Homeward Bound

By Buddy

Destiny is that which we are drawn towards and Fate is that which we run into. - Wyatt Earp


1am Sunday, LA.

Cordelia sat and silently watched the vision unfolding in the corner of the room. Xander was huddled in bed with Spike in his arms looking frantic. He kept looking towards the phone on the bedside table as though he could will it over to him. He slid Spike over to the edge of the bed and tried to stand without letting him go.

Spike let out an unearthly howl and clutched at his chest like a heart attack victim. Xander gave up the attempt to move them again so he could stroke Spike’s brow and whisper comforting words in his ears. Cordelia could smell fear emanating from him as strongly as she could feel it and she reached out a hand to soothe him.

The vision bled away from her eyes and she inhaled sharply before picking up the phone and dialling Xander’s home number. It seemed to ring for an interminable amount of time and then the answering machine picked up.

“Xander? It’s Cordy … can you get to the phone? … Don’t worry ok? I’ll get Buffy. There’ll be someone right there.”

She severed the connection and then punched in the digits to Buffy’s home number. She drummed her fingers impatiently because it wasn’t picked up immediately, and she was just about to give up and try Giles when she was connected. A very sleepy sounding Tara answered.


“Buffy? Tara? It’s Cordelia, I need to speak to Buffy.”

“What happened? Is everything alright?”

“It’s Spike … and Xander, I had a vision.”

“Oh god, Buffy isn’t here, neither of them are, they … can we help?”

Tara looked over to Willow who was pulling on her dressing gown as she joined her in the kitchen. She raised her eyebrows in a questioning look and Tara held out the phone to her, not bothering to wait for Cordelia’s reply.

“It’s Cordelia, she had a vision about Xander and Spike.”

Willow took the proffered receiver from her hand, worry written all over her face.

“Hey Cordelia, what is it? Are they in danger?”

“Spike’s sick, and Xander hasn’t been able to raise the alarm. You’d better get over to them I don‘t think Xander knows what to do. I left a message to let him know I’m sending help; I think it has something to do with the Bonding transformation. You call Buffy and Angel, I’ll call Giles. Hurry!”

“ I will. I’m on it.” Willow hung up and looked pointedly at Tara who was still dressed. Tara looked sheepish.

“I fell asleep on the couch. You go and get dressed I’ll call Buffy and leave Dawn a note.”

“I hope they’re alright, Cordy’s vision’s are helpful and all, but it would be more helpful if they happened before the event!”

The front door opened and Buffy and Angel walked in, Buffy looking annoyed and Angel looking frustrated.

“I thought for a horrible moment she was leading us back to the mansion.”

“Me too, but it’s still eerie that she’s staying on Crawford Street. Is it still yours? I wouldn’t as …” Willow interrupted her.

“Buffy we have to go over to Xander’s. Cordelia just rang, she had a vision. Spike’s sick, she thinks it might have something to do with the Bonding, try to ring them, I’m going to get dressed.”


1am Sunday, Sunnydale.

Xander’s golden eyes glittered dangerously, the slope of his ridged forehead adding a predatory look. Despite his huddled position he looked like a lion guarding it’s cub. He sniffed the air repeatedly and wrapped his arms tighter against Spike’s shaking form. It was getting worse, Spike had a fever and the sweat was pouring from everywhere. His teeth chattered as though he was deathly cold and Xander had barely managed to extricate himself long enough to wrap the comforter round them.

He needed to call …? Willow? …Buffy? Who could help them? Xander shook his head in anger; they hadn’t made provisions for this. They hadn’t expected this. He stared numbly at the phone when it started to ring and then tried to extricate himself from Spike’s clutches so he could reach it.

Spike was wrapped around him like an incredibly large cat around a ball of wool, alternately purring and howling, and apparently possessing no sense of what or where he was. His countenance slipped continually and from time to time he clutched at his chest like a heart attack victim.

Xander listened to the soothing tones of the familiar voice as the answering machine clicked on and breathed a sigh of relief. Help was on its way. Spike howled again and dug his fingernails into Xander’s flesh, drawing thin rivulets of blood that trickled down his chest and back. Xander could smell his arousal and feel the evidence of it pressing hard into his belly.

He lifted his own soft cock closer to Spike’s and tried to rub some life into it, his hand clasped around the two of them. The smell of sex and blood helped to chase away the fear and it wasn’t long before he was hard and pumping them both, comforting Spike in the only way he knew how. Xander’s Hybrid side calmed with pleasure and his features relaxed to the their normal state.


Spike knew this wasn’t right . This pounding in his chest, this roaring in his ears. He’d died, how could there be a beat? How could it push blood through veins long unused and fill organs that had relied on magic for so long? He must be dreaming. He had died he remembered it clearly.

He’d only come here to hide his emotions, escape the embarrassment of rejection and now he was trapped in an alley with a dead end, and the sound of tinkling laughter was all around him. The pungent aroma of beer filled his nostrils, wafting up from closed cellar doors and he wondered fleetingly why there were bales of straw stacked about the place before picking one up and hurling it at his stalker. Laughter tinkled once more.

“’E’s got spirit Daddy. You shall have fun whippin’ it out of ‘im.”

The laughter got louder and more maniacal the closer the threat got. There was surreal beauty in the vision stalking him and he stared as it pounced; hands slammed either side of him, blocking his escape, and he realised belatedly that he wasn’t the one laughing. He looked up into his handsome human visage and watched in utter disbelief as his true features emerged.

He remembered ... Angelus, his Sire, his first love. His saviour.

Sharp needles sliced into his throat, and as Angelus stroked his stiffened member through his breeches he came for the first time at another person’s hand, whilst his life’s blood drained from his body. Everything faded and he thought it was over until he tasted the cold sweet blood on his lips and he couldn’t help but drink. As much as his stomach tried to revolt, as much as it felt like an aberration, he couldn’t help it. He fastened his mouth over the wound offered to him and came again as the lights went out.


Spike’s fangs slashed at the air as he spurted come over Xander’s hand, snapping as he snarled, he bucked his hips in frenzy before lying spent against Xander’s aching, throbbing cock.

“Sire.” He muttered.

Xander could hear a key in the lock and sniffed the air for predators. He recognised the scents and thought he could smell a rival. A low growl started in the base of his throat, a warning. His fangs descended and his eyes flashed gold, and he was vaguely aware that his forehead rippled and formed into ridges. The length of his nails increased and adrenalin pumped around his system, fight or flight? He looked at his Mate who was whimpering now, occasionally muttering disjointed sentences but not howling any more and his fever seemed to be breaking.

The door opened and he swivelled his head around snarling, ready to protect what was his. He almost recognised the faces in front of him, concerned faces, and someone was talking to him. Few words made sense but the tone wasn’t threatening. He tensed as a hand reached towards them and he continued to growl. A form knelt in front of him, a submissive gesture that calmed him, and still the soothing tone came, until he could hear words again and he realised it was Angel.

“Xander, it’s gonna be alright. We’re here to help you, it’s me, Angel.”

“Angel? Where’s Buffy.”

“I’m right here Xander.”

Buffy knelt in front of them too and lay a gentle hand on his arm trying her hardest to ignore the fact that they were both naked and that the heavy aroma of spent come filled the air.

He relaxed under her touch and his features softened. Spike whimpered again and clutched spasmodically at Xander’s chest. Xander cast a worried look at them both and felt the sudden warmth as Angel pulled the cover over them.

“His heart‘s beating, he was alright for a few seconds and then he collapsed. He just got hotter and hotter and he’s been in some pain, but mostly just delirious, he’s been like this for ages, I couldn’t get to the phone in time and, … is Cordelia here?”

Buffy moved away from him and cast a worried glance at Angel. At least he had known how to calm Xander down, but they didn’t know how to really help them, help Spike, until Giles arrived.

“Cordelia had a vision, surround sound and everything apparently. We all got here as quickly as we could. Giles is on his way, and don’t tell me that the fates aren’t on our side some of the time because he’s finished deciphering the ‘Tiberius Manifesto’. He says you should ’try not to be too alarmed.’”

“I thought we’d finished with the TP’s.”

“Nearly, there were just two pages of it left to translate that was in archaic Latin.”

“How long is it since he fed?” Angel asked him suddenly. Xander looked miserable.

“A couple of hours, do you really think dinner’s that important right now?” He gave them both a tired smile.

“I think you should feed him, re-affirm your Bond.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s what got us into trouble in the first place.”

He ran his hands through his hair, distracted, god he could smell himself and it wasn’t pleasant. He was also aware of the fragrant after sex smell that permeated the room and the ache coming from his balls. He dropped his eyes from Buffy’s face, suddenly realising that she’d seen them naked. He looked seriously at Angel, the threat that he’d perceived from him quelled.

“D’you really think that will help? At least the pain seems to have eased off a bit.” Angel nodded.

“It should help with the pain and comfort him.”

“Ok, guys would you mind leaving us alone for a bit?” Buffy and Angel nodded and left the room wordlessly.


He was dead. Undead. A vampire. So how could his heart be beating? It hurt as it pumped the once still blood around his capillary network. Something kept slamming into his chest forcing air in to his lungs, and then back out again. Must be dreaming …vampires don’t need to breath.

He could hear Drusilla laughing and laughing, distant stereo sound as blood was dripped into his mouth, and slipped down his throat. Angelus cinched his waist and pressed a wound to his lips. He clamped down on the source and sucked hard. The blood was rich and warm and tasted of cinnamon and love and hope.


“No Gorgeous, it’s me.”

Spike opened his eyes in confusion and looked into concerned pools the colour of molasses. The look of relief on Xander’s face made him feel weak and adored and he held on to the shaking arms around him.

“Xander? I’m sorry. I dreamed. About when I was turned, I couldn’t understand why my heart was beating.”

Xander licked at the wound on his wrist, which began to heal immediately and gathered Spike closer to him. He didn’t so much rest his head back against the pillow as collapse against it, not letting Spike go for a second. He didn’t care that Spike had called for Angel. In fact he’d be willing to line up the Order of Aurelius and drag in Buffy for good measure. Let him fuck each and every one of them, if that was what it took to get him back to normal again, back to him.

“I‘ll be very happy if we never go though that again. How d‘you feel now? Your fever seems to have broken and oh god Spike, your hearts beating!” He stroked a hand across his brow. Spike gasped and starting coughing, Xander helped him to sit up.

“You have to remember to breath now, ok? It’s easy, just pretend we’re having sex.” Spike smiled at him and Xander rubbed his back.

Spike trailed his fingers through the sticky mess on his belly and brushed the tip of Xander’s still erect cock. He slid his hand over it, stroking lazily up and down.

“Did I have a party without you Love?” Xander closed his eyes against the sensation, worry warring once again with desire.

“I think that can wait for now.“ Xander drew his hand away and kissed it tenderly. “We need to get you checked out. I mean you’re alive. We need to know what this means exactly.”

“My heart. It feels strange. The pain’s gone but it feel’s peculiar.”
Spike gave Xander a half amused, half quizzical look.

“ I might be alive Xander, but I’m not human; where exactly do you plan on taking me?”

“Good point. Willow can take a look at you. She’s good at playing at doctors, and believe me when I say, that’s not as exciting as it sounds. She can check your vitals.”

Xander lay back down and pulled Spike back with him. He stroked his hair and his shoulders and wondered if the shaking inside him would ever stop.

“Knock it off, would you? The only one who gets to check my vitals is you. Well unless I’m under a Nymph’s thrall that is.” Spike tried to laugh but ended up coughing again.

“I shouldn’t try to laugh and breath at the same time, remind me would you? Don’t you think we ought to put the Watcher, the Witches, and their Highnesses and out of their misery? It’s making them smell less than pleasant, and all things considered, I’d rather not heave.”

“Sure, I’ll call them in, but you might want to reconsider the wardrobe Spike, the only thing you’re wearing at the moment is me.”

Spike looked down at the arms that were clasped tightly around his waist and the legs that encased his own. He ignored his golden curls and his permanently half-erect cock because his eyes were drawn to his skin. It looked pink and vital and he realised he could smell his own blood pumping around his system, in fact if he ignored the pounding of his heart he could hear it moving.

“Better get somethin’ on then, wouldn’t want them all drooling now would we?”

Neither of them made a move, they were quite content to just be for a moment. After a while Spike raised his hand to his chest in wonder to feel the steady thump. Xander covered his hand and buried his face at the side of his throat, muffling his voice as he spoke.

“I was so scared, I didn’t know what was happening to you.”

He dipped his head down and captured Spike’s lips before he could say anything. Spike turned over and crushed Xander to him, and gave himself up to the kiss and the moment. Xander curled his legs around his waist and drew him in, enjoying the feel of warm skin next to his again, and the feel of another heart beating close to his own.

Spike broke off, coughing again. He got up on his knees; it was difficult to cough lying down, no matter how lovely his mattress was. He tried to speak and went into another coughing fit. Xander patted his back the way one would a child.

“Bugger this for a game …, of soddin’ cricket … how’m I expected to give good head if I have to breath dammit?” Xander rolled his eyes and laughed at him

“Only you could have such twisted priorities Spike. Not that I don’t appreciate them I do, but I don’t remember you having any complaints about my performance. Unless you were just being polite.” That thought made him laugh again.

“That said to the guy who thinks saying ‘move out the way git’, is how best to greet the President.”

Spike pounced on him and proceeded to demonstrate that he was a quick learner. Some time later, mussed and thoroughly kissed, Xander begged for air.

“Ok, you win, I adore your priorities, speaking of which, the others are still waiting.” Spike grimaced.

“Not keen on being the main attraction.”

“Since when?”

Since I’m not in charge of what’s happening to me. I feel a bit foolish if you must know.” Xander pulled him closer to him.

“You know that they’re all worried about you and Giles has stuff we need to know. Let’s go make nice with our family.”

Spike beamed.

“Well since you put it like that.”


Giles raised his head as Spike and Xander entered the room in their dressing gowns. To Spike he looked tired and more than a little flustered but he was clearly relieved to see the two of them.

“Should you be up?” He asked Spike.

“Spike, are you ok?” Willow asked as she pored over something on the top of the stove, whilst Tara chanted at her side.

“Didn’t fancy yer all round m’bed Rupes to be honest. I’m alright, I just keep forgetting that I have to breath, and it’s a bit bloody distracting having this noise in m’chest.”

Spike threw himself on the couch as far from the others as possible. Xander disappeared back into their bedroom and returned a few minutes later with the comforter. He draped it over Spike who smiled at him gratefully.

Xander looked at everyone in turn.

“Thanks for coming you guys, that was truly scary! Someone should probably ring Cordy and let her know that Spike’s alright now.”

“I’ll call her,” Angel said looking apologetically at Xander, “I want to see if there’s any progress with Anya.”

He caught the expression on Giles’ face, much like a rabbit caught in the glare of approaching headlights, and it suddenly clicked where he had smelled that scent on Anya before. Giles, who was about to speak, saw the realisation dawn on his face and faltered. Xander happily and ignorantly filled the breach.

“I thought she was here with you guys, I could smell her perfume. Which is a sight more pleasant than the two of us, so I’m going to jump in the shower while somebody makes some more coffee and keeps an eye on Spike.”

Giles jumped on the idea of something to do.

“I’ll make more coffee, Buffy perhaps you can tell me more about this Fleur S`elu?”

Angel looked at Spike as he reached for the phone and they shared a moment of guilty solidarity; neither of them missed the grin that Xander threw their way before he went into the bathroom. Willow walked over from the hob with a steaming mug of something and offered it to Spike.

“What’s this then?” He sniffed at it suspiciously.

“It’s just herbal tea.” He looked at Tara pointedly.

“The chanting was to make it taste palatable. Chocolate with marshmallows.” He flashed her a smile of pleasure.

“Thank you, that’s very decent of you.” Tara blushed and smiled back at him.

“It has things like chamomile in it to help you be calm. Believe me, you wouldn’t want to taste that. It should help you whilst your brain adjusts to your body’s new needs.”

“Yeah, like breathing, that’s gotta be weird after all this time.” Willow sat next to him careful not to invade his space and Tara joined her. Buffy was talking to Giles and he was casting amused glances in Spike‘s direction.

“She might well be a Wood Nymph, but in my book, that’s just a pretty name for a skanky ho’.”

“Yes, yes Buffy but where exactly did she lead you?”

“She’s staying in a house on Crawford Street, the others are obviously there, but she threw another one of those ward thingies up to stop us following her. Stealth obviously wasted on Elementals, I think she knew we were following her all along!”

“What others? Are you suggesting that she has something to do with our new vampire ally?”

“Angel recognised the Schliklar demon when he came out to greet her.” Buffy stood up to let Angel sit back down and then sat on his lap.

“How’s Cordelia?”

“She was waiting up to hear from us. She coming to Sunnydale in the morning.”

“What? Why?” Buffy squeaked. Spike smirked at her.

“What’s the matter Slayer? Does the Big Fish in the little pond sense the approach of the Whalers?” Buffy and Angel scowled at him.

“So,” he drawled. “ The lovely Ms Chase is coming back to the homestead to check out ole Spikey.” He grinned smugly, but everyone ignored him.

Giles handed coffee to everyone who wanted it and said,

“She hasn’t been back here since she left for LA has she?” Everyone shook his or her head.

“Where will she stay?” He asked them.

Buffy smiled at Angel. “She can stay with us of course, as long as she doesn’t mind doubling up with Dawn.”

Spike sipped his concoction and viewed them both silently. Angel was totally oblivious to the way that Cordelia felt about him, and even though Buffy still viewed her as a rival on some level, Spike suspected it was a hangover from their high school days rather than the fact that she realised Cordelia was in love with him.

He looked over at the object of both women’s affection and wondered what it was about this incarnation of Angel that engendered so much love from others. The dream of his Turning was still very fresh in his mind and he didn’t like the effect it could still have on him. He sighed; he supposed it was a momentous occasion, dying an’ all. And Angelus was something else back in those days.

Xander came out of the bathroom, all tousled haired and clean smelling, and Spike knew that no matter how powerful the memory or the accompanying feelings may be, nothing in this universe or the next could top being with his Boy.

His newly beating heart ached at the sight of him and he wondered how quickly they could get the exposition out of the way and say good night to everyone. He felt so much better, stronger and he wanted to show Xander just how much better he was feeling.

Xander dropped to his knees by the arm of the couch next to Spike.

“Hey Spike, how’re you feeling now?”

Spike turned the full brilliance of crystalline blue eyes on him, the smile he gave him crinkling the corners of his eyes.

“I feel good Love, get rid of this lot an’ I’ll show you just how good.”

“Eeew, we’re sitting right here you bleached menace. How about thanking the Cavalry that came to save your ass?” He had the grace to look ashamed.

“You’re right, I’m sorry Buffy, I should be thanking you all.”

Buffy blinked in astonishment.

“Did you actually just apologise to me?”

“No. You must have something in your ear pet. I said, ‘Stop being so uptight and stuffy it’s enough to drive a man up the wall.’” They grinned at each other.

“I see the transformation hasn’t destroyed your snark. Giles needs to tell us stuff and then I promise we’ll leave, ok?”

“Alright then.”

Giles sat at the table and sipped his coffee. Anya was waiting for him and he wanted to get back to her. He wished she was here if the truth were known but he didn’t know how to tell them all. Tell them he was in love with a Vengeance demon. Not because he thought they were all bigots or narrow minded, their own track records proved otherwise. He just couldn’t believe he himself was acting so … irresponsibly. He hadn’t really done that since his Ripper days, unless you counted his exploits with Joyce under the influence of Band Candy.

He realised that Xander was talking to him.

“What d’you find out, and did I mention I‘m glad you‘re back to do all that research stuff?”

“Yes quite right, research. I couldn’t find anything to link vampires together with a Schliklar demon, so I’m none the wiser on our new ’friends’ in town. But I have had better results with the last of the scanned pages I have from the ‘Tiberius Manifesto.’ Tiberius apparently believed that the way he and Helena gained sustenance from each other was a type of recycling.

They both ate normal food and their bodies processed it so that their blood would give one another the nutrients they needed to survive, when they fed. It was only speculation on his part because their transformation was never complete, Helena died before they had reached the end. But I have to say it makes sense to me.”

Xander glanced over at Spike; that would explain some of the more recent changes in bodily functions.

“I have reasons to believe that Tiberius added those last two pages as an amendment sometime after Helena had died. It would appear that for a time at least his transformation continued and he went through much the same process that Spike has. I think it’s fair to speculate that the reason he transformed more quickly than Helena was because he was feeding from Slayer’s blood. Of course the two of you … well you are perhaps more rigorous in your approach to it than they were.” He smiled delicately at them.

Xander didn’t care any more if he was all clean and fresh but Spike wasn’t. He was still incredibly horny and Spike was too far away from him and they could always shower together later. He climbed over the arm of the couch and sat in Spike’s lap, grinning at the thought. He ignored everyone else whilst he plundered his lips and slipped under the duvet with him. No one paid any attention, they were used to the two of them by now.

“Even so, Tiberius was much improved in strength and immortality. He was also a daywalker, which we knew already, but we didn’t know, that at the end at least, he was alive.”

They all looked in wonder at the two of them, noting the flush on Spike’s cheeks and the warm tone of his skin. His chest was rising steadily and his new need to breathe in no way hindered Xander’s onslaught on his lips. Buffy tried to imagine what Angel would look like with live flesh and felt his hold on her waist tighten, as though he’d read her mind.

“Wow,” Willow said. “To think your heart’s beating after all these years Spike. You would think it would make you easier to kill, not harder. Which of course is a definite plus; I guess the sun’s not going to be a problem any more now.”

Xander stopped kissing him and looked deep into his eyes.

“You know what this means don’t you?”

“Yeah Love, I reckon I do. More freedom, holidays on Bondi Beach, not to mention shagging in public in the daytime.”

“Well yes, but that’s not what I mean.” He grinned at him. “You can get a job now.” Angel laughed.

“You don’t seriously think this will make any difference do you?” He pointed to himself. “Vampire here. Been working for more than three years now and melanin deprived.”

Spike groaned. “Shut up ponce! You have a mission remember?”

Tara’s mouth was open and words spilled out before she could engage her usual reticence.

“Don’t you? You’ve been helping the Scoobies for nearly two years now. Not always willingly, I admit, but I’m sure you didn’t just do it for our benefit.”

“You can always come and work for me Spike.” Angel laughed at him again.

“Bugger off, and no, I didn’t do it for you bloody lot …” The feel of Xander’s hands roving across his body under the cover broke his train of thought for a minute and then he grinned evilly.

“This is my mission, right here in m’lap, and unless you all want to see what that entails exactly, I suggest you push off and let me … pursue it in private.” He caught Xander’s bottom lip in his teeth and let his hands do a little roving of their own.

Buffy jumped up and everyone followed hastily.

“We’ll be leaving then. Bye.” Xander broke away from Spike’s lips.

“Thanks for everything guys.” But they were gone.


1.45am Sunday, LA

Fred stood outside Wesley’s apartment door and raised her hand to knock. Before she could connect with wood the door was opened and Wesley almost ran into her on his way out.

“Fred! I was just coming back to the hotel. I didn’t think it would be fair to leave you knocking around the place on your own for another night.”

“Hiya Wesley, I‘m sorry I know it‘s late. Actually would you mind if we went back inside yours? Just for a minute. The hotel is kinda creepy at the moment and Charles and Cordelia are at home and Anya’s disappeared again. I know she’s not everybody’s first choice for company, but if anything horrible was to show up and I was on ma own at least she’s some kinda weapon …”

“Fred, slow down, it’s alright we can … why don’t you come in?” Fred breathed out a sigh of relief.

“Thank you.” She walked in after him and then felt foolish for her outburst.

“It’s not that I can’t handle myself better these days, but the place is so huge and I kept hearing noises and it’s no fun being in battle position just because the pipes are groaning.” Wesley took her hands in his and drew her over to the couch.

“I’m sorry, I had no intention of leaving you alone at all, but as usual things haven’t gone to plan. You can relax here. Can I get you anything? Tea perhaps, wine? Something to eat?”

“Thanks Wesley, some wine would be nice.”

Fred smiled up at him and Wesley’s heart melted for the millionth time in her company. He busied himself in the kitchen and came back with two glasses and an opened bottle of wine. Wesley poured them both some and handed a glass to her.

“What’s that you’re working on?” She nodded towards the stack of files he’d been carrying when she arrived.

“It’s my notes on the translation for the Tiberian Prophecies and the Book of Aurelius. It’d be nice if I could get my hands on the original text again but Willow has scanned a lot of it and faxed it through to me.”

“Any luck?”

“I think I may have turned up something very disturbing actually. In the final battle there’s reference to there being Master Vampires leading the assault against the Slayer. There are only four known Master Vampires left in the Aurelius line and we know that two of them are allied with the Slayer.”

“So the other two must be Darla and Drusilla. Am I right?”

“Yes Fred, I fear you are. Buffy and Angel are going to have to build an army, I don’t think they realise how big, all I know is that there won’t be enough of us. We going to have to recruit.”

“Are we any closer to finding out when this great battle’s supposed to take place, because I have tell you I don’t think I’m ready.”

“I don’t think we need to worry about it just yet. According to the TP there will be enough time for the four principle players to complete their Bonding transformation and time to build their army. It would be very beneficial if we could find out where Darla and Drusilla are now. We need to take them out sooner rather than later.”

“Well the best people to find them would have to be Angel and Spike.”

“Which in itself poses a problem, there’s no way that Spike would voluntarily leave Xander to go on a hunt and Angel and Buffy can’t afford to be separated for too long until they’ve Bonded. We can’t really afford to have all four of them away from the Hellmouth.”

“Maybe some of us could go to Sunnydale, it’s not as though we’ve exactly been busy lately.” The phone rang making them both jump. Wesley picked up quickly.


“Wesley, it’s Cordy. I had a vision earlier.”

“We have a case?”

“No, it was about Xander and Spike, they’ve completed their transformation. Spike’s alive, he has a heartbeat. I‘m going to see them tomor … later today.”

“You’re going to Sunny … Spike’s alive?”

“It was a tad hairy, let me tell you and I only had to experience it second hand. I was sent the vision to raise the alarm, mostly because they were afraid, especially Xander, Spike was in a lot of pain and I don‘t think he knew what was happening to him.”

“Cordelia if the Bonding is completed I doubt very much that Spike will experience high levels of pain again. Given how you feel, are you sure it’s a good idea for you to return to Sunnydale, seeing Ang … certain people in their cosy domestic …” Wesley cast a furtive glance at Fred who was staring intently at him so she could make sense of the one-sided conversation. “Well it’s never easy going back is what I meant to say.”

“I’m going to see Spike and Xander specifically, it’ll be fun, I won’t be at Buffy’s that much.”

“You’re staying at Buffy’s?”

“I’m not staying with those two reprobates, they’d have sex anywhere. Do you know Wesley, I think I do need to go back, just to see how small it looks to me now, if you know what I mean. I’ll be alright, I’m only going for a day or two.”

“Why are you going?”

“If you must know I’m going to be spoilt rotten and Lord knows that doesn’t happen to me very often these days.”

“Well I suggest you make the most of it then because it looks as though Angel, Buffy, Xander and Spike are going to have to go on a field trip.” Wesley quickly explained what he’d discovered.

“Oh great, I really didn’t have enough of Darla the last time she hit town.”

“Let them know would you? I’ll fax over my translations so Giles can check them himself, but I don’t believe I’m wrong about this.”

“Wesley do you think that Angel will go through the same thing as Spike?”

“There will be differences with Angel and Buffy’s Bonding, it should happen a lot quicker because of the potency of Slayer blood and they’re going to be faster and stronger than Spike and Xander. Why d’you ask?”

“It’s just not how I imagined his ‘Shanshu’ …” She trailed off.

“Was there something else?”

“Don’t waste any more time pussy footing around Fred, Wesley. We don’t know how much time the rest of us have.”

Fred felt herself blushing under the intensity of the look Wesley suddenly threw her way.

“I hadn’t thought of it like that, I have to go Cordelia, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Wesley put the phone down and took Fred’s wine glass from her hand.

He leaned in and gently kissed her on the lips and his belly flooded with desire. She responded immediately, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and deepening the kiss. She felt giddy and excited and couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her.

“Fred, I love you.” Wesley sounded like a condemned man.

“Oh Wesley I love you too, I thought you’d never tell me and I … I daren’t say anything in case I had it all wrong.”


His face creased into a wreath of smiles and Fred jumped onto his lap and kissed him again.



Angel lagged behind when they left the apartment and fell into step with Giles. Buffy looked back to see where he was, but when she saw he was talking to Giles, she walked on ahead with Willow and Tara.

They didn’t speak for a few minutes but there was a silent acknowledgement between them that they would. Angel looked around for the Citroen and realised that Giles probably didn’t have it any more; he hadn’t seen what Giles had driven the half a dozen times he had been to LA and it hit him again how things never stayed the same, and they were all the more fleeting in a long life.

“This must be really hard for you Giles. But in my experience it’s usually best to just talk to everybody and tell them how you feel. They all have good track records when it comes to accepting the unacceptable.” He paused a moment. “How long?”

“Anya came to see me not long after she left Sunnydale. She wanted me to buy back her share in the shop. She’s the most exasperating female I’ve ever met, apart from Buffy that is. Every time she popped in, apart from nearly giving me that heart attack people of my age start to fear more each day, she got under my skin a little more.”

“You love her don’t you?”

There was a barely perceptible nod from Giles and Angel looked at him with compassionate eyes.

“She hasn’t been casting vengeance spells I know that much. I don’t know how much trouble that will bring her. Didn’t you break her power source once before?”

“It’s not my decision to make Angel. I love her, much against my better judgement, but then good judgement has little to do with the people we fall in love with does it?” Angel ignored the rhetoric.

“Why haven’t you told anyone? I don’t for see any problems from Xander if that’s what you’re worrying about.”

“I think you’re right. I suspect I shall have the mickey taken out of me quite mercilessly from both he and Spike, but that’s not the reason why. I believe she’s in a dilemma over her identity and I didn’t want to put her in the position where pressure from everyone might force her to make decisions she isn‘t ready for. Forgive me, but it’s rather bizarre discussing this with you.”

A picture of Jenny Calendar arose in Angel’s head and he felt the familiar guilt creep over him and fought to quell it. Giles saw the stricken look on his face and realised he didn’t want him to pay for the wrongs of Angelus any more, he’d finally let it go.

“Angel I …”

“I’m not surprised, but believe it or not I want to help you, and not because it’s my job. What I don’t understand is why she’s left you with the belief that she’s still active.” Angel slapped his forehead. “Of course I do.”

“Yes, it’s quite simple really, this time she’s holding out for unconditional love. I’m not blaming Xander, what happened between them is their affair and the results are unfortunate, but not really anyone’s fault. Unless you count D’Hoffryn, offering her a chance to stop the pain she was going through by giving her, her old job back. I don‘t think it had the desired result.” He sighed heavily.

“You know, I didn’t want to come back here, and it was Anya who reminded me of my mission in life. It’s not that I don’t want to help Buffy, but she has you now, and it was nice to fool myself with thoughts of a different life.”

“We’re all going to get that anyway, if everything goes according to plan.” Angel smiled at him. “I bet you feel like an ex-con, just when you think you’ve got out of the same old, same old, you find there’s just one more job to do.” Giles barked a harsh laugh.

“That’s almost exactly what I said. But being back here, deciphering the texts, being a part of this life again, I realised that the only real reason I can’t get away is because of me. I wonder how much choice we have in reality, I guess it’s all comes down to destiny in the end.”

“Buffy wouldn’t agree with that sentiment. She does keep defying her destiny.” Giles looked at him in surprise.

“Is that what you both believe? Buffy has fulfilled her destiny right from the time she was called. She was meant to die, both at the hands of the Master and to defeat Glory. Much as Xander and Willow were both destined to bring her back.

Oh don’t get me wrong, I believe that one can successfully turn their back on their destined path, and it doesn’t always have to end in tears either. But I also firmly believe that a person’s destiny will keep knocking as opportunity or disguised as choice at their door until they decide to accept it. We don’t outlive its persistence, it simply follows us into the next life.”

“I can understand why you would believe that, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned about accepting destiny, it’s that it doesn’t always happen in the way you expect it to. Wesley translated a scroll a couple a years ago that said I would ‘Shanshu‘. Do you know what that means Giles?“

“Yes, I believe it means you will either live or die.”

“Something like that. I thought I was going to live as a human and die like any other mortal, and I thought that was the most important thing, the best thing that could happen to me, turns out the Powers have other ideas of what my ‘Shanshu‘ will be.”

“In my experience they often do have other ideas, not all of them pleasant.”

“I heard you were less than pleased when Willow brought Buffy back.”

“Well of course I was. She messed with dark powers and kept me totally ignorant of her intentions. So much could have gone wrong, and did if you count Willow’s resulting inability to handle her magical powers. Something she’s going to have to master again, if we’re to see this latest, and hopefully final prophecy come to fruition.”

Giles fell silent as thoughts of the implications of Buffy’s part in the prophecy tried to give him a fresh headache.

“You’re not happy about any part of this are you? Especially Buffy’s.”

“Would you please stop saying what I’m thinking?”

“Why? Somebody should. We’re all adults now Giles, some older than others, and for all my sins I’ve been round the block a few more times than you. I won’t insult you by asking you to trust me, but you know I love Buffy and how much, I wouldn’t do anything that could hurt her. I won’t lie to you, I want this Bonding to take place, that probably makes me selfish, but Buffy wants it too.”

“Actually I do trust you, and especially where Buffy’s concerned, it doesn’t mean I have to like any of it though. She’s going to be … she won’t be human any more, I wonder if she’s really given it all enough thought.”

“You want her to fight her destiny.” Giles looked down at the floor.

“No, it would be pointless, I just wish it wasn’t so, that there was some other way.”

Angel caught Buffy’s curious look back over her shoulder at the two of them. He supposed it must look peculiar and more than a little intriguing that he and Giles were talking to each other alone.

“Is Anya waiting for you?”

“Yes, it’s rather odd actually, the fact that neither of us said anything about my leaving or her unspoken need to come with me. She was very worried about the two of them.” Giles felt himself blush as he remembered her words.

“Go help Xander, and his new love. Then bring my new love back to me. Huh, my new love. That’d be you. In case your wondering.”

It was the first time she had told him so many words that she loved him.

“I love you too Anya,” had seemed so inadequate, but he had said it anyway.

Giles stopped walking.

“This is my stop nowadays, I still find myself wanting to go to the old place, force of habit I suppose.”

“Giles … Buffy’s … she’s glad you came back.” Giles closed his eyes briefly and nodded his head again.

“She told me so herself. I know that I’m appreciated, despite Spike’s off hand manner.”

“You shouldn’t take any notice of him, he’s got a one track mind, and he’d be astonished if it was ever proved that not everybody felt the same way he does, especially where love’s concerned.”

“I make a point of not listening to him, unless he can save me hours with a research tome. Goodnight Angel, I trust you won’t say anything to Buffy?”

“I won’t say anything, but maybe you should.” With that Angel turned to catch up with Buffy, Willow and Tara.

“Where’s Giles?”

“He’s gone. To his new home?”

Buffy’s hand flew to her mouth.

“Oh god, I‘m never going to get used to that, I should go and say goodnight.”

“No time, I want you.” He linked his fingers with hers and pulled her to him for a passionate kiss.

“I’m cold,” Tara said. “Aren’t you cold Willow?” Willow put her arm around her shoulders.

“I am, I think it’s something to do with it being late November an’ all. Don’t worry Sweetie, I’ll let you put ya cold feet on me when we get to bed. You are coming to bed this time aren’t you?”

“Sure, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on the couch, now I have a crick in my neck.”

Tara tried to make light of the event. It wasn’t as though one of them hadn’t gone to bed without the other before, but she knew that Willow was picking up on the anxiety she’d been feeling. She was frankly scared witless about Willow’s part in the prophecy and didn’t know how best to broach the subject without re-opening old wounds.

The closest person to her was Dawn, but somehow it didn’t seem right that she should discuss her fears with her. She gave Willow a massive smile of reassurance and decided to talk to Buffy about it in the morning.


The second forfeit.

Handcuffs were snapped shut around Xander’s wrists and the table legs, and care was taken to avoid touching skin with skin. The floor felt uncomfortably hard under him and the handcuffs that were fastened to his ankles dug in painfully when he accidentally tried to spread his legs too far. Naked, Spike stood up and surveyed the supine form of his lover with unbridled lust.

His eyes started a steady journey from his toes upwards. He took in the bare patches of smooth golden skin amongst the light smattering of soft dark hair on his calves and thighs; very soon he would taste them. His Boy had good legs for a male, well proportioned and muscular and free of bony angles. He knew of the strength in them too, countless times they had been wrapped tightly around him, crushing his slighter frame as Xander rode out his orgasm.

“Look at me Xander.”

Xander fought hard to keep still under the searing intensity of Spike’s hungry looks. He was used to scrutiny but not whilst he was in such a submissive position, with Spike so far away from him. It was intimate and impersonal at the same time and he felt like his darling and his whore.

Spike’s eyes roved slowly over his expanding length, his dark wiry hair and the heavy weight of his balls. He licked his lips deliberately before moving to his slender hips and taut stomach. He wanted to bury his nose against his skin and inhale. He wanted to breathe in the aroma of his lover, to sink into, onto the warmth of his flesh. He wanted to run his fingers through the long silken strands of his hair and fist his cock slowly until he begged for release.

Xander felt devoured before he was even touched. Spike’s eyes moved up the expanse of his torso, touching the hardening nubs of his nipples with a flicker. They moved up to rest more heavily on the Mark at the juncture of his throat and shoulders. Xander shivered, he could see just how much he wanted to bury his fangs into his throat, almost as much as he wished to bury his cock in the rosy aperture of his ass.

Spike managed to drag his eyes up to Xander’s face and was rewarded with such a look of lust filled abandonment that he almost dropped to the floor to take him right away. Xander’s lips parted unconsciously, such a tempting invitation. Spike resisted and his own cock grew harder at the denial of pleasure. He pulled on the velvet gloves he had stashed on the table surface and stood at Xander’s feet.

He caressed his own cheeks before sliding this gloved hands down the sides of his neck, then slowly across and down his chest to his waist. He avoided his own erection to stroke lightly down the front of his thighs and then reached around to sweep it over his ass cheeks. The head of his cock was swollen and purple, leaking precum, triggered by the sensation of preternatural senses coupled with live flesh. If he wasn’t careful this would be over before he had barely begun.

Xander watched the glove’s decent with trapped fascination. It was incredibly erotic to see his lover touch himself so tenderly but he wanted to do it for him, to touch him for himself and he pulled at his restraints for the first time since he had been manacled. Spike grinned in triumph and dropped to his knees between Xander’s feet. His voice was a husky whisper.

“Wanna feel this Love? It’s so soft.”

Spike’s hand hovered over Xander’s foot. Xander swallowed so he was sure he wouldn’t squeak when he spoke. He shouldn’t have worried; his voice was gravelly with unfulfilled desire.

“I do. I want you to slide it all over me, want to slide it all over you.”

“D’you want me to fist your cock with it Love?”

“Yesss.” Xander bucked his hips upwards involuntarily.

“D’you want me to caress your balls and push a sheathed finger into your hole?” Xander groaned, Spike’s hand was now inches from his painfully hard penis, hovering, teasing.

“Yes Spike, I want you to touch me.”

“Beg me for it Pet, I have to know you want me real bad; as much as I want you. Beg for m’touch.”

“Please Spike, I need you to do it or I’m gonna come without you. Touch me. Please touch me.”

Xander groaned in relief the moment that Spike ran his hand lightly over his balls. He slid one gloved finger up the underside of his throbbing member and circled the sensitive ridge very slowly. He avoided the flow of precum that oozed, he was saving that for lips that he was already parting. Xander hissed as he fastened them over his crown and darted his tongue into his slit.

He resisted the instinct to buck up into his mouth and simply closed his eyes against the pleasure, panting rapidly as sweat beaded on his forehead. Spike snaked a finger down to his perineum and teased there before circling his anus and then slowly pushing in.

This was meant to torture Xander but the only person truly being tortured was Spike himself. He couldn’t feel the velvety channel through the thickness of the glove and although it was maddening to his Mate to be shackled because he couldn’t touch him back, he ached for the feel of Xander’s arms around him.

Xander’s eyes flew open when Spike moved away from him. A slow grin spread across his face when he saw Spike ripping the gloves from his hands, literally until they were in tatters. Then he unlocked the handcuffs at his wrists and raising his legs ducked underneath the handcuffs still trapping his ankles, barely taking time to align himself before thrusting in.

“Oh thank god!” Xander said.

He gripped his shoulder and waist with his thighs and thrust down against him. He tried to raise arms that had gone to sleep and flayed them about wildly for a few seconds to get the circulation moving again.

“What’s that Pet, some kind of new mating ritual, ‘cos I’ve got to tell you, it’s not necessary, I’m a sure thing.”

“Shut up Spike and fuck me.”


“Pretty please with sugar on top.”

Xander raised his upper body, pulled Spike’s head down and mashed his lips harshly against his own. He thrust his tongue inside and fucked his mouth, an imitation of Spike’s thrusts into his backside. The handcuffs dragged cruelly across Spike’s back but still he pounded into him. He reached down for Xander’s cock and only stroked a few times before his hand was covered in come.

“Arrrrrrrrgh!” Xander collapsed back and dissolved into hysterical giggles and Spike followed him, filling his bowels with hot seed.

At last Xander managed to get his arms around him, crushing him to him as he kissed the top of his head.

“Don’t let it be said that lack of finesse can in any way hinder our ability to have great sex .” Spike snorted into his chest.

“Who the hell has sex with finesse? Giles maybe, or Ang .., no not going there. The Witches do I’d wager. Perhaps they’ll give us a gander some time, what d’you reckon?”

“I think it’s very disturbing that you can introduce four other people into the afterglow.”

Spike slipped from inside him and pulling him into a sitting position kissed him deeply, wrestling with his tongue and nibbling his lips until they reddened some more.

“You need to feed Love, you’ve fed me twice in the past six hours and taken nothing for yourself.” He reached over for the key and unlocked the remaining handcuffs.

Xander’s countenance shifted and he licked the transcending line of Spike’s jugular vein, before laving at his Mark. This would be he first time he’d drank warm blood from him and he grew hard again at the thought. Spike raised him up and pushed back inside his ass, then he started to lightly pump his reawakened erection. Xander bit into his Mate’s throat savagely, feeling Spike’s hand falter slightly before continuing its ministrations.

Hot sweet nectar burst upon his tongue, coating it before it slipped down his throat. Xander sucked at the flow like it was a fountain of youth, which when he was coherent again, he would acknowledge properly that it was; for him anyway.

It tasted the same as before, except there was something more vital about it. He could feel it boosting cells and tissue like it never had before and there was a warmth coming from his balls for some reason. Then he was gushing into Spike’s hand and retracting his fangs so he could cry out his pleasure.

Once he’d come down from the high, he went to work on Spike’s wound, lovingly healing it with his tongue. Spike was still sheathed inside him and he started to raise himself up and down. Spike stilled him with a hand at his hip.

“No Love, I came, you just missed it.”

Xander wrapped his legs around his waist and leaned forward to capture Spike’s lips. They kissed for a long time, and Xander relished the feel of their warm bodies pressing together, the trip hammering of Spike’s heart, and the new experience of his warm breath in his mouth.

“I love you.”

“I love you.”

“When this is all over I’m taking you places. We can quit Sunnydale and visit all the beaches. Every beach should be allowed to have Spike on it at least once. Getting a tan, not turning into a pile of dust.”

Spike smiled at him, a smile that pulled sharply on Xander’s heartstrings.

“Did you know you get bumps now?” Spike traced them with the tips of his fingers.

“I know, it felt funny. At least it’s not all ‘American Werewolf in London’ type changes here, ‘cos man they looked painful.”

“You’ll get used to it, won’t even notice it after a bit, it’ll be …like breathing.”

Spike kissed his face, reverently, in wonder.

“We’re two of a kind, the only two. Even Buffy and Angel won’t be the same, when they finally get on and just do it.”

He traced the skin across his upper chest, drawing attention to the tiny blue veins that had risen all over it.

Xander rested his head on Spike’s shoulder and looked at the watery sunrise that was lighting the blinds and realised they’d been up since early the day before. He didn’t care, he felt alive and strong and so damn happy he thought he might burst.

“D’you know what I want to do today Pet?”

The whispered words sent a shiver down Xander’s spine, even though he knew that for once Spike wasn’t referring to sex.

“I think I may have some idea. It probably involves taking Cordelia shopping in Carlton High Street, where you should be able to walk in the incredibly lame November sunshine without leaving me a heartbroken widower. We can do early Christmas shopping, we can even have lunch outdoors if you promise to wrap up warm, you’re bound to feel the cold for a time at least.”

“How did you know I wanted to include Cordelia?”

“The same way as I knew that she’s shared some kind of confidence with you.” He saw the slight stiffening of Spike’s back.

“Relax, I’m not going to bust your chops about it, I’m over that phase remember, I trust you implicitly. What ever it is I’m glad that she had you to turn to, Angel’s wrapped up in Buffy and the rest of the gang over in LA have their own problems. And don’t even get me started on Anya. I never saw it before, but it’s true Cordy used to be a lot like her, except no where near so pleasant, not counting the vengeance issues of course.”

“Xander? You’re babbling. And my legs are going to sleep, which is something I never thought I say again.”

“Great that means I get to race you to the shower and win.” Xander eased himself off Spike’s waning erection and pulled him to his feet.

He put a hand to Spike’s chest, cupping it there as though he could catch the beats of his heart. He grinned and he could feel his eyes fill with unshed tears.

“Something in your eye Love?”

Spike touched the side of his face and then pulled him into another embrace.

“Do you ever get scared Xander? I’ve never been so happy, and I haven’t done anything to deserve this much happiness, it‘s more frightening than the thought of facing all the denizens of hell; that it may be all taken away.”

“You shouldn’t be scared, you’re a major player remember? I know what you mean though. That’s what happens to guys like us. Something good comes along and if you’re not careful you get so wrapped up trying to rationalise it that you forget to simply enjoy it. Let’s not, I could have an eternity with you and I don’t want to waste even one of those moments if I can avoid it.”

“You’re right. No worries then?”

“Ok, I know it’s not that easy but … I’ll just have to keep you too busy to think about anything other than me won’t I? That includes you coming to work with me. A strapping guy like you shouldn’t have any problems moving girders.”

Spike held him tight for a moment longer before letting him go and walking towards the bathroom.

“I’ll come into work and move your girders anytime you want me to. But for now, bagsie the shower first.”

He closed the door on a stunned Xander. Only to open it seconds later with a goofy grin on his face.

“Ha ha, fooled ya.”

“Why you little …”


Buffy pistoned her hips upwards as Angel slammed into her. She was beginning to feel sore, this was the third time and they were both skirting around the almost inevitable conclusion to the .. well she couldn’t exactly call it night any more, weak morning light was trying to filter through the tightly drawn drapes.

Angel was like a live wire. His hands were everywhere, seeking out soft curves and plundering dips and hollows, never once letting up the rocking of his hips. He felt his orgasm approach for the fourth time, then slamming into him hard and his demon emerged unnoticed by either of them. Instinctively he went for Buffy’s throat only to find she was ahead of him when she bit down hard.

It was a clumsy bite, but Slayer strength helped to break the skin and tear into flesh. Angel roared as his blood filled her mouth and she sucked, creating a vacuum with her lips and swallowing convulsively as her body bucked with the force of her climax.

She pulled away and covered his mouth with her bloody lips. Angel sucked her tongue into his mouth, trying to collect every piece of evidence to prove to himself this wasn’t just another dream. Buffy dragged his face from her and pressed him into her neck. He sliced into her Mark with ecstasy pulsating through his body. He drank deeply and Buffy began to feel light headed.


He stopped, an apology immediately springing to his lips. Buffy put her finger to them, silencing him apart from the harsh pants triggered by the endorphin rush in Buffy’s blood. She looked deep into his eyes, a satisfied smile curling up the corners of her mouth.

“I feel like I just lost my virginity. That was amazing, and I couldn’t wait any longer. It just seemed the most natural thing, the next step.”

“That’s what I wanted for you, that’s why I thought we should wait. It was amazing.”

“Angel I love you, so much.” She ran her hands down his back, soft strokes as he laved her wound.

“I love you too Buffy.” He grinned at her. “I think everyone for a five mile radius might of heard me just now. I don’t know if I can face Dawn with a straight face in the morning.” He rolled to the side and took Buffy with him so that she was resting in the crook of his shoulder and arm, her head on his chest. Her eyelids began to droop within minutes.

“Sleepy now, even Slayer’s need some sleep.” Angel stroked the top of her arm and dropped a kiss in her hair.

“Get some rest then, we’ve got Cordy coming in a few hours. Are you sure you don’t mind doing this?”

“Relax Angel, it’s fine, really. We didn’t have much time to catch up when I was in LA and I’m quite curious to see this softer Cordelia you keep talking about.”

“She wasn‘t around much, I know.”

“Perhaps she doesn‘t like me taking you away, I wouldn‘t like if it anyone tried to take you away.”

She peered at him through half-closed lids and smiled and he kissed her again.

“Get some rest.”

Buffy drifted into sleep not long after and Angel lay with her cradled in his arms, so satisfied, he could have sworn he felt his soul try to tug free of it’s anchor. He fell asleep eventually with a smile on his face.


8.15am, Sunday.

Faith opened her eyes and was immediately confused because there was a ceiling above her instead of a bed . She blinked a few times, rubbed her eyelids with her fingertips and smacked her lips to get some moisture into her mouth. She twisted her head to the side and frowned, instead of a table and two chairs there was a dressing table and a floor length mirror.

She sprang up out of bed in a repeat action of the previous night, déjà vu flooding her brain. She was still in her prison issue night clothes, that delectable shade of orange that she loved so much and got to wear day and night, but she sure as hell wasn’t in her cell. She listened for voices, any kind of noise, and padded barefoot to the door, the feel of rich carpeting beneath her feet not wasted on her. She turned the handle, which surprisingly opened and listened again.

She couldn’t hear anything so she poked her head out the door and widened her eyes in surprise. The corridor was long and wide, it’s décor and furnishings opulent. She grinned; at least her kidnappers were rich. Why would a rich anybody want to spring her from the slammer? Her grin faltered, this wasn’t five by five. It didn’t make any sense, unless it was The Watcher’s Council … or Wolfram and Hart.

Neither options filled her with joy and she decided it was high time to find a weapon of some kind. She might not kill people these days but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t hurt them some if she needed to, and dammit she hated it when she wasn’t wearing any shoes. She closed the door as silently as she’d opened it and turned for a good look at the room.

The bed faced a floor to ceiling sized window. The drapes were partially open over voile netting and despite the weak sunlight that filtered through she couldn’t say for sure what time it was. Had Grace raised the alarm yet? She closed her eyes against the sudden realisation that she was in a whole world of trouble. Not just the fact that she was here, and she didn’t know where here was, or why she was here. But the fact remained that if she did manage to escape, how would she get back and how would she explain what happened?

There was only one thing for it, she had to get to Angel.


8.15am, Sunday.

Angel felt funny; there was no other way to describe it. Actually there were probably many ways to describe it, but the feeling wouldn’t allow his head to access his vocabulary, in fact trying to do so made his head ache. It wasn’t a particularly bad feeling, just alien to him. He wondered what it was. He couldn’t remember the precise moment it had started to plague him, but he was pretty sure it wasn’t there when he first woke up.

Buffy was still asleep and he propped himself up on one arm to watch her as she slept. Her face looked as naked as a child’s, free of worry lines for a change and her lips were parted slightly as she breathed out softly through her mouth. He fingered the place where she had bit him. It had healed, but it ached as though bruised, and touching it caused desire to drench his insides.

He allowed it to flow through him, appreciating the fact he didn’t have to quell it any more and listened to the incidental sounds that permeated the air. The neighbour’s television was snapped on and there was muted laughter, Dawn was singing softly to a CD playing quietly in her room, and Tara was moaning Willow’s name. Vampire hearing brought its own music.

Buffy stirred and muttered something unintelligible. She raised her arms languidly over her head, exposing one pink nipple, and stretched her torso before wrapping her legs either side of the comforter and going back to sleep. As Angel watched her, she started to look surreal. Maybe she was an apparition, because so far nothing had happened to claim her from his side, neither evil portent or domestic crisis.

He felt funny.

He considered the possibility it was homesickness until the woman sleeping by his side turned over to curl herself around his thigh and he realised she was his home. Not Sunnydale or Los Angeles, not bricks and mortar, but flesh and blood. Buffy opened her eyes and they crinkled when she smiled a greeting.

Maybe he did feel funny, but he liked it.


9.35am, Sunday.

Tara grinned at Buffy who was munching toast and marmalade at the breakfast counter. She looked incredibly happy and she was radiating the kind of vibes that makes people want to stand next to them. Happy vibes, it made Tara laugh despite how she was feeling.

“Good morning Tara, what’s the funny?” Buffy smiled at her quizzically.

“Nothing; you. Not funny, happy.”

“Buffy is officially very happy. How’s Tara?” Tara’s face fell.

“What’s wrong?” Buffy pushed a cup of coffee down the counter top towards her.

“I’m worried, about Willow.”

“Why is she sick?” Tara shook her head.

“Buffy I’m so worried about the ritual. What if Willow can’t handle the Magicks? I mean, it’s not like she’s even done simple spells lately and it seems a lot to ask of her all things considered.”

Tara wrapped her hands around her coffee mug and looked for all the world like a lost little girl playing grown-ups. Buffy mentally kicked herself, they’d all been so wrapped up in the Bonding. How it had affected Spike and Xander and how eventually it was going to affect her and Angel, that they hadn’t really given any thought to the rest of the gang at all.

“Tara, I’m so sorry, I had no idea this was worrying you, and I should have guessed. Does Willow know how you feel?”

“I haven’t said anything, I don’t want to put any pressure on her and I don’t want her to think that I don’t trust her, I do. It’s just that this thing is so big, I don’t know that it’s simply a question of trust. Aren’t you worried?”

“Tara, Willow is going to get all the help she needs. Giles will work with her and she’ll have you. Not to mention the Powers That Be.”

“Now see, I don’t get that, I mean who are they exactly and how come we haven’t heard of them before?”

“I don’t know, our paths haven’t crossed until now. But look, Angel deals with them all the time, they’re the good guys, always a bonus.”

“Maybe you’re right and I’m overreacting.”

Buffy put her hand on Tara’s forearm. “I’m glad you told me, you shouldn’t have to worry about this, we’ll talk to Giles and try find out exactly what has to be done. But in the meantime you should talk to Will. Remember it’s not so much what you say so much as how you say it. She’ll understand your concern, it would be peculiar if you didn’t feel some anxiety about it. How about you, are you really up for this yourself? Has anyone even bothered to ask you?”

Tara cast her eyes down and Buffy cursed under her breath.

“If you don’t want to be involved in this just tell me.”

“No Buffy it isn’t that. I couldn’t not do it knowing what’s at stake. It’s just that we don’t have the same protection that you have. You, Angel, Xander and Spike, you’re gonna be pretty unstoppable killing machines and the rest of us. Well we’ll have a chant and a prayer.”

“That’s not true silly, you’ll have us, fighting for you every step of the way. No one’s gonna die on my watch Tara, especially not the people I love, not if I can help it.” Tara smiled and nodded her head.

“Maybe I should have some of that breakfast, it’s certainly put you in a good mood.”

“Speaking of which I have to take some up for Angel. Will you be ok?”

Tara nodded and Willow and Dawn walked in the kitchen, Dawn yawned and stretched and Willow kissed the top of Tara’s head.

“Morning early bird, couldn’t ya sleep?”

“No, I did sleep, but we’ve got Cordelia coming later so I thought I should get some homework done first.”

Dawn squealed making everyone jump.

“Cordy’s coming? Really? Is she staying here? She can share with me.”

“Dawn you have never met Cordelia,” Buffy said.

She scowled at her and the microwave beeped. Then she remembered that she was doing this for Angel and not Spike and he would wonder why she had heated it. Still he should be getting used to blood at body temperature by now, it might even be worth taking up some toast.

“Well it feels like I did. I remember her telling me there was no hope for me with you as a sister so I should get fashion tips from her instead. I also remember her giving me a hug when Daniel Hines was mean to me, oopsie, I promised not to tell about that, she didn’t want you, Willow or Xander to think she’d gone all mushy.”

She went to the cupboard for a juice glass and then suddenly whirled around to look at the others again.

“Why is she coming, after all this time?”

“Well she sort of had a vision last night about Xander and Spike and …”

“Are they ok?”

“They are now. Spike’s alive.” Dawn’s eyes widened.

“Spike’s alive? I have to go see him.” She ran out of the room calling over her shoulder. “I’ll have breakfast there.”

“Willow would you ring and warn them, while I take this up to Angel? At least that way there’s a fighting chance they’ll be wearing clothes when she gets there.”

Willow laughed. “Sure Buffy, she’s probably the only one who can pretty much guarantee it. We should make her come with us all the time, that way they’d have to behave.”

“I said they would most likely get dressed, not that they would behave. No one on earth could make them do that.” Buffy grinned at her before she left.

Willow turned to Tara.

“How’s my girl?”

Tara looked at her and caution gave way to determination. “Actually, I want to talk.”

“You do? Good, me too.”

“You do? Willow … I. What about?”

Willow sat next to her at the breakfast bar and poured herself a cup of coffee. “I’m worried about the ritual. Not the Bonding, I mean the actual Magicks that we have to use to close the Hellmouth. I know it may not happen for a while but I was thinking maybe I should …”


“Yeah. I know that Giles and Wesley have been trying to pinpoint a time, as well as you can predict these things anyway. But what if it’s unpredictable and it comes and I’m not ready?”

“I’ve been thinking about that too.”

“I figured as much. The thing is, that if you don’t want me to do it I won’t. They can always find somebody else.” Tara took hold of Willow’s hands and looked at her with a sad smile.

“I don’t think they can, but thank you for offering. I am worried about it, I just didn’t want you to think I don’t trust you. I want you to be prepared, so you, so we can handle it.” Willow put her arms around her shoulders and rested her head on her shoulder.

“We’ll handle it together. Who knows? If I spend enough time practicing the use and control of Magicks, I might get out of the doing the fisticuffs.”

“Speaking of which, we have training later and you’re not doing so bad.” Willow looked at her again.

“Yeah, I am getting good at kickin’ vampire ass. I’d better call Xander, and then you can feed waffles to me why I work out the outline for my history paper.” Willow picked up the phone and dialled Xander’s number. Spike answered.

“Hey Spike, how are you today?”

“Mornin’ Red, what you wearing?”


“No, see I’d know if you were wearing me. I’d feel all hot and bothered and …”

“Stop! Is Xander there?” Spike chuckled.

“He’s getting dressed. Is Cordelia there yet?”

“No but Dawn’s coming over to you.”

“You told her. Well you can save her a journey because we’re coming over to pick up Cordelia. Assuming I don’t burst into flames on the way over.”

“How do you feel now. Is your heart still going pitty pat?”

“Still is. I feel good, strong, healthy. Not dead any more, always a bonus. We’ll be over, tell Nibblet to wait for us eh?”

“I will. Why are you coming over for Cordelia?”

“Well I like her don’t I? Though I might take her out for lunch, cheer her up a bit.”

“Is she blue?”

“Occupational hazard. She’ll be fine when she’s spent some money. See you later love.”

“Ok then, bye.” Willow hung up with a smile on her face. Dawn came back into the kitchen to say goodbye.

“They’re coming over here in a while Dawnie. You should wait.”

Tara turned around from the hob. “I’m making waffles, want some?” Dawn put her bag down.

“No,” she grumbled. “I wanted bacon, because I‘m feeling wicked carnivorous this morning. And eggs and mushrooms and toast.” Tara and Willow both raised their eyebrows.

“What? I‘m a growing girl.”

“If you eat that kinda stuff missy, you’ll be growing outwards instead of upwards. Plus there is your arteries to consider.” Willow looked at her with a stern ‘Mom’ expression. Dawn raised her eyebrows right back at her.

“Xander would have made it for me, plus no lecture.”

Willow and Tara both looked horrified for a minute, although Dawn couldn’t tell if it was the thought of the breakfast that Xander would have cooked for her or the reprimand she had dished out for the lecture.

“Eggs coming right up.”

Dawn beamed.


10.45am, Sunday.

Spike paused on the threshold of the apartment’s main entrance. The last time he’d had the chance to do this, he’d been too intent on killing Buffy to enjoy the sensation; the thrill of being a daywalker again. Xander threaded his fingers in between his and gripped his hand tightly.


“Yeah, I reckon I am.”

They stepped out together and a light breeze ruffled their forelocks whilst a weak sun played hide and seek with the clouds. They walked a few steps and looked at one another, letting out breath that neither one of them knew they were holding.

“This is it then. It’s real.” Spike swallowed still nervous, they’d yet to get a blast of real sunshine.

“It really is.”

Spike let go of Xander’s hand and spread his arms wide. He circled around whilst he looked up at the sky, and a slow grin started to eat up his face. Xander watched him, taking in every expression and committing it to memory. Would they remember the joy of this moment in 100 years time? He wasn’t taking any chances so he started snapping off film after raising the camera to his face.

Still circling, Spike started to laugh. Curious passers-by walked around him wearily, some wondering if he’d escaped from somewhere. Yet there was such an open quality about his happiness that most of them risked a look back. Xander started to laugh too and just then the sun burst from behind a cloud and its beams seemed to hit Spike full in the face.

Xander ran over to him, his heart gripped with terror. But Spike closed his eyes and let the sudden warmth wash over him. It was wonderful. Xander stopped in front of him when he realised he was safe and simply watched him enjoy the moment. He didn’t need a photograph for this part, this part he would never forget. Spike stayed in that position until another cloud claimed the sun and then he opened his eyes and looked intently at his Mate.

“Does it feel good Spike?”

“There aren’t words Pet.” Xander linked hands with him again.

“Come on, let’s go get Cordy.”


Cordelia realised the moment she walked through the front door of 1630 Rovello Drive that she had made a terrible mistake. Angel and Buffy had finally taken that step, she could feel it somehow and here she was in the middle of it. Maybe it was the innate demon part of her that had developed this sharp sixth sense, or perhaps it was her love for Angel that let her know they had finally claimed each other.

Well, at least here was another chance to prove what a fine actress she could be, and maybe it was time to think of a career change. Yeah, that thought wasn’t getting old. The worst part about it all was that she knew in her heart of hearts the two of them fit together in a way she and Angel never could. It was time to start letting go.

“Hey Buffy.” She smiled at her, momentarily unsure of herself. Buffy hugged her awkwardly.

“Hey Cordelia, it’s very strange to see you … here. But you are very welcome. Dawn’s excited. I know, that’s weird too. You must feel, how do you feel?”

“A little overwhelmed actually, it’s been a while.”

“Hey Cordy.” Angel walked over to her and crushed her to him. “How’s things back on the farm?”

“Wesley has some more information on the Tiberian prophecies. He’s faxing it all through to Giles, but I can tell you the gist of it, hopefully over a large cup of coffee. Have you heard from Spike and Xander?”

“Willow spoke with Spike earlier. They’re fine. As a matter of fact, they’re coming to get you some time soon, so we’d better get the info gathering out of the way.”

Cordelia put her purse on the couch.

“Where’s everyone?”

“Will and Tara are doing the homework thing and Dawn’s rearranging her room to give you some … room.” The thought of staying here now made Cordelia’s stomach lurch.

“She doesn’t have to do that. I was going to stay with Spike and Xander, you’re overcrowded here as it is.”

Cordelia followed the two of them into the kitchen. Buffy plugged in the coffee machine and set about making a fresh pot, and Angel and Cordelia sat at the breakfast counter. To Cordy, Angel looked strange here, like he was too big for the room somehow, and for a horrible moment she didn’t think she was going to be able to pull it off.

It all felt weird, Angel belonged at the Hyperion, with her and Wesley, Fred and Gunn and yet she knew that those days were over. It was causing a physical wrench in her chest.

“Cordy?” Angel looked at her with concern.

“What? Sorry I didn’t hear you.”

“Are you ok?” Cordy nodded.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“No reason. I asked if you’d seen anything of Anya lately?”

“I haven’t seen her since for a while, she’s probably off turning some man’s head upside down.”

“No.” Angel said.

“What?” Buffy and Cordelia chorused.

“I said no. She hasn’t been dishing out any vengeance.”

“How do you know? Why didn’t you tell me?” Cordelia looked irritated.

“I can tell, there’s no smell of death or destruction on her, for one thing.”

“What’s the other thing?” Cordelia asked him.

“I can’t share that with you right now.”

“Angel we’re supposed to be helping her. Are we or are we not still in the business of saving souls?”

“Cordelia, it’s not that simple. Yes we’re here to help her, but sometimes that involves taking a back seat, letting people work things out for themselves. The important thing is, that she’s not putting anyone in danger.”

Buffy listened to the exchange between the two of them and realised that for the moment at least she may as well not be in the room. This was a slice of what Angel’s life had been like without her. She glanced up a them from time to time whilst she made the coffee. They looked … well it was hard to say but Cordy looked strained for some reason. Yet despite that she could see the easy friendship between them.

“Angel, if you need to go back to LA.” Buffy sounded resigned.

“I don’t think that‘ll be necessary. I thought you wanted to go somewhere just the two of us.” He smiled at her warmly, sending a jolt of desire straight to her womb.

“I do, but work comes first. Maybe I could come with you.”

Buffy’s voice was unsteady, and Cordelia picked up the vibe immediately. She felt like she’d caught them in bed.

“Actually Anya isn’t around, she hasn’t been at home for a couple of days. Besides, you have to go and find Darla and Drusilla. It looks like they will be leading the assault against the closure of the Hellmouth. Wesley figured it might be better if you stopped them before they had the chance.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me at all?” Buffy said.

Angel closed his eyes and shook his head.

“I suppose me and Spike have the best shot of finding them. Which means, that you and Xander are part of the hunting committee, Buffy. There’s no way Spike and Xander would agree to being separated without a fight, and we can’t afford to be right now.”

They shared a look filled with so much love and desire that Cordelia was convinced they had forgotten she was in the room. She coughed really loudly and they broke eye contact. There was no way that she was slinking away while they had their moment. They would just have to save it for when she wasn’t trying to give them information, or preferably for when she was back in LA.

“Can we just get back to the program?”

They both looked at her startled but she ignored it and started to fill them in on the rest of what Wesley had discovered. Willow and Tara emerged as if on cue. Cordelia tried to reign in her wildly veering emotions faced with the ‘happy’ that came as standard with Willow most of the time.

“Hey Cordy.” Willow beamed at her and hugged her tight. “I have someone I want you to meet. I know you’ve talked on the phone but I’d like to introduce you to Tara.”

Tara smiled at her and Cordelia was surprised that she looked so different from the picture she had of her in her head. All the smiling was infectious, despite the mood that was threatening to turn into bad temper and she grinned back at them.

“It’s nice to put a face to the voice at last.”

“Hey Cordelia. It is for me too.”

“So how are you Cordelia? It must feel weird coming back to Sunnydale after all this time.”

“I’m good. I prefer the big city, they have a better class of demon.”

“That’s right,” Willow grinned at her. “They have you.”

Cordelia laughed but even to her own ears it sounded forced. Willow looked from her to Buffy and Angel, she hoped she hadn’t interrupted anything. They looked ok, but there was something, an atmosphere surrounding them all. Spike had said that Cordy had been feeling blue, maybe that was all it was. She poured some coffee and passed a mug to Tara.

“So you’re going out with Xander and Spike today. In the day, you know, with the with the sunshine. Provided …” The back door opened and Spike and Xander bounded in. All eyes turned to them … “the sunshine doesn’t mind.”

“Hey Guys, check us out.” Xander walked in with the camera still slung around his neck.

Angel stared at Spike, in fact he couldn’t take his eyes off him, and that funny feeling was cranked up a notch. He looked so vibrant, so warm and before he could help himself he was by his side. This is what he had to look forward to, what Spike had. Spike looked up at him without any of the usual sarcasm forming on his lips and his expression was without guile. Angel hadn’t seen him look like this for over a 120 years, Take way the peroxide and he looked as though he had come full circle.

“Spike I …”

“What is it Angel?” Angel felt tears form in his eyes and he suddenly felt foolish.

“Nothing I’m just glad you made it here safely. I have to go and …” Spike’s arms were round him before he could move.

“Don’t worry Peaches, you’ll get your turn.” The smile he gave him further softened what had already sounded like a term of endearment.

Everyone looked at them in complete amazement. Xander couldn’t help the slight twinge of jealousy that speared his heart, but he quelled it. He understood somehow that this was a big moment for the two of them. Buffy felt a tear threaten to slide down her face and rubbed it away quickly. Angel let his arms creep around Spike’s shoulders and held him for a moment.

He was so warm. He could feel his heart thumping close to the place where his own heart lay dormant, and hear the blood rushing through his veins. Emotion threatened to overwhelm him and he needed to get away. He let go of him and silently left the kitchen.

Both Buffy and Cordelia started to follow him and Cordy checked herself and sat back down; but not before Willow had seen her expression. Cordelia saw the “Oh.” of realisation cross her face.

“Ok, that was … What was that?” Xander said as he walked over to Spike and put his arms where Angel’s had been.

Tara looked at Cordelia’s stricken face.

“Are you ok?”

“I think you’re asking the wrong person that question.”

She tried to avoid Willow’s gaze but they locked eyes for a moment and Cordelia could feel herself getting angry at the sympathy she could see reflected there. Then she realised there was no pity there, it was empathy she could see; but she wanted to keep onto her anger, she needed it.

Spike ignored all of them and kissed Xander softly on the lips.

“You all right Pet?” He looked closely at Xander’s face, peering into brown orbs of confusion.

“I think so. But I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say Angel isn’t.”

“He will be, it’s going to be harder for him than me is all. He has a soul, he’s going to feel a lot like you did Love. All the emotion you felt whilst you were going through the transformation.”

“What you mean they’ve finally claimed each other?”

“Looks like. Buffy‘s not going to have a party of it either, I‘d wager.” Spike looked at the pinched look on Cordelia’s face and gave her a reassuring smile.

“Come on, let’s go. We can go in Princess Eyebrow’s car, I fancy being chauffeured around whilst I snog you on the back seat.” Cordelia smiled back at him gratefully.

“There’ll be none of that mister, not in my car. Nor in your apartment while I stay with you.”

“Yeah right,” Xander growled, and then noticed the silent exchange between her and Spike. “Oh you mean you really are staying with us? Sure, that’ll be neat. You can watch movies with us later and Spike can cook you dinner.” He grinned wondering what the hell was going on.

“Sure and I can cut you hair for you before Spike thinks he’s swapped back to girls again.”

Xander gave Spike a look.

“You said you’d defend me when the meanies in the playground picked on me.”

Spike smirked. “Sorry Pet, she’s got bigger sweeties than you.”

Dawn came in shaking her head and frowning until she saw Cordelia. She ran over to her and hugged her.

“Oh my god, you’re really here. Can I come with you guys?” she gave all three of them a pleading look.

“Thank god, I thought I was going to have to put up with the two of them on my own. Go get your stuff.” Dawn beamed and headed off to the stairs. She stopped and came back in the kitchen.

“What’s with Angel and Buffy? They’re acting weird?” Spike shook his head.

“Don’t worry about it Platelet, it’s just Bonding issues. Go and get your stuff, you can drag Xander to the make-up counter this time. And you,” he looked pointedly at Cordelia. “You get to buy me hot chocolate with marshmallows, I’m not risking that nightmare again.” He gave a mock shudder.

Cordelia went to retrieve her purse from the living room and knew that Willow had followed her before she turned around.

“Cordelia …”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Really? Because it might help.” Willow put a hand out to touch her but let it fall unsure of herself.

“I’m fine, really. I’m fine.”

“Is there anything I can do?”

“Unless you have spells that mend broken hearts, I guess not,” she snapped.

Willow recoiled from her and instantly Cordelia felt terrible. “I’m sorry Willow, my nerves are just frayed right now, I’m beginning to think it was a bad idea coming here. But then I do have to get used to it don’t I?” She paused, some of the anger leaving her at Willow’s concerned face. “Maybe we can talk some other time, I could use a friend.”

Willow brightened visibly. “Sure we could do that. I’ll even bring ice-cream.” She smiled sadly at her. “Does he even know?”

Cordelia snorted. “What do you think? He’s male, when do they ever notice anything? Besides, it’s better this way, it would only complicate matters that are already complicated . Maybe I should take a leaf out your book, you look very happy and Tara’s lovely.”

Willow dimpled. “Yes she is. Will you be ok?”

“Sure, I’ve got my own white knights to keep me company and Dawn’s just the breathe of fresh air I need.” She started walking back to the kitchen as Dawn bounded down the stairs. Willow put her hand on her arm and stopped her.

“Do they know?”

“Spike does, we had a confessional when Xander was kidnapped by Wolfram and Hart.” Willow nodded.

“Ready?” Dawn asked bouncing excitedly from one foot to the other, ignoring the fraught atmosphere in the selfish way that only teenagers seem able to do. Cordelia smiled at Willow.

“I’m ready, let‘s go.”


Angel had his back to the door when Buffy entered the bedroom and for a moment he looked unapproachable. He visibly tried to relax when Buffy walked over to him and gently wiped the tears from his face.

“I hardly ever see you cry.”

“I’m sorry I don’t know what’s the matter with me.”

“I think I do. Xander told me how emotional he felt when he and Spike started the Bonding. He got really possessive and didn’t want to leave Spike’s side even for a moment. I guess they’re not totally over that yet.” She grinned at him.

“I feel funny, seeing Spike look so human, it reminded me.”

“It reminded you of what? What he was like before you Turned him?”

Angel nodded and Buffy put her arms round him when he reached for her. She smelled fresh and warm and sexy and he buried his nose in her hair and clung to her. Buffy instinctively touched her fingers to the place she had bit him and hot needles of desire travelled directly to his cock. She cradle his chin in her hand and pulled his mouth down for a kiss. He had faint traces of salt and copper on his lips, a taste of blood and tears.

“Do you love me Buffy?”

“I love you.”

“I feel funny.” Buffy stared at him, trying to understand the momentary feeling of déjà vu. A thought brushed near her consciousness but when she tried to hold onto it skittered away.

“Can I help?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know what would help.”

“You should talk to Xander.”

“Ok, but I’m not hugging him too.” He laughed at himself and Buffy hugged him tighter.

“Why don’t we go back to bed for a while? It is Sunday after all.”

“That might help.”


Faith was beyond amazed when she opened the wardrobe door and her shoes were standing neatly at the bottom. She pulled them out and put them on as quickly as possible. She scanned the room again looking for something she could use as a weapon. There was nothing, she’d just have to use her fists. She opened the door to her room and looked both ways before coming out into the corridor.

She turned right and ran lightly along the carpet close to the wall, sprinted over to the nearest window letting in wintry sunshine and looked out. Damn, she was three storeys up by the looks of it. She passed three more doors before she came to the top of a staircase, the stairs were wide and covered in the same plush carpeting as the corridor. She paused, she could hear muted laughter and the low murmur of voices drifted up from below.

She started to descend the stairs with her back to the wall and took each step slowly. The stairs spiralled in a wide arc and ended abruptly onto another corridor. The voices were louder here and she judged them to be about halfway down. A door opened and she jumped back onto the bottom step and pressed herself back against the wall. The carpeting muffled the sound of footsteps but Faith sensed they were coming her way.

She became aware of the sound of herself breathing and her heart thundered in her ears with a sudden rush of adrenaline. She sensed whoever it was approaching walk in her direction and then stop before they reached her hiding place.

“Show yourself Faith.”

The voice had a foreign lilt and it sounded familiar. She stepped out onto the floor and came face to face with an attractive male of about forty years old. His expression was watchful, and he looked at her as if he knew her.

“Do I know you? ’Cos I gotta tell ya, it’s not ringing any bells with me.”

He walked closer to her and she poised herself for attack. He stopped just outside of her personal space and she wasn’t sure for a moment whether to strike him or hold him. He stood at least 6’ tall and his hair was the blackest shade that Faith had ever seen. There were no shades of any other colour shining in the sun’s rays, but it looked vibrant and alive and she ached to run her fingers through it. She closed her eyes involuntarily against the feeling of familiarity that was creeping up her skin and tried to make a run for it.

Her wrist was held in a tight grip and she was yanked back towards him before she could take more than a step away. She raised her fist but her will to fight drained away as he pulled her closer and looked intently into her face.

“Do not fight me, this is not how I imagined our reunion.”

Faith made a feeble attempt to free her wrist from its prison, but instead slid her other arm around his waist and crushed him to her chest. His lips were on hers in seconds and the cool grey of his eyes raked over her before closing. She didn’t know how, but she had missed this so much.


Cordelia stared at Spike unabashedly. She couldn’t take her eyes off the change in his skin tone or the pulse jumping at his throat. His skin looked flushed and vibrant, and the only thing giving away the fact he wasn’t human was the tiny blue veins that scattered the surface.

He looked back at her, his eyes twinkling at her appraisal and miraculously they seemed more blue somehow as though life had been given colour. The necklace that Xander had brought him in LA nestled in the hollow of his throat and she realised with some surprise that it seemed like an eon ago that they had gone out that day because so much had happened since.

“How do you feel?” she asked him.

“Incredible, I think I might have to start writing poetry again.” He gave a self deprecating laugh. “Pretty lame eh, if that’s the most evil plan I can come up with these days.”

“Don’t knock it, Angel told me all about your poetry. Did you know he still has some of it?” Spike raised his eyebrows but said nothing for a moment. And then,

“Poncy git. I expect he has paintings stashed somewhere too.”

“I don’t know about that,” she paused. “Thank you.”

“Didn’t do anythin’ Princess. I like hot chocolate.”

Cordelia caught his eyes with a level gaze.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. This was always gonna be the hardest part. You’ve managed to avoid the two of them up to now, may as well kill two birds with one stone.”

“Oh, you mean the fact that I not only get to act my ass off hiding my true feelings in their company, but I also get to do it the day after Buffy’s claimed him?”

“That’s the one ducks. Things can only get better for you now, at least you got mad back there. Anger’s good when it comes to dealing with the hurt. For a minute I thought we ‘d taken a step back in time. I liked the old Cordelia, always thought you‘d‘ve made a good vampire.”

“Did everyone hear me talking to Willow?”

“Only me and Xander, enhanced hearing powers.”

“Ok, I don’t want to think about it any more, what movies are we renting later? I haven’t bunged in front of the TV since forever.”


“You know, sitting on the couch in your jammies, eating popcorn, drinking beer? Bunging.”

“Sounds good. I don’t know, what kind of movies do you like?”

“I’m easy but let’s avoid romance. How about something creepy, and no sci-fi I had enough of that when I dated Xander.”

“We like old movies as it happens, black and white classics. How about ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf?”

“Don’t like Elizabeth Taylor. How about ‘Bringing up Baby’? Funny is even better than creepy, I could do with a big laugh, speaking of which, drink up and let’s go find Dawn, I wanna pretend I’m a kid again. And human.”

“Cordelia you’re only 20 years old, and you look human to me.”

“So do you, well almost.”

“I see your point. Found out anything about your demon parts yet? Sprouted anything you want to tell me about?”

“No and no.” She grinned suddenly. “Maybe I’ll be able to make Angel and Buffy’s head spin really fast and then make them puke pea soup like on ‘The Exorcist’.

Spike smirked at her. “See, there she is. If you do, can I have a ring side seat?”

“Sure but only if you have a camera handy. Come on let’s go find Xander and Dawn.


Xander kept looking behind him to see if he had dropped something, and checking to see if his flies were undone, then he realised that he just felt peculiar without Spike. It would have been nice to see all of his reactions to his new freedom but he realised that Cordy needed to talk. What was it about Angel that had all the women folk dropping at his feet?

Ok, he was handsome and he had a nice shape but the whole brooding thing had to drag you down eventually. Though to be fair Angel hadn’t done that so much of late. Maybe it was forbidden fruit syndrome, he’d seen ‘Some Like It Hot’, he knew how people could get turned on by the very thing they couldn’t have. Or maybe for Cordelia, it had simply been a safe way to fall in love, knowing that she wouldn’t ever have to act on it. It must have been quite a shock when his soul was anchored.

At the end of the day he guessed it didn’t matter. It sounded like Cordy was in a lot of pain and he’d sampled the bitter-sweet taste of unrequited love, so he had an idea what she was going through. It would be weird having her at the apartment, but they would deal.

“That’s quite the list you’ve got there Dawnie, are you sure you can afford to buy for everybody?”

“I want to, Christmas presents are important. Besides I don’t have to spend a lot, I just have to spend wisely.”

“That sounds like the voice of reason, did you find yourself a new friend?”

“Actually it was Mom who taught me that, she said that splashing out on luxuries was for special occasions like graduation or turning eighteen. Let’s go find Spike and Cordelia, they’ve had half an hour.”

“Give ‘em a bit longer sweetie and then we will. Hold up, I want to go in this video shop, they sell old movies.”

He pushed the door open to find the place oddly full for a Sunday. They pushed by a woman with a stroller and Xander caught the toddler’s bear before it hit the ground.

“Thank you.” The woman smiled at him, not sure how he’d managed to get his body so low, so fast.

“You’re welcome.” He smiled and carried on past the isles. Dawn stayed close to him.

“Is Cordelia in trouble or something?”

“What? No, they just wanted to catch up.” Dawn looked at Xander with a knowing look on her face.

“In other words mind your own business Dawn.”

“Somethin’ like that, yeah.” He smiled at her.


“Yes Dawn.” He raised his eyebrows in anticipation.

“Nothing it doesn’t matter.” She looked torn.

“Hey you know how much I hate that! Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“It’s just that when Buffy changes. Will she still be my sister?”

Xander blinked a few times. He wasn’t sure how to answer this one. He thought about it for a few minutes and then took a deep breath before he spoke.

“She’ll always be your sister Dawnie, no one can take that away from you. If you mean will she still share the same DNA as you, I have to tell you I doubt it. The truth is we haven’t considered that angle, we’re not supposed to get sick so we shouldn’t need doctors any more. Are you afraid?”

“No, I mean I’m not afraid of you or Spike, so Buffy should be a shoo in. I just … I guess I just need to know that I’ll still belong to her.”

Xander stroked Dawn’s hair back from her brow the same way he had seen Buffy’s do so many times..

“ You should know by now that DNA can’t change that, but we’ll get Fred and Wesley to take some blood samples from me and they can test it to see how different I am from before. I have to admit, I’m kinda curious anyway.”

“Thanks.” She linked arms with him and they walked to the Turner Classics section.


“Yes Dawn.”

“I think it’s time to get your hair cut.”


Sunday Evening, Sunnydale.

A thin piece of metal was inserted into the lock and jimmied about for a few minutes until the tumblers flipped over. The black clad figure would have looked the epitome of cat burglar chic, if it hadn’t of been for the nervous expression on his face. Mercifully the door opened quietly and because no one was watching his performance, and there was no fear of ridicule, he was able to move about swiftly and silently . He looked around the unlit room, where would the Watcher guy keep a big old book?

He spotted a couple of photographs on a nearby occasional table and lifted one up to his face get a closer look. Willow Rosenberg, Xander Harris, and Buffy Summers were all smiling up at him and he quickly put it down because it creeped him out big time. He picked up one beside it, Mr Giles, he remembered him from Sunnydale High school library. He looked too straight laced to be involved with the Slayer and her fight against the darkness.

He suddenly remembered the reason he was there and put the picture down, only just catching it before it fell to the floor. He scanned the room from where he stood, at least the book was too big to hide easily. A grin spread across his face; it helped a lot when you were attempting to steal things if you found them right under your nose.

The Book of Aurelius lay open on the coffee table, pages of notes scattered around it. He tensed as he heard a sound and his darting eyes alighted on the discarded clothing leading a trail from the couch to the stairs and beyond. It was moaning he could hear and he nodded his head in approval; at the least the old guy was getting some.

He tiptoed over to the book, closed it carefully and gathered together all the papers surrounding it. He gave another nervous grin; this was too easy. His eyes darted back to the photographs. Shame the Watcher didn’t have one of Spike, but Buffy would do in a pinch. With his heart beating wildly he returned to the table and picked one up.

Xander wasn’t bad looking, in a macho kind of way, he just didn’t have Spike’s cool. He put it down and picked up another one. Buffy and Dawn, it looked professionally done and the frame looked costly, probably made of pewter with the look and weight of it. This would do, he could scan it and manipulate it so that Buffy’s face was smiling next to his. He turned round with it still in his hand and walked right into the silent figure standing behind him. He let out a surprised squeak.

“I’m sure stealing photographs aren’t the only reason you broke into my home.”

Andrew stood indecisive for a moment whilst Giles looked at him in amusement and disgust . A light went on at the top of the stairs and he could hear footsteps padding across the landing.


Giles didn’t take his eyes off him for a second and Andrew knew he had to act fast. He smashed the photo into the side of Giles’ head and made a dash for the door. Giles tried to grab him and Andrew hit him again, this time he felt something give and Giles dropped to the floor. Anya started to descend the stairs when she heard the scuffle.

“Giles? Oh my god!”

Andrew dropped the photo and grabbed the book, scattering papers everywhere. Anya raced down the last few steps and knelt at Giles’ feet in time to see the back of Andrew as he shot out the door. Anya looked in horror at the blood trickling from Giles’ head and reached for the phone.


Xander slid one leg underneath Spike and the other in between his thighs. He held his head firmly whilst he kissed him and Spike’s hands were occupied with his nipples and his erection. They both came up for air and Xander whispered in his ear.

“Do you think Cordy will hear us?”

“I don’t care if your Mum hears us Xander.” He started to nibble his bottom lip and stroke his cock more firmly. Xander pulled his lips away from him.

“Tip for you Spike, don’t bring my Mom into the conversation while you have your hand on my penis.”

“Sorry Love.” He tightened his hold and pumped him more firmly.

“It’s ok, just keep doing that, I’m sure I’ll soon forget what you said. I’d forget even quicker if I was inside you already.”

Spike fumbled around the bed trying to find the lube and the telephone started to ring. He groaned.

“It’s bound to be something nasty at this hour.”

Xander reached over and snatched up the receiver.

”Anything less than the threat of mating Chorago demons causing a downtown earthquake is punishable by … Anya, slow down. Ok, we’re on our way.”

Spike was already out of bed and pulling his pants on. “What’s happened?”

“It’s Giles’, we have to get to the hospital.”


Spike, Xander and Cordelia were the last to arrive at the hospital. Buffy looked pale and out of her mind with worry and she was alternately pacing and hugging Angel for reassurance. Willow looked as though she’d been crying and Dawn was next to Tara with her head on her lap. They all looked shocked but none so much as Anya.

She’d just come out of Giles’ room and he still hadn’t regained consciousness. Xander walked over to her and put his arms around her and she promptly burst into tears. Cordy leaned over to Spike and whispered,

“Jeez, here I am thinking she’s doing around the world in 80 slays, and actually it’s more like around the world in 80 lays. How come nobody knew?”

Spike tipped his head in Angel‘s direction. Angel looked uncomfortable being here but not in the least bit surprised that it was Anya who had called them.

“I think someone did.”

“Oh, of course.”

Xander helped Anya into a chair and sat down beside her.

“How is he?”

“They haven’t said much, except that the longer he’s unconscious the more serious it becomes.” Willow reached over and patted Anya’s hand.

“Try not to worry ok, I had an entire library bookshelf knock me out once, and I’m still here to tell the tale.”

“That would be more encouraging if you hadn’t been crying Willow but thank you, your platitudes are appreciated.”

“Can any of us see him?” Xander asked her.

“They’re only letting me in at the moment.”

“What happened Ahn?”

“Someone broke into the house. We didn’t hear anything, Giles had simply gone downstairs to get us both a drink.” She stopped and really looked at him, searching for judgement on his face. There wasn‘t any, only compassion.

“And I guess he surprised the intruder. Have you any idea who it was?”

“No, by the time I got downstairs they were half-way out of the door. I told the police what I know, except for the fact that whoever it was, took The Book of Aurelius. They didn’t get all of Giles’ research notes, but I wish they‘d taken everything. If it meant that Giles was at home with me, instead of here with his head broken, I wouldn‘t care if they’d taken everything” She started to cry again.

Buffy looked at Angel.

“It has to be Warren, or possibly Andrew, though he doesn’t strike me as the sort to go for violence so directly.”

“Which means that either Lilah or Gavin are behind it. I think it’s time to take what we know and go on the offensive. We have to find Darla and Drusilla, before Wolfram and Hart do. I’d better let Wesley know, they might know about the ’Tiberius Manifesto and that could be their next target. I’ll see if I can find someone who can tell us more about Giles’ condition.”

Dawn yawned widely and blinked her eyes against tiredness. Tara gave her a sympathetic look and stifled a yawn of her own. It was all very worrying and the lack of sleep was taking a toll on every one.

Anya blew her nose loudly and Xander looked at her fondly. “Is Giles the guy you told us about Anya?” She nodded, still in tears.

“And you love him?”


“And he loves you?”

“He said he does, and he hasn’t bugged me about vengeances issues hardly at all so I think it must be true.”

Xander felt guilt creep up on him and he put his head down. He hated this feeling, he didn’t know how Angel put up with it all the time.

“This isn’t about you Xander so stop beating yourself up over the past. I have to go back in. I don’t want him to wake up alone. I love him, and I hate it that he’s been hit over the head. Again. D’you think he’s been hurt to punish me?”

“Why would you think that?” His face fell. “Oh, the vengeance thing. I don’t know if that’s the way it works Anya. Sometimes horrible things happen and it’s simply bad luck, or the fact that we fight the forces of evil and it has a price. All things considered, we get off light most of the time. You know you could have told me, I might have been able to help.”

Anya gave him a heartbreaking smile. “You just did. I have to go.” Xander nodded at her and she left.

Spike sat down beside him and gave his thigh a squeeze. Xander clasped his fingers and gave him a sad smile.

“At least it’s score one for Giles and he won’t wake up lonely.”

“No, there is that. Providing he wakes up.”

Angel rounded the hospital corridor into a sea of expectant faces.

“The doctor says it’s an uncomplicated fracture. The CAT scan shows that the blow didn’t penetrate his skull, but he has a small subdural haematoma.”

“What does that mean exactly?” Buffy looked frantic, and being in this place just made her think of her Mother. Willow put her hand up like she was back in school.

“I’ll field this one Buffy. The brain is surrounded by a tough, leathery outer covering called the dura, which is attached to the brain, just beneath the skull bone. The dura normally protects the brain and keeps it nourished with blood and spinal fluid. A severe blow to the head causes the brain to bounce and the movement of the brain structures may cause tearing of the blood vessels surrounding the brain.

When that happens blood accumulates within the space between the brain and the dura and causes the brain to swell. There’s no extra room within the skull to allow for that, or for the blood to accumulate. The only way the brain can compensate is to shift the delicate structures out of the way. This can cause pressure on vital functions, such as eye opening, speech, level of consciousness or even breathing.

The good news is that because it’s only small in Giles’ cases, there is every chance it will resolve itself and there won’t be any need for surgery to remove the clot. Plus up to now, it hasn’t affected his breathing or his response to pain stimuli. We won’t know if it’s affected his other senses until he wakes.”

“I give you Ms Willow Rosenberg, people, graduating class 1999.”

Xander grinned at her, maybe he should have paid more attention at school after all. Who knew that all that learning could actually come in useful in real life? Buffy paced some more and Angel caught her hand and pulled her to him.

“Why don’t you send Dawn home with Tara and Willow? There’s no point in all of us losing sleep and we can always call as soon as there’s any news.”

“No way Angel, I’m not going any where until I know Giles is going to be alright.” Dawn glared at him impudently.

“Me neither,” Willow said her mouth set in trademark stubbornness.

Anya poked her head round the door, a jubilant look on her face..

“Get a doctor, he’s coming round.”


Monday morning, LA

Lilah watched the fight with calculating eyes. She was really pissed that this was the first she’d seen of it, but not as pissed as the spy who was supposed to be keeping her informed of Gavin’s every move. He wouldn’t be spying for anyone else ever again, it was a little difficult with your eyes turned inward.

She had already studied Xander and Spike’s form and for some reason it irritated her that they reminded her of Angel in action. But she’d moved on from them now and was watching the other players with increasing interest. Who the hell were they? They didn’t fit the profiles of any of the Slayer’s little gang. How could she have allies that they … that Lilah didn’t know about?

She turned away from the screen in disgust. At least she was ahead of Gavin with the latest piece of news. She thought she might make sure that both Angel and his ex-cheerleader found out that information. She would inform them personally just to see the look on Angel’s face.

Who would she target first? She might make life easier for Lilah and simply take the both of them out. She smiled a cold malicious smile that was wasted on the empty room.

She didn’t know how Faith had managed to get out but she intended to find her before anybody else did and get her back on board. True they couldn’t do anything overt, she was in jail for murder, but there was lots she could do behind the scenes. A bit of payback maybe starting with a certain souled vampire.

The door opened and Gavin swept in like it was his office instead of Lilah‘s. Lilah simply looked at him and waited for him to speak. He flashed her a false smile and said,

“Ah, I see you’ve found the results of my little experiment.”

“What? You mean you were actually responsible for this? Were you trying to get them killed or testing their fighting ability?” She arched an eyebrow smoothly at the question.

“I was testing their abilities. A much better way than experimenting on them, but then you know that don‘t you Lilah?. At least I found out they have already started to build an army for something.”

“Really, what makes you so sure?”

“Well the others aren’t known members of the Slayer’s circle but they were fighting by their side. The Slayer doesn’t usually involve civilians, so I’m thinking new recruits.”

Lilah looked at him coolly and Gavin decided she probably didn’t warm up even during orgasm.

“It doesn’t make any sense, at least one of them is a vampire.”

“Buffy has used vampires before.”

“They don’t normally play well with a Slayer, Gavin, unless you think this one’s all soulful or has military hardware in its head. Even then it’s no guarantee it will roll over like a trained dog.” She paused and looked at him with barely concealed contempt.

“I really don’t like you, just so‘ s you know. I’m telling you so you don’t get the warm fuzzies at the information I’m going to give you now. I know there’s something huge brewing here, we should pool resources.”

“There is something huge brewing Lilah, and what makes you think I need your input?”

“Well for one thing I happen to know that Faith’s escaped from jail.”

She watched Gavin’s face and despite his neutral expression she saw a flicker of something in his eyes. Ha, she’d pissed him off, but that was nothing compared to the bombshell she was about to drop on him. She pressed the button on her intercom.

“Send him in.”

Gavin watched her, waiting for her to speak again. She merely folded her arms and waited. A few minutes later the door was knocked and opened. Warren Meers walked in and smiled at them both.

“Hey guys, what’s next?”

“We bring him in. I take it everything went as planned?”

“Well, as smoothly as possible. Ok, blood was spilled but not ours, so no harm no foul. He’s on his way.”
