Perfect World

By CousinJean

Part Six: Two Birds, One Schmoe

They decided to go at sunrise. Safer, as the vampire patrols would be turning in for the day, plus it added an element of surprise. Nobody ever launched an attack at dawn. Leastwise, not in Sunnydale.

The plan was simple: Spike would go in alone, while the others created a diversion to occupy Adam and the guards. Warren had already hacked into the system, and would prevent Spike from showing up on the monitors. He'd grab the girls and get out through the tunnels. After a quick errand, they'd all meet up in his crypt.

"You're sure you know which crypt I mean?" Spike asked Giles.

"Yes, Spike. For the tenth time, I'm quite familiar with it."

Spike nodded. "Just making sure. You should probably come alone."

"Like hell," said Gunn from the driver's seat.

"Quite right, Charles, but Spike does have a point. The smaller our number, the less likely we'll be seen."

"Yeh," said Spike, "and barricade yourselves in once you get there, just in case you are seen. I won't be bringing the girls through the front door, anyway."

"Just get them there," said Giles. "Don't worry about us." He put a hand on the dash to keep from leaning into Spike as they rounded a corner. "You have the list?"

Spike pulled it out of his pocket to show it to him, then put it away.

"Good. Don't lose that. You're sure you'll be able to get into the magic shop?"

"Willow works for me, don't she?"

"In theory," said Giles. "It's been impossible for us to get in and get supplies since she took up residence there."

"No worries, Rupes. I'll get the stuff."

Giles nodded. "Hopefully, Halfrek's summoning spell uses the same ingredients as Anyanka's. If this Tara is as adept as you claim, she should be able to help me with any necessary modifications."

"We're here," Gunn announced, pulling the truck off the side of the road. The three men climbed out of the cab while a motley crew of humans, demons and Slayer looked on from the back of the truck.

"Two sentries guard the entrance," Spike said, scratching his neck. The sun wasn't over the horizon yet, but the sky was light enough to make his skin tingle. "Take them out, getting inside will be a cake walk. I need help for that. Who's with me?"

"Me," said Lauren, hopping down from the truck bed.

Clem raised his hand. "I'll go."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Those Franken-soldiers are tough, mate. You sure you can handle yourself?"

"I know I don't look like much," he said, "but I swing a pretty mean axe. Besides, it'll look more convincing if you have a demon in the mix."

Spike nodded. "Right, then. Giles?"

He held up some manacles. "I'm afraid we only have this one pair."

"You put 'em on, and take the lead. The rest of you, just ... keep your hands out of sight."

"Right." Giles turned to Gunn. "You know what to do?"

Gunn nodded. "Take the homies, get in front of the cameras, raise some hell and bring the soldier freaks running."

"And get the hell out before we're caught," added Lindsey.

"Yes, good." Giles looked around at the rest of the group. "Do be careful. Perhaps Jonathan could simply create the illusion of mayhem?"

Gunn grinned, and punched him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, G. We'll watch our backs. You just be sure to watch yours," he said with a pointed glare at Spike. "I already lost one of my favorite English the last time we stormed this castle." He looked back at Giles. "I don't want to lose the other one."

Giles smiled. "We're taking every precaution, Charles. I'll see you at the rendezvous point."

Gunn nodded. "You better." He got back in the truck. The remaining four stood back and watched as they drove away.

"All right, people! Show time." He checked Giles's manacles and looked over the Slayer and Clem to make sure their weapons weren't visible. Then he nodded. "Let's go."

He led them up the path to the cave entrance. Sure enough, Hekel and Jekel stood guard. Hekel stepped in front of the opening. "Who goes there?"

"Spike goes here." He did his best to look pleased as punch despite the butterflies competing for the World Cup in his stomach. "Brought some prezzies for Adam."

"It's not time for your tribute."

"No, but the last one wasn't quite up to par. This ought to make it up to him."

Hekel eyed the threesome. "What've you got?"

"Nothing too fancy. Just the fearless Resistance leader." He pointed at Giles. "Oh, and a Slayer." He put his hands in his pockets and looked up at Hekel.

The guard nodded appreciatively, then looked at Clem. "What's he?"

Spike shrugged. "Hell if I know. He was with the others." He put a hand over his chest and sighed theatrically. "Humans and demons, working together in solidarity. Warms the cockles of my heart, you know?"

Hekel stared blankly at Spike for a moment. Humorless git. Then he turned to Jekel. "Call it in. I'll escort them." He turned back to find Spike suited up and in the midst of a spin kick that knocked his weapon out of his hands.

The other three leapt into action. As the Slayer launched herself at Jekel, Clem tossed an axe to Spike. In one fluid motion he plucked it out of the air, twirled it in his hands and swung; but Hekel blocked, knocking it out of Spike's hand. It flew threw the air, bounced off the lip of the cave, and clattered to the ground.

Hekel swung with his human fist. Spike caught it, but before he could do anything the bastard raked his ribcage with his demon hand, slicing sharp talons through leather, cotton and skin.

"Bloody hell," Spike muttered, clutching his side.

Hekel punched him again, knocking him back a step, then kicked him in the chest. Spike slammed backwards into the cave wall. Stunned, he dropped to one knee. Hekel loomed over him. Spike lunged, tackling the monster into the opposite wall. Hekel let out an "oof!" on impact, but then grabbed Spike and lifted him overhead. He turned to smash Spike headfirst into the stone wall. Then he made a gurgling noise and his arms went limp. Spike fell safely to the ground. Hekel landed on top of him, the head of an axe imbedded in his back.

Spike looked up at his savior. Clem gave him a little wave. "Told you I was good with an axe."

Spike grinned. "Good show." He looked outside the cave, where Giles was scavenging all of Jekel's high-tech toys and the Slayer was wiping her sword on the grass. Spike shoved Hekel off, took Clem's outstretched hand, and got to his feet. He dislodged the axe, then paused to clap the demon on the back and hand it back to him before heading over to Giles.

"Let's hope you don't come up against one of those things inside," Giles said with a disapproving look.

"What? I was handling him."

Giles snorted. "Looked to me like you were doing a thorough job of getting your arse handed to you."

"Yeh, well ... I might point out, you lot were three against one."

"You might. You might also take this with you." Giles handed him Jekel's gun. "But don't use it on Adam. It works like a high-tech taser. He would simply absorb the energy and become stronger."

Spike nodded. "I seem to remember something about that."

Lauren came over, her eyebrows arched high. "You're arming the vampire?"

Giles gave her his most stern Watcherly look. "I'm providing our ally with the means to protect himself on a dangerous mission."

She stood there, hand on hip, eyes darting between them. Then with an exaggerated eyeroll she said, "Whatever." Spike wasn't sure if that look was more typical of sixteen-year-olds or Slayers. He knew one of each, and both excelled at it. And here he'd always thought it was a Summers trademark.

He slung the weapon over his shoulder, then pointed at her sword. "Could actually do with that too, Pet."

"I don't think so." She jerked her head towards Clem. "Take his axe." Clem smiled and held it out to him.

Spike shook his head. "Can't hide the axe in my coat, now can I?"

"How is that my problem?"

"Lauren," Giles sighed, "let Spike borrow your sword."

She looked at Giles, her eyes wide as saucers. "Now you want me to relinquish my weapon to a vampire?"

Giles pushed his glasses up and massaged the bridge of his nose. "These are very special circumstances, Dear."

Spike couldn't help but smirk. "And I'm a very special vampire."

Now that look was pure Slayer.

"Come on, Pet. I promise to return it, all clean and shiny and sharp as ever."

With a put-upon sigh, she unhooked the sheath from her waist and handed it to Spike. "I still say I should go with him," she said as he tucked it inside his coat.

"No," Spike said.

"I'm afraid I must agree," said Giles. "If you were captured you'd prove too much of a liability. And I simply can't afford to lose you." Then he softened, and laid a hand on her shoulder. "I'm not about to trade one Slayer for another. If all goes well, I'll get to spend tonight with both my girls."

Lauren smiled a little, but then turned her glare back on Spike. "What makes you so sure he'll come through?"

"Don't worry, Slayer," Warren's voice crackled, "that's why I'm tagging along."

Giles raised a hand to the tiny communicator hidden in his ear. "Is it time yet?"

"Yup," Warren replied. "I'm in the surveillance system. I can have the camera feeds looped with the touch of a button."

Giles and Spike nodded at each other. "Good luck," Giles said. "Oh, and Spike?"

"This the part where you threaten me again, Rupert?"
Giles smiled, but then he turned serious. "Not a threat, so much as a reminder. Once you go in there, you're on your own, except for Warren's assistance. If you get caught, we won't come to rescue you. And it won't do you any good to sell us out. Our camp is portable. It's being packed up and prepared to move even as we speak. If you betray us, we'll know, and if Warren loses contact with you, we'll assume the worst."

Spike nodded. "Heard all that the first time, y'know."

"Yes, well. It can't hurt for you to hear it again. Also, remember this." Giles took off his glasses and leveled his gaze at Spike. "If you do betray us ... if you cock up our chances of ever getting her out of there ... you won't be able to find us. But I will most definitely find you." He put his glasses back on. "That last part actually was a threat."

"Yeh, I got that." The gun slipped from his shoulder. Spike sniffed as he pulled it back in place. "I won't fail you, Giles." He turned and entered the cave. As the darkness of the tunnel swallowed him up, he added softly, "I won't fail her."

And he wouldn't. Not this time. That was the whole point of the soul, wasn't it? So he could stop hurting her, and become the kind of man who made things better for her for a change? Hadn't worked out that way so far. He had thought -- had really believed -- that the two of them, Spike and William combined, could be enough of a man for her. He took a deep breath as he reached the entrance. Guess it was time to test that theory.

He pulled Finn's keycard out of his pocket and ran it through the lock. Nothing happened.


"Hold on," came the reply. "Shit. His code's been reconfigured."

"Bloody ... What now?"

"Give me a minute." In the long stretch of silence that followed, Spike alternated between wanting to smoke and wanting to smash things. "Okay," Warren said at last. "Try it now."

Again, Spike slid the card through the reader. This time it beeped at him, and he stood back as the door slid open. He waved his gun in front of the opening. When nothing happened, he tucked the weapon under his coat and peeked inside. The corridor was empty. He stepped through the door.

"You're sure I'm not on the telly?" he whispered as he started down the long hallway.

"Nope, you're as invisible to the cameras as a ..." Warren giggled.


"Nothing. Just ... I was gonna say 'as a vampire.'"

Spike rolled his eyes.

"But I guess that's a fallacy, huh? Y'know, I've always wondered why that is. I mean, digital devices, yeah, but regular cameras work with, like, mirrors and lenses and stuff, so you'd think--"

"This thing have an off switch?" Spike dug the communicator out of his ear and looked it over.

"Jeez, who peed in your Cheerios this morning? I was only trying to make conversation."

"Yeh, well, we're on a mission here, Brain Trust. Now let's focus, shall we?"

"Sorry." Warren fell silent, and Spike replaced the device. He came upon the room where he'd met with Adam. Flattening himself against the wall, he edged his head around to look in the floor-to-ceiling window. The television monitors were lit with scenes from around the compound. A few showed Adam's soldiers fighting off members of the Resistance. Spike didn't see himself on any of them. A lone figure stood in the middle of the room, watching.


Spike closed his eyes. "Bugger."

"What?" asked Warren.

"Small problem, but nothing unexpected." Spike pulled his head back and slumped against the wall. "Too bad we don't have that invisibility ray of yours."

Warren laughed. "Invisibility ray, huh? Yeah, that would come in handy. Too bad those are science fiction."

Spike looked up at the ceiling. "Right. Fiction." He peeked through the window again. Finn stood at one of the computers, turned so that his peripheral vision would catch any motion in the corridor. Getting past without being seen -- now that presented a problem.

One of the voices at the back of his brain sighed rather theatrically. Hello, vampire? 'Bout time you started thinking like one of those, innit? Of course. He didn't have all this super-speed for nothing, did he? "Warren, can you see into the monitor station?"

"Uh ... yeah. Got it."

"Tell me when Finn turns his back to the window."

"Sure." Another silence stretched too long for Spike's liking. Then, "Okay, now!"

Spike flew past the window and open door. He didn't stop till he reached the end of the corridor, where he rounded a corner and waited, gun at the ready. "Did he see me?"

"Nope, you're in the clear."

With a relieved sigh, Spike turned and proceeded to the holding area, following the path that Finn had led him on ... had it only been the morning before? It felt like so much longer. Only two nights ago he had stood with Buffy on her front porch, fighting to conceal his amazement as she invited him in for a cuppa ... two nights ago, and a world away from where he was now.

He started down a row of cells, keeping his eyes straight ahead, just as he'd done before. He didn't think he could take it if any of them cried out for help, didn't want to know how it would feel to refuse them. Thankfully, they didn't ask. Instead, they shrunk away from the glass ... away from him. They knew better. His was not the face of a savior.

She reacted the same way when she saw him coming, and backed all the way up against the wall when he stopped in front of her cage. He did look at her, tried to reassure her with his eyes, but she just dropped her gaze and slid down the wall into a huddle on the floor. With a sigh, Spike scanned the wall for the lock. He ran his card through the reader and stood back as the glass slid up into the ceiling. She stared at him in wide-eyed terror as he stepped into the cell.

"It's all right, Tara," he said gently, extending his hand. "Come on, Pet. I'm getting you out of here."

"W-where ..." She closed her eyes as she struggled to speak. "Where are you t-taking me?"

"Someplace safe, I promise."

She stared at his hand, her doe-eyes full of fear.

His shoulders slumped a little. "Tara, I'm not gonna hurt you. We're running out of time. We need to go. Now."

She lifted her eyes to meet his, and searched deep. Spike held her gaze, unwavering, no matter how much her probing eyes unnerved him. She must've found something there that satisfied her, because she reached up and let him help her to her feet.

"Wh... why ..." she began as he led her out of the cell, but he shushed her.

"I'll explain it all once we're out of here, all right?"

She swallowed, and nodded. He motioned for her to stay close as they made their way to 314. Once there, the outer door opened easily, by order of Finn's keycard. Spike started to slide it through the reader on the inner door.

"Hang on," said Warren.

Spike froze, card poised above the lock. "What?"

"Didn't you say this door has a secondary security measure?"

Oh sodding hell. "Right, yeh. Retinal scan."

"I'm trying to crack it," said Warren. "Don't run the card through. If the system doesn't like the scan results after it reads the card, all hell might break loose."

"Good thinking. But hurry, will you?"

"Who are you t-talking to?" asked Tara, looking even more frightened than before.

Spike tried to smile reassuringly as he pointed to his earpiece. "It's just ..." His voice trailed off as the irony hit him. He shook his head. "Nobody you need to worry about, Pet."

She nodded, but didn't look any less worried as she hugged herself.

"Come on with that lock."

"Uh ... problem," said Warren.

"What is it?"

"This lock has all kinds of redundancies. I mean, they are really serious about security on this door. I'm pretty sure I can get past them all, but it's gonna take some time."

"How much time?"

"More than you have," answered Finn.

Spike turned to see the hulking former Iowa boy filling the door frame. Arms crossed, he looked from Tara to Spike to the cell door. "Let me guess. You're trying to get in a little three-way action with the Slayer?"

A slow smirk spread across Spike's face. "Something like that. Wanna watch?" He pointed his thumb at the door behind him. "Let us in, we might even let you play."

Finn returned his smirk. Then he unfolded his arms and advanced on Spike.

Spike got his gun up and pulled the trigger. Nothing. "Balls," he muttered, frowning at the controls on the side of the weapon.

Finn laughed and grabbed hold of the gun. "You have to turn off the safety." He shoved the butt into Spike's face. Spike released it in favor of holding his nose as he staggered back. Before he could fall, a clawed hand reached out, grabbed the front of his shirt, and flung him into the hallway. Spike hit the floor and skidded head first into the opposite wall. Finn came at him, whipping the gun around and taking aim. Soon as he got close enough, Spike kicked the gun out of Finn's hands and sent it skittering down the corridor.

Spike flipped onto his feet, landing -- game face on -- in a feral crouch. The two creatures locked eyes. Finn sneered, and Spike growled. Out of the corner of his eye, Spike saw Tara sneak into the hall behind Finn. "Tara, stay back!"

Finn started towards Tara. Spike leapt to intercept, but Finn's move was a feint. He spun and landed a boot to Spike's face, knocking him back to the ground. Finn laughed as Spike struggled to sit up and wiped blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. Finn loomed over Spike, folding his arms.

"Trying to protect the witch?" Finn shook his head. "I knew that soul of yours would be a problem." He reached for his own weapon, strapped to his leg. As he leveled it at Spike, his eyes widened, and he turned around. Tara was backing away, holding the other gun like a club. Finn rubbed the back of his head and advanced on her. "You really shouldn't have done that."

Spike got to his feet. As Finn took aim at Tara, Spike pulled the Slayer's sword from his coat and lunged. The blade penetrated Finn's kidneys and exited through his gut. He looked down at the tip protruding from his stomach, and laughed. Spike gave it a twist, making Finn gasp. Then he pulled it out. Finn dropped to his knees and fell face first to the ground.

Spike nudged him with a boot. No response. He looked at Tara. "Bully for teamwork."

Still holding her gun like she was next up to bat at cricket, she stood beside Spike and looked down at Finn. "I d-didn't know how to turn off the safety."

Spike shrugged. "Whatever works, yeh?" His features returned to human as he grinned at her.

She offered him a tentative smile and nodded her head. Then her eyes grew wide and she screamed. She grabbed Spike by the shoulder and started hopping up and down. "Oh, God! Get it off! Get it off!"

Finn's demon claw clutched her ankle. Finn himself still appeared unconscious. Spike stomped on the animated hand until it released its grip, then he stabbed it with the sword as Tara backed up against the wall. The hand twitched a couple of times, then went limp.

God, he hated this world.

Spike leaned on the sword for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "Warren? How's that lock coming?"


Spike frowned. "Warren!"

"Uh ... bad news, man. I can't get around the secondary measures. Maybe if I had a few hours ..."

Spike sniffed, and wiped more blood from his nose. "Not a problem," he said. He yanked the sword out of the dead hand, and with a twirl and a flourish, sliced off Finn's head. "Here, hold this," he told Tara, handing her the blade by the hilt. She took it, but she and the sword both trembled as she watched Spike pick up the head. He went back through the outer door to 314, resting the head against his hip like a soccer ball as he fished the card out of his pocket with his free hand.

He ran the card through the reader. "Please hold for retinal scan," came the response. Spike pulled back Finn's eyelids, then held the head up for the scanner. "Recognition: Finn, Riley. Second in command." The door opened. Spike turned and punted the head back into the hall with a mutter of "Pillock!" Then he retrieved the sword from Tara and ushered her into the cell.

Buffy sat on the floor, slumped against the wall beside the door. No straightjacket this time. Spike crouched in front of her. "Buffy?"

Her glassy eyes stared straight through him.

Spike took her gently by the wrist and lifted her hand. When he let it go, it fell limply to her lap. He let out a slow breath. "She's gone catatonic again."

"No," said Tara, kneeling beside them. "I ... I read once about w-waxy ... um, I don't remember the term. But it means if you position someone's limbs, they stay in that position? Th ... that's what catatonic people do."

Spike looked at Tara for a moment, then turned back to Buffy. He called her name again. Still nothing. His jaw clenched as he stood up. "Warren, have you got that other door? To the lab?"

"Yeah, it should be on the wall opposite the door you just entered."

Spike turned around. Sure enough, there was a door on that wall. He didn't remember seeing it last time. What's more, it was open. Warren was actually ahead of him for once. "Right, then." He knelt beside Buffy and gathered her into his arms.

"So, what do you think is w-wrong with her?" asked Tara.

"She's been anesthetized," said a voice from inside the lab.

Spike set Buffy back down and turned to see a figure standing in the doorway.

"This," said Adam, tilting his head to regard Spike and Tara, "is unexpected."
