The Seventh Slayer

By Kantayra

Chapter Twenty Three

“Oh, god,” Isabelle banged her head back against the wall in disgust. “And to think I was actually starting to like you…”

Alex let out a deep sigh. “Look,” he said, his tone oddly apologetic, “it’s nothing personal, really. I just—”

“Knocked me unconscious and kidnapped me!” Isabelle screamed. “How is that not personal?!”

His face hardened. “There was no other choice,” he informed her. “They needed you.”

“So, naturally you just agreed to hand me over,” Isabelle bit out sarcastically. “What can they possibly be offering you to make you do this?! Haven’t you thought about your family? Your friends?”

“My family is dead!” Oops, maybe pissing him off hadn’t been such a good idea… “Those ‘friends’ of mine? They just stood by and killed my family one by one. They took my dad, and then my mom, and th-then Nina! They’re no friends of mine,” he spit out the word ‘friends’ like it was a bad taste in his mouth.

Isabelle rolled her eyes. “So you’ve had bad luck lately,” she said, just plain annoyed at the whole situation now, “well, boo-hoo for you! Grow up already! These things happen.”

“Th-They took them from me! All of them!” he insisted.

“Who did?” Isabelle retorted. “’Cause from what I heard, it was the Watchers’ Council that killed Nina…”

“The Witches,” Alex hissed. “They started it. T-Took my mom for no reason…”

“Other than she was ready to die!” Isabelle exclaimed. “Jeez, think about someone else’s wishes for once in your life. It’s not. All. About. You.”

His eyes narrowed in anger, but he was quickly distracted when the door to the dungeon opened again.

“Mr. Harris?” a precisely accented British voice spoke up.

Alex turned to face Clifford Fitzpatrick flanked by several others high up in the Council.

“Just having a difference of opinion,” Alex backed off, stepping away from Isabelle.

Fitzpatrick raised an eyebrow as he looked Alex up and down. “Curious choice of uniform,” he commented. “You, of course, know that you can never go back now?”

Alex didn’t comment, looking at Fitzpatrick no less venomously than he had looked at Isabelle.

“A man of your talents,” Fitzpatrick shook his head. “It really would be such a shame to watch them go to waste…”

“You got a point?” Alex demanded. “I carried through on our deal. It’s over.”

“You were pleased with your payment, then?” Fitzpatrick had a wicked little smile on his face that sent chills down Isabelle’s spine.

Alex shrugged. “Revenge is revenge,” he said disinterestedly. “Now, if you don’t mind…” He moved to step out of the room only to find his way blocked. He turned a suspicious eye to Fitzpatrick.

“Just a…precaution,” the head Watcher said innocently. “We really can’t have you leaving the premises until our payment is completed.”

“What?!” Alex exclaimed. “You’ve got her. She’s right there, all nice and gift-wrapped.”

Isabelle shot Alex an icy stare, and his eyes darted away from her abruptly.

“Yes,” Fitzpatrick agreed, “but we can’t have you running back home and telling all your little friends where we are, now can we?”

“I thought you said I couldn’t go back home,” Alex retorted.

Fitzpatrick laughed. It wasn’t a pleasant sound. “If you’ve been forthright with us,” he agreed, “but, quite frankly, Mr. Harris, I don’t trust you. You’re either an exceptionally good liar, or a traitor. And I’ll turn my back on neither. Until we are through with the girl, you are to remain as our…guest.”

“And after?”

“Straight and to the point,” Fitzpatrick nodded approvingly. “I like that. You’re sure you won’t stay on with us?”

“Just answer my question,” Alex demanded.

“Of course, you’re free to go once we’ve guaranteed you haven’t double-crossed us,” Fitzpatrick agreed magnanimously. “After all, what are allies for?”

“Good,” Alex said angrily before slamming the door behind him on the way out.

Fitzpatrick turned to Isabelle, but by now she’d recovered from Alex’ betrayal enough that she was once more on top of her game.

“Gotta say,” she commented, yawning slightly, “dungeon? Right in front of kidnapped victim? Not the best place to plan your master strategy.”

Fitzpatrick gave her an icy cold smile. “Why, Isabelle,” he said with a falsely delighted lilt to his voice, “how we have missed your…spunk. Isn’t that right, Harold?”

Isabelle rattled in her chains in an effort to get at her former Watcher and strangle him when she finally noticed his presence.

“You got the jump on me once,” West’s scowl pierced her to the very bone. “Expect to pay for that, bitch.”

“Excuse me?!” Isabelle said in disbelief. “Who tried to kill who exactly?”

“ ‘It is the Slayer’s duty to sacrifice herself for the cause’,” West quoted. “But, then, you never were very good with your lessons, were you?”

Isabelle rolled her eyes. “Are you just all going to stand there, looking menacing and making vague threats all day, or are you actually going to do something? ‘Cause, I gotta say, hanging from the wall unconscious a lot more fun than talking to you…”

Fitzpatrick gave her that evil little smile again. “In good time, Slayer,” he agreed. “All in good time.” He gestured for another of the Watchers to step forward.

Isabelle’s eyes widened when she saw the hypodermic needle in his hands and thrashed about in vain. Two of the others held her arm in place as the needle pierced her skin. She bit back a slight grimace – she really hated needles – but then they were done, and she felt no different.

“See?” Fitzpatrick said calmly, holding out the vial of her blood that they’d taken. “No need to panic.”

“Wh-What do you want with me?” Isabelle demanded.

Fitzpatrick looked thoughtful for a minute. “What was it you said again? Ah, yes! ‘Dungeon? Right in front of kidnapped victim? Not the best place to plan my master strategy.’ Honestly, little girl, what do you think this is? Some kind of adventure movie?” He snorted in disgust and turned to leave. The other Watchers followed.

West lingered for a second, though. “Oh, yeah,” he said with a wicked little smile, stroking her hair with one hand, “we’re going to have tons of fun, you and I. Prepare to suffer for your treachery!” And then he was gone as well.

“I thought they were trying not to act like bad action movie villains,” Isabelle said sarcastically, her words echoing hollowly off of the empty room.

* * *

“I don’t believe it!” Monica shook her head in denial. “H-He couldn’t! He’s my friend!”

Nicolas cautiously rested one hand on her shoulder, pulling her into a loose embrace.

“Isabelle is gone!” Ajaya exclaimed. “What other explanation is there? Everyone else is still here but Alex.”

“It’s not like you haven’t jumped to the wrong conclusions before,” Monica retorted bitterly.

Ajaya’s expression softened. “I’m really sorry about that,” she repeated for the umpteenth time. “I can’t say that enough. I didn’t want it to be you, but then I didn’t want it to be anyone. And when I saw you being all secretive with the videoscreen and all…”

“We don’ have time for this now,” Spike cut off their little sobfest. “We ‘ave to find where Isabelle is, an’ we know the Watchers’re after ‘er.”

“Unless Fletcher’s found something,” Xeris pointed out, “we have no way of knowing where the Watchers are.”

“Or Alex,” Ajaya added.

“M-Maybe something just came up,” Monica suggested hopefully. “They ran off on some assignment or other…”

“Our Fyarl friend doesn’t know of any,” Ajaya pointed to the deactivated viewscreen before them.

“Krullek doesn’t know everything,” Monica retorted. “Maybe something happened here…”

“All the action is right in this room,” Ajaya retorted. “Where else could they possibly have gone?”

“I don’t know,” Monica began crying in earnest. Nicolas held her tightly.

“We need to contact Fletcher,” Buffy finally sighed ruefully, her head in her hands. “Maybe there’s some way of tracking Alex…or Isabelle,” she added off of Monica’s look.

“Think we should check back, luv?” Spike inclined his head over to the viewscreen.

Buffy shook her head. “Fletcher knows we’ve got an emergency over here. He’ll call as soon as it’s physically possible. We’d just be wasting our time, bugging Krullek.”

“Then what do we do?” Ajaya demanded. “The Watchers want Isabelle dead. It could already be too late!”

Buffy turned to Ajaya. “And panicking won’t help anything,” she pointed out. “Now, I want you to tell me every last detail of Isabelle’s dreams that you can remember. Even the slightest little clue could be the key to saving her.”

Ajaya looked flustered. “I’ve already told you everything she told me,” she insisted. “I don’t know any more.”

“But, you said Alex saved Isabelle in her dream, right?” Monica spoke up again. “That means that Alex can’t be the traitor.”

Ajaya frowned. “I’m a bit confused on that part myself,” she agreed. “Maybe that part wasn’t a Slayer dream?”

“Did Isabelle say it was?” Buffy demanded.

“Well, yes,” Ajaya conceded.

Buffy nodded. “Then it was a Slayer dream,” she affirmed. “But,” she cut off Monica before she could speak, “Alex’ absence is way too suspicious. At this point, I’m working under the assumption that he’s a traitor, and the rest of you would be wise to do so as well.”

Monica looked about to object but stopped herself, finally nodding grimly that this was a good conclusion to base their actions off of. “That means we have to find them now,” she pointed out. “If the Watchers have her and Alex had turned against her…” She trailed off and shuddered at the possibilities.

“There must be something we can do!” Buffy exclaimed in frustration.

Spike snuck up behind her and kissed her hair lightly to calm her down.

She smiled appreciatively at his efforts. “Alex is the traitor, but Alex killed the traitor,” Buffy frowned. “It’s doesn’t make any sense! Argh! I hate prophetic dreams!”

“Really, luv?” Spike asked softly, considering the matter for a second. “Somethin’ in that… I dunno, it just seems strangely hopeful to me.”

“God, do I hope you’re right,” Ajaya responded worriedly…

* * *

Lily’s mouth set in a grim line as Fletcher finished recounting what had happened while she was ill. “You need to get back,” she finally decided.

“I know,” Fletcher agreed, “but we need to figure out how to save the coven first.”

Lily nodded. “I’ll need some place to work…where I’m not in danger of being attacked,” she began, “and I’ll need a bunch of books from the library and some equipment, and I want Simon to stay behind and look at magical mug-shots.”

Fletcher nodded. “Done. You’d better stay here for now, just in case. Dawn and Melissa can get you anything you need.”

“Just please don’t make me teleport anymore,” Dawn pleaded. “After the past week, I’m beginning to feel a bit dizzy every time I jump.”

“Shouldn’t be a problem,” Lily agreed. “None of this stuff needs to get her in five seconds. Are you up for casting, just in case I need a full circle?”

Dawn nodded.

“How ‘bout you, Missy?” Lily asked.

“I’m good,” Melissa agreed.

“Great,” Fletcher sighed in relief, “at least something’s going right… Melissa, drive with me back to the house. You can get whatever supplies Lily needs and come back. The rest of you, stay here and work this all out.”

Lily was already beginning to pick Simon and Dawn’s brains and didn’t even notice Fletcher’s speech.

“Looks like your work here is none,” he smiled at the nurse as they stepped outside…

* * *

Isabelle struggled in vain with the traitor – still, surprisingly, only the form of the hollow SCBI uniform. Then, just like last time, right as the life began to drain from her body, the uniform exploded in a cloud of dust.

Isabelle dropped to the ground and scowled up to see Alex before her.

“You’re a traitor!” she hissed under her breath.

“Perhaps.” His voice sounding strange and echoing in the black nightmare world of her dream. “But you are still alive…”

Isabelle’s brow furrowed. “I-I don’t understand…” she began.

“Does anyone really?” he replied enigmatically.

Then, before her very eyes, his face changed, demon ridges marring his once smooth brow.

“You don’t know me!” he hissed in a guttural demon voice, his teeth snapping at her.

Isabelle screamed, and screamed, and…

Woke up, sweating.

“Nasty dreams?” a familiar voice inquired.

Isabelle turned to scowl at him. “Yeah,” she said, “being betrayed and kidnapped will do that to you, y’know.”

Alex sighed and shook his head. “Look,” he began, “I’m really—”

“Sorry?!” she finished for him. “Just forget it. I don’t want ‘sorry’. I want to live my life, dammit! I want to go back to SCBI and—”

“Die in some stupid battle?” he countered. “Is that really what you want out of life?”

“No,” Isabelle sobbed softly, “but I’m the Slayer, and—”

“You’re doomed to die young,” Alex agreed. “It’s not fair, is it? I bet you didn’t even want to be a Slayer.”

Isabelle turned away from him, but the brief look he caught in her eyes told him he was right.

“People like you,” he began softly, “people who want to live… They shouldn’t have to go through this. It’s not fair. You should be allowed to live your life in peace.”

“And this is why you kidnapped me?” Isabelle retorted sarcastically. “Are you so deluded as to think that the Watchers are going to let me live?!”

“No,” he said sadly, “but I can’t do anything about that.”

“Sure, you can!” she exclaimed.

Alex continued, ignoring her interruption. “They needed you. They needed you to make sure this didn’t happen to anyone else like you. They’ve found a way to select for themselves. No one like you will ever have to be Chosen again…”

“Yeah, well, I already am Chosen,” Isabelle retorted. “It’s too late for me!”

“Yeah,” Alex nodded, “and I’m sorry but…in the end, it’s a sacrifice for the better.”

“It’s my sacrifice to make,” Isabelle insisted. “Not yours. You have no right!”

“N-Nina,” he seemed completely oblivious to her presence now, “Nina didn’t want to be Chosen, either. She was so frightened at first. She didn’t want to die. A-And then she was finally starting to get it together. Really building her life, you know? Sh-She was happy for the first time ever, and then all of a sudden…” He let out a ragged little sob. “Sh-She was gone. She died alone, and there was nothing I could do to help her…”

Isabelle bit her lip and looked away from him, barely able to contain her rage.

“She never should’ve been Chosen. You never should’ve been Chosen. I-It’s wrong, and I have to fix it,” he insisted.

“And fixing it apparently involves blowing up a hospital and putting dozens of Witches into comas,” Isabelle rolled her eyes.

“Th-The hospital was a mistake!” he insisted. “They didn’t tell me they were going hit it! It was just supposed to be the Temple. And, as for the Witches,” his eyes darkened, “after what happened to my mother…”

“Yeah,” Isabelle bit back, “it really is a shame that she’s off living happily ever after. She’d be much better off watching how pathetic you’ve become.”

Isabelle’s head flinched to the side at the force of his slap.

“I don’t know why I thought you would understand,” he hissed angrily, before stomping out of the dungeon, leaving her alone in the dark once more…


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