Buffy Scholar/Critic

Gwyneth Bodger is completing her PhD thesis on testimonial writings at the University of Sheffield, UK. Her research interests are concerned with the contrasting representations of women in male and female authored writings. Forthcoming publications include a paper entitled "Generating Genre: Towards a Way of Addressing the Holocaust and Hiroshima".She may be contacted on gwynethbodger@hotmail.com.

Bodger, Gwyneth. Buffy the Feminist Slayer? Constructions of Femininity in Buffy the Vampire.” Special Issue on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Refractory: A Journal of Electronic Media. Ed. Angela Ndalianis and Felicity Colman 2(2003). http://www.refractory.unimelb.edu.au/journalissues/vol2/vol2.htm.