Buffy Scholar/Critic

Giada Da Ros is an Italian law student who is currently writing her graduation thesis on the US Supreme Court decisions on physician-assisted suicide. As a journalist and critic, she has been writing, for the last 13 years, a TV column on Il popolo, the weekly paper of the diocese of Concordia-Pordenone (Italy). In 1996-1997 she was part of "Laboratorio", a TV laboratory sponsored by AntennaCinema and Mediaset-Canale5. She is also president of the "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Italian Association."

Giada Da Ros (University of Trento), When, Where, and How Much is Buffy a Soap Opera? Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies 13-14 (October 2004) [http://slayage.tv/essays/slayage13_14/Da_Ros.htm]