
By Buddy

AVRIL LAVIGNE - excerpts from
"I'm With You"

I'm standing on a bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Wont you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

I'm looking for a place
Searching for a face
Is anybody here I know
'Cause nothing's going right
And everything's a mess
And no one likes to be alone


Xander was floating.
And cool.

Now that he had stripped down to his shorts. The night air felt blissful on his hot sweaty skin, and the cold beer he was sipping was chilled to perfection. He had thought of a hammock before, there just hadn't been anywhere to put it … until now.

The radio was turned low and tuned to 100.3 K-Peak, and Avril Lavigne was singing 'I'm With You''. He sang along, his voice low, but refused to identify with the words like he normally did. It was mood music and thankfully it wasn't raining. A shadow fell over him and he opened his eyes to see Buffy standing beside him with a grin on her face.

"Have another beer."

"I won't say no. Care to join me?"

"I'll pass. Dawn's with Janice for the weekend, all nasties appear to be indoors watching the Baseball All Star Game, and I'm headed for a cool shower, Harry Potter, and bed."

"What more could a Slayer ask for?" He popped the cap off a fresh bottle.

"Justin Timberlake in Speedos?"

"You had to make me go there didn't you?"

"I'm not in charge of the inner workings of your mind Xander, I can't help it if you share my fantasies."

Xander rolled his eyes at her. "I'll let myself out, unless I sleep out here. I might sleep out here."

"Don't fancy going home to an empty apartment huh? You can sleep in Mom's old room. Don't forget to lock the doors."

"Goodnight Buffy."

"Night, night."

Xander loved summer nights, especially the part where his nostrils were filled with the aroma of barbeque food instead of vampire dust. He liked listening to the crickets and the intermittent sounds of a car driving by, the noises made by the kids shooting hoops a few doors down and the way it all seemed to echo in a great silence. He'd pondered that silence a lot. It was peculiar to warm summer nights and he thought it was the absence of the need to rush that caused it; the chill-out factor.

He didn't know how long he lay there, just that he had a nice buzz on and he was starting to cool down rapidly. The stars were out which meant the temperature was going to plummet and he reached for his t-shirt with a shiver.

"Now if you do that, you're gonna spoil the view."

"What do you want Spike?" Xander said, more out of habit that genuine irritation and slid the apparently offending item over his head.

"Want? I don't want anything. Just making small talk."

"Ok, but why here and why now?"

"Like I said, I'm here for the view."

"Buffy has gone inside, there's nothing to see, so be a good vampire and get lost," he said without heat; he was tired of the litany.

Spike moved to the foot of the hammock's frame and lit a smoke before flashing an empty grin.

"There's something about this garden that makes you forget the Hellmouth. It's like being in the eye of a storm."

Xander reached down for the beer that had long since ceased to be cold and frothy. He drank it anyway and grimaced at the flat taste. Spike showed no sign of moving and he wondered what had triggered the maudlin tone to his voice.

"Well I'll leave you to enjoy the peace and quiet, I'm going to bed."

Spike slid a hand around his ankle and Xander looked up at him in surprise.

"I could walk you back," Spike said. "I've nothing better to do." He blew out a plume of smoke and threw his filter tip in the bushes.

"That's very noble of you, but I'm staying here tonight and I kinda need that foot so I can go inside." Spike released him and nodded.

"Night then"

Xander climbed to his feet and shivered as little eddies of warm and cold air flapped his t-shirt across his hardened nipples. He rubbed his hands briskly up his arms and across his chest before collecting the empty bottles that lay on the grass.

"You know you could stay for a while and talk to me. It isn't late, not really."

Xander looked at him and froze as Spike slid one jean-clad leg between his bare thighs and put his hands on his hips. He leaned forward and spoke directly into his ear.

"We could talk about the pleasures of being kissed, and the disappointment of being abandoned immediately afterwards."

"What?" Xander's head shot backwards, but he didn't move his body, somehow he was unable to.

Spike leaned forward and gently pressed his mouth to Xander's, darting his tongue inside as lips parted in protest. He slid his hands up his back and into his hair to bring his head closer, and Xander couldn't seem to stop his lips from moving back against him. Beer bottles dug painfully into his belly for a moment and then the pressure was gone. When he opened his eyes he was alone.

He stood for a moment bewildered, eyes darting round the garden. Maybe he was dreaming, but his mouth still tingled from the kiss. There was evidence it had happened in the faint taste of tobacco mingled with hops, and in the growing stiffness that his shorts failed to conceal. He shook his head and made his way inside. It wasn't until he threw the bottles in the trash that he realised his hands were shaking. Did that really just happen?

He told himself that Spike was messing with his head, boredom most probably; but as he stroked himself to hardness lying in Joyce's bed, he imagined that the hand around his cock was cooler than his own. In his mind, the person who held him was faceless, but the moonlight from the window glinted on ice-cold blonde hair, and the voice that whispered in his ear was baritone as it encouraged him to come.


Spike lay back and wondered if he could ever be still enough to enjoy it. It was better than the sarcophagus, which he couldn't move no matter how much he tried, and there's was something deeply satisfying in lying somewhere he knew Xander had lain. How much would he able to swing it before he was in danger of tipping out?

"You stole my hammock"

He put his hands behind his head, choosing not to look at him immediately; sucking Xander's words through his ears to his mouth for a taste. He wanted to grin; he had heard worse pick-up lines. He felt Xander's movement towards him, and when he opened his eyes, he was standing at his feet, resting his hands on the frame. Spike smiled at him smugly.

"Liked what I gave you last night did you pet?"

"No" Spike laughed

"There's no one here only me, so you'd better toddle off then. I'll let Buffy know you stopped by"

He raised his head to look at him and even in the dim twilight he could see the desire written all over Xander's face. Yet he was surprised when a hand snaked around his ankle, replicating his own gesture from the previous night.

"Why did you kiss me Spike?" he demanded gruffly.

"If you like the answer can I do it again?" Spike's voice was like silk.

Sharp blue eyes pierced the gloom and Xander wished there was more moonlight. He tugged down the zipper on his boot, pulled it off and searched for flesh under the hem of his jeans. "Maybe," he said, as he removed the other boot and started to caress bare skin with his fingers. "I wanted to know how you taste."

Spike sat up, grabbed Xander's hands and yanked him forward. He felt the hammock swaying dangerously and clung on to him. Xander mashed his lips down hungrily, parting Spike's in a bruising kiss and thrust his tongue inside. He broke away after a minute, panting heavily.

"How'd I taste Spike?"

"I'm not sure yet; I'd better try the rest of you."

Spike's hand flew to Xander's crotch and he cupped him through his jeans, before resting his fingers on his zipper. He hesitated, waiting for permission and groaned in satisfaction when Xander swallowed hard and nodded. His eyes bore into him as he slowly lowered it, and popped the top button. Xander traced his bottom lip with his thumb and pushed it inside, enjoying the feel of Spike's tongue swirling round it.

Nothing could have prepared him for the feel of Spike's hand on his rigid, aching cock. He gripped him firmly, stroking upwards and thumbing over his weeping slit. Xander leaned forward and kissed him again, thrusting his fingers into his hair, liberating curls and bringing him closer, the hammock swinging towards him.

He ran his hands across his chest, brushing over pert nipples, tracing hard muscle that he'd often admired and never dreamed he'd get close enough to. Spike started to pump him slowly, teasing him with leisurely friction, and Xander moaned in protest, urging him to stroke harder. Just when he thought he wouldn't be able to stand it any longer, Spike speeded up his movements. For a blissful moment Xander forgot what he was doing and his hands stilled. Spike covered his hand and dragged it downwards, over the bulge that was filling his jeans and pushed against himself hard.

"Free me Xander " he said, his voice thick with lust.

Xander made short work of his jeans; kneeling in front of him, he pulled them off and tossed them to the floor before draping Spike's legs over his shoulders. He held the base of his cock and licked up it, dipping his tongue into his slit and precum that tasted of bitter almonds. Spike started to pant shallowly, not aware that he was breathing, not aware of anything apart from the feel of teeth scraping his sensitive rim, a hand cupping and fondling his balls, and hot lips that fastened over the bulbous head and suckled.

Xander moved his hand down to his perineum, scraping a fingernail back and forth, before circling his hole with pressure that increased with every circuit. He let Spike's cock fall from his mouth and reached up to kiss him, pushing a finger slowly inside his velvet channel. When he found the spot he was searching for he crooked his finger, stroking it over and over.

Spike surrendered completely, lying back whilst Xander pumped him, slowly at first, a firm grip around his swollen member. His insides fluttered around Xander's fast working digit, and his only regret was that he couldn't reach to kiss him some more. This was more than he'd expected, and it suddenly occurred to him this was Xander Harris with his finger in his ass, fisting his cock and sending him crashing over the edge. He let go with a groan, splashing his belly and Xander's hand with come, tangling his fingers in Xander's hair when he leaned over him to claim his lips.

Xander kissed him deeply and then ran his hand through the sticky mess on Spike's abdomen and coated his own cock. He stood up and hoisted the lower half of Spike's body closer to the edge of the hammock. Spike pressed his knees back against his chest opening himself up, and Xander entered him quickly, stretching him, filling him, making him hard again. He grabbed the chains that fixed the hammock to the frame and started to thrust as he swung Spike towards him.

The sensation was intense as Xander rocked passed his sensitised nub, a post-orgasmic throb still beating around his cock. Spike fought the desire to close his eyes and stared back at the pleasure spreading over Xander's face. Xander opened his eyes and looked straight at him. "Touch yourself Spike. I wanna see what you do when you're alone"

Spike gripped the base of his cock and slid up the length, pushing excess skin over the crown and away from it. He thumbed the rim and his slit, and coated his shaft with spent come and fresh precum and Xander began to thrust harder into him.

"Who do you think of while you're doing it?" He whispered.

Spike thought he would rather the two of them were caught by the early return of the Summer's women, or be arrested after a call to the police from an upset neighbour, than tell Xander the answer to that question. Yet his mouth opened and he breathed out one word.


Xander stilled and let out a small cry, then he was rocking into him rapidly, pistoning his hips forward and swinging Spike towards him as he rode out his release. Spike wanked himself harder, more rapidly and as Xander filled his bowels with wet warmth another climax washed over him. Xander withdrew slowly; he didn't want to leave the tight velvet surrounding him, but he needed to feel Spike's arms around him. Spike sat up reached for him and they held each other close, sharing wet open mouthed kisses until Xander sank to the floor, his trembling knees refusing to hold him up any longer.

Spike climbed out of the hammock and reached for his pants. He pulled them on quickly and then joined Xander on the grass. He kissed him again and brushed tousled hair from his eyes. Even in the moonlight he could see Xander's face was flushed. He smiled at him.

"You taste good. Better than I imagined"

Spike stroked the side of his face with his index finger and Xander shivered at the tone of his voice.

"Are you going to disappear again if I close my eyes?"

"No, I have plans for you. I thought we could take this thing back to your apartment. As garden furniture goes, it's a sex toy."

"It won't fit on the balcony. Besides my neighbours can see more than Buffy's neighbours."

"Who said you had to keep it outside?"
