The Seventh Slayer

By Kantayra

Chapter Eight

Ajaya took several deep breaths as the craft lowered itself onto the street below. Nervousness and excitement were pulsing through her veins, creating a bizarre but not unpleasant sensation. It felt almost natural in a way, like this was something she had been missing all her life…

“Remember your instructions?” Buffy demanded as the doors opened.

“Stick by you. If anything attacks us, I stay behind you and watch your back,” Ajaya repeated.

Buffy gave her a pleased smile. “You’ll do great,” she assured her.

Ajaya unstrapped herself and followed Buffy out the open hatch. There the rest of the team had already assembled in what looked to be a rundown warehouse district.

“Everyone ready?” Alex asked, getting nods from everybody in turn. “Xeris, lead the way,” he ordered the large Velik Demon.

Xeris closed his eyes, and the goat’s ears under his ram’s horns twitched for a minute before he began walking. His five teammates and Buffy followed close behind.

“It’s quiet,” Monica commented.

“Too quiet,” Nicolas agreed, his had clasping Buffy’s a bit tighter. “I don’t like this…”

“Lily, can you sense anything?” Alex asked, eyes flitting around the seemingly abandoned streets around them.

“There’s a strong magical force up ahead,” the young, brunette Witch nodded. “I think that might be the barrier my moms couldn’t get through.”

Xeris came to an abrupt halt, and a shimmer of orange energy appeared before him. “Your barrier?” he asked. At Lily’s nod, he sighed. “We have a problem, then. My people are in that warehouse right there.” He pointed to the direct center of the energy field they had just seen.

“We need to get in somehow,” Monica commented, feeling the magic tingling beneath her fingers. “Lily?”

The Witch nodded. “I think I can do it,” she said. “It shouldn’t be too hard to open a small gap from this range. I’ll tell my moms what’s going on, and maybe they can come up with something to pull it down permanently.”

“Do it,” Alex agreed.

Lily shut her eyes for a minute, transmitting her message, before they re-opened with green fire at their core. “Foramen laxa!” she cried, mystical green energy escaping from her fingertips at her command.

The two energies fought for a short time, orange warring with green, until finally the orange pulled back, leaving a small hole in the barrier.

“Everyone in!” Alex ordered.

They went through the opening in single file, all but Buffy and Ajaya having to duck due to the small size of the aperture. Lily finally followed the rest of the group through, and the small portal closed behind her.

“You can get us out, right?” Nicolas raised an eyebrow at her.

Lily nodded. “It’s a bit draining, but I’ve still got reserves.”

“Still no sign of attack,” Buffy commented, extending her combined vampire and Slayer senses. “Something’s fishy here…”

“Yeah, well,” Alex shrugged, “there’s nothing we can do about it now. Let’s just find our people and get out of here.”

He took point, and the rest of the group followed him to the warehouse doors. They opened easily, causing Monica, Buffy, and Nicolas to all exchange suspicious looks, and the group went inside.

Monica shut the door firmly behind them, and they all looked around at the empty room.

“ ‘Curiouser and curiouser’,” Xeris quoted.

“Which way?” Alex demanded.

“That was the ‘curiouser’ part I was referring to,” Xeris said, puzzled. “I can’t seem to sense where they are…”

“Buffy? Nicolas?” Alex turned to the two vamps.

“Nothing,” Nicolas shrugged. Buffy nodded her agreement.

“Ajaya?” Alex cast a critical eye in her direction.

“No,” she squeaked nervously.

“Not surprising,” he muttered under his breath. “Lily, is there some kind of spell on this place?” he said aloud.

“I’m not quite sure,” Lily had the same confused look on her face that Xeris did. “Everything feels…distorted. There might be some kind of illusion spell,” she shrugged. “Whatever it is, it’s interfering with my senses as well.”

“Then I guess we do this the hard way,” Alex said. “Nicolas, you’re with me. Monica, Xeris, you two take that hallway,” he gestured in one direction. “Tara, Buffy, and Ajaya, that way. Let’s get this over with before something happens.”

The groups split up quietly, each heading in their own direction.

“Be careful,” Nicolas gave Buffy’s hand a final squeeze before letting go.

“You too.” Buffy planted a quick kiss on his cheek before leading Lily and Ajaya down the darkened passage.

“Isn’t this kind of dark for daytime?” Ajaya asked nervously.

“More spells?” Buffy asked.

“There’s some powerful magic here,” Lily agreed.

“Watchers?” Buffy demanded.

“I can’t think of anyone else with this kind of power,” the brunette Witch nodded. “But as for the lack of light… Lux!” A glowing white orb appeared in her right hand, illuminating the sterile corridor. “Better than a flashlight,” she winked at Ajaya.

“Lily! Ajaya!” Buffy called them over to the end of the hallway.

“What did this?” Ajaya asked in horror at the huge, gaping claw marks that marred the door before them.

“I don’t know—” Lily began and then screamed in agony.

The ball of light in her hands vanished, and Ajaya was plunged into darkness…

* * *

“’Ello?” Spike flung the front door wide open and paused in the entranceway.

“Nobody home?” Isabelle asked, taking in the fine mahogany woodwork and the massive staircase before her.

“They’re home, all right,” Spike led her up the stairs and around a bend, “but my guess is they’re busy… Fletcher!” he called out, throwing open one of the doors on the hallway.

“What now?” Fletcher turned around in his chair, saw Spike, and groaned. “You…” he rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I might have known.”

“Yeah, me,” Spike retorted sarcastically. He ushered Isabelle inside. “Slayer,” he informed Fletcher as if he was a simpleton.

“You’ve got her then?” Fletcher said in obvious relief. “We’d gotten reports that—”

“Slayer,” Spike repeated. “Alive. Here. You owe me a load of overtime, twerp.”

Fletcher rolled his eyes. “Feel free to ignore him. Vampires in the morning, you know…” He gestured for Isabelle to take a seat. “I must say I’m most heartened that you’re still alive. I was afraid something had happened when we hadn’t heard about your situation in almost two days.” He cast a disapproving glare in Spike’s direction.

“Was busy,” the vampire insisted, lighting up a cigarette.

Fletcher seemed to wince at this action but said nothing. “Has Spike explained why you’re here?” he turned his full attention to the Slayer, which was quite impressive given that Spike was currently playing with his lighter over by his collection of rare books.

“You’re recruiting,” Isabelle gave him a wry smile, “and I’m out of work.”

“Indeed we are,” he agreed. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Fletcher Price, but you can call me Mr. Price. I’m in charge of this division of SCBI.”

“Pleased to meet you, Fletcher,” Isabelle shook his hand.

“Not another one!” Fletcher bemoaned his state of address.

Spike gave him a cocky grin and Isabelle a little wink. The Slayer blushed slightly and turned back to Fletcher.

“Spike’s already given me the spiel,” she informed him, “and he’s got a pretty good impersonation of you, too.”

“Oh dear god…” Fletcher muttered under his breath.

“Yeah, well it’s good for you,” Isabelle tried to restrain her laughter. “I’m a Slayer. The Watchers want to kill me. I’ve got no place else to go. I’m sold,” she informed him.

“Oh, well…good,” Fletcher said in surprise. “Are you trained?”

“For six miserable years,” she sulked.

“Are you…” he turned to Spike. “Er, is she…?”

“She’s not a spy,” Spike snorted in disgust. “’ve seen enough to know.”

“Well, then,” Fletcher said happily, “welcome aboard Ms. Navarro. I’m sure Spike will agree to show you around.” He gave the vampire a look that indicated that refusal was not an option.

“Yeah, sure,” Spike shrugged. “C’mon, Lioness, ‘ll give you the grand tour…”

“Thanks,” Isabelle waved to Fletcher before following Spike out. “God,” she started giggling almost immediately, “he’s just as stuffy as you said!”

Spike gave her a rakish grin. “He’s right fun to rag on,” he agreed. “I recommend doin’ it often.”

Isabelle gave him a flirtatious smile and took the arm he offered her.

“So, that was the study,” he began. “Tha’s where Fletcher lives. This—” He opened a door and paused when he saw the two old women and a young man sitting in the center of the room, chanting.

“Wh—?” Isabelle began to ask, but he put a hand over her mouth to stop her.

Another old woman noticed their entrance and gestured for them to go outside, following after them and closing the door behind her.

“Wha’s going on in there, Nibblet?” Spike demanded.

“Beta Team’s entered a magical barrier. We’re trying to bring it down,” the old woman explained. She turned to Isabelle. “And you are…?”

“Isabelle Navarro,” she responded.

“Ah, the other Slayer,” the old woman smiled. “My name is Dawn Salvatore, and I’m about fifty percent of the transportation around here.” She gave Isabelle her hand. “And you,” she turned to Spike with a stern expression on her face, “I haven’t seen you in months!”

“Sorry ‘bout that, Nibblet,” he gave her a hug and swung her around once before setting her back down. She let out a delighted little squeal. “Missed you, though.”

“You better have,” the old woman miraculously managed to pout.

“Always, Bit.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Now, what’s up with Beta Team?”

“The transport with the Veliks was attacked,” Dawn began. “Beta Team went in after them. Apparently, there’s a lot of magic involved.”

“Watchers?” Spike asked, one eyebrow raised.

“Looks like it,” Dawn nodded.

“Watchers?” Isabelle repeated.

“’S part of their all-demons-deserve-death policy,” Spike explained. “They go after the Veliks even though all they’ve done for the past three thousand years ‘s be slaves.”

“We’ve been trying to liberate them,” Dawn explained, “but the Watchers kill them if they can.”

“Why is it that everything I hear about the Watchers’ Council makes me hate them more?” Isabelle sighed.

“That would be sanity,” Dawn joked lightly. “So, anyway, we’re trying to knock down this barrier, so we can resume contact with Alex.”

“Alex’s back in the field so soon, then?” Spike raised an eyebrow.

“He insisted,” Dawn shrugged. “Took the other new Slayer out and everything.”

“She’s already in the field?” The surprise in Spike’s voice was evident.

“Qualified just yesterday,” Dawn agreed.

“Then who’s supervis— No, wait, let me guess…” his tone abruptly turned sarcastic. “Big Sis?”

“On the nose,” Dawn giggled slightly.

He rolled his eyes. “Oh, she just would, wouldn’t she?” he sighed in exasperation. “Most bleedin’ stubborn an’ obnoxious woman you’ll even meet, luv,” he informed Isabelle.

“Yeah, well, if you two want to stick around, we should be getting through that barrier soon. Might be exiting,” Dawn offered.

Spike turned to Isabelle. She shrugged.

“Sure, why not?” Spike agreed. “Give the new Slayer a look at just how boring all this mumbo-jumbo an’ research is…”

Dawn laughed and took Isabelle’s hand. “Just don’t interrupt the spell,” she informed her, leading them back into the room with the Witches and Warlock. “This should be pretty cool…”

* * *

Ajaya flicked the light on her belt on just in time to see Buffy swing a sharp pike into the side of the creature that had attacked Lily. She noticed with no small amount of panic that they were surrounded by the things.

They had round bodies with six spidery legs. They appeared to be a strange pale blue color in the dim light, and their skin had an odd rubbery appearance, almost like whale hide. The most bizarre thing, however, was the complete and utter lack of any head.

At least, Ajaya thought at first that they had no head. While she watched, a long, thin, snakelike object stretched out of one of the thing’s back and reached out to attack Lily again.

Buffy expertly whipped her pike around, lobbing the appendage off. The body of the creature quickly dissolved into a puddle of blue goo.

“Magic Drinkers!” Buffy informed Ajaya. “Don’t worry, they can’t really hurt you since your powers aren’t magical.”

“How do I kill them?” Ajaya removed her own pike from her belt, extended it to its full length, and stabbed the nearest Magic Drinker right through the middle. It dissolved almost immediately.

“Just jab at ‘em,” Buffy nodded her approval. “They’re not too difficult to kill.”

Ajaya kept stabbing, but the creatures just kept coming and coming. She screamed slightly when she felt a sharp pain in her leg and saw that one of the strange, mouth-like protrusions had gotten her. She impaled the creature that had gotten her quickly.

“One got me!” she called out, panicked.

“You’re not magical,” Buffy repeated. “It shouldn’t effect you much worse than a bee sting.”

“Lily?” Ajaya asked as the woman awoke, groaning behind them.

“It drain your powers?” Buffy asked.

“Yeah,” Lily groaned again.

“What about you?” Ajaya demanded of Buffy, forming a protective barrier between Lily and the creatures.

“I’m magically animated,” Buffy said soberly, the blade spinning in her hands and blocking all attacks with an ethereal grace. “One of them gets me, I’m dust…”

“There’s too many.” Lily was now on her feet, leaning back against the door behind her.

One of the things latched onto Ajaya’s arm, and she ripped it from her body. Buffy seemed to be having similar difficulty. Despite all her skill, tendrils were sneaking past her defenses. Ajaya barely sliced one in two before it caught Buffy’s ankle.

“Can’t you do something?” Ajaya demanded from Lily.

“I’m drained,” she repeated. “No magic…unless…” She turned to the door behind her.

“What are you doing?” Buffy called back.

“Testing out a theory,” Lily replied. She proceeded to bang on the door in a specific pattern. Three taps, break, one, break, two. She repeated the pattern again.

“I could really use some help!” Ajaya called back to her as two of the things managed to sting her simultaneously. She hissed in pain but held her ground.

“Yes!” Lily exclaimed in delight when the door behind them opened.

“In!” Buffy yanked Ajaya with her, and the three women fled inside. “That’s it!” she informed the four Velik Demons that were manning the door.

They managed to slam it shut before more than half a dozen Magic Drinkers got in. Buffy and Ajaya quickly disposed of them.

“How did you know?” Ajaya breathlessly asked Lily.

“The door was all scratched up,” Lily replied, collapsing onto a nearby bench. “I figured if something wanted in, there must be something inside.”

“And you found us,” a man’s voice said. Ajaya recognized Simon, the cabby that had first brought her to SCBI.

“The knocking was a code?” Ajaya asked.

“Standard SCBI distress,” Simon nodded. “Good thing you used it, too. We’ve kept that door barricaded all day.”

Buffy nodded. “What happened?”

Simon shrugged. “We were shot down. Something really heavy, probably magical. They herded us in here, kept us locked in but not much else…”

“They were using you for bait,” Lily said grimly. “Magic Drinkers don’t hurt Veliks.”

“But they hurt us,” Buffy agreed. “Oh god!” She put her head in her hands. “The others are still out there! Nicolas…”

“I’m sure he’ll be fine,” Ajaya insisted. “There are plenty of places in this old building to hole up.”

Buffy nodded slowly, and her focus seemed to return. “How long will you be out?” she asked Lily.

“A couple of days,” Lily sighed. “Too late to be of any use…”

“Well then,” Buffy said, “we’ll just have to make do with what we have…”

* * *

Isabelle’s eyes widened, and she leapt back when the magical triangle exploded in a blinding flash of green light.

“Oh my god!” she exclaimed. “The Witches—”

“Are fine,” an old woman’s voice said. A quick snap of her fingers and the light vanished. “Barrier’s down,” she announced.

Beside her, the other old woman still had her eyes closed in meditation. “Willow!” she finally opened her eyes in horror. “I still can’t contact Lily!”

“What?” the old Witch’s face turned pale. “What about Alex? Maybe the spell didn’t—”

“Alex is safe in one of the old offices,” the other woman shook her head. “They were forced there by Magic Drinkers. Only Lily’s group is lost…”

“Oh god,” the young Warlock said. “Can we locate them?”

“We can try,” Willow’s face hardened. “Who’s with her?”

“Buffy and Ajaya,” the other Witch informed her.

“Slayers,” Willow said. “They should be easy to track…”

The circle reformed, and quickly a swirl of dust formed between them. It rose all the way to the ceiling before settling on the floor.

Isabelle looked down at the image there and tried to decipher its meaning. It looked like a bunch of straight lines arranged at right angles in no particular order.

“That a good enough map?” Willow asked Dawn.

“It should work,” Dawn agreed. “Who do I go for first?” she asked Willow.

The old Witch’s brow furrowed. “We know Alex’s group is all right for now,” she said. “Go after Buffy’s.”

“If there are Magic Drinkers—” Dawn began.

“’ve got your back,” Spike sighed, “but only for you, Nibblet.”

Dawn flashed him a grateful smile.

“Am I going, too?” Isabelle asked.

Spike gave her a look.

“I haven’t killed anything in almost two days,” she insisted.

He gave her a wry smile at that. “OK,” he shrugged.

“What?” Willow protested. “But she’s—”

“Taken out eight vamps all by ‘er lonesome,” Spike cut it. “She can handle a few Magic Drinkers.”

Willow’s frown increased for a second, but then she nodded. “All right,” she agreed, “but Fletcher’s not going to like it.”

“Good,” Spike gave her a wide grin.

“Go,” Willow ordered Dawn, and there was a blinding flash of green light…

* * *

“Go!” Buffy shouted.

She and Ajaya threw the door open wide.

The first round of Magic Drinkers rushed in only to be instantly incinerated by a fireball from one of the Veliks’ mouth.

Another took his place when the fire and come to an end and let loose a new blazing inferno.

“What do we do when we run out of Velik Demons?” Ajaya asked Buffy.

“Hope the Magic Drinkers run out first,” Buffy replied off-handedly.

“This is a plan?!” Ajaya practically screeched.

Buffy shrugged. “We can always close the door again…”

However, just as she said it, a blinding flash of green light filled the room, sending everyone flying backwards.

Ajaya shielded her eyes, and when she looked up she saw Dawn surrounded by two people she didn’t recognize.

“C’mon, get up,” an Hispanic young woman with red highlighted hair gestured to her.

Ajaya took her hand and was pulled to her feet by incredible strength. “What are you?” Ajaya asked in surprise, keeping her back to the other woman’s as they fended off the Magic Drinkers with feet and blades. The other girl was easily her match in skill in strength.

“I’m Isabelle,” Isabelle gave her a small smile, “the Vampire Slayer. You?”

“Ajaya,” Ajaya repeated for the umpteenth time in the last few days, “the Vampire Slayer.”

Isabelle spun around suddenly, her mouth gaping. “You’re…?” she trailed off in astonishment.

“Lioness, watch your back!” Spike called out to her in warning.

Isabelle twisted to the side just in time to avoid a stinger to the back.

Buffy responded as well to the sound of that voice, spinning around with a look of disbelief on her face. “Spike?!” she finally hissed.

“Slayer…” he agreed, his eyes narrowing…
