C'Mere And Kiss Me Princess

By Whiskey Meteor

Anya had left him alone earlier, and not being able to stand a quiet- and Xander-less- house, Andrew had turned to Star Wars for comfort. He'd put on Return of the Jedi, and watched the scene between Han and Leia that he was so fond of, over and over again. On about the thirtieth run through, Andrew finally tired of picturing himself and Xander in the roles of Han and Leia. He sighed heavily and shut off the television, tossing the remote on the couch beside him. "This blows," Andrew mumbled. Glancing at the clock on the wall he noted that Xander would be back relatively soon. <Okay, pull it together, Andrew,> he instructed himself, <Do you want Xander to think that you're a wussy little nerd who can't bear to be without his boyfriend for a whole eight hours?> A broad smile crept across Andrew's face, "Boyfriend," he giggled to himself happily. <Xander Harris is *my* boyfriend,> Andrew thought to himself and, suddenly in a much brighter mood, he hopped off the couch. <I feel like singing and dancing,> he thought, looking around the room, <I'm sure some one's left some music around here somewhere...> Spying a stack of CDs under a chair, Andrew smiled gleefully and pounced on them. "Crap, crap, crap," he evaluated, flipping quickly through the collection and tossing each CD aside in turn. "Crap," he said again, tossing another CD away, "Crap, crap, cra- ooh!" Dropping the rest of the pile, Andrew held up the CD that had caught his attention, "The Best Of Marilyn Monroe," he said, gazing at the album reverently. Placing the CD into the player, he flipped the case over and after hurriedly reading the back, he advanced to the track he wanted. As the big band started up, Andrew grabbed a hair brush that had been stranded on the floor to use as his microphone, and proceeded to present a very convincing Marilyn. "I wanna be loved by you, just you, and nobody else but you," He sang along, "I wanna be loved by you alone- boop boop-e-doo." Andrew swayed to the music, continuing, "I wanna be kissed by you, just you, and nobody else but you... I wanna be kissed by you alone." Gripping his hair-brush-mic tightly, Andrew pulled a coy smile that was eerily accurate, "I couldn't aspire to anything higher than to fill with desire to make you my own," he let his hips pop back and forth as he continued, "Ba dum ba dum a doodly dum- ooh!" He twirled around, "I wanna be loved by you, just you, and nobody else but you. I wanna be loved by you alone..." In the musical interlude that followed, Andrew pranced around the living room, emulating a perfect Marilyn Monroe. Completely absorbed in his performance, Andrew didn't notice that Xander was standing at the doorway watching.

<If I didn't know better,> Xander thought to himself, bemused, <I'd say that he *was* Marilyn Monroe.> He tilted his head to the side and smiled fondly as Andrew continued to dance around, coquettishly swaying his hips and wiggling his bottom for the imaginary audience. Xander resisted the urge to clap.

Andrew raised the hairbrush to his lips and began to sing again, "I couldn't aspire to anything higher," he crooned, "than to fill with desire to make you my own- bah dum bah dum a doodly dum... *phoo*!" Andrew popped his hips to the side again, and continued, "I wanna be loved by you, just you, and nobody else but you," he did a intricate little shuffle, "I wanna be loved by you a deedly deedly deedly dum, boop boop-e-do!" On his last note Andrew turned around, and setting eyes on Xander screamed, "AAHH!" Xander jumped, shocked, and Andrew clutched his hands over his chest dramatically. "Xander!" he admonished, "You scared me *half to death*!"

Xander frowned, "Sorry," he offered, "I didn't want to interrupt you."

Andrew blushed and crossed his arms over his chest, "How long were you watching?" he whined.

Xander grinned, "Long enough to know that 'Marilyn Monroe impersonator' must have been the next career choice after Wonder Woman."

Andrew fidgeted, and then cracked a small smile, "It was really more of a hobby than a career choice," he said. Xander chuckled, and they stood still for a moment, watching one another. "...So how come you're back so early?" Andrew asked, breaking the silence.

Xander shrugged, "Things were going well, and I thought the guys could handle things without me..." he trailed off, and quickly crossed the living room. Xander took Andrew in his arms and kissed him eagerly. Pulling back slightly, Xander nuzzled his nose against Andrew's affectionately and sighed, "I missed you," he said simply.

Andrew smiled shyly, "You missed me?" he asked.

"Of course I did," Xander said, pulling in for another quick kiss, "I missed your lips," he ran his hands down Andrew's back and playfully squeezed his backside, "And I missed your ass..." He grinned, and let one hand inch towards Andrew's groin, "And I missed your-,"

Andrew wiggled out of Xander's embrace and escaped to the couch. Xander looked at him quizzically. "Anya," Andrew explained, "She's still in the house somewhere."

"Oh," Xander frowned, crossed the room, and sat down on the couch beside Andrew. "So," he said, laying his hand on Andrew's thigh, "What did you do all day?"

"Missed you?" Andrew ventured. Xander chuckled, and Andrew sighed, "Well, Anya and I talked for a while."

Xander narrowed his eyebrows in concern, "Really?" he asked, "Are you okay- I mean, she didn't hurt you, did she?"

"No," Andrew assured him, "But she wants me to buy her a new set of handcuffs." Andrew pouted, "It wasn't even *me* that broke them," he whined, "*Buffy* broke them."

Xander patted his thigh sympathetically, "She's probably still a little mad about... you know... *us*."

Andrew shrugged, "I don't think she's mad," he said, "I just think she's a little sad that you're happy and it's not because of her."

Xander nodded, "And that's why you were all *run and hide* when I made with the grabby hands."

"I just don't want to hurt her feelings any more than we have to," Andrew explained.

Xander smiled at him affectionately, "You might just be the sweetest person I've ever met," he said sincerely. Andrew shrugged, and Xander gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "So what else did you do while I was gone?" he asked. Andrew fidgeted. Xander smiled knowingly, "You watched Star Wars again, didn't you?" Andrew hung his head in shame, and Xander laughed, "We just watched it the other day!"

"But we slept through it," Andrew insisted.

Xander sighed, and smiled, "Well you can watch it a hundred times a day for all I care," he said, "If that's what makes you happy."

Andrew smiled back at Xander guiltily, "Actually, I just watched one part."

Xander raised his eyebrows inquisitively, "Really?" he asked, looking at Andrew expectantly, "Now I'm interested."

Andrew blushed, "Promise you won't laugh?" he demanded. Xander held up his hands defensively. Andrew narrowed his eyes and looked at Xander calculatingly before finally continuing. "I sort of have this... fantasy," he said, his face blushing even darker.

Xander nodded knowingly, "About Han?" he guessed, "There's no need to be embarassed over fantasizing about Harrison Ford."

Andrew shook his head, "No..." he said, swallowing hard, "In the fantasy, Han isn't played by Harrison Ford." Xander quirked an eyebrow, waiting. Andrew took a deep breath, "You're Han and I'm Leia," he said quickly.

Xander smiled, and at a reprimanding look from Andrew, stifled a laugh. "Wow," he said, inclining his head to the man beside him on the couch, "I think you've just proved that it is actually possible to watch too much Star Wars."

Andrew giggled, and smacked Xander's arm playfully, "You don't really mean that, do you?" he asked, squirming back out of reach.

Xander grinned, and stalked along the couch in an attempt to capture Andrew.

Andrew dodged him, and scuttled away from the couch, continuing to giggle almost uncontrollably. Xander raised an eyebrow at him, "Come back to the couch," Xander teased, "I'll... let you play with my light saber." Andrew collapsed on the floor, laughing. Xander crawled off the couch and sat quietly beside Andrew, watching as the other man's body slowly stopped shaking with laughter. Finally Andrew sat up, and wiping tears from his eyes, gazed at Xander apologetically. "Are you finished?" Xander asked. Andrew nodded, and Xander smiled, "Good," he said, his smile turning mischievous, "Now, c'mere and kiss me, Princess."

