Buffy Scholar/Critic

Andrew Aberdein is an Assistant Professor of Logic and Humanities at Florida Institute of Technology. Before coming to Florida he studied at the University of St. Andrews and taught at the Universities of Edinburgh and Dundee. Despite these persistent Scottish connections, and his own name, he is in fact English. His (non-Buffy) research is concerned with the foundations of formal reasoning and the applications of informal reasoning.


Aberdein, Andrew. “Balderdash and Chicanery: Science and Beyond in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy. Ed. James B. South. Chicago: Open Court Press, 2003. 79-90.

___. “Insane Troll Logic”: Popular Culture as Philosophical Heuristic (paper presented at the Slayage Conference on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Nashville, TN, May 2004).