Living Arrangements

By Taltos

Chapter Six

Christ on a cross I didn't think they were ever going to leave. As soon as the movie was over Willow started herding people to the door as fast as she could. I knew there was a reason I liked her. I look toward Xander and he's standing by the back of the couch shifting nervously from foot to foot playing with the ends of his shirt. I feel my heart beat just once at the look of vulnerability in his eyes. It hits me at that moment how much I love him and want him and need him. He takes a hesitant step towards me and then stops as his eyes meet mine. I see the questions and nervousness and the small amount of fear radiating from those chocolate depths.

"So...uh, what..."

"Why don't you lock the door while I take all this stuff to the kitchen."

He nods his head and smiles, relieved to have something to do.

When I return to the living room I see him standing with his hands and forehead against the door. I come up silently behind him and cover his hands with mine twining our fingers. A small gasp escapes him when I press my lips to his ear and bring my body flush against his.

"Tell me what you're thinking."


His voice is just a whisper as my mouth trails along his neck.

"What about me?"

As I run my hands along his arms to his shoulders, down his sides and around his stomach in a loose embrace, he starts to answer

"It's...uh, a dream about you, us...we're together and're..."

His voice breaks off in a nervous laugh and I let my hands trail under his shirt seeking his nipples.

Finding them I gently roll each one into a tight hard bud. A new wave of his desire hits me as the hormones pour out of him. When I tug roughly on his sensitized flesh his hips jerk back against mine as a groan leaves his mouth.

"I what?"

"You...I'm in you feel..."

I hear his small whimper as I take my body and hands from him. Shifting around to the front of him I place myself between him and the door. Grasping his hips in a light grip I bring his body tight against mine and let the door support our weight as he leans into me.

Feathering my lips across his face I stop at his mouth. Letting my tongue slip out I trace his lower lip before pulling it into my mouth with a gentle tug. I let my hands creep up the back of his shirt and trail my blunt nails down his back. I'm rewarded with a deep groan as his back bows under my touch grinding his hips against mine. I release his lip and prompt him to continue before allowing myself to learn the contours of his neck with my lips and tongue.

"Tell me. How do I feel?"

"Tight, hot. Even though you don't have body heat it's so hot. So good."

As I let my left hand trail down his back and into the back of his pants I thank God for today's baggy fashion that allows me unhindered access to his hot flesh. I thrust my hips faster against his guiding his rhythm with light touches of my hand on his ass.

"Details, Xan. I want to hear it."

With my mouth I flick the first few buttons of his shirt open so I can explore his collarbone with my lips and tongue.

"I-I can't..."

I can feel the heat of his blush crawling up his neck. I don't want him to be embarrassed; I want him open and free with me. I want to know what he wants, what he likes, what's going to make him scream for me. Taking his lips with mine I thrust my tongue into his mouth. Stroking the roof of his mouth and his teeth I try to draw him into me. Try to make him see how desperate I am for him. For his touch, his taste and his words. The taste of him invades me and I can't seem to get enough. I angle my head needing to be deeper within him.

With a growl of frustration when I can't get the remaining buttons of his shirt undone, I take the edges and pull, popping buttons off in each direction. My hands frantically trace the contours of his chest and stomach as sculpted muscles quiver under my touch fueling the fire raging through my veins. I tear my lips from his and press my forehead against his.

"Please. Tell me."

He swallows convulsively several times before he slowly starts to speak around the panting breaths escaping him.

"We're here and it's late, we're on the couch, naked."

I let both of my hands sweep down his back and back into his pants. With a loose grip on his ass I let one finger gently slip between his cheeks as his grinds against me.

"Y-You climb onto my lap and...then I'm in you, so deep inside you and you're riding me. God, Spike, the way I picture you, you want it so much and I want to be careful, I don't want to hurt you but it feels so good and I can't stop from slamming into you hard and fast over and over."

I shiver at the sound of his voice; so thick with desire he can barely get the words out. He's so hard against me, his cock straining as he rides the front of my body looking for friction. With the tip of my finger I put just the barest amount of pressure against the opening to his body. Throwing his head back he moans long and deep as I gently tease around that tight ring of muscles.

"More. Please, Spike, more, I'm so close."

The smell of sex in the air is so thick I can't resist the urge to taste him. Dropping to my knees in front of him I all but rip his pants in my haste to have him in my mouth. Leaving one hand on his hip and letting the other find it's way back to his opening I take him in my mouth down to the root. I hear his strangled scream as the head of his cock bounces off the back of my throat.

"Oh, fuck yes, Spike."

His hands tangle in my hair as I ease my first finger into him searching for that sweet spot that will send him over the edge into blissful oblivion.

"Oh God. Oh God, Spike, I'm gonna come...fuck, yeah, suck it."

I hear the long keening wail building in his chest as the bittersweet taste of him trips across my tongue and down my throat. So good, he tastes so fucking good. The hot, thick taste of him tears a groan from my chest as I milk every drop from him.

I stand and let his body collapse into mine as he nuzzles my neck. His legs wobble and I pick him up and take him to the couch. Settling against the back I keep his upper body cradled against me. His drowsy eyes meet mine before a smile blossoms across his face. Damn but he's beautiful. I tuck his head under my chin as his breathing and heartbeat slow. Yeah, I've definitely turned into my sire; sitting here cradling my human lover as I ignore the riotous hard on in my pants that's demanding attention because suddenly, all that matters to me is his happiness.
