kicked his feet against the toilet, liking the hollow sound it made when his heels hit it, and he grinned up as his father as Spike attacked his head with the towel, making it all stick up.

"Remind me to get your a haircut, kid," Spike said, spiking Will's hair for fun, grinning back at him, "What about old dad, huh? Think I need a trim?"

Will nodded emphatically, and Spike chuckled as he slid the boy's shorts back on, courtesy of Willow, and he growled at his son playfully before swinging him up, holding him around the middle with one arm, letting him dangle down as the boy laughed.

It suddenly cut off, and Spike looked down at Will, who was staring ahead of him in surprise, and followed his gaze. The mirror.

Spike chuckled as he set his son on the bathroom counter and Will immediately went up to the mirror, eyes wide as he looked on himself really for the first time, holding up his hand and waving, and then tried to grab at the boy on the other end, looking surprised when he came up against solid glass.

He looked up at Spike in confusion, "What that?"

"It's a mirror, Will," Spike leaned over, tapping the boy's reflection and then him, "See? That's you. You can see yourself in it..."

"Why not you?" Will asked, pointing at the spot of the mirror that was empty, and Spike chuckled again.

"Tell you when you're older, huh?" Spike's keen ears picked up the sound of a door opening, "Whoops, food's here."

Spike picked him up, smiling when Will looked disappointed at not being able to explore this new discovery farther, but once he saw the food, he brightened considerably.

As allowed, Buffy had her cheesecake, as well as most of the fruits she and Will had been eating for the past six and four years, respectively, as well as some new ones.

"And scotch for the gentleman," Buffy handed Spike a tumbler filled with the amber liquid, and the vampire sighed.

"Of all the things I lost, I think I've missed you the most," He addressed the liquor and Buffy looked at him like he was nuts, and he winked at her cheekily before downing it, watching as Will tucked away into his food, "I just can't wait till that boy is a teenager. If he can eat that much now, he's going to break us by the time he's sixteen."

Buffy rolled her eyes but was smiling as she held her plate of cheesecake and hopped up on the bed.

"How'd things with your mum go? How'd she take the news about you having a brat now?"

"Umm..." Buffy flushed slightly, picking at her cheesecake, "It...sorta...didn't come up."

"Didn't...come up?" Spike raised an eyebrow, "Luv..."

"I didn't tell her," Buffy jutted out her lower lip, "I didn't know exactly how to tell her that...I was shipwrecked with a vampire and we somehow did the impossible and got pregnant."

"Ahhh...and you think us all showing up on her doorstep is the best way to break it to her?"

Buffy sighed, shaking her head slightly, "I' from LA, all right? I'm not really...ready for the big mom thing right now."

Spike smiled at her in understanding, sitting down on the edge of their bed as Will finished his dinner, and he grinned as he took the cookie Buffy had ordered, and broke it in half. He gave it to his son, who sniffed it in confusion before taking a bite and his eyes immediately lit up. He looked up at Spike and Buffy as if wondering which one of them invented that magnificent concoction. Buffy shook her head as Will practically inhaled the rest of it, snorting, "I can see a chocolate freak like his dad in the making."

"I am not a chocolate freak," Spike protested as he lay back on the bed, smiling as Buffy offered him a bit of cheesecake, "I just happen to like your mum's cocoa. Nothing wrong with that, right?"

"Hmmm..." Buffy snuggled back against the pillows, enjoying her dessert as Will looked beneath the bed, as if trying to find the other half of the cookie, which Spike was currently munching on discreetly, and Buffy turned on the TV across from them.

Will immediately went rigid as he sat up and stared at the television, and Spike barked out a laugh, "Look at him...telly's already rotting his brain."

"Shameful..." Buffy gave Spike a look as he took the remote control out of her hand and turned it on to Passions, his favorite soap.

"I can't believe this..." Spike shook his head, irritation flitting across his features. "Six years, I've been out of the bloody soap loop...and I finally get to watch it again, and it's an episode I've already bloody well seen!"

Buffy giggled at his expense, and he rolled his eyes as he turned it on to what appeared to be a Hawaiian version of Sesame Street, with puppets and everything, and slung the remote aside before pulling Buffy into his arms and burying his face against her throat with a small growl.

"You're such a freak," She teased him lightly, and he lifted his head, eyes soft as he leaned up a bit, kissing the tip of her nose before resting his head against her shoulder, cuddling against her as Will tried to grab at the puppets and children on the television.

After getting bored with the television after a while, Will glanced over his shoulder at his parents. They were snuggled together on the bed, both fast asleep, and he pushed himself to his feet, and with some difficulty, managed to climb up on the bed with them.

He gently pushed and shoved them till they was enough room to squeeze between them, and he wrapped his arms around his mom's waist, burying his face against her stomach, and he felt the rumbling of his father's chest start up behind him and he smiled as he drifted asleep.

Spike grimaced as he was pushed and shoved as people tried to get off the plane, feeling as if his skin was crawling on his bones as he felt people staring at him, which probably wasn't wrong. He was wearing a white t-shirt that said 'I `heart' Hawaii' and a pair of Bermuda shorts that showed off his pale legs, but he was also wearing his long, ragged, black duster. Will was wrapped up in it, eyes squeezed shut as he pressed himself closer to his father's body, as if trying to hide within the coat's depths.

Buffy was right in front of him, and every few seconds, she looked back, as if afraid Spike would be lost, even though they were standing in a narrow aisle, and he couldn't exactly go anywhere but forward.

Will whimpered, little face scrunching as he began to cry softly, and Spike murmured to him softly, trying to sooth him, but he was undoubtedly picking up on the vampire's own tension. "Come on, mate...buck up, hey?" Spike bounced the boy, and Will looked up at him with dark eyes, "Be good, and you'll get another cookie. You like cookies, right?"

"Are you bribing our son?" Buffy asked, and Spike grinned sheepishly, then looked down at Will as he relaxed a bit.

"Worked, dinnit?"

"I can see the start of a bad trend," Buffy sighed, but she smiled as Spike reached out and took her hand, the contact doing wonders to calm her nerves a bit. They finally made it off the plane, and Spike glanced around the airport, trying to see over the crowd's heads to find Giles, who had been in front of them.

Spike sat Will on his own two feet, but still held the boy's hand, frowning slightly as he glanced around, jumping when someone brushed up against him, and he moved away from the people still exiting the plane.

"Do you see Giles?" Buffy asked, still keeping a tight grip on Spike, and the vampire glanced over his shoulder as Xander came up behind them.

"Problems?" The boy asked Spike derisively, and Spike gave him a disgusted look before picking up Will again.

"Lost the Watcher," Spike answered, "Seen him?"

"Buffy!" A voice called out, and Buffy eyes went wide as she looked up at Spike, her grip on his hand tightening.


"Oh..." Xander winced, "Giles called him before we came to investigate the smoke we'm going to be getting out of the line of fire now..."

Spike pulled Will closer to his body as he let go of Buffy, and he faded back into the crowd as Buffy slowly turned, eyes immediately picking out the large, somewhat bulky dark-haired man practically shoving through the crowd, and her entire body froze. "An-Angel?"

"Buffy! Christ!" He wrapped his strong, suffocating arms around her, hugging her tightly, and Buffy was hard put to gently disentangle himself from his grasp.


"Buffy!" Giles finally decided to make an appearance, and he looked sheepish, "Uh...I...see you found each other..."

"Yeah, thanks," Buffy said half-heartedly.

Angel kept her still clasped in his arms, his eyes roving over her face, "God, Buffy...I was so afraid...that I'd never see you again...” He clasped her to him again, tightly clinging to her as tears sprung to his eyes, "I almost died when I heard that you were lost..." He whispered, and Giles chewed on his bottom lip as he glanced around, looking for Spike. A confrontation in the middle of the airport was not a thing to look forward too.

Angel suddenly went tense, and then moved the hair away from her throat, frowning slightly as he stared down at the scar on her throat, "What in the hell...?"

Buffy finally managed to pull away from him, smiling wanly up at him, "Good to see you again, Angel," She said softly, casting her eyes down.

"She's tired, Angel...we should be getting to our hotel..." Giles tried to intercede.

"Mom! Mom!" Will broke through the crowd and grabbed Buffy around the leg, holding onto her tightly, and Angel glanced down at the boy.

"Will!" Spike shoved past some people, a desperate look on his face, and he looked relieved when he saw him clinging to his mother's leg, and he ignored Angel as he scooped Will back up, keeping his head ducked. "Stop bothering the nice lady and come on..."

Buffy looked down at her mate, taking pains to not alert Angel to his presence in her life, and she smiled faintly down at him. Spike straightened, back to Angel, and his eyes met hers before he prepared to disappear with Will again, but Angel's hand clamped on his shoulder, squeezing it painfully.

Spike's eyes snapped shut as Angel let out a low growl, "Put the kid!"

Spike only clutched Will to him tighter, looking at Buffy desperately when he felt a stake pressing against his back. Angel was mistaking him for a vampire trying to sneak off a kid for a quick meal, and this was bound to end dusty.

"I said now!"

Will pressed his face against Spike's chest, letting out a frightened whimper, and Buffy took Will out of Spike's arms, smiling as he threw his arms around her neck, giving Angel a distinctly distrustful look, "Stop it, Angel. You're scaring him."

A small smile curled at Spike's lips at Buffy's somewhat naive misinterpretation of Angel's reaction, and he turned, giving Angel a glare, "Mind putting that thing away, Peaches?"

Angel stared at his much changed Childe, eyes going slightly wide as he took in his change of dress, longer and shaggier then usual hair, the color of honey, and then his eyes flicked towards the boy in Buffy's arms as she tried to sooth his cries, and his eyes went wide.

"What the...?"

"Not now, Angel," Buffy took Spike's hand, and pushed past him, pulling her mate alongside her as she glanced over her shoulder at Giles, "We'll meet you at the hotel, okay? I need to get out of's too..." She threw a look at the people around her, and Giles nodded in understanding.

"The reservation is under my name, Buffy," He told her, "Everything's taken care of..."

"Thanks," She glanced at Angel, who was staring at her in hurt confusion, but ignored that in favor of escaping from the crowd of people that wasn't a lot for the normally busy airport, but was stifling nevertheless.

He turned back to Giles, "Was...that Spike?"

Giles sighed heavily, and then glanced at Xander, who looked almost giddy, shaking his head slightly. "Xander and Willow will fill in the gaps," Giles said with a sigh, "I'm going to get our bags and see if the duty-free shop has liquor."

Willow's eyes were wide as Giles scrambled off, then looked towards Angel, wondering how in the hell she had gotten stuck with this. Xander simply rubbed his hands together, eyes glinting evilly. “'s like this...”

Will stared out the window of the cab, eyes wide, gaze transfixed by the LA skyline, the millions of lights illuminating the smog-filled sky. He pressed his little nose against the smudged glass, dark blue eyes widening a bit. “Day...” He mumbled beneath his breath, and then glanced up at his father worriedly. He had learned early on in life that the day was something that his father feared and his mother worried about on his behalf.

Spike looked down at him, and then out at the skyline, his lips curling up in a wan smile, “S'not day,'s just light...” Spike saw this line of reasoning confused his son, and he tried to think of a way to simplify it for his sake. “A bit like fire...but different.”

“Fire?” Will pressed his nose against the glass once more, trying to process this new information. Spike kissed the top of his head and then looked towards Buffy, who had been silent since they had left the airport. She was looking out the other window, her face a bit drawn and her eyes slightly narrowed.

“Buffy? Luv? You alright?”

“Huh?” Buffy blinked in surprise and then turned to look at Spike and Will, smiling a tiny bit before slipping across the seat and snuggling against his side, closing her eyes as he draped his arm over her shoulders. “Believe me when I say I've been a lot better.”

“I believe you,” Spike replied, toying with a strand of Will's curly hair, “Could've been worse...not exactly sure how, though.”

“You're a big help...not,” Buffy shoved Spike lightly, and the vampire chuckled, “I just can't wait to get to the hotel and sleep.”

“Until Peaches tracks us down and dusts me for shaggin' his woman.”

“Jeez...Neanderthal much?” Buffy rolled her eyes, and then rested her head on his shoulder, “Besides...I'm your woman now...and you're mine.”

“I'm your woman?” Spike injected mock horror into his voice, and then glanced at the cabbie when he turned to look at them, “Eyes on the road, mate! You're drivin' with my kid in the backseat, for Chrissakes!”

Buffy elbowed him none too gently before leaning back against him with a sigh, running her fingers along the scar marring her throat, Spike's mark proclaiming her to be his mate. “I so don't need Angel's crap right now,” She muttered, turning to nuzzle her face into Spike's throat. “I wish we were back home.”

“I know, too...” Spike embraced her lightly, “But look at Will...when he's not fussing...he's lookin' pretty damned amazed.”

Buffy smiled as she glanced at her son, his slightly chubby face broken with a wide grin as he stared at the cars that went by, waving bye-bye at all of them as they passed, and clutching his little carved boat to his chest. He turned his head when Buffy reached out to stroke his honey-blond head, beaming at his mother brightly, reminding her for whom they had made the ultimate sacrifice. “Yeah...he does...doesn't he?”

Buffy sighed deeply as she fingered the phone cord in her hands, chewing on her bottom lip as she waited for her mother to pick up the ringing phone. It was eight in the morning after all. More then likely her mom had already left for the gallery, but Buffy had forgotten her mom's schedule. It had been nearly six years after all. She sighed as she hung up the phone, glancing at the single bed in the room, where Spike was sleeping, his head half-buried in the pillow, a troubled frown etched on his face.

Will was seated in front of the television, a half-eaten cookie in his hand as he watched Blue's Clues, a bright smile on his face. He repeated what he was asked to by the kid in the green and white shirt, but quietly, careful as always not to disturb his father who had a bad habit of sleeping late during the day. Buffy shook her head slightly with a smile as she seated herself next to her son, and he immediately clambered into her lap. “Bwue's Cwues!” He pointed at the screen proudly, and she smiled, kissing his honey blond curls and hugging him to her chest.

“Shhh, don't want to wake up daddy...he didn't get to sleep much last night.”

“It's fine, I'm up...” Spike yawned widely as he sat up and he grinned as Will immediately climbed up on the bed to throw himself at his dad, and he wrapped his strong arms around his son, kissing his forehead and glancing towards Buffy, “You call your mum?”

“She wasn't home,” Buffy sighed heavily, “I forgot she left for work around 7:30...sorry.”

“S'alright...” Spike beamed down at Will, “Looks like we're goin' to be givin' your grandmum a heart attack, Will.”

“Don't tell him that!” Buffy gave Spike a look, “My mom is not going to have a heart attack.”

“No, maybe not...but axes could come into play,” Spike instinctively rubbed that back of his head, as if relieving the night he had first tried to kill Buffy and had met the Slayer's wrathful, overprotective mother. “Maybe I'll let you go in first.”

“Oh, come mom likes you,” Buffy rolled her eyes, “After the whole love spell thing, she wouldn't stop talking about `poor Spike', `that horrible woman being so mean to him,' and `the poor, dear boy' for like...three weeks. I felt like screaming my head off, it was sooo infuriating.”

“Hmmm...and now you scream my...” Spike glanced down at his son, who was staring up at him with wide eye, “Um...shouldn't you be rottin' your brain with the telly right about now?”

“You're corrupting our son,” Buffy scooped Will up into her arms, kissing his slightly chubby cheek and she glanced towards the door when someone knocked on it, “Oh...maybe that's Uncle Giles with daddy's breakfast.”

“Oh...breakfast in bed...” Spike grinned as he lay back, “I can get to likin' civilization again.”

“Don't get used to it,” Buffy replied, tossing a pair of his shorts that were on the floor at his head, “I hope you don't think that I'll be bringing you breakfast in bed anytime soon.”

“ are breakfast in bed,” Spike pressed his tongue against his lower lip, waggling his eyebrows suggestively, and Buffy covered one of Will's ears in horror.

“SPIKE! Not in front of Will!”

“Sorry,” Spike didn't look a bit so, and Buffy rolled her eyes as she went to answer the door.

“If our son starts smoking, drinking and bleaching his hair, I'm blaming you,” Buffy told him as she opened the door.

“Luv...he's only four. I don't think we have to quite worry about that yet,” Spike pointed out, and then sat up abruptly when he saw who was at the door, a low growl being ripped from his throat instinctually.

Buffy glanced out into the hallway, paling when she saw Angel standing there, and Will immediately started to fidget nervously, blue eyes going wide as he stared at Angel from Buffy's arms. “”

Angel didn't answer her right away, instead staring at the young boy clinging to his mother, the features unmistakably Spike's, save for the nose, which was upturned up a bit at the end. Classic Buffy nose. His eyes narrowed a tiny bit as he looked over her shoulder at Spike, who was pulling on a pair of pants over his boxers, his golden blond head bowed slightly as he refused to meet his Sire's eyes.

“Buffy...can I talk with you?” He asked tightly, and Spike's head jerked up at his tone and he immediately straightened.

“Don't you talk to her like that,” Spike growled out shortly, “You have no bloody right...”

“Spike...” Buffy turned, handing him Will, her eyes pleading with him silently not to cause a scene, “ take Will downstairs? They have a breakfast buffet...and there's no windows in the dining room...” She smiled at him when she saw his slightly insecure look, planting a firm but chaste kiss on his lips. “I'll be down in a bit.”

“Promise?” Spike asked quietly, and Buffy nodded, still smiling as she reached out to stroke Will's hair.

“Definitely,” She assured him, “Love you guys,” She kissed Will's forehead, “Make sure daddy behaves himself, okay?”

“Kay!” Will agreed cheerfully, throwing his arms around Spike's neck, “Want momkey...”

“We don't eat monkey anymore,” Spike reminded his son, ignoring Angel completely on his way out, “How `bout a pop-tart or somethin'?”

“No pop-tarts!” Buffy called after them, “Spike! I mean it! Don't be feeding him that crap! I don't care what it says on the box, it isn't breakfast!”

Angel watched the exchange between Spike and Buffy incredulously, and then glanced at Buffy, raising his eyebrows, “Monkey?”

“Long story,” Buffy sighed heavily, “Come in.”

Spike was ill at ease as he went down towards the hotel dining room, gritting his teeth together, simply at the thought of Angel near his mate. He knew he was probably being irrationally jealous and overreacting just a bit, but who could blame him? He was the love of Buffy's life...but that was a long time ago, wasn't it? Plus, they had a son...they were happy together...and she did tell him that she loved them in front of the no need to worry, right?

He shook his head, running a hand through his longish hair as he sat Will down on the ground but keeping a firm grip on his small hand to prevent him from running off somewhere he wouldn't be able to follow. He glanced around the dining room as he went in, seeing Willow and Xander were seated at a table in the corner, the whelp with a plate heaped high with food, and Willow looking a bit green as she watched him shovel the food into his mouth. Spike shook his head slightly. And people called him an animal.

He looked critically over the food in the buffet, wanting to give Will something he'd enjoy, but nothing too rich for his still adjusting palate. He finally settled on some fruit and a glass of milk before hesitantly going over towards the table with Willow and Xander, the redheaded witch having spotted him and waving him over.

“Hey,” He mumbled in greeting as he sat Will's plate on the table and sat down, settling Will down on his lap.

“Hey Spike,” Willow replied before leaning forward, practically gushing at Will, “Hello Will...aawwww...he's sooo cute...”

“Yeah, real cute,” Xander eyed the boy doubtfully, “Before he turns evil and starts eating people.”

“Hey!” Spike glared at Xander, “Don't talk about my boy like that! He's not bloody well evil, you ponce!”

“Xander!” Willow gave Xander a dirty look, and he yelped when she kicked him beneath the table, “Be nice.”

“OW!” Xander rubbed his bruised shin, “What? It's a perfectly legit worry. He is a vampire-Slayer hybrid...” Willow kicked him again, “OW! Stop that!”

“Shut your bloody mouth,” Spike growled at Xander, starting to stand and Willow gave her best friend a warning look.

“Don't go, Spike...Xander's sorry. Aren't you, Xander?”

“What? I...OW! Fine! I'm sorry! Stop kicking me!” Xander grimaced, “I think you broke my knee.”

“Stop being such a baby,” Willow smiled when Spike sat down once more, “Oh...I got some stuff for you...I thought you'd be tired of the whole `ship-wrecked' chic you're currently sporting.”

Spike glanced down at his tattered duster and his pair of much too baggy blue jeans, borrowed from Xander and a hideously colored Hawaiian shirt. “More then tired...actually sickened by it...”

Willow beamed as she picked up a paper sack from beside her, and reached inside, “Here...I got some black jeans...I think they're your size and a black t-shirt...I couldn't find one of those red shirts you used to like so much...but I figure you can live without that for awhile...”

“Thanks...” Spike took the shirt and jeans, oddly touched by Willow's thoughtfulness, “Uh...ta, luv...appreciate it...”

“And the best part,” Willow held up a box of hair bleach with a grin, and then frowned, “Unless you're not into the whole...Billy Idol thing anymore...I guess six and a half years is a long time...”

Spike glanced down at Will as he finished up his breakfast, “What do you say, kid? Wanna watch your da scream in pain while his scalp melts off?”

“So...long time...” Buffy bent and picked up Will's little toy boat off the ground and tossed it on the bed, nervously chewing on the inside of her jerk, well aware of Angel's intent gaze at her back. “Sorry about the mess...but Will got up early and started tearing apart the room...” She smiled slightly as she turned, “When I woke up, he was on the phone, talking to some lady down at the front desk.”

“Uh...that's nice...” Angel crossed his arms over his chest, “ part of the story from Willow...and another part I derived out of Xander's...gloating. But I'm still confused about what happened on that island...”

Buffy bristled at his snippy tone, taking offense, “What's with the attitude? What in the hell did I do?”

“Spike, for one...”

“Oh...GOD!” Buffy glared at him, “You're...I can't even believe...where in the hell do you get off talking to me like that?!”

“Buffy...I'm worried about you...Spike is...”

“The father of my son, you better watch what you say about him,” Buffy said tightly, “I don't even want to have this discussion with you.”

“We need to have this discussion...”

“I really don't think we do,” Buffy replied tightly, “Listen...we've been broken up for years now. You left for LA without a backward glance...”

“I know...I made a mistake, Buffy,” Angel sighed heavily, “If I had known...I wouldn't have let you get on that boat...I never wanted that to happen to you...”

“Don't,” Buffy held up her hand, “You didn't know, I didn't know...but even if I did know...I would still have gotten on that boat, Angel. You may not believe it...but that tidal wave...aside from the other survivors thing...was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“What?!” Angel stared at Buffy like she had gone completely insane, “How can you say that?”

“I was happy...Spike, Will and I...we were all happy,” Buffy shook her head at his look, “You don't get it.”

“I...don't even understand how you can say that...” Angel frowned in confusion, “You were shipwrecked on an island with virtually no rescue in sight. How am I supposed to understand that?”

Buffy sighed, “And I don't expect you too. Listen, Angel...I love you's just...things are different now. I have a son...a mat-“ She winced as soon as the word was out of her mouth. Angel immediately went rigid, and then he darted forward, grabbing Buffy by the arm. She cried out in pain and surprise as he brushed her hair from her throat, eyes narrowing when he saw the scar marring her golden tanned skin.

“I'll fucking kill him.”

Buffy grabbed his arm, and forced him to let go of her, “Don't touch me,” She hissed, “I really getting tired of people grabbing at me all the time! And you won't do anything to Spike. I asked him to do it, so stop overreacting!”

“You have no idea what you committed yourself too!”

“I know exactly what I committed myself too...the father of my child and the man I love...”

“He's not a man! He's a vampire, Buffy!”

“Really...I didn't notice what with the blood drinking, and the aversion to sunlight...” Buffy said sarcastically, “ must think I'm a complete idiot or something...”

“Well! What am I supposed to think?!”

Buffy closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath, “Wow...I haven't felt the need to hit someone the way I want to hit you for over six years.”

Angel drew back a step in surprise at her threat, taking note of her clenched fists, “Buffy...I didn't mean it like that. I'm just worried about you...”

“Don't be,” Buffy replied shortly, “For the last six and a half years, Spike and I only had each other to worry about, with only me to look after him and him to look after me and both of us to look after William. We survived...against all odds, we survived, and now we have a family. It's not your job to worry about me anymore, hasn't been for a long time. Believe me...whatever little argument you have stored up to use against Spike, to try and make me see, and I use the term lightly, won't work. And I would thank you to back up off me right now, all right?!”

“Buffy...I wish you would just act mature about---“

“All right...out!” Buffy shoved him towards the door, “Angel Angst hour is over!”

“Angel what hour?!”

“You heard me,” Buffy replied, “Just...give me some time to get more settled in and I promise, I'll listen to your bitching for a whole hour, uninterrupted. I'll give you a call...”

“Buffy! You can't just pretend...”

“Listen...Spike's downstairs with a four-year-old who is even more hyperactive then he is, and Will can move pretty damn fast for a kid with short legs,” Buffy opened the door and gave Angel a bodily shove out of it, and he nearly slammed into Xander, who was about to knock on the door.

“Oh...God...I've waited an eternity for this,” Xander turned his eyes upwards, “Thank you, God, for finally letting me see Buffy toss Angel out on his ass.”

“Xander, shut up,” Buffy said in irritation, “Where's Spike and Will?”

“Willow's room,” Xander was still smirking at Angel, who was glaring between him and Buffy, as if undecided about who he was more pissed at for the moment.


“Angel...please!” She looked at him pleadingly, “Just...please...leave it be. Spike and I...and Will...we're all trying to adjust to being back...and it's's just so damn hard, and you're not making it any easier on us...”

“It's not my job to make it easier on you,” Angel replied in annoyance, “This discussion isn't over...”

“I damn well think it is...” Buffy tensed when she heard a shrill squeal, and immediately whirled towards the sound, a smile curling the corner of her lips. Spike was holding Will upside down, tickling him mercilessly, barely avoiding the boy's little flailing legs. His hair was a bleached blond once more, and he was now dressed in the black jeans and t-shirt Willow had bought him.

Spike finally seemed to notice the attention he was attracting, and he glanced up at Buffy, a sheepish smile crossing his face as he sat Will back on his feet. Will immediately shot towards his mother, and wrapped his arms around her legs, sticking his tongue out at his father with a playful grin.

“You...bloody little scamp...” Spike dived for Will, and the boy let out another squeal before racing for the open bedroom door, his dad close on his heels.

“Hey! No running around! You'll break something...” Buffy winced when she heard the sound of a lamp breaking, “Spike!”

“It was the kid!” Spike defended himself as Buffy rolled her eyes and stalked back into the room, slamming the door behind her, leaving Xander and Angel outside, and the two men glared at each other before stalking off in opposite directions.

Giles glanced in the rearview mirror several times during the van ride towards Sunnydale, somewhat disconcerted by the sight of a small boy seemingly floating in mid-air as he curled up on Spike's lap, his face nuzzled against the vampire's throat. He had fallen asleep almost immediately, lulled to sleep by Spike's soft, almost inaudible purrs. He hadn't rested much the night or day before, being to excited by the plane ride and then watching as his father's head magically changed colors. He had spent the better part of the afternoon inspecting Spike's hair and tugging at it in puzzlement, and though Willow had gelled it back, under Will's administrations, it was now tousled and spiked.

Buffy was leaning against Spike's side, her head resting on his shoulder, and Spike had his arm draped about her shoulders, fingers absently caressing the skin of her arm as he stared out the window at the passing cars on the highway, a tiny, but unsure smile on his lips. He was anxious about returning to Sunnydale...but no more so then he knew Buffy was. He only had to face some unpleasant memories...most of them dealing with Drusilla...but he could deal with that fairly easily. There was still the underlying pain of losing his dark princess, as well as guilt, since he had always blamed himself for her death. Buffy, however, had to face returning to a Hell Mouth, where danger lurked around every corner, where she may have to face taking up Slaying duties once more. Not that she would, if he could help it...and Giles had yet to broach the subject, and Buffy wasn't eager herself to bring it up.

Buffy looked up when Spike gave her a tiny squeeze, his gaze fixated on the window, a worried look on his face, and she pressed her lips to his shoulder, and he looked down at her, smiling faintly. “Penny for your thoughts...” She said softly, eyes flickering towards Willow, who was sitting in the very back seat, dozing off a bit. Xander was seated in the front seat with Giles, and was annoying the Watcher by fiddling with the settings on his radio.

“Just stuff...” He replied, resting his head against Buffy's, “Hell Mouth stuff, mostly...”

“Me too...” Buffy sighed heavily as they crossed into the Sunnydale city limits, and Spike glanced at the Smiling Face Sun on the `Welcome to Sunnydale' sign, looking almost regretful when it stayed intact for the first time with him passing by it. It seemed...almost sacrilegious. However, once they were within the city limits and heading into town, all regrets fled, replaced with worry once more.

Buffy's grip on Spike's arm tightened when they pulled onto Revello Drive, and she worried her bottom lip between her teeth as Giles slowed the van down, and pulled it to a stop in front of her old home. Buffy stared at the familiar two-story house, lights blazing in all of the windows, including her old bedroom, and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath when she saw a feminine shadow pass by the living room window.

“Mommy...” She whispered beneath her breath, and no one, save Spike heard her, and he kissed the top of her head and whispered a few reassuring words in her ear as Giles hopped out of the front seat and came around to open the side door for them.

Buffy hopped out, and Spike carefully followed her, cradling the still sleeping Will to his chest, and the boy mumbled something sleepily beneath his breath, burrowing his face into Spike's throat once more. Buffy smiled at her two men, and then took a deep, shuddering breath as Giles, Xander and Willow gathered behind her.

“Buffy? Luv...?” She glanced back at Spike, who was looking just as uncomfortable as she was, “ rather the Watcher...took me an' Will to a hotel or something for the night? Give you an' your mum some privacy...time to catch up?”

Buffy glanced back up at the house, considering it, but she really didn't want to be without her mate and son for even a day. She reached back and took Spike's hand, and drew him beside her, shaking her head, “No...I...I need you...” She said softly, “I can't do this...”

“Yes, you can,” Spike kissed her forehead fondly, “I can wait out here with W--”

“No...” She shook her head again, looking back at the rest of the Scoobies, “I...uh...I think we're...okay now...” She told them, looking more then a little uncomfortable, “I...we...need to do this...without the audience...”

“Buff...are you sure?” Xander glanced at Spike uncomfortably, “You're not actually going to invite him in, are you?”

Spike shot Xander a dirty look, which Giles, Willow and Buffy all echoed, “It was never revoked,” Buffy replied tightly, and Xander blinked in surprise as Giles took his arm and started to drag him back towards the van.

“What? He had an invite before?! When was this?!” Xander asked in a disbelieving tone, but no one answered him as Willow offered Buffy a reassuring smile.

“Good luck,” She said quietly, and Buffy nodded, glancing back towards her home, watching as the drapes were pulled back from the window, and she leaned against Spike when she saw her mother peeping out. Willow returned to the van, where Xander was still loudly protesting, but no one paid him any heed. Joyce disappeared from the window as the others took off.

Spike drew back a few steps as the door flew open, watching as a much aged Joyce Summers practically threw herself at Buffy, half-sobbing, half-screaming her daughter's name, and Buffy stumbled back nearly a foot before catching her balance, starting to cry herself as she clutched at her mother.

“ little baby...” Joyce sat back a bit, cupping Buffy's face in her hands and searched it, as if to make sure it was really she. “I was so afraid...” She clutched Buffy once more, “I thought I'd never see you again...”

Spike watched the tearful reunion, a watery smile on his own face. Will had woken up in all the commotion, and he was watching the scene with wide, bewildered eyes; they were both yet unnoticed by Joyce, who only had eyes for Buffy at the moment.

“My beautiful baby girl...” Joyce stroked Buffy's long, sun-bleached hair, her smile wavering but never leaving her face, “I prayed everyday for this...” She told her, still in tears, “I've waited forever to hold you again...”

Buffy buried her face in her mother's graying hair, muffling her sob, “I missed you, mommy...I'm so sorry...I missed you...”

“Shh...shh...” Joyce continued to stroke Buffy's hair, “Don't be sorry, wasn't your fault, don't ever be sorry...”

Buffy sniffled as she sat back a tiny bit, but never leaving her mother's protective embrace, and she swiped at her tearing eyes. She hadn't realized till just then she had really and truly missed her mother, and felt horrible about all the pains she had put her through...and had been willing to put her though just so she could stay on a deserted island with Spike and her son. If she had ever lost Will...she shuddered at the mere thought of ever losing her son. She abruptly looked up at Spike, and Joyce followed her gaze, her eyes going slightly wide when she saw the vampire. “Spike? Is that you?”

Spike ducked his head as Will managed to wriggle out of his arms and the boy dropped agilely to the soft grass, but then immediately hid behind Spike's legs, peeking out at Joyce curiously, with a shy smile on his face. “Evenin' Joyce,” He greeted, a bit uncomfortable, “Uh...there wouldn't be any axes laying `bout, would there?”

Joyce smiled unsurely, her eyes dropping down to the boy clinging to Spike's legs, and he ducked back in hiding when she looked at him, and she glanced at Buffy for an explanation, feeling no threat from the blond vampire. Especially since Buffy wasn't jumping at him with a stake or a right hook.

“I...tried to call you...” Buffy stammered, “ were at work...or something...I didn't want...well...Spike didn't give you a heart attack or something...I'm sorry...I should have called the gallery...but I couldn't remember the number...and then there was Angel...and I couldn't find Giles...”

“Buffy...breathe...please. You're hyperventilating, darling.” Joyce advised her daughter, straightening as she looked back at Spike, “What's going on?”

Spike glanced at Buffy, who was taking Joyce's prudent advice, and shifted on his feet, looking down at Will, “Uh...well...she...wasn't alone...” Spike hedged, “Um...I...was on the boat too...and...we sort of...uh...and then...” He looked down at his son pointedly.

Joyce glanced down at Will once more as Spike's explanation trailed off lamely, and the boy peeked out at her once more, his wide blue eyes meeting hers, and Joyce's eyes shot up to Spike's face, and then down to Will's again, “,” Joyce cleared her throat, “He...looks quite a bit like you, Spike.” Buffy looked at her mother in surprise as Joyce knelt down so that she was eye-level with her grandson, a strange, unreadable look on her face, “What's...his name?”

“William,” Buffy replied, looking up at Spike, “Uh...Will...we usually just call him”

“Mr. Giles never mentioned him when he called...he and I are going to have a few words next time I see him,” Joyce said, more tears filling her eyes, “He's...very handsome.”

Spike knelt down beside Will, smiling at his son fondly, “What're you waitin' for, mate? It's Grandmum Joyce...don't you want to say hello to grandmum?”

Will stared at Joyce with his beautiful, blue eyes, not making a move till Spike prodded him forward gently, and then he moved only a few steps forward before stopping, unwilling to go forward anymore. “He's...a bit shy...not used to many people,” Spike said by way of excuse, “But...we told him `bout he knows the name...he's just bein' difficult...”

Joyce smiled as she straightened, finding her attention divided between Spike, her long lost daughter and her newly found grandson. This was...almost too much for her to take...but not in an unpleasant sort of way. “Please...come in...” She smiled down at Will warmly, “If his father is any indication, I bet someone wants a cup of chocolate.”

Buffy smiled when Spike grinned widely, swooping Will up into his arms, and Joyce threaded her arm around her daughter's waist, and Buffy laid her head on her shoulder as they followed Spike and Will inside.

Joyce silently stepped through the living room after straightening up the kitchen and rinsing out the mugs that had held cocoa. The lights were already off in the living room, and the drapes pulled to protect the vampire resting on the couch from the sun that would be rising in a few hours. She glanced down at Spike, who was sleeping a bit fitfully, probably not used to sleeping without Buffy and Will at least in the same room. She smiled slightly as she unfolded the afghan from the back of the couch and draped it over him. He stirred in his sleep, but did not wake.

She watched him sleep for several moments, chewing on her bottom lip thoughtfully. His hair, though bleached and recently trimmed, was still longer then his usual style, curling around his ears a bit, and the tips of his hair were still a bit brownish where Willow had missed some spots. She reached out tentatively, touching his cool cheek, and then ran her fingers through his tousled hair, smiling when he started to purr softly.

She heard small footsteps on the stairs, and she straightened, partially startled, and then smiled when she saw Will standing on the stairs, looking around in sleepy confusion, Mr. Gordo clutched to his chest. Apparently, he had laid claim to Buffy's favorite stuffed animal. “Hey,” She greeted quietly, “What are you doing up, baby?”

“Thwisty...” Will replied, rubbing one of his blue eyes, too tired to be shy at the moment, and a maternal smile bloomed over Joyce's face as she went up to her small grandson, and took his small hand in her own.

“You want a glass of warm milk?” She asked him, “Help you sleep.”

“'Tay...” Will padded after her, his bare feet slapping against the wood floor. She picked him up and set him on a stool at the kitchen island, and he leaned against the counter, resting his head on the stuffed pig, eyes half-open as he watched Joyce start warming some milk in a saucepan on the stove. He rubbed his hand beneath his nose as she glanced at him, starting to sniffle a bit, tears starting to fill his eyes for no apparent reason.

Joyce smiled at him gently as she poured the warmed milk into a little cup, and set it down in front of him, but he ignored it as he turned his face into Mr. Gordo's soft depths, “William? What's wrong, honey?” She laid a hand on his head, stroking his soft, curly hair.

“Wan' go home...” He sniffled out crankily, kicking his small feet against the bottom of the counter, “Too loud...”

A small smile tugged at the corners of Joyce's lips as she handed him the cup of milk, “Drink up, Will...and then we'll get you back in bed with mommy, all right? You'll feel better when you get some sleep.”

Will obediently drank the milk Joyce had given him, but the petulant pout on his face had not moved from its spot on his lips. Joyce took the cup from him, and picked him up into her arms, planting a kiss on his warm cheek, and he laid his head on her shoulder, yawning widely as he kept a firm grip on Mr. Gordo. She carefully went past the couch, where Spike was still sleeping, and made her way up the stairs and towards Buffy's room.

She pushed open the door, glancing around briefly at the unchanged room. She hadn't moved a thing since Buffy had disappeared, as if afraid that if she changed a single thing about her daughter's dwelling, it would mean she wouldn't come back to pick her dirty socks up off the floor, or hide her diary beneath her bed once more. Buffy was lying in her bed, a mere lump beneath the covers, and Joyce knelt down, disentangling Will from her neck, where he had already fallen asleep, and carefully tucking him in beside his mother. Right away, Buffy rolled over, hand searching for her son and as soon as she found him, she snuggled against his side, face burrowing itself in his hair and she sighed softly as she slept.

Joyce smiled, tears springing to her eyes once more, and she kissed Will's forehead, and then Buffy's. She straightened, and lingered for several minutes, watching as her daughter and grandson cuddled together, but frowns marred both their faces, as if feeling the absence of one more person in their family unit, but all three wouldn't have been able to fit in Buffy's single bed. She would have to look into heaing a bigger bed for Buffy's room, not wanting to give up any of her family anytime in the near future. The house had been far too empty for far too long. And now she had an entire family to fill it once more with laughter and life.

“Good night, my darlings,” Joyce said softly before going out and closing the door quietly behind her, pressing a hand to her mouth as she closed her eyes and leaned against the door, trying to muffle her sobs. Oh God...thank you...thank you so much...

