Homeward Bound

By Buddy

Xander stared in fascination as the blood welled up out of the wound on his foot and then slid a slow trail towards the floor. His sock had stuck to the blister that he had got from his new work boots, and when he had removed it, it had pulled the top off and started to bleed. He licked his lips as he wondered why he had the desire to lap it up with his tongue and then jumped when Spike spoke.

“Are you gonna let that go to waste then love or is this foreplay?”

Spike looked at him curiously, his eyebrow raised. Xander felt really peculiar. He had actually wanted to taste it. True he had tasted Spike a few times now, but did this mean something was happening to him?

“Spike am I turning into a vampire?”

Spike chuckled at him as he lifted his foot and helped himself. He licked up with the flat of his tongue and Xander felt himself harden in response. Spike savoured the taste and then reached up to kiss him, letting him taste the faint copper before he answered him.

“Pet you know how it works, I’d have to drain you and then feed you my blood for that to happen. Worried ‘cos you’re starting to get a taste for it?” Xander nodded and wished Spike would go back to his foot.

“I don’t think there’s anything to be concerned about, you associate it with sex now, is all. I expect it’s an exclusive kink, don’t think you need to worry you’re gonna start snacking on your friends.”

Xander sighed in relief at Spike’s returned attention to his foot; his cock twitching in anticipation as he swirled his tongue around getting the last of the blood as it stopped welling. Xander moved to put his hands in his hair and was disappointed to find nothing there. Spike had sat back on his hunches to look at him again.

“It’s not that often I’ve heard of vampires and humans having this kind of relationship though, I dunno if there are repercussions to sharing blood. I mean I don’t know if it will affect you in any way.”

“What do you mean, there’s repercussions now? I thought worrying about safe sex was a thing of the past for me. Now there’s possible repercussions?”

Xander looked panicked. Spike put his arms around him and pulled him close and upright. He nibbled his ear and stroked his hands down his back to his ass cheeks, sending delicious shivers over his body. He laved at his throat where he had bit him and Xander’s knees buckled slightly. What had he been worrying about exactly? Spike hand was on his rigid length now and coherent thought seemed to pool where the majority of his blood was gathered.

“Are you ever gonna take those clothes off pet, or are you happy to come in your jeans?”


“Come on, off with them. I want you and we don’t have much time.”

Spike took off Xander’s tee and his own and was grateful to see that Xander was dropping his jeans. He removed his own quickly and grabbed Xander’s hand to pull him towards the bed. They lay down side by side looking at each other. Spike stroked Xander’s face in wonder, still not quite believing they were together. Being official now didn’t make it more tangible, he hadn’t needed anyone’s seal of approval for that. It just felt good knowing they wouldn’t have to hide it any more, they would have more time for…other things.

Twin orbs of brown velvet peered into azure, darkened by desire. If he didn’t know better he would have thought Xander was looking for his soul. He moaned as he felt a finger slowly slide up the underside of his cock, and curled his toes in response. Xander’s other hand was occupied with soft caresses down his back and he leaned in to kiss him. Spike held his face as he plundered his mouth, feeling bruises spring up under the assault.

Then Xander was gone and he looked up in confusion to find he had settled himself upside down to Spike with his cock temptingly close to his lips. Before he could contemplate taking Xander into his mouth he felt his own engulfed and worked at a leisurely pace. He licked the precome oozing from Xander’s slit and let his tongue swirl around the head before engulfing him too. He was in heaven. He would have to ask Buffy.

Was it populated with horny gay men with gorgeous brown eyes who just loved eating horny vampires? Perhaps she had brought a piece back with her and Spike was living in it. How could he thank he.. oh. No time for thought. Xander had increased his pace now and was digging his fingers into Spike’s hips to hold him still. There was no technique involved any more for either of them, the movements they made on each other appeared to be in pursuit of their own climax.

Spike felt his balls tighten, swallowed in anticipation and then deep throated him. He didn’t notice Xander stiffen and jerk; he was too intent on the orgasm that was building inside himself. As his throat was flooded with warm salty come, he felt his own leave his body, and he stifled his cries as he swallowed, feeling Xander do the same. As soon as he was able Spike scooted round to lie next to Xander and give him a shaky kiss.

“Mmmmmm, that was very nice.” Xander felt all sleepy now, not at all like going to the cinema.

“That’s a terrible thing to say!” He opened one eye to look at Spike.

“Frankie and Johnny, starring Al Pacino and Mitchell Paffiffy.”

“No Michelle Pfiffer.”

“That’s what I said. Come here. You’re too far away.” He held him closer in his arms.

“You know, I think we should find out what we can about the possible affects your blood may have on me.”

“That means research and talking to the Watcher and possibly Angel, he was more interested in this kind of stuff than me. Won’t he get his panties in a bunch when he finds out I’m corrupting you? Let’s skip ole Rupert and go straight for Angel, I haven’t pissed him off for a while, it should be fun. Does this mean we have to stop for now, until we know?” Xander looked pained.

“I suppose, I don’t know…if I can. Oh god I’m addicted aren’t I? It’s like Will with the magic.”

“The only thing you’re addicted to is me love, now put your hands back on my body and have yourself a fix before we go.” Xander didn’t respond and Spike looked up at him.

“Your really bothered about this aren’t you?”

“That depends, you must have some idea what sort of effect it will have, you mentioned it first remember.”

“I don’t think it’s anything bad. You may find you have better night vision, an increase in your strength that kind of thing.” Xander stared at him hard.

“I’m going to be a superhero?”

“Maybe, I dunno for sure.”


“Happy now? Good, now about that fix.”


Earlier that day.

Tara put the rest of the ingredients she would need for the trapping spell in her rucksack. It still didn’t feel right that she should be in charge of this kind of stuff now, her instinct was to defer to Willow when it came to magic. It had to be this way though; Willow being a powerful witch with a magic addiction problem. With the help of her friends and the woman who loved her she was keeping the right side of the problem, but Tara was uncomfortable with being in charge, still lacking the confidence to be Kingpin in any situation (except looking after Willow).

Still, she liked the warm feeling it gave her to be an integral part of the Scoobies. Adding the spell book she would need for the incantation, she called to Willow to see if she was ready to leave. They had both had morning classes and were on the way now to relieve Buffy of Magic Box duty, so she could collect Dawn from school.

“I’m all set Tara. Did you get everything?” Tara nodded. “Ok Honey let’s go.” Willow beamed at her.

“Who do you think he/it will target, do you think it will go straight for Buffy?”

“Possibly or Spike. It’s hard to tell the whole trip out could be a total waste of time. Maybe nothing will happen at all. I won’t be able to concentrate on the movie so much. Do you think Xander and Spike will just mack on each other the whole time? Perhaps we should split them up.”

Willow screwed up her nose as she got a visual of the look on Spike’s face if they tried to actually do that. It was still taking some getting used to, Xander and Spike together. Xander looked so happy she hoped it was for real, though what Anya would make of it if she ever came back was anyone’s guess. She linked Tara’s hand with her own and thanked a bunch of goddesses that she had managed to stay magic free whilst unsupervised. The time they had spent apart had been the most miserable of her life and she would never risk that happening again.

“If they do, perhaps no one will notice us doing it.” Tara gave her a lob sided smile.

“Tara MacClay, when did you turn into such an exhibitionist?”

“I think that’s just the effect you have on me, did you know I used to be quite shy?” Willow laughed, delighted.

“I may have noticed, but not so much any more. I think you’re a real good mom to Dawn and that has helped to bring you out of your shell. It’s simply suicide to appear faint-hearted in front of a teenager, unless you want your uniform to be anything you wear with size 7 Skecher prints all over them.” Tara looked stricken.

“What is it?” Willow clutched her hand tighter.

“I just hate the way…”

“You hate the fact that you left and she took it so bad. Honey that was my fault and Dawnie knows that, she doesn’t blame you. Besides we can make it up to her now we’re together again. Perhaps I’ll be a better mom this time. She’s lucky, she has three moms.”

Tara smiled feeling better. Willow chatted all the way over to the Magic Box and Tara mostly just listened. She loved Willow Babble and was getting as good at it as Xander. There were a few customers in the shop when they arrived and Buffy was ringing up a sale with a satisfied smile on her face.

“Please call again, have a nice day.” The woman gathered up her purchases and left in a hurry, muttering her thanks over her shoulder.

“Buffy did you turn into Anya?”

“It’s like a disease, the more money she spent the more I felt like doing the Capitalist Dance of Superiority, but I didn’t because they would all think I’m stupid.” She pointed to the other customers grinning. “I didn’t want to scare them away.”

“I take it your feeling ok then?” Willow looked closely at her friend to see if it was all just show.

“All things considered I’m feeling good, despite the creep who tried to get in my pants through my dreams and the surreal quality attached to Xander and Spike’s declarations of lurve, I’m of the good. Unless of course I’m totally insane, but also not caring ‘cos it feels happy.” That earned her a strange look from the man browsing in the book section on mythical creatures. She ignored him and turned to Tara.

“Do we have everything we need for later?”

“Yes we do, I got the rest from home. Buffy are you sure you’re ok, you seem a bit…bouncy.”

“Ok ask me why I’m bouncy. I’ll tell you. I found an insurance policy this morning when I was going through some of mom’s stuff that I missed before, you know with the whole Glory apocalypse thing and then me dying. I can surrender it for a nice tidy sum, which will mean that I can pay off some bills, put some aside for Dawn for college, and still be able to afford the gorgeous pumps I saw on mark down the other day at the mall. I’m happy, I just need to sort out the son of a bitch who’s bothering us at the moment, then it’s pizza for everybody.” Willow took her arm and led her away from the counter.

“Buffy, we went through everything. There was nothing left.”

“See I have this panel in one of my dresser drawers and mom put some stuff in there. She must have done it when she first got sick, I don’t know perhaps she knew if the worst happened that most of the money would get swallowed up with hospital bills.”


“She left a letter.” Buffy looked at Willow with clear shining eyes not a tear in site. “She told me to spend it wisely, but that I should also have a treat.”

“You’re not upset?” Buffy shook her head.

“Why would I be, I mean it’s a gift really. I don’t just mean the insurance policy, though that is very nice. It was so wonderful to hear from mom, it made me feel like I still can do all this.” Willow still wasn’t entirely convinced.

“Relax Will, you’re just not used to seeing me like this, you know happy. It takes some getting used to and at first I kept wondering when it would end. But now, I’ve decided to just enjoy it for as long as it lasts.”

“Then what?”

“Well I’ll just do what everybody else does and wait for the next happy to come a long.” Willow finally relaxed and grinned up at her friend.

“I like happy Buffy. True it was a bit scary at first, but just think of the fun we can have unleashing you on people. You could happy Spike and Xander into silence, how’s that for starters.”

“You don’t think they’ll just run away?”

“Well maybe at first. But they’ll have to come back ‘cos they’ll want to enjoy seeing you like this.” Willow gave her a hug. “Perhaps you can stick the Sorcerer’s Apprentice with a happy whammy, it’ll never see it coming.”

“Speaking of which, what’s the plan?”

“Tara can set the spell up here to take with us. Whenever it makes an appearance she has to chant, mercifully in English for a change and sprinkle some stuff over it and presto, it can’t move until its identity is revealed.”

“Then what?”

“Once we know who it is, the sorcery it uses is rendered useless. Also, you can kick its ass.”

“I expect that the best move would be for me and Spike to wander off alone and see which one of us is targeted, seeing as we’re the ones it picked on before. You and Xander can stay with Dawn.”

“Xander and Spike are meeting us here at sundown, are you coming back after you pick up Dawn?”

“Yeah, I think it’s better if we try not to split up too much. I’m off, shouldn’t be long.” Tara was serving another customer, but she waved as Buffy grabbed her coat and purse and left.

“Later you guys.”

“Bye Buffy.”


Spike slid deliciously into Xander and buried his cock to the hilt. He stilled to give Xander a chance to adjust to being filled and then pulled almost all the way out again. He pushed forward again holding on to Xander’s hips, all the time looking into his eyes.

“I love you, you feel perfect. I could never tire of this.” He tortured him with slow, shallow thrusts. Xander looked up at him.

“Why do you love me Spike? I need to know.” Xander bucked up to meet his thrusts, trying to get deeper penetration.

“You complete me.”

“Jerry McGuire, Tom Cruise and Rene Zegweller.”

“What? No this isn’t from a movie Xander, I don’t know how else to say it.” Spike thought hard for a moment.

“With you it’s like coming home, you accept me for what I am, for the things I’ve done. But it’s more than that. You’ve picked up the extraordinary and ran with it for the last 6 years of your life without any extraordinary ability, just you a mortal. If I’m a man with many hearts, yours is as big as all of them.” Spike picked up his pace enunciating each word with a thrust.

“It’s not just the regular shagging then?” Xander grinned up at him.

“Why you little bastard, you’re gonna pay for that.”

Spike teased Xander’s cock with his fingers, dipping them into precome and sliding it up and down his shaft. Still thrusting he let go and concentrated on fucking him. The loss of his touch left Xander bereft. Spike mashed his mouth down upon him, letting his fangs descend, cutting through his lips and sucking greedily at the blood as it flowed.

“Spike please, touch me.”

He ignored his plea and trailed a line of wet kisses down his throat and laved rigorously at his wound before sinking his fangs in and drinking him. Xander tipped over the edge and came with a full-throated roar. Spike followed him with a spiel of nonsense in Fyaryl and collapsed on top of him spent. They both lay there, Xander breathing raggedly and Spike panting in a facsimile of the same. Xander pushed shaking hands into Spike’s hair and combed it with his fingers.

“I used to think that I needed to come back to Sunnydale to come home, and then I realised that when I came back here I brought home with me. I love you Spike because you’re the least complicated being I know. There are no traps to fall in to with you and that’s because you’re also the most honest being I know, especially when it comes to love.

It doesn’t matter what you’ve done because I know what you are now, and you may not have a soul and to some it may be the government chip in your head that’s is restraining you but somewhere along the way, I think your soul was restored. I think it’s quite possible I have Buffy and Dawn to thank for that, but mostly it’s because you had it in you.” Spike kissed him tenderly and lapped at his bleeding lips, sealing the wounds shut with his tongue. He whispered.

“You know I can’t ever let you go don’t you? You’re mine now.”

“That might have scared me once upon a time, but I don’t want you to let me go.” He grabbed Spike’s chin and nibbled his lips. “Your mine too, and I’m not letting you go either.” Xander kissed him tenderly and silently cursed the fact that they had to go.

“You think we might manage a shower together and not be late?”

“I think my tired body prevents anything else at the moment, I don’t think any superhero stamina has kicked in yet.”

“When this is over, we can spend some time finding out what exactly this means for you, hit the books, annoy my sire, or get Giles to clean his glasses and drink copious amounts of tea.” He grinned again at the thought of telling the two of them.

“Thank you, now we’d better get a move on or we’re gonna be late.”

Buffy, Dawn, Willow and Tara sat around the table in the Magic Box, munching happily on Chinese take out.

“You know I think that at some point in our lives we should actually start cooking food at home, in our own kitchen. Wholesome stuff like roast dinners and pasta. Not only better for us but cheaper too.” Buffy said around a mouthful of mushroom chow mien. Willow looked at her.

“We will just as soon as life returns to normal. Oh, maybe we shouldn’t wait for that, ‘cos you know when are our lives ever normal?”

“What would we do with a normal life anyway?” Dawn asked them all.

“I for one would plan a vacation.”

“Where would you go Buffy?”

“I don’t know, where can you go that’s demon free?”

“I hear it’s fairly demon free in Iowa or maybe Idaho. Perhaps those of the demonic persuasion don’t care much for open spaces, you know, too far to go before you actually run into people. Or perhaps England, the English are too polite and proper to have demons.”

“Right Tara tell that to Giles. Anywhere away from the Hell Mouth would be a shoe in for me. Perhaps we could visit Giles some time, we wouldn’t have to shell out on accommodation expenses?”

“That’s a great idea, we can set up the camcorder for when you tell him about Xander and Spike.” Willow frowned.

“It won’t be as much fun without the two of them there though.”

“Oh I think it will be worth finding a way of getting them there. Though we do seem to be having trouble getting them here, they should be here by now. I’m going to call Xander to see if they’ve left.” Buffy walked over to the telephone.

“It’s not fair I should be the only one old enough who’s not getting any. Oh shit did I say that out loud?” Willow and Tara blushed prettily; and Dawn made bleching noises.


Xander dressed quickly when he got out of the shower and tried not to get side tracked by the sight of naked Spike.

“You know we’re late don’t you pet?”

“Yeah, we had better get a move on or we’ll be faced with a pissed off Slayer, two grouchy witches and a teenage mass of unpredictable hormones.” He gave an exaggerated shudder.

“I can deal with Hilda and Zelda, can even cope with Buffy in a snit, but aim Dawn in my direction and I’ll be running for cover. I’m so glad that part of my life’s an ancient memory. Hormones, horrible things, though in my day we weren’t allowed that right of passage, teen age didn’t exist. We went from being children to being adults without a bloody clue what was going on. I didn’t have a clue about puberty, just moments of sheer insanity.”

“When do you think it will be over for you?”

“Very funny love. Seriously though I’d trade 19th century England and all its ignorance and social constraints for unlife any day.” Spike finished getting dressed and pulled on his boots. Xander tried to picture what Spike would have been like human. It was hard to imagine him constrained by anything as mundane as social graces.

“Guess you kinda went from repression to expression once you were changed huh? I don’t suppose you ever missed being human, talk about from one extreme to the other. Have you ever wished things had been different?”

“There was never a question of that until I got landed with this chip in my head and started fraternising with the enemy.”

“Is that why you developed a conscience?” Xander couldn’t help but smile at him as he asked.

“It’s more complicated than that.” Spike sighed heavily as they left the apartment.

“When it first happened all I could think about was the fact I couldn’t feed any more and that’s never really changed. But my incapacity gave me the chance to extend my often ill fated affections towards what I used to look upon as dinner. Damn it, I suppose it’s humanised me, allowed me to examine things more from a human perspective.”

“Enough to let you fall in love with two of them.” Xander linked hands with him and ignored curious stares. There were a few people out tonight, presumably headed for The Bronze, the cinema or The Expresso Pump. You had to hand it to the residents of Sunnydale; they were magnificent in their refusal to let the effects of the Hell Mouth restrict their lives. He doubted denial meant the same anywhere else in the world.

“I did actually like some humans before the implant you know. I didn’t snack on everyone I met, I always had a healthy respect for genius.”

“Genius according to Spike epitomised by The Sex Pistols and Billy Idol?”

“Don’t forget The Ramones.”

“Oh no, mustn’t forget them. I noticed you haven’t really answered my question though have you?”

“You noticed that did you? I’m glad Angel changed me, just because I look at things with a new perspective now doesn’t mean that I don’t still appreciate the fun my unlife was. Besides if he hadn’t I wouldn’t be here now and it’s taken this long to find someone who loves me and is likely to stay with me and keep loving me back. As for being human again, I wouldn’t want to give up my strength, speed or longevity, but it would be nice to walk in the sun again. Perhaps Zelda could arrange that for me, you know make me immune to it or something, what do you reckon?”

“Is that all you miss, the sun?”

“Well food tasted better before I was turned, no not better, there was just more taste.” They reached the front of the Magic Box.

“What about the chip? What would you do if there was a way to get it out?” Spike drew him close and put his arms around his waist.

“You don’t believe much in light hearted conversation do you Harris?” He kissed him, and they tangled tongues until Spike broke away to cup his face.

“I couldn’t do anything to hurt you or that lot in there.” He nodded towards the shop. “But it would be nice to be able to protect myself from humans again. You want to know if I’d drink from a human again.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively as he opened the door.

“Only if they were offering.” Xander felt a peculiar mix of lust and relief at his words. He’d suspected that most of what Spike had said was true, but it was nice to have it confirmed.

“Finally you two, what kept you?” Buffy rolled her eyes. “No please don’t answer that. Ok were all set; the plan is that we stay together to start and then when Tara gives the word I’ll leave the theatre for a bathroom break, and Spike can go out for a smoke. Willow and Tara will follow closely behind. Dawn, you stay with Xander, we’ll come and get you when it’s over, if anything happens that is.”

“I can’t believe I’m actually going to see Spiderman, couldn’t we at least have picked something with some violence in it?”

“Shut up Spike, we won’t see much of it anyway.” Buffy was impatient now for it to be over.” Dawn sidled up to Spike and whispered in his ear.

“Sorry about that, I chose the movie. But I’ll come with you another time and watch something really bloody. Don’t tell Buffy ok?” Spike grinned.

“Let’s go, the show starts in 10 minutes.” Xander grabbed a carton of rice as they bustled out of the shop in pairs. Off Spike’s look.

“What? You don’t leave me time to eat, I have to nab food on the run these days.”

“Except when I cook for you nearly every day after work? Ok, true we don’t always get to eat it until much later, but the thoughts there. Would you really swap shagging for food?”

“It’s an either or event now, I can’t have both? Spike if you want me to keep it up… my energy that is, you have to feed me nourishment. Or alternatively let me steal it wherever I can get it.” Dawn and Buffy screwed up their faces in near identical expressions.

“Eeew!” Spike smirked from under his eyebrows and tried to grab Xander’s rice.

“Hey, steal your own.”

“It’s more romantic to share.”

“Yeah absolutely nothing to do with you being too lazy to go back to the table and picking up some more.”

“Oh for goodness sake, you two sound like an old married couple, except it appears you have more sex than most old married couples. How did you managed to keep your relationship a secret?”

“Oh it’s easy if you’re surrounded by daft buggers.”

Spike quipped, but there was no real sting in his words. It was then that Xander realised just how easy they were all making it for the two of them. He felt gratitude take shape in the form of a lump in his throat. Willow saw the look on his face and gave him a “Well you are my best friend you goof!” smile. He managed to swallow the lump without embarrassing himself. Tender moments shouldn’t be allowed to occur when you were about to fight the bad guys


As they queued for tickets and popcorn Buffy scanned the area, not really sure what she was looking for apart from it looking off. Laden down with buckets of corn and drinks they went to their seats.

“Oi Red forget it, I’m sitting there.” Willow was all wide-eyed innocence.

“Sure you wouldn’t rather sit in the back row?” He contemplated the idea until he saw the look on Buffy’s face.

“No, it’ll be too distracting.” Xander was shovelling in mouthfuls of sweet popcorn and slurping his drink before he was even seated.

“What ever will you do with all that sugar fired energy Pet, I reckon you’ll be bouncing off the walls for hours after that lot.”

Xander grinned at him, for some reason Spike’s innuendo didn’t make him as uncomfortable as Anya’s inappropriate comments always had. The trailers came on almost immediately and by the start of the movie Xander was shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Maybe the large drink had been a bad idea.

“It’s no good, I have to go to the bathroom.”


“What? I’m sorry but your plan didn’t make allowances for Xander consumption. Don’t even go there Spike. I’ll be quick ok; I’ve no burning need to be a target for Dr Love. I’ll take Spike with me.”

“No way Mister, I’m coming with you, I can wait outside.” Buffy stood up and waited in the isle for Dawn and Spike to let him out, Spike surreptitiously copping a feel.

“If we’re not back in ten minutes Tara, Spike, follows us out.”

Buffy tapped her foot impatiently as she watched Xander go in. The bathroom appeared to be empty as he went to a stall, and unzipped his pants. He stood for a minute and wondering if there was an Olympic category for largest leak when he heard movement behind him.


“Hello Xander.”

“How did you get passed Buffy?”

”What? I come to see you after almost two months and you want to talk about Buffy?”

“Yes, I mean no.” He felt like a rabbit caught in headlights, except they didn’t tend to open their mouths and spew out words to accelerate their approach.

“Ok, did you come through that door?” He pointed; the gesture helped him to focus. “Buffy’s supposed to be out there waiting for me and it would be very bad if she didn’t see you come in because she’s not out there.”

Then it dawned on him; this was the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. He stared hard at ‘her’ to see if it looked that much like Anya or there were any telltale signs of what she really was. Should he call for Buffy or play along for a bit to give them more time to capture it?

“Pay attention. I said I teleported in so I didn’t pass Buffy, I came to see you.”

“I get that. You thought you would come and see me in the bathroom of the cinema? An odd choice coming from anyone but you.”

“I didn’t know you were in the bathroom, I just knew you were in the building. I thought it was time for our chat, or rather your explanation as to why you left me on our wedding day. I feel strong enough now to listen to your paltry excuses without wishing your eyeballs would explode and your tongue would fall out of your mouth.”

It was disturbing and eerie how like Anya it was and how much it appeared to know about everything. Which probably meant it knew about Spike, so he was a dead man. Wait no, wasn’t it supposed to seduce him not kill him? He looked at it hard and tried to get a sense of the evil that should be radiating from it. It just looked like Anya, and smelled like her and had he mentioned disturbing?

“I realise this probably isn’t the best time to talk about it, but I had a free window in between acts of vengeance. Perhaps we could go and get coffee? Xander felt a little insanity coming on and shook his head in order to clear it. It didn’t work but it did make his headache. He supposed this could be seduction, she hadn’t eviscerated him yet. The door opened and Buffy poked her head round with her hand covering her eyes.

“Xander are you ok in there because you’ve been gone a long time?”

“Hello Buffy.”


“Get Tara Buffy, we need to do the spell.”

“What spell, what is he talking about?” Xander suddenly realised that if this wasn’t Anya, the ruse was reaching new levels. When interrupted before the thing had just vanished.

“Oh we have a shape-shifter in town intent on seduction. Xander thinks you’re it.” Oh god this was much worse, it was Anya.

“No I’m a vengeance demon remember? If it helps you at all I can sense some pretty powerful magic in here, so it can’t be to far away.”

“Are you planning on doing any vengeance any time soon?”

“Don’t worry, I couldn’t hurt you myself even if I wanted to, I’m not allowed to cast curses for my own benefit.” Xander let out a shaky sigh of relief.

“Look guys can we do this later, I still have a bad guy to catch remember? Buffy looked at Anya in acknowledgement of the situation. Mostly addressing the question to her. Anya looked at Xander.

“Will you call me when it’s over?”

“Where are you staying?”

“No I mean just call me and I’ll appear. Will you?” He nodded, he knew this needed to be dealt with and she did deserve something from him.

“Yes, Ahn, I’ll call you.”

“Thank you. Bye Buffy.” A shimmer appeared in the air around her and then she was gone. Xander passed a shaky hand over his eyes as he realised how complacent he had become, how lost in Spike.

“You ok?”

“I will be, come on let’s go or we’ll have the cavalry here.”

“You go back and send Spike out in a couple of minutes.” Xander went back to his seat and saw Willow casting worried glances his way.

“Where’s Buffy?” She whispered.

“What kept you?” Spike hissed.

“I’ll tell you later Spike, you have to go now. Buffy’s ready.” He nodded and left the theatre. He turned to Willow.

“She decided to stay out, no point in going backwards and forwards and drawing unnecessary attention to our selves.” He took in a deep breath.

“Anya was here.”


“Exactly!” They were whispering, Dawn and Tara were straining to hear what they were saying, and there was disgruntled noises coming from the people they were disturbing behind them.

“I thought at first it was our guy. I think that may have been less scary. She’s coming back later.”

“I’ll give them a few more minutes and then we should probably follow them.” Said Tara.


Spike leaned against the wall outside the cinema. He drew on his cigarette and scanned the area through narrowed eyes. He was fairly certain that he wouldn’t be targeted again seeing as it didn’t go so well the first time. Still, he didn’t fancy being accosted by a fake Drusilla or Angelus.

His thoughts turned to Xander’s concern over if and how drinking from Spike might change him. If the sketchy lore he knew of was true then Spike wouldn’t have to worry so much about protecting him and Xander could probably expect to live a bit longer than most mortals do. Spike didn’t want to bank on anything he had heard before; he wanted to find out for sure.

This led on to thoughts of Angel, who would possibly be the best source of information, since the Watcher’s Council would collectively turn a funny shade of puce if they were approached for information. He hadn’t seen or heard from Angel since the incident with the Gem of Amarra. So far as he knew, Angel had no idea of Spike’s altered status with Buffy and her eclectic mix of White Hats or his incapacity. Spike knew he had changed a lot since the last time he saw Angel, but would Angel be willing to listen? Would he be willing to help the two of them when he was bound to disapprove of their relationship?

Perhaps Spike could help him to lighten up a bit, get Zelda to anchor his soul so he could shag the Slayer again or something. He grinned; he was going to be keeping Tara very busy if she would consent to even half of what he wanted her to do for him. Who knew perhaps Angel had changed too. He finished his cigarette and discarded the stub. Nothing happening here, perhaps he should go check on Buffy. Or maybe not he thought as he came face to face with Angel.


Buffy wished she had brought her purse out with her because then she could have at least re-applied her lipstick. At a loss she didn’t know what else to do but sit on the side of the wash basins as she recieved peculiar looks from the two women checking themselves out in the mirror. She smiled at them weakly before they left and wished she didn’t suck all the time at undercover.

Barely a minute had passed and the door opened again and her mouth fell open when she realised it was Angel. She jumped down and her mouth tightened when she realised it probably wasn’t Angel at all and anger flared inside her as she wondered how long this was going to take.

“Angel! What are you doing here in Sunnydale? In the ladies bathroom?”

“Hey Buffy.”

He walked towards her and pulled her towards him in an awkward embrace. She forced herself not to push him off, but returned the embrace as warmly as she could. He looked at her with such warm eyes that she was momentarily confused.


“I had to come and see you Buffy, I couldn’t bare to leave it the way we did after you came back, not now I have something really amazing to share with you. Wesley found a way to anchor my soul.”

Hoped flared dimly in her chest, but she forced it away and tried to concentrate on what or who it was exactly she was dealing with. Whoever it was, she had to play along for the moment.

“Oh my god!”

She pulled him tighter to her and looked up into his face. All she could see was love shining there and for one lunatic moment she did believe him and then he was kissing her and thought stopped. She had missed this so much and she would never not miss it. The kiss grew more passionate, Angel’s tongue duelling with hers as he stroked his hands down her back and thrust his arousal against her hip. She didn’t hear the door open as Tara and Willow walked calmly in the bathroom and Tara began sprinkling them with a mixture of herbs, flowers and essential oils, freezing ‘Angel’ to the spot.

“Take note vile thing you’ve been found out,

I quell your magic and all its clout.

I stand here to deny you what you desire,

Goddess of Truth unveil this liar.”

Buffy felt the form in her arms go still and then change to a smaller stature. Without waiting to find out what it was, she pushed it away and scrubbed at her mouth in revulsion. She couldn’t believe that she had fallen for it and she wanted to lash out in fury. Automatically she fell in to Slayer fighting stance and prepared to beat the crap out of whoever had defiled her again.

“Ethan Rayne. We thought you went down with the Initiative.”

Willow gasped. He didn’t have time to reply as his head was knocked back by a barrage of punches to his nose and chin, which only stopped as he lost his footing and fell to the ground. Buffy resumed her stance and ground out between tightly clenched lips:

“Get up you worthless piece of scum, I haven’t finished with you yet. He grinned up at her mirthlessly and mopped at the blood smearing his face.

“I think not, I’ll just stay here and appeal to your sense of honour, I doubt you’re likely to kick a man when he’s down.”

“Don’t count on it.”

Buffy pulled him up by his shirtfront and pulled back to hit him again. There was a commotion behind her and all of a sudden the bathroom was over crowded as Tara and Willow made room for Xander and Dawn.

“Ethan Rayne. I knew you liked chaos, I didn’t realise you were a pervert.”

“Mr Harris, the way things look to me at present, you’re not opposed to the perverse yourself. Sleeping with ex-demons, vampires, perhaps I should have tried you first.” His head rocked back again as Buffy’s fist connected. She was crying now in disgust, disappointment and fury.

“I don’t know how you got away from the Initiative and I don’t care but I wish what ever they had planned for you, they had done, I know it wouldn’t have been pretty, but way too good for the likes of you.” A flash of light as Anya appeared.


His shirt was torn open and incisive cuts began to appear on his torso. Electrodes appeared on his head and chest and they all stared in horrified fascination as Ethan’s body was wracked with spasms. His face contorted in a rictus of immense pain and then he was gone.


Spike blinked a few times to see if the apparition would vanish. It didn’t.


“Angel? Are you real mate ‘cos it’s a bit hard to tell around here at the moment.”

“Where’s Buffy?”

“Straight to the point, I like that in a vampire, cuts out the possibility of fuzzy reunions. She’ s in there with the others, trying to get the bad guy as per usual. What brings you to town? Demon side-kick get a vision?” He saw the barely perceptible frown that crossed Angel’s face.

“What is it?”

“Doyle’s dead. I need to get to Buffy; you’re obviously all right. Let’s go.”

Spike followed him inside wondering why it should matter if he was all right. The others were coming towards them including a tear streaked Buffy, an unusually silent Xander and Anya? Bollix!

The look on Buffy’s face when she saw Angel walking towards her was priceless, and she promptly burst into tears again. Angel rushed to her side and gathered her into his arms, making soothing noises as one would to a child. Spike eyed Anya from a safe distance and looked from her to Xander a few times trying to work out what exactly was going on, and if maybe he should make a run for it.

“Surely you didn’t really think I would just leave after you told me there was evil in town and I could sense it for myself.”

“It served him right, but also gross.” Willow stuck out her tongue and shuddered, as she held onto Tara’s hand making her giggle.

“So you know about.”

“You sleeping with a vampire, yes, I guess it must be Spike.”

“How d’you know it’s Spike?”

“Well who else would it be? He’s nicely shaped, handsome and funny and less likely to turn on you than most vampires. A good choice and it explains a lot.”

Spike relaxed and started to preen a little bit until he realised that Angel might have heard her. He might not of noticed though, he was rather busy comforting Buffy. Dawn was shaking her head and making faces like a fish because every time she tried to speak words failed her. He laughed in sympathy, what a motley crew. Finally they all made their way outside, Buffy and Angel linking hands and her looking at him like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. They stood away from the others.

“Cordelia had a vision, but she couldn’t tell me for sure whether or not it was you or Spike in danger. I was already coming to see you, this just speeded up my visit. Is everything ok, is it over?”

“Why? Why were you coming to see me, I thought we had agreed it.”

“I know but something’s changed, something amazing has happened. We found a way to anchor my soul and the Powers have approved it. I just have to make sure that I don’t let my new status interfere with my mission or yours; our jobs aren’t over yet. Ow! What was that for.” Buffy had pinched him hard on the arm.

“I’m just making sure you’re you, and yes I think it’s over.”

She leaned against him in relief.

Spike stood by Xander with a greedy look on his face wanting desperately to take him home and shag him senseless before Angel came to his senses and realised what was going on between them.

“I expect you want to go and have orgasms now. The end of a battle does tend to effect people that way.” Xander was giving Dawn serious competition in the fish face contest.

“Don’t mind if I do Pet.” Spike captured Xander round the waist and leaned in to whisper.

“Come on let’s leave this lot for now, troubles passed, Anya’s given us the thumbs up and I have such nice plans for you. Wouldn’t want a pissed off Sire to ruin the mood.”

“Xander, I still would like to talk to you at some point, if you don’t mind.”

“I’ll call you Anya, I promise. I.” He shrugged his shoulders helplessly. He wanted to say something that would stop her being so matter of fact about it, to give her something that let her know that he had loved her.

“You can tell me soon. I have to go now, seems I’m needed in Pittsburgh, bye everyone.”

“Bye Anya.” They chorused and she stepped into the shadows and vanished.

Dawn walked over to Spike and Xander.

“You should have seen what she did Spike, it was awesome. Tara forced Ethan Rayne to reveal his identity and he must have done something pretty awful to Buffy because she made a wish and Anya appeared and she. I don’t know what she did to him but it had something to do with what the Initiative should have done to him. Does anyone else think it’s weird that Angel’s here and did you hear what he said about his soul?”

“No don’t tell me he’s lost it again. It doesn’t look like he’s lost it”

“It’s anchored to him, neat huh?”

“Great, saves me the job of convincing Zelda to do it. You know what this means don’t you Ducks? We might find out information a lot easier than we expected.”

Xander didn’t think he could cope with anymore revelations or surprises tonight, he just wanted to go home. Just as soon as he’d checked everyone was all right. Willow and Tara walked over to them.

“Did you say that Angel’s soul is anchored Dawnie?” Willow’s eyes couldn’t get any bigger. Dawn beamed at her.

“It’s so cool. Perhaps Buffy can be happy now.”

“And Angel.”

“Is it just me or does anyone else still get a nervous feeling at that thought?”

“Perhaps I should give Cordelia a ring.”

“Good idea Will. We’re going now, d’you think Buffy will be ok?”

“Relax Xander, I’ll call you if there’s a problem.”

“Ok, say goodnight to them for me.” Buffy and Angel were kissing one another, totally oblivious to the others or the fact that Xander and Spike had left. They didn’t notice until much later that Dawn, Willow and Tara had left too.



Spike and Xander barely made it through the door before they were divesting each other of clothing and then relishing the contact of bare skin. Xander trailed hot, open mouth kisses all over Spike’s torso as he pushed him back on the couch. Spike wrapped his legs around his waist and closed his eyes while he gave himself up to pleasure. He groaned as Xander clasped his erection and slowly started to pump him as he leaned in for a kiss. The taste of spent adrenaline mingled with popcorn and soda flavours as Xander nibbled his bottom lip and teased with his tongue seeking entry.

He reached for the lube that was still tossed under one of the cushions and let go of Spike long enough to coat his own cock and Spike’s ass. He was inside him within seconds and he let out a gasp as Spike’s cool body temperature surrounded him. Spike pinched his nipples gently, relishing the friction on his cock from Xander’s closeness. It increased with Xander’s pace and in silent need they both bared their neck.

Xander bit down first, hard, causing Spike’s fangs to descend as he morphed into his demonic visage. Then he bit into him and they both drank as their orgasm slammed through their bodies. Kissing then and tasting their own blood on each other’s tongues as they came down from their climax.

“I love you so much Xander Harris. Will you marry me?” Spike grinned up at him.

“I love you Spike, and I kinda think I already did.”
