Enemy Incognito

By Wynn

Chapter Ten: Shadows and Moonlight

Hard thwacks, dull thuds, and breathless grunts echoed in the training room of the Magic Box. The air was stifled with sweat and tension, and the warm, humid breeze that whispered through the open door did nothing to lessen the heat of the day. Dawn stood in front of Buffy and executed a hard kick towards one of the protective pads covering her sister's hands. The sound of her tennis shoe pounding against the thick leather resounded through the room. A similar thud sounded seconds later, emanating from Faith, who sparred with a thoroughly protected Giles.

Dawn sent a right hook towards Buffy's hand. A weak echo of impact drifted through the building, causing Dawn to wince. She held up her hands as Buffy placed her padded fists on her hips. "I know, I know," Dawn said. "I punched like a girl again. I didn't even punch. I just waved with my fists closed. I didn't put my whole body behind it and I'll never do it again. I promise."

Buffy closed her mouth with a snap, her important kernel of fighting knowledge withering on her lips. She pushed a strand of sweat drenched hair out of her face and nodded. "Ok, then. Good to know that you know about punching. It's vital and important, and I never said you punched like a girl. I said it was-"

"You called it a girly punch."

"Well, sort of. It was kind of wimpy."

Dawn smiled, a tiny giggle escaping her lips. "Yeah, it was. But I've gotten much better since that first wimpy punch. It's a startling, impressive improvement for a relative combat newbie such as myself. And-"

Buffy raised an eyebrow. "You have gotten better, but-"

"And I think this signifies that I have surpassed this basic level of training and am ready to move on to the next one."


Dawn nodded. "Yes."

"And what, oh impressive one, is this next level you're ready for?"


"Not a chance."

Dawn folded her arms across her chest and glowered at Buffy. The blonde Slayer slipped off the training pads, placed her free hands back on her hips, and stared down her sister. Sighing, Dawn said, "I've learned how to block and dodge and punch and kick and throw people and hit the pads really hard, but how am I supposed to learn how to put it all together and fight if I never actually fight?"

Buffy shrugged. "Watch Bruce Lee. You'll learn everything you need."

"Buffy, it's summer. There's never any real danger in Sunnydale in the summer. I probably wouldn't even come across a vamp if I went patrolling." She paused, running a hand over her long brown hair. Her eyes lit up as another persuasive tactic appeared in her head. "And I wouldn't even have to fight. I could just watch you fight. You know, learning by imitation?"

Buffy bit her lip gently. "I don't know, Dawn. There are too many unpredictables involved in patrolling. It's not safe."

Dawn rolled her eyes. "Of course it's not safe. That's why you're training me, remember?" Her gaze drifted to the other side of the room to Faith. The brunette Slayer jumped in the air, aiming a high kick for Giles' outstretched hand. Her boot connected roughly with the pad; Giles cursed and pulled his hand out of the leather mitt. He wiggled his fingers a bit, muttering to himself. Dawn turned back to Buffy and said, "What if I watch you fight in a less predictable environment? Like the back room of the Magic Box?"

Buffy's eyes darted to the opposite corner of the room. Giles slumped against the far wall, a fine sheen of perspiration covering his face. He gulped water from a small jug. Faith danced around the punching bag; the heavy bag jumped and jingled with every kick and jab. "No. I'm not fighting Faith."

"Why not? We're in the Magic Box, so it's safer than patrolling. And you haven't trained in a long time, well, besides your job, but you only teach women how to kick guys in the balls, so it's no big. You need a challenge. And, fighting you is definitely a better way of seeing what Faith can do than watching her pummel Giles. And-"

Buffy held up her hand. "Dawn. I don't think it's a good idea."

"Why? Are you afraid she'll beat you?"

"What? No. Of course not. It's just that… it's Faith." Buffy's eyes flickered from Faith to Dawn. Off of her sister's exasperated look, she closed her eyes and said, "Ok, ok. God, if I had been as eager to train as you are, Giles would've been so much happier."

Leaving a beaming Dawn, Buffy crossed the room and sat next to Giles. She watched Faith land a vicious side kick to the center of the bag, followed by a sharp jab. She bit the corner of her lip and said, "How's the training going?"

"Good. She, uh, hasn't lost any of her fighting abilities. And she seems to be in better control of her anger, using it constructively instead of spiraling into rage. However, all we have done is basic training. How she acts during an actual fight might be quite different." He looked at Buffy. "What about Dawn?"

Buffy tore her gaze from Faith and peered at her sister. "Oh, she's good. Really good actually. You know, for a non-Slayer person."

"The monks did create her out of you, Buffy, so it's natural to assume that some of your Slayer skills have passed onto Dawn."

"Yeah, and now she wants to see those Slayer skills in action. Against Faith." One side of her mouth quirked up as she glanced at Giles. "Dawn said it would be learning through watching or something like that."

Giles rubbed a towel on his forehead. "I think that it's a good idea."

"What? You can't be serious."

Sighing, Giles laid the towel on the floor and turned towards Buffy. "I am, especially if Faith is to begin patrolling again. An evenly matched fight would be a better assessment of her mind set and, and control of her anger and aggression than having her pound my hand into pulp."

"But it's Faith. All of our fights lead to badness and comas."

"Buffy, the circumstances are different this time. It's not a fight to the death. It's training."

Buffy sucked in a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. She exhaled softly as she said, "Fine, but if anything gets destroyed or, or broken or anything like that, you're cleaning it up."

Giles smirked. "Of course."

"And you're telling Faith about this."

"Telling Faith about what?"

Buffy's eyes popped open. Faith stood before her and Giles, chugging water from a plastic bottle. The brunette placed the bottle on the ground and looked from Giles to Buffy, one eyebrow raised in confusion. A small, tight smile twisted Buffy's lips. "Tell you about training. We're, uh, going to train together. As in fight. With each other, here in the Magic Box."

Faith stared at Buffy for a few seconds before turning to Giles; her brown eyes were wide with disbelief. "You want me to fight B?"

Giles nodded. "Yes. Do you feel you're ready?"

"Um, sure. I guess." Her eyes flickered to Buffy. "You Ok with this?"

Buffy shrugged as she stood. "Yeah." She walked past Faith into the center of the training room, attempting to stretch the muscles in her arms, shoulders, and neck. She was tight and tense, her breathing slow and deep. Her heart pounded as she smoothed a few stray hairs back into her ponytail and faced Faith.

Faith bounced lightly on the balls of her feet, her dark brown hair partially obscuring her face. Sweat coated the palms of her hands and dripped down the small of her back; she sucked in one deep breath, then another. Her kohl rimmed eyes were focused on Buffy.

The summer breeze whipped through the room. Old tensions traveled the chaotic winds, roughly caressing the two Slayers. Buffy's fist shot out towards Faith. The brunette blocked and sent a return punch. Buffy ducked; she aimed quick jab at Faith's stomach. Her fist was caught by Faith, who swung Buffy into the heavy punching bag. Buffy bounced off the bag, blonde hair slipping out of the ponytail. Her face hardened as she lashed out with her right leg. Her foot connected with Faith's midsection, causing the brunette to stumble backwards. Buffy pressed the advantage and kicked at Faith again. Faith dodged and dropped into a crouch; her leg swooped out, circling towards Buffy. The blonde jumped, landing as Faith jumped up from the ground. Chests heaving from exertion, they stared at each other, eyes wide.

Faith darted to the right and attempted a fierce side kick at Buffy; she connected with a high roundhouse. Buffy's head snapped back and Faith moved forward. She sent a left hook towards the blonde, but her arm was grabbed by Buffy. The blonde head butted Faith, then elbowed her hard in the stomach; the back of Buffy's fist smashed into her face. She twirled around Faith, who seized Buffy's arm and yanked the blonde back towards her. Faith kneed Buffy in the stomach and sent a high kick towards her head, releasing the arm as her boot smashed into Buffy's temple. Buffy staggered, shaking her head slightly. Her eyes narrowed, hard hazel glimmers turning towards Faith. Faith returned the glare; her own dark eyes were alight with anger. Buffy straightened. She shoved a loose strand of hair into her ponytail. Faith shook her head, whipping her hair out of her vision. Harsh, jagged pants echoed in the silence covering the Magic Box.

Buffy jumped, her leg extending in a front kick. Faith blocked, moved back a couple of steps, and dodged another flying kick from Buffy. The brunette spun in a circle, lashing out with her right leg. The brutal back kick caught Buffy in the chest. Buffy fell to one knee and sucked in deep breaths as Faith edged forward. As the brunette approached, Buffy moved into a hand stand; her feet arched back and wrapped themselves around Faith's neck. Buffy whipped forward, the momentum sending Faith sailing across the training room. Faith crashed into the floor; her breath gushed out in an audible groan. The two women lay on the floor, panting, sweat sliding into their eyes. Buffy stood and rubbed the bruise forming on her temple as Faith pushed off the floor, wiping a drop of blood from the corner of her mouth.

"Wow," Dawn breathed. Her large brown eyes were flooded with awe.

Giles stepped between the two Slayers. He removed his glasses and wiped them on the hem of his t-shirt. His gaze traveled between Buffy and Faith, quietly assessing the flushed faces and steely eyes. Replacing his glasses, he said, "Well, I gather that you are ready to begin patrolling, Faith. What do you think, Buffy?"

Buffy looked at Faith a moment longer before transferring her stare to Giles. Her face was impassive, devoid of emotion. "She's ready." She glanced at Faith once more, then turned and walked towards the small couch on the far wall of the Magic Box. Buffy grabbed a towel and a water bottle and headed for the exit. She pushed open the door, pausing, the dazzling sunlight glinting off of her golden hair. A soft sigh escaped her lips. Shaking her head slightly, Buffy walked out of the training room, letting the door slam shut behind her.

* * *

Night blanketed the Hellmouth. Its dark embrace twinkled with small specks of starlight. The midnight air was steamy; dew clung to blades of grass and covered the stone surfaces of the Sunnydale Rest Haven Cemetery. Four walked quietly through the stillness and the silence. One twice dead Slayer, one rebel turned Watcher, one rogue Slayer, and one Vengeance Demon. Eyes and ears were trained on the shadows of the night, searching for the forces of darkness. It was an unneeded pursuit since the darkness inevitably sought them.

Anya sighed and flipped her pale blonde hair over her shoulder. "I'm bored."

Buffy rolled her eyes. "You didn't have to come."

"Yes, I did. I didn't want-"

"Anya. Don't."

Anya turned towards Faith. She arched an eyebrow at her new friend's request but remained silent. She watched Buffy sigh, readjust her hold on her crossbow, and move ahead, next to Giles. Once the blonde Slayer was out of earshot, Anya said, "See. This is exactly why I didn't want you to patrol alone with her. She becomes very elitist and superior."

"I don't think it's her inner bitch coming out tonight." Faith glanced around the cemetery, assessing the dilapidated tombs, crumbling headstones, and cracked stone statues. "Something's just doesn't feel right. Like the Hellmouth is getting ready to jump up and bite us all in the ass."

"I know. I feel it too."

"I don't know. Maybe I'm just on edge. The fight with Buffy…"

"What about it?"

Faith sighed. "It was strange. Usually when I fought B it was to kill her, not to just fight. This fighting with no killing… takes some getting used to. I still felt the pull though. You know, the pull to just let loose with some ripe rage and do some wicked damage." She was silent for a moment. A wisp of a smile appeared on her lips as she said, "But it wasn't as strong this time. I fought it." Her brown eyes drifted ahead and locked on Buffy. The smile faded. "Don't think it matters to her though."

Anya followed Faith's line of sight. She arched an eyebrow and said, "You care what she thinks of you?"

Faith shrugged. "Just forget it, ok."

"No, I won't forget it. But I won't say anything more tonight."

Faith flashed a small smile. She ran a hand through her dark locks, her eyes piercing the shadows of the night. There was no need to get into a conversation about feelings in a cemetery in Sunnydale in the middle of the night. That was just asking for trouble.

** *

"I mean, did she even think about how I felt? No. All she wanted to see was a fight. It didn't matter if I had to fight Faith, the one who tried to take over my life, my body, who has tried to kill me on more than one occasion. And then, after seeing the fight, Dawn still complained because I wouldn't let her come patrolling with us."

"Buffy, I think you're overreacting a bit."

Buffy scowled at Giles for a moment before she rolled her eyes and sighed. "I know. I'm just… wigged. Fighting Faith again just brought out all sorts of unpleasant, want-to-kill-you types of feelings. I kept expecting her to go postal, but she didn't."

"Maybe she has changed."

Buffy pursed her lips. "Maybe. Or maybe not. You never know with her. And on top of worrying about Faith, not to mention her new bestest buddy relationship with Anya, Willow has gone back into magic and there's some kind of new threat wanting to be King of the Hellmouth. I thought summer was supposed to be the time for rest and relaxation."

"Rest? On the Hellmouth-" Giles fell to the ground, victim to a blow to the back of his head. His ax tumbled through the air, landing a few feet away. He struggled to his feet and blinked his eyes several times to clear his vision. "Bloody hell."

Buffy spun. They were surrounded by three vampires; in the distance she could see Faith and Anya fighting three more. One vampire leapt towards Giles and tackled him to the ground, leaving Buffy with the remaining two vamps. Buffy smiled and lifted her crossbow. She aimed it at the two vampires and said, "Who's first?"
* * *

The vampire attack had come from behind. The three evil undead had quickly separated Faith from Anya, with one vampire, a lithe female, attacking Anya and the other two, one the size of a linebacker and the other straight out of Nerdville, to deal with Faith. A smirk appeared on her face. She reached behind her back and pulled her stake from the waistband of her pants. She twirled the stake in her fingers as she said, "Boys, boys, boys. This is going to be fun."

She tackled the small, nerdy vamp, knocking him against a large headstone. Jumping up, she landed two kicks to his midsection before she lashed out, her stake plunging into his heart. His dust sprinkled against the green earth as she was struck from behind by the linebacker vamp. She tumbled against the headstone, breath exhaling in a whoosh. Her mouth hardened as her foot arched back, connecting with the vamp's jaw, snapping it shut with an audible crack. Springing onto the granite marker, she punched him twice and executed a brutal kick to his temple. She moved to punch him again, but her hand was caught in midair; the vamp yanked on her arm, sending Faith sailing through the air and crashing into the ground. She rolled to her knees, climbing to her feet as he charged. She darted to the right and smashed her boot against the back of his head. Faith pressed forward, sending a vicious punch to his kidneys. Another hard kick to his back caused the vampire to collide against one of the cemetery's tombs. She spun him around, pinning him against the wall with her hand on his throat. She smirked again as her stake pierced his heart, turning him to dust beneath her fingers.

* * *

Anya placed her hands on her hips and stared at the female vampire before her, one eyebrow raised in amusement. She shook her head slowly as she said, "I doubt you want to fight me."

The vampire smirked. "Is that a fact?"


"I think I can handle myself against one human."

A wicked grin spread across Anya's face. "I'm sure you can." The vampire charged. Anya's grin widened as she teleported, causing the vampire to crash through the door of a tomb. The vampire fell to the floor with a thud; the impact echoed throughout the tomb as Anya walked through the entrance. She crossed her arms over her chest and said, "But I'm not a human."

The female vamp scrambled to her feet, yellow eyes wide. "You're a demon."

"Yes. A very astute observation on your part."

"Why are you with the Slayer if you're a demon?"

"Because a large majority of the demon world, such as yourself, is bland, boring, and very stupid. Faith is not. Are you ready to resume fighting?"

The vampire rushed Anya. The blonde vengeance demon kicked the girl; her boot collided harshly against the vampire's chest, sending her sprawling against the stone coffin. Anya kicked again, but her foot crashed into the coffin as the vampire dodged, punching her twice in the face and knocking her to the floor. Anya chuckled and said, "That was a mistake." She sprang to her feet, her demon features appearing on her face. Her hand lashed out and she grabbed the vampire by the throat, her fingers tightening against the cold flesh. Anya tossed the vampire through the air. She smashed into the coffin and crumpled to the floor. Anya walked over to the broken door and grabbed a jagged piece of wood. As the girl struggled to her feet, Anya hurled the chunk of wood across the tomb, stabbing the vampire in the heart. She stared at the dispersing dust for a moment before turning and walking out of the tomb.

** *

Giles and the vamp tumbled end over end across the cemetery. They rolled to a stop with Giles on top. He executed two hard jabs, his fist pounding against the vampire's face, before pushing off him. Giles stumbled over to his ax and hefted it into his hands.

As Giles turned, the vampire groaned and sat up. He noticed the ax in Giles' hands and said, "Aw, man. Why do I always get the ones with weapon?"

Giles sighed.

The vampire stood, brushing grass from his jeans. "Look, man, can you just put the ax down? It'll make it easier for both of us. If you put it down, I'll kill you quick."

"As tempting as your offer sounds, I rather like my ax. I doubt I will be putting it down anytime soon."

"Have it your way then, old man."

The vampire moved to the right, his leg arching up and knocking Giles' ax to the side. Giles spun in a circle, using the momentum of the block to swing the ax through the air, and chopped off the vampire's head. The vampire crumbled to dust. Giles sighed again and placed the ax over his shoulder, muttering, "Wanker."

* * *

The two vampires faced off against Buffy. They glanced at the loaded crossbow, then at each other. The one on the left, dressed in a hideous orange suit, pointed towards Buffy, indicating that his companion should charge her. The vampire on the right shook his head and backed away a few steps. The two vampires started to bicker over which one should attack the Slayer first. Buffy rolled her eyes and cleared her throat. "Um, I don't think arguing like school girls will accomplish anything except giving me a headache. But I really think that's from your suit. What in the hell were you thinking? You look like a giant carrot."

The vampire in the suit glanced down at his outfit. "They say orange is the new fall color. It's in style."

Buffy pulled the trigger on the crossbow. One bolt shot through the air and imbedded itself in the orange vampire's chest. He exploded into a shower of orange dust as she said, "You should have stuck with black." She shook her head and loaded the crossbow again. Buffy looked for the second vampire, spotting him next to the woods bordering the cemetery; he glanced back at her as she shot the second bolt. It pierced the tree next to the vampire; he turned and plunged into the forest. Buffy slung the crossbow over her shoulder and sprinted towards the woods. She pulled her stake from the waistband of her pants and entered the dense trees. Branches whipped against her face as she ran; she could hear the vampire crashing through the woods ahead of her. She burst out of the trees into a moonlit clearing. Buffy saw the vampire charging across the field towards two figures hidden in the shadows of the trees. She grabbed her crossbow, loaded it, and fired, sending a bolt shooting across the field. It struck the vampire, knocking him to the ground where he exploded into dust.

Buffy dropped the crossbow onto the ground and stepped into the clearing. Her hazel eyes focused on the pair in the shadows; she heard the sounds of fighting. She took a couple of steps forward when the two figures tumbled out of the shadows into the moonlight. One was a heavyset vampire, dressed in camouflage. The other was in a faded black shirt and jeans; his hair was mussed, streaked with ash and platinum blonde.

Buffy's eyes widened as she whispered, "Spike…"

She watched as Spike punched the vampire and kicked him in the gut. His left hand slammed against the vampire's chest, ramming a stake into his heart. The vamp burst into dust. Spike slid the stake back into the pocket of his shirt and brushed the remains off of his pants. He froze, slowly turning his head until he locked eyes with Buffy. Her heart pounded inside her chest, sending her blood rushing through her veins. They looked at each other in the cool moonlight, drinking in their mutual visions. The world stilled around them, the sounds of the night faded, the sultry summer air slid between them on the leisurely winds.


Buffy started. She blinked once, then twice. She heard Giles call her name again. She looked at Spike. He glanced between her and the woods behind her. He locked eyes with her again before moving backwards and melting into the shadows. He disappeared into the forest when Giles, Faith, and Anya burst into the clearing. Buffy stared across the field, oblivious to the world, focused on shadows.

Giles placed a hand on her arm. "Buffy, are you alright?"

Buffy blinked again, a ghost of a smile appearing on her face. "Yeah. I'm fine. Are we ready to go?"

Giles nodded. He picked up her crossbow and handed it to Buffy.

She smiled again and placed the weapon against her shoulder. She followed Anya, Faith, and Giles back into the forest, stopping at the tree line and turning her head to look once more across the clearing. Buffy drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She tore her gaze from the field and entered the forest.
