Tag Along

By Queen C

Words in *’s are emphasised, words in < >’s are thoughts, words in ~’s are dreams and words in ^’s are flashbacks.

“So let me get this straight,” Dawn said, glancing at the redhead sitting beside her. “Angelus came back, although no one bothered to warn us, and he ran amuck through L.A. Then, yet again instead of calling us, Wesley decided to break Faith out of jail and use her to capture Angelus. Unfortunately, once they captured Angelus, they still had no way to restore his soul, because it’s trapped in a jar somewhere. So, completely out of options and scared that they’ve lost Angel forever, they *finally* decided to call you to help. Does that about sum it up?”

Willow nodded grimly, turning off the engine and unbuckling her seatbelt. “Pretty much. Although you forgot Angel’s son,” she answered.

Dawn nodded, also unbuckling her seatbelt. “Ah, right. The one who was raised in some hell dimension and went from a baby to eighteen in a few days.” Sighing, she opened her door and got out. Standing on the sidewalk in front of the Hyperion, she looked back at Willow. “Well, for what it’s worth, thanks for bringing me along. An unconscious Angelus I can handle. Buffy protecting Spike even after he threw me across the room? That bite is a bit too big for even my mouth.”

Willow smiled sympathetically, getting out of the car. “Buffy means well, Dawnie. She’s trying to look at the big picture. We’re going to need Spike for the battle with the First,” she defended her friend, heading up the walkway.

Dawn shrugged, following behind her. “Yeah, and if Spike kills us all in our sleep, there isn’t going to be a battle,” she muttered. Taking a deep breath, she placed a smile on her face. “On the bright side, I get to see Cordelia and Wesley again. That’s always cool.”

Willow grinned. “That’s the spirit! Look on the bright side. Plus, who knows? Maybe you and Connor will hit it off. Then you’ll have a friend with super powers. Buffy wouldn’t have much choice but to let you go out at night with him around,” she replied. Placing her hand on the door, she looked once more at the teenager. “No matter what happens in here, I want you to stick close to me, okay? For all we know, Angelus could somehow get loose and try another rampage. *Don’t* try to be brave and fight him.”

Dawn nodded. “Willow, hello? I survived Angelus when I was *so* much younger. I know he’s the baddest of the bad. I’m just going to help you re-ensoul him, and otherwise stay out of the way,” she answered.

Willow smiled, opening the door and peering inside. A young man was standing at the counter, effectively preaching to the other people standing there.

“You’re lying to yourselves! You all think that I’m taking this personally so you don’t have to, but inside you know I’m right. We need to put Angelus down,” he exclaimed.

Willow sighed, opening the door further. “I don’t think so,” she announced. Waiting until they were all looking at her, she smiled. “I think you need a witch.”

Dawn rolled her eyes, following behind the redhead. Closing the door behind her, she muttered, “Why is it she always gets the cool entrances?” Finally, she stood beside the witch, her eyes trailing over the trio.

The girl she assumed was Fred. However, she wasn’t certain about the other two. The younger male was most likely Connor. But who was the rugged wannabe cowboy?

Shrugging, Willow entered the hotel and moved closer, setting her bag down. “Did we come at a bad time?” she asked, looking around. Smiling at Dawn, she winked. “I think they’re kinda shocked to see us, Dawnie.”

Dawn nodded, returning the smile. “Looks like,” she answered. Stepping closer, she gasped. “Wesley?” she questioned, looking at the man. “*You’re* the wannabe cowboy?”

Wesley opened and closed his mouth, unable to believe what he was seeing. “Dawn? Willow? What are you doing here?” he gasped.

“Well...” Dawn opened her mouth to explain when Connor cut her off.

Motioning towards the redhead, he doubtfully asked, “*She’s* a witch?”

Willow nodded, smiling. “Yes, hi. You must be Angel’s handsome-yet-androgynous son,” she greeted him.

“Who apparently doesn’t have any manners and interrupts people whenever he feels like it,” Dawn added quietly, glowering at the young man.

Connor scowled at both women, his anger rising. “It’s Connor,” he clarified.
Willow nodded, nudging Dawn. “And the sneer’s genetic! Who knew?” she commented.

Dawn snickered, turning her attention to the others. “You must be Fred. I’m Dawn, Buffy’s sister. And this is...”

Fred nodded, excitedly interrupting her. “Willow! Hey!” she exclaimed.

Dawn rolled her eyes, leaning against the counter and crossing her arms over her chest. “What, has everyone here lost their manners? I *am* speaking, you know,” she said quietly.

Connor looked at the young girl, his attention divided between her and the redhead.

“...his extra-stubbly, mentally unstable, insomniac first cousin... oh, for the love of Hecate, somebody stop me,” Willow sighed.

Dawn giggled. “Wow. A babble. Haven’t heard one of those in a while,” she teased. Feeling someone looking at her, she glancing at Connor. “Yes?” she asked, wondering why he was staring at her.

Connor tilted his head to the side, effectively blocking out the others. “You’re the other Slayer’s sister?” he questioned.

“She’s *my* sister,” Dawn clarified. Seeing his confused look, she sighed, nodding. “Yes. We’re sisters. And you’re Angel’s son. Talk about strange.”

Connor frowned. “I am not strange. At least, not as much as before,” he objected.

Dawn rolled her eyes. “Not *you*, oh great challenged one. I’m talking about the situation. I mean, if Angel hadn’t had that clause, then we would almost be related or something. Of course, I doubt he would have been knocking boots with Darla if he hadn’t had that clause.” Chuckling at her own joke, she stopped when she realised he wasn’t laughing. “Wow,” she said dryly, “You have his lack of sense of humour, too.”

Shaking his head, he glanced back to the others in time to hear Willow ask about Cordelia.

“Unfortunately, the guy you’re all trying to magically re-ensoul shot her with a crossbow. She’s not up for visitors,” he stated.

Wesley stared at him, seemingly un-phased. “I think she’ll want to see Willow and Dawn. After all, they’ve both travelled a long way, and she has a history with them,” he stated.

Connor sighed. “Fine. Follow me,” he ordered. Turning on his heel, he headed upstairs.

Dawn rolled her eyes, following him. “Mr. Social Skills, he isn’t,” she whispered to Willow.

Willow nodded. “Give him a break. He’s been through a lot,” she urged.

Connor growled, glancing over his should at both of them. “*He* is standing right here and can hear every word you’re saying. And just because I don’t wish to discuss the merits of resouling Angelus doesn’t mean I have no skills,” he stated.

Willow stopped, her eyes wide. “Sorry, Connor. We didn’t mean...”

Connor glared at her. “What? You didn’t mean to speak about me as if I wasn’t there? Yes, you did.”

Dawn nodded. “You know what? You’re right. We did mean to do it. And I’d do it again, if you would just turn back around,” she snapped. Seeing his shocked look, she continued, “Except *this* time I’d tell Willow that you are one of the rudest people I’ve ever met, and it is *so* hard to believe that your father is the same man I knew in Sunnydale.” Crossing her arms over her chest, she added, “Now that you’ve heard what I think of you, to your face, why don’t you turn around and continue leading us to Cordelia.”

Willow sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Dawn...” she said softly.

Connor shook his head. “No, it’s fine. She’s just like everyone else. The only person here who actually likes me is Cordelia,” he stated. Turning around, he continued walking. “Let’s go. The sooner you see Cordelia, the sooner you’ll do what you came here to do and leave.”

Willow gave Dawn a disapproving look, then continued to follow him.

Dawn sighed, guilt filling her. < Why do I feel bad? He *so* deserved that! He’s rude and mean and cute... woah! Where did *that* come from? He is *not* cute! He-he-he’s Angel’s son! > Shivering, she trailed behind them.


Connor was furious. Cordelia had dismissed *him* to talk to Willow and Dawn! < She wants me to keep her safe, yet she wants to be alone with a powerful witch! > Shaking his head, he slumped against the wall across from the bedroom door. < I’ll never understand that woman. >

Suddenly, the door opened and Dawn exited, closing the door behind her. Looking at Connor, she froze, biting her lower lip. “Hey,” she said softly.

Connor scowled at her. “What do you want?” he demanded.

Dawn sighed, walking up to him. “Look, I’m sorry, about what I said earlier. You’ve been through a lot and you have a right to be angry. I went through this phase last year where I was either whining or yelling, so I totally understand,” she stated.

The look Connor was giving her softened slightly at her words. Standing up straight again, he peered into her bright blue eyes. “Why?” he asked.

Dawn shrugged. “I really don’t know. I mean, I’m a teenage girl, so major hormones there. But, I’d also lost my mom the year before. Then Buffy...” Still unable to speak about what had happened to her sister, Dawn sighed. “Anyway. When she came back, she was so... different. I felt like she didn’t care about me, or about what I was going through. Everyone was so caught up in his or her own life that no one took the time to notice me. And that was hard.”

Connor nodded in understanding. “No one here really wants me here. They all look at me and see a freak,” he stated.

Dawn shook her head. “Actually, they probably see someone that sent Angel to the bottom of the ocean then lied about it,” she said. Seeing his dark look, she sighed. “I don’t mean that in a bad way. It’s just the truth.” Looking around, she frowned. “Is there somewhere we can go and sit and talk? I really don’t like having heart-to-hearts in the middle of a hallway.”

Connor smiled. “Sure. This way,” he said, walking down the corridor. Stopping at a room a few doors down, he opened the door and stepped inside. “It’s my old room,” he explained, going inside.

Dawn grinned. “Cool.” Sitting on the edge of the bed, she turned so she was facing him. “So, where was I?”

Connor frowned in thought. “You were telling me why they don’t like me,” he reminded her.

Dawn nodded. “Oh, right! Well, see, it’s like this. I used to steal things. All last year, every chance I got, I would shoplift. Now, when I finally got caught, I thought that everyone would hate me for it, that they wouldn’t want to speak to me again. And, for a while, they didn’t talk to me. Not really, at least. But, it wasn’t because they hated me. It was because they were so disappointed in me. Understand?” she asked.

Connor stared at her in shock. “I sent my father to the ocean in a coffin. You stole some items from a store. I’m not seeing the resemblance,” he said dryly.

Dawn sighed. “I didn’t say it was exactly the same! I said that it was similar! Look, the point is this. They don’t hate you. They are just really hurt by what you did. And it’s going to take them a long time to get over it,” she explained.

Connor shrugged. “It really doesn’t matter to me if they get over it. All I need is Cordelia,” he stated.

Dawn shivered, biting her lip to keep from speaking.

Connor narrowed his eyes, glancing at her. “What?” he demanded.

Dawn sighed. “Nothing. It’s just... Cordelia? That is so...” Shivering again, she searched for the right word. Unfortunately, ‘ew’ was all that was coming to mind, and Dawn didn’t think Connor would appreciate that particular adjective. Finally, she settled for, “Weird. The though of you and Cordelia is just weird. I mean, first of all, she’s my *sister’s* age. And second, she used to change your diapers and stuff! And now the two of you are knocking boots? That’s just so... weird.”

Connor gave her a dark look. “What Cordelia and I have does not concern you,” he seethed, rising to his feet. “I need to go check on her now.”

Dawn sighed, standing up. “Hey, wait,” she said, placing her hand on his arm.

Shocked, Connor looked down at her hand then up to her face. < She grabbed me! > “What?” he questioned.

Dawn swallowed, quickly removing her hand. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings or anything. You’re right. What you and Cordy have is none of my business. I just don’t want to fight,” she apologised.

Connor sighed, grudgingly sitting back down. “That’s another thing. They think I can’t hear them, when they speak about her and me. But I can. I can hear it all,” he admitted, looking down at his hands.

Dawn gave him a sympathetic look, sitting beside him. “Oh, I can *so* relate to that!” she exclaimed. “When everyone found out that I was this mystical Key, they used to whisper about me all the time. Of course, the minute I entered the room they’d stop. But, I wasn’t stupid. I knew they were talking about me.”

Connor’s brow furrowed. “Key?” he asked in confusion.

Dawn sighed. “Oh, that’s right. You weren’t born when Willow came here and told everyone, huh?” Taking a deep breath, she began explaining her origins.

“Okay, there was this little ball of green energy called the Key. It was used to keep the portals to dimensions closed, so that they weren’t opening up all the time. Well, there was this Hell God, named Glorificus, that was banned from her dimension and who wanted to go home. And she knew the only way to do that was to do this ceremony and use the Key to collapse the walls between all realities. So, these Monks, the protectors of the Key or something, made the Key human and sent it to the Slayer to be kept safe. They also created memories of everyone the Slayer knew, so they would think that the Key had always been there.”

“And you’re this Key?” Connor questioned.

Dawn nodded. “Yep. Glory found me, tried to use me to go home, and Buffy died to save me. See, my blood opened the portal, and apparently only Buffy’s or my blood could close it,” she answered, pain filling her voice at the memory of her sister’s sacrifice. “So, I totally understand what you’re going through, with the whispers and the looks and stuff. I *look* like a sixteen year old girl, but technically I’m thousands of years old. Or, I’m just a few years old, depending on which way you look at it.”

Connor stared at her for a moment, not sure what to say. “You’re certainly not what I thought you were,” he finally managed.

Dawn laughed. “Thanks, I think.” Standing up, she stretched. “Well, what do you say you take me to see Faith? I haven’t seen her since she woke up from her last coma and tried to kill me.”

Connor’s eyes widened as he led her from the room. “She tried to kill you?” he questioned. “How?”

Dawn shrugged. “Strangulation. She shot your dad with a poisonous arrow one time,” she answered. “She also tried to turn him into Angelus so she could take over Sunnydale with him. Plus she switched bodies with Buffy, and slept with Riley, my sister’s boyfriend.” Leaning closer, she stage-whispered, “No one knows that I know about that one, though.”

Connor chuckled, unable to stay gloomy with her exuberance. < She’s much more fun to be around than Cordelia. > Shocked, he gasped. < Stop thinking like that! Cordelia is pregnant with your child! She is whom you should be loyal to. >


Dawn entered the room, smiling at the green demon who was currently sitting beside an unconscious Faith. “Hi. You must be Lorne. I’m...”

Lorne nodded, offering her a small smile. “Dawn. I know.” Using his free hand, he tapped his forehead. “Got a gift for seeing the magically unusual. And you, darling, just scream mystical force to be reckoned with,” he explained.

Dawn nodded, giving Connor an ‘I told you so’ look. Sitting down on the other side of Faith, she gently took her other hand. “How is she doing?” she asked no on in particular.

Lorne sighed. “She’s in the barrens now. They cry for a while. Quiet mostly. Like they’re letting go of everything that meant something,” he answered.

“How long... until...?” Connor questioned from his seat across the room.

“Not long,” Lorne answered. “You can hold her hand.”

Dawn nodded, glancing at Connor. “You should. It might help... having people around her that care about her.”

Connor finally nodded, rising to his feet. Taking a step closer, he paused, glancing over his shoulder at Wesley, who was walking into the room.

Dawn gave Wesley a gentle smile. “We ready?” she asked.

Connor watched as Wesley continued to stare at Faith, who had begun whimpering and moaning. “Wesley, you did the right thing. She was brave and she died in battle,” he offered, not sure how else to appease the man’s conscience.

Wesley paid no attention to the words of comfort, instead looking at first Dawn, then Connor. “It’s time,” he announced. Then, he turned and left the room.

Dawn sighed, standing up. Brushing Faith’s hair back, she gently kissed the Slayer’s forehead. “Hang in there. It’s almost over,” she whispered. Smiling at Lorne, she turned and followed Connor out of the room.


Dawn followed Wesley and Connor into the lobby, trying to force her mind off the unconscious Slayer dying nearby. < Focus! We have to get Angel’s soul back. > Shaking her head, she heard Willow assure Wesley that the spell should be a snap. Then, Willow was somehow sent flying across the room.

Instantly, Dawn was beside her, helping her stand. “Willow?” she asked, watching as the redhead grimaced in pain and held her head.

“Invadoria disparu!” Willow said meekly, only to cry out in pain seconds later. Looking at Dawn, she whimpered, “There’s somebody in my head.”

Dawn frowned in confusion. “Wha–“ Before she could say any more, Willow turned her attention to the ceiling and bellowed, “Vetsche invadoria disparu!” Then, assured that the presence was gone, she turned and grabbed the small silver sphere she needed to break the jar.

“Okay, what in the *hell* was that?” Dawn demanded, looking to Wesley for answers.

“He’s incredibly powerful,” Wesley commented. Looking at her, he answered, “It’s the dead Beast’s master. He contacted Angelus the same way.”

Fred nodded, her eyes wide. “He wants us to stop him from getting the soul,” she stated.

Dawn turned to Willow. “So, what’s the call? Are you sure you can take this guy on?”

Willow nodded, holding her hand out, the sphere resting in her palm. “Open the window, fill the stone. Inside, outside, two made one.”

Dawn took a step back, watching as the sphere began floating. “Okay, I guess that’s a yes,” she mumbled.

Suddenly, an enormous burst of energy swept through the lobby and smacked into the redhead.

Crying out in pain, Willow doubled over.

Connor glanced at Dawn. “Are you sure she can handle him?” he asked quietly.

Dawn nodded, watching as Willow stood back up, her eyes an inky black. “Oh yeah, she’ll be fine. Just watch,” she assured him, nearly clapping her hands with excitement.

Paying no attention to her surroundings, Willow began chanting. “Ahlesh ashtoreth!” Instantly, the lights dimmed and a low rumbling could be heard.
“Yes, Dawn’s right. I think she can hold her own,” Wesley said dryly.

Dawn grinned at Connor. “Now things are going to get fun,” she whispered.


“Do you feel that?” Wesley asked, looking around.

Willow paid him no mind, instead continuing the spell.

“There’s something evil rising in the hotel,” Connor stated.

Dawn nodded. “Willow...” she said warningly. “Please tell me you know what you’re...” Stopping suddenly, she gasped at the enormous demonic head that instantly appeared. “Doing...” she finished in a whisper. Instantly, she dropped into a fighting stance, ready to protect herself and the others. < Just hold him off until Willow is done. >

“What the hell is that?” Connor gasped. For the first time since Dawn had met him, he sounded scared.

“Ignore it!” Willow ordered. Looking at the sphere, she commanded, “Find your target, leave my side!”

Dawn watched as the head disappeared, then turned in time to see the sphere shooting away like a bullet. “Well, that was fun!” she announced. However, Willow still had her hand raised and seemed to be fighting a force. “And the fun’s not over yet. Nope, not at all.”

“Geth na haroth, Castellum tol!” Willow growled, willing the sphere to find the jar. “Break the glass! Let loose the soul!”

Dawn rolled her eyes. “This could take a while. You doing o...” Frowning, Dawn realised Connor wasn’t there. “Um, where’s Connor?” she questioned.

Before anyone could answer her, Willow stopped her spell, a smile filling her face. “Okay. Step one is complete. Now for step two,” she said perkily.


“God, he is so rude!” Dawn exclaimed, waving incense over the Orb of Thessulah. “I mean, he *so* shouldn’t have run off like that!”

Wesley sighed, giving the girl a small smile. “I’m sure he was just worried about Cordelia,” he said quietly.

Dawn made a face. “Okay, please, let’s *not* go there. That’s just...”

Fred nodded. “Icky?” she offered. “I think so, too.”

Dawn smiled, then looked at Willow. “So, are we ready to do this thing? No offence, but Big Bads that can get inside our heads? Not liking that idea one bit,” she stated.

Willow nodded, glancing at Fred. “Ready when you are.”

Fred nodded, clearing her throat. “Quod perditum est, invenietur,” she read from the book she was holding.

Taking her cue, Willow began to recite the spell she had done so long ago. “Nici mort, nici al finitei, te invoc spirit al trecerii.”

Dawn swallowed, watching as the obsidian returned to Willow’s eyes as she continued the spell.

“Te implor, Doamne, nu ignora aceasta rugaminte. Lasa orbita sa fie vasul care-i va transporta, sufletul al el,” Willow cried.

Slowly, Dawn glanced over her shoulder, her eyes locking on the now present Connor. Frowning, she gave him what she hoped was a disapproving look, then refocused her attention back on the spell.
Slowly, the orb began to glow, as Willow finished her final incantation.

“Este secris aceasta putere. Este dreptul poporuil meu de a conduce.” Suddenly, the orb began to glow bright yellow, and Willow raised her voice, the power crackling around her. “Asa sa fe! Acum!” she practically screamed.

Instantly, the orb flared up yet even brighter, before finally fading out.

Suddenly, Dawn saw movement out the corner of her eye. To her shock, Faith dashed past, heading to the basement. Not even thinking, Dawn dropped the incense and followed.

What she saw when she reached the bottom of the stairs made her gasp.

Faith was holding Connor’s arm in the air, a stake in his hand. And they were standing over a still unconscious Angel.

“Break me off a switch, son,” Faith said, yanking him to his feet and slamming him into the bars of the cage. “There’s about to be a whoopin’.”

Dawn watched with horror as Connor punched Faith. “Connor, no!” she cried. “The spell worked! Don’t!”

However, Faith seemed unfazed by his attack and, to Dawn’s shock, proceeded to counter every move he threw her way. < What is it about this girl and coming out of comas fighting? >

Finally, Angel rose to his feet and grabbed Connor by the shoulders. “Connor, it’s over. It’s me. Really,” the vampire said quietly, looking past his son to the brunette Slayer.


“I can’t believe you! You tried to kill your father...again! I mean, hello? Did *anything* I said to you break through that thick skull?” Dawn growled, glaring at Connor from his position on the couch.

Gunn nodded, his arms crossed over his chest. “Yeah, what she just said. And let’s not forget that you knocked me unconscious. You know, I’m getting really sick of that, too,” he grumbled.

“All right! I get it! I messed up!” Connor cried in exasperation. Gunn, he could handle. But for some reason, the thought of Dawn being angry with him made him more upset than he would care to admit. < Stop thinking of her like that. You have a child on the way and a woman who needs your protection. You are no longer a child. You’re a man. Act like one. >

“You’re right you messed up! That was just... so...” Dawn trailed off, unable to think of a word to properly describe what she was feeling.

“Easy on him, Dawnie. We all make mistakes,” Faith said as she entered the hotel. Grinning at the girl, she playfully punched Connor in the shoulder. “Cheer up, punk. Messin’ up just makes you one of us now.”

Dawn rolled her eyes, trying to fight the small smile that was spreading across her face. Finally, she simply sighed. “Yeah, okay. So, it’s over now. Angel’s not dust and Angelus is back where he belongs. It’s all good,” she exclaimed. Dropping down beside Connor, she nudged him in the ribs. “Plus, I got to see you get scared *and* beaten up all in the same night.”

Connor sputtered. “I was never scared!” he denied.

Dawn snorted. “Oh sure. Mr. ‘What the hell is that?’ You were *so* scared,” she teased.

Connor frowned, looking at her. “And you wanted to fight it, not even knowing what it was. Why?” he asked.

Dawn shrugged, standing back up. “Maybe it’s in the DNA or something. Who knows? All I know is, I needed to try and keep everyone safe, at least until the spell was finished.” Seeing his blank look, she smiled. “Hey, you asked. I’m just telling you what I was thinking when the thing appeared.”

“Time goes by, Will. And it’s past someone’s bedtime, Dawnie,” Faith’s voice cut into their talk.

Scowling, Dawn glared at the brunette Slayer. “Easy for you to say, Ms. Falls into a coma whenever it suites you,” she retorted. “You’ve gotten more sleep since you’ve been called as a Slayer than I have the entire time I’ve been alive!”

Faith laughed, patting the girl on the back. “I’m gonna have to watch out for you, girl. You’ve got spunk, that’s for sure!” she replied.

Dawn turned to Willow, watching as she finished hugging Angel. “We ready, Willow?” she questioned.

Willow nodded. “Yep,” she replied, heading to the door.

Dawn waved at Fred and Gunn. “It was nice meeting you both,” she said. Turning, she pulled Wesley into a hug. “You should come see Sunnydale sometime. I’m sure the rest of the gang would love to see you,” she whispered.

Releasing him, she turned to Angel, smiling. “I’m glad you’re back,” she said softly, also hugging him. Closing her eyes, she inhaled his familiar scent. Taking a step back, she peered up into his face. “You need to come visit, too,” she chastised.

Angel nodded, giving her a smile. “I will. We all will. Promise,” he stated.

Satisfied, Dawn turned lastly to Connor. “So, it was nice meeting you,” she said awkwardly.

Connor nodded, uncertain what to do. She had waved to two people and hugged two more. < I’ll never understand women. > Finally, he settled for a smile. “It was nice meeting you,” he replied.

Dawn rolled her eyes and stepped forward, hugging him. “Don’t be so hard on him. He may be three hundred years old, but he’s still a first-time father,” she whispered. Pulling back, she quickly kissed him on the cheek before stepping away and following Willow and Faith to the front door.

“Wow. Way to go, Dawnie! So, since you’ve suddenly developed these nerves of steel that I never knew about, you gonna protect me from big sis?” Faith asked, leading the girl outside.

Just before the door shut, Dawn’s answer floated into the hotel. “Don’t worry. Buffy’s way too busy with Spike to think about anything else. Did you know he has a soul now?”

Slowly, Connor slumped back down onto the couch, a dazed expression on his face and his hand on the cheek that Dawn had just kissed. < She kissed me. >

Minutes later, Angel sat beside him, equally shocked, though for a very different reason. < Spike has a soul? >

From upstairs, Cordelia watched, her hand resting on her stomach. Looking from the newly re-ensouled Angel to the love-dazed Connor, she frowned. < Great. *Now* what? >
