Once Upon A Midnight Dreary

By missmorganpryce


Lilah sighs.

"I really do have an office."

There is a moment of silence.

"Doesn’t matter where they put me, the Hell’s in my head," says Lilah. "All those stories about torture and mutilation? Hell is purely psychological."

"Yes, it is," says Wesley, feeling guilt. He understands it very well, being that he is going through his own personal Hell right now as well. He is the one who let her die.

Lilah hears his unspoken thoughts.

"Stop blaming yourself. It’s not all about you, you know."

Wesley cannot help but smile a little at Lilah’s declaration. He has missed her sharp edges, her sarcasm, and their arguments. He expresses this much in his next words.

"I’ve missed you."

"Missed me? Have you stopped missing me?"

"I miss you."

"I miss you."

There is silence for a moment, as both of them digest each other’s words. Wesley cannot see the look on her face, but he imagines her softening and looking at him with almost loving eyes. He breaks the quiet reflection.

"I never thought I’d encounter you alive again," he says quietly.

"Me neither," says Lilah.

"I never understood why Jasmine had everyone from Wolfram and Hart killed." (Everyone, including you)

"She didn’t want anyone undermining her plans" -Wesley almost sees her smirk- "Not like that mattered. Big bad ole law firm’s back! -"

"With Wolfram and Hart, I can try to bring you back," says Wesley, interrupting her light-hearted rambling.

Lilah immediately becomes more serious.

"Don’t, Wesley. It won’t work."

"How are you so sure? Spike got to come back."

"The Powers like the ones who atone for all those bad, bad things they did. Me, I didn’t apologize and try to do good for all. Also, Wolfram and Hart own my ass, and they want me to productively suffer in Hell for a few centuries. When I leave tonight, let me walk out of your life for good. It’s better for you that way."

Wesley aches to hold Lilah, or at least see her.

"Jasmine couldn’t make me forget you completely. You think telling me this will help?"

Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer
Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.
"Wretch," I cried, "thy God hath lent thee—by these angels he hath sent thee
Respite—respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore!
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!"
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."

"Try. There are a few potions out there that would help."

"I'm not just going to give up on you and leave you in Hell-"

"It was always about redeeming me, wasn’t it?"

"No it wasn’t! This isn’t about redeeming you from your sins, this is about me! This is selfishness; I want you. I figured out the whole thing after it was too late-"

"Still too late."

"Not now, not tonight. I can try something, keep you grounded in this dimension."

He goes over to his bookshelf and hurriedly pulls out a book, then another. He imagines Lilah looking over his shoulder, her breath on his cheek.

"I have to leave." Lilah says quietly. "They’re pulling me back."

"No! Damn it, I’ll find something!"
