It's A Date

By Whiskey Meteor

Anya and Xander stood on Buffy's doorstep. Xander was a little shaken; his shoulder was still hurt from his fall, so Anya had driven them from Xander's apartment to Buffy's house. It had been an *interesting* drive, to say the least. But he was alive, and the car was still in one piece, so Xander wasn't about to complain. He looked down at Anya, "An, can you knock please?" he asked, "My shoulder's still sore... for some reason."

Anya rolled her eyes. "I only pushed you a few times," she said defensively. "And it wasn't *my* fault that you fell out of the shower."

Xander raised his eyebrows, "Well, it kinda was," he said. Anya sighed huffily, rolled her eyes again and knocked on the door. "And the second time I fell was *definitely* your fault," Xander added.

"Was not!" Anya retorted.

"Was too," Xander countered, "You pushed me over!"

Anya put her hands on her hips, "Well I dressed you, didn't I?" she asked, "I think that more than makes up for any injuries I *might* have inflicted upon you."

"I think your having dressed me might count as one of those injuries," Xander conceded.

Anya scoffed, "What's *that* supposed to mean?" she asked, "I think I did a good job. You look very nice."

Xander looked down at his clothes. Anya had dressed him in an old pair of black jeans (that were a little on the tight side), and a clingy black t- shirt, "You dressed me up like *Spike*," Xander said sulkily.

"Well that's just silly," Anya said, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

The front door opened, and Buffy greeted them warmly, "Xander, Anya," she said brightly, "Good morning." Buffy frowned, and looked at Xander carefully, "Xander?" she asked slowly, "Why are you dressed up like Spike?"

Xander gave Anya a pointed look, and she rolled her eyes and pushed past Buffy into the house. "Anya dressed me this morning," he explained.

Buffy quirked an eyebrow, "Elaborate, please," she said.

"Well, I fell out of the shower and pulled a muscle in my shoulder..." Xander started.

"And Anya was there?" Buffy asked, confused, "When you were in the shower?" She ushered Xander into the house, and closed the door, "Xander, you two aren't like... getting back together now, are you?" she asked curiously.

"What?" Xander asked, "No, no, no," he tried to shake his head for emphasis, but the pain in his shoulder stopped him. He sighed resignedly, "She... sort of broke into my apartment..." Buffy raised her eyebrows expectantly, and Xander continued, "I didn't know it was her, and I got all... *panicky*. And then I fell out of the shower."

"Why did she break into your apartment?" Buffy asked.

"Oh..." Xander said, "She just... wanted to talk to me."

"And she had to break into your apartment?" Buffy asked amazedly, "It must have been important if she couldn't wait until the next time she saw you." She shook her head, and then looked Xander over again, "You know, Xan," she teased, "I think she might have found you a new look."

Xander rolled his eyes at her, "Ha-ha," he said dryly, "If you like it *that* much, I advise you to take a good look *now*, because you will *never* see me dressed like this again."

There was a noise behind them, and Buffy and Xander turned to see Andrew come out of the living room and lean up against the doorframe into the hallway. "Good morning, Xander," he said warmly, "You look nice."

Buffy barely managed to stifle a laugh, and head off into the kitchen, "I'll talk to you later, Xander," she called, "Take it easy on that shoulder."

"What happened to your shoulder?" Andrew asked, concerned, "Did you get hurt?"

"Nah, it's nothin'," Xander said, and shrugged, jarring his shoulder again. "Ow..." he winced.

Andrew gasped, "That doesn't sound like nothing," he said, and quickly crossed the hall to stand in front of Xander. Andrew put a hand lightly on Xander's hurt shoulder, examining it with genuine concern. "What happened?" he asked, looking up at Xander with wide eyes.

Xander swallowed, suddenly much more aware of how tight his pants were. "Uh... pulled a muscle, I guess," he said and looked down at Andrew's hand on his shoulder. "You're not gonna try a Vulcan neck pinch on me, are ya?" Xander asked, making an attempt to lighten the mood and distract himself from the feel of Andrew touching him.

"No," Andrew scoffed, "But I wish I could- not on you- just in general, that would be *so* cool." Andrew looked down at Xander's shoulder, "I thought I could give you a little massage," he said, "I'm very good with my hands."

Xander refrained from making a joke, and then Andrew began to gently rub his shoulder. "Oooh," Xander keened, "That feels goood-,"

Unnoticed by the two men, Anya had come back into the hallway. She cleared her throat, interrupting them, "Do you mind?" she said huffily. Andrew quickly withdrew his hand from Xander's shoulder, and looked away guiltily. "Honestly," Anya pushed past them sulked into the kitchen, leaving the two men alone.

Andrew wrinkled his nose, "What's her problem?"

Xander sighed, "She doesn't have a penis," he said. Andrew quirked an eyebrow, and Xander smiled, "It's a long story," he conceded.

Andrew nodded, apparently satisfied with Xander's explanation. "Okay," he said, "Massage time?" Xander smiled broadly in agreement and Andrew led him into the living room. "Sit down," Andrew commanded, showing Xander to a chair. Xander sat down and Andrew moved around to stand behind him placing both his hands softly on Xander's injured shoulder. "Now just relax," Andrew said and began rubbing slowly and very gently.

"Oohh..." Xander sighed, "That feels-," Andrew increased the pressure on Xander's shoulder, and Xander gasped.

Andrew immediately stopped, concerned, "Did I hurt you? I didn't hurt you did I?" he asked nervously.

"*God*, no," Xander said, "That was a 'please keep doing *that*' gasp."

Andrew sighed in relief, "Good," he said and resumed his task. He worked his hands across Xander's shoulder, gently but firmly, all the time drawing sighs and gasps of pleasure. Andrew's hands moved around slowly, over Xander's back and up his neck, adding and reducing pressure according to the other man's response.

Xander groaned appreciatively, "I had no idea you could do this..." he said.

Andrew giggled, and gave a final, deep rub from Xander's shoulder, up his neck, and all the way back down again. "Okay," he said, reluctantly taking his hands off of Xander, "All done."

Xander stood up and turned to face Andrew, raising his shoulders and rotating his neck to test his muscles. He was a still little stiff, but the pain was definitely gone. "Thanks," Xander said sincerely, "All better."

Andrew giggled and gave a little curtsy, "My pleasure," he said, "Is it really all better?"

Xander chuckled, and gave another test-shrug. "Still a bit stiff," he conceded, "I might have to arrange for another session."

Andrew looked down and fidgeted, "Um, well, maybe... tonight?" he suggested hopefully.

"Sounds good," Xander said, "I can drop by after dinner if that's okay?"

"Um, well, actually," Andrew fidgeted. He took a deep breath and blurted out, "I thought maybe I could come over to your place and we could watch T.V. 'cause there's an original series Star Trek marathon starting at six...?" Andrew crossed his arms over his chest and cringed, waiting for Xander's reply.

"Yeah, sure," Xander said, cocking his head to the side and smiling, "Andrew, are you... I mean, would this be like... a *date*?"

"Um... maybe?" Andrew wrinkled his nose, "It wasn't Willow's idea," he added in a whine.

"Okay," Xander said, confused.

"So... is that a yes?" Andrew whined.

Xander thought for a moment, "Yeah," he said, and then nodded resolutely, "Yeah."

Andrew giggled, and clasped his hands over his heart, "Yay!" he said excitedly.

"I'll pick you tonight?" Xander asked.

"About five-thirty?" Andrew suggested.

Xander grinned shyly, "It's a date," he said. They stood staring at each other awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to say next. "Well..." Xander said finally, "Now that I can move freely again... I think I'll go home and change," he looked down at his clothes again, "I'm sure I can do a better job than Anya did."

Andrew pouted, "You're gonna change?" he whined, "But you're pants are so *tight*." The words barely having left his mouth, Andrew slapped a hand over his mouth, "Oh my God," he whined wretchedly, "I can't believe I said that."

With a pained look fixed on his face, Andrew ran out of the room and up the stairs. Xander chuckled, and then Buffy stuck her head into the living room, "What was up with Andrew?" she asked, "He practically sprinted up the stairs."

Xander shrugged, "He was embarrassed," he said, "It's kind of a long story."

"Oh," Buffy said. "Well, I've gotta head to the school now, but if you're gonna be around later I'd love to hear all about it."

"Well, actually," Xander said, "I can give you a ride if you want."

"Can you drive?" Buffy asked, "I mean, obviously I know you can drive, but- ," she pointed to her shoulder, "You know with the *owie*?"

Xander smiled broadly, "I've been healed," he said.

Buffy smiled, "Cool," she said, heading to the front door. Xander followed close behind. There was a knot in his stomach, and his heart was beating a mile a minute. Xander couldn't decide whether he was more nervous about going on a date with Andrew, or having to tell *Buffy* that he was going on a date with Andrew... Xander sighed and tried to focus on how he was going to tell Buffy; He'd have the rest of the day to worry about the actual date.
