TECHNO-PAGAN. Buffyverse Term/Concept/Idea/Intratext.

A term first used by Jenny Calendar to describe herself in the “I Robot, You Jane” episode of Season One. When she expresses no surprise at Giles’ explanation of a demon in the internet causing recent malfunctions, he questions just who, or what she is. She explains that she is a technopagan and that there are more of her kind that he might think. She calls him a snob for thinking that the realm of the mystical is limited to ancient texts and relics and tells him that the realm of the divine exists just as well in cyberspace as it does in his world.  While Giles may rely upon his books for research purposes, she can go online with her computer skills and call upon a whole network of fellow technopagans out in cyberspace who monitor the latest developments and maintain up-to-date information on demon activity and the supernatural. 

--Maggie McGregor.