Buffy Scholar/Critic

Julie Sloan Brannon earned her B.A. at Rollins College (1989) and her M.A. (1993) and Ph.D. (1999) at Florida State University. She is assistant professor of English at Jacksonville University in Jacksonville, Florida., where she teaches Modern British Literature (especially Joyce), literary theory, film studies, readership studies, Southern literature, gender studies, detective fiction, and Buffy studies (of course). Her publication include:

Who Reads Ulysses?: The Rhetoric of the Joyce Wars and the Common Reader, Routledge, 2003.

"Joyce.com," South Carolina Review, v32.1, Fall 1999.

"The Rules Are Different Here," in Florida Noir: Crime Fiction and Film in the Sunshine State, Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1997.

She has given conference papers at conferences on Virginia Woolf and T.S. Eliot, Joyce, Shakespeare on film, Frankenstein and film, engaged learning and the composition classroom.

She has husband (who doesn't watch Buffy) and 3 children, only one of whom is old enough to share her Buffy obsession. She is a reformed spoiler whore, and spent the entire last season of Buffy spoiler free.


Brannon, Julie Sloan. "'It's About Power': Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Nature of Self." Paper given at the PCAS/ACAS Annual Convention, Jacksonville, Florida, October 2003.