Fic Notes: When I wrote "The Awakening", I didn't know that I would be writing a sequel. So, the last line of The Awakening makes much less sense then it did when I wrote it. Apologies.



A strange light surrounded Buffy and she was pulled from his arms. He saw her reaching out to him, heard her cry his name, and then she was gone, disappearing as if she had never existed.

"Buffy," he shouted, jumping up, shaking in fear and shock. "Oh God, Buffy, where are you?"

And then the light hit him, and he found himself being pulled through what seemed a long tunnel.


Chapter 1

Xander was on his way to the Dairy Queen when a madman dressed only in a robe and slippers stepped in front of his car. Hitting the brakes and turning the wheel in a desperate attempt to miss the crazy jaywalker, he just managed to avert a tragedy. Man, his Uncle Rory would have a conniption fit if Xander put a body-sized dent in his fender.

Getting out of the car to give the idiot a piece of his mind, he instead stopped in surprise when he saw who it was.

"Spike? What the hell do you think you're doing?" he asked in amazement. "And why are you in a bathrobe and running around loose? And why is your hair brown? And what's up with the glasses?"

William looked at the young man but could make no sense out of any of his words. He was in a state of shock, unable to think clearly. When the light had faded, he had found himself alone in what appeared to be a warehouse. Finding his way outside, he discovered that he was in a place like none he had ever seen.

Carriages that moved on their own, streets brightly lit by incandescent lamps, and discordant sounds of music and voices that came from no discernable source surrounded him. He was frightened and disoriented, and now this young man was verbally assaulting him with questions that made no sense.

The man drew close to him and grabbing his arm began pulling him towards the strange metal conveyance. "Come on, Spike," he was saying. "Let's get you back to Giles' before Buffy spots you and decides to stake you. Although," he added cheerfully, "that probably isn't such a bad idea."

There was only one word that William understood. "Buffy?" he asked.

"Yeah, Buffy. You know, The Chosen One? Slayer of Vampires? You remember her, don't you, Spike? She who is the kicker of your ass?"

"Buffy Summers?" William asked hopefully.

"Yes, Spike. Buffy Summers. Now that we've established who she is, let's go."

William allowed the young man to place him into the vehicle and then held on in terror as it moved rapidly down the street. Xander watched the weird antics of the crazy vampire and just shook his head. Apparently that chip had fried what little bit of brain Spike possessed.

When they reached their destination, Xander sighed in exasperation as Spike just sat there as if frozen in place. Going over to the passenger-side door, he opened it and dragged him out. "Come on, you nut job; outta the car. Let's get you into Giles' so we can get you all nice and tied up before you go postal."

Hearing that, William tried to escape, but the man had a tight grip on his arm and pulled him through a courtyard to the door of a flat. Opening the door without knocking, Xander pushed his reluctant prisoner into the apartment. William found himself in a brightly-lit room that contained a tall, middle-aged man.

"Lookie what I found wandering around town dressed only in a bathrobe," Xander announced. "One loco vampire. You know, Giles, you really need to take better care of your houseguests."

Giles was staring at the man Xander had shoved into the room. Removing his glasses, he could only gaze at him in wonder and shock. "Dear Lord," he murmured.

"Giles, I'm going home, okay? I'm feeling better now."

A feminine voice was coming from what William assumed to be a hallway. It was a voice he recognized. "Buffy?" he called out.

The voice replied in an irritated tone, "What the hell do you want now, Spike?" Turning into the living room, Buffy came to a startled halt. There, standing next to Xander, was William.

"William?" Buffy's voice was little more than a whisper.

"What the fuck?" came a roughly accented voice.

William was shocked by the coarse language, especially in front of a lady, and tore his eyes away from Buffy to peer in the direction from which it came. Sitting up from a large, plush sofa was a man who looked exactly as he did. Well, not exactly. The man's hair was an unnatural white-blond and his complexion appeared to be unhealthily pale.

The two men stared at each other and then the white-haired one jumped up and went into an aggressive stance. "What the bleedin' hell's going on here, Rupert?" the man growled out. "How did he get here?"

Giles looked from one man to the other and then turned to Buffy.

"Buffy, can you explain this?"

He grew even more disconcerted when his charge rushed forward and threw herself into the dark-haired Spike's arms.

"Oh, William," she cried. "I didn't think I'd ever get to see you again."

William's arms went possessively around Buffy and he lowered his head to rest on her shoulder. He was so glad to see her, so glad to have something familiar and loved to cling to in this strange and frightening place.



Chapter 1:

Xander and Giles stared in amazement at the embracing pair. "Uh, Giles, what's going on?" Xander asked in confusion. "Why is Buffy hugging Spike? And why are there two Spikes?"

"Because that's William, you git," came an irritated voice from behind him. Xander looked at the vampire and said, "Huh?"

Moving around the couch, Spike walked up to the pair and forcibly pushed the human away from Buffy, an action that immediately caused his chip to fire. "Ow! Bloody hell."

"Sir," William stated sharply, "I must ask you to regulate your language in the presence of a lady."

"Yeah, well you show me a lady and I'll regulate my fucking language," Spike snapped. William drew himself up to his full height and looked as if he were going to challenge Spike. Although in his chipped state Spike couldn't hurt William, the last thing Buffy needed was to have William fight with his vampire self. It was confusing and icky enough having them both in the same room.

Stepping between them, Buffy place a gentle hand on William's chest. "It's okay, William. Just ignore him; that's what the rest of us do."

"Buffy, who is he and why does he look exactly like me? Well, except for that atrocious hair." Leaning forward he whispered, "Is it real?"

Spike heard the question, and with a snort, walked away from the couple and flopped down into a chair, a look of pure disgust on his face.

"Okay, is someone please gonna fill me in on what's going on?" Xander whined. "Did Willow do another wacky spell?"

"Xander, this is William Makepeace. He's, uh, from London."

"Uh huh," Xander said. "And all guys from London walk around town dressed only in their bathrobes?"

"Xander, please stop asking questions; we'll fill you in later. Buffy, I need to speak with you privately. Now, please." With that, Giles retreated out of the room. Buffy gave a reassuring look to William and said, "I'll be right back, okay?" At his nervous nod, she reached up and brushed a soft kiss against his mouth.

"Bloody hell," Spike growled.

"Shut up, Spike," Buffy answered as she walked past him into the hallway where Giles waited.

"Giles, how did this happen? How did William get here from 1879?"

"How do you know William?" Giles asked in return.

"Oh, well, you remember I said that I only met one person when I was in the past?" At Giles' nod, she continued. "Well, he was that one person."

"I see," Giles sighed, taking his glasses from his face and wiping them on his handkerchief. "And it appears that you became very close with him in a very short time."

Buffy looked down in embarrassment. "Uh, yeah. He's a nice guy. And he helped me. So, yeah, we became friends pretty quickly. But that doesn't explain why he's here in the 20th Century, Giles."

"I'm not so sure that is doesn't, Buffy." Giles was feeling very uncomfortable with the conversation, but he needed to get to the bottom of what exactly had happened. "Tell me, were you and he in close proximity when you were brought back here to our time?"

Buffy nodded. "We were sitting next to each other on his sofa."

"How closely?"

"Uh, pretty close."

"How closely?"

Buffy looked down at the floor and said, "Well, we were kinda hugging."


"Yeah. And, uh, kissing."

Giles closed his eyes as if in pain. "You two were sitting on his couch, wrapped in each other's arms and kissing. Is this correct?" Giles didn't even bother to bring up William's state of dress, or undress as the case may be.

Buffy swallowed nervously. "Uh huh."

"Well, I will have to research it, of course, but it appears that your close proximity caused a sort of piggyback effect which allowed William to follow you into this century."

"Follow me? But he wouldn't have known I was a time traveler, Giles. I swear I didn't tell him anything about being from the future."

"That may not have mattered. If you two developed a close bond and you were then pulled from his arms during an intimate moment, his thoughts of distress and fear for you may have been enough to pull him through."

"But why didn't he show up while we were still in the warehouse? It's hours later, Giles."

"I don't have an answer for that yet, Buffy. But it could well be that the vagaries of time travel are, well..."

"Vague?" Buffy offered.

"Capricious. Buffy, I just don't have enough data at this time to determine exactly what happened."

"Do you think he'll return to his own time in twenty-four hours like I did?" she asked.

"Again, Buffy, I don't have enough data. He didn't travel in the same manner as you. He wasn't hit directly by a time wave from the Khronos Demon. It may change the pattern of his experience. I just don't know. What I do know is that we need to get him away from Spike. I cannot imagine the consequences should he discover what Spike is."

William was watching the area where Buffy and the older man had disappeared. He could make out the sounds of whispering, but not the words. The two men with whom he had been left continued to stare at him, which made him very uncomfortable. He was especially unnerved by his doppelganger. How was it possible that someone who was not his identical twin could look exactly like him? And he was so...crude and dangerous looking. And disrespectful to Buffy.

He was relieved when Buffy and the man returned to the group. Buffy immediately came up to him and taking his hand asked, "You okay?" Nodding his head, William replied, "Yes, just confused. Buffy, how did I get here? And where am I?"

Buffy looked to the older man who sighed and shook his head. "Buffy, I truly believe that the less we tell him, the better."

"And sir, I believe that if it concerns me, I should be told," William rebutted. "I would also like to know who that man is, and why he looks like me."

"Yeah, Slayer. Tell our William who I am," Spike's mocking voice interjected.

"Shut up, Spike, or I swear I'll cut your tongue out," Buffy snapped.

"Ooh, Slayer. Don't let your lover see what a right bitch you can be when you try," he snarked.

William's eyes widened as he listened to this exchange. Never had he observed a man and woman talk to each other in such a manner.

"Buffy, I really think it best if you remove William from here. The less time he spends in Spike's company, the better."

"The less time *I* spend in Spike's company, the better," Buffy muttered. Speaking louder she added, "Yeah, okay, Giles. I'll take him home with me, but he needs some clothes. He can't keep running around Sunnydale in just his dressing gown.

"I suppose I could lend him something though I fear it will be quite large on him," Giles said.

Turning her head, Buffy looked directly at Spike. "You have a spare set of clothes, don't you, Spike?"

"Yeah. One set. Period. And nancy-boy there can't have them."

"Get them."

"Sod off."

Stomping over to Spike, Buffy drew back her fist and popped him on the nose.

"Ow! Bloody hell, Slayer, lay off my nose!"

"Get. The. Clothes."


Pushing her out of his way, Spike went to a box in the corner of the living room and drew out a clean pair of black jeans and a black T-shirt. Whipping his arm back, he flung them at Buffy. Catching them, she turned back to William and said, "Come on, William. I'll show you where you can change."

Unnerved by the violent by-play between the two, William followed Buffy as she walked back down the hall from which she had first appeared.




Chapter 2:

Buffy opened the door to a small room that William recognized as a combination water closet and bathing chamber. Shutting the door after them, she set the clothes on the sink and turned to him. "William, I'm so sorry this has happened to you." Raising her hand, she gently caressed his face and then pressed a kiss to his mouth. "Giles is going to try to figure out exactly what happened and try to get you back home again."

William pressed his body close to Buffy's, yearning to feel her warmth again. His breath quickened as he breathed in her fragrance. "Will you come home with me, Buffy?" he asked softly.

"I wish I could, William. You don't know just how much I want to." Lifting her head she gazed sadly into his beautiful blue eyes. "But I belong here. And you belong there."

Wrapping her arms around him, she held him closely, tears trailing down her face as she mourned the knowledge that she would once again lose him. William held her tightly, and then easing back her head, he kissed away her tears and covered her mouth with his.

Pulling back slightly and resting his forehead on hers he begged softly, "Buffy, please tell me where I am and how I got here."

"William, I can't. There are reasons, good reasons, for you to know as little as possible. Please trust me." Buffy felt terrible. She knew that if she were in William's place she would be threatening physical violence until she had been told the truth.

"I do trust you, my love, but I'm so confused and not a little unnerved by all of this."

Buffy could only hold him close to her once again. Gently placing her hands on either side of his head, she looked solemnly at him. "I know, William, and I'm so sorry I can't tell you anything. But I'll keep you safe, I promise you." Their mouths joined again and their passion blazed forth immediately. Pressing his hips forward, he began to rub his burgeoning erection against her stomach. Their breathing sped up and Buffy let her hand slip down and into his dressing gown, wrapping it around his shaft and stroking it gently.

William moaned and began to thrust his hips. "Buffy, I need you so much," he gasped out. He knew this was highly inappropriate with others nearby, but something about this woman made him lose all his inhibitions. Running his hands down her back, he cupped her bottom while returning his mouth to hers is a deep, opened-mouth kiss.

Buffy was barely aware that she was in Giles' bathroom; that her Watcher, her best friend, and her worst enemy were only a few feet away. She was soon reminded of this fact though when a pounding started on the bathroom door and a loud voice shouted, "Oi, Slayer! If you're going to shag 'im, at least do it in your own home. Giles and I have to use that bathroom, you know."

Buffy and William broke apart, and Buffy stormed over to the bathroom door and jerked it open. Grabbing Spike by the throat, she shoved him up against the wall. "You are treading of very thin ice, Spike. Don't think I won't stake you just because you have that chip."

"Oh, you won't stake me, Slayer," he told her snidely. "Once he's gone, I'm all you'll have left of your new little fuck toy."

Buffy saw red. Her fist lashed forward and she punched Spike as hard as she could. She was pulling her fist back to strike him again when she heard, "Buffy, what are you doing?"

Turning she saw William standing in the bathroom door, a shocked and frightened look on his face. "William. I, oh God, I didn't hurt him. Not really."

Letting Spike go, she moved up to William again. He backed away nervously, and Buffy heard Spike's snort of laughter. Closing her eyes to control her temper, she turned to glare at Spike. "Go back to the living room and stay there, Spike."

Giving her a mock salute, he sauntered back down the hall. Returning to William, she said gently, "Come on, let's get you dressed so we can leave here." Once he was dressed, they returned to join the others.

"Xander, will you drive us to my house?" she asked as they entered the living room. She studiously ignored Spike. William cast one nervous glance his way and then followed Buffy's example and tried to ignore him.

"Sure. Can I come in and see your mom's reaction to, uh, William here?"

"Mom's not home, Xander. She's in New York this week."

"Well, ain't you just the luckiest girl in Sunnydale?"

Buffy just glared at Spike, and then turned to Giles. "Should we come back here in the morning or do you want to come over to the house? You can chain Spike back up if you want to come to the house."

She heard William's slight intake of breath at this remark and could have kicked herself. She had to remember to watch what she said around him. Meanwhile, Spike was protesting the suggestion he be chained.

Giles ran a hand through his hair and motioning her to the side told her quietly, "As much as I would prefer to keep Spike away from William, all of my research material is here. Perhaps you could leave William at your house?"

"Nuh uh," Buffy said. "He's staying with me. I don't want anything to happen to him."

"Now isn't that sweet."

Once again Buffy lost her temper. "Do you have to keep pushing, Spike? Can't you give it a break for one tiny second!"

"Probably not," came the taunting reply.

With that, Buffy grabbed William's hand and dragged him from Giles' apartment. Xander followed obediently in her wake.

They sat together in the backseat of Xander's car, she holding his hand and keeping him calm during the drive to her house. "Thanks, Xan," she told her friend as they pulled up to the curb in front of the house on Revello Drive. "Are you working tomorrow, or can you drive us back to Giles'"

"Sorry, Buff, gotta early morning job at the construction site. Maybe Giles can come pick you guys up."

"Okay. Thanks for the ride, Xander. See you tomorrow." As Xander drove away she led William up the walk and to the front door of her house. He looked around in interest as she unlocked the front door and then jumped a little when she flicked on the lights. He just wasn't used to electrical lights although he had read with interest the articles detailing the on-going experiments with incandescent lighting. And he was well aware that nowhere in the world were they being used such as here. Nor were there motorized carriages.

"Are you hungry, William?" Buffy asked. "I'm not much of a cook, but I think I can probably find something for us to eat if you're hungry."

"No, thank you, Buffy. I am tired though."

Buffy smiled and taking William's hand led him up the stairs to her bedroom. After turning on the light and then going to the window and drawing the shade, she crossed over to the bed and began to pull back the coverings. William stood rather nervously in the doorway, caught between exhaustion and desire for the beautiful young woman before him. When Buffy straightened up from preparing the bed, she smiled and then walked over to where William stood. Leaning into him, she kissed him and then said, "Would you like to take a shower?"

"A shower?" he asked in a breathy voice. Her nearness, the taste of her mouth, were rapidly pushing his exhaustion away.

"Mmm hmm. Come on; I think you'll like this." Once again taking his hand, she led him to her bathroom. It was a more spacious room than the one at Giles' flat, and William looked around appreciatively at the pretty, feminine decorations.

Buffy pulled back the shower curtain and turned on the water. Adjusting the temperature, she then flipped the setting to shower and stepped back. William watching in amazement as water flowed out of a pipe high in the wall. Coming up to him, Buffy removed his glasses placing them carefully on the sink and then began to push the T-shirt up and over William's head. Leaning into him, she put her mouth to his chest, running her tongue over his nipples and tracing her hands down over his tight stomach.

William grabbed her head, pulled it to him and gave her a hard, probing kiss. He felt her hands at the waistband of his trousers and then they were unfastened and she was pushing them down past his hips. Pulling away from her, he kicked off his slippers and slid the trousers the rest of the way off. Buffy gazed at his perfect body and reached out to touch him. Her hands slid up and down his chest and the tops of his thighs and came to rest on his erection. Kissing her again, William began pulling and tugging at Buffy's clothes, trying to disrobe her while at the same time keeping the passionate kiss going. Finally Buffy pulled away, removed her clothes, and then stepping back, she entered the shower.

Holding out her hand, she said, "Come to me, William." She needed to say no more for he immediately joined her under the warm spray of water. They stood there as the water rained down over them, kissing, fondling, pressing their bodies together, until at last Buffy moved back and taking up a bottle, poured something liquid into her hands. Reaching up she spread the liquid through his hair and began rubbing her fingers over his scalp. It was one of the most sensuous things he had ever felt. Once she had finished washing his hair, she rinsed it clean and then taking another bottle, she poured more liquid into her hand, but this time she used it on his body.

The slipperiness caused by the soap allowed her hands to glide over him in a sensual massage that brought sighs of pleasure from his lips. No part of his body escaped her attention. Her hands played over him, palms and fingertips touching everywhere. She turned him around so that his back faced her and gently kneaded his shoulders, traced over his shoulder blades, and ran her thumbs down his spine to his buttocks where she rubbed her hands over the firm globes and then slid her fingers between the cheeks. He gasped and had to lean against the wall to keep upright as she gently probed at his tight hole and then moved forward between his legs to fondle his swollen sacs.

William's head was thrown back as he experienced each touch, each caress. Buffy returned her hands to his shoulders and she began to nibble and lick her way down. "God William, you have the most beautiful back," she told him huskily, her tongue lapping at his skin, drinking the water that poured over him, her hands running up and down the tight muscles from his broad shoulders to his firm tapered waist. Buffy was well aware of Spike's strength and tight body, but if she had given it any thought at all, she would have assumed it was the demon that gave Spike his physique. Now she realized that the demon had had a beautifully muscular frame upon which to build.

As she licked her way down his spine, William could no longer stand it and whipped around, meaning to grab her and press kisses into her mouth. Buffy was already kneeling behind him so that when he turned, he presented his turgid manhood to her. Buffy took advantage of her position by grasping his shaft and lowering her head. William's eyes widen as he watched her take him into her mouth. The sensation was beyond anything he had ever felt. She was no expert, but she watched his reactions and soon discovered what pleased him. A long lick up the vein, a swirl of the tongue over the head, a suck, the tiniest scraping of her teeth, the pressure of her hand as she slid it up and down the thick length, caused him to jerk and moan and cry out his pleasure. Opening her mouth wide, Buffy took him in deeply, sucking gently as she slid down. Sliding her mouth back up his shaft, she dragged her tongue along his hard length until she once again reached the head. She continued this sensuous kiss for several minutes until at last, swirling her tongue around the sensitive head, she dipped the tip into the tiny hole there, tasting the salty-sweet drop he had produced.

William's legs nearly buckled. He realized that he was close to release, and reached down to pull her back to her feet. Grabbing her head, he kissed her ravenously. Pushing her back until she was up against the wall, he pressed himself to her, rubbing against her stomach. Buffy lifted one leg and wrapped it around his waist. Reaching down, she found his shaft and guided it to her. He bent his knees slightly until he was properly positioned and then pushed in. His breath caught in his throat as he once again felt her heat enveloping him. He captured her leg in one hand to hold it steady against him as he began to thrust, at first slowly, but soon he was pounding into her. Buffy wrapped her leg tightly around him and held onto him with her arms. William was grateful for the rough texture he felt at his feet for it kept him from slipping as he thrust faster and harder into Buffy's slick center.

Lost in the sensation, he could only chant a mindless repetition of "Oh, Gods" and "I love yous". Buffy's head was thrown back as she felt her climax approaching. It started with a quiver in her womb and moved down until her vaginal walls clenched tightly around him. As her climax gripped her, she cried out his name over and over. She became so tight around him that he was almost unable to move within her, but she was so wet, so slick from her passion, that he plowed on, harder, faster, deeper until the pulses overtook him and his cries joined hers as he achieved an explosive release.

They held each other up until they had gathered enough strength to move. Completing their ablutions in the now cooling water, they exited the shower and after drying off, Buffy introduced William to the wonder of the blow dryer.

Exhausted and satiated, they tumbled between the clean, crisp sheets of Buffy's bed and were quickly asleep.


Spike sat on the couch that was now his bed watching late-night television. Giles had long since retired, and Spike, as had become his habit, had turned on the TV, grabbed a bottle of beer, and whiled away the nighttime hours. This night, however, as he sat deep in jealous thoughts of William and Buffy, he suddenly started to remember a time the couple had spent together in Buffy's house. A shower, an incredible blowjob, an amazing fuck were completely recalled. As the memories played out in his mind, Spike lowered his hand and began to rub up and down his hardening cock. As his excitement grew, he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and pulled himself free. Wrapping his hand around the thick shaft, he moved it up and down, at first slowly, but as each memory played out in his mind, his strokes quickened and his grip tightened until, head thrown back, eyes nearly closed, he was completely lost in the memories and sensation. Just before he came, he grabbed his blanket and held it over the head of his penis as he ejaculated in great throbbing pulses.

Looking down at the mess he had made he muttered, "Bugger!" Tucking himself back in and refastening his jeans, he got up to wash the now sodden covering when it suddenly struck him. He had been "remembering" something that could only have just happened. Now wasn't that interesting?




Chapter 3:

Buffy was awakened the next morning by kisses being placed on the
sensitive skin of her neck and shoulders. A hand cupped her breast
and the thumb was softly flicking over a hardened nipple. Moaning
softly she pushed her hips back against William's hardened shaft.

"Good morning, my love." William's voice was thick with passion and Buffy gasped as he slid his length between her thighs. Twisting and turning her head, she kissed him, entwining her tongue with his as she moved one leg to allow him access. William held her tightly against him as he found her slick opening. They lay spooned together as he pushed deeply into her. Sliding his hand down, he found the tiny bundle of nerves that gave Buffy such pleasure and began to stroke it in time with his thrusts.

Buffy was once again totally lost to his lovemaking. As he nibbled on her neck and fondled her, she felt her climax building to an almost unbearable level. How could she live without this man? How could she allow him to leave her? William pushed in and pulled out at a slow, steady pace, letting Buffy feel every inch as he moved within her. His hand circled her clitoris sending shockwaves through her. The bed creaked in time with their movements and their gasps filled the air around them. Buffy was sure she would lose her mind if she didn't come soon. William wanted to continue this forever. When it came, Buffy almost doubled over from the force of her climax. Her clenching muscles pulled William's own orgasm out of him, milking him; draining him. They lie shuddering together for several minutes before they began to calm.

"I could get used to waking up like this," Buffy said dreamily.

"Then come with me, my love. Stay with me forever," William urged.

Buffy turned around until she was facing him. He knew by the look in her eyes what she was going to say and so he forestalled her. "I know, beloved. You cannot come with me, and I cannot stay with you." Sighing he wrapped his arms around her and asked, "Do you remember what you asked me when first we met?

"Uh, your name?"

William chuckled, "Yes, that. But you asked me something else. Do you remember?"

Buffy thought for a second and then with dread she knew what he was asking. "I asked you what year it was."

"Yes. Now I am going to ask you the same question."

When she opened her mouth to beg him once again not to ask questions, he held up one hand and said, "I'll ask you no other questions, Buffy. Not about how I got here, not about the amazing things I've seen here, not about Spike, and not about why he calls you Slayer. Just tell me what year it is."

Buffy hesitated for a moment more and then answered, "1999."

His eyes widened in shock. "Nineteen... I've traveled one hundred and twenty years into the future? How?"

Immediately closing his eyes, he said, "I'm sorry. I promised not to ask any further questions." Opening them again, he said, "It's just that this is such an amazing thing."

"I know. I wish I could tell you everything. But you understand now that the more you know, the greater the chances are that you'll do something once you've returned to your own time that could change the past as we here know it?"

"Yes, I can see that. But, Buffy, I already know so much. I know about electrical lights and 'cars'. And I know about showers," he added, his voice soft and deep with desire.

Buffy blushed prettily. "Yes," she admitted, "you know about these things, but there's lots of stuff you don't know, and it's really best if you never find out."

William sighed in resignation and rolled over onto his back, pulling Buffy close against him. "Very well, my love, I'll allow you to lead me through this strange world of yours."


Spike awoke to another raging hard-on and the memory of an early-morning shag. Growling in frustration, he threw off his blanket and stormed down the hall to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, he ripped his clothes from his body, entered the shower and stood under the cold stream. Placing one hand on the wall and leaning in, he grabbed his cock and fiercely pumped, finding no pleasure in the action, merely wanting a release from the discomfort.

When he left the bathroom it was to hear Giles on the telephone assuring Buffy that he would be right over to pick them up. Ignoring Spike, Giles picked up his car keys and left the flat. Spike went into the kitchen to heat his breakfast mug of blood. He wondered how Buffy was going to feel when he told her he knew everything she and the little ponce had done over the past twelve hours. A coldly amused smile flashed across his face.

It was over an hour after they arrived before Spike was able to get Buffy alone. Following her into the kitchen, he asked silkily. "So, Slayer, did you have fun last night?"

"Get away from me, Spike," Buffy snapped.

"You know, I really didn't know that you were into blowjobs. Did Angel teach you that or was in our boy Parker?"

Buffy stared wide-eyed at Spike. "How did you," she started only to clamp her month shut with an audible snap.

Spike snickered and leaning in murmured, "I'm William, luv. Anything he remembers, I remember."

Buffy could only stare at him in horror. She knew that he remembered what had happened when she was in the past, but it never occurred to her that he would know the things that happened now.

"Oh, God," she moaned. "This can't be happening. There is no way you could know..."

"Do you want me to give you a blow-by-blow description of your lovely mouth action last night?" he taunted. "Or how about the hot little shag this morning? You know," he continued in a conspiratorial whisper, "if you want, I can give our William a few pointers about where to stick it when he takes you from behind like that."

Buffy looked into his smirking face and suddenly reached out and grabbed him by the neck pushing him up against the refrigerator. Spike laughed and said, "Oh, want some rough now, do you? William too tender for you?"

He stopped laughing when Buffy shoved a wooden chopstick snatched from Giles' utensil caddy into his chest, stopping just short of penetrating the flesh. "Unless you want to fit into an ashtray, Spike, you'll shut your mouth now," she ground out. "You will not say one more word to me about this. You will not say one word to William. Or Giles. Or Xander. Or Willow. Or anyone. Do you hear me? Because I promise you, another word out of that filthy mouth of yours and I'll kill you."

Spike looked into Buffy's eyes and realized she was deadly serious. Well fuck, that took all the fun out of it. He was going to have to suffer while Buffy and William shagged their brains out, and he couldn't even make insinuating comments about it.

Seeing that Spike understood completely, she let him go and finished getting the drinks she had come for. Walking past him without a glance, she returned to Giles and William. Spike went back to the couch and turned on the television. He didn't talk to Buffy for the rest of the day.


The rest of the gang finally arrived to help with the research late that afternoon. Willow was fascinated to meet William and was surprised at how sweet and gentlemanly he was. She kept casting glances over at the sulking vampire, amazed to see the two incarnations in one room. It seemed paradoxical, but since the world hadn't ended, there appeared to be nothing to worry about.

Buffy had been pleased to see Willow. She was less pleased to see Anya. Before the woman could even open her mouth, Buffy grabbed her and dragged her into the bathroom. They were in there for several minutes, and when they exited, Anya went straight to the couch and sat next to Spike.

Spike raised one eyebrow at the seething ex-vengeance demon and said, "Welcome to Golgotha, pet." Anya glared at him and said, "Shut up, Spike, and hand me the remote."


Giles has not been pleased when he learned that Buffy had informed William what year it was, but he was resigned to the fact that the man could not be kept in complete ignorance. He had already seen too many things for that.

The research turned up no information as to how William came forward in time or how he could be returned to his own. One thing seemed clear however; the use of another Khronos Demon probably wouldn't work in William's case.

"If he doesn't return on his own at the end of twenty-four hours," Giles explained, "it is very unlikely that a Khronos Demon would be of any use. In all likelihood, William would only be bounced back here after one day in his own time. We must try to find another solution."

As the time neared, Giles insisted that no one sit near William. "I don't want to take the chance of anyone else being dragged through time on his coattails," Giles explained.

As they waited, Buffy and William never took their eyes from each other. Buffy didn't speak. She couldn't even if she wanted to, but her eyes spoke volumes to him.

Twenty-four hours after Buffy's return passed and nothing happened. When it was twenty-six hours past the time that Xander had found William, it was concluded that he indeed was not going to return on his own. Buffy's relief was almost overwhelming, although she knew that this really wasn't a good thing. William was out of time and place and eventually there would have to be a consequence. But for now, she was happy to have him with her for a while longer.



Chapter 4:

Xander drove them home once again. They sat in the back seat with Willow while a sullen Anya sat in front with Xander. Buffy held tightly onto William's hand as if afraid that if she let go, he would disappear. In fact, that wasn't far from the truth.

They waved goodbye after being dropped off at Buffy's house and walked hand-in-hand up to the front door. Buffy had to let go of him long enough to unlock the door, but once they were inside and the door tightly latched, William found his arms full of hot, sweet girl.

Buffy grabbed his head and pulled it to her, kissing him deeply and frantically. "Oh God, William," she said with a tremor in her voice. "I was so afraid you would leave me tonight. I know you have to go back, but I don't want to lose you."

William pulled her tightly to him and answered her kiss with his own. They moved towards the stairs, all the while kissing and holding each other tightly. It wasn't easy climbing stairs locked together as they were, but they had almost made it to the top when Buffy tripped and sat down hard on the top-most stair. William followed her down, kneeling on a step below her. Pulling back a bit, he lifted her skirt, spread her legs and fitted himself between her thighs. Pushing up her blouse and bra, he clamped his lips around her nipple, drawing it deeply into his mouth. His hand slipped between her legs and rubbed at the damp spot on her panties. Buffy was burning.

"Please, my darling, I want you now," he gasped out. Moving his hands to the waistband he quickly yanked her panties down and off her body. Moving down one more step, he pushed her skirt up to her waist, spread her legs wide and placed his face between her thighs. Buffy could only hold on, running her hands through the thick curls on his head, as he ran his tongue over her clitoris, sucking and licking, bringing her quickly to climax. Once William felt her come, he pulled back, tore open his jeans and pushing her onto her back, he knelt between her legs and entered her.

Buffy wrapped her legs tightly around him. He was angled due to his position on the stairs and was hitting her in places he had never reached before. Buffy squealed as he hit a spot so sensitive that she jerked in response. William immediately stopped, a concerned look on his face. "Did I hurt you, my love," he asked anxiously, beginning to withdraw from her. Buffy clasped her legs tighter around him, preventing him from leaving her. "God, no, William," she gasped. "Oh God, please keep doing that. Please!" Reassured he started thrusting into her once again, his pace almost frantic. They were so lost in each other that the world ceased to exist for them. When Buffy climaxed the second time, she almost lost consciousness from the force of it. William continued moving in her, pounding her into the floor, the muscles in his buttocks flexing wildly, the sound of their flesh slapping together echoing through the hall, breath rasping from him. Lowering his head, he once again clamped onto her breast and pulled deep. Buffy came a third time, and this time William poured himself into her in response.

William finally recovered enough to pull back and look at her. She lay there before him, blouse shoved up and breasts exposed; legs spread wide and all her feminine secrets revealed to him. He should be sated he knew, but he was unable to resist taking her breast into his mouth again and sucking gently on the swollen point.

Buffy could not believe that she wanted him again so soon. She was still throbbing from her last orgasm, but she was beginning to burn for him all over again. When William stood up, pulling up his jeans, she felt disappointed and frustrated, until heeld out a hand and said, "Come, my love, we have some place much more comfortable to continue this."

Allowing him to help her up, they entered her bedroom where they immediately shucked their clothes. Wrapping their arms around each other, they tumbled together onto the bed. Falling on her, William returned to her nipple loving her with his mouth, using his fingers to rub against the swollen flesh between her thighs. Lifting his head, he said to her, "My love, I've heard tell of the woman riding the man. Would you like to try that?"

"Oh yes," Buffy said huskily. Turning over and lying on his back, William showed that he was fully recovered from their lovemaking of just minutes ago. Buffy threw her leg over him, and then leaning forward she captured his mouth with hers as she lowered herself onto him. William drew his legs up cushioning Buffy's back as she sat up and began to move. William rubbed his hands up and down her legs as she lifted and lowered herself; he ran his hands up her sides until he cupped her breasts, caressing and teasing the nipples. Lifting his own hips in time with hers, closing his eyes in ecstasy, he lost himself in the feel of Buffy's slight weight on him, her movements over him, her slick, wet heat engulfing him.

Buffy's head fell back, her eyes closed and she concentrated only on the feel of William inside her, of his hands on her breasts and belly and his strong thighs pressed into her back. Holding onto her arms, William lowered his legs and sat up. Crossing his legs under her until she was sitting in his lap, he pulled her legs around his hips. This change of position caused him to hit that spot again, and Buffy gasped in response. Wrapping his arms around her, he began to rock his hips, joining in the rhythm she set.

The position they were now in did not allow a great range of motion, but he was so deeply imbedded in her that every movement sent waves of pleasure through them both. They kissed in great, long open-mouthed kisses, tongues twisting around each other, sucking and pulling into each other's mouths. He captured her nipple in his hand, pinching gently and Buffy cried out, shuddering in response, once again achieving orgasm. As she clenched around him, William held her close nearly weeping as he filled her once again with his seed.


Giles was sitting on the couch next to Spike watching the evening news. He was startled when the vampire suddenly let out a savage growl, jumped up from the couch and sprinted for the bathroom. Giles began to fear that the chip was malfunctioning.


When Buffy and William arrived the next morning, Spike glared at them, eyes flashing yellow. Buffy was embarrassed to know that he once again "remembered" when had happened the night before, but she decided to ignore him. She wasn't going to stop making love to William just because of Spike. If it got too uncomfortable around the vampire, she'd stake him and be done with it.

Giles pulled her aside to inform her of his concerns with Spike's chip. When he told her what had happened, Buffy blushed a deep crimson red and then said as nonchalantly as possible, "Don't worry about it, Giles. His chip is fine. Who knows what crazy hygiene habits vampires have. If he wants to suddenly jump up and take a shower, well, at least he doesn't stink like some vamps I've dusted."

Giles nodded, but decided that he would start chaining Spike up again before he went to bed at night.

It was midmorning when Giles' phone rang. After a short conversation during which Giles sounded inordinately pleased, he returned to his research. "Who was that, Giles?" Buffy asked. "Just an old friend," he answered casually.

When Xander and Willow, but no Anya, joined them later, Giles said, "Xander, I need you to take Spike to stay with you for a few days."

"What?!" Xander yelped. "Why do I have to take him?"

"Because an old friend is coming to visit and I wish to have some privacy," he announced stiffly.

"Great," Xander sulked. "You finally get to have sex, but my sex life has to suffer for it."

William was shocked and embarrassed by the casual way they were discussing such a personal matter. Of course, they had made no objections when Buffy had taken him to her unchaperoned home, and William had an uncomfortable feeling that they were aware that he and she were intimate. The morals in this century were both attractive and repellant to him.

Several more hours were spent fruitlessly in research, but Giles at last made it clear that it was time for them all to leave so that he could prepare to receive his guest. Spike thought about making a lewd comment, but one look at the Slayer's face kept him quiet.

Once again they piled into Xander's car, this time with Spike in the front next to Xander. They were stopped at a red light when it happened. The demon attack was unexpected and shocking in its speed and ferocity. Punching through the glass on the driver's side, Xander was pulled out of the car through the window. Spike lunged forward to try to grab him, but the seat belt that Xander had insisted he wear obstructed his movements.

Buffy jumped out of the car yelling at William to stay there, and rushed to her friend's defense. Willow and Spike jumped out as well. William sat frozen for a second, but seeing his beloved getting hit by the monsters, he rushed out to aid her.

Buffy had managed to free a wounded Xander from the demons and Spike and Willow had pulled him out of the way. Spike was dancing around in frustration. That damned chip wouldn't allow him to hurt any living thing, and these things may be otherworldly, but they were living. However when one of them attacked him, he instinctively fought back and found to his surprise and delight that he could fight them.

Joining in the fray, he and Buffy almost had the demons defeated when a scream of pain pealed out. Turning around, Buffy saw to her horror that William was lying crumpled on the pavement. Rushing to the demon that had hurt him, she quickly killed it and then, lifting William's broken body to her, she held him tightly as he opened pain-filled eyes.

"I love you, Miss Summers," he told her weakly, then he closed his eyes and breathed his last.

Buffy screamed out her anguish as she held his limp, bloody body to her. Sobbing uncontrollably, she wasn't even aware of Willow shaking her.

"Buffy! Buffy, Spike's gone. Buffy, listen to me! Buffy, Spike's gone!"

Turning tear-filled eyes to her friend, Buffy sobbed, "Do you think I care if he ran away? I'll kill him later. Oh God, Willow, William's dead." Turning back to her lover, fresh tears poured down her face. Willow shook her again.

"No, Buffy! Listen to me! He didn't run away. He disappeared. Do you hear me? He disappeared. William died and Spike disappeared. Like he never even existed."

The words penetrated Buffy's consciousness, but they meant nothing to her. "What do I care if he never existed?" she spat out. "He was a monster. It's no loss if he never existed."

As if the universe had been waiting for just those words, the earth gave a mighty heave throwing the three friends to the ground. Looking up in dismay, they saw that fissures were forming everywhere. Sounds of explosions as gas mains burst and were ignited by falling electrical cables came from every direction. They watched the sky change to a mottled purplish-red. A horrid stench filled the air, causing them to choke.

"What the hell's happening?" Xander shouted in terror. He had come up to the girls holding a broken arm close to his torn, bleeding chest.

With a cold chill, Buffy realized what was going on. "Hell's happening," she choked out. Turning to her friends, she said, "Spike helped me defeat Angelus when he was trying to bring forth Acathla. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to defeat Angel. We're being sucked into Acathla's hell dimension."

"Buffy you have to do something!" Willow shouted.

Buffy wasn't sure what to do, but Giles would know. Jumping up she said, "I have to get to Giles. Can you guys take care of yourselves?"

"Yes, go!" Willow urged.

Nodding her head, Buffy sprinted as quickly as she could over the uneven paving, all the while praying that Giles would have a solution.

She finally reached Giles' apartment and bursting in, found him lying face down on the floor. "Oh God, Giles!" she shouted as she turned him over. There was a gash on his forehead, but he was still breathing. Shaking him and slapping his face, she managed to bring him back to consciousness. When he had recovered enough, she explained what had happened, what was happening now.

"Giles, what can we do about this?" she begged.

"There's only one thing you can do, Buffy," Giles answered her. Getting unsteadily to his feet, he searched though the piles of books strewn about the room until he found the one he needed. "You must go back in time and stop yourself from meeting William."

Buffy was heartbroken to hear this. Never meet William? Never know that sweet, loving man? Tears filled her eyes, but Buffy knew there was no choice. Nodding her head, she said, "How do I do it, Giles?"

"I can summon a Khronos Demon, just as I was going to do for William if it had been a feasible plan. You must go back in time and kill the first demon without getting caught in the time wave."

Buffy swallowed the painful lump in her throat, but agreed. The quakes were getting worse by the second and they both knew there wasn't much time. "I'll hide out then until it's time to come back here, Giles," Buffy promised. "I won't make the mistake of meeting anyone else."

Giles shook his head. "That won't be necessary, Buffy. If you are successful, you, this you, will cease to exist, as will we all. The Buffy of four days ago will have different experiences and so will not be the same as you are today."

That train of thought was too confusing to Buffy so she just said, "Send me back, Giles."

Nodding, Giles opened the book to the proper section and began to chant.


Buffy managed to chop the demon's head off and leap aside only seconds before the wave of light would have hit her. As she began to fade away, she saw the warehouse door open and a small blonde girl with a big axe enter.


William Makepeace ducked into an alley in an effort to avoid the two men walking down the street towards him. It wasn't that he was afraid of them, he just wasn't in the mood for their jeering comments and condescending manner. As they passed, William caught a bright glow in his peripheral vision. Turning towards it, he saw nothing. Shaking his head at his imaginings, he left the alley and continued his journey home to Mother.


Buffy looked around and saw the Khronos Demon lying on the floor of the warehouse. Its head was chopped off, but as Buffy watched, it faded out and then resolidified intact. As it started to rise, Buffy cut its head off. This time, the demon dissolved completely.

"Well, that was weird and surprisingly easy," Buffy told the dissolving corpse. "I thought Giles said you guys were powerful and dangerous. Ha! Gachnar was scarier than you."

She cleaned off the axe before returning to Giles to report the completion of her mission. 'But what to do for the rest of the night?' she wondered. Well, she could torment Spike, she thought. That was always fun.

Turning towards the warehouse door and slinging her axe over her shoulder, Buffy Summers walked out of the warehouse and into her future.

The End