The Seventh Slayer

By Kantayra

Authors End Note

Wow. It's done. A sad and happy occasion all at once... I've got to say, even I had my doubts that this would ever be finished, especially in that month and half where nothing got written. But, ta-da! Here it is for your amusement.

So many people have helped me with this story that I can't even begin to thank them all. That doesn't mean I won't try, though. ~_^

Special thanks to Tim for giving me confidence in my original characters, Brandi for giving me the final kick in the pants that got me started again after my huge writer's block, Gretchen and tuowei who reviewed like every chapter and let me know just what my audience was thinking, t_geyer whose insight into the characters and their motivations kept me constantly striving to make them better, and, finally, to LML, without whose constant encouragement I would never have finished. Of course, literally hundreds of people have given me some sort of feedback on this story, and even if I haven't listed their names here, I appreciate every last one. This story would never have turned out as well as it did without you guys, thanks so much! Sorry I'm not quite as diligent about responding to feedback as I should be...

Finally, what everyone's waiting for: What's to come? All you folks that have read a message just like this one at the end of all my other sagas, breathe a sigh of relief. That's right, I do plan to continue writing Seventh Slayer stories. We probably won't get another large saga for some time, but this world is too much fun for me not to play around in some more. In fact, I'm accepting requests for things you, the readers, want to see. I can't guarantee that they'll get written in a timely manner, or at all, but there's no harm in asking, right? There are just three stipulations:

1. I will not be writing the backstory of how Buffy and Spike got together for a long time. I do have this story waaay at the back of my drawing board, but I kind of need to see where Joss is going to leave us off before I fix his mistakes. ~_^ Closely related to this is the backstory of how Nicky came to be a soulful vampire. Unfortunately, this one thing is integral to the story I'll write later, so I can't give it away just yet. Sorry. -_-;;

2. In case you haven't managed to figure it out yet, I do not watch the Angel show. This means that I'm not even qualified to write Ajaya's continued story over in Tokyo. Like, I can't even recognize Fred. The two episodes of Angel I saw, I just guessed that the first woman I didn't recognize was Fred, and I was wrong both times. This is how badly you don't want me creating the future for the Angel cast. However, if anyone else is at all interested in writing this, please let me know. You'll have my full support.

3. Again, I have provisional plans to write Isabelle's continuing story, but it will probably take a long while since I've got several sagas ahead of this on my story ideas list.

Aside from that, any questions you have, whatever, send them to me. You just might get a story. ^_^ As for those of you that haven't found this out yet, 'Fragments of Future' does take place in the same universe as this story. If you're in desperate need of more Seventh Slayer Spuffiness, look no farther...

Well, given that this note's getting longer than the epilogue itself, I'll leave off now. Be sure to give me your final feedback, and thanks so much for reading!
