Buffy Scholar/Critic

Geraldine Bloustien is a senior lecturer in Communication Studies and Media Production at the University of South Australia in Adelaide. Her teaching and research background has been in Media Studies, Education & Aboriginal Studies within the disciplines of Communication Studies, Anthropology and Women's Studies. Her on-going research and publications have been in the areas of gender, issues of representation, visual communication & ethnographic methodologies. Her particular research interests and expertise are in the areas of film theory, education, popular music, youth cultures and new technologies of communication. She was the convener of Staking a Claim: Exploring the Global Reach of Buffy in Adelaide in July 2003 and author of Girl Making: A Cross-Cultural Ethnography on the Processes of Growing Up Female (New York: Berghahn Books, 2003).

Bloustien, Geraldine. "Buffy Night at the Seven Stars : Experiencing the Global Phenomenon of Buffy at the ‘Glocal’ Level." Blood, Text and Fear, Norwich, England, October 2002. 

___. "Fans With a Lot at Stake: Serious Play & Mimetic Excess in Buffy the Vampire Slayer." European Journal of Cultural Studies 5.4 (2002): 427-49.

___. "'Carpe Diem" or 'Fish of the Day?': Time as Leitmotif in Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (featured paper to be presented at the Slayage Conference on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Nashville, TN, May 2004).

___. "'I'll Never Tell': Silence as Recurring Motif in BtVS." Staking a Claim, Adelaide, Australia, July 2003.