Buffy Scholar/Critic
N. Gatson earned her Ph.D. at Northwestern University and is an Assistant
Professor of Sociology at Texas A&M University, where her currents interests
include the subfields of inequality, race, ethnicity, law, gender, culture, and
qualitative methods. She is the author of “Labor Policy and the Social Meaning
of Parenthood” (1997, Law and Social
Inquiry), and is co-author, with Amanda Zweerink, of “Choosing Community:
Rejecting Anonymity in Cyberspace” (Research
in Community Sociology, Volume X, August 2000).
Gatson, Sarah N. and Amanda Zweerink. "Choosing Community: Rejecting Anonymity in Cyberspace." Research in Community Sociology, 10, August 2000: 105-137.
___. "'Natives' Practicing and Inscribing Community: Ethnography Online" (forthcoming in Qualitative Research 2004).
___. Embedded and Emerging: The Life and Death of an Online Community, 1997-2003 (book, now in search of a publisher).
Zweerink, Amanda, and Sarah N. Gatson. "www.buffy.com: Cliques, Boundaries, and Hierarchies in an Internet Community." Fighting the Forces: What's at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Ed. Rhonda V. Wilcox and David Lavery. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield, 2002. 239-50.