
By 1st Rabid/Raeann

Part Two

Buffy wrenched free of Xander's hold as soon as they reached the kitchen. Storming over to the island, she slapped her hand down. "Why does she do that?" she cried. "Why does she always question me?"

Xander sighed. "Because she's scared, Buffy. We all are. And you've been acting a little…intense. Especially about the Spike issue."

"How many times…to how many people…do I have to explain?" Buffy ground out. "We need him! The rest of you aren't strong enough. Angel isn't coming. For all we know he's dead." Her voice broke, slightly and she rushed on. "Nobody is coming to save us."

"Okay," Xander reasoned. "You don't KNOW that…but let's say it's true. About nobody coming, at least. How is it helping for you to go postal on Dawn? She's only sixteen and sh…."

"I was fifteen…FIFTEEN when I gave up everything to start saving the world," Buffy interrupted. "Don't talk to me about how young she is. She knows what we're up against. Molly, Kennedy, they're facing the same thing. But they understand the only chance they have is to follow my orders."

"But Dawn is your sister," Xander said, forcefully. "Like I'm your friend. We may all be on the front lines, here, but we're not just soldiers under your command, Buff."

The Slayer stared at him. She took a few deep breaths. Gradually, relaxing out of her confrontational posture, Buffy glanced down at the tight fist of her right hand. Slowly, she uncurled her fingers, stretching them open and closed a few times. Then, moving with deliberation, she strode over to the refrigerator, took out a bag of ice, wrapped it in a dish towel and held it to the back of her neck for a moment.

"You're right," she sighed, finally. Her voice was heavy with weariness. "I'm sorry. I'll try to ease up a little."

"Good! And while you're at it…try to get some rest. How long did you sleep today?"

"Four hours."

Xander waggled an eyebrow at her.

"Well, okay, maybe two and a half," she admitted. "But I feel fine. Spike and I will check out this warehouse and when we get back I'll take another nap."

"How about Spike and I check out the warehouse and you take a nap, now?" Xander countered. "Right after you apologize to Dawn."

"Aren't you forgetting the holed-up demons?"

"Nope, hence the Spike."

"He's in no shape for a fight."

"And it's not like we're going to charge in guns blazing."

The Slayer continued to look doubtful and Xander wheedled. "Come on, Buffy! We're just going to scout the place out and report back."

"I don't like the idea of dividing our forces."

"You got a better idea? You want to go with Spike and leave the girls here unguarded? Or, just to be safe, maybe we should all go? We could drag Andrew behind us in a wagon. Take a lunch. Make a night of it. Like an Addam's family picnic."

"You know it's a good thing you aren't under my command."

"So, I'm a better friend than I am a soldier, sue me."

She sat her ice pack on the countertop and regarded him. "You'll be careful? No surprises? No heroics?"

"Just a quick peek and straight home."

"Alright," she relented. "But, since we don't know what to expect, you better take the steel crossbow and some stakes. When you get there, check the wind direction, you always forget that and some demons can scent you coming. Maybe Spike knows what species they are, vulnerabilities and such. Though he didn't say. Oh, and make sure he has his lighter, you can burn the pl…"

"BUFF, SIR, YES SIR!" Xander barked, making her break off mid-lecture. She laughed and he crossed to take her into a reassuring hug. "We have done this before," he reminded, placing a chaste kiss at her temple.

There was a small cough behind them and, without breaking the hug, they both turned to look. Spike was standing just inside the doorway. He was holding an ax and the steel crossbow. The pockets of his jacket bulged with pointy wood.

"Sorry," he murmured, looking away. "Couldn't help overhearing."

He didn't blush but he shuffled from foot to foot for a moment. Buffy ducked under Xander's arm and started toward him. Her movement seemed to stir the vampire out of his awkward stance. Sidestepping her, he moved briskly toward the back door. He tossed the crossbow down on the kitchen island as he went, nodded in Xander's general direction and said. "I'll be outside. When you're ready."

Buffy and Xander exchanged worried and slightly puzzled looks. The Slayer went to the door to peer out one of the windows. Spike wasn't on the porch.

"And you could cut whatever issue THAT was with a knife," Xander commented. He picked up the crossbow, examining it briefly, before glancing toward his friend. "Permission to shoot him if he goes for my throat?"

"As long as there's no staking," she replied, only half-listening. She was staring fixedly into the darkness of the backyard. "Maybe I SHOULD be the one to go. Willow will be back soon and she can help you guard --- "

"No," Xander insisted. "I was kidding. Spike and I are pals, now. Remember? Roomies. Two guys living together in totally hetero-unity. We will be fine. No bloodshed. I promise." He hefted his weapon and headed for the door. He maneuvered around Buffy and turned the doorknob. Before stepping out, he paused to amend, "Well, unless we are attacked and then mostly the blood of others. You rest, okay?"

Buffy gave a wan smile and brief nod. After Xander went out, she stood, holding the door ajar. She watched until she saw Spike step forward out of the shadow of an oak tree. The vampire handed the man a few stakes and they spoke briefly before moving off into the darkness together. As she closed the door, she heard a jumble of voices from the other room.


Buffy re-entered the dining room to find Giles obviously consoling his companions. “It may be a simple miscalculation, or perhaps we misunderstood the Oracle’s meaning."

“Well, I still say it’s our fault,” Anya stated, bluntly. “Or at least, Willow’s fault,”

“What is Will’s fault?” Buffy said.

The trio fell abruptly silent, turning guilty faces toward the Slayer. Willow’s mouth was half-open on her retort to Anya's accusation but she snapped her jaw closed and swallowed hard. Giles sat his burden of three cardboard boxes down on a handy chair. Willow dropped her stack, two pizza boxes and several oversized books, onto the dining table with a thump.

"Kennedy? Would you take Andrew upstairs for his constitutional?" Giles suggested. " When he's finished wake one of the other girls and turn over the watch. And Molly? Would you please take the pizza and dishes to the kitchen and do the wash up?"

As soon as the Slayer's in training were gone, Buffy repeated her question and Willow launched into an awkward explanation.

“It was nothing…well…the pizza. All my fault…so much my fault…but then not…because I got the voice mail…from Dawnie…but too late…and the Pizza Shack wouldn’t cancel the order because…already baking and then…I…uhm miscalculated…the number of slices and got two mediums instead of two large…but then it was okay because…hah…you had dinner already…so we can just…you know…eat pizza for breakfast or…”

“And the Oracle said what?” Buffy asked, turning a knife-edged look on Giles. “Pizza for breakfast is a bad idea? It was like the All-Seeing Eye of Good Nutrition?”

Giles was staring at Willow, his expression a perfect balance of dismay and disdain, but Buffy's sarcasm brought him out of the trance. He cleared his throat and said, “Yes…well….” Then, he removed his glasses, gave them his trademark polish and returned them to his face. He tried again. "Well…yes…you see, Buffy…it's…"

“Oh, for Roldof’s sake,” Anya blurted, in answer to the Slayer's query. “You should be dead.” Willow and Giles whipped around to glare at the ex-demon and she hastily, added. “Not that any of us are suggesting you die.”

"What?" Buffy gasped.

Seeing her friend's shock at the abrupt pronouncement, Anya softened her tone and smiled in brief consolation as she explained. “The Eye seemed to be saying there was a problem with bringing you back. Like maybe we shouldn't have."

Buffy took a stabilizing breath. “Giles? What exactly does that mean?"

“Buffy we must remember prophesy isn’t an exact…”

“Just get me in the ballpark, then,” the Slayer interrupted. “Preferably, somewhere close to the dying of me.”

“First, the Eye didn’t say you should be dead,” the Watcher responded, giving Anya another hard stare. “It said that the First was here now because there was a break in the Slayer line…a mystical loophole caused by the Chosen one.”

“And that’s you,” Anya inserted.

"Perhaps," Giles qualified. "You see, the Eye also indicated that this breach was a recent occurrence."

"We created a loophole when we called you back from the Great Beyond.”

“But, that doesn’t make sense…I mean…I died before and came back?”

“Yes,” Giles agreed. “And Kendra was called. Technically, your original temporary demise could be where the breach began but it is more complicated than that.” He sighed, breaking off to glance at Willow.

The Witch squirmed in embarrassment and then, squaring her shoulders, launched into an explanation.

“When I brought you back…Buffy. I…I didn’t use White magic. It wasn’t allowed. Wicca isn't about altering the natural course of things. I understand more about why now, but then…" She let the thought trail off before continuing on another track. "So, I had to draw on the Black Arts…the dark powers. Blood sacrifice and,” she whispered out the confession, “personal debasing rituals, a few illicit substances. I misused the mystical forces. I paved the way, Buffy…I let all of this happen…"

“So, it is your fault,” Anya hissed.

The witch flinched and Giles swiftly rebuked the ex-demon. “And yours and Xander’s and Tara’s…everyone involved. All of you bear an equal responsibility for what happened. You behaved selfishly and immaturely. Only Buffy is blameless in this.”

“And Dawn and Spike,” Anya murmured, looking at the floor.

Willow nodded her agreement. “I never told either of them what we were doing.”

“It hardly matters who’s at fault, anymore,” Giles said, impatiently. “Assigning culpability is pointless. Blame isn’t the issue. We need answers. We need to concentrate on finding a way to restore the balance.”

Buffy’s face was drawn and white. “I can stop this…stop the First? If I die?”

“NO!” All three of her friends spoke as one.

“Cart and horse, horse and cart,” Willow yelped, making crossed arm gestures to illustrate her metaphor. "There will be no excess dying of Buffy."

“More like horse and barn door,” Anya corrected, inventing her own hand signals. “It would only be ‘cart’ if we planned to kill her later but had to do something else first, right? Like if we were making a list? Pick up bread, kill Buffy, buy a sword…oh…horse/cart….”

Again, both Giles and Willow were speechless for a minute. The Watcher paused to pinch the bridge of his nose before looking up to meet his Slayer's eye. “Your death at this juncture, Buffy,” he emphasized, "is the LAST thing we can afford or allow. It would only further destabilize the balance. In fact, keeping you alive should be our primary goal until we figure out what has gone wrong.”

He turned to address Willow. “We need to analyze your resurrection spell, in meticulous detail. Work out every nuance. Locate any flaw or exploitable variance. I will need to see all of your source materials. And we should contact Miss Harkness in England. She can arrange for you to send the Coven the data, as well.”

“Meanwhile," he continued. "Anya and I should go to Los Angeles."

"We agreed it was too dangerous," Buffy reminded. "I don't want to split up the group."

"Nor do I," Giles granted. "But the First suffered a major defeat when you killed the Turok’han. We should make our move before it can recover. And with this new information, getting Faith out of prison has become an even greater priority."

"Faith?" Buffy asked, in surprise. "I thought you wanted to consult with Wesley?"

"I do," Giles nodded. "And hopefully, I will. But we can't assume that Faith is safe where she is. Not when the arm of the First reached all the way to London. Directly into Council Headquarters. And keeping her alive is as important at this juncture as keeping you alive, Buffy." He looked at Anya as he asked. "Is everything arranged at your end?"

The former demon nodded. "I did what you asked. I found someone who can get her out. Everything is in place but my people won't tangle with the First or enter the Slayer's territory. We'll have to get her back here in one piece." She shot a fleeting look at Buffy as she asked Giles. "Is it time to make the call?"

The Watcher also turned to the Slayer for confirmation. She nodded her assent and Anya went through to the kitchen to start the ball rolling on Faith's escape.

"Is sending a demon in for Faith a good idea?" Willow asked.

"We haven't much choice in the matter," Giles responded.

"Let's hope she's in the mood to be rescued," Buffy muttered.

"Indeed," Giles said. "There is a slim possibility that the triggering event in all of this is somehow connected to Faith. Perhaps the resurrection spell isn't the root of the problem, after all.”

"But something did go wrong."

"Buffy, you don't know…"

"I do! Tara told me. When I told her about Spike."

"Tara?" Willow questioned, softly. She glanced over at the box of things Giles had deposited in the chair. There was a framed photo of her departed lover on top. Moving closer, she touched her fingertips to the image, tracing over Tara's smile.

Giles was intent on Buffy. "Tara investigated your resurrection?" He quizzed. "What did she say? What went wrong? Be very specific, Buffy. It could be vitally important."

"I came back wrong. Spike found out. And he," Buffy blushed, "convinced me."

"Yes, I understand there were psychological ramifications but…"

"But it was more than that," Buffy interrupted. "Willow was having magic withdrawal and I needed answers. So, Tara looked into the spell for me. All I know is she found out what went wrong. And she didn't seem to think it was serious. I was still human, she said, but changed at the cellular level. That's why Spike could…we…" The Slayer broke off, sighed and then gathered the scattered threads of her thoughts. "It's why his chip didn't work on me."

"His chip doesn't work on anyone," Dawn said, entering the conversation as she came down the stairs. She avoided her sister's concerned glance and looked instead at Giles. "At least, not now. How do we know it ever worked?"

Giles turned a gently inquisitive gaze on his Slayer. "A valid question."

"He was in pain," Buffy reminded. "He was miserable."

"Maybe he was faking? Maybe he was a double agent all along."

"A vampire going without human blood for three years?" Buffy snorted. "Come on, Dawn. That's some act. And for what?"

"What he got," Dawn supplied. She raised an inquiring brow at her sister.

Buffy seemed stunned. "What he got?" She repeated, her tone incredulous. "Bruised, beaten and abused? Kicked in the head, run out of town, tortured and driven insane? You think that was all part of his fiendish plan."

"Maybe it wasn't a plan even…maybe it was psychological…like a compulsion…if the chip pain was all in his head…psychosomatic…he could still be Evil and not even…."

"He's not evil," Buffy snapped, taking even herself by surprise. "He was confused, vulnerable and that THING took advantage. What is it with this constant song and dance about Evil Spike? Have you forgotten he took care of you for months? He kept you safe while I was gone. And he never hurt you. Not once. You're the one who always defended him and now…"

"Now he has you," Dawn reposted. "Why is that Buffy? Why are you suddenly all about Spike?"

"I don't know, Dawnie," Willow said, looking up from her box of memories. "Buffy's got a point. Spike might be unstable but continuously evil? It is kind of far-fetched."


"And not exactly on topic," Giles reminded.

"Right," the Slayer agreed, quickly. "So, on topicness. We need a battle plan to stop the First. Or contain it or even slow it down a little. And that's what we should be concentrating on. Giles, you and Anya set things up for Faith. Willow, you hit the books, see if you can figure out what Tara found while I…" she yawned, mightily, and blinked a time or two.

"Pass out from lack of sleep?" Dawn suggested, dryly.

"Talk to you in private," Buffy corrected, taking her sister by an elbow.

"Hey," Dawn yelped, struggling to break free.

"You should both rest, Buffy," Willow said. "We've got it under control."

"Yes," Giles encouraged. Placing a restraining hand on the Slayer's shoulder, he met her eye. "We're all under more stress than usual. Try to remember that and go easy. We shouldn't need you again until Anya and I are ready to leave. I can settle the girls in for the night. Do try to get some sleep."

"I'll sleep when this is over," Buffy said, pulling free of Giles' reassuring touch and marching her sister toward the stairs. "Let me know when Spike and Xander get back."

"But…But..." Dawn appealed to the others as she was whisked from the room. "This could be important…what if Spike goes nuts again and…"

"Give it up," Buffy growled, for the teenager's ears only. "Spike is as sane as I am."

"That's what worries me," Dawn muttered.


"Are you crazy?" Xander chirped. He was crouched next to Spike behind a pile of crates in an alleyway across from their target warehouse. "And don't bother answering, 'cause that was rhetorical."

Spike puffed out a tiny snort of impatience. "Stop being so squeamish."

"I'm being reasonable. Besides the Ewww Factor…this is never going to work."

"It'll work. We look harmless."

"Mostly, 'cause we are harmless. You couldn't take on a Slayer in Training let alone a demon horde. And since when is harmless a good thing."

"They're Bekuloo. Generally non-aggressive. And they're probably nesting. We don't want to startle them."

"Correction: you think they're Beakaboos! You said you weren't sure."

"Well, I've never seen one, have I?" Spike admitted. "But they fit the description. And if I am right, this should send them packing. We waltz in, grope around a little and Bob's your uncle, Bekuloo on the move. No fuss, no fight."

"Bob's my second cousin. And if you're wrong?"

"We'll improvise. We know they don't want trouble. They're obviously hiding. All we got to do is convince them to hide somewhere else."

"By pretending to be gay?"

"By fouling the nest. Bekuloo Demons have a very strict social interaction code."

"Here's a coincidence, so do I. Are you sure this isn't some kind of hold over from your Victorian persona? Some weird manifestation of you being all soul having again? You know, all that big, bad swaggering…I always thought you were overcompensating for something."

"Oh, for…Look, this isn't a lifestyle choice; we're not picking out china patterns. It's a ruse."

"And there's a manly word…ruse!" Xander mocked. Spike glared and the man took a moment to consider the idea. "So, let’s say we wander in there unannounced and insinuate we've…let's just say…wandered in there before? And they don't kill us because?"

"They're not aggressive…and it's unexpected."

"I know I wasn't expecting it."

"Surprise will tip the scales in our favor. Be in and out in no time."

"And again…imagery I don't need."

"Oh, puhleez…like I would ever actually…"

"Ack!" Xander cut him off by holding up one palm.

Spike rolled his eyes but shrugged. "Or we go back to the part where I go in alone."

"You remember how Buffy said we weren't supposed to do anything heroic? If you get captured, I'll have to go in after you and that would qualify as heroic. Where as this only qualifies as unbelievably stupid and nauseating."

"Fine," Spike said. "Then we're together. Unless, you got a better idea?"

Xander opened his mouth to reply but after a moment he shut it again. Chewing his bottom lip, he glanced over at the warehouse. The only windows were two stories above ground. They'd been watching for over an hour, from different vantage points. But they were no better informed than when they started.

Finally, the carpenter spoke. "Is there's even the slightest chance we could just go home and let Buffy handle this tomorrow?"

"Send her in blind, you mean?"

He didn’t make it sound good. Xander frowned. They'd witnessed the arrival of three demons…Bekuloo, according to Spike, a mostly non-aggressive species. But they had no way of knowing how many others were inside the building. Spike had checked for alternative access and found it on the roof. But the roof door was guarded and the leap from the nearest building a considerable one. Being spotted up top would only lead to an increase in security. The vampire's idea of walking in the front entrance was probably the worst idea Xander had ever heard. But it offered the best chance to see the layout.

Xander's frown morphed into a grimace. Massaging his forehead, he pinched his eyes shut for a long moment and then opened them to run a critical sweep over Spike.

"You know…I got to say, you clean up okay for a corpse."

"Flatterer," Spike grinned. He stood and offered the construction foreman a hand up.

"Hey, it's a small mercy," Xander growled. Snubbing the vampire's offer of assistance, he scrambled to his feet. "If anyone sees me…well…I'll have to kill them and then I'll have to kill myself. But if I'm going to play cheap and easy for the undead at least I have some standards."

"Yeah," Spike smirked, sidling closer, "and I, also, happen to be a great kisser."

"Please," Xander hissed, edging backward even as he dropped one arm around the vampire's waist. "I'm actively repressing here. And before you try to slip me any…appendages…remember, Buffy said it was okay to shoot you."


As soon as they reached the second floor landing, Buffy released her grip on Dawn's arm. She pointed toward the master bedroom and then followed as her sister went through the door. When they were both inside, Dawn turned to face her, ready for a fight.

But suddenly Buffy was more resigned than angry. "So, message received, you don't like Spike?" The Slayer said as she shut the door. "You think I'm what? Too easy on him? You want him to go?"

"I want you to stop lying."


"About him?" Dawn prompted. "Why he's here? How you feel about him?"

"He's here because we need him."

"He killed people. We have no idea how many."

"He was under a spell, Dawn, controlled by the First."

"And before, when he tried to rape you?"

"He didn't have a soul. Things are different now."

"They don't look that different to me."

"What does that mean?"

"It means you're only thinking about him. You shut everyone else out. You say you don't love him but then he's all you care about. And he's still dangerous."

"Yes, he is," Buffy agreed. "That's why we need him on our side."

"On our side or in your bed?"

Buffy didn't take offense. She spoke with quiet assurance. "He was hurt, Dawn…badly."

"He seemed okay downstairs."

"Survival instinct," Buffy explained. "No predator is going to show weakness in front of strangers."

"So, is that why you're acting all Vin Diesel?"

Buffy raked a hand through her hair and sighed. "Yeah, I guess it is." She crossed to the bed and perched on the edge of it. "I'm sorry. I know I've been on edge. I don't mean to shut you out. But you keep challenging me, questioning my decisions."

"Maybe I think they're wrong."

"Maybe you do," Buffy admitted, "but you should tell me privately. Not, in front of everyone else. I need your help, Dawn. And I want your advice but these girls don't know me. And I have to keep them alive. They're naturally suspicious. Frightened and in over their heads and you aren't helping the situation by casting doubt on my leadership ability."

Dawn sat down next to her sister. She plucked at the bedspread as she considered Buffy's remarks. "I don't mean to challenge you," she said, at last. "You're a good leader. But …Spike hurt you before…you let him in and now you seem to be letting him in again. I don't think you should trust him."


"Okay, what?"

"I won't trust him. I'll keep my guard up."

"And he should sleep in the basement."

"No," Buffy said, firmly. "I need to keep him close." Dawn started to protest but the Slayer held up a hand, forestalling her. "In case, you're right. I don't think you are. But until we're sure he's not being controlled, I need to know where he is at all times."

"You're not going to…"

"Start up again?"


"No," Buffy replied. "I promise you what's between Spike and I now…it's nothing like last year."

"What if he…?" Dawn hesitated and then rushed out. "What if you have to choose…between Spike and…one of us?"

"I won't," Buffy said.

"But if you had to," Dawn insisted. "If he went crazy again or…"

"It isn't going to come down to a choice," Buffy said. She took her sister's hand in her own and applied a reassuring pressure. "He's got a soul now, Dawn. It changes everything. He doesn't want to hurt anyone. And he won't. You'll see."


It was nearly midnight when Xander and Spike returned home. Buffy was nursing her third cup of coffee and trying not to clock watch. The strident tones of approaching argument brought her out of her chair and she rushed to the back door.

"I really am going to murder you," Spike growled, as he vaulted the steps to the Summers' porch. "As soon as my ears stop ringing and right after I take a long hot shower."

"Hey, it wasn't my idea to go in unarmed," Xander countered. "Mr. Demon Expert. 'Generally non-aggressive' yeah…with a big ol' emphasis on the GENERALLY as it turns out. You're lucky I was there to save your sweet ass."

"Thank you, "Flamethrower" Finn," Spike snarled, as he lurched past Buffy.

The disheveled pair stumbled into the brightly lit kitchen. They looked exhausted. Both were covered in furry greenish slime and Spike had a large section of his shirt burned away but otherwise they seemed fine.

“What happened to…” Buffy began and then gagged and broke off, covering her nose and mouth to avoid the unbearable stench accompanying the duo. “Uh-ohgh, what died?”

"Not us," Xander said. "Thanks to my quick thinking."

Spike whirled around to confront him. "You – set me – on – fire," he ground out between tightly clenched teeth. "That is NOT a plan."

"What?" Buffy yelped, concern taking her very close to the vampire.

"It was an accident," Xander replied. "And sort of your idea, Buff. Plus, it got rid of the Bekuloo demons."

"They showered us in guano. I'm half-deaf from the screeching and…you set me on FIRE."

"Will you let it go already?" Xander groused. "I did the drop and roll. I put you out again. You weren't even singed."

"Okay," Buffy snapped, stepping between the two men. "What the hell happened out there?"

Spike and Xander exchanged a long meaningful glance over the Slayer's head. The vampire cleared his throat and the man shifted uneasily.

Finally, Xander said, "Nothing, really. Some mostly harmless demons…"

"Touch of pyromania."

"'Just another night on the Hellmouth." Xander shrugged. "We secured the warehouse."

"Yeah," Spike agreed, mildly. "Might need to clean it up a bit."

"I know some guys. Send 'em by in the morning. You can start training tomorrow night."


Three days later, in the center of the expansive training area, Spike and Buffy faced off against a huddle of potential Slayers. The girls were armed with long wooden staffs. The vampire had a similar weapon. Buffy gripped a wicked looking broadsword. She held the sword hilt loosely, steel-tip pointed at the floor. Xander, Willow, Andrew and Dawn formed a loose crescent of observation closer to the wall.

"Listen up," Buffy said. "Time to stretch the learning curve. You've all got a pretty good idea how to use a pike now. Today you're going to try to take out a vampire. Pointy wood, straight through the heart."

"Him?" Chloe asked, bobbing her chin at Spike.

"Him," Buffy confirmed.

"Wha' after all tha' trouble you 'ad to save 'im?" Molly remarked. "Now you're sayin' we gets to kill 'im?"

"You get to try," Buffy corrected. "It won't be that easy. Spike has a few things to teach you about surviving as a Slayer."

"What can he teach us that you can't?" Rona asked.

"Yeah," Kennedy nodded. "I'd rather learn from the best."

"You're the Slayer, right?" Molly put in.

"Greatest one ever," Dawn asserted, loyally.

"After the easy way that Primal Vamp went down, I'm thinking this one is only alive because you say so!"

The other girls nodded and murmured their agreement.

"I'm the Slayer," Buffy agreed, mildly. "And you've all seen what I can do…"

Without glancing away from the girls, Buffy shifted, almost imperceptivity. Spike caught the movement but the rest of the audience was taken by surprise when the Slayer lashed back with the edge of her blade. Her companion effortlessly countered the strike and dropped under her guard. He spun and swept his staff up to block her recovering swing, slashing at her sword arm, before switching his grip and landing a heavy blow to her ribs. She didn't telegraph her next move.

They fell into a natural rhythm. After the opening flurry, there was no quarter given on either side. The fight was astounding in its ferocity, drawing gasps and shouts of encouragement from the onlookers. Staff and sword blade whistled through the air and the punches flew. If either warrior was coddling the other, it wasn't apparent. The battle swirled from one side of the training theater to the other. Both combatants took full advantage of the environment.

Several times Buffy came within a hair of decapitating her foe. Following one such close call, Spike danced back and then surged in, striking the Slayer hard in the shoulder. He held on and spun her about, using her own forward momentum to send her crashing into the far wall. He was on top of her before she could recover, snapping her sword in two with one foot as his other boot lashed out toward her head. She caught his instep and shoved, flipping him end over end. He landed with bone bruising force. His pike clattered to the concrete an equal distance between them and they both scrambled to recover it.

Buffy got there first. A cheer went up from the potential Slayers as she stabbed the weapon forward for a heart piercing strike. But Spike flowed through a series of individual motions, like a matador avoiding a bull. He pivoted his body weight, swaying to the right. Then, seizing the pike as it slid past his left shoulder, he brought it around to garrote his opponent as she passed him. For a fraction of a second, Buffy was helpless. She let herself go limp as Spike lowered his mouth to the hammering pulse at her throat.

They held the position for a beat before separating.

Brushing the hair out of her eyes, Buffy nailed the assembled Potentials with a pointed stare.

"Now you've seen what he can do," she stated.

Then, she walked over to the wall and leaned against it, leaving the floor to Spike.
